#neil said the same thing to billy before btw
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
Speaking of nasty Steve... him believing "men don't cry" and the first time Billy cries around him he doesn't respond all too well?
um yes ??!!
“jesus.” billy sniffs. glares at him. “you’re such a fucking asshole.”
“yeah.” steve looks at him. watches a tear fall. can feel the words on the tip of his tongue. can’t do anything to stop them. his mouth curls up into a sneer. “and you’re such a fucking girl sometimes, billy.”
and billy just. freezes. his eyes snap down. avoiding steve’s.
“get out.”
steve feels his own chest pull tight.
“c’mon bill. we were having fun before all this-” steve holds a hand up to gesture. he watches billy’s shoulders tense with the movement.
“get the fuck out, harrington.” billy tries to sound threatening. it fails when his voice wobbles on steve’s name.
and steve. well steve doesn’t need this right now. doesn’t need to sit around babysitting his fucking… he doesn’t know. hell, they’re not even friends.
steve doesn’t need this right now.
just because steve said something. just because billy can’t take a fucking joke.
“yeah, yeah.” steve looks at billy one last time. doesn’t know why the sight of him pointedly staring down leaves sour taste in steve’s mouth. “i’m going.”
he slams the car door behind him. hears a small noise as he does. he doesn’t look back.
billy will be fine.
steve walks fast. feels the cold air stings his face. feels his lungs burn with it. he tries to clear his head.
billy will be fine.
because billy’s a man.
steve stops for a moment. leans back against a wall. thinks about the last hour. wonders how the day went so fucking sideways.
he feels his own eyes burn. slams a fist into the wall.
men. don’t. cry.
“fuck you, billy hargrove.”
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billy-theratking · 2 years
Runaway Max: Chapter 1 Review
I find the entire first interaction at Fort Fun between Max and Billy fascinating because we get an in depth look at how Billy acts in canon and it's crazy to see how Max's initial impression of him upon meeting him.
At this point, it's pretty much a fact that he has a tendency to put on a charming front around strangers and that it may seem that he acts very oddly around Neil if you don't know about the abuse.
Max doesn't know anything about Billy or his really shitty circumstances yet, so we get to see it for the first time from a point of view without bias, which is great!
Billy was late to the meeting and I'm assuming that was intentional since he probably sees Max and Susan as a waste of his time. And if he can lash out against Neil's need for control at the same time? Even better.
That being said, Billy definitely knows how far he's allowed to push Neil before he's getting into dangerous territory. Which is why the fact he didn't look up at his father stood out to me so much. His choice to not meet Neil's gaze has a number of meanings depending on how you look at it.
First, in western culture eye contact is a sign of confidence and respect, so if Billy had avoided looking at him as a sign of disrespect, that would just further fuel Neil's already building anger with Billy's rebellious nature.
Second, it could also mean that Billy is uncomfortable (which is likely), whether or not him being late was intentional. And even though he's trying to hide it behind swagger, his fear of Neil still shows in his body language.
And three, Billy is avoiding eye contact as an act of submission in the hopes to appeal to Neil's ego and soften the oncoming blows once they get behind closed doors.
Only Billy knows.
When Billy and Max talk he comes off as playful (Max even described him as friendly) and I'm inclined to agree. Billy was polite even if he came off as a bad boy type, with lines like:
"Billy gave me this slow, cool nod, like we already knew each other,"
"Billy glanced back at me. His face was slack. Then he smiled a sleepy smile."
Though, paired with some of the more ominous lines, those interactions take on a darker tone and Billy seems much more dangerous. For example:
"He was smiling when he said it. He laughed again, pinching the end of his cigarette and throwing it away. His eyes were bright."
"-he never really looked awake, except... sometimes. Sometimes his face went suddenly alert, and then you had no idea what he was going to do or what was going to happen next."
With this information, it encourages the us to read into the conversation with a filter, one that paints the entire interaction in a bad light and makes us uncomfortable.
I also love the parallel between the book and in Episode 1 of Season 2 Mad Max (a nickname that he gave her btw).
Final thoughts:
'"Max," he said in a sly, singsong voice."
Which is the same thing he does when he's in the car and tells her to say whose fault it was that they were forced to move to Hawkins.
The line I'm going to share really goes to show Neil's character and parallels Billy's physical abuse. It's terrible and really made stop reading for a moment to process the implications of such a line.
"Neil always called me that [Maxine], no matter how many times I told him to stop."
Neil likes to act like a kind gentleman to lure in weak women, so when his true colors show, they won't leave him in the misguided belief that if they just do what their abuser wants then they can have the man they married back.
If blatantly refusing to respect someone's boundries isnt a red flag, then I don't know what is.
I'd also like to note that we get to see some similar behaviors from both Neil and Billy in the first chapter when it comes to putting on a facade in front of both Max and Susan.
That's how women get trapped in abusive relationships. That coupled with the fact that they are almost always isolated with nowhere to go even if they did want to leave.
But both Billy and Neil drop that mask from time to time when their emotions (anger or frustration) get out of hand. Which was why Neil seemed so aggravated when waiting for Billy to finally show up.
Quote of the Day:
"He was watching me in the flat, empty way he always did--heavy-lidded, like I made him so bored he could barely stand it--but under that was a glittering edge of something dangerous."
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
so i kind of want to go on a bit of a tangent about the whole billy is racist situation. Dacre has stated before that he did not play or make billy out as a racist but no one ever takes this into consideration? they never listen to him, the guy that literally acted as the character. If they think the scenes with him are racist that doesn’t automatically make them racist because it’s just what they think but it’s not what dacre intended them to be? they take their thoughts of the scene in the car with him and max and completely see it as whats presented on screen. they won’t even try to look into it deeper, billy’s words aren’t what they actually think they are. his way of thinking and talking makes a helluva lot more sense after we get to see the scene with him and his father and his flashbacks. Billy not trusting any guy he comes across makes a shit ton of sense as to why he’s so aggressive towards everyone. Knowing what Neil did to his mother and seeing Max coming out of school in s2 constantly annoyed or angry and it all being a result of interacting with lucas gives us then an indication as to why billy gave Max that car talk. He could’ve very well meant Black people if that’s what people want to think but that doesn’t mean that’s actually what it meant. It could have meant how he sees every man as neil and thus think every one of them will do the same thing neil did to his mother. The talk very-well could have meant for her to stay away from people like Neil. People who abuse their partners and go on to abuse their own children. He was scared for Max thinking if she got involved with Lucas she could end up the same as his mother or Susan. The byers situation yeah billy was definitely wrong by going for lucas, he never should have laid a hand on him. But people always seem to think he singled out lucas because of the colour of his skin. Billy has not seen Max interact with anyone else in the party, ever. There’s obviously something going on between Max and Lucas so why the hell would he bother going for the others when he knows Lucas is the one who’d been ‘bothering’ Max. People are free to think whatever they want to but it pisses me off when they don’t even bother delving deeper instead of just reading and watching what’s on screen and barely even bothering to listen to what’s actually being said. Billy antis point blank refuse to do any sort of reading or listening that might potentially shatter this image they have of him and i’m quite honestly tired of it. There are many points to counter theirs yet they cover their ears whenever we say them. It was never about the actual characters, it was never about “calling out billy” or defending lucas it was always about having a group of people in the fandom to bully and ridicule 24/7. It was always about having a punching bag in the fandom. They think it’s so funny sending death threats to innocent kids or just the people on the internet over liking a fictional character just because they don’t like them. It’s extremely worrying how they think it’s okay and acceptable to act the way they do simply because someone doesn’t tailor to their fucking expectations. It’s disgusting. + side rant: After s4 was released, they took a fraction of the hate us Billy fans get and redirected it towards Chrissy/Edissy/Grace and it’s fucking awful. No one should be told to off themselves over liking different characters regardless of how “bad” the character is. They think they’re fighting some weird hero-complex fuelling war whenever they talk about us it’s borderline deranged. Sorry this is so long btw
I honestly don't mind genuine criticism or call out posts for things we might be doing wrong or pointing out flaws in someone's logic is fine but jesus christ most of the hate comments and posts in the tags are so wrong about the harringrove fandom its insane. They come at us trying to tell us to do certain things we literally already do ffs
If you're gonna be a dickhead at least be correct
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Boy Next Door
Billy Hargrove x reader
A/N: Hey guys, I got another one for you! Finally hehe. Oh btw, this is very smutty. Enjoy!
It was a hot summer day in Hawkins, Indiana and you had decided to hang out at Lover’s Lake with some friends. The lake was on the outskirts of Hawkins and was bursting with teenagers escaping their parents and in dire need of some refreshment. You didn’t particularly mind how busy it was. You barely noticed it anyway, being distracted by the fun you were having. Many Coke’s were drunk and you were mostly tanning on a towel, every now and then dipping in for a fresh dive.
“Girls, I’ve got to get back home. My mom wanted me to do some chores,” one of your friends said when the sun was burning right above your head. You didn’t have any ride available to you considering your dad was out to work and your mom’s car had broken down. She said she’d get it fixed soon but today you had carpooled with your friend Angela, not wanting to get all worked up by cycling all the way over to Lover’s Lake. So you got up and packed your things asking your friend if she could take you back again.
“Of course doll, it’s on the way.”
You covered your bikini bottom with your denim shorts and quickly pulled a sleeveless white tee over your body. Your swimwear was still a tad wet from the lake, so the bright red top did shine through the white fabric, but you payed it no mind. You jumped in your friend’s Pontiac and threw your bag on the back seat.
 When your friend stopped in front of your house, her mouth dropped open. Your eyes followed her line of sight to your driveway.
Billy Hargrove was topless, hanging over the open hood of your mom’s car. His hair was messy, his hands were black from working on the car and his upper body was dripping with sweat.
“Oh doll, you’ve got some candy waiting for you,” your friend said, taking off her sunglasses to get a better look. “Hot damn, leave some for me.”
A nervous laugh left your lips. You had to admit Billy looked incredibly handsome in his current situation. You had indeed not missed the good looks of Billy Hargrove; many a girl reminded you of it. But at that moment he surpassed every good look he ever had before.
Yes he looked amazing when he would strut down the hallway of Hawkins High in those tight jeans. And yes he looked amazing when he would give you a sly smile if he’d see you around town. And those moments of passing were frequent, considering the Hargrove family were your neighbors.
“I’m not promising anything Angela,” you giggled, grabbed your bag and climbed out of her car.
“Lucky you. See you around Y/N,” she said when you threw the door closed. You waved at her and crossed the road to walk towards your house.
Billy turned around at the sound of the Pontiac speeding off. He spotted you and his eyes grew wide for a split second before his signature smirk appeared on his face.
“Hello there kitten,” he spoke deeply and turned his whole body towards you while wiping his hands on a dirty rag that didn’t seem like it could clean anything. His bare abs and chest came into full view and it made your breath falter for the slightest moment. Sure, you’d seen it before at one of his basketball games but right there with his shoulders and arms tensed and that damned smile on his face, looking through his thick lashes straight into your soul, failed to compare to anything.
“Hargrove,” you said trying to regain your confidence. You took a deep breath and continued walking over to him. “Are you jeopardizing my mom’s car?” A beaming smile curled around your lips as Billy laughed in response.
“Busted,” he laughed and shook his head, leaning back on the old car. “Neil said that your mom mentioned her broken car and I know quite a few things about cars so…” He trailed off and for a moment his happy smile lost its truth and realness.
“Wouldn’t it have been more fun to come out to Lover’s Lake? Tommy and Carol were there as well, you would’ve liked it.” You remembered how you had seen the couple and wondered where Billy was with a new girl hanging on his arm. Again, the boy shook his head and smiled.
“That murky gross water is nothing for me.”
“You’re from California right? Yeah, you must miss the water,” you said, bending your head in interest. His only response was a nod and a small smile that seemed a little sad.
“I should get back to work,” he said and you noticed how he quickly let his eyes wander down your body.
“Sure, that old thing must be a piece of work. I’ll be inside if you need anything,” you said and walked inside. A deep breath left your lips when you closed the door behind you.
“That went absolutely great,” you mumbled to yourself and went to the kitchen to look for something cool.
 After another half hour of peeking through the window and only getting hot and bothered by the sight of Billy’s chiseled body, you decided to offer him a break. You told yourself it wasn’t healthy for him to stay out in the sun for so long but you knew you just wanted another chance to look at him. He made nerves bundle up in your lower stomach and even though you blamed the heat you knew what really made you this flustered.
You ripped off your shirt, grabbed two bottles of Coke out of the fridge, opened them and walked outside in only shorts and your red bikini top. Again you got caught off guard by the overwhelming sight that was Billy Hargrove. You stood still on the concrete, staring at him.
While he was working the muscles tensed and released in Billy’s back and shoulders and that sure was something you could look at for hours. The sweat was still dripping everywhere and the black stains on his hands were even blacker. He turned around, surprising you with another signature smirk.
“Take a picture kitten,” he said and brought his full attention to you as he threw the tools in his hands down.
“I-I’ve got a Coke for you,” you stumbled and walked towards him to stand next to him, leaning on the car. You handed him the Coke and he gratefully took a gulp.
“Thanks Y/N,” he said and wiped his face with the rag that hung over the grille of the car.
“No problem Billy. Oh,” you said, noticing a black stain on his cheek. “You have a.. uh…” You motioned your finger towards your own cheek.
“Oh shit,” he mumbled and with the rag he wiped at his cheek, missing the spot by a mile. You laughed softly and shook your head.
“Let me,” you said and took the rag from him, finding the most clean spot – there weren’t many – and gently brought it to his cheek. The stain came off and you looked back into Billy’s eyes, noticing his focus on your slightly parted lips. It made you wonder if he’d been looking at your lips the whole time. You put the rag down again and smiled.
“Take a picture pretty boy,” you repeated his words and his eyes immediately flipped back to yours. He seemed way better prepared than you had been when he made the same comment and replied immediately.
“I’d love to but I have a strict ‘no clothes’ rule for the pictures I keep in my drawer.”
You blinked trying to process what he just said but before you could, he started moving towards you. His arm touched your shoulder, sending a burning sensation through your body. He kept leaning in and soon you could feel his breath on your lips and his curls brush your forehead. His warm hand trailed over the bare skin of your waist while his lips traveled towards yours and his eyes fluttered to a close. You mimicked his actions, closing your eyes and leaning into him.
Your lips touched and it was an immediate electric feeling that sent your blood pumping and your heart beating. With the fastened pace of your heart came the fastened pace of your kiss. Billy pulled you closer to him, your chests and stomachs pressed against each other. You moved your hand to his shoulder and softly clung to it with your nails as Billy brought his tongue into the kiss, deepening it. Both his hands where now on your waist and they slowly slid down towards your ass. You rounded both of your arms around his neck, pressing your bodies even closer.
You needed him, it was like your very being demanded his touch. Like he was as essential as oxygen was to your brain. This need fueled your actions and spread from your lips to the rest of your body. When you gently grinded your hips against him and earned an immediate reaction by feeling a warm pressure against your lower stomach, that need caused a moan to escape.
And that’s when Billy couldn’t handle it anymore. He tore away from the kiss, breathing heavily.
“Are your parents home?” he asked with a dark and lustful shine in his eyes.
“No and they won’t be for a few hours,” you breathed and grabbed Billy’s hand before dragging him inside. He wasted no time and as soon as the front door closed, Billy pushed your back against it, pressing his body hard against you.
“Baby, you want this?” he asked. You never thought Billy would be someone to directly ask for affirmation. You assumed that the ‘are your parents home’ question was his form of asking for consent.
“Yes Billy, please. I need this,” you breathed out, pulling on his shoulder to get his lips back on yours. He pulled up your legs and you turned them around his waist causing his growing hard-on to press against your core in a pleasurable way. Both of you let out a needy moan.
“Fuck, where’s your room?” Billy mumbled against your lips and carefully brought you back to the floor again. You made your way upstairs to your bedroom while Billy was right behind you. “Nice ass you got there kitten.”
A laugh escaped your lips.
“Why thank you Hargrove,” you said and pushed him on your bed without even bothering to close the door. You slipped out of your shorts, only wearing your bikini. Billy pulled off his pants as well, left in his boxers. His hard-on strained against his underwear and being able to see it only got you more turned on.
He pulled you on top of him and you sat down on his lap. Gently you started moving your hips against him, hoping it will earn a reaction. And so it did.
“Kitten, are you playing with me?” Billy grunted and he let out a lustful moan. You giggled and pressed your hips down harder, causing Billy’s breath to hitch and his hands to grip your thighs hard. You raked your nails down his chest and that did it for Billy.
He picked you up, got off the bed and then put you down on your back. He got in between your legs, turning the game around. Instead of you teasing him, he moved his hands all over your body. He caressed your sides, rubbed against your breasts and pushed down on your core. In return, you gave him moans and whimpers.
“Billy please, I need more,” you moaned out and Billy smiled in response.
“Do you now kitten?” he dragged and slid his hand down towards your bikini bottom. “Something like this?”
His hand slipped underneath the fabric, down to your lips and his fingers spread your folds. He softly rubbed the length from your clit down to your entrance and back up again. It made you crazy.
“You’re so wet for me baby girl,” he whispered and brought his lips to your neck, kissing, sucking and tenderly biting at the skin. Moans eluded from your lips, edging Billy on to tease you more.
His face showed how much he loved making you crazy for him like that. He could see how much you wanted him and that only made him want you more.
For you however, Billy was taking too long so you took control by pushing him off you and jumping up from the bed. You pushed him down again and pulled off Billy’s boxers. His erection jumped up and slapped against his stomach.
“That’s what you do to me kitten,” Billy grunted, throwing his head back, enjoying the cold air flowing against his member. A giggle left your mouth before you licked a line from his balls to the tip of his cock where you closed your lips around it. Gently you started sucking and bobbing your head up and down the head of his cock. Immediately Billy’s breath hitched and grunts and moans escaped his throat. Your confidence earned a booster and after a few more bobs you pushed your head down as far as possible. His tip gently hit the back of your throat, causing Billy to grab onto your hair and pull softly. In that moment the sounds that left Billy’s lips were worth the lack of air.
“Baby if you keep doing that, I’ll cum,” came out from between Billy’s clenched teeth. In the same second he pulled your face away from him, your lips letting go of his member with a wet pop. Your lungs filled with air again and Billy threw his head back while his cock was glistening with pre-cum and saliva. He got back up from the bed, grabbed your thighs and pulled you towards him at the edge of the bed. He turned you around so you’d be on all fours. He lined his cock up with your entrance and slid his tip in between your folds. You could feel his throbbing head against your sensitive clit and you let out a moan in response.
“You ready for this baby?” he asked in a breathy voice.
“Yes Billy, please,” you moaned. As soon as those words left your lips Billy pushed forward, letting your walls adjust to his member for two seconds before thrusting all the way. Immediately both of your moans started mixing with whimpers and heavy breaths.
His pace was relentless, making you lose every train of thought. His hands were on your hips, moving your body with his so he could get as deep as he possibly could.
“Your pussy feels so good around me, kitten,” he said with a breaking voice.
Your legs started shaking from the pace Billy kept up but you barely felt it. You were consumed by the boy who was fucking your brains out. The shaking got even worse when Billy moved one of his hands to your clit and started circling the nub. Then the knot in your stomach started forming even quicker and you felt the pleasure building up, close to release.
“Baby, I’m gonna-” Billy started but got cut off by your moans intensifying. He felt your walls clenching around his member which was what finally pushed him over the edge as well. His hands dug into your hips as he held you in place, his cock buried deep inside you. You felt his cum filling you up, making you moan one last time before dropping down on the bed. Billy carefully pulled out and went to lie down next to you.
“I wish my mom’s car broke down earlier,” you chuckled, moving your head onto Billy’s shoulder while he wrapped his arm around you. Billy laughed and pushed a kiss on your forehead, pulling you closer to spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling.
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I Am Here
Request: Billy Hargrove x Y/N based on pinks I am here if you have the time please?? I love your writing btw
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: Abuse tw, language
Word Count: 2186
A/N: Thank you for the request!!!! I love this song. I hope I’ve done it justice with this. It’s quite long I got carried away. Christmas requests are open!!!!
Xmas Prompts
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I open up my heart
You can love me or not
There's no such thing as sin
Let it all come right in.
When Y/N L/N and Billy Hargrove met, the entire school would have betted that they would hate each other. The girl with hidden bruises and the boy with bloody knuckles and the same shared dark secrets surrounding their fathers. No one in school knew about their secrets but they were both volatile, violent and mercurial. While she was less likely to lash out physically than him, neither of them had many friends. Yet in each other they found refuge. Something about the other reminded them about themselves and though they would not put their fingers on it until much later, neither could part with the other from the first glance.
They quickly rose to be the power couple of the school and people stayed out of their way. They didn’t need anyone else. It was Billy who caved and told his secret first. Things had been getting heated and he had forgotten the bruises on his chest. She had seen the same marks littering her own skin too many times to not notice what they were.
“It’s nothing.” His hands didn’t move from her hips but he screwed his eyes shut.
“It’s okay.” She didn’t move from sitting on his hips as she leant down and kissed down his chest.
I wanna make some mistakes, I wanna sleep in the mud
I wanna swim in the flood, I wanna fuck 'til I'm done.
When Y/N caved they were out on a forest drive when she told him to pull up abruptly. He had done as she asked and she had barely fallen out of the car before she was throwing up the contents of her stomach. He had immediately joined her on the floor and held her hair back until she fell back into his chest. He had pulled her up and sat her in the passenger seat with a bottle of water and a pack of mints. His hands slipped under her shirt and raised it so he could see the bruises covering her stomach. His head had fallen into her lap as his breathing increased. She ran her fingers trough his dirty blond locks and whispered, “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not.” He raised his eyes to meet hers. “We’re getting out of this place.”
They packed their bags, left notes for their families and then climbed in the Camaro and drove as fast as they could.
I like whiskey on ice, I like sun in my eyes
I wanna burn it all down, so let's start a fire.
I wanna be lost, so lost that I'm found
Naked and laughing with my blood on the ground.
Billy pulled the car up at the end of the side road that they had taken. Y/N wrapped her coat around her tighter as she climbed out clutching the bottle of whiskey and two glasses. Colorado was freezing cold but they didn’t care. Neither of them had any idea where they currently were but it didn’t matter. It didn’t take long for Billy to get a fire going and they sat on a tree stump and looked at the snowy scenery around them. Y/N stood quickly and walked over to a tree and broke off some ice. She placed it each glass before pouring over the whiskey and handing him a glass.
“Here’s to a fresh start.” Billy raised his glass with a smile and she clinked hers with his.
They downed the alcohol and let it burn down their throats. It was the first time in so long that neither of them had any bruises. Billy cupped her face with his hand and kissed her harshly. She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to her.
I am here, I am here
I've already seen the bottom, so there's nothing to fear
Know that I'll be ready when the devil is near
I am here, I am here
All of this wrong, but I'm still right here
I don't have the answers, but the question is clear.
They entered the office of the crappy motel laughing with rosy cheeks. The woman on the desk raised an eyebrow slightly but smiled at their antics.
“We’d like a room please.” Billy flashed his signature grin as he pulled Y/N into his side.
“Single or double.” The woman asked writing down in the address book.
“Single.” Y/N said politely.
“There you go. You kids don’t get into too much trouble.” The woman handed Y/N the key.
“Oh, there’s no doubt that we will.” Billy smirked as they grabbed their bags from the car.
They walked into the room and dropped their bags before collapsing next to each other on the bed. They grinned t each other before they started laughing again. By this point neither of them could remember what it had been they were laughing at in the first place. Billy shifted so he was hovering over her as they stopped laughing. He pressed his lips to hers.
“I love you.” He whispered as he kissed down her neck.
“I love you too.”
Let me ask you
Where does everybody go when they go
Where does everybody go when they go
Where does everybody go when they go
Let me ask you
They drove down the Las Vegas strip just before the break of dawn. Both of them were captivated by the way the lights danced in front of them. They didn’t care about the casinos or the various other attractions that Vegas had to offer. It was on their route and they both wanted to see the lights. Y/N smiled across at him as the different colours illuminated his face. His jaw line stood out sharply, his blue eyes glittered and he had never looked more beautiful to her. The further they drove from their families, the lighter they both felt. There was no need for violent outbursts or hiding from the world. They were both at peace.
Billy pulled the car up at the edge of the desert and they both climbed out and sat on the bonnet. They watched the sunrise wrapped in each other’s arms.
May the light be upon me
May I feel in my bones that I am enough
I can make anywhere home
My fingers are clenched, my stomach's in knots
My heart it is racing, but afraid I am not
Afraid I am not...
Billy sat on the beach, a cigarette between his lips as he watched Y/N dance to an unheard song barefoot in the ocean. California was as he had always remembered it and having her there with him made everything seem so much better. She loved the ocean and he couldn’t help but smile as her face lit up with joy, her hair moved around her and her eyes shone. She was perfect and he wouldn’t let the world hurt her again. She gestured for him to come and join her and he stumped out his cigarette before joining her in the swell of the waves. He swayed with her to the unheard melody with a smile on his face.
“What?” She questioned matching his grin.
“You here with me; it’s perfect.” He pushed her hair behind her ear as he kissed her forehead.
His uncle helped them find a cheap apartment near the ocean. Billy got a job helping out at his uncle’s business as Y/N studied to take her exams early.
I am here, I am here
I've already seen the bottom, so there's nothing to fear
I know that I'll be ready when the devil is near
Cause I am here, I am here
All of this wrong, but I'm still right here
I don't have the answers, but the question is clear.
Y/N had passed her exams and was applying to colleges and looking for small part time jobs when the knock sounded on their front door. Billy was laid on the sofa next to her and he stood to answer it. Everything happened so fast. He opened the door and the next minute he was on the other side of the room. His father was clutching onto his shirt and he slammed him into the wall; hard. Billy collapsed to the floor, his hand going to the back of his head where blood was starting to flow.
“You little shit.” Neil Hargrove dragged the boy to his feet and pressed him back against the wall. “Do you know how worried me and Susan have been.”
Billy’s eyes were blown wide in fear as Y/N finally snapped out of her own shock. She shoved Neil hard away from Billy and the older man went sprawling into the kitchen. Billy collapsed to the floor again; his vision was blurred from the pain in the back of his head. Neil’s eyes were full of rage as he clambered back to his feet. Y/N was on her knees next to Billy, steadying him with her hands on his shoulders. Neil grabbed her and threw her across the room. Her back hit the wall and all the air left her lungs.
“So, you abandoned your family for this bitch?” Neil growled as Billy seemed to regain some sense at the sound of Y/N crying out in pain.
“You stay away from her.” Billy’s voice shook but was still hard. He stood up using the wall as a support but Neil connected his fist with Billy’s jaw; sending him once again to the floor.
Y/N regained her breath and pushed herself up. She grabbed a bottle of the coffee table and carefully wrapped her hand around it. As Neil’s foot buried itself in Billy’s ribs, Y/n slammed the bottle over his head. Neil collapsed to the floor clutching his bleeding head. Y/N held the broken glass out in front of her as Neil looked at her with fear in his face.
“You leave us alone, or I call the cops.” Y/N threatened her voice wavering.
Neil scurried out of the room and Y/N slammed and locked the door behind him. She made her way over to Billy and collapsed beside him. Tears finally escaped down her cheeks as she pulled him into her. He was bleeding on her clothes but she couldn’t care less. He clutched her like she would disappear as he too broke down.
I can think of one thousand places
Much worse than this.
Y/N cleaned Billy up and had him lay down on the sofa as he regained his senses fully. She cleaned up the apartment with shaking hands. She walked into the living room to find Billy asleep with an ice pack balanced on his head. Looking at him bruised and battered broke her heart and she collapsed to her knees next to the sofa; sobbing. Neither of them had any ideas that this would be easy and they were still together and still alive. Nothing else mattered. Neil Hargrove was gone from both of their lives. Y/N prayed he would never some back.
But I am here, I am here
I've already seen the bottom, so there's nothing to fear
Know that I'll be ready when the devil is near
Cause I am here, I am here
All of this wrong, but I'm still right here
I don't have the answers, but the question is clear.
Y/N laid her head on Billy’s chest as they both laid on the beach staring at the stars. Neil had never come back since Y/N had threatened him with a bottle. Now, three years on, neither of them could be happier. They had brought a house together and were planning for the future.
“Can I ask you something?” Billy’s voice was soft as he ran his hand through her hair.
She hummed in response. Billy smiled and sat them both up. He sat cross legged in front of her and pulled a box from his pocket.
“Marry me?” He opened the box to show her the ring. It wasn’t anything too flashy but as long as he was hers, she really didn’t care.
She didn’t answer him only crashed her lips onto his. He responded immediately as she moved into his lap. “Yes. My. God. Yes.” She muttered in between kisses and he smiled into her.
Let me ask you
Where does everybody go when they go
Where does everybody go when they go
Where does everybody go when they go
Let me ask you
Where does everybody go when they go
Where does everybody go when they go
Where does everybody go when they go
Oh, let me ask you...
Tags: @steveharringtonofficial
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