#neil gaiman is amazing
hero-of-fortune · 2 months
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so as genericfangirlnumber4 just brought to my attention, apparently this whole corwin thing is popping off on reddit???? i’m not on reddit so i would have never known haha the whole thing is still so crazy to me thanks you to everyone for so much kindness and support 🫶 i’ve decided to go by corwin and i have yet to read the books mentioned but i promise i will!
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critrolecannibal · 10 months
Had a lovely conversation about one of my previous posts and they suggested I share more of my thoughts on specifically Aziraphale! I've just kinda pulled from that conversation.
~This is exactly it for Aziraphale I think! He's in a very toxic relationship with Heaven, one that Crowley managed to get out of, but Aziraphale has it so intertwined with who he is as an individual.
If he's not an Angel/Good/Useful to God, then what is he?
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And unlike Crowley, who had to find out those answers for himself, Aziraphale has sort of forced himself to stay sheltered out of this fear of change. He still desires to make his Creator proud of him.
At the end during their fight, Crowley isn't entirely in the right either. As much as we all are frustrated with Aziraphale right now- Nina and Maggie were right, they don't talk. Azi and Crowley haven't been good at communicating for the last 6,000 years so they weren't going to be good at it just because Crowley decided to actually say what he was feeling.
Aziraphale has never been able to make quick decisions, he's anxious about things and he panics about how they will affect him and others and how that could in turn affect his relationship with God. So when Azi has quite literally just been stuck between Heaven and Hell AGAIN, manipulated into accepting the job in Heaven, and THEN had the info drop of Crowley trying to run away together again. It's too much for him. He reverts back to what he thinks is "right".
What's more right than Heaven?
This isn't the first time Crowley has asked him to run away together and Aziraphale has panicked, pushed Crowley back to a "your side vs my side" deal. It's not even the first time he's used the phrase "I forgive you" as almost an judgement and an apology at the same time. We see him start this in S1 the first time Crowley asks him to leave, Azi says "May you be forgiven" for his lack of faith in the Great Plan.
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Crowley then goes on a little tiff about how he's unforgivable, after that Aziraphale only ever says "I forgive you". He says it the next time Crowley asks him to run to Alpha Centuri outside the book shop. He uses it when he thinks Crowley isn't showing faith, not just in God or whatever, but a lack of faith in Aziraphale.
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I think that during their last fight Aziraphale doesn't think Crowley has any faith in him. Doesn't think he'll be able to make a difference, even though in Aziraphale's mind he's doing this FOR CROWLEY just as much as he's doing it for the comfort of being part of the institution and the relationship with God he's wanted for so long. It's a win win for him and he's taken aback when it turns out for the worse.
The kiss wasn't romantic at all- it was angry. This was Crowley trying to force Aziraphale to make a decision, putting all his cards on the table with a big "Choose me" neon sign. Unfortunately Aziraphale misunderstood the neon sign reading more along the lines of "You can't make a difference, so stay because you're nothing without me". And it not only takes Azi off guard but is also insulting. Which is why even though he panics, and wants to run back to Crowley, he doesn't. He's angry just as much as Crowley is. And the manipulation from The Metatron/Heaven just has an open window to be comforting, and be the "good guy".
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Neil is a genius for how well focused he's been able to use the miscommunication trope. Since episode one we see that it's going to be drawn attention to because of the whole "Exactly" scene, where their two "exactly's" mean something different.
Crowley and Aziraphale love each other, but they don't know how to show that love in a way the other one wants to receive.
Aziraphale wants to make Crowley happy like he was as an Angel. He wants Crowley to be able to smile again as he did when he created the stars. Aziraphale is willing to change Heaven to make IT worthy of Crowley. (Crowley sees it as Azi trying to change him to make him worthy of Heaven)
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Crowley doesn't need all of that. He doesn't need Heaven, doesn't need Hell, he just wants Aziraphale the way he is and the way that they've always been together in the moments that neither have them have needed Heaven or Hell. They've been on Earth for so long that Crowley doesn't consider them part of anything other than themselves. Wherever Aziraphale is, is his Heaven. All he wants is to be is that same thing to Aziraphale.
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But they never talk about what they need from each other, they're only thinking about what they can do for the other and unfortunately the two just don't match.
That was a long one, but I've got so many thoughts and feelings on this. It's been a while since a show can make me feel such big emotions. So thank you to everyone who was a part of it and a big thanks to Neil Gaiman who is keeping it alive. 🥰
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Someone on the Sandman subreddit said there are stars on the lining of Dream’s coat so I had to see for myself. This is from Episode 2, "Imperfect Hosts":
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And here's a freeze frame:
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But that's not all. Let's slow it down.
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Someone else on the thread pointed out the stars are not exactly moving in tandem with the coat's fabric. It means those are not just star prints; there are actual starry skies within Dream's coat! That is so beautiful and romantic. The amount of details in this show is incredible.
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This morning sucked. Woke up at 7 on less than 5 hours of sleep to bake over 50 Eccles cakes. Didn’t have like half my ingredients. Bought more only to realise I still didn’t have them all. Burnt myself on the syrupy filling. Printer died on me as I was trying to get a printing job done. Forgot to have lunch I was so excited. Locked my car key in the boot. Waited an hour in the sun in all black to make sure I didn’t get a parking ticket whilst trying to get said key out. Got stuck in traffic for half an hour only to find I’d just moved under 100 metres. Accidentally had the thermostat cranked up to 40C the whole journey. All of this, just to get to a screening.
Then when I got there….
Shrimp emotions. The atmosphere was incredible. Got there 3 hours early. Immediately bonded with people, and it just felt so warm and exciting. I passed round the Eccles cakes in its little (very large) Antichrist basket. We all counted down with the timer waiting for the episodes to start. The episodes were amazing, and I have to thank @neil-gaiman for making this season come true - it was everything I hoped for and more, and I think that’ll be the case for pretty much everyone. I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world, even if I had to live through this morning 20x over.
Trust me when I say you’re not prepared for season 2. No one is.
Anyways here’s a picture of the cakes in their basket:
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eirxair · 3 months
i made david tennant and michael sheen out of pancakes yousens are not ready for this
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the raspberries are hair bc i didnt want them to feel sad bc theyre bald‼️‼️
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wispedvellichor · 2 months
Neil Gaiman with
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janeway-lover · 7 months
Neil Gaiman being a Spirk shipper is not the news I expected to get from tumblr today, but by god, it’s the news we deserved.
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amagnificentobsession · 9 months
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The Holy Trinity 😈📚😇♥️
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beartusks · 2 years
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like brother like sister 😎
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goodomens-girlie · 4 months
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cha-mij · 9 months
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saglaophonos · 6 months
you mean to tell me schrodinger's queerbait is not actually dead? after they kissed? bring it on
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I just want to say something about all of those big conspiracy theories and those little things that are just like, "But that seems kinda weird tho? But I assume it's just something else."
Let me tell you, I'm experiencing BIG TIME Deja Vu.
Do you want to know the last time I felt it?
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"Oh look at Crowley!! He's so happy about his car!! Wait... Why is he taking a taxi? Huh. That's kinda weird. Oh well, guess he just Does That Sometimes."
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"Heh, that's kind of strange. I'm getting like, a real off vibe from Aziraphale here." ((At this point I had a mere child's understanding of Michael's acting)) "Oh well, I guess this scene is just kind of off from the rest of it. It happens in shows sometimes."
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"Aww look at that! They're checking in with each other to see how the other one feels about having their things back. Aziraphale still seems kinda oddly serious here? Hm. Oh well. Must just be this episode."
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"LOL hey!! Wasn't that what Aziraphale said earlier? Aw! He's adopted it into his vocabulary!"
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Now, what is it that Aziraphale says about his magic act?
All I'm saying is maybe the body swap was the turnip swapping with the inkwell and all of those HMM THAT'S A LITTLE WEIRD feelings we're collectively having should be trusted bc it's all part of the show!
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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Amazing Heroes #152, November 1988, Black Orchid cover by Dave McKean
Interviews of Neil Gaiman by Peter Sanderson and Dave McKean by Andy Mangels. Always fun to travel back in time and see Neil talk about his upcoming comics, Miracleman and Sandman... and this quote remains true to this day:
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
I saw you were having a rough time. Hope that all gets better and that a ray of light breaks through the clouds. Sending love, Neil
I was fighting with myself a long time whether to answer this privately or publish but it occured to me that since you Neil have so many new asks, it's more probable that you my answer it if I publish it ❤
Thank you so much. Really so so much. You are incredibly busy person and you took time to write this to me and I'm crying here and absolutely soft and just, you are amazing and thank you.❤❤❤
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sophiesophsophia · 18 days
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