#negative thoughts with Ayla
hellosweetie99 · 3 months
4 months clean down the drain
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group-oc-tournament · 4 months
Round 2 - Match 8
Hell Island
(@apotheoseity, @desertpacificoctopi, @mushpuppies, @starsweets, @kyrinasha, @justabunchofpineapples)
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Consisting of Terry, Strudel, Mags, Penny, Pixie and Shea.
Who are They?
From our horror RPG campaign! They're a bunch of randos who met online to go ghost hunting but got CAPSIZED ON A HELL ISLAND. Now they have to SURVIVE THE FLESH HORRORS and try not to DIE AND COME BACK WRONG (or do so AGAIN like in Terry and Pixie's case)
Team Marinverse
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Consisting of Marin Reaves, Zaida Verdine, Caelean Katsaros, Ayla, Even Ulberg and Ayumu Alaya.
Who are They?
From a fully oc-centric story set in the Riordanverse, they're a scouting group who are tasked with investigating how much of a threat the main antagonist is (his aim is noble but he doesn't consider the negative impacts of his end goal, and they're seeing how bad those impacts are). Only problem is, they have no idea what they're looking for, so no idea at all what they're doing. Featuring: - A doughnut-obsessed once-possessed somewhat depressed luck manipulator - Adrenaline junkie Caelan "It’s better than- I mean, I thought you’d think it would be better than investigating the intriguing prophetic nature of clouds” Katsaros - Common sense mourner Marin “Congratulations, Caelan. On finding something better than *clouds* to chase" Reaves - A Slightly Transparent^TM autistic marshmallow thief - Your resident angsty accidental elsa kinnie with a superiority complex (but no inferiority one underneath!) - A dream-walking hairstyle expert who probably wrote the first bullet point (their poetry is... yeah)
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
What gemstones best represent the ROs? :)
Ooh, I love this question! Let me think...
Blade: black onyx. "Black Onyx is a protection stone arousing and intensifying focus and determination when faced with conflict. It gives strength and promotes vigour, steadfastness and stamina. Enveloped by the idea of the present, Black Onyx is said to absorb negativity of the past, transforming and erasing it creating a more resounding present and future."
Trouble: ruby. Although I like the aesthetic idea of jasper for him, the meanings for ruby (and the color red) also seem to fit well: "The stone of nobility, the Ruby is associated with prosperity and passion. Rubies are known to arouse leadership, strengthen decision-making, and inspire integrity and vitality. Thought to symbolize the sun's unending flame or the color of blood, it can help us overcome old wounds and release us from destructive thought patterns. Rubies symbolize protection, compassion, and perseverance." Bloodstone also works well for him: "bloodstones help create energy, enthusiasm and confidence. It symbolizes passion, energy, warmth and strength; however it can also represent aggression and anger."
Tallys: jade. "The healing stone, Jade is thought to possess health-strengthening properties and encourage longevity. Famously hard and durable, it can also symbolize endurance. It is also believed that jade reflects the life of the wearer, becoming more brilliant and bright during good times and losing its lustre in times of suffering. A traditional charm for gardeners, jade is said to ensure bountiful harvests."
Shery: rose quartz. "Rose Quartz is a stone of the heart, a crystal of unconditional love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion, peace, tenderness and healing. It speaks directly to the Heart, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments. Opening the heart on all levels, it teaches the true essence of love, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others."
Riel: lapis lazuli. "Lapis Lazuli’s meaning is based on wisdom, truth, and good judgement; helpful in problem solving, intellectual analysis and coming up with new ideas." But sapphire works well too: "The stone of wisdom and royalty, believed to bring protection, intuition, clarity, insight, motivation, and self-mastery. Sapphire embraces order, structure, and self-discipline, and is ideal for accomplishing goals and manifesting ideas into form. It is believed to boost one's leadership abilities and give one mental clarity."
Chase: citrine. "The "light-maker," Citrine is said to open the mind to new thoughts and balance impatience and restlessness. Citrine is thought to promote optimism. It also attracts abundance and is known as the "merchant's stone"; it is often placed where business is conducted, not only to acquire wealth, but to maintain it. It increases happiness and joy, chases away negativity, and can even increase luck, leading it to being called 'The Success Stone' as well."
Red: apatite. "The perfect stone for encouraging personal growth and helping you achieve your dreams. It will arouse the creative soul within you, offering a sense of clarity, focus and self-expression through recognising your ambitions and directing your energy towards them. It is a stone of manifestation, promoting personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy and negativity and enhances insight and learning. Apatite promotes focus and can promote the blending of old with new in one's life."
Ayla: garnet. Aesthetically, I think topaz may fit her better, but in terms of gemstone meaning, this seems to fit really well-- "Garnet empowers the individual, increasing will-power and self image while aiding in soothing nervousness. The Garnet pushes you to challenge adversity by providing directional guidance and is believed to protect the traveler."
Briony: aquamarine. "A gemstone symbolizing power, strength, and beauty, aquamarine is associated with courage and the release of anxiety and fear. It is thought to soothe, calm, alleviate fear and to help relaxation on long journeys. Many believe that it protects sailors at sea. Tradition holds that it gives insight and promotes mental clarity, as well as hope, truth, and trust. The Stone of Communication, it can also symbolize rebirth."
Lavinet: diamond. "The king of all gemstones, Diamonds in lore are known for being indestructible providing the wearer with inner strength to face all of life’s struggles. A symbol of eternal love, diamonds were known as the master healers and were worn by kings into battle as the Stone of Invincibility. This ‘invincibility’ manifests itself to this day bringing emotional strength, courage and determination to all those who wear one. A diamond will inspire creativity, imagination and innovation and bring clear headedness when facing problems or decision making."
Mimir: moonstone. "The stone of protection, Moonstone is known for soothing insomnia and warding off nightmares which is what grants it its name as the protector of the subconscious. Moonstone holds an air of mysticism by nurturing the psyche and enhancing female power and intuition."
Halek: black obsidian. "Black obsidian is a strong and absorbent stone that will highlight whatever truth you are needing to see in your life. Considered to be a spiritual cleanser, it is a powerfully protective stone and should be cleansed often due to how much energy it is able to absorb. It can bring avoided emotions or truths to the surface and force you to deal with things you may have suppressed. Black obsidian has the ability to draw in the negative, transmute, and expel it back out again. It increases self-control and deals with facing one's true self, clearing confusion and promoting spiritual healing and strength.  A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity."
Prihine: pearl, though I can't really find a meaning that really fits her for this one!
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flatbstanley · 6 months
🎂 for justin (i have a hunch about his zodiac sign and i need to confirm bc he reminds me of someone ik irl lmao)
and 🤍💔for taylor !
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
I don’t know much about astrology or tarot beyond the basic star signs (and Justin most definitely doesn’t put any stock in those things). So I’m going to stick with the very basics here.
Justin’s birthday is May 14, making him a Taurus. He’s a few months shy of his 39th birthday at our current point in the story. When I looked up his birthdate and found out he was a Taurus, my first thought was “bullheaded…yep, that fits.” A little further reading tells me that they can be argumentative, stubborn, and possessive. So yeah…definitely a Taurus.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
1) Taylor is very loyal. Not a bad thing, but she needs to take a hard look at exactly what she’s loyal to.
2) She trusts easily and shares things quickly in new relationships. This has worked out in her friendships with Ayla and Kelly. In her relationship with Justin…not so much.
3) She has a lot of confidence in her own abilities. Again, not a bad thing, but it’s a large part of why she’s in over her head with Justin—she spent way too long believing she could handle him.
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
1) Taylor has a very narrow worldview. We’ll see more of this in the arc I’m working on, but she’s always lived an upper middle class life and doesn’t really understand what things are like outside that bubble.
2) She has a judgmental streak. She’s far more subtle about it than Justin is, but it’s definitely there.
3) She’s got some toxic positivity going on. I think this was always a small part of her personality, but having to curate her image as an influencer has really magnified it.
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snarky-bee · 9 months
10, 13, 40, 51, and 59 for her royal pinkness 💖
BRB changing my discord tag to her royal pinkness
10. what inspired this character’s creation? I was watching Buffy and spun off of a similar idea where in the show, there's this demon who can bestow people with the powers of a vengeance demon, which made me go oh hey thats like a warlock patron! The concept was from like 2021 when I was both watching critical role daily and watching buffy with Liv so really everything I thought about was Liv, buffy the vampire slayer, and critical role campaign 2.
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
Above all else, love. Abandoning home, abandoning self, in the pursuit of love, in the pursuit of *something* more than what currently is emptiness. When love becomes a pursuit of vengeance (uwu). Also the general feywild motifs reflecting in Moxie, that bright pretty colours hide dangerous insides and darkness. These were definitely intentional, and I think in fleshing out certain parts of backstory that I hadn't wholly filled in, I managed to strengthen those motifs even more. (this is so my way with characters. i have a basic outline, and find I can add richer detail the more I get to know them through writing/being them)
40. if you had to remake this character right now, how would you change them?’
I think I would have leaned more into Charlatan background instead of focusing so much on what Moxie was doing before The Horrors. It completely fits what she was up to in her pre-ayla years, and the bonuses from it would have been nice from it. That's one of the parts I didn't fully write out, just a general idea, and built it up more later BECAUSE she was so instantly the queen of white lies. and im like yeah that actually makes perfect sense here.
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
Childhood and how it ties into overall Exandria lore for sure. I was sooo damn pleased with myself from managing to connect a couple different area specific things to Moxie, and how that ties into her family being Like That and her leaving. It hasn't fully come up yet but I personally do enjoy it all for my own sense of place for my character in the world.
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
Chase Pleasure, Avoid Pain
I'm just better at sitting with and feeling and working through painful things. And in general, avoiding shit constantly is annoying to me. I like to be silly and chaotic, but I'm not chaotic enough to make life decisions and big things based on what's the next feel good thing and how can I avoid the Bad Shit indefinitely. Dealing with the negatives head on is better in the long run.
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nadiaxaydin · 6 months
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2 AM and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake "Can you help me unravel my latest mistake?"
whoa! nadia aydin just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for one week, working as a/an flight attendant. that can’t be easy, especially at only 25 years old. some people say they can be a little bit fervent and unrealistic, but I know them to be icarian and passionate. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to soho ! 
FULL NAME: Nadia Banu Aydin NICKNAME(S): Sunshine ( family & close friends ) LABEL: The Icarian AGE: 25 DATE OF BIRTH: December 10, 1998 ZODIAC: Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Rising, Gemini Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: Turkish SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English, Turkish OCCUPATION: Flight Attendant SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic
FACE CLAIM: Cemre Baysel HEIGHT: 5'2" WEIGHT: 115 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Left HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Hazel SCARS: Tiny ones all over from adventures and life wear and tear TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Icarian, Passionate, Apolaustic, Loyal, Benevolent, Humorous. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Fervent, Unrealistic, Flighty, Awkward, Naive Easily-Bored. LIKES: Tea houses, gardening, the feeling of sand between her toes, sun-kissed skin, watching the sun set, blasting music to clean her apartment, a nice pair of loved jeans, volunteerism, skinny dipping with strangers, catching last minute flights. DISLIKES: Confrontation, feeling left behind or left out, when people complain about their dislikes, crying, the sting of snow on bare skin, feeling bored in a new relationship.
PHOBIAS: Nyctophobia DISORDERS: ADHD, Anxiety ALLERGIES: Seasonal (Pollen)
HOMETOWN: Adana, Turkey CURRENT RESIDENCE: SoHo, NYC, NY EDUCATION LEVEL: BA in Astrophysics from NYU FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: - Ayla Aydin - 50, Mother, In Contact - Berat Aydin - 49, Father, In Contact
FOOD: Pickle pizza (just pickles in general, tbh) DRINK: Papaya green iced tea MOVIE: Serendipity, The Hangover TV SHOW: The Magicians, New Girl, Friends BAND/ARTIST: Lady Gaga, Sabrina Carpenter, Lizzy McAlpine, Renee Rapp SONG: 2AM - Anna Nalick
'Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable And life's like an hourglass glued to the table
TW; Abortion mention, Alcoholism mention
Adana, Turkey, seems like a fairytale to Nadia now. Once the place she called home, she now can only recall fighting pretend dragons with her father in the rose garden in the back of their cottage. Her father is an accomplished psychiatrist whilst her mother? Well, she was a yoga instructor. Yoga was a constant in Nadia's life, whether she liked it or not. Lucky for her mother, she was enthralled with being able to do cool positions; her mother liked that it helped her hyperactivity as well. From yoga being the start of the day with her mother, to unpacking the day at the end of the evening with her father, mindfulness and wellness was always a part of the Aydin household. Maybe that's what made her so alluring to those who were broken. She always seemed to attract those who needed pick-me-ups; Her best friend suffering from a poor home life and a teen pregnancy that Nadia assisted in bringing her to the abortion clinic at 13. Or there was this boy she was head over heels for that couldn't quite put the bottle down, but he managed to whenever he saw her frown. Nadia thought she was meant to help people. When it came to going to university, she went for Liberal Arts/General Studies to try to figure out where on Earth she belonged. She wound up going with what fascinated her and worked her way into NYU's BA program for Astrophysics when she was 21. Though, it still didn't feel right. She realized that she spent most of her life helping and pleasing others, that she genuinely didn't know what she wanted out of life besides being happy. It was on a whim that she saw the job positing to be a flight attendant, came back to NYC, and she loves it. Not only does it involve helping others, but it gives her the opportunity to experience the world and discover herself.
Nadia is a ball of sunshine - that little shot of espresso of a person. She never fails to make someone smile, and goes out of her way to make at least 5 people laugh a day. She falls in love at the drop of a hat. No joke. Like, if someone is nice to her, she's suddenly picturing painting their future kitchen yellow together. So, just be warned. But, she can be a bit flighty, and because of her personality of seeing the good in others, she lacks the ability to weed out those who may have ill intentions. She loves to dance, and if you were to walk into her apartment she would most likely be jamming to music whilst cleaning. She loves to garden, but kills everything she touches. She can play a bit of the piano and some guitar by ear. She loves art and dancing in the rain. Very manic pixie dream girl, but will very much break your heart with her boredom. She's just plagued with restlessness and she just will never 'settle' - at least, that's how she feels currently. In actuality, it's just that she's had so many people come and go that she doesn't think anyone would stay so she leaves first. Nadia is super loyal in the friendship vein and makes a great friend to either go out or stay in. She is also amazing at keeping secrets, unless she bought a gift... Then good luck, she's blabbing about what she got. But, she's always there for someone in need. This can be a stranger, to someone who is cruel to her; If someone needs help, she will do everything in her power to help them. Sundays is her designated charity day where she goes ad volunteers out in the community. She's just the sun personified, okay?
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dcvilgrams · 8 months
All the hearts arranged in rainbow order. And SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES on behalf of The Smiling God
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
his creativity, his organizational skills, & his dedication to his family
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
his anxiety/self-doubt, his tendency to jump to often irrational and self-deprecating conclusions, & his dependency on others
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
the thing he considers most important is his family. he worked incredibly hard, suffered so much, & literally even died to keep them and have them stay in his life. nothing is more important to him
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
to Xhura they are very borderline one and the same, but nothing comes above his family. now his family is self-made and not really comprised of blood-relatives (in the strictest sense) as much as it is comprised of people he is close to, but the circles of 'friends' & 'family' have a very large overlap for him
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
as a human, or as I will consider 'actively,' two: english and japanese
but as a demon & especially being tied to Barbatos he obviously knows many more should he need them; which I will call 'passively:' so many
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
it kind of depends on the day & on his mood, but Xhura isn't exactly an outdoors-y kind of guy so more often than not inside
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
well, he does have a set of primary & secondary wings as well as a tail; inherited from his transformation into a demon following his permanent stay in the Devildom
he's not the most naturally adept at spells—not like Satan for example—but he does have an affinity for passive magic where his connection with Barbatos is concerned. most of his spellcasting doesn't involve incantations when it isn't very specific magic
💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
his lineage on his mother's side can be traced all the way back to Lilith and her human children, while his lineage on his father's side can been traced back to a japanese woman named Ryoko; who the Demon King—Diavolo's father—took as his bride
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Xhura did kill a man by the name of Josiah Clarke; a sorcerer who led a twisted and misguided cult of angel-worshippers under the guise of 'Michael,' & who kidnapped Ayla (@houselamentation's mc & Lilith's doppelganger) in the hopes of turning Ayla into Lilith through perverse magic
dude had to die. I think that much is obvious
as for breaking someone's trust... well it could be argued that he broke Ayla's trust when he was the one who suggested to Diavolo that she be temporarily barred from the Devildom following the incident involving her developing magic & the Ring of Light...
but that's more a matter of opinion. he thought he was doing what was best for Ayla in the hopes that she would get help
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
everything must be color-coded, his eye color changes based on the situation & his mood & who he is with, & he unknowingly named his zombie iguana plushie Spooge & refuses to rename it even though he now knows what the word means
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Xhura never really had any life goals once he was forced to move away from japan & his dream of attending university there & becoming a historian was taken from him
now, though, he's fully embracing a future working towards becoming a royal historian for the Devildom, taking great care in his duties as a Lord of Hell, & wants to help realize Diavolo's dream of peace
details about ocs! | my ask
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aylabinici · 1 year
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Name: Ayla Binici Age / D.O.B.: 28, December 1st, 1994 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis female, she/her, bisexual Hometown: Jersey City, New Jersey Affiliation: Law enforcement Job position: Sketch artist Education: Bachelor's of Art History and Studio Art at NYU Relationship status: Single Children: A furbaby named Clio Positive traits: Cheerful, warm, reliable, charming, gentle Negative traits: Naive, impulsive, disorganized, softhearted, indecisive
From the moment she was born, Ayla arrived with a smile. She always brought an infectious smile wherever she went, and brought a warmth that reached everyone in the room. Lively, optimistic, and always able to seize each moment, Ayla looked at life as one grand adventure. From a young age she was fascinated by art. She was found doodling or coloring or painting growing up. Her arts and crafts covered the fridge in her Jersey City family home. While her older siblings fell into roles that her parents pushed for, living up to the expectations placed on them by immigrant parents, Ayla faced less pressure as the baby of the family.
Growing up across the water from New York City, the city had become a second home to her. Memories of family trips to the city, of celebrating Eid al-Fitr, of trips to art museums, shows in Radio City Music Hall, dining, shopping, and much more were staples of her upbringing. So when it came time to choose a place for college, Ayla found herself wanting to fully commit to the city. She applied all over, but in the end chose the art program at NYU. Art had always been her passion and while she had dreams of supporting herself fully with her passion, Ayla knew she needed a degree to try and help her if she had to take another path. She graduated with a double degree in studio art along with art history. While creating had always been her passion, history had always captured her imagination.
New York City felt like home to her, it was vibrant, full of life, and despite the realities of the dirty and crowded city, she could still feel the hum coursing through the city of every person just looking for more. So, she decided to stay after college. Ayla had tried her hand at breaking into the art world. And while she did have some mild success at local galleries and even sold a few pieces, it was not nearly enough to support her in the expensive city. She knew she had to take a second path, to work a more conventional job to pay her bills. The city was so expensive, from rent to food to even just surviving. Sadly, the realities of the world won out over her dreams. But, Ayla wouldn't give up. On the side she'd keep trying to be able to support herself with her passion.
With her experience with art history, she had originally thought to work at one of the museums in the city. New York City was a hub to art and culture, and there were jobs out there pertaining to art history. But one friend of hers connected her to the New York Police Department. Never in her life had Ayla imagined herself to work for the police force. She was a free spirt, she was a pacifist, she hadn't really thought to promote the law enforcement before. But the pay was better than she could find in a museum. Logic won out for this decision, if she could work just one job at the police department as a sketch artist she could focus her free time on her art, on gallery shows and on promoting and selling her work. In the end she took the job, telling herself it was only temporary and either she'd find another job or would be able to support herself with her art.
Her job at the New York Police Department proved to be not as involved as she had feared. She didn't have to enforce or investigate, only bring to life the sketches of the perpetrators of crimes reported by others. Ayla, who always had worn her heart on her sleeve and supported others, discovered that she could offer support to others in her role. Some who came to her were shaken, they were scared and upset. And for just a moment she could offer warmth and support, assurance that things would get better and comfort when all else failed. She's aware of the crime in the city in a more general sense. While she knows that gangs exist in the city, she doesn't know many details. Certain neighborhoods have certain gang activity, some expand over a larger territory. But since her job deals with people coming in reporting almost every kind of crime, Ayla has never been fully exposed or focused on organized crime and gangs like others in the department. For the most part, she's unaware of the powers that be ruling over and fighting over the city. Her life is removed and it's only a matter of time before the bubble of safety is popped.
Others in the art world
People to bring her into the gang world
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arryaletta · 2 years
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Hellooo!! ♡
Welcome to my bug blog!!! 🐞
My name is Ayla ^^ which is pronounced as AYE-LUH! And I use She/Her pronouns :)
This account is intended as my virtual diary where I talk the most when I have nothing else to do! so I really hope you enjoy my presence when im on Tumblr.
❕A slight trigger warning due to the fact that this account may have rants/vents about topics that may seem triggering to some❕
Some known facts about me:
I am Autistic, and yes I was professionally diagnosed. :)
I am slowly perusing my interests in Photograph, Writing, and a small bit of Art. Hopefully soon, I tend to share my interests and thoughts on my page!!!
I am TAKEN!!! (3-31-22 ♡) I am in a committed long distance relationship with my girlfriend @ariature ^^ So you better expect gushes here and there.
I want to help out to make online, and the real world a better place. I tend not to mention real life threats/topics due to the fact most of my mental state and anxiety can get at high risks if thinking about something negative for too long.
Some Home Rules For My Page:
Be Kind to yourself and others.
No bullying or harassment.
Be yourself!!! ♡
Enjoy your Stay! ☆
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hellosweetie99 · 11 months
Answering “how are you?” When you’re chronically ill and mentally ill is mental gymnastics
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
That gif just reminded me about something. We know Marinette loves Adrien thanks to the Umbrella Magic, but what about Alya? In Origins, wasn't Ayla's first impression regarding Adrien also negative since he was a friend of Chole? And *poof* that's gone. Marinette's opinion rarely affects her, so what. Is it because anyone having negative emotions towards Adrien needs to realize their mistake? (Marinette & Alya don't know the "real" him, Kagami is clearly bitter, Nino is jealous of CN's charm).
(the post this anon is referring to)
No lies here.
And yeah, basically anyone who dislikes Adrien would be either an antagonist or is wrong/has to apologize for it.
Remember in “Party Crasher” when characters who basically never talked to Adrien suddenly got together to throw him a party? Same concept. Either you love Adrien and make him feel good about himself, or you’re a bad guy.
Anonymous asked:
Food for thought: if the red strings are in fact tied to the Miraculi, then if the Earrings stayed with Alya, would *she* have wound up bound to Adrien?  What if he didn't like the 'new' Ladybug as much?  Would the strings try to force them together regardless, try to rope Mari back in, or what?  Would Alya get screwed over as much as Mari due to 'fortune's favor'?
I would think that, since Adrien didn’t fully jump into his “crush” yet (the “m’lady” started after the first stepping stone for the it though), he’d probably be more inclined to accept Alya (otherwise, yeah, I think he’d be over it in one episode ala “Hack-San” where he was suddenly gushing over her). I think the miraculous would adjust to the new ladybug being Alya, especially since Alya would fully accept the role unlike Marinette at the time. Alya’s also not as reliant on rules as Marinette is so how it’d actually go with Chat if he fell for her is up in the air (like, if she’d go on a date with him just to see how things went).
Anonymous asked:
So if Alya DID end up with the Earrings post-Origin, would that mean SHE'D be the one getting slapped with all the mandatory lessons about how 'Everything Is All Your Fault, Always and Forever, and It's YOUR Responsibility and Yours ALONE to Fix It'? Would that actually mean she gets to catch a clue once in a while, or does the whole Status Quo Is God thing mean that she still remains static/staunchly convinced that she's Always Right And 100% Knows What She's Doing Eff You All?
Or a mix of all of the above where nothing is consistent and the miraculous just molds her karma into whatever’s convenient at the time.
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group-oc-tournament · 8 months
Round 1 - Match 15
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Consisting of Breeze of Dawn, Heart of Ember and Riddle of Raven
Who are They?
The Dreamkin belong to Final Light, a horror/survival project based off feral cat colonies. Their mother was Call of Dreams, one of the most important characters of the setting- Dreams had a prophecy of the apocalypse, but because her abusers managed to turn everyone against her, no one listened to her warnings. She was forced to run away to survive, but before she fled, she stole three kittens. These three- Dawn, Raven, and Ember- would grow up under her care, and be the only ones to ever know her story. The rest of the world would call Dreams 'saint' or 'demon', or by the epithet of 'The Shining One', but the Dreamkin would always know her as 'mom'. The Dreamkin are especially fun because they all see their mom differently, all affected by her in distinct ways. Raven left to find their bio parents after finding out Dreams lied about their parents being dead, and is stuck in the past trying to find a home that never existed. Ember began to believe the rumors that Dreams was a 'test' sent by the gods that the colonies failed, and thinks that Dreams is effectively a demigod, holding her to extremely unhealthy standards because of this. Dawn left his family to make the world a better place, and ended up finding a group of cats who were trying to redeem themselves after doing wrong. He took pity on them and joined their cause, believing them to be sincere in their regret- and ignoring his mother's pleading that the people he joined were her abusers. They are siblings inheriting the title of failed savior. They are all gay. They all hate each other to varying degrees but would die for each other at a moment's notice. There's a character in the project that thinks they're all hot and has a crush on them all. They visit each other all the time but would rather eat glass then spent more than a night in their vicinity. They all have SUCH unhealthy relationships with their mom like guys what the hell is wrong with y'all. They are forced to hide their connection to Dreams despite her impact on them being core to who they all are. (Dreams and Ember use she/her, Dawn and Raven use he/him)
Team Marinverse
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Consisting of Marin Reaves, Zaida Verdine, Caelean Katsaros, Ayla, Even Ulberg and Ayumu Alaya
Who are They?
From a fully oc-centric story set in the Riordanverse, they're a scouting group who are tasked with investigating how much of a threat the main antagonist is (his aim is noble but he doesn't consider the negative impacts of his end goal, and they're seeing how bad those impacts are). Only problem is, they have no idea what they're looking for, so no idea at all what they're doing. Featuring: - A doughnut-obsessed once-possessed somewhat depressed luck manipulator - Adrenaline junkie Caelan "It’s better than- I mean, I thought you’d think it would be better than investigating the intriguing prophetic nature of clouds” Katsaros - Common sense mourner Marin “Congratulations, Caelan. On finding something better than *clouds* to chase" Reaves - A Slightly Transparent^TM autistic marshmallow thief - Your resident angsty accidental elsa kinnie with a superiority complex (but no inferiority one underneath!) - A dream-walking hairstyle expert who probably wrote the first bullet point (their poetry is... yeah)
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fairycosmos · 2 years
is is possible to be fatphobic while being fat? i fucking hate and repulse myself and have awful thoughts about other fat ppl i hate being like this
yeah it's just internalized fatphobia at that point. i mean we're all bombarded with fatphobic ideals and diet culture from the moment we're born, regardless of how much we weigh, so it makes sense that no one is left unaffected. in fact your relationship with your own body could possibly be making your need to criticize other large ppl worse, kind of like a form of projection. i hope you're able to get some therapy so you can start talk through it with someone, and really break down why you think your body is so wrong that you're repulsed by it. who taught you that, what makes it true, who benefits from you feeling that way etc. what affirmations and coping mechanisms you can employ on a daily basis to start reframing the way you deal with this subject in your mind. ultimately, a big part of undoing the pain you're dealing with is by being heard and supported. if that's not an option, there are ways to help yourself understand why you think and feel this way, and what you can do about it. recognizing these biases and negative thought processes is the first step to rewiring how your brain sees fat people and bigger bodies, and yourself. especially if you're able to catch yourself thinking something bad (about you or about someone else) in the moment it's happening - then you can practice actively redirecting your mind. also just as a side note, i think seeking out media with positive fat representation (a very hard task task i know) could really make a difference, too. art, books, movies, TV shows - anything that normalizes bigger people just existing without apology. be aware of the type of media you consume often, and about what it's teaching you. i'm going to leave some books/articles i recommend below, you may be able to find their PDF's online if you can't pay for them. i think it's a positive sign that you're able to admit that you hate the way you think and that it's not conducive with the type of person you want to be. and i know this all feels like a lot of work but unfortunately it is, and it's life-long. it took years to get to a point of such deep self hatred, and it may take years to fully come out of it but life will feel a lot lighter if you try. not always, but often. for you, and the fat ppl around you.
books/reading recs:
you have the right to remain fat by virgie tovar
body neutrality: the liberating practice of accepting your body exactly as it is by ayla freitas ghibaudy
body talk by katie sturino
the body is not an apology by sonya renee taylor
fearing the black body: the racial origins of fatphobia by sabrina strings
the harmful and insidious effects of fatphobia: an article
i want to clarify that i don't necessarily agree with every statement, or every approach taken in these suggestions, and it's good to keep an objective and open mind while consuming them. but i think in this context, learning the basis of their overarching core messages and trying to really embrace them will help you out a ton. x
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readingandsiamese · 2 years
I had another Shepherds of Haven dream. (After I had one where I was in the old west. My brain is an interesting place.)
Anyway, I wrote a short fan ficlet inspired by it with Blade, Trouble, my character Nira, and an intimidated healer. I'm not even sure that calligraphy like the kind in this story exists in Blest, but bear with me. I love cute scenes that end up with Blade running away, lol. Warnings: fluffy pining, a minimum of cursing, calligraphy
ShOH belongs to Lena Nguyen, @shepherds-of-haven . As do Trouble, Blade, and Ayla.
Disturbed Discipline
Captain Nira Rookesby, Hero of Haven, was trying not to grin. She was sitting at a table watching the Commander and Vice Commander of the Shepherds practice calligraphy. The deadliest assassin and the fiercest sniper in Blest were both holding a delicate inkbrush and attempting artistic writing.
Trouble was frowning at the paper. "This doesn't look like any of the samples," the sniper said.
"That's because you're terrible," Blade deadpanned.
Nira laughed, she couldn't help it.
"Don't laugh," Trouble said. "You're the one that dragged us into this."
"I thought it was going to be traditional painting," Nira said. "Like landscapes."
One of the new Healers had set up free art lessons during her downtime to "improve morale and soothe the soul," but no one had taken her up on it. Nira, friendly and popular, had been asked to join in. If the Hero of Haven does it, more Shepherds will try it. Please? I just want to help people relax and enjoy the arts, the healer had said.
In the end, Nira agreed and had managed to convince both her best friend and her...Blade...to join her. Even in her thoughts she wasn't sure how to refer to Blade other than the Commander. Her...swain?
"Whatcha thinking about Nira?" Trouble asked with a shit-eating grin. As her best friend, he likely knew exactly what she was thinking about so she gave him a look.
The healer, Alana Kevern, walked over. "As you paint, try to let the negative energy flow out of you."
Nira, Trouble, and Blade looked up at her. Alana paused. Feeling guilty, Nira tried to give the woman an encouraging smile since Blade was staring at the Mage like she'd grown two heads and Trouble just looked confused.
"Just picture all of the...negative feelings you carry inside you...coming out," Alana said hesitantly. "Flowing through your brush onto the paper."
"I don't carry negative feelings. I let them out instantly," Trouble said.
"To the detriment of everyone around you," Blade replied in a droll tone of voice.
"We can't all be unfeeling kaqs," Trouble replied.
"Um," Alana said, clearly at a loss.
Nira bit her lip, trying not to smile, but said kindly, "Thanks for hosting this. It's nice."
Alana nodded. "But don't you want to do the relaxing breathing exercises?"
"I know how to breathe, thanks," Trouble said with a grin.
Alana smiled weakly at the Vice Commander then looked at Blade who stared back at her with a flat expression.
"I already know multiple breathing exercises," he said after Nira elbowed him.
"Okay," Alana said. "Well, have fun…"
She left.
Nira shook her head at them.
"I think I'm done. Hey, Nira, is that Magid?" Trouble asked, pointing towards his paper.
Nira peered at it. "It does... sort of resemble it…"
Trouble laughed. "Thanks. So it doesn't say 'happiness' or 'peace' or 'love' or whatever shit thing it's supposed to say?"
"It says 'I'm horrendous,'" Blade said in a deadpan voice.
"No, it says, 'Blade should shut his damn mouth,'" the sniper replied. "Alright, I'm done, I'm gonna go get us something to eat. I'll be right back."
He left. Blade and Nira were left alone; the healer had clearly given up on them.
Blade painted with a surprising amount of skill, finishing his work.
"You're good at that," Nira said. "What word did you choose?"
"You tell me," he replied.
Nira leaned over. "Discipline." She laughed. "So much for writing down 'the thing you most long for, the thing you can't do without,''' Nira said, echoing the other Mage's directions. "You have enough discipline."
"Perhaps I was hoping for discipline from others," Blade replied drolly.
Nira smiled at him. "Are you implying that I don't have enough discipline, Commander?"
"Perish the thought," Blade retorted.
"Perhaps you can teach me a breathing exercise to rectify that," she said.
The two of them laughed then smiled at each other, full of mirth, until the moment of staring into each other's eyes had gone on long enough to mean something else. Nira's heart beat louder and her nose turned red as she started to blush. Finally, Blade cleared his throat and looked away.
"What did you paint?" He asked, awkwardly gesturing to her parchment.
Nira glanced down, nose and cheeks turning even more red. "Oh, I, uh, didn't really choose, I just did the same thing as her first sample."
She pointed at the sample, which notably didn't have the translation in Common beneath it.
Blade raised an eyebrow. "Which says...?"
"Love," she said quietly, looking up at him with her green eyes.
"Ah." A beat, then Blade stood. "Thank you for the diversion, Nira. Have a good day."
"Wait, Trouble's bringing food-" Nira started, standing up as well, but he had already fled.
The brown haired Elf Mage leaned back, defeated, putting her hands on the table. Her right hand went directly onto Blade's wet ink painting. She lifted her palm, grimacing.
"Niiice," Trouble said, walking in with a huge tray of food.
Nira made a dismissive gesture with her ink stained hand and sank down to a seated position.
"Aw, don't be sad," Trouble said, sitting down the tray. "He'll come around. Eventually."
Nira gave him a half smile, then sat down to eat with her best friend. She put her feelings aside, laughing and joking with Trouble and then Ayla who materialized immediately when it seemed food might be wasted.
"You wasting that plate?" Ayla asked, joining them.
"Yeah, since you're eating it," Trouble sniped.
Ayla cursed him good naturedly.
"Ignore him, you're welcome to it," Nira said.
"So treat him normal, you mean," Ayla said. "I always ignore him."
The two bickered back and forth and Nira laughed at them, able to brush everything aside and enjoy being with her friends.
When they left, though, Nira picked up a brush and painted another word.
Later, she looked at the paintings she'd gathered. Despite having put her hand in the wet ink--she was never clumsy or awkward except when it came to him--Blade's word Discipline was still legible. She traced the now dry symbol once, then slipped it under the Commander's door along with the newest word she'd painted and a note.
Sorry I'm bad for Discipline-I accidentally messed yours up. I thought I'd offer Joy to replace it, hah. Thanks for coming. -Nira
Her first painting, Love, Nira put in a drawer in her room. It was not always seen but ever present, just like her feelings for Blade.
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hostess-of-horror · 3 years
So... Sam and Max: This Time It's Virtual comes out tomorrow. @sevendeadlyvices recently made a post asking us what we're going to do with the Cadet (or Lumpy) in terms of designing them.
Now, I'm just brainstorming here and I didn't want to sit idle, so I'm making this post to share my thoughts. I don't expect my ideas to blow up or anything; I'm just thinking.
For starters, my tumblrsona will be the Cadet. Here's a picture of her, so that you can get a basic idea of what she looks like.
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Now, of course, she (or I should say, I, because it's me) will not be wearing this outfit when joining the Freelance Police. Instead, I will be appropriately dressed - to an extent. The big problem I'm dealing with at the moment is whether or not my outfit should be "Film Noir" themed or normal clothes with gear or something else entirely. But regardless of which direction I go, I will be a Goth/punk/alternative character. Think Abby from N.C.I.S. or Ruby Gloom or Lydia Deetz. Any negative stereotypes about the Goth subculture will be thrown out the window.
Also, because it's a VR game, I should probably add the headset as an accessory (maybe).
As for my name, "Cadet" would be a good choice all on its own. But at the same time, I like the idea of Sam and Max saying my real name: Ayla (pronounced as "eye-lah/I-la"). OR, my player name can be M.B. (short for @monsterbride99).
Anything having to do with storylines will depend on what the gameplay actually is. I don't have a concrete idea, but I do have a little bit of a backstory:
The Cadet/Ayla/M.B. is from another dimension - a dimension she made that's basically unknown to everyone else except her and the people she comes across. This dimension is what she calls "Sam and Max's Horror Show" and she is the Host, the "Crypt Keeper", of this Horror Show. Sam and Max's Horror Show is similar to "Tales from the Crypt", as it's depicted as a T.V. show consisting of episodes. Each new day is a new episode, and each day is reset, and thus rises a new horror to experience. The Cadet/Ayla/M.B. creates these episodes with Sam, Max, and other various characters as if they were mere toys. When she somehow ends up in Sam and Max's world, she begins to wonder if this is a blessing or a curse. Is it a gift from the universe fit for an obsessed fan? Or is it a punishment for using these living beings as a means to entertain others?
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eyesxindisposed · 2 years
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                 ♠ the least they ever gave you                                          was the most you ever knew ♠
                                          ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴    ✴   ✴   ✴    
full name:  evren bosnak
nicknames:  ev, evie, bosnak (aslan, only to his sister)
age:  33
date of birth:  august 20
zodiac: leo
gender:  male
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: tbd
hair color: brown
eye color: hazel
height: 6′2″
weight: 178 lbs
morality:  neutral good
meyers-briggs: ENTP ||  debater
positive traits: courageous, determined, strong-willed, enthusiastic, kind
negative traits: overbearing, stubborn, intense, critical
job: heavy rescue firefighter
skills: organized, unshakable, fluent in english, turkish, and spanish, small guitar skills.
parents: hakan and ayla bosnak
siblings: sibel bosnak
backstory and details - TRIGGER     WARNING :                                       death, manipulation, struggle, etc.
                                            ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴     ✴   ✴   ✴    
Losing a parent can be traumatic, but when they are taken from you in an accident so suddenly that it couldn’t be avoided, that trauma can fester. Perhaps that’s why, at the ripe age of twelve, Evren Bosnak became the leader of his family. It wasn’t supposed to be that way: his mother was still there, she was supposed to be the one that shouldered the weight to keep the household from it’s fall, but her spiral only seemed to make the ground come up that much faster. 
It’s often said that childhood is over the moment you know you’re going to die. Evren knew his childhood had reached it’s expiration date the first time he saw a bright red FINAL NOTICE stamped across the front of a bill. It was over the moment he knew just how important a bill could be. Coaxing his mother into paying that bill was only the first of many mountains he’d have to climb, all the while begging her to come back to them, begging her to be his mother again, praying she’d brush his little sister’s hair again, anything, even in it’s smallest measure. She never did. 
It became apparent that, while his father had died, his mother had gone with him. All at once, he’d lost the twin pillars without which he could not stand. Everything came crashing down, falling so heavy on his shoulders it threatened to crush him. His saving grace was the thought of his little sister. She’d lost her parents, same as he had. He couldn’t let her lose another loved one to wicked circumstance. He knew then that, no matter how difficult the road ahead would be, climbing it would serve a purpose. His sister would be okay. 
From then on, it became routine. The goal was to keep the sky from falling, and if pieces did, it was his obligation to put them back together. 
He struggled his way through school, barely managing to skate by with a diploma before he jumped into doing something that made sense. When he was a child, before the crash that robbed him of his family, Evren had often dreamed of being a superhero, just like The Flash or Robin (because Batman had too much responsibility). Though that seemed mostly unattainable as an adult, some part of it did make sense; he’d been putting out proverbial fires for the majority of his life. It made sense to fight a few real ones. He could be a hero, just not very super.
He started volunteering at the Chicago Fire Department the moment he’d graduated, working part time at a bike messenger service while he struggled his way through an EMT program in hopes he’d eventually get hired. All the while, he carried on looking after his little sister, five years his junior. Raising a teenage girl, while still a teenager yourself, was a struggle no older brother ever really intends to have. There was something surreal in becoming a parent to a sibling: there was no sense of ownership, nothing to hint at any actual authority. He just had to hope there would be a shared respect among the wounded. They were, after all, two children locked in a war against happenstance.
Choosing to become his sister’s legal guardian wasn’t a hard decision to come by. He needed to get her out of the conditions they’d been locked in for so many years, he needed to ensure she was safe and able to stay with family, rather than be ripped away and forced to live in a house far more apathetic than theirs. She had been failed by everyone in her life, he didn’t want to be next.
Going through the papers his father had left behind in the hopes of building his case for guardianship, Evren came across some things that looked to be inconsistent. Rather, it was the lack of information that forced suspicion. He knew his father’s family had been well off, that they’d faced struggles when they’d immigrated, but that was the end of it. He’d never heard his grandparents names, never knew if he had aunts or uncles or cousins he ought to have been chasing around the yard. The realization that there were secrets, so thoroughly out in the open yet unattainable that whatever reason his father had for hiding them couldn’t have been good.
Still, life carried on. He secured his career as a firefighter, his sister was safely listed under his care. All that remained was to work and grow. To become more, at least on his sister’s part. Evren was fine where he was: every grand ambition planned for him in his youth died the night his father had, though he wouldn’t come to know that for the next few years.
The day his sister approached him with the thought of leaving home, he couldn’t fault her for her desire, only the means by which she took it. He knew that she hated their mother for all of her indiscretions, that living at home would only serve as a reminder every day that their mother abandoned them, that their father was gone, that her brother would have killed himself if it meant her success. However, he could not reconcile himself in trusting the rotten boyfriend that had come into her life so suddenly, yet made himself a fixture of permanence. Rather than fight his sister, he elected to join her. A year after she’d moved down to Las Vegas, Evren followed, setting himself up in the local fire department and economy.
He made himself known and indispensable in the community for all of his rescue training, often nestled somewhere in the public eye in conjunction with the fire department. One night spent at a charity block party sponsored by the Asena Bank was enough to change everything. Not only was his face on display: the face of his father that had long since run from the responsibility of his family, but his name was set up for all eyes to see. Bosnak, the prodigal son returned home in the vessel of his hidden son.
They’d already had the daughter, but greed made them hungry for the heir. Posed to him as a question of safety for his younger sister, Evren agreed to take up the mantle his father had shirked. His training, his ease of responsibility, his willingness to sacrifice himself for his sister forced the question: what would he be in order to benefit the family? Falling into his niche as a heist specialist post initiation was easy: he could force himself to disassociate from the fact that his plan was what would serve as the family’s gain. 
He could ignore that so long as he was the man behind the details, the slaughter wouldn’t bleed red across his ledger. For all those years, Evren wanted to be a hero, and now he was Robin. Though he longed to be Dick Grayson, he had been named as Damian Wayne. The Son. The Replacement. The command head that would do as fate demanded under the burning desert sun. 
He carries on as he must, content to keep his head down and his nose clean in the public eye and under his career, but family. That thing he wished so often to have during moments of hardship and struggle, the love and support he craved in hours of self doubt when he was eating peanut butter sandwiches by candle light, the companionship he prayed for above all else called to him first. Family always comes first.
serving as the heist specialist for his mob family is a weird crossroads to be at. on one hand, he’s glad to have other people that share his blood in the thick of it all. it matters that he’s part of a family again and not all of the focus is on him. on the other hand, he’s helping people get hurt and that’s not what he swore to do.
wanted connections
mostly TBD, he’s fairly new to nevada and it’s a big city so anything we can get. 
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