twilishark · 1 year
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sadark-angel · 9 months
"Głupcem ten, kto mówi Ci, że emocje chować lepiej. Bo ten, kto nie wie co to łzy, nie może nazwać się człowiekiem."
Mithari - Maski
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Mastering Daily Operations with TallyPrime: 5 Must-Know Tips | Rajendra Mithari | Tally CA Connect
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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ᵇᵃᵇʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍᵉᵗ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵐᵉ, ᴵ'ˡˡ ˢʰᵒʷ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˡᶦᶠᵉ ⁻ ᵇᵃᵇʸ, ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ˢᵃʸ ⁿᵒ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ, ᴵ'ˡˡ ˢʰᵒʷ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˡᶦᶠᵉ
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DWC Day 1: Silver/Darkness
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The full silver moon crested its peak of the night, illuminating the surrounding area with an eerie glow as Mitharios waited. "Sparrow One, report." His voice called through the comms, preparing for the upcoming meeting and the arrival of the Boss.
"Location covered, no sign of the operatives." A woman's voice replied, cutting off suddenly as the expected group appeared in her sights. "Scratch that, four armed so far but I doubt they are not moving as we are. Sparrows Two and Three, how is our horizon?" The woman queried the other hidden comrades.
"No contact." Replied the first young man.
"One marksman located at eleven o'clock, sights set and awaiting command." The second man replied.
As a group, the Sparrows functioned like a well-oiled machine, mission after mission proving themselves to their new Mistress. "At your word, Talon." The woman spoke up, her sights set upon the leader of the group below, awaiting the order to move or to stand down.
"The Rose is expected shortly, stay alert." Mitharious responded, he himself hidden in the shadows by the meeting place, awaiting the Boss's arrival with anticipation of this exchange going south.
{Will be continued with @ethereal-and-vaguely-threatening}
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DWC Day 5: Wrath
TW: Stolen Child
Months of planning.
Months of taking meetings, new contacts, and disappointment.
But now, now they were so close Valanthriell could taste it, the final weeks were ahead and everything was falling into place.
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Valanthriell had made a decent home in the apartment she was renting, nothing to the scale the former Noble craved but it would serve for now. Surveillance on the Shadowfel Estate was 24/7, watching and waiting, Valanthriell was spending a fortune at this point but it was well worth it in her mind.
The sun had long since set, Valanthriell's night was winding down as she sat at her desk by the fire, enjoying a glass of red wine as she went back over the plan in her mind.
A knock at the door brought forth a sigh as she rose from the desk and made her way to the to answer, opening it to see her Freelancer Mitharious on the other side.
"Ah, Mitharios. Come in, care for a drink?" Valanthriell offered with a relaxed smile as Mitharious followed her inside, removing his hat but shaking his head.
"No, I'll pass this time." Mitharios took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly before speaking again. "But you might want something stronger than wine. I have news."
Valanthriell stopped dead in her tracks, turning to look at the man with concern written on her features. "What is it?" She asked, taking the final steps to the bar cart and pouring a few fingers of bourbon. "Speak."
"We received word an hour ago that the situation has changed."
"Changed how Mitharios?" Valanthriell's tone conveyed rising irritation, taking a sip of the drink and feeling it's deep burn.
"Fealia Shadowfel has taken up a new appointment and will be in near-constant motion for the next few months, the house has been reduced to minimal staff and she has taken two-thirds of the Estate Guard with her. At this point, the operation is on hold, unless you mean to do this as two separate moves."
Valanthriell stood motionless at the cart, her hands visibly shaking as she processed the news. Everything had changed, their window had slammed shut for an unknown amount of time, her revenge had to wait even longer, if they did this separately and one moment passed in incorrect time they would fail the other, Valanthriell knew this.
So many emotions swelled within Valanthriell, sorrow and disappointed making way for rage. Within a blink of an eye this emotions burst to the surface and the glass of bourbon went sailing across the room, crashing into the fire and causing a burst of flame.
"That bitch, that infernal fucking cunt continues to rise while I am stuck in limbo AGAIN!!" Valanthriell shouted, her hands griping the bar cart and overturning it with a loud crash as alcohol spilled across the floor.
Mitharios stood motionless, this shady figure, this man who had committed many a violent crime and several heinous murders, who had spent his life in the Underbelly, was terrified of Valanthriell. He had seen first hand the terror of her unbridled rage and so Mitharios expected to be forcing her out of the building engulfed in fel fire; though this expectation was high and concern for his own safety was drumming in his heart beat, Mitharios appeared stoic. "Boss, if you lead one team and I lead the other, I believe we can time it right." Mitharios confident they could pull it off, their combine planning and skill would make it fairly simple on his mind.
"No!" Valanthriell snarled. "If there is a slip up, even for a second then both plans will go tits up!" The hard clicks of Valanthriell's heels against the marble floor matched the throm of Mitharios' heart as she rapidly approached him, coming to stand inches from his face, her eyes burning with firey rage. "Know before you speak Mitharios. The fact is Fealia has measures in place, she knows I will never let her actions stand, and cunning betrayal is the fucking Shadowfel trademark!"
Mitharios didn't look her in the eye, instead keeping his gaze forward and absorbing the information as she relays it.
"I would stake my life that if there is an alert at either location the vaults will be become inaccessible and that bitch will move underground with MY CHILD!" A rage so deep Valanthriell let slip a secret she had told no one, her care for holding this so close to the chest gone.
In that moment Mitharios turned his dark eyes to hers, nodding once in understanding. "I will put my best traker on them, they will not take a step that we do not know about." He spoke on a calm and assuring tone.
The fire in Valanthriell's eyes remained although her breath steadied. "I want to know the second they are returning to the estate. We will strike no matter what crew we have ready." Although her speach was calmer, the tone dripped with venom.
"Consider it done." Mitharios responded, returning the fedora to his head. "Oh, does the name Aleora mean anything to you?" He posed the question, hoping she might fill in the gaps.
"Not that I am aware of, why?" Valanthriell began walking back to the shattered bottles while shaking her head.
"Not exactly sure yet, but it's popped up in our digging about your family. If we find any information we'll get it to you, of course." With that Mitharios tipped his hat and was out the door, leaving Valanthriell to deal with her abiding rage.
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skyderman · 5 years
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Commission for @xpaperheartso ♥♥ of their character Mithari. I really like how this turned out!
Commissions are still open so consider checking out my rates if you’re interested ;)
| My Art | Instagram | Ko-fi | Commission Info | Reblog > Repost
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Dr Mahaveer Mithari
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twilishark · 2 years
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Thank you very much for the let-down Used to want your love, but it ran out Used to give a fuck, but I don't now
Redraw of something i did back in 2021! OG under the cut 
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justanartsysideblog · 7 years
@captusmomentum welp, I couldn’t resist. XD have some Disquiet POV of baby Tace. I apologize for how short it is.
They have a baby now.
They were not certain that Lord Dirthamen would let them keep him, in the beginning, despite being the one that found him in the woods. But the baby seems attached to them, which is quite a surprise. People do not like Disquiet usually. They have been told on many occasions that they are unsettling to grown elves, let alone children. Their only constant companion is Loneliness, and it is a very quiet and small spirit. Sometimes even Disquiet forgets that it is nearby.
Perhaps Disquiet is the first elf that the baby has seen, and that is the reason he is not afraid of them. The baby has no other person to compare their appearance to, and so they are not frightening.
Or perhaps the baby is just very, very brave.
Their rooms at their latest outpost assignment are not good for raising a child. So when Lord Dirthamen tells them that they have been given time off of their duties to raise their baby, they decide that they should find more permanent lodgings.
They are high ranking enough to secure a nice set of rooms in Durlan’ala, one of Lord Dirthamen’s larger cities. It is not Arlathan, but it is as close as Disquiet can get without feeling overwhelmed. They have never felt comfortable in the chief city of Arlathan. The magic there is thick and heavy and yet brittle somehow. It always feels like one wrong spell would split it down the middle.
Durlan’ala is quieter, even if it is still larger than Disquiet would prefer.
But they do not think it would be fair to raise their baby alone in the wilderness. Their baby might not enjoy the wilderness like they do. Now that they have a baby it is their job to make certain he is happy and comfortable.
It does not take long for word to spread that they have arrived in the city and that they have a child. They cannot walk more than a few steps before someone is stopping them to inquire about his health, and coo over him.
Disquiet’s baby likes being appreciated, they learn quickly. He likes it when people tell him he is a pretty baby, and exclaim over his hair, and the color of his eyes. He doesn’t let many of them hold him, though. Disquiet can understand that. They don’t think they would have appreciated being passed around to be hugged and squeezed; he prefers to be admired from the safety of their arms.
Still it takes them a very long time to get all of the items necessary for their rooms, including a crib for their baby. By the time they manage to get everything in order, it is time to feed him, and for them to eat as well. They will need to put the protective wards in their rooms when they return, they note as they walk toward one of the communal dining halls.
They pause at the end of the hallway as a slender, brown haired elf walks over to them, smiling brightly. It takes a moment for them to recognize Ariahris, a high-ranking merchant that they have met on occasion. It has been several years since they’ve seen her, not since Ariahris’ rank increased and she no longer accompanied the minor caravans into the deeper parts of Dirthamen’s territories. They do not know the names of any of the others with her, though a few faces seem familiar.
“Ariahris,” Disquiet greets. Their baby turns his head a bit, cheek resting against their shoulder so that he can see Ariahris fully.
“So this is the baby everyone keeps talking about! Found in the woods, how dreadful.” Ariahris sighs, “It was probably those Nameless, don’t you think? They’re horrid, only they would stoop so low as to abandon a child in the wild.”
Disquiet does not think it was the Nameless. They know most of the Nameless in those mountains, from sending messages back and forth for Melarue. But they cannot tell Ariahris that, of course.
“Still,” Ariahris frowns, “Why on earth would Lord Dirthamen allow you to raise him?”
“I found him,” Disquiet supplies, “And he seems very uncertain of strangers.”
Ariahris clucks her tongue. “Well of course he wouldn’t like any of those scouts in the borderlands. They’re nearly as odd as you are. He just needs to meet some normal elves. Then he’ll feel more comfortable.”
Their baby grips the front of their tunic tightly, and puffs out his cheeks in anger. They should tell Ariahris that their baby doesn’t like it when people call them odd. They open their mouth to inform her, but she begins talking again.
“Do you even have anything for him yet? Do you even know what he needs?”
They want to point out that very few elves have baby supplies on hand, but merely blink. Perhaps Ariahris is going to give them some helpful advice. Or perhaps she just wants to look at their baby a bit longer. People seem far more content to deal with Disquiet’s long silences when there is a chance at baby holding.
Mithari and Threnarel say that their baby is very cute. Disquiet has never seen another baby, so they do not know if their own is cuter than others. But he is nice, and he is very smart, they can tell already. They like their baby.
“What is his name?” Ariahris asks finally, after several moments of silence have gone be. Ariahris does not like silence, she likes to talk. That is why she rarely speaks with Disquiet, unless she has to.
Disquiet blinks. “He does not seem able to form words yet, so he has not told me.”
Ariahris looks like she has swallowed a lemon, face pinched up in a look that Disquiet cannot quite read. But it is a look that others give them quite often. Disquiet is certain that the people who give that look think they are foolish.
“He is a baby. You have to give him a name.” Ariahris speaks slowly, while several of the others nearby roll their eyes, or laugh into their hands. Their baby makes a disapproving sound.
“It seems very foolish to not let him choose his own,” Disquiet counters, patting their baby comfortingly on the back. They learned very early on that he likes that, and that it is one of the approved actions one is expected to make with babies.
“You’re really not very good at this,” Ariahris mutters.
“No,” Disquiet agrees, “But I am learning. We have also begun crafting a communication system so that he can tell me what he wants and needs. When we have completed it I am sure he will tell me his name, and then I will let you know.”
Ariahris sneers, “I didn’t mean it nicely.”
“Oh.” Disquiet holds their baby a little closer.
“Because you were a spirit you don’t know anything at all about children,” Ariahris sighs, hands on her hips. “Babies his age do not understand what you’re saying. They only react to emotions. And they certainly can’t communicate what they want.”
Their baby blows a very loud raspberry in response to that, and Disquiet has to agree. Ariahris is not giving him enough credit. He understands words just fine.
“You need someone to help you, obviously.” Ariahris decides for them. “Has anyone else asked you to co-parent with them?”
Disquiet nods. Several others they know had suggested a similar arrangement, including Mithari and Threnarel. But their baby has not found any of them suitable. He throws tantrums when others hold him. This usually happens after they have said something to Disquiet that their baby does not like. Disquiet is used to those kinds of things, but their baby seems to find them rude and disagreeable.
So far they have not found anyone that their baby likes enough to think of agreeing.
“Well,” Ariahris smiles, “With my connections and rank, I will be able to look after him quite well. And we get along already. Everything is settled then.”
Disquiet blinks. They had not realized that they had agreed to anything. “Nothing is settled.”
Ariahris waves them off, still smiling, “Let me hold him.”
Judging from their baby’s initial reaction to Ariahris they are rather certain he is going to decline. But the disgruntled frown on his face smooths out into a happy smile as he reaches out his hands in the sign of ‘hold me please’.
Well, if their baby wants to be held by Ariahris they won’t say no. They carefully give him to the older elf, and Ariahris beams. “Hello there da’len!”
Their baby lets out a happy gurgle, then reaches up, grabs a handful of Ariahris’ hair, and yanks. Ariahris shrieks, and Disquiet hurriedly grabs their son out of her arms and holds him close. He continues to giggle happily, while Ariahris cries over her sore scalp.
Disquiet reaches down and pulls a sizeable amount of Ariahris’ hair out of their baby’s hand and holds it out, “Would you like it back?”
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big-moodboard · 5 years
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Mithari Lavellan
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pharos-ryoji · 7 years
Session 22 and 23
The party is able to defeat Strahd, but not before Aleesia is killed in battle against him. The remaining members rush her out of the castle, intent on bringing her to a cleric nearby, but find themselves standing back in Mitharis in front of the Spire as soon as they leave. A couple of patrolling guards recognize them and bring them in, sounding an alarm for the council to meet.
Roused from their sleep, the council-along with the twins, their guards, and Rei and Erika-find the party, a dead Aleesia in their arms. Thinking quickly, Rei prepares a reincarnate spell. Ophelia, Whimper, and Elivyre all my contributions, each giving something up in an attempt to bring back their fallen friend.
Thankfully, the resurrection is a success. Aleesia comes back to life, though she’s now in a different, human form. Everyone decides to head upstairs for some well needed rest.
In the room, there’s a small package addressed to Luck. She decides to leave it there, figuring it’s better to get it after sleeping. Elivyre, though, opens it. Inside she finds a few items left behind in with Tristell, a bandana identical to the one Luck has, and a note from Tris. He mentions having gotten the letter from a small town named Bredon, out past Riverstall. She takes the note, but leaves everything else.
Also that night, Ophelia goes to speak with Neloez, the pact devil she had gotten involved with. She delivers the Sunsword to him, much to his delight. After speaking with him, though, she learns that he has information regarding her mother. She agrees to form a pact with him, her soul and a favor in exchange for magic and information.
The next morning, the party is summoned to the council room. Instead of the full council being there, the party finds themselves meeting with Queen Oliza, along with Danica and Damon. Rei is there as well, along with another guard, Adelina.
Oliza informs the party that the rest of the council wishes to send them right on their way to the Feywild, but she thinks it best if they have a few days to recover before leaving. The party decides to head to Riverstall to look into recent events with Tristell, which Oliza grants them permission to do. Aleesia, by both Oliza and Rei’s urging, stays at the Spire to recover.
Before leaving, Rei gives them a few items they requested from the council, along with a letter of introduction. A long-time friend and ally of the Roswells, the Lyssia family, lives in Riverstall. The letter allows the party to stay there while traveling.
The next day, the party begins the journey to Riverstall. They arrive safely a few days later and make their way to the Lyssia’s manor. They are welcomed in and given rooms and food. The party also spends some time in the library, researching the feywild.
The next morning, the party prepares for their journey to Bredon. Along the road, Eli shows Luck the letter from Tris, saying she believes he might still be near the town. The party agrees to try and find him there.
While traveling, the party is ambushed by a group of bandits. To the party’s surprise, they are all wearing bandanas like the one Luck has. Thankfully, the party is able to fend them off, Dartrana temporarily falling unconscious in the process. They kill all but one of the bandits, leaving the sixth alive to interrogate him.
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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This picrew is literally a godsend!!! If you guys have DA OCs, check it out! Click for better quality ~🌺
I used it for some post-Trespasser looks for my babes(including Avi, ½ of my Surana twins and Nehri’s canon Arcane advisor. We don’t talk about her scars...)
From Left to Right ~ Mithari Lavellan Syrillon ~ Velahris Lavellan ~ Nehriel Lavellan ~ Cassia Cadash ~ Teya Adaar ~ Aviselan Surana
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DWC Day 3: Greed
TW: Blood - Violence- Globe luxation
Dawn had yet to break leaving the sleeping city streets lit up with a blue dreamlike hue, the rains of the previous night left puddles in the cobblestone walkways, Mitharios' had no care to avoid them, his tall leather boots preventing any water from getting in. Shop owners had only just begun their sleepy start to the day, opening their doors for any early birds that might have a need, and offering a wave to the focused elf. Mitharious wasn't the most social, rarely speaking a word more than needed and so he responded with a simple tip of the hat, continuing onward to a specific destination.
The past few weeks had been overwhelmed with contracts, most within the Shadowlands, more specifically Torgast, searching room after room and floor after floor to no avail and finally handing the task over to some of the best in his crew, returning to the living realm to catch up on the other side of the business. Black Market deals, appraising items to fence, and loans, every venture set up to make the most capital with little effort.
Criminal work comes with its problems, the possibility of getting caught and tossed in jail, death, or worse losing everything and still drawing breath...rats and thieves.
Arriving at the little shop for repairing leather and mail armor, a front for laundering profits and doing other business, appearing nice and respectable all the while. Walking through the door and the bell above rings, alerting the Leathersmith to the arrival of a customer. "Aye! Welcome welco-Boss! Ay, it's good to see ya back outta the Shadowlands, didn't expect ya for a few more weeks." The man chuckled nervously.
"Henry." Mitharious removed his fedora and locked the door behind him, approaching the counter with heavy footsteps on the wood floor, saying nothing until he came to lean on the counter, smiling in a way that only unnerved the Leathersmith further. "Yes, I am." Mitharios' dark eyes peered at Henry, nearly looking through the man with an intense gaze that grew more intimidating as his smile began to fade.
"What's the problem Boss?" Henry quarried, the Boss might not talk much but silence never felt safe.
"You tell me, Henry. What possible reason could I have to step away from the highest-paying contract we've gotten?"
"I-I don't rightly know, Boss." Henry played dumb, not a difficult task for someone who tried to lie to Mitharios' face. "Somebody rat?"
The response took Mitharious aback, his head canting to the left. "Interesting, and who is this rat, do you think?"
Henry gulped hard, fighting to find his voice. "N-not m-me Boss." He let out a poorly faked laugh.
"No, not you. You wouldn't talk would you Henry?" Mitharious stepped a little closer, standing tall like a dark and looming omen.
"No Boss! I don't want to go losing my tongue or nothin' like that!"
"Why so tense Henry? The way you act makes me think you expect trouble." Mitharious kept an even, yet intimidating tone.
"N-no reason Boss. Didn't sleep great is all." Henry did his best to focus on the item he was repairing, hoping doing the work would help calm him.
"Restless are we?"
"Aye, should really replace that bed."
"You should, can't have a man rolling in as much coin as you sleeping on anything less than down."
Moving in the blink of an eye Mitharious went from across the counter to standing just behind Henry, grabbing the man by the back of the head and slamming it into the hard wooden counter. "You've been skimming Henry." Mitharious tisked, picking Henry up and spying the broken nose and gushing blood.
"N-no Boss! I wouldn't!" Henry protested, swearing to his innocence.
"No! I wouldn't!" Mitharious repeated mockingly before slamming a fist into Henry's face. "Let's be honest Henry, it'll be less painful." Another heavy-handed punch into his face.
"It wasn't me!" Another punch, this time knocking him to the ground in a whimpering pile.
"Henry." A swift kick to the Leathersmith's ribs, and then another, and another. "Henry?" Mitharious queried.
Henry coughed at first, gasping for breath before finally speaking under his breath. "It was me..."
"What was that?" Mitharious asked, wanting Henry to announce his truth.
"It was me!" Henry coughed.
"That's a shame, a Leathersmith really needs both hands." Mitharious threatened, still standing tall above the crumpled man.
"I do, Boss. I am sorry. I will give it all back."
"Yes, you will give every copper back but you and I both know that isn't enough. What kind of standard would that set?" Mitharious then straddled Henry, crouching over him with a wild smile. "Both hands are needed, but both eyes? I think one would do."
From outside the shop, blood-curdling screams could be heard, muffled just slightly by the door until it opens, and Mitharious steps out, in his right hand the single eye. "Get a patch for that Henry, can't have you scaring the children."
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flying-venus-blog · 7 years
Here you go! with the same places in India & Abroad
Have you ever uttered the name of your city and thought of how unique and desi it sounds? But this would glad you when you’re planning your trip abroad or to India. There happens to be a Delhi not positioned in India, along with numerous such cities that share their names with us but are located in another part of the world. Let’s takes 'a home away from home' to the next level where you’ll love to travel and feel the Homely figure you go throughout. ely �s�`~�!.
Flying Venus Travels – Tour Operator in Bhopal offers anew aura of travelism with the few cities that share their names with their counterparts abroad. Have a look   
1.     Delhi, India/Delhi, United States
Being the capital city of India and like all popular tourist destinations, Delhi has grand monuments and attractions, history, culture, cuisine and quirks. It has the best of the place which is the keen attractions of the tourists. The town in the California city of United States share the same name and pronunciation. Flying Venus Travels is taking you to the City that’s the capital name of India.
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2. Kochi, Kerala/Kochi, Japan
Kochi in India is the capital of Kerala. Kochi or Cochin is popularly known as the Queen of Arabian Sea which is included in the kerala Tour Packages, also flaunts one of the finest natural harbours of the world. It has a namesake in Japan that's quite a tourist attraction. What these two cities hold on a common ground, other than their names they are common in their Tourist attraction too. 
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3.Patna, Bihar/Patna, Scotland
The Patna in Scotland was a name inspired by the capital city of Bihar. Bihar in India has a very fertile arched stretch of land along the bank of the Ganga with the tourists attractions like Kumrahar,Bhiknapahari, Agamkuan, Bulandi Bagh, kankar bahg and so on. Similarly the Patna in Scotland is famous for the tourist attractions.
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4. Calcutta, West Bengal/ Calcutta, United States Calcutta (now Kolkata) in India is a city that merges everything unique and beautiful. Calcutta like most part of India has a long history of foreign influence and it is visible in most part of the city. The suburbs of Calcutta too has some eye-catching influences of its past, and to spend a day exploring these forgotten glorious monuments is definitely worthwhile whereas Calcutta in USA was established as a coal town in the year 1870 is a beautiful   
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. Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh/Lucknow, United States
Lucknow, the city of Nawabs is naturally the city of Adabs and Tehjeebs (manners and hospitality). Situated on the banks of the Gomti River, Lucknow is famous for its culture, food, heritage and its traditional dance form Kathak. Remnants of its rich historical and cultural past are well displayed here through the architectural designs, the handicrafts and the typical Lucknowi way of life. Whereas Castle in the Clouds, United States has a sixteen-room and 5,500-acre mountain estate mansion whose Indian namesake holds the glorious past of being home to actual royalty now you can easily travel only with flying venus travels.
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. Bali, Rajasthan/Bali, Indonesia
Discovering an aura of travelism we are covering Bali is a small town of Pali district in Rajasthan & is situated on the left bank of the Mithari River with the immense beauty. Bali, Indonesia needs no introduction it is all in Bali Tour Packages. It's a tourist destination for all those who love to lounge by the sea.
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We tried to sum up few of the destinations that may attract you and your travel hobby. We assure you will surely enjoy the trips with the same counterparts in and abroad with us: Flying Venus Travels.
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twilishark · 3 years
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Hey batter, batter, hey batter, batter! SWING
Pose Ref [LINK]
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