#neeeeerds that's who!
supernoverse-askblog · 3 months
Can we get the names of Zoey & Miles' kittens? :o Also any special stories with them that Zoey and Miles may know about? :O (saw someone wonder about the names elsewhere and figured here would be a good place to ask, in case it hadn't been asked yet!)
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"Oh, sure! Their names are Darwin, Sawyer, and Mitzi. Mitzi is the youngest."
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"Oh, are we talking about the kits? I'm here!"
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"Stories, huh? Hmm, where to start... Darwin is always getting up to mischief, so it's hard to just pick one thing. The cutest thing is the little butt wiggle they do before they pounce!"
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"It's cute until you're the one getting pounced on. Or you get the teacher knocking on your door holding your little devil by the ear for pouncing on the staff."
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"A kitty should know how to pounce!"
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"Well, they're definitely good at it. I can't say more excercise would be bad for them though. A kid with that much energy needs like fifty outlets or they're going to cause problems."
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"You know, they said they were interested in becoming an Explorer like me the other day. Do you think we could enroll them in the Guild for early training?"
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"Oh, boy. Now I can have the Guildmaster knocking on my door holding Darwin by the ear. Well, I wasn't gonna win either way, we might as well enroll them."
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consistencynevermether · 11 months
Astarion x Wizard! Tav reader
A/N: part 3 of my Astarion with different Tav classes. its magic time baby
summary- 1.1k words, SFW, gn reader
Astarion x Wizard! Tav 
No seriously, that's Astarions reaction to you being a wizard. You choose to base your entire life around studying? You two are basically like oil and water in a lot of ways. 
Ok but in all seriousness, Astarion does admire your dedication to your craft. He sees how much work you put into learning new spells and is genuinely excited when you get it right 
It doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop making fun of you though. You're telling him you belong to a SCHOOL of magic??? Need for Academic validation much? Oh and please, if you're gonna wear wizard robes try to make them a little stylish, or he’ll come for your sense of fashion too.
Actually, I bet he’d help you spice up your outfits a little. A thigh slit here, a tasteful gold embroidery there, your not completely beyond hope
Dw tho, you can absolutely get him back. Oh, you need some magical assistance? Maybe help figuring out how a magical item works? Uh oh, looks like the rouge needs the wizard's help after all dontcha astarion? 
It’s definitely the highlight of your day when he has to ask for help. Unfortunately, it goes both ways. His speed and skills have definitely saved your ass in battle before 
Honestly, it’s giving annoyances to lovers. Plus I’m convinced at least 40% of Astarions love language is sass and knife cat energy. 
He enjoys the banter definitely, but it’s never meant to cut too deep. He’s good at reading people, so say you're having trouble learning this one spell and you're starting to get frustrated. He can definitely tell and knows not to make jokes about your magic today. He can’t exactly help, because this man is NOT magically inclined. But he’ll pull you away from the spell scroll long enough for you to take a deep breath and have a break. It helps in its own way because now you can come back to it with a more calm mindset. 
You can’t tell me this man isn’t laughing (a little manically) when you cast fireball. I mean come on that’s one of the most entertaining things he’s seen in 200 years let him have some fun
But also-  
He secretly finds your powers very cool. I mean there’s something beautiful about magic at its core, he can’t help but be just a little entranced. And you’ve definitely used magic to show off to him just a lil (make a rose out of magic blue light or somethin he’ll scoff but find it endearing) 
Honestly, I imagine you two are a slight hoarder couple. I mean you need to have all these ingredients for spells on you, and Astarions a rouge he definitely has like at least 5 knives on him at all times. Also the magic items. You both love to hoard those, just in case they’re useful 
If you actually do have some sort of wizard's tower, layer, study, or something Astarion wants to see it
He’ll make a joking excuse as to why he wants to see your lair. And he’s DEFINITELY gonna grab a random cloak in there and do a bad wizard impersonation 
The real reason he wants to see it is because it’s an integral part of you. It’s basically your home, where you store everything you find valuable, where the pantry is always stocked with the food you like, and where the bed has the exact number of pillows you want it to have. Astarion wants to know these things about you. 
I imagine after you finally defeat the mindflayers and everyone goes off to find their own way (or maybe you all stick together and keep adventuring while also occasionally having individual adventures, who am I to break up your found family) you immediately take Astarion to your tower and start working on methods to help him walk in the sun. magic sunscreen? Enchanted daylight ring? Charmed circlet? You've got options and you're not afraid to use them. Anything to make it so that Astarion doesn’t have to live his life in darkness anymore. You jest and say it would be a true tragedy if you couldn't see his beautiful silver hair kissed by the sunrise, but in reality, you were immediately tearing through every tome you owned looking for a solution. After all, who wouldn't do anything for the man that held their heart? 
Ok now imagine. You and Astarion just completed a mission, saving some people in the grove with Halsin. And you already had received a message from Wyll and Karlach asking for assistance smoking out a group of assasins that had settled in Baldurs gate. But gods you were so tired. It was nearly midnight when you both decided to crash at your liar instead of heading straight to the location Wyll had given you. You were both covered in mud, twigs, and other “gifts of nature” as Astarion had described them in a voice mocking Halsins. You were so tired your eyelids stung, and everything was hazy. You both more or less stumbled into your study, already half asleep. 
Of course, you had become a bit more coherent when you realized that there was only one bed. And two of you. Now this might seem a bit ridiculous to care about things like that considering how close the two of you are and how much you have been through and done together, but now hear me out. This man has spent the last 200 years either not having a bed or being forced to share one. You had both decided he needed some time to just be able to have his own space to sleep, after all, you had all of your lifetime together, and you wanted him to be comfortable, so whenever he had come to your study, he slept on the couch. You had wanted to get him a cot or something of his own at the place, buuut it had kinda slipped your mind entirely. And the couch he slept on was currently covered in about 50 books stacked across the couch, another thing you had forgotten about. Whoops. 
You and Astarion both looked at the pile of books on the couch and then at each other. You felt like you were about to pass out where you stood and he didn't look much better. There was an instant understanding between the both of you, that understanding being “fuck it” as you both collapse onto your bed, neither taking off your filthy armor and robes, simply passing out on the spot.
You awoke to a certain vampires face buried in the crook of your neck, trying to block out the sun now shining in his eyes. Eventually, you both dragged yourself out of the small bed and cleaned yourselves up before heading off to Wyll's location, but after this situation you both unspokenly began to sleep in the same bed alot more often.
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mewtwoandme · 2 years
Is Blu the smart one? Is he the Donatello who does machines?
Is he smarter than Mewtwo?
Blu is like a mewtwo equivalent to Donnie yeah lol
He's pretty equal in smarts with his uncle, considering he'll learn everything he knows from Mewtwo, but Blu will be more passionate and enthusiastic about his work
*cough, cough* NEEEEERD XD
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nirvanacuga · 2 years
haven't posted in a while grrrr
I'll try to post more content here, especially WoF canon related. In the meantime here are two more bust shots for fan ocs.
We have here, Monarch. He is in no way related to the silkwing queen Queen Monarch, and had gotten the name out of sheer coincidence (and from the orange colors of his wings). He is a professor who loves honey
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The green/red leafwing is Aglaonema or simply Aglo for short. She is one of the few rare librarians of the Leaf Kingdom, storing books and literature from all over the continent.
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They're both neeeeerds (if you don't see their glasses). The silkwing being the mellow geeky type while the leafwing is the straight-A-in-everything-top-of-the-class kid.
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musical-chan · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @aeghina
1. How many works do you have on A03?
14! I only started putting fics on AO3 in October. I used to write fics years ago, some for World of Warcraft and years before that, it was Sailormoon and Utena mostly.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
84,157 Over half of that is my currently-being-updated Fierce Deity Dad fic, haha
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda stuff right now! AU and Linked Universe stuff mostly.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1.https://archiveofourown.org/works/51754873 Father of Time 2.https://archiveofourown.org/works/51814240 Defeat or Deity 3.https://archiveofourown.org/works/51902788 The Unbearable Weight of Three Days 4.https://archiveofourown.org/works/52201303 You Want to Talk to Link, Right? 5.https://archiveofourown.org/works/50953486 Hey Link!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, every time. I love engaging with people.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angst that much? Maybe "The Silent Realm", a short fic from the point of view of Skyward Sword Link and how he feels about his trips into that space.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is harder because I usually end all of my fics on a positive note! My silly fics though, "Hey Link!" and "You Want to Talk to Link, Right?" are probably the best endings. "Father of Time" has pretty happy/comfort type endings for all chapters but it's not finished, as such.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet! Please don't take that as a challange.
9. Do you write smut?
Not at all, no. I don't mind a little romance and maybe some implied "behind closed doors" type of stuff but I don't write those sorts of things. Too awkward for it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Oh, I used to! I haven't recently but I have ideas for some. They may or may not ever see the light of day.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think I'm popular enough for that, haha
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Not yet.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oh gosh, for the Zelda fandom it's probably Link/Malon for OOT/MM and Link/Zelda for BotW/TotK
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think I might finish all the ones I currently. Wait, now I have to check my files. Oh, I did start a "the chain is in Wild's era" fic that probably won't go anywhere so maybe that one.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think that my sentences are clean and easy to understand. I do a lot of editing to make sure I don't sound repetitive. I also output *a lot* of words when I'm in the mood for writing. I think I did 5k one day because I just had to get everything out.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Keeping my tenses straight. Holy shit it drives me crazy
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I try to avoid this because I don't think I'm very good at language building and I don't know enough of any other language to feel like I'm going to do justice to the language in question.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailormoon. haha, I'm such a neeeeerd
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
"Father of Time", my currently running "Fierce Deity gets out of the mask and becomes a father to young Link" fic. I love writing it. I love reading it. It's everything I've wanted in a fic and it's just this huge part of my life right now.
I'm not sure who I would tag back but if anyone else wants to fill it out because they saw it on my dash, let me know so I can read it.
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airilymusing · 10 months
1. Three ships: oh boy this changes by the minute because I'm a polyship neeeeerd, but last 3 ships I read a fic for are KaiShin, Connor/Markus, and 1x2 (Duo/Heero)
2. First ever ship: NaruSasu because I am a weeb
3. Last song: Sweet True Lies by Beast in Black- all their albums are on Bandcamp so like, of you're looking for a great power metal band...
4. Last film: I don't really watch movies very often anymore, so I thiiiink Nimona! Which I may have... watched about 5 times because it's amazing.
5. Currently reading: last book I finished was Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao! I go through fanfic at a slightly concerning rate so not sure which was the actual last. Also had to read the package insert for Vivitrol for work.
6. Currently watching: just finished the DnD one-shot with the voice actors of Baldur's Gate!
7. Currently consuming: caramel fudge cheesecake blizzard from Dairy Queen. A little too sweet for me tbh
8. Currently craving: tea smoothie with bobas
Thanks for the tag @torchmlp! Anyone who wants to do this, feel free!
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calmingpi · 1 year
Superman, i guess
Weeks ago i watched the first ep of the new supes cartoon with sibling and her besties, which was fun, but one of them was genuinely shocked at the reveal that hes an alien
And the show got paused cause we were like "what? Thats like, one of the most basic facts about superman?" And she was like "you all know i dont watch superhero movies 🙄"
Show was unpaused, he goes into town and fights people for the first time in his suit, and introduces himself to his friends who do not recognize him. Same friend of sibling is like "what the hell? That's obviously clark kent. He's just not wearing glasses. How are they this oblivious?"
Whole room erupted into chaos
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I HC that obliviousness is another Hikari male trait.
Haruka and Mayl exchange “Hikari Male oblivious stories”
Yuichiro was definitely oblivious as a teen
I hc him as a major neeeeerd who was more focused on his science books and software engineering than being sociable
Haruka was literally making him meals every day as a way to win him over and he was just like, “Oh wow that’s so nice of you! You’re such a good friend!”
Queue Haruka dying inside
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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"Oh, boy. So, uh.... there is this film we just learned about and...."
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"It's an isekai, isn't it?" Guy completely ignores Ruixiong screaming out 'NEEEEERD' down the hall.
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"Something of a reverse 'A Yankee in King Arthur's Court', yes, but with an English knight during Christmas. And of course it's a feel good romcom."
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"AND it’s a Netflix original?"
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"Oh, yeah."
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"Given the male love interest is a knight, I'll bet Josep has his own th-"
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"Why can't these modern audiences stop romanticizing knights?! They were cruel, exploitative, pompous, and vainglorious thugs who prance around in their fathers' ill-gained assets of conquest and genocide in order to-"
======================== 92 Minutes later..... ========================
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Giovanni grumbles “Knew it," as everyone else is groaning in unison at the viewing couch.
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radanox02 · 5 days
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what up goofballs and welcome back to “CRK OC’s based off random songs in my playlist” and before i say anything you may have noticed the wheel got a bit thiccer, this is because i’ve upgraded from 8 cherry picked songs to 20 cherry picked songs. my actual playlist has over 120 songs but uh shut up
any the ways, here’s a song from the madness project nexus ost. i was kinda hoping i wouldn’t get this one so early on
pronouns: nobody knows. on social media they list their pronouns as “Who/Cares” so everyone just uses they/them
into the BORING kind of shooting things where they just shoot targets and not people. BOOO what a sucker
bold and outgoing. if you’ve ever heard the phrase “thinking out loud” they do that literally all the time
those shades are not prescription
if you want battle stats first of all you’re a NEEEEERD and second of all, charge/front. they don’t actually shoot they just pistol-whip
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knightbugs · 9 months
-- DISCLAIMER: this liveblog fucking sucks and to understand my thought process you need to either read it while watching the bad batch or you need to have every episodes events completely memorised --
bomb diffusing lessons
epic prank moment
hii echo
oh the guys are observing them
oh they are getting the guys oh wrecker is zooming away HI TECH
wrecker has sustained fall damage
thats a lotta explosives !! yipppeeeee !
kiss explosiev :3
tech transferring files like some kind of NEEEEERD
crosshair ?? is crosshair there ?
ITS CROSSH.AIR. get tgat toothpick out of yuor mouth boy
hOW did rhey not see them lmao
erm. crosshair ill have you know rats are actually very intelligent and beautiful creatures and you should not use their likeness so rudelWHAT DO YOU MEAN AIM FOR THE KID
wrecker is a fucking BEAST
theyre pretty well camouflaged tbh.
oh you little scumbag why would you put the fucking engine on they're gonna get fucking FRIED in there. burnt to a crisp minecraft death message style
god that animation for ghat engine is cool as hell
crosshair is being artificially tanned by that thing
crosshair is fucking died
mm yes the rattlesnake sound effect we love emphasising the cowboy vibe
hunter is DEAD
crosshair looks like he's been pushed down a flight of stairs
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nicoforlifetrue · 2 years
Ok, I've got to share this.
Hc that Leo likes chess and his fav opponent is Cassandra.
Like, ok, I've got a lot of hc's here but with how we know he's a really good planner and really fucking smart I can only imagine how understimulated at almost all times he is, as a little kid maybe it was fun to play chess against his brothers and dad but then it got way to easy to predict them so he got bored again, then April was his main opponent but of course she got predictable too, he had some hope for draxum but turns out he's a novice too.
So when Casey enters the picture he doesn't have high hopes for someone to actually stave off the boredom, but then it turns out she's actually kinda good at it?
"I love a game focused on DESTROYING your enemies!"
He actually has a hard time predicting her moves because she's agressive yet strategic with it and her facial expression doesn't change to give away her game like it does with literally everyone else he's played against, and he finds himself plesently surprised when he loses for the first time since he was a little kid.
They have a weekly chess night and Leo takes the "NEEEEERD" barbs with as much grace as he can because who cares if it's nerdy he's not bored out of his skull!
I think when he's on bed rest from his injury's he teaches Casey jr how to play, a bit affronted his own future self didn't. Any student of his had to know how to play chess!
He can't help but be amused that Cj plays chess just like his mother. edit: i made the fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/41301579
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currentlylurking · 7 years
it’s 11:20 pm. this is the perfect time to work on d&d stats for the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire
also, on that note; if I was to run a like. d&d-esque game where you played as the ancients (or some sort of resistance associated with them) trying to overthrow Pariah Dark... would anyone be up for that? 
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nexyra · 3 years
So there were a few likes about my post on DnD... meaning you get to know about our dumb shenanigans and my weird children
Starting with... the current campaign and the band of misfits that make up our party !
Rani Mankana (my OC)
Non-binary, They/She/He, 20 yo Human Ranger, Chaotic Neutral ESTP 7w8 8w9 4w5
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Feral gremlin, bread-winner & problem child all at once
- Do whatever they want - Animals are better than humans - Left their village with absolutely no plan and have been fighting for 2 months with glorified gardening tools - Will try to punch you if you get in the way of their fun, but will also kill people who are being an ass to you - Knows nothing but constantly asking questions - Will take 98% of what you say literally - When people wallow & mope about not knowing what to do next, they scream until you get up and *try* something - Has known someone for 1 day and will decide that they're *theirs* now bc they're interesting - Main goal : catch them all (aka becoming friends with enough animals to create a travelling zoo) - Will die for you. Actually no, they have too much stuff to do & see to die so, will most likely kill for you
Lysora Dul'rik
Cis Man, He, ~28 yo Human Fighter/Warlock, Neutral Good ENFJ 3w2 7w6 1w2
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Polite truth-seeker, smiling through the pain 7d/7
- Seems well-adjusted, actually dying inside - Constantly gets his worldview upturned by shocking revelations - Noble education & background, notably good at politics & social niceties - Great sense of responsabilities when it comes to protecting the party. TOO great, chill not everything is your fault - Likes to have some fun and get people together - Will die if you don't like him - Flirting is a great therapy method - Tendency to obsess over knowledge, not allowed to stay in a library unsupervised anymore - Very social, will ask for a random passerby name if he asked them a question. - Will die for you. But too busy to die for himself.
Ayla Jaym
Cis Woman, She, Lesbian, 25 yo Human-Werewolf Warlock/Barbarian, Loyal Good INFP 6w7 4w3 1w2
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Lesbian disaster, social butterfly but having a hard time rn
- How nearly killing your gf affects your mental health : the story - "When I said I wanted a life like in the books I meant a fun heroic tale with a happy ending, not a 1000-pages tragedy." - Weapons nerd, yield a magic blue axe 3x her size - Any convo will end up with you questioning the meaning of your existence even though she just wanted to ask if you had a sister - Friends good and women pretty. - Born into the trading city of Offonsa where the only law is "don't steal" : somehow got out with a much more refined moral compass (to Rani's despair) - The plot can't catch up if I just avoid it - Will project her issues onto you so bad, you're gonna hope to never be on watch duty with her again - Will probably kill you on a full moon, but swears she didn't mean to
Balthazar Glowbrook
Cis Man, He, 38 yo Half-Orc Bloodhunter, True Neutral ISTP 9w1 5w6 4w3
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The edgy grandpa, likely to explode at any given time bc of his experiments
- Thought that living alone in a cave for 10 years was a perfectly reasonable answer to being disappointed in humanity - And only left it when some random woman came find him only to get murdered during the night - Very knowledgeable, very smart but the party has only 1 braincell to share and it's usually Rani's - Awkwardness 100/10, will ramble and bury himself in the ground if left alone, do not trust with diplomatic lies - "Ayla is precious and I'd protect her with my life". Ayla transforms into a werewolf. Balthazar who's part of an organization tasked with killing werewolves : *surprised pikachu face* - Looks responsible. If left alone for more than 5 minutes, will create dubious alchemy potions and end up with chicken wings. - Looks like he could kill you but actually wouldn't. - B.O.O.K.S
Neldëaurë Ramëldis
Cis Man, He, 49 yo (16) Elf Wizard, Neutral Good INTP 6w5 9w1 2w1
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The competent nerd, who feels the need to apologize for his very existence
- NEEEEERD - Nerd who collects the other nerds and gets shipped with all of them - "Hey you could pour soup in my lap and I'll probably apologize to you." - Constantly trying to make himself useful - Don't ever mention magical concepts if you're not ready to answer EVERY SINGLE ONE of his questions. He WILL ask you about the impact on portal on the links between plans. - Master at creating new ways to use his spells - The only one with a plan, takes everything in strides - "Okay give me 1 night and I'll uproot my entire life to join you and your dubious organization" - Even though he was part of a much more legal, legit & international organization - Will die if you so much as push him
All art done by Yamika - D&D Adventures That's my best friend pls check her out & give love, she the best and I love her with my whole heart !!!
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kirinda-ondo · 4 years
I was talking to my dad and remembered this really hilarious attempted bullying incident that happened to me in middle school
So a common bullying tactic at the time was acting like the weird kids were diseased with some mysterious weird kid illness that I would now identify as probably being Advanced Cooties.
Now despite being a very weird kid I was not really a target of this, until one generally more popular girl decided to try it on me. I accidentally kinda lightly bumped into/made some kind of contact with her in gym class on account of the fact I'm horribly uncoordinated, and in any other situation I would have apologized, but before I could the girl just flinched back and cried out like I'd just murdered her dog.
"EW, you TOUCHED me!"
Now middle school me was much better at snappy comebacks than I am now, so with an evil grin, I simply replied with "And now you're going to become a nerd like MEEEEE!"
Now what I was expecting was her to like cringe or grimace and tell me to stop being weird or something (to which I likely would have responded with a loud "NEVER!!!" and then ran off to my nerd friends to celebrate my perceived "pwnage")
But what I got was a total freakout. The girl was straight up crying. "I DON'T WANNA BE A NEEEEERD!" she wailed and ran to her popular friends, presumably to give the news of the horrifying diagnosis she'd just received.
And of course I'm just standing there like "...haha, what?" Because we are literally in seventh grade. Surely no one actually believed in Advanced Cooties at this point in our lives. But apparently there was one who did.
The ending to this is kinda anticlimactic tho, she obviously avoided me like the plague for the rest of the day, but as one might expect, she did not turn into a nerd and after that we just kinda casually stayed in our own lanes from then on
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Reading One Piece pt 157: Too Much Real World For Me
Chapter 394
- Lots of color pages
- Robin got to the Tree!
- “Did my mother come here?” lol, these scholars sure are having a day. Not only are they as good as being arrested right now, they also have to deal with family drama. Loool
- Doctor Clover said no. You know, like a liar
- Ok, now they tell her to absolutely not reveal she’s a scholar too
- Whoops, too late I think? CP9 just barreled into the room
- “This island’s archeologists are to be considered “devils who want to end the world”!” huh. That explains why everyone calls Robin that
- (What is it with WG and Void Century. I mean, I know what it is but Void Century was like 1000 years ago and they’re still afraid of weapons from that period… Didn’t technology get waaaaay better in the last millennium? Or is some supernatural stuff involved. Or all that weapons business is a cover for something way more sinister)
- They’re telling non-scholars to get on the ships. Villagers are objecting to becoming refugees. Yeah, I don’t think refugees in One Piece are treated better than in our world  
- “Our responsibility is to tell you this. Afterwards, if you were to ignore our advice and something were to happen to you… then that is not our concern.” 0_0
- He practically told them that island will become a warzone and government doesn’t care what’ll happen to bystarders. This… this is very brutal
- (government says F*ck Villagers Life)
- Yeah, villagers heard him loud and clear. They’re panicking now. Like  lot
- Oho, we’re with Spandyne! He’s been shot but it’s very clearly a gag moment so no worries
- “Please tell the higher-ups.. to give my son… my seat as chief…” FUCKING CALLED IT! I’m a genius :D
- (at least Spandyne’s an ok dad? I mean, for a villain dad, I guess. We all remember Captain Morgan aka Helmeppo’s dad. And as we all know, shounen manga can be really weird with fathers)
- Oh, it was Olvia! She was the one who shot at him! And missed, goddammit (I want Spandam’s dad to be ok but I also sure want for Olvia to shot a b*tch)
- They talk
- “You won’t be able to proof anything” uh. Olvia. I kinda think they don’t need any proof at that point. Government made a decision and Ohara is going down. All their “studying is a crime now” is a cover
- Yeah, they want to make an example of Ohara so no one else will try anything
- (didn’t Ohara happen shortly after King Roger’s execution? Like 1-2 years later. Pirates would still be everywhere, mad as hell and/or fighting for power between themselves and it would cause an complete chaos on all Blue Seas. Government could NEED an example and Ohara was a nice scapegoat. We can actually learn something about that period. Heck yeah, history lesson)
- (me to me: NEEEEERD)
- Spandyne is saying they’re respecting the law but only an idiot would believe it so I’m gonna ignore it now and in the future
- Why is he telling her all that, he’s monologuing their evil plan right now
- Yup. They got Olvia. Dead or dying. Probably dying, to maximize the ANGST
- Meanwhile Saul… saw marine armada on the horizon. He can’t escape from Ohara at this point either. Oh, this is bad
- They got all archeologists sitting in the yard. What now, mass shootings
- Robin doesn’t want to leave them but, uh… leave them Robin. Whatever will happen now, you won’t like it
- Oh shit, Spandyne threw Olvia in front of them. Drama is coming
- Olvia saw Robin ;_;
- “You’ve become so big…” ;_;
- Meanwhile, Robin didn’t recognize her mother :) This is fine :) :) Absolutely fine :) :) :)
- “What do you think you’re doing to that library!!!???” AAAAAaaaaa
- Shit, they’re telling they found something in the basement. Maybe they even did
- Well now, Ohara scholars… We have officially made the decision for your execution!” I KNEW IT!!! I WISH I WAS WRONG!!!
- Robin can’t believe it. Why are they letting 8-year old to just stand around by the way
- Now Spandyne is arguing with her, lol
- Oh? Doctor Clover wants to speak with government heads!
Hmmm, I wonder if they let him… hm…  
rOP 156  rOP 158
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