#my inquisitors
hart-of-thedas · 3 months
I would love to see a bunch of inquisitors here so I’ll start and hope some of y’all can add yours to the mix!!
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Soren Lavellan very much adores Sera, mabari, and bar fights. Small but mighty.
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veilguardss · 3 days
with veilguard RAPIDLY approaching i finally bit the bullet and am doing a solas romance run…. girl i am so sorry for what ur about to go through ❤️
thinking of doing a run through where the protect clan lavellan mission fails. thinking of making her just fully prepared to help solas at the end of trespasser.
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silurisanguine · 3 months
Dragon Age Inquisition - my favourite Inquisitors
Since the fandom has risen like a new Blight dragon, I thought it was time to share my favourite Inquisitors. if anyone else wants to do this, consider it an open tag, I want to see your favourite Inquisitors!
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Name: Estelle Trevelyan Class and Speciality: Mage - Knight Enchanter Romanced: Cullen Rutherford (Married, so got him off Lyrium.) Events: Softened Leliana and made her Divine / Saved Chargers/ Freed Mages / Trevalyan gossip stopped with diplomacy / Cole human / Gave Blackwall his freedom / Stroud stayed in Fade / Wardens allied / Celene empress with Briala / Morrigan drank from well / Told Cassandra to reform Seekers / Inquisition as peacekeepers/ NOT Red Jenny /Wants to redeem Solas Best friends: Dorian, Lelianna, Jospephine, Cassandra, Bull, Varric. Appearance: Has white hair due to a magic spell gone wrong, her hair was once almost black. There is a small scar over her left eye from the accident that she covers with her hair. She originally had hazel eyes like amber before the Anchor turned them green. Bio: Estelle is, even with her past forced life in the Circle; caring, empathetic, charming and friendly with everyone, as she wants to see the good in everyone and felt betrayed by both Solas and Vivienne's use of her. Though she had some bad experiences with Templars she knows they are not all the same and easily fell in love with Cullen, understanding where his pain came from. She reconciled with Vivienne later down the line, though warned her if she ever did that again, there would be consequences and to not mistake her kindness for weakness. Due to her life in the Circle, she has a troubled relationship with the Chantry and was more than happy when the Circle disbanded as she believe no one should be shackled due to their nature and that Andraste's words were twisted to serve someone else's power. She considers herself Andrastian and that Andraste was a mage. She hoped having a mage as Inquisitor would help show one could be in power and yet not dominate the world. She wants the chance to talk Solas down, to try and find another way, but she will stop him if she must. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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Name: Rhiannon 'Raven' Lavellan Class and Speciality: Mage - Necromancer Romanced: Cullen Rutherford (married him, so he quit Lyrium) Events: Hardened Leliana and made her Divine / Saved Chargers / Conscripted Mages / Cole human / Made Blackwall a real warden / Celene empress with Briala/ Saved their clan/ Told Cassandra to disband Seekers and share secret/ Left Hawke in Fade / Allowed Wardens to stay /Morrigan drank from well (Rhi almost did but she was tied to Falon'Din not Mythal through her vallaslin)/ Disbanded Inquisition /Not Red Jenny / Willing to stop Solas. Best friends : Dorian and Leliana. Appearance: She bares the vallaslin of Falon'Din so the irony of being a necromancer is not lost on her, but she tends to only raise the dead of shemlen. Her clan say her hair is as black as the ravens that often follow her. Rhiannon's eyes were always green, but of a much duller hue than what they are now thanks to the Anchor's magic. Bio: My angry little Dalish Necromancer who didn't trust the conclave and went to spy on it. Saw through Solas's bullshit the moment she met him and didn't trust him, going so far as to punch him. Hated being considered the Herald of Andraste because she didn't believe in the shemlen god and spat back at any comment regarding it. Saw Vivienne's game so refused her offer to join. Decided if Thom Rainier wanted to be a Warden so badly then he should, to atone for his past crimes. It took two shemlen- a certain former Templar with a troubled past and a cheeky Tevinter necromancer to sooth her nature and she agreed to be Inquisitor because the rifts threatened her clan too. Chose Leliana as less of three evils, because she knew the other choices would be worse for her people. She went back to where her clan were with Cullen after disbanding the Inquisition and built a home outside the city walls of Wycombe where he is loved as one who helped save their clan, even going so far as to have a bonding ritual with her. She was surprised how welcomed she was by the Rutherford family and through them has mellowed even further, especially with how the clan are liked in Wycombe. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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Name: Kara Tevelyan Class and speciality : Rogue - Assassin (archer) Romanced: Blackwall/ Thom Rainier. Events: Hardened Leliana and made her Divine / Saved Chargers / Seeker's secret to be known, but let Seeker's end / Freed mages / Cole human / Celene Empress with Briala/ Cullen quit Lyrium/ Trevelyan house gossip stopped with force / Freed Blackwall / left Alister in Fade/ Allied Wardens / Morrigan drank from well / Inquisition peacekeepers /Did not become Red Jenny / Will do what's needed to stop Solas. Best friends : Dorian, Varric and Leliana. Appearance: Bears a scar down the left side of her face, a result of a target getting a lucky hit. She wears her hair short now for practicality after said target grabbed her ponytail. Kara's eyes were once blue till the Anchor magic overwhelmed them. Bio: A black sheep of the Trevelyans. Her family sent her to protect those in her family going to the Conclave. She has been an assassin for them in their own version of the great Game, so she knew when Vivienne was playing it and choose not to accept her offer. She didn't enjoy being seen as anything to do with the Chantry as she didn't believe in the Maker, but felt Leliana could change it for the better, and took the role of Inquisitor to try and heal the land and do some good for once. She always admired the Wardens, after hearing many stories of their heroic deeds and thought Blackwall was brave to go alone. She knew he was keeping something from her, but also knew of many Wardens having dark pasts so when she found out the truth, she thought of suggesting he become one for real, but couldn't bear to lose him to the Calling so set him free instead. She is angry with Solas, but also understands his dilemma. She spends her time still as Inquisitor with Thom as her pillar of support. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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Name: Arwyn Lavellan Class and Speciality: Rogue - Tempest archer Romanced: Dorian Pavus Events: Softened Leliana & made her Divine / Saved his clan / Saved Chargers / Rebuild seekers / Cole human / Celene Empress with Briala/ Freed Blackwall / Left Alistair in Fade/ Allied Wardens / Morrigan drank from the Well / Inquisition Peacekeepers / Became Red Jenny / Wants to redeem Solas. Best friends: Varric, Sera and Bull Appearance: White blonde hair is rare in his clan and he was given the name meaning 'very fair' to celebrate it. Has the vallaslin for Mythal, so was kind of a shock to sort of meet her through Flemeth. But he did not drink from the Well as Dorian was scared for him, telling him later he sensed more than just memories in the water. Arwyn's eyes were a silver grey till the Anchor magic changed them. Bio: Arywn loves exploring, so being asked to scout the Conclave and leave his clan's home was a dream come true and also to get away from being tied into a bonding with someone he didn't love to continue the clan. Ignored when people called him the Herald, knowing he was in a foreign land and already seen as something dangerous so didn't want to rock the boat. Accepted becoming Inquisitor because no one else would do it and hoped a Dalish leading them might help relations. Fell for Dorian the moment they first met and bonded with him over a similar dilemma of being able to love who they wanted. He often visits his Amatus when he can between his own duties. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
I have quite a few others including a mage Adaar Bullmancer, A Cadash sword and shield Champion Templar supporter and a Solavellan, But they are not playthroughs I enjoyed as much as the above.
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saturnulysses · 2 years
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made a design for what my inquisitor would look like as a dead by daylight killer. she'd be called the Abomination
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dragon-age-sideblog · 2 years
Where you can usually find my inquisitors:
Kiilani: Heralds Rest or on the training grounds, practicing. Spends a lot of time around Varric and Josie, playing Wicked Grace. Also, she annoys the cooks bc she'll steal food from the kitchens. And her best kept secret is that she'll spend hours in the baths, just soaking for as long as possible. She's the one thats in Skyhold the least, normally out exploring the world
Plaio: In the war room majority of the time, Josie's office dealing with diplomacy. When he needs a break from that, he's working in the gardens or at the stables tending to the animals there. Can also often be found near Cassandra in the armory or on the training grounds. If all else fails, he can be found on the tallest battlements looking out over the edge.
Minerva: Almost always either in the library or in the mage tower, studying and experimenting. If she's not in either of those two places, she's probably in Sera's nook at the tavern. And she does spend a lot of time in the Undercroft with Dagna and Harritt, working on enchantments.
Enzidya: he's impossible to find when he doesn't want to be found. Otherwise, he's often in what he calls the Crow Nest (Leliana's headquarters), looking over intel with the spymaster and feeding the birds. Can also be found in the tavern frequently, playing wicked grace and drinking games and flirting with just about anyone but especially Bull. Will spend time in the library, but not to read; he just likes to look at Dorian and annoy Solas.
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lunastarhawk · 3 months
Have been poking around with Dragon Age: Inquisition again after picking it up in the sale *for free*. (after weeping at the realisation it's been *10 whole years* since my first round and even longer since Alistair was my one and only in Origins).
My play time says 6.5 hrs. I'm sure that at least 5.5 of those were in character creation. I have a sickness.
Anyway. I now have three Inquisitors heading for the Hinterlands and I keep swapping and changing between who to play first.
Sooo I've got this handsome chap, Favian, he's based off a character in an original work I was writing before I was sucked into Arcana fanfics. Probably my favourite character I've ever written actually. Originally he's an alchemist; here he's a dagger rogue and I love him a lot. The fact that the creator allows me to show his age, that he's lived a life (laughter lines my beloved) makes my heart happy. He'll romance Dorian (yes I already planned their romances what about it).
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Next we have Marin, a mage, she's a new creation but I think she's gonna be fierce. She'll romance Cullen.
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And of course I couldn't resist trying to make Altheia, and I think she turned out pretty good! Couldn't get her hair right obviously but I'm just saying she didn't have that accident that gave her the white streaks. She belongs to Julian so no DA romance for her but Varric is her bff (and all I'll say is that if they ever did get down and dirty, they'd be *fire*). I love her expression in this screenshot, just a shame about that flippin snowflake. And she's a storm mage, obviously.
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If I can get the braid mod to work I'll have a go at making my archer, Cyrene. And then I'll have even more characters to be indecisive about.
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quibbs · 1 month
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my best friend varric dragon age
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
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inquisitor inq'isita part 5: @highladyofdusk and I discovering the magic of friendship and the emotion of rage
(commission info // tip jar!)
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gvalesdraws · 3 months
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imagine mending dozens of holes in the skies which spew out demons and shit bc of miscalculations of one guy just for them to be reopened by the same guy 10 years later. inquisitor doesn't have to imagine
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Soooooo after the new details that have been revealed about Veilguard, how do we all imagine a Solavellan reunion is going down? Trapped in the fade together? Lighthouse makeout sessions? A very sad mural dedicated to his Vhenan? My brain is infested with new headcanons.
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hart-of-thedas · 1 year
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kroovv · 1 month
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My first D&D character redraw🐉
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slavonicrhapsody · 6 months
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rykard, lord of interior design
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bishicat · 2 months
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end-of-the-world meet cute ♡♡♡~
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mimorugk · 12 days
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Andraste's flaming sword …. 🧎
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percexe · 26 days
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my favorite da:i party comp is what i like to call "mage gang" aka sitting back and letting these three argue over magic while i look for a tome or something
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