#need more markers😩
wormedeye · 1 year
today i offer you a 90s-russia-au cad
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in 90s crimson jackets and gold chains were the integral attributes of every russian crime lord. it was the most crimson marker i found flydtkdtjd
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phant0m-l0rd · 2 years
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it's finally the 24th here so happy birthday to the incredibly talented and charismatic Shinya <3
(rollerball gel pens, coloured pencils, water-based markers, flower petals)
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pierogi-png · 7 months
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wip but HOWWW should i do the background around the vaporeons besides the bubbles?? 😭😭 i need to finish this for my friend's bday but im stumped
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i'm sick and it's everyone's problem
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
For @wheelersboy @foodiewithdahoodie my madwheeler besties. 🖤 @perexcri tagging you too Babe cause Reasons™️.
Based off of @wheelersboy’s post from a few days ago. 😩
Kind of Best Friend
Hey Mike,
I'm not going to call you Shitface like I normally would, since, if you're reading this it probably means I'm dead or passed on or maybe just stuck in some agonizing hell with Vecna somewhere. I won't really know, will I? But the truth still is, if you're reading this, it means I'm not here anymore. And that's okay.
I mean I’m scared shitless right now, but you know it's like you said. Remember that one night at the quarry late last summer when the rest of the Party ditched us to go see Ferris Bueller for the four hundredth time? I had just broken up with Lucas and you were missing Will really badly and I was missing Billy. And we both were missing El. You had your feet hung over the edge of the quarry and I was scared I was going to fall. You threw your arm around my shoulder and chucked a rock into the pit. Then you drunkenly told me that every atom in our body was a billion years old and that if you really thought about it, it meant that we were made up of energy and that it would always be bouncing around the universe until the end of time. And you said that that really helped you when you couldn’t get Will being pulled out of the quarry out of your head.
Sometimes I think about that when Billy’s in my dreams too much.
And so yeah, if you're reading this maybe my brain isn't here and I can't fight you on any of your stupid ass plans anymore. And we can't sneak out of the lunch room to the alley between the art and science wing and eat lunch by ourselves when Eddie is being too insane. But maybe I'm still here somehow. Like the swirl of cream in your coffee in the morning or the wind kissing your hand. Like when you hung it out your dad's car window that one night when he picked the four of us up from the mall, and we were all too high to risk talking out loud. I watched your fingers glide through the air from the backseat and wished I thought anything else was as pretty as when the sky was periwinkle purple and the lightning bugs rushed by.
We never talked that night, after we had that awkward conversation in the parking lot while Dustin and Lucas were in the video store. We just sat in silence and watched two stupid comedies until one in the morning because you knew I didn’t want to go home. It was the nicest thing you ever did for me. I get that you like the quiet sometimes. I'm not Will. I know that. But I want you to know that you've weirdly become one of the best friends I've ever had. And I guess we can thank Mrs. Kelly for sitting us next to each other in 10th grade math for that. Who knew that getting high off sharpie markers and planning various murder plots to off Troy could be something to bond over.
I mean, you're still a total idiot, and you've been way too moody and a complete asshole to pretty much everyone since El and Will left. And you really do need to clean up your fucking armpit of a basement. Seriously Mike...if Hawkins isn't totally destroyed and you and Lucas and Dustin and the rest of them somehow make it out of this. Please, for the love of god, can you clean your basement. And afterwards, get everyone together, eat too much pepperoni pizza, and play a campaign for me. I'm sure Eddie can help you with that. And tell Dustin I’m sorry for making fun of him when he asked to sit in for Lucas. The truth is I wanted to play—but you know. I just couldn’t.
And speaking of the truth. Please! Do not waste any more of your or my time not being honest with yourself. I am El's best friend. I would kill you for her in a split second. You are aware of this right? But I know you Mike. I know the real reason why you've been so sad since the Byers moved to California. And now that I'm dead I can say this. It doesn't matter what it means. You need to be honest with yourself and be honest with Will and El.
You need to be brave Mike. It's fucking important. It really sucks, but it’s true that you never know when you might find out your life is over.
Don't do what you think is right. Do what your heart really wants. El will understand. El doesn't need you.
But Will does. So fucking fix it.
And also...just….thanks. For sitting with me when no one else would.
Your kind of best friend,
Mad Max
PS. My mom was wasted one time and told me you were her favorite friend of mine. And also, I am sorry for that one time when you slept over my house after we drank at the quarry. I was lonely and sad and way too drunk. But yeah, El and Will are lucky to have someone as nice as you…. with noodle arms that turns out are great for hugs.
When you're not being a whiny bitch anyway.
Also if you ever tell anyone about that night. Or for that matter, any of the nice things I just said about you in this letter... I WILL KILL YOU. I DON'T CARE IF I’M DEAD.
Mike chuckles a broken sob and sweeps a tear from the lined notebook page that Max has splattered with her bubbly handwriting in blue ink. It smears some of her words and he curses.
"Shit!" he hisses, wiping his snotty nose with the back of his hand and shifting quickly to spread the paper out flat on his bed. He tries to iron out a few of the creases and rereads some of his favorite lines, laughing all over again. He can hear her voice as she makes fun of him, can see the crease at her brow and the disgusted squint of her blue eyes. Eyes that flashed at him with hatred one minute and humor the next. His laugh grows thinking of her face, red hair wild and staring up at him from whatever short person's world she inhabited. Mike laughs to himself until he can't breathe. He laughs and laughs, until those laughs turn to sobs and the tears flow down his face and drip off his nose. He never expected it but the hole ripped open inside his chest at the thought of Max being gone forever is utterly agonizing.
Eventually, his lungs find air again and the tears stop falling. His body is completely exhausted and his eyes are red rimmed and raw. He dries his face and knits his brow together with determination, squinting over at the radio he left lying on his desk before he left for California. She's not dead, he thinks with determination. Max is lying in Hawkins Hospital, broken and sleeping. But not dead.
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dtupdates-archive · 1 year
♡—DREAM was active on Dream__Fanart! He liked:
this snowball looks a little off ?
i guess sometimes it takes two, huh?
🥇 third time winner: dream !!!
Doodle of the drair cause LAWDDDD🙏🙏🙏
he looks so snazzy ✨
alcohol marker practice while we wait
giving back what’s yours 👑
smile this way dream
dream dream dream
can you spot every song? 🤭
nobody’s looking at the awards 😵‍💫
Smiletwt @ dream We love you king 🫂💕
You did it kid
our king🌟
Alternate version 🧍🐶
drartists when dream__fanart is active 😅
I am a strong advocate for headbands and butterfly clips 🦋
rubber ducky i am awfully fond of you 🦆💚
1 down, 99 to go!
superstar ✨
[email protected] i need you to consider this. seriously
Little mushroom guys :D 🍄
Who is he and, more importantly, where is his hat??
mushrooms 🍄
he’s so art deco coded 😼
he’s so perfect ugh
thank you @.imnotscottysire for writing this beautiful and very accurate song about me and dream 😩🙏
you picked… AQUARIUM 🎟️💙🐟 !!!!
Wake up little moon <3
thru it all
dreamie beanie
to whoever wants to hear 🎼👑
c!dream bc i missed my babygirl
Dream team :D!
yeah you know i had to
only 5 more days!!!
warm up feat. dream
snowman no :(
“Moon, Wake up” and Dream with me 🌙✨
he's cool😎
he still can’t see 😔
third time streamys winner dreamwastaken!
he's plotting ways to make us cry with the new MV 🥲 slow down…
he's very loved :(
i liked this pic so i redrew it :)
getting used to the brushes again
! ! !
Little animal crossing designs for futur illustrations 🙌
How does all his hair fit inside the mask
patches helped george pull an all nighter to work on a gift for dream :)
world famous puppydog
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yakultii · 21 days
Positives of the day or else 🔪
eeeeekkkkk it’s 5am bruv 😩 THE HONEY DEW !! I want more sm but I bought a half n ate it all 😍 sleep will be a good positive soon tho I forgo 💤 and picking up my parcels and as for yesterday I spent the whole day on tumblr and had some nice convos w some moots <3 but I need to do less of that tomorrow cos I have an essay to at least begin I need to use my mega mind to philosophise slightly unsettling arguments to keep my marker intrigued !! most frequented essay feedback is “compelling” and “fun to read” and that’s all I can offer this world really
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pyromanicfool · 1 year
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He's just a baby. He just wants to be happy and make others happy,, Fizz haters get fucked we now have proof he literally didn't do shit. I did the math and if they're both 34 he would have been 19 here, he's literally still just a baby here.
Also,, MARKERS ARE HARD I still need more practice on not going outside my sketch so much 😩 the colors I used are Master's Touch carmine, pale lavender, and cool grey (on his eyelids) and I feel like that color matched pretty well if that helps anyone!
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Wake up brain is back in action fish sister!
Concept here:
Sapnap telling George that Dream needs an exorcism after he says something uncharacteristically mean to him. So he uses a sharpie to draw random symbols on Dream’s arms and forehead before shoving him onto his back so George can grab his arms. He then rather aggressively shakes Dream into the bed, yelling for the demon to get out of their friend. Dream makes a noise of surprise first before bursting into giggles at how silly the situation is. Sapnap claims the demon is laughing at them so he kneads the sides of his bellybutton which gets him immediately screaming and thrashing like an exorcism No amount of pleading or bargaining convinced them to let him go, it's only when Dream begins to play along, shrieking out that he's been freed and the demon's gone now. They both back off and act relieved that it worked. Sapnap wipes away his tears and brings him up into a hug, Dream in a few seconds feels George behind him, sandwiching him in. The body heat comforting him. "You guys are idiots" is the last thing he says before falling asleep against Sapnap’s shoulder
ahhhhhhh ok finally managed to answer this ahHHHHHHHHHHH
the ler convincing the lee that they need an exorcism 🥺 what an absolutely adorable tease what the heck 😭😭 it’s kinda like the possessed tickle trope right?? except that instead of the ler being ‘possessed’ it’s the lee 🙌🏼
(more below)
it gives off the same vibe as the doctor tease? like the “Well clearly something must be wrong with them coz they just can’t stop giggling!!” like tickling the lee and blaming the laugh on literally anything else… such as a demon 😭
the whole set up is so cute 🙌🏼 and i’m just a tiny bit inspired by the sap-karl-gogs position in dream’s vlog 😵‍💫 so i’m gonna use it here fxtztta
but like imagine dream is rude to sap, and so sap tackles him down and pins his shoulders down so that his head is in his lap (like gogs in the vod). then he yells at george to help hold him down while he determines what the fuck has taken over their adorable dweam :(
george sits on his legs and dream naturally tells them both to fuck off. sap states that he knows what’s wrong. there’s a demon in dream. it’s making him say these nasty things!! he grabs the nearest marker and starts drawing out the shapes onto dreams face and arms. which of course makes dream complain and cuss even more,, but it also makes him giggle…
and then omg we get to have sap start yelling at the demon for not only being rude to them,, but also for laughing at them?!? AH!! i’m also imagining him doing all of these in that thick texan accent that he does??? as well as this being the point where dream starts to reach the desperate denial stage of the possessed trope,, like the part where instead of saying “Sapnap fuCK oFF!!” he starts saying “No StAhap!! There’s no demon in me sTAhP!!” which of course can be interpreted as the demon lying to sapnao :D
the exorcism part 🥺 electric shocks to his tummmyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhh 😭 oh my god oh my god oh my godddddd 😭 i’m imagining george doing this bit under sapnap’s command. like sap counting it down like the defibrillator tease eee. i also love the idea of george being so dramatic and playfully desperate like he does in his silly lore bits. like being like “Srrpnrrp i’m scareddd 😩 what if we never get our Dream back 🤧” and sap getting to play hero,, all while dream is thrashing and cackling like crazy.
im also gonna add in the thought of sap giving dream neck raspberries while he’s above dream’s head to “Flush the demon out.” before george performs his ‘exorcism’ again. coz omgggg imagine how frantic his giggles would beeeee ☹️ like just muffled into sap at first while he’s leaning over,, legs going crazy behind george and fingers making panicked air biscuits. and then sap pulls back and he’s just screaming from george’s kneading :((
anndddd then of course we reach the stage where dream fully leans into the bit to get them to stop. like just wailing out that it’s him!!! guys it’s him it’s not the demon!!! which is difficult coz he’s cackling so hard (so many good tropes in this omfg 😵‍💫). but eventually sap and george finally decide to ‘hear’ him, and the tickling slows down to a stop
the aftercare of thisssssss,, like george and sap pretending to be so relieved that dream is back, and wrapping him in the tightest cuddle pile ever. he falls asleep in matter of moments, marker lines still littered over his arms and face (yes i haven’t ignored the fact that they would need to clean this up at some point 👀) and a giddy smile gracing his lips 🙌🏼
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey girlllll
okay first- the chap was SO GOODDDDD and i’m so excited for your nct reactions and texts!
also your tattoo with your mom is so cute 🥰🥰 and the designs for your seventeen ones are adorable so i’m sure your nct dream ones will be super cute as well <333
i want to get a tattoo but let’s be so fr i’m so scared of needles 💀 kao (bf) has a bunch of tattoos and they’re so cute but i personally would never - your so brave for thiss
also mother in law apologized thankfully so so more problems there :)
my life has been pretty boring tbhhh i’m living with kao rn but he’s pretty busy with his med school things rn so i barely see him 😢
i really need friends 😭
BUT ITS NOT LIKE I DONT HAVE FRIENDS my two ride or dies (yes we are a trio but we’ve known eachother since 2nd grade and there has been 1 argument that lasted 30 mins 💀) are literally so far away 🥲 missing them 24/7 but we have our weekly group facetime soon so 😋🤞
ugh life has been so boring recently fr i need a hobby asap
i feel like i’ve lost all my interests because i’m high school i would lterally do math for fun and that’s the last thing i need to do rn 😭 like sure i did. volleyball but where in nyc am i going to okay volleyball like be so fr rnnn
i have an obsession with these emojis i find them so funny
also my niece/cousin idk but she’s so like… IDKKK- she’s middle school high school age but i feel like i’m just on a whole different planet bc she’s so into everything like i need to keep up frrr
make sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of good foodss- i love youuu 😜💓💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️
also congrats on your blog growth! you deserve it fr
I got a bunch of nct random texts that I'm gonna post soon 🤪 but I gotta make some enhypen ones too cause my master list is lookin a little biased 😅
ahh thank you! i gotta hurry and get more kpop tattoos because my mom has more than me (she has two bts tattoos and wants a txt one)
i was terrified of needles but i had to get a bunch of blood work done when i was younger, so i’m a pro now 😤😤
if my partner had and tattoos i would color them in with markers if they had black and white ones
life’s been pretty boring for me too that’s actually why i made this account cause i used to have a tumblr way back and post on it but it became too hectic with my schedule…so i deleted it. but now i’m not really doing anything i love how hectic i post!! it gives me something to do and look forward to
i’m also in a friend group of 3 💀 but mine is kinda rocky because the other two always fight and im in the middle sometimes… but i love both of them and one of them might read this 🤪🤪
i still have lunch with them every other day in school but one of them is going to a different school and im gonna make sure we don’t drift apart 😤😤
most of my hobbies involve technology lol…
i like to make random webpages and of course video games, mostly sims or acnh.
But i love scrapbooking and i know a lot of people do it online now but nothing beats cutting up pictures and gluing it to a cute notebook or having a pen pal and decorating my letters
also photocard trading is fun and helps keep me busy
i’m glad the mil apologized because no one wants bad blood in a new marriage!!
i love using emoji’s because i don’t wanna sound boring when i’m writing and i can only use “T^T” so much
SAME! my cousin is younger than me and she makes me feel so old even tho i’m young! but she talks about tiktokers and celebrities i have no clue who they are nd half of the words she says, i’m like what?
tysm!! i’m surprised on how well my blog is doing, I love how many people have reach out to talk to me! It means a lot 😩❣️
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don’t skip a meal!! 🥰🫶
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anotherrunawaytrain · 10 months
So it only took about two hours for me to break down 30lbs of pumpkin for canning. I was going to also do the 20lb one, but I didn’t get to carve it last month, and I was worried we wouldn’t have enough jars (we did tho so that’s fine). I gave all the scraps to my chickens and my in-laws’ chickens. Didn’t have a marker, so I just freehand carved this crazy thing.
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I like to carve things in a way that keeps it more intact and has layers for different brightnesses. The whiskers are spaghetti.
I was feeling bad about how messy it was, hoping it would work how I envisioned in the dark and…
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It did. Too damn funny. I love it. 🤣 Look at the shading in the cheeks and ears!
I got all of these seeds, which I’ve got drying now:
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Then I spent another two hours peeling spice berries, which are now also drying. Some got ground up for on a pie.
I got 5qt of pumpkin puree canned as well as the 3c needed for pies. Two pumpkin pies and one pumpkin cheesecake are done, all with nut crusts since my gallbladder doesn’t let me eat wheat or oats anymore 😑 and both pies have monk fruit instead of sugar, also because of said whiney gallbladder.
Now I’m finally in this shallow ass tub with epsom salts and oatmeal trying to relax and smooth my blisters from yesterday. And of course? It’s never quiet or anything, so I’m not relaxing. Even with the light off and a linen candle going. I wish I could get the hell out of this house and I wish there was better mental health care in my area because I need sent away for a while and have for a while but no one fucking cares. So fuck me, yeah? 😩
I hate how I’m made to feel to blame for “getting upset over nothing” as if I don’t bottle it all up EVERY DAY. If I’m showing anger, it’s because I have no more room for it because I’m never allowed to say anything. I’m always wrong for everything. I have to tip toe around everyone like fucking Harry Potter having to not exist. (Seriously that whole “pretending I don’t exist” line has stuck with me since I first read it because that is my damn life.
Anyway… people don’t read my posts anyway but it’s getting long and I’m at risk for saying something I “shouldn’t” so 😤. Also my battery is at 10% anyway. So I guess it’s time to scrub the pumpkin guts off my elbows and get out and see if I can find some earplugs.
I need to be allowed to just demolish a building with my body. No tools, maybe… I don’t know. Might take a crowbar because that’s fun. But when you demand a person never say anything and constantly take all the shit of the world and constant abuse, it needs to come out somehow. So who wants a building ripped apart while I make loud inhuman screams at the world?
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irishgirlwhostudies · 2 years
So I'm finished my first day back and it was an absolute TRAVESTY this is extremely depressing and I feel like crying. Aka I got some exam results back.
What I hate
• Biology: solid 17%....yeah not great obviously. It piled tf up on me and I did NOT study near enough + let procrastination take over. I basically gave up on it.
• Maths: 34%....honestly thought I would be in the 50s?? I need to look through it, but it WAS STUPID MISTAKES FUCK. also some unanswered questions bcs i didn't know wtf was going on with those. Love the teacher + enjoy coming to class so I can actually work on this without wanting to kms
What is ok
• German: 50 something? I could've gotten so much more if I did more studying but I was fucking lazy icl. Like she literally told us what was gonna be on the damn thing I am a fucking muppet.
• Irish: High marks on my written paper but lost marks on my oral which was 40% LORD HAVE MERCY😩 my aural was a travesty (it was all donegal irish i dont have the capacity for that I'm sorry) overall could've done better by learning more for my oral and some notes studied more
What I'm happy with
• English: 67% which may seem quite low but I didn't even finish the damn paper OKAY. I got 42/50 for my essay? So fucking happy with that but I lost stupid marks fr the other part was a comprehension which of that I did NOT comprehend LMAO but my 20 mark question was 18/20 ?? Whenever idk wtf I'm talking about I always score super fucking high. Anyways I got 7/15 for the one other question I did which was alright for 2 paragraphs when it shouldve been 3. I only lost 3 marks in total in those 2 paragraphs. So I also lost out on a 15 marker question but I'm quite happy icl.
Still need History and Art back. These results gave me a kick up the hole and now I know I need to cop tf on. So I went to the library after school (a wee rory gilmore moment) and did some homework. My mom was there to pick us up after and I went home to finish it. I have a Biology test next friday on the breathing system so I DID SOME STUDY FOR IT !! And also learnt off all the bio notes I took down today. Finished maths & irish homework and then I had completed everything.
I'm on the couch with my ultra soft oodie bcs i have bad period cramps and I'm sad (no wonder) so goodbye I have netflix to watch and friends to text.
Until next time (read this in a menacing voice please)
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sxnzu · 3 years
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⟣ Imaushi Wakasa x f!reader
⟣ wc:~450
⟣ cw/tw: oral f!receiving, marking, kind of possessive, light bondage(hands tied). soft ending because I’m weak
⟣ a/n: take this offering. today’s chapter ruined me. I can’t stop thinking about him so I had to write something 😩
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A soft slurping sound and your own quivering breathing was all you could hear. You’re leaned up against a pile of fluffy pillows with your hands stretched above your head and tied to the bed frame. Your thighs were being held open by none other than your boyfriend, Imaushi. He had you exactly how he wanted, and no matter how your legs trembled and shook when he gave you another orgasm, his grip on you never faltered. It was a wonder to you that his tongue alone could bring you to such heights but you weren’t one to complain.
You softly open your eyes when you feel his lips finally pull back from your cunt and the site before you makes you whine. Heavy lidded eyes peer up, his gaze sweeping over you before locking with your own, the intensity kindling another fire in you. The low light in the room softly reflects off the shine on the lower half of his face, of which was covered in your arousal.
You wanted to say something, anything at all. But you find that every time you open your mouth you’re unable to produce words; dry throat from all the screaming you’d done after he made you cum too many times to count. He takes pity on you, smiling gently. “Are you convinced yet? Do you feel better now?” He asks, not really expecting much of an answer. Long fingers trail over the top of the inside of your thigh, tracing over the word ‘mine’, the word he had written in big bold letters with a permanent marker earlier.
Sliding his hand up further to your weeping cunt, he takes one finger and drags it up your slit collecting your juices. He sits up and comes to straddle your lap, hovering over your body. Taking your chin in his other hand he holds you steady as he swipes his finger over your mouth. You feel the stickiness of yourself coat your lips like a gloss before he ducks his head down, kissing you hard. He pulls your bottom lip into his mouth, suckling your arousal off of you before sliding his tongue in, the taste of yourself pooling over your tastebuds.
He doesn’t pull away until you’re both breathless, chests heaving. You shyly look up at him through your lashes, smiling at the fond look on his face. “No more jealousy ok? I don’t give a fuck about any one else. Only you. You’re mine and I’m yours and I’ll remind you of that as often as I need too.” If he’s going to remind you in this same way every time, maybe you’ll have to hold on to that jealousy you think.
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Tagging: @xo-lynx | @angeltani
Networks: @planetonet | @http-404-error-unknown
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
ruben is the kind of bf who knows his gf struggles w her body issues and might watch what she eats, however he’s deffo a feeder, loves making sure she eats well he gives me the kind of vibe where he rips over/covers cals on all packaged food. and ur going thru the cupboard tryna find a snack and u subconsciously look at the back and he’s just drawn over all the nutritional things and u just smile cos it’s the little things that count😩😩 you’ve made me fall in love with the man
oh my god 😭 i had so many body image and ed struggles and this makes me feel so soft i needed this today
i’m just imagining him now sneaking out of bed early late one night, creeping down the stairs to go through every single food item in that house with a black marker. rúben would not let up, he sat there for hours making sure you couldn’t see the fats or the calories or anything, not just the food you like. even the stuff only he eats and if anyone even attempts to talk about anything like that with you he just shuts them up immediately. there were tears when you first woke up to it, of anxiety but actually mostly from relief that you just don’t even have to know at all anymore. he’s definitely a feeder so he’s always making meals for you, checking up on you during work and at the end of the day. he’ll join you go all of your appointments when you need to go and he’ll look after you no matter what. it’s so imperative to him that you’re healing because he loves you so, so, so much and it is his job to love you even more, to smother you in it on the days where you’re unable to love yourself.
it means so much to you, knowing that he’s always there taking care of you, ready to hold you up when you fall. he’s your pillar of strength in all of your very worst days. that man will kiss every single inch of your skin and make sure you know just how unbelievably beautiful he finds you. he knows it won’t be a cure, but he also knows that a whole lot of love can never go wrong. and he’s right.
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kaiba-cave · 3 years
Every time I need to hand write something or I decide to colour I realize why they tried to correct my writing grip when I was in like, grade two. 😂 My hand KILLS me after just a bit. With writing it really doesn’t help that I type more than I write anything nowadays, I’m legit not used to writing for long periods of time anymore so my hand gets so tense and the muscles get sore.
But with colouring it’s where the pencil/marker actually rests on my hand and fingers that hurts. It sits in all the wrong places. Mainly my inner thumb starts to hurt and my ring finger (on my right hand though) legit gets a blister just above my cuticle because that’s there I rest whatever I’m writing with. 😩
At least when colouring with markers I can kind of change my grip to the “proper” way and still stay in the lines so it hurts less. 😂
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callmehopeless · 5 years
charlie barber + the cute barista who always draws hearts next to the names on his crews coffee cups? i’d love to make him a cup of coffee and see that stupid little crinkly smile and red rosy cheeks 🥰😩
Oh no, oh my god, oh stop, my heart, please, fuck
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Every morning he blusters through the doors; you can’t help but smile.
Shirt collar always poking out, disheveling him in the most lovely way in the Manhattan breeze. Fumbles for the change in his pockets with this polite smile, turning upward at his plush lips.
“Morning, Charlie!”
You finish off a cappuccino, cleaning the spout of the milk steamer and leaving the paper cup on the side. Charlie’s eyes crease when he sees you: dark hair fluttering as the door shuts behind him.
“Morning!” his dark eyes dart down, crumpling a list in his hand. “Seven today: big meetup.”
You throw your towel over your shoulder, biting your lip and taking the crinkled list from his calloused hands. You doubt he needs the list at this point - he’s old hat. Could list the orders of every member of his cast from the top of his head.
Seems to love his notes though. Carries his black pocket notebook everywhere he goes.
You turn to the machine - try to hide the way your face fills with warmth at the smell of his aftershave. He’s so damned handsome; you’ve seen his stoic gaze in magazines, on billboards.
No wonder you’re swooning.
You and every other starry-eyed girl.
A scrawled line at the bottom makes you pause as you program in the first order on the chrome buttons.
“Double shot today?”
Charlie shrugs, rubbing his jaw.
“Long night”, he huffs.
You wring your lips, but don’t press. Try to just enjoy the time you’re spending in his presence; try to enjoy the way he glances up from his phone every now and again, watching you for a moment as you mill around. More than once, your eyes meet his.
His face flushes as he drops back to scrolling through his emails.
Once the coffee cups are lined up on the counter, you set to work. Black marker adds every loop and swirl of the names to the paper - you’re so close to doing it all by memory now.
Extra cream for Frank; cappuccino with two sugars for Mary Ann. After each name you add a little heart - some not quite symmetrical, but others are an absolute masterpiece.
You always leave Charlie’s to last.
Shaking the pen, you dot his ‘i’ with a very careful heart, and then add a bigger one at the very end. Every letter is written with absolute care, tied together with a fluttering in your chest.
Once you’re done, you have a thought.
Scribbling a bit extra, you hand him the paper cup holders: he makes a noise, a half-chuckle as he balances seven cups in his arms. Wrestling them is hectic, but he somehow manages it.
“You’re a star” he grins, face flushing as he looks over each delicate symbol. He bites his lip and hurries out a goodbye, blustering through the glass door the same way he came.
Oh god. You can’t believe you just did that.
You hide your head in your hands and cringe internally, cursing your idiot lovestruck brain. Well that’ll be the last you see of him.
Your phone buzzes in your apron to interrupt your thoughts. Sneaking a look over your shoulder at the empty cafe, you pluck it out of your pocket.
An unknown number.
Pick u up @ 7? Outside cafe? :)
And then it buzzes again.
- Charlie x
And maybe it’s not so bad being a lovestruck idiot after all.
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