#negan's thrist squad
the-mykie-show · 3 years
Taking commissions.
I am a broke ass bitch right now and struggling to leave a toxic living situation, so I decided to start taking writing commissions.
My prices.
$10 short drabbles.
$25 5000 word + fic
Or $5 dollars per 1000 words for a fic of any length.
Paid via cashapp or venmo. Half the price has to be paid upfront.
Characters I can write
Negan - the walking dead.
Din - the mandalorian
Lucifer Morningstar - lucifer netflix.
Daryl Dixon - the walking dead.
Rick Grimes - the walking dead.
Most other TWD characters.
Maze - lucifer.
Dean Winchester - supernatural
Sam Winchester - supernatural.
John Constantine - DC hellblazer comic and NBC Constantine.
Castiel - supernatural.
Commissions take 3 to 5 days to be delivered, you can send me a prompt or tell me a general idea of what you want and anything specific you want included via a message on here or email me at [email protected].
Things I'll write.
Some dark fic
Things I won't write for the sake of my mental health or moral reasons.
Smut or ships involving underage characters.
graphic SA, self harm, or suicide.
graphic medical scenes esspecially child birth.
Everything else is up for discussion.
See my AO3 for wirting samples
Any and all support is deeply appreciated.
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pattysfics · 6 years
Normal Walking Dead Fans: oh this was such a fine episode.
Negan fans: Oh did y’all see that .03 seconds of Negan? We sure did. Let us show you.
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the-mykie-show · 3 years
Currently accepting character take over asks.
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Please check my pinned post.
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the-mykie-show · 3 years
Hi guys.
Just a quick trigger warning this post does briefly discuss trauma and PTSD in a non-graphic way.
I'm sure a lot of you remember a while ago I used to do character takeovers on my blog, namely for negan.
It was something that I used to have a lot of fun with and really enjoy, but I had to stop for mental health reasons.
But I've given it a lot of thought lately though, and I think I want to start doing them again.
The characters you can send asks in for include
Negan (TWD)
Din (the mandalorain)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer netflix)
There has to be stricter ground rules this time though.
Don't get me wrong most of you were great to interact with, but there were a select few people who just kind of ruined the whole thing for me and completely put me off doing takeovers. These people became very demanding, there were times that I would open my inbox and have five or six of the same ask from the same person because I didn't answer quickly enough for their liking, it reached a point where multiple people felt they were entitled to my time and energy. They weren't, and they still aren't. I am a human being, not a content factory. I did takeovers for fun, I did not get paid to do them, and I do have a life outside of Tumblr. I have a job, I have pets, I have my own needs such as eating, using the bathroom, and sleeping. Ya know all that stuff that humans do.
After a while I started feeling like some of these people weren't really treating me like a person anymore, like they had somehow disconnected from the fact that there was a real person behind the keyboard answering their asks as a character. That understandably took a toll on my mental health.
There were also a few people who were asking me to write about subject matter I just wasn't comfortable writing about, I received multiple asks with very graphic and disturbing content involving very dark subject matter, some of this subject matter depicted in these asks were things that I've experienced in real life and that were very triggering for me to read as I have PTSD.
I stated in my rules for these takeovers that I did not want those kind of messages, I also tried to politely explain to the people sending them that they were making me really uncomfortable and triggering me. At one point one person responded by slightly rewording their message to make it less explicit but still contain the same subject matter.
I started to notice that these graphic messages were affecting my mental health in real life, and I couldn't let that continue so I just stopped doing the takeovers.
So this time around there's going to be stricter ground rules, and if those rules are violated you only get one warning this time, after that warning I'm just going to block people who refuse to listen.
It isn't fair to me that I had to stop doing something that I enjoyed because of assholes. And I am sorry but if you disrespect someone's consent or send the material they have made clear is triggering for them you're just being an asshole and I don't have time for that bullshit.
One warning, and that is it.
I don't want to come off as harsh or mean, I just want this to be an enjoyable experience for me again, and for other people who want to participate and want to do so respectfully.
The kind of material I do not want sent to me will be clearly laid out, it is not on me to remind you 50,000 times to read the rules either.
I'm not sure when I will start again, but it'll be sometime in the near future.
All I ask of you guys is that you read my rules, and you respect my boundaries.
And for all the people who used to come to my takeovers who were lovely and wonderful to interact with, thank you and I hope I'll see you again.
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the-mykie-show · 4 years
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I don't think I've seen this anywhere on Tumblr yet so here you go.
Yes that is Negan.
Yes he's wearing a whisperer mask.
No I am not OK with it.
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the-mykie-show · 3 years
Character takeover!
Characters you can send an ask to.
Negan (TWD)
Din (the mandalorain)
Lucifer Morningstar (lucifer Netflix)
Because my work schedule is different every week doing the takeovers on only certain days is difficult for me, so asks will be answered as they come in whenever I have an extra minute.
Please carefully read the following rules, and ensure that your ask adheres to them. If you fail to read the rules and follow them, it may result in you being blocked for the sake of my mental health and well-being. It's nothing personal, it's just something that I have to do to keep takeovers fun for me and something that I want to continue doing.
1. Please be respectful and treat me like a person, I am not a content factory, I have a personal life outside of Tumblr including family, friends, a job, and pets to take care of as well as just doing general people stuff like eating and sleeping, and taking care of my own mental and emotional well-being. I want character takeovers to be fun for everyone including me, having people treat you like they're entitled to your time and energy all of the time is exhausting and not fun. Treat me how you would want to be treated.
2. Please do not send multiples of the same message, or a slightly altered version of the same message. During takeovers I have an influx of messages that need to be read and replied to, so it might take me a while to get to your asks. If it takes me awhile to get to your ask I'm not ignoring you, I will get to it when I can. Please be patient with me, sending multiples of the same message will cause you to be blocked.
3. I do not Roleplay as Negan, Din, Lucifer, or any other character through DM's or any other way except for through asks. I will NOT respond to you if you try to start an RP with me through DM's.
4. Do not send me any sexually explicit material that is not a takeover related ask in hopes that I will respond as a character, I won't and this behavior is rather inappropriate and invasive. I will have to immediately block anyone who does this.
Sending one of the characters I'm RPing as sexual messages during takeovers is okay, sending sexual messages to me, Mykie, it's not something I'm comfortable with.
5. Please be engaging with your asks to some extent. Use your imaginations! Get creative! Please don't send the same general plot every week, let's keep things interesting and fun, not repetitive.
6. I am okay with writing a lot of scenarios, including sexually explicit ones, but there is some subject matter that I'm just not comfortable writing. As some of you probably know I have PTSD, and I don't want messages that is going to trigger that.
Subjects I am not comfortable with writing and will result in an immediate block if you try to role-play a scenario involving these subjects include.
Anything involving sexual assault/rape.
Any sexual situation with a character or oc that is underaged.
Most storylines involving suicide (mentioning something in canon involving the subject without getting graphic is okay)
Anything involving graphic medical situations.
Most pregnancy related story lines.
I would also really appreciate it if people who are under the age of 18 would just not interact with my takeovers, a lot of the material is sexually explicit, and while I know I can't stop you from reading it actually interacting with minors and a sexual way is not only something I could get in trouble for it's also something I'm just disturbed by and uncomfortable with of course because I'm not a disgusting psychopath.
7. These rules are subject to change, please check back regularly to make sure nothing has changed.
8. As I've mentioned before on my blog my previous negan takeovers became detrimental for my mental health due to people ignoring my clearly outlined rules, I'm not going to let that happen again. You get one warning if you violate these rules, after that warning you will be blocked.
I don't mean to come off as harsh or like I'm trying to be mean I just want to keep this fun and healthy for everyone including myself, it's nothing personal just what I have to do.
Thank you for reading all these rules and following them.
Now let's have fun.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Negan- *saves Judith from freezing to death in a blizzard at risk to his own life when nobody else even cared enough to go after her*
Also Negan- *saves Aaron from walkers after Aaron accused him of basically killing his late wife who he loved more than anything*
Also Negan *saves Lydia, an actual child, from being beat to death by GROWN ASS ADULTS who are taking out the actions of her mother on her*
Alexandria- "yeah we should probably kill Negan, he's clearly a broken, unstable loose canon of a person"
Am I the only one who understands how absolutely FUCKED UP THIS LOGIC IS ???
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
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Karma's a bitch: gif challenge fic.
Thanks to @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8 for submitting the gif, and thank you to @alwaysnegan for having a whole ass conversation on her blog about if Negan would be down for being dominated by his girl.
Summary- Negan rubs his relationship with you in your former lover's face, so you decide to pay him back.
Tags and warnings- smut, sex toys, bondage, orgasm denial, blow jobs, temporarily submissive Negan.
you knew Negan was an asshole right from the get go. It wasn't exactly a closely guarded secret, so it really shouldn't have surprised you that the only reason he brought you along to collect supplies from Alexandria what's to get under Rick Grimes's skin. Harassing the former sheriff's deputy was one of negan's favorite pastimes, and you were the ultimate tool to do it.
You might have left Rick for Negan, but that didn't mean you were okay with being used as a pawn in Negan's never ending game to prove he was the superior man to Rick. Even though you of all people couldn't lie, the sex with Negan was really good. So good it made it worth putting up with shit like this.
You didn't need to hear what they were saying to know that Negan was rubbing said amazing sex life in Rick's face. You could tell by the wide cocky smirk on Negan's face and the look of irritated distress on Rick's.
He was going to hear about this later.
You knew better than to confront Negan in front of the Saviors, that and not cheating on him was one of the few rules that you had to follow as his wife. But once you were in the privacy of his bedroom that rule no longer applied and you were gonna let him have it.
He doesn't waste any time once you're alone in shooting you that signature smirk and leaning in to kiss you, rather than accepting the kiss you punch him in the shoulder.
"Ow! What the fuck?" he complains in surprise.
"What the hell was that in Alexandria with Rick?" you cross your arms staring him down waiting for him to answer.
"That? That was nothing, I was just busting his balls a little." he's defensive, you know that means you're right.
"And were you using me leaving him for you to do that?"
"Maybe." he admits.
"Negan, I did not agree to be with you and leave my home for you to do this kind of shit. I get that you're not exactly a fan of Rick, you've every right not to like him after what he did to your people, hell, you have every right to punish him for what he did to your people, but what you don't have a right to do is drag me into the middle of it. Makes me wonder why you even asked me to be your wife? Is any of this real or is it all just a game to you? Another pissing contest with Rick?" You can feel yourself start to tear up at that idea, what if it's true? What if Negan doesn't really care about you at all? What will you do then? He's all you have left at this point.
"Of course it's fucking real, don't you ever doubt that. Look, I shouldn't have done that, this isn't your fight. It's just you're Rick's weakness. Nothing gets under his skin quite like knowing that his girl ditched his ass for me. I went on a power trip and I'm sorry."
He's leaning into your personal space again. "Now why don't you let me make it up to you?"
Negan's answer for everything is sex, and maybe that's not the wrong answer? Negan's favorite ways to "punish" you when you misbehaved were always sexual: edging, spanking, orgasm denial; maybe it's time he got a little taste of his own medicine.
You lean toward him, an evil smirk slowly spreading across your face.
"I think I like that idea." pressing your lips against his in a passionate kiss, you push him back against the bed, straddling him.
"Someone's eager tonight." he groans between kisses, his hand sliding to your chest to pull the buttons from your shirt.
"you have no idea." you grab his hand and quickly slam it into the bed above his head before he can use his strength against you.
"What are you doing?" he asks, but doesn't try to pull his wrist from your grip.
"payback, that's what I'm doing."
"really?" he asks with raised eyebrows. "I had no idea you had a dominatrix hiding in there, but I'm not gonna lie it's goddamn hot."
You weren't going to lie to yourself, you were out of your element. You weren't naturally dominant like he was, you were a submissive at heart, you like giving up control, being dominated. Now that the tables have turned you weren't sure what to do but there was no backing down now.
"take off your clothes." You demand, standing from your position above him. To your surprise he obliges without complaint, stripping off his white T-shirt and then reaching for his belt buckle.
You reach for the drawer and his nightstand where you know he keeps an array of sex toys, blindfolds and handcuffs. You pull out a pair of handcuffs, watching the dim light glint off the shiny silver bracelets somehow gives you the confidence to swallow your nerves and straddle him again.
"Put your hands above your head." He quickly did exactly as you'd asked, and you cuff him to the headboard the way you had been many times in the same bed. His cock is already half hard.
You reach into the drawer again and pull out one of the smaller vibrators, vaguely phallic, and covered in pink silicone.
"What are you gonna do with that?" Negan asks, clearly a little nervous but still intrigued as he watches you reach for some lube and coat the tip of the vibrator in it.
Taking his cock in your hand, you gently run your thumb over the tip making him moan, with your other hand you switch the vibrator on the lowest setting and press it between his balls. It immediately makes his cock twitch and a groan come from deep in chest, his hips involuntary jerk.
"Goddamn! I wasn't expecting that."
You don't answer him, instead just slowly slide the vibrator up the back of his shaft, and tracing it around the tip,the lube making it glide easily.
"oh holy shit!" he moans "sweetheart, what are you doing to me?"
"teaching you a lesson." you answer while simultaneously turning the setting up and sliding the toy back down his shaft and circling his balls with the silicone tip.
Holding the vibrator at the perfect angle against his balls that makes his hips involuntarily twitch you slowly take the head of his cock between your lips, softly lapping and sucking on it while looking as innocently as possible up at him. His wrists strain against the handcuffs, his eyes are lust blown, you can see why he enjoys doing this so much.
You keep working on him with your mouth and the toy until you feel his body tense, and you know he's about to come and switch the vibrator off and let his tip slip from your mouth with a soft pop, effectively ruining his orgasm like he'd done to you many times before.
"Fuck!" he groans "That was just cruel."
"Well karmas a bitch, baby." you girn, lowering your mouth back to his cock and teasingly sucking on the tip again.
"Jesus fuckin Christ! You're going to kill me." you've never seen Negan squirm before this moment, and you have to admit that you like the power, it makes you feel powerful and sexy in a way you never have before.
You turn the toy back on, this time on the highest setting, working it slowly around his balls and up his shaft and back down, you repeat the process three more times, leaving him in a moaning, desperate mess before you decide to end his torture and let him come.
You hold the toy slightly off centered against his over sensitive tip "if I let you come this time, you have to promise to keep me out of your damn pissing contest with Rick?"
"Yes! Fuck, yes I promise." you lower the vibrator to his balls and suck his tip between your lips before slowly swallowing as far as you could and letting him release in your mouth.
You can feel a puddle of wetness in your panties and a needy ache deep in your core, the kind of ache you usually felt when you were on the receiving end of what you'd just done to Negan. Usually you'd be begging him to pound you into the mattress but you're pretty sure that would defeat the purpose of the lesson you were trying to teach him.
"You gonna uncuff me now babygirl? Let daddy see how wet you're little power trip made you?" he asks, already back to being his cocky asshole self even though moments ago he was begging to be allowed to come.
"I don't think I will just yet." you glance at the vibrator still in your hand,and get an idea.
Laying back against the footboard and spreading your legs while still in his view, you slide your panties to the side and switch the vibrator on, making eye contact with him as you press the tip inside yourself.
"come on darlin' you're really not going to let me touch you?" you don't answer, just thrust the toy deeper making yourself moan at the vibrations, enjoying the feeling of smooth silicone gliding easily against your walls. It only takes a few minutes for the muscles in your core to tighten, and you notice that Negan is already hard again.
You keep working on yourself until you come undone around the vibrator.
Craving the overstimulation Negan loved to inflict on you, you take the time to rub the tip of the toy against your clit ilicting another moan from yourself, before you sit the vibrator and lube down on his nightstand and grab the handcuff key out of the drawer, unlocking Negan from his bounds.
"Now you're in fuckin trouble babygirl, what was that you were saying about karma now?" he says rubbing the feeling back into his wrists while a dark smirk spreads across his face.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Seriously Negan, fuck you, who gave you the right to look this goddamn hot covered in blood?
Seriously though 10/10 would fuck Negan covered blood.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Inked (Negan x tattooed reader)
You've had a thing for Negan for a while now but you never thought he was into you, until one day he catches you in your lingerie and you find out the fierce leader of the Saviors has a soft spot for girls with ink.
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*rating* explicit.
*warnings/tags* graphic descriptions of sex, tattoo kink, body worship, oral sex, titty fucking, come play, very light bondage, dirty talk, Negan being inappropriate with Lucille.
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Biting your lip, you fidget uncomfortably in the hard folding chair, watching Negan's hand glide almost lovingly over the wood of that damn bat he loved so dearly, polishing it to perfection with an old rag soaked in oil. There was something oddly sexual about the way he touched Lucille, there always was, but this was down right inappropriate.
Did he really have to do this in a meeting with the Saviors?
You struggle to actually hear what Gavin is saying, even though you're pretty sure it isn't that important, considering Negan himself is clearly absorbed in polishing Lucille and not paying any attention to the "whiney little rodent" as Negan once so eloquently put it, who was in charge of picking up supplies from the Kingdom.
You try your hardest to ignore him at first, but it's hard to stop watching his hands sensually moving over the wood and imagining it's you he's touching like that. You've always had a thing for the fierce leader of the Saviors, but that thing had never gone beyond just simple harmless flirting. The kind of flirting Negan did with quite literally everyone.
You weren't under any illusions, why would Negan want you when he had six beautiful wives to keep him satisfied?
You're so intently watching Negan's nimble fingers you don't notice that Gavin has stopped talking and the attention of the room is now on you.
"Something you wanna share with the class, darlin'?" Negan's deep gravelly voice drawled.
"No," you clear your throat, "no I was just distracted. I'm sorry, won't happen again." you apologize, feeling a bit guilty for saying it knowing full well you're lying, it will happen again. As long as Negan is this hot, and he does those things with his hands it will keep happening.
The meeting disbanded, the Saviors wandering off to take care of whatever orders Negan gave them, and you headed back to your room to change for the upcoming run.
You wonder if you have time to touch yourself to the fantasy of Negan doing exactly what he was doing to Lucille to you as you strip out of your clothes down to your lingerie. Absorbed in your thoughts, you don't notice that you left your door cracked open.
"damn darlin'! I didn't know you were inked up like that." a familiar deep, sexy voice drawls from the doorway, making you jump and try to cover yourself with your shirt.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Negan apologizes "I can leave if you want, but I'd rather not." he admits with a smirk, his dark eyes scan your half naked body, lingering on the ink marking your thighs, and tracing the curves and lines of ink showing from under the lace of your bra. His gaze is so intense it feels like he's actually touching you, it makes you fidget and bite your lip to hold back an obscene noise.
"No, it's okay." you say.
"Do you mind?" Negan asks, taking your hand in his, and running the fingers of his other up your arm, to trace the ink there. You shake your head no.
The goosebumps spreading across your skin wherever his fingers touch make you shiver.
You drop the shirt you were using to cover yourself, letting his gaze take in all your half naked body without the barrier. His fingertips ghost over the ink on your shoulder, tracing the delicate lines of your tattoos over your collarbone, you eventually can't stop the moan from bubbling up in the back of your throat, your eyes falling closed on their own accord. It was almost embarrassing how much you were enjoying this.
"These are beautiful," he comments, his fingers still working their way across your chest piece, "almost as beautiful as you are."
Did you just hear him correctly? Was he actually into you?
You get your answer in the form of his other hand tracing the lines on your upper thigh until he has a handful of the curve of your ass.
You decide to take your chance and lean up on tiptoes to kiss him, he lets out a surprised gasp, but returns the kiss in full. His lips are surprisingly soft, a perfect juxtaposition to the roughness of his stubble scratching against your skin.
You feel one of those large, rough hands you'd imagined touching you so many times knot in your hair, the other roughly squeezing your ass.
He finally breaks the kiss after a long breathless moment, his fingers finding the clasp of your bra, he looks down at you, clearly asking for permission, and you nod. He doesn't waste any time, unclasping the garment and easily picking you up and throwing you down on the bed in one smooth, fluid movement.
"Guess I know why you were so fuckin' distracted in the meeting today." Negan chuckles, and your cheeks flush with embrassment at the realization that he's figured you out.
"You were imagining me doing all that shit I was doing with my Lucille to you, right?" you know he already knows the answer but you nod anyways.
He moves to his knees between your legs on the bed, and you feel yourself throb in response.
"You want me to touch you like that now?" he asks, and you nod again, sighing in pleasure when he lays his hands on you again.
You reach up to grab a handful of his hair, but Negan grabs your hands, easily pinning your wrists to the bed above your head in one of his.
"No," he says firmly, "you're gonna hold still for me and let me get acquainted with this gorgeous inked up body."
You nod, and even once he lets go of your wrists you leave them above your head.
His gaze is so intense it feels as if its burning holes into your half naked body, as he pulls the lace of the bra away from your chest. The fingers of his free hand follow the ink between your breasts, and trace the swirls of your sternum piece. His touch is surprisingly gentle, slow and soft as he explores your body, almost…Worshiping it.
His hands trace every drop of ink on your skin, and his lips follow, until you're a wet, trembling mess under his ministrations. Negan's hands on you feel better than you even imagined they would, and you had spent a lot of time imagining it. You look down at your body and watch his hands on you,true to his word,he's touching you the exact same way he touched Lucille in the meeting room, and you can't hold in your moans anymore.
"There you go, let me hear how fucking good I'm making you feel." he praises. And you do, only getting louder and louder as his lips work their way up your thighs, inching closer to where you really want them.
His fingers dig into the inked skin of your thighs, opening your legs and exposing your dripping sex to the cool air, lowering his head with the same slow methodical motions he'd used on the rest of your body, he takes a soft, measured lap against your folds and you immediately break his rule of being still, your hips jerk upward. He shoots you a warning glance but continues nonetheless, each lap getting a little bit deeper and a little bit broader until his tongue is buried inside you and his beard covered in your wetness. It doesn't take you long to come undone, and he edgerly laps up every onuce you give him.
He wipes your arousal off his beard, and shrugs out of his leather jacket. You watch him strip out of his clothes in a state of post-orgasm bliss, and only snap out of it when he asks you if you have condoms. You fumble in the bedside table and produce one, you hope it's not expired but are too hot and bothered to really to be bothered with checking.
Your eyes instantly flit down to watch him roll the rubber over his already rock hard manhood. You had always wondered if he was exaggerating the size of his dick, turns out he wasn't.
Bracing himself with one hand on your headboard, he lines his tip up with your soaked entrance, your body edgerly swallowing him up and clenching around him as he enters you. He goes slow enough that you feel every inch of his thick cock sliding inside, the bulbous tip stretching your tight opening and nugging against your swollen g-spot. You watch his eyes roll back in his head as your body spasms around his member, forcing a moan out from deep in his chest when bare down on his member so tight you can feel the vein on the underside of his cock.
"OH fuck, baby! Do that again." he pulls out till just his tip is inside you and slams back in at the perfect angle, illisting the response he wanted from your body making your aching pussy squeeze him almost painfully tight.
"Goddamn! Tight as fuck, and tattooed up, if I knew you were this fuckin' perfect I'd have asked you to be my wife a long ass time ago." he grunts.
"Are you-" you're cut off by a particularly hard thrust "Asking me now?" you manage to ask, your nails digging into his back.
"What do you think, sweetheart?" he half moans.
"Yes, Negan. God yes. I thought you'd never ask!" you aren't sure if the giddy release you feel is another orgasm coming on or the fact that you know you will now be getting fucked like this on the regular.
It only takes him a couple of more hard thrusts to send you into your second orgasm of the night.
To your surprise Negan pulls out without reaching his own release once your walls stop clenching and spasming around him, and pulls the condom off.
"I have another idea about where I wanna come." he explains. "sit up for me, baby." he repositions you at the edge of the bed and stands in front of you, taking your breasts in each hand, taking a moment to pinch your nipples and make you moan in over stimulation. You only figure out what he wants when he positions his cock between your breasts and pushes them together. The sight alone makes precome leak from his tip.
He's so focused on watching his manhood slide between the supple inked skin that he doesn't notice you bowing your head until he feels your tongue lap the bead of precome at his tip.
After each thrust you teasingly lick the swollen head of his cock, until he finally comes undone with a deep satisfied groan. His come blurring out the ink of your chest piece, he flops down beside you to admire his handy work.
"I guess we're probably too late for the run." you observe making him laugh.
"Shit, yeah. We definitely are." he agrees.
You spend the rest of the night in bed with him, letting him trace your tattoos and telling him the stories behind a few of them, until you both drift off to sleep.
*Author's note*
I'm back posting again! I'll be honest with you guys, the reason I haven't been posting fics for a while is not because I didn't have the time or motivation to write, it's becuase I didn't have time, motivation, or energy to deal with Tumblr's bullshit. It reched a point where formatting my fics to this hell site takes longer than writing and editing them. And I was getting so frustrated I wasn't enjoying posting anymore and needed some time off. In fact there are 2 other versions of this fic saved in my drafts that didn't work out because of how hard it is to get this shit show of a platform to work properly.
I will probably be posting more fics more often to my AO3 rather then here, so if you want to be the first to know when I post go check me out over there. The link will be in the tag list reblog because apparently a link is to much to ask for without fucking everything up and half my readers never seeing this fic.
Thanks for nothing Tumblr staff.
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the-mykie-show · 4 years
Who wants to join a Negan discord server?
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For those of you who don't know I received a hate message from an account created for the whole purpose of harassing Negan fans, so I thought I'd make a safe space for Negan's thirst squad where nobody is going to do this shit.
If you'd like to join, here's the link.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
When Rick's rebellious daughter gets caught in a dangerous situation outside the walls, Negan is there to prove he really is a savior by taking care of her in more ways then one.
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*rating* explicit
*tags/warnings* graphic descriptions of sex, leather kink, oral sex, squinting, canon typical violence, description of injuries.
Negan was right, Rick Grimes was a prick. You didn't care if he was your dad.
You were a grown ass women now and you tired of being treated like a child and blamed for everything. Carl sneaks out and goes to Sanctuary and guns down Negan's men? It was your fault somehow, Spencer gets himself gutted for being a spineless douche wad? Your fault, Alexandria doesn't have enough supplies to appease the Saviors? Your fault. It was like your dad couldn't take the damn blame for anything even though you'd never have ended up in this mess if he hadn't killed an entire outpost of Saviors.
You angirly kick a rock in the trail. You really weren't supposed to be outside the walls of Alexandria, but you needed to cool off and blow off some steam. A walk in the woods and killing some undead freaks was exactly what you needed.
You see a walker shambling along the road ahead of you, a smile spreading across your face as you pull the hunting knife off your belt, allowing the growling and drooling walker to stagger closer before burying the knife in its squishy half decayed skull.
You notice it has a friend and do it all over again.
At first you aren't concerned when the walkers keep coming, you have it handled, but then they start coming faster, and then you get scared when they start coming faster than you can kill them.
A rather large male walker staggers forward, jaws snapping an inch from your face as it's weight crashed into you, taking a desperate step back you feel your foot slide into a pothole in the road and you go down with the walker. The wind is knocked out of you when you slam into the concrete, the corpse falling onto you giving you no time to catch your breath, and your ankle is burning with the distinct pain of a sprain.
You manage to rise your knife and stab the walker on top of you, but as soon it's weight goes dead another walker replaces it, snapping at you while you struggle.
The true fear sets in when you realize that you could die out here and nobody would even know where you were or what happened to you. Panic bubbles up and you struggle to get out from under the weight pinning you the asphalt, you want to scream but you know nobody is around to hear you but more of the undead, always on the prowl for another meal.
Just when you were about to accept your fate, you hear a loud squishy thud and the walker about to bite you falls dead once and for all.
Standing over you with his ever present cocky smirk lighting up his scruffy, undeniably handsome face, and his beloved bat thrown over his leather clad shoulder, still coated in the blood of the walker he'd just killed was Negan.
It slowly dawns on you that Negan of all people had just saved your life, and he knew it to.
“You alright, darlin’?” he asks, grabbing the walker and heaving it off you.
“I think.” you're finally able to breathe properly with the weight of the walker gone from your chest.
“No bites? Scratches?” he heaves the other walker off your legs.
“No. But I think my ankle is sprained.” he held out a gloved hand to you, and you reluctantly take it, letting him pull you to your feet, and wrap an arm around your waist to support you.
“So miss Grimes,there a reason you're out here all on your own?” A small convoy of Saviors looks on, their guns aren't raised at you, but you can tell they're suspicious of you nonetheless. You're an Alexandrian, you're Rick's daughter, and you're their enemy. It makes you wonder why Negan even bothered going out of his way to save you?
“No, just blowing off some steam.” you admit with a shrug.
“No offense, but damn honey, that is a stupid ass reason to risk your life coming out here.” he replies. “C'mon we'll get that ankle taken care of and take you home.”
“You're not scheduled for a pick up in Alexandria until next week?” you point out, dusting yourself off.
“No, but we got a convoy on the road heading to an outpost, Alexandria isn't far out of the way, and I just wouldn't feel right leaving you out here all alone.” That was odd, Negan was doing something nice for someone for no reason other than he just wanted to? That didn't seem like the Negan you were familiar with.
“I'd be fine, really.” you try to argue.
“Not with your ankle all fucked up you won't be. I fuckin’ insist.” he leads you to the treeline, helping you walk and supporting most of your weight towards a nearby road where several box trucks and some smaller vehicles are parked, with a few more Saviors waiting.
“Why are you helping me?” you finally get up the nerve to ask. “You hate my father, why would you even care about what happens to me?”
“Because I'm not a monster, darlin’, I don't like killing women, I don't like watching women die, and I sure as shit don't like the things men out here do to women out here alone. It doesn't matter that you're Rick's kid, I'd do this shit for anyone. And besides, I like you.” he finished with a wink, and lead you to an open box truck in the middle of the convoy, and then reaches down and knocks your legs out from under you, sweeping you into his arms and plopping you down on the bed of the truck.
You nod, processing everything he'd just told you.
The longer you thought about it the harder it hit you that Negan had gone out of his way to help you, took a risk for both himself and his people, and saved your life when he easily could have kept driving and let you face the consequences of your actions. It makes you wonder if the situation was reversed and your dad found a Savior women hurt and fighting for her life on the side of the road would he do the same?
“Mind if I take a look?” Negan asks, bending down and taking your leg gently in his hands.
“No, go ahead.” he carefully pulls your boot and sock off, and rolls up your jeans leg, he's surprisingly gentle as he holds up your injury to the light to get a better look at it.
“Does this hurt?” he asks, running his fingers over the bruise.
“No.” you answered.
“Good news is I don't think it's broken, but it's pretty badly sprained. Hey Dwight! Grab me the first aid kit out of the truck.” the blond man with the burnt face hurries to a truck further down the line and return with the kit, handing it to Negan.
He carefully wraps your ankle with ease, he's definitely done this before.
“What did you do before all of this?” you ask, you fear you're prying too much, but he just smiles.
“Maybe I'll tell you sometime, but a man's gotta keep an air of mystery.” his smile turns dark, but his hands are still incredibly gentle around your leg.
“Your dad know you come out here?” he asks, replacing the items he didn't need in the first aid kit.
“No.” you admit.
“Is he the reason why you need to come out here and blow off some steam on these undead fucks?” Negan asks, as if he's read your mind.
“Sometimes.” you shrug.
Once your ankle is bandaged up and you prove you can at least put weight on it with help, Negan leads you to a motorcycle parked in the middle of the convoy.
“You think you're good to ride with me?” he asks, gesturing to the bike.
“Yeah, I think so.”
He climbs on first, throwing his long leg over the bike, and offering you his arm for support while you climb on behind him, gingerly easing your leg over the seat, being extra gentle you don't bump the injury. You manage to get seated with minimal joselsing, and secure the helmet Negan handed you.
You know the drill already, and as soon as the bike roars to life under you, you wrap your arms around Negan's waist, interlocking your fingers over the smooth leather of his jacket. Your dad would kill you if he knew this wasn't your first time on a motorcycle.
He'd probably kill you twice if he knew you were this close to Negan and finding yourself enjoying it.
It had been a while since you'd been with a man, since you'd been physically close to anyone really, sexually or in a completely innocent sort of way, and it was really hitting you hard now.
For a long time life had been all about surviving to see another sunrise, there was little time or privacy to indulge in intimacy with another person, not to mention limited options….
You cringe remembering all the times Spencer had come onto you, as if that spineless little jerk was your type. Negan on the other hand? He was exactly what you use to go for back in the day, a bit older, scruffy and leather clad; embodying the tall, dark, and handsome stereotype perfectly.
You find yourself wondering if you're his type too?
A little voice in the back of your mind whispers that there's only one way to find out, and you might only have this one chance.
Would that really be such a crime? He was hot, and not to mention actually really sweet to you.
Before you can stop yourself your hand wanders lower on his abdomen, toying with the buckle securing the leather belt of his jacket. You can feel his body tense under your touch, you're not sure if it's from arousal, or surprise, or both, but he lets you keep going. Your hand slips lower, over the belt that hung low on his hips holding a large hunting knife, and lower still until you trace the tips of your fingers over the bulge in his pants. And it's quite a bulge.
You feel him twitch under your touch, and your so distracted with feeling him up you don't notice he broke away from the convoy and turned off onto a side road until he's slowing the bike.
He stops the bike outside of a small cabin nestled just out of sight from the road, and kills the engine.
“Are you trying to fucking make me wreck?” he growls, his voice the only sound breaking the dead silence of the peaceful afternoon.
He yanks a radio off his belt and orders the convoy to wait for him at a nearby rest stop, stating with a smirk that he had something to take care of.
“You really weren't kidding about the rebelling against your dad shit huh?” he grins.
“It isn't just that… it's been awhile since I've been with anyone, attracted enough to anyone.” you admit, he helps you off the motorcycle and pulls you toward him,still helping you support yourself.
“And I guess I'm the lucky guy who won your affections?” there's a hint of sarcasm in his voice, but there's something genuine here too.
“I guess so.” he answers by leaning down and pressing a kiss on your lips, it's surprisingly gentle at first, his hand knotting in your hair as his lips move softly against yours, his beard scratching against your skin. Warmth spreads through your body as the kiss heats up, his tongue slipping into your mouth and his teeth nip your bottom lip.
“You sure you want to do this? Your dad is gonna be pissed if he finds out, so would the rest of your friends.” he says breaking the kiss.
“Who says they have to know?” you ask “I want this.”
“In that case you don't have to ask me twice.”
He yanks you off your feet for the second time that day, and takes you into his arms, carrying you bridal style up the porch stairs of the little cabin and kicking the door open.
It's small inside, but quaint. With an open floor plan, it has a small kitchen visible from the living room area, where there's a small couch in front of the fireplace, and a mattress sitting on the floor near a set of bay windows.
“What is this place? Some kind of ‘just in case’ hide away?” you ask.
“Not exactly. It's just a little place I like to come when I need to get away. Somewhere that's just mine.” you can tell he's being genuine, but you don't make it awkward so you give him the sarcastic response you know he expects.
“Do you take all the girls you fuck here?” you tease.
He laughs “can't say that I do, you're the first.”
“Well in that case, I'm flattered.” you smirk, and his lips crash against yours again in another heated kiss.
He dumps you on the mattress, careful not to bump your ankle, but he doesn't hesitate to unzip your jacket and slide it off your shoulders, his fingertips running over the skin he'd exposed on your chest.
You do the same with his jacket, running your fingers over the smooth, worn leather before shoving if off him.
“You got a thing for leather, sweetheart?” his eyebrows raise.
“Maybe.” you admit, biting your lip.
“You want me to leave it on?” he asks, and you nod eagerly. He stands up, pulling his shirt over his head and replacing the jacket, leaving it open over his bare chest, revealing his tan, toned chest, with a smattering of dark hair that disappeared into the waistband of his loose fitting jeans.
You pull your shirt off over your head, while he watches you intently.
“You really are so fucking beautiful, if I didn't know better I'd never believe you were Rick the pricks kid.” you don't know if you should be flattered or offended. That seemed to the general consensus with Negan.
You unbuckle your belt and Negan helps you pull your pants off, still being so gentle with your wounded ankle, before reaching for his own belt, and dropping his pants and boxers all at once.
He was really not kidding about his dick. He was very well endowed, so well that it makes you a little nervous, you didn't know exactly how long it had been since the last time you'd had sex but it had been long enough for you to be sure that accommodating him would take some foreplay and a few minutes to adjust.
Negan crawls over you, pressing his lips to yours again, his hand cupping your cheek for a moment before sliding lower, his fingers caressing your jaw and brushing the sensitive skin of your neck on the way down to cup your breast. His thumb teasingly brushes your nipple making it harden under his touch, and heat instantly pool in your core. You feel him smirk against your lips, he can already tell what his touch does to your body, how responsive you are to him.
He breaks the kiss, trailing his lips down your jaw and planting soft open mouthed kisses on your neck, finally reaching that little spot where your neck meets your shoulder and sucking on it until you're sure he left a mark, before reaching his final destination and takes the nipple he'd teases with his fingers between his lips and sucks illecting a moan from you.
Once he's satisfied with how wet and swollen his mouth left your nipple he switches to the other, sucking it until it's hardened too, each lap of his tongue sending a jolt pleasure straight to your clit, making you arch your back into him each time.
You don't fully realize what he's doing when his lips brush down over your stomach and his hands start to roll your panties off, then it hits you that he wants to eat you out.
Your only long term partner before the world ended had never wanted to do that to you, and you'd been too embarrassed to ask him for it despite being curious, everyone else was just casual hookups and never tired to go down on you. You're a little shocked Negan wants to dive right into the deep end.
“Negan, wait.” you fidget nervously.
“What's wrong sweetheart?” he stops midway through putting your leg over his shoulder.
“Just I've never…. I mean nobody has done this to me before.” he stares at you with raised eyebrows.
“You for real? Nobody has ever eaten you out before?”
“No.” you admit sheepishly.
“Why not? Was it because you didn't want it?”
“No, nobody I ever slept with wanted to do it and I just never asked.” you explain.
“If you want, I'll gladly be your fucking first time.” he smirks.
You nod “Okay, I mean why not? Carpe diem and all that shit.” he positions your legs over his shoulders, with a grin, his beard scratching against your inner thighs as he presses kisses against the sensitive skin. You find it surprisingly easy to relax into the unfamiliar sensations he's stirring up.
Watching your face closely, he takes the first soft lick against your folds, a surprised breathy “oh!” slips out when his tongue runs over your clit. He seems satisfied with your reaction, this time taking a broad lap from your entrance to your clit, and letting the tip of his tongue circle the swollen bundle of nerves.
“Feel good?” he asks, his ever present smirk still in place.
“Mhhhm.” you moan.
He sucks on the sensitive bud, teasing it with slow licks, making your hand involuntarily grab a hand full of his hair, a surprisingly loud whimper of pleasure leaving your body.
His tongue dips lower, circling your entrance teasingly and slipping inside, and it feels better than you could have ever imagined. Your hips try to jerk against his mouth, but his strong hands easily hold you still, letting him have his fill of you until the warm, wet sensations get to be too much for you and you come against his mouth.
Sitting up, he wipes your juices off his beard on the back of his hand, and cralws over you again.
“Do you want me to… Uh return the favor?” you ask.
“As much I'd love for you to put that sassy ass mouth to some good use, I don't want you fucking up your ankle even worse and I tend to get a little rough when it comes to getting my cock sucked. Congrats darlin’ you get a freebie.” he smirked.
You really wouldn't have minded giving him a blow job, but you appreciate the concern, and take the win, pulling him into another kiss by the lapels of his jacket, letting your hands run over the smooth leather as he deepens the kiss.
Your so distracted by his mouth on yours you don't feel him reach down, lining himself up with your entrance until you feel his tip against you. Your nails digging into his leather clad shoulder as he fills you. Almost instantly making you forget the pain in your ankle with pleasure again, a shaky breath leaving your body as you adjust to his size.
He gives you your moment to get use to him, but then starts slowly rocking his hips against yours, gentle at first, but quickly building to rougher pace. Your second orgasm building quickly too, you wrap your still good leg around his waist, letting the damaged one lay limp against the mattress, it takes all your self control to keep it there, you want to pull him closer, if that's even possible. You already feel so full, and most of his weight is on you, but you still want more.
Your body involuntarily clenched hard around him when he hit that perfect spot inside you, making him groan.
“Fuck, just like, baby.” you try to get to yourself to do it again and your body gladly cooperates, somehow pushing his member even deeper inside you.
His hand reached down between you and started rubbing rubbing circles around your already throbbing and arousal soaked clit, making your walls flutter around him with the beginnings of your orgasm.
He gently pinches the sensitive bundle of nerves between his thumb and index finger, and that's all it takes to send you over the edge, your nails rake down his back, probably hard enough to scratch the leather. It's the most intense orgasm you've ever had, and you're surprised by the warm, wet gushing sensation between your legs at first, and then you're embarrassed by it.
But if Negan notices he doesn't mind, because he keeps fucking you until he finds his own release and explodes inside you.
He pulls out, making you whimper a little at the loss even though you're also overstimulated, and inspects the mess you've made all over his cock, and yourself, and the mattress.
“Hot damn! Why didn't you tell me you're a squirter?” he said with a ear to ear grin.
You feel your face heat up. “I didn't know I could do that.” you admit sheepishly “I'm sorry.”
“What the fuck for? That's hot as shit.” he gives you a soft, reassuring kiss to solidify he's not mad about the mess you made.
“It did feel really good.” once the embarrassment faded you realized it was really amazing and you already kind of want to do it again. Nobody before Negan had made your body do that, and you wonder why he was so special.
He hands you back your clothes, and then goes about putting his own back on, you watch him silently for a moment while you work your jeans over your injured ankle, and replace your bra.
He's buckling his belt when you finally get the courage to ask.
“Hey, Negan. How did you do that?”
“Do what, sweetheart?”
“Make me come like that.” you can't look him in the eyes when you say it, something about him makes you feel like some horny, innocent, not quite virginal but inexperienced teenager again.
He laughed “practice and a little luck. Maybe I'll show you sometime if you're up for it.” he winks, offering you his hand for the second time today to pull you up from the mattress.
He carries you back outside to the bike, and when you get on you can already feel that little ache between your legs that only gets left the wake of a thorough fucking.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Negan requests are open!
Shoot me a message or an ask with your Negan fanfic requests!
I do smut, fluff, and just about everything in between.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Did anyone else notice the bruise on Negan's arm? What's with that?
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
The Negan take over begins now! Send our favorite bat wielding daddy an ask. But be sure you've read the rules first.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Learning Experiences (Negan x virgin reader) part 3
Negan helps you experiment with a sex toy.
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“It's big.” you fidget nervously with the toy, turning it over in your hands, feeling the surprisingly realistic shaped bulbous tip and ribbed rubber shaft of vibrator.
You almost couldn't believe Negan would waste the resource of the double A batteries needed to run the small motor in the base of the sex toy, but it really shouldn't be a surprise to you, Negan never spared any expenses when it came to his wives pleasure.
“Not as big as the real thing, you can handle it and I'll help you. If it makes you feel better we can use lube. I don't think you'll really need it though, you take my fingers so good, this won't feel much different. Just a little wider and goes a little bit deeper. And the vibrations will blow your mind.” he assures you.
Negan was always bringing you and the other girls little gifts back from his trips to other communities and outposts, mostly alcohol, chocolates, books, cds, any odd little requests one of his wives had he did his best to find it. However, every once in a while he'd bring something a little dirtier home. Apparently the Saviors had found a sex shop on their last supply run into the ruined city, of which Negan of course got first pick of the haul, finding some interesting stuff for both his wives and himself to enjoy. For some reason you were the first person Negan thought of when he found a small, vaguely dick shaped, ribbed vibrator at the bottom of the box.
“You really never experimented with toys before?” he asks.
“No, Negan, you know I didn't even masterbate before you showed me how.” you remind him, turning a little red in the face.
“I know, I know. It just always surprises me how innocent you are,” he leans in and whispers in your ear “and how fucking hot it is that I get to corrupt that innocence.” his breath on your ear makes you shiver in anticipation, and just like that you're putty in his hands.
“So, what do you say? You want to try this thing out?” one of his hands twist in your hair, pulling your head back to look up at him while the other palms your ass, slipping under the short skirt of your dress.
“Okay.” you relent, and Negan couldn't be happier, anytime he gets to fuck you in a new way he lights up like a kid in a candy store.
Pulling you into a kiss, while his hands unzip your dress and slide it off to fall onto the floor in one smooth motion.
He doesn't bother removing his jacket or shirt, but he does loosen his pants in preparation for the hard on he's about to get. And pushes you back against the bed. He stops to take in your half naked body, it always makes you fidget when he stares at you like that, especially knowing that you're wearing the crotchless panties that came with the last batch of lingerie he'd brought.
“Hold up a fucking minute.” he grabs your legs and spreads them, giving him a perfect view of your already damp folds through the hole in the thin lace garment.
His hand leaves your thigh, running a finger gently down your slit.
“Damn darlin’ you're making me want to forget the toy and just stick my dick in you. You're gonna like it rough and dirty, I can already tell. I know you're not ready for the real thing yet, so let's just see how well you take something a little smaller.” he doesn't take off the panties.
He warms you up with his mouth, his tongue exploring your body as thoroughly as the first time he ever went down on you, lapping at the wetness that formed at your entrance, and teasing your clit, before sliding his fingers inside you, working your sweet spot a little and scissoring you open.
Once Negan is satisfied your wet and open enough, you hear the faint buzz of the vibrator, and feel the tip of it against your clit, making you draw in a sharp breath. The feeling is intense, sending violent shock waves of pleasure right to your core, Negan guides the toy up and down your slit, letting the tip press against your entrance teasingly before he glides it back up to your clit.
“You ready for me to fuck you?” he finally asks, and you nod, desperate for some relief. He switches off the toy, pressing the bulbous tip against your entrance. And you feel the tip begin to slide inside you, the nervousness bubbles up again.
“Negan wait… Can you use a little lube?” you know you're absolutely soaked, and there's really no need for it, but it's comforting to know it's there. He smirks and reaches into his nightstand, pulling out a bottle of lube and generously coating the toy.
“You ready now?” the tip presses against your entrance again and you nod.
“Just relax, let it slide inside you just like with my fingers.” you feel pressure, and the girth of the toy stretching you. It's bigger than his fingers, and it's noticeable.
You let out a shaky breath, your body getting used to the feeling of being so full.
“You okay, baby?” he asks, stilling the toy inside you.
You nod.
“Good girl, I'm going to slide it all the way inside you now.” you nod again, you feel the toy slide deeper, your body doesn't resist at all, eagerly clenching around the rubber shaft, while Negan pushes it in all the way to the base. You fist the comforter under you with a gasp of pleasure as he slowly pulls the toy almost all the way out of you and thrusts it back inside. He's going slow, taking it easy on you, part of you appreciates his gentleness, another part of you, a more primal and sexual part, wishes he'd just fuck you hard and deep already.
You have to admit the anticipation the slow pumping of the toy is giving you adds a whole new level of pleasure to the experience.
“You ready for me to turn it on?” he finally asks once he's satisfied that your used to the girth of it stretching your walls.
“Yes!” you moan, and he flicks the vibrator on, sending a violent jolt of sensations through your core.
You didn't know what you were expecting but it wasn't for it to be this intense, the simulation is almost too much. The tip of the vibrator is pressed perfectly against that little spot that made your eyes roll back in your head whenever Negan massaged it with his fingers, making your body edgerly clench and throb around the shaft. It feels so much
different than  his fingers, it isn't just the wider girth or deeper penetration, it's the way the soft rubber almost molds to your body, letting your throbbing walls guide it right where you need it, and the vibrations… Oh God the vibrations!
He wasn't kidding when he said it'd blow your mind.
Negan gradually increased the speed and pressure as he moved the toy in and out of your needy pussy, each time the head of the vibrator left your sweet spot you groaned in frustration, followed by a moan of relieved pleasure when he thrust it back inside.
“You like that baby?” he asks, his lips suddenly against your ear. “You like having that tight little pussy filled up? If you think this is good, if you think you're all filled up now, just wait until it's my cock fucking you.” you feel your body start to clench tighter, a sign of your impending orgasm.
“Now how about you come for me? Show me how hard you're gonna come when I bend you over this bed and fuck you for real?” the tip of his index finger on his free hand teasingly strokes your clit, adding a new dimension of pleasure. You can tell your soaking both the panties and the comforter, but neither of you mind.
It only takes a few more well timed thrusts of the toy to make you come undone around it. The vibrations prolong your orgasm by a significant amount of time, it's so intense all you can do is desperately grip the lapels of his leather jacket, you can't even moan or cry out in your pleasure.
Your back arches off the bed, your pussy has never felt so full and tight, throbbing hard with each wave of your orgasm, and soaking the toy and Negan's hand in your juices.
Once the final wave subsides Negan slides the toy out of your body, leaving you feeling so empty you bite your lip to hold back a frustrated whimper.
“Hot damn! You're fucking soaked sweetheart.” Negan exclaimed when he held the vibrator up to the light, watching it glisten along with his hand. “you're gonna be a squirter, I can already tell.”
He drops the toy and licks your wetness from his fingers, watching him sucking his fingers clean gives you an idea and you reach for the toy, sliding the head between your lips, and circling it with your tongue, tasting yourself mixed with some lube. Negan watches you with lust blown eyes, you take a deep breath through your nose and swallow the toy down all the way, it's easier than his cock, and you're able to pull the clean toy out of mouth without gagging.
“Holy fuck, look at you! My dirty little girl. Why don't you get on your knees for me now, baby?”
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