lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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This picrew is literally a godsend!!! If you guys have DA OCs, check it out! Click for better quality ~🌺
I used it for some post-Trespasser looks for my babes(including Avi, ½ of my Surana twins and Nehri’s canon Arcane advisor. We don’t talk about her scars...)
From Left to Right ~ Mithari Lavellan Syrillon ~ Velahris Lavellan ~ Nehriel Lavellan ~ Cassia Cadash ~ Teya Adaar ~ Aviselan Surana
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big-moodboard · 5 years
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Nehriel Lavellan
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
no guts, no voice, no bones
The Fade eased open around Nehri, embracing her like she was always meant to be there. The one place which would always hold a space for her, in both body and soul. Here, life was free of complications. Here, she forgets the pain of her waking moments, free to slip beyond the veil, whispering with spirits of Wisdom and Compassion.
And yet, even the Fade was different at Skyhold.
It felt old. Older than itself, she supposed. The veil beckoned her across, trapping her in unending nightmares. The souls of those who died at Haven screaming for mercy, absolution. Those she couldn’t save, begging for the Maker’s forgiveness. She was tormented. They weren’t her people - they would never be her people. But she felt responsible for them. She was their leader, and she failed them.
As she was pulled back into consciousness, she began to cry. Warm, wet tears rolled down her cheeks, washing away the dark kohl that painted her eyes.
“Da’len, you are above this. They are not your people.” Purpose chastised her, and she could feel the tinge of disappointment pricking at the back of her mind.
“They trusted me, and I betrayed them. They put their faith in me, however misguided it may have been, and I failed them!” She sniffles softly, suffering in silence as she has always done.
“Your destiny is not to lead the humans, child. Do not concern yourself with them. Their lives mean nothing.” Purpose’s voice fades as Nehri brushes her out of her thoughts, sitting upright in bed as she catches a glimpse of flickering candlelight at her door.
“Vhenan?” Solas’ voice floats through the silence like music, low and soft, easing the tension in her muscles. She allows her head to fall back on the pillow, tying a bow in the loose ribbons of her nightgown.
“It was just a nightmare, Solas. I’m alright now.” She still hadn’t quite recovered, brushing off the remnants of tears onto her sleeve. She could still feel the burning behind her cheeks, the pain in her heart.
As he approaches, she rolls to the opposite side of the bed, pulling back the covers and inviting him in.
“Will you stay with me?” She asks, only half-pleading. Her body quivers, a side effect of the night terrors she’d been plagued by. He clasps his hand around hers, slipping in beside her. His arms found themselves snaking around Nehri’s waist, his face burrowed in her neck. 
“Of course. I am happy to oblige.” He sighs into her skin, perfumed and soft, remarkably flawless. Her hair was fanned out against the pillow behind her, draping over his shoulders. It smelled of incense and spices, memories etched into his mind like runes in a stone.
“To be honest, I... am not sure if I’m alright. Not anymore.” A moment of vulnerability. One single sentence, spoken in confidence. Her soft voice faltering on syllables she was once sure of. It was progress, albeit slow. He was proud.
“You have done well, vhenan. Your grief will pass. For now, you must focus on the future.” He runs his fingers through her hair and down the curves of her waist, marveling at her softness. How many thousands of years had it been since he’d felt her lips against his? The gentle touch of her hand at his waist? Her smile, as she leads him through a dance she’d known since childhood?
“I suppose I should.” She tightens her grip on her hand, nails biting into her skin.
“Sleep, vhenan. You have been through enough.” 
“And what if the nightmares return for me?”
“Hush, Marigold. I shall protect you.”
“Marigold? My, my, Solas. You’ve been spending far too much time with Varric.”
“It is a lovely nickname. I believe it suits you well.”
“I... think so too. Varric does have a way with words.” Nehri sighs deeply, curling her legs up. “Solas?”
“Hm?” Solas hums, carding his fingers through her hair. It was impossibly soft, midnight-black and sleek as it glittered in the candlelight.
“Thank you.”
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Nehri is shredded and nobody can change my mind. She deadlifted Corypheus’ dragon. 👌🤣
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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B E A N  A L E R T
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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High Quality Nehri Pics!!
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Sim!Nehri is babey and that’s all I wanted to say 🌺😍
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
WIP Wednesday!
Cutting it reeeeeal close with this one! Thanks to the lovely @midnightprelude for tagging me! If you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! I want to see your WIPS!!!
This is an excerpt from the first chapter/prologue of The Wolf’s Path! It’s still a WIP, and I’m too tired to edit for spelling/grammar right now so I hope it’s alright!
The sea lurched beneath the wooden floorboards of the hold, and Nehri’s stomach reeled along with it. It was stuffy and hot below deck, a far cry from the crisp forest air she was so accustomed to. It was all a bit too much; the waves slapping the hull, the huffing of the sailors and the other passengers, the piercing cry of a lone gull. It was nauseating. Stupid shems and their stupid boats. What she wouldn’t give to be back home, on solid ground again. To feel dirt beneath her feet and under her fingernails, to hear the wind whistling through the trees, the halla grazing in the fields. But she had a sacred duty to perform, and not a force in the world could stop her.
She had made an unbreakable vow when she received her vallaslin - that she would protect Clan Lavellan as if they were her own, and lead them with the wisdom and compassion of a true-born Dalish. But she was not a true-born Dalish, no matter how many times she milked a halla or shat in the bushes. She was not of their people, and they hated her for it. The other children called her ‘flat-ear’, before their Keeper shooed them away. The Keeper had chosen her, but the rest of the clan surely had not. She didn’t blame them for disliking her. She had many unlikeable qualities.
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Could have been better but I made this in like 3 minutes so… Nehri! 
Moodboard Requests Are Now Open!
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
OC Introduction - Nehriel Lavellan
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Template by @slothssassin !
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Role: Inquisitor, Witch of the Arlathan Forest
Class: Mage
Specialisation: Blood Mage
Full Name: Lilea / Nehriel Deshanna Lavellan
Nickname(s): Nehri
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles: Inquisitor, Witch of the Arlathan Forest(post-Trespasser)
Birthday: 17th Guardian, 9:13 Dragon(28 at the Conclave)
Physical Description: Nehri stands at 5′11″, very tall for an elf, with medium brown skin(warm undertones) and thick, straight hair falling(when undone) to her lower back. She has yellow-gold eyes and Dirthamen’s vallaslin. Her build is very lithe, though she has quite a bit of muscle for being so slight.
Clothing Style: She wears mostly loose flowing robes with billowing sleeves cinched at the wrist, as well as leathers to protect herself. She favors vibrant tones such as blue and orange, as well as reds and greens.
Born Lilea, Nehri was raised a slave in Tevinter, owned by a not-so-progressive Magister(yet to be named) who enjoyed tormenting his slaves. She regularly faced beatings and abuse at the hands of her master, many of his guests(fellow magisters) and members of his family. They worsened as she got older, leading to lasting emotional and physical trauma. Her magic manifested when she was 12, in the form of a massive electrical blast which killed the magister and much of his family. After that incident, she ran - never looking back. She managed to keep herself safe from slave hunters using her magic until she found a Dalish clan willing to take her in. She was given a new name, a new identity, to hide her. She became Nehriel Lavellan, first to the Keeper.
At some point during her travels, she met a spirit of Purpose willing to help her in her quest. She allowed herself to become its host. Purpose is a benign spirit, and while being similar to Justice in many ways, it only seeks to help Nehri on her path, never fully possessing Nehri to ensure her safety. Nehri thinks of Purpose as a parental figure, remarking that “Purpose... has always been there. Even in my darkest days, Purpose has guided me.”
She is a very disciplined, intelligent woman - unsettlingly calm, due to Purpose’s influence on her. She is not shy as much as introverted, preferring to keep to herself most of the time, remaining mysterious to much of the Inquisition and even the Inner Circle. Though outwardly she does not show much emotion, as time goes on she grows to care deeply for each and every member of the Inquisition, whether they share her views or not. She respects them as individuals and loves them as friends. She and Blackwall share a special bond, and after Revelations Nehri mentions that “We’re quite similar, you know. We both wear names that aren’t our own. We’ve both done things we aren’t proud of, ashamed of who we were in the past. But we can do better. We can be better, lethallin. I know we can.”
Nehri was very hesitant to willingly join the Inquisition, understandably suspicious and terrified of being held prisoner. During the early days, she found solace in Solas - the only other elf in the Inquisition, apart from Leliana’s spies and Minaeve. She appreciated his quest for knowledge and loved to hear stories of his adventures in the Fade, comparing them to her own. It wasn’t long until their relationship became more than simple talks. Solas helps her understand that even though the humans have wronged her, being Inquisitor gave her an opportunity to forgive and change her mind. Once she reveals the fact that she’s a vessel for a spirit,  she grows to care for the others in the Inquisition a little too much.
A passionate revolutionary, Nehri leads the Inquisition not as an organization of faith but one dedicated to changing Thedas for the betterment of all people, especially mages and elves. Her intelligence and determination are a great boon to the Inquisition, and her knowledge of Dalish and Elven history and customs help a great deal. Her familiarity with Tevinter also adds another, slightly more critical, perspective.
After the Exalted Council, once she realizes she’s pregnant(after a deliberate tryst with Solas before he left), she disbands the Inquisition and retires to the Arlathan Forest west of Tevinter, becoming an informal Witch of the Wilds. There she gives birth to her son Fenesvir, and they spend the time they have left together far away from the shemlen. She still keeps in contact with her friends from the past however, and if something does come up, she’ll be there to deal with it - again.
Preferred Fighting Style: She fights defensively, though she definitely loves to use her staff blade. She mostly hangs behind her allies, preferring to find a vantage point and cast spells from there.
Favorite Weapon: Her staff. She carved it from Ironbark, and it appears to still be living. The magic that courses through it keeps the wood alive, so much so that it still bears leaves at the ends even though it was cut many years ago.
Magical Abilities: She’s a remarkably powerful mage, so much so that the Anchor hardly fazes her.
Special Skills: She’s a BLOOD MAGE. Only on weekends, though.
Family: Her adoptive mother, Keeper Deshanna. She doesn’t remember her birth parents, as she was sold to the Magister when she was very young.
Love Interest: Solas
Best Friends: Solas, Varric, Cole, Vivienne, Dorian, Iron Bull, Blackwall
Positive Traits: Intelligent, Disciplined, Calm
Negative Traits: Hell-bent on revolution, A little too radical for most people
Likes: Kids, Fashion, Long Conversations with Purpose.
Dislikes: Templars, Magisters, Humans(generally).
Fears: Loss of Purpose(figuratively and literally), Irrelevance, Loneliness
Guilty Pleasure: Trinkets from Tevinter. As much as she goes on about the problems in her homeland, she values small little gifts of common things very much. There are a few things she still carries with her from her childhood in the Imperium that are incredibly dear to her.
Hobbies: Being A Forest Witch, Raising Her Son, Continuing Correspondence with Varric and Anders.
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Sea change for the micro-story ask? :)
19. Sea Change - for Nehri/Solas
Nehri had never liked the ocean, although she didn’t particularly know why. Something about the undulating of the tides, the fury of storms on the water unsettled her. Deep down, the sea reminded her of herself. Solas seemed to understand this.
The ocean was different with him around. It seemed to calm, revealing irresistibly shiny pebbles on the shore that she couldn’t help but pocket. When they returned to Haven, she affixed them to her staff as keepsakes. The salt air whipped her hair into her face as she laughed, hiding Solas’ soft, longing smile from view.
Send prompts for either Vel/VelxVarric or Nehri/NehrixSolas!
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Nehri owns my heart and soul and akshdssdhfdkssnd 🔮
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Winter Palace - Nehriel Lavellan
Yeah, Nehri set her dress on fire in the middle of the dance floor just to show off. What about it?
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Might make a series of this? Who knows. Nehri’s first official moodboard!
Vel - Teya - Ashann - Ari - Cassia - 
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
WIP Wednesday!
I was tagged by the lovely @faerieavalon !
It’s midnight rn and I’m exhausted so I’m not gonna tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it then consider yourself tagged!
An excerpt from Chapter 1 of Purpose and Pride...
After all those years, he’d never expected it to come to him in a dream. A familiar pair of amber-yellow eyes boring into his soul. The echoes of her laughter reverberating deep in the pit of his stomach. Flowing green silks draping her arms, clinging to her wet body like a second skin. He could only remember parts of her - the ghost of a memory, no doubt selectively erased. But he remembered her eyes, and what she meant to him. That was all he needed to know.
“Iveani?” Solas asked, puzzled. The Fade dripped into his dream as he opened his mind, searching for answers beyond the Veil.
“She no longer answers to that name. You’ve been asleep too long, Wolf - your little lamb has grown.” The spirit answered him with a warm, measured voice. “I have guided her this far. I would not see her fall. She has a destiny to fulfill”
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
🔥 + frozen
Nehri definitely uses ice magic in the bedroom. Drawing paths of frost on Solas’ skin, dripping water over him and turning it to ice with her fingertips. She loves how he shivers and squirms underneath her from the bite of the cold.
Send me  🔥 + a word and I will write an NSFW headcanon for one of my OCs.
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