#neimoidian sparks
swtorpadawan · 2 years
There's a passage in the Revenge of the Sith novelization that I believe would make a good baseline for how the Bar'senthor fights.
This is Obi-Wan Kenobi in the light:
As he is prodded onto the bridge along with Anakin and Chancellor Palpatine, he has no need to look around to see the banks of control consoles tended by terrified Neimoidians. He doesn't need to turn his head to count the droidekas and super battle droids, or to gauge the positions of the brutal droid bodyguards. He doesn't bother to raise his eyes to meet the cold yellow stare fixed on him through a skull-mask of armorplast.
He doesn't even need to reach into the Force.
He has already let the Force reach into him.
The force flows over him and round him as though he has stepped into a crystal-pure waterfall lost in the green coils of a forgotten rain forest; when he opens himself to heat sparkling stream it flows into him and through him and out again without the slightest interference from his conscious will. The part of him that calls itself Obi-Wan Kenobi is no more than a ripple, an eddy in the pool into which he endlessly pours.
There are other parts of him here, as well; there is nothing here that is not a part of him, from the scuff mark on R2-D2's dome to the tattered hem of Palpatine's robe, from the spidering crack in one transparisteel panel of the curving view wall above to the great starships that still battle beyond it.
Because this is all part of the Force.
Somehow, mysteriously, the cloud that has darkened the Force for near to decade and half has lightened around him now, and he finds within himself the limped clarity he recalls from his schooldays at the Jedi Temple, when the Force was pure, and clean, and perfect. It is as though the darkness has withdrawn, has coiled back upon itself, to allow him this moment of clarity, to return to him the full power of the light, if only for the moment; he does not know why, but he is incapable of even wondering. In the Force, he is beyond questions.
Why is meaningless; it is an echo of the past, or a whisper from the future. All that matters, for this infinite now, is what, and where, and who.
He is all sixteen of the super battle droids, gleaming in laser-reflective chrome, arms loaded with heavy blasters. He is those blasters and he is their targets. He is all eight destroyer droids waiting with electronic patience within their energy shields, and both bodyguards, and every single one of the shivering Neimoidians. He is their cloths, their boots, even each drop of reptile-scented moisture that rolls off them from the misting sprays they use to keep their internal temperatures down. He is the binders that cuff his hands, and he is the elctrostaff in the hands of the bodyguard at his back.
He is both of the lightsabers that the other droid bodyguard marches forward to offer to General Grevious.
And he is the general himself.
He is the general's duranium ribs. He is the beating of Grevious's alien heart, and is the silent pulse of oxygen pumped through his alien veins. He is the weight of four lightsabers at the general's belt, and is the greedy anticipation the captured weapons sparked behind the general's eyes. He is even the plan for his own execution simmering within the general's brain.
He is all of these things, but most important, he is still Obi-Wan Kenobi.
This is why he can simply stand. Why he can simply wait. He has no need to attack, or to defend. There will be battle here, but he is perfectly at ease, perfectly content to let the battle start when it will start, and let it end when it will end.
Just as he will let himself live, or let himself die.
This is how a great Jedi makes war.
I do wonder how this would apply to a Shadow Bar'senthor, if they let the Force guide them to where they'll hunt down their next dark side relic.
I can easily see this playing a major factor into their choice of lightsaber form(s). After all, they're as much warriors as they are scholars.
My Shadow, Lomia, uses Niman on the backbone of Shii-Cho, Soresu, and Ataru. All four implement the Force heavily, whether allowing the Force to direct the user or the user directing the Force.
This is also why I love pairing the Consular with Lana, as the two likely view and use the Force in completely opposite ways. Yet this wouldn't diminish their effectiveness as a team. Case and point, Obi-Wan and Anakin.
One HC I have that uses this mindset/technique is during the Eternal Empire story arc. Lomia's use of oneness with the Force is what allows her to block out Valkorian, or at the very least, diminish his presence in her mind. His presence alone does it make it harder for her to do so, but not impossible. Though as the story progresses, it gets harder and harder for her to completely open up to the Force. Thus, her urgency to get rid of him.
Thanks for this, @spikerwolf5896 !
There's definitely a lot of Obi-Wan Kenobi inspiration with the Jedi Consular concept. I have… serious opinions about the structure of that class story, but this is entirely legitimate.
I think I may borrow your ideas for one of my Jedi Consulars, Zerahte. She's a Miraluka Shadow, and it would make excellent sense.
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I wish the Jedi Consular got more credit in the JC story for being skilled at feeling the Force.
But thank you!
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boo-moved · 1 year
On the topic of Star Wars, I really recommend the Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover, it's amazing.
Here's one of my favorite passages in the book:
This is Obi-Wan Kenobi in the light:
As he is prodded onto the bridge along with Anakin and Chancellor Palpatine, he has no need to look around to see the banks of control consoles tended by terrified Neimoidians. He doesn't need to turn his head to count the droidekas and super battle droids, or to gauge the positions of the brutal droid bodyguards. He doesn't bother to raise his eyes to meet the cold yellow stare fixed on him through a skull-mask of armorplast.
He doesn't even need to reach into the Force.
He has already let the Force reach into him.
The Force flows over him and around him as though he has stepped into a crystal-pure waterfall lost in the green coils of a forgotten rain forest; when he opens himself to heat sparkling stream it flows into him and through him and out again without the slightest interference from his conscious will. The part of him that calls itself Obi-Wan Kenobi is no more than a ripple, an eddy in the pool into which he endlessly pours.
There are other parts of him here, as well; there is nothing here that is not a part of him, from the scuff mark on R2-D2's dome to the tattered hem of Palpatine's robe, from the spidering crack in one transparisteel panel of the curving view wall above to the great starships that still battle beyond it.
Because this is all part of the Force.
Somehow, mysteriously, the cloud that has darkened the Force for near to decade and half has lightened around him now, and he finds within himself the limped clarity he recalls from his schooldays at the Jedi Temple, when the Force was pure, and clean, and perfect. It is as though the darkness has withdrawn, has coiled back upon itself, to allow him this moment of clarity, to return to him the full power of the light, if only for the moment; he does not know why, but he is incapable of even wondering. In the Force, he is beyond questions.
Why is meaningless; it is an echo of the past, or a whisper from the future. All that matters, for this infinite now, is what, and where, and who.
He is all sixteen of the super battle droids, gleaming in laser-reflective chrome, arms loaded with heavy blasters. He is those blasters and he is their targets. He is all eight destroyer droids waiting with electronic patience within their energy shields, and both bodyguards, and every single one of the shivering Neimoidians. He is their cloths, their boots, even each drop of reptile-scented moisture that rolls off them from the misting sprays they use to keep their internal temperatures down. He is the binders that cuff his hands, and he is the electrostaff in the hands of the bodyguard at his back.
He is both of the lightsabers that the other droid bodyguard marches forward to offer to General Grievious.
And he is the general himself.
He is the general's duranium ribs. He is the beating of Grievious's alien heart, and is the silent pulse of oxygen pumped through his alien veins. He is the weight of four lightsabers at the general's belt, and is the greedy anticipation the captured weapons sparked behind the general's eyes. He is even the plan for his own execution simmering within the general's brain.
He is all of these things, but most important, he is still Obi-Wan Kenobi.
This is why he can simply stand. Why he can simply wait. He has no need to attack, or to defend. There will be battle here, but he is perfectly at ease, perfectly content to let the battle start when it will start, and let it end when it will end.
Just as he will let himself live, or let himself die.
This is how a great Jedi makes war.
General Grievious lifted the two lightsabers, one in each duranium hand, to admire them by the light of turbolaser blasts outside, and said, "Rare trophies, these: the weapon of Anakin Skywalker, and the weapon of General Kenobi. I look forward to adding them to my collection."
"That will not happen. I am in control here." The reply through Obi-Wan's lips, but it was not truly Obi-Wan who spoke. Obi-Wan was not in control; he had no need for control. He had the Force.
It was the Force that spoke through him. Grievious stalked forward. Obi-Wan saw death in the cold yellow stare through the skull-mask's eyeholes, and it meant nothing to him at all.
There was no death. There was only the Force. He didn't have to tell Anakin to subtly nudle Chancellor Palpatine out of the line of fire; part of him was Anakin, and was doing this already. He didn't have to tell R2-D2 to access its combat subprograms and divert power to its booster rockets, claw-arm, and cable gun; part of him that was the little astromech has seen to all of these things before they had even entered the bridge.
Grievious towered over him. "So confident you are, Kenobi."
"Not confident, merely calm." From so close, Obi-Wan could see the hairline cracks and pitting in the bone-pale mask and could feel the resonance of the general's electrosonic voice humming in his chest. He remembered the question of Master Jrul: What is the good, if not the teacher of the bad? What is the bad if not the task of the good?
He said. "We can resolve this situation without further violence. I am willing to accept your surrender."
"I'm sure you are." The skull-mask tilted inquisitively. "Does this preposterous I-will-accept-your-surrender line of yours ever actually work?"
"Sometimes. When it doesn't, people get hurt. Sometimes they die." Obi-Wan's blue-gray eyes met squarely those of yellow behind the mask. "By people, in this case, you should understand that I mean you."
"I understand enough. I understand that I will kill you." Grievious threw back his cloak and ignited both lightsabers. "Here. Now. With your own blade"
The Force replied through Obi-Wan's lips. "I don't think so."
The electrodrivers that powered Grievious's limbs could move faster than the human eye can see; when he swung his arm, it and his fist and the lightsaber within it would literally vanish: wiped from existence by sheer mind-numbing speed, an imitation quantum event. No human being could move remotely as fast Grievious, not even Obi-Wan-- but he didn't have to.
In the Force, part of him was Grievious's intent to slaughter, and the surge from intent to action translated to Obi-Wan's response without thought. He had no need for a plan, no use for tactics.
He had the Force.
That sparkling waterfall coursed through him, washing away any thought of danger, or safety, of winning or losing. The Force, like water, takes on the shape of its container without effort, without thought. The water that was Obi-Wan poured itself into the container that was Grievious's attack, and while some materials might be water-tight, Obi-Wan had yet to encounter any that were entire, as it were, Force-tight...
While the intent to swing was still forming in Grievious's mind, the part of the Force that was Obi-Wan was also part of the Force that was R2-D2, as well as an internal fusion-welder Anakin had retrofitted into R2-D2's primary grappling arm, and so there was no need for actual communication between them; it was only Obi-Wan's personal sense of style that brought his customary gentle smile to his face and his customary gentle murmur to his lips. "Artoo?"
Even as he opened his mouth, a panel was sliding aside in the little droid's fuselage; by the time the droid's nickname had left his lips, the fusion-welder had deployed and fired a blinding spray of sparks hot enough to melt duranium, and in the quarter of a second while even Grievous's electronically enhanced reflexes had him startled and distracted, the part of the Force that was Obi-Wan tried a little trick, a secret one that it had been saving up for just such an occasion as this.
Because all there on the bridge was one in the Force, from the gross structure of the ship itself to the quantum dance of the electron shell so individual atoms--and because, after all, the nerves and muscle of the bio-droid general were creations of electronics and duranium, not living tissue with a will of its own-- it was just barely possible that with exactly the right twist of his mind, in that one vulnerable quarter of a second while Grievous was distracted, flinching backward from a spray of flame hot enough to burn even his armored body, Obi-Wan might be able to temporarily reverse the polarity of the electrodrivers in the general's mechanical hands.
Which is exactly what he did.
Durasteel fingers sprang open, and two lightsabers fell free.
He reached through the Force and the Force reached through him, his blade flared to life while still in the air, it flipped toward him, and as he lifted his hands to meet it, its blue flame flashed between his wrists and severed the binds before the handgrip smacked solidly into his palm.
He made a quarter of a turn to face Anakin, who was already in the air, having leaped simultaneously with Obi-Wan's gentle murmur because Obi-Wan and Anakin were, after all, two parts of the same thing; Anakin's flip carried him over Obi-Wan's head at the perfect range for Obi-Wan's blade to flick out and burn through his partner's binders, and while Grievous was still flinching away from the fountain of fusion fire, Anakin landed with his own hand extended; Obi-Wan felt a liquid surge in the waterfall that he was, and Anakin's lightsaber sang through the air and Anakin caught it, and so, one single second after Grievous had begun to summon the intent to swing, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker stood back-to-back in the center of the bridge, expressionlessly staring past the snarling blue of energy of their lightsabers.
Obi-Wan regarded with general without emotion. "Perhaps you should reconsider my offer."
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space-blue · 2 years
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For you @weirdlet from this ask game.
First here are my notes, edited a bit to fit :
Ramson Gimbsey is a Toydarian chef, extremely famous for being a fiery personality who runs several holoshows, including "Hells' Galley". He also happens to be a minor toydarian royal member. Like third cousin to the king or something. If you remember, Toydaria is a very early subject of dispute for The Clone Wars show.
So in this AU, Cad Bane is a Jedi master, training Meeyan as a padawan. He and Kenobi get assigned because the murder is gruesome and sparking a massive diplomatic accident (set early in the Clone Wars).
Ramson Gimbsey was hosting a show event cooking/party night on a small luxury spaceship, lots of big names present. It suddenly it came under attack. I was going to go for a highjacked ship combined with a slug thrown clear through the bulkhead, or whole atmosphere cycled out from the engineering department. At any rate everyone inside is dead and turned into space popscicles.
The Toydarians are still receiving threats from the sepies, so it's generally assumed this is what's going on and this was a direct threat from them, since many people from all over died. There is a lot of dissent within the republic.
SO Bane and Meeyan get sent because Bane is a good "criminal mind" guy, and Kenobi is a great negotiator. Detective and diplomat duo. They also think Meeyan needs to work with Kenobi because Bane is… lacking in the negotiation department, to put it mildly. As an added twist, Meeyan retains her obsession with food in this AU. She was a massive fan of Ramson, and was watching the show live when the attack happened.
Dooku sees the strife and drops a lot of unhelpful comments while admitting to nothing, but it's not the sepies. Bane focuses on the investigation and Obi focuses on the diplomacy. Meeyan would bounce between them as the plot unfolds
Now, I brainstormed the actual source of the thing, and was going to change it as I write, but my dumb ass pantser brain can't get motivated to write something plotted out, and here we are!
Turns out, the actual intended victim was one of the guests directly related to one of the Toydarian ministers. He was drafting huge deals about mining/driving resource on the toydarian moon, and handing that contract to a very big Neimoidian name. When the TCW debacle happened, Toydaria joined the republic and the gov froze the deal with the Neimoidian.
However, that Neimoidian had been buttering that minister and he wants his fucking contract now. As arguments escalated and he made threats, he was dismissed and ignored. So he hired a big time bounty hunter to do the job. It was meant to be a non-Force sensitive Quinlan Vos, who basically takes Cad Bane's place as morally bankrupt bounty hunter in this AU.
Vos decided the best way to make the murder "discreet" yet public was to kill everyone aboard. So now in the background the Neimoidian is like "tic toc, I know where you live", and the minister is desperately trying to make stuff fit for him, while wrestling the investigating Jedi. The call to have the Jedi involved doesn't come from him (either the King, or the Chancellor). When they arrive they can sense something is off with the minister somehow.
We'd have two villains : the mastermind/hidden one, profit driven, and the physical villain, who's good enough to take on Jedi and nasty enough to kill padawans.
I would have made Meeyan dual wield and Bane with a saber staff.
And here's an excerpt for you:
'Mace, before I go, I've got to ask… Is this assignment because of Meeyan?'
'Your padawan? No. She will benefit from learning with Obi-Wan, but she isn't the reason you were selected. What makes you think that?'
'Do you not know? How do you not know?' Cad scoffed, incredulous. 'The child is one overexcited bake-off away from leaving the Order. She's a huge fan of Ramson Gimbsey.'
The news made Mace's eyebrows hitch up in suprise and promptly fall back down in concern. 'Was she watching the show?'
'I see… That's why you were already well aware of the situation, I suppose?'
'You've got that right. Nothing to take you out of meditation like a padawan screaming their head off.'
Cad grimaced. He was jesting, but Meeyan's shock had been genuine, hitting him through the Force like a slap, and her dismay had lasted longer than would be considered proper. But then how often did you get to see your favourite star murdered live? He'd cut the kid some slack, but he still wasn't sure how she'd take this assignment.
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Neemo: Can I ask you guys something? How are you both so happy? Doesn't it weigh on you that the world might be ending?
Leenik: [to Tryst] Can I tell him our secret? [Tryst nods] Come here, come here. We're very, very... stupid!
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kareenvorbarra · 5 years
campaign (star wars) characters + wolfpupy tweets
[Tryst] [Leenik]
Bacta: when you get your revenge on someone always immediately hit them with a second revenge, undercuts any counter-revenge or betrayal they have
Tony: as a 5 week old wolf puppy, or as i am known in most circles "the world's smartest mind", i have basically an infinite amount of knowledge
Lyn: after breaking hundreds of artifacts and disturbing a whole bunch of ancient ruins and tombs the curses kind of blur together so EXCUSE ME
Tamlin: thinking of getting some pyschic powers later this year, depends on whether i feel like it at the time
Aava: there are few things in life that can't be achieved with occult dark magic
Neemo: a trip around the sun? i'd rather stay home
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minnarr · 7 years
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Some thoughts for Toneman & Cupp designs. I mean...these turned out more Coneman and Tupp, since I don’t know if in Neemo’s book Cupp would be a Zabrak child, but hey. They get costumes! 
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genderfluid-druid · 4 years
if I had a nickel for every time an actual play podcast character has become obsessed with a romance author's work and then bumped into That Exact Author while under fire and without realizing who he was, well, I'd only have two nickels but it's still weird it happened twice
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the-ipre · 3 years
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leenik geelo (is a dead man walking)
[id: a digital drawing of Leenik Geelo from Campaign. Leenik is a starry eyed green rodian with a purple eyepatch over one eye and a short pink wig. He is wearing a brown jumpsuit and one hand holds a Neimoidian Sparks book to his chest while the other mechanical one rests below it. The background is gray with a blue dot behind him, and his name is above him. Written to the side are the words “(Is living on borrowed time)” /end id]
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confused-stars · 4 years
i finished a podcast i’ve been working my way through since this Summer today. i’d been putting off the final episode. it ends after the conclusion of an arc, but it’s such an open ending and i wish there was more i’m gonna miss this crew the clone soldier who thought he only lived for revenge until he found fulfillment in his friends and raising a child the smuggler with an attitude who learned the importance of family, both blood and blond the outcast bounty hunter who never fit in anywhere but with this crew of misfits, who teetered on the edge of the dark side but let his friends pull him back into the light the archeologist who ran from her past and found people she could be brave enough to confront it with the tiny Jedi to be who was alone and afraid but held his family together with tooth and nail the space wolf and, of course, award winning romance author Neimoidian Sparks
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onewhoturns · 5 years
Forty-some episodes in and I just -- there are so many fantastic things that happen because the team on Campaign Star Wars are just A++ improvisers and their “yes, and” is out of this world (pun intended). Taking a joke and absolutely running with it, sprinting with it, to a finish line that most definitely didn’t exist until you started this bit.
- Leenik faking the name “Billy Crystal” at a hotel check in -> Bai-Lee Crystal, the bounty hunter whose hotel room they stole, on Mandalore specifically looking for them, and look here she is come to collect
- BHIKKE, and “sneak into BHIKKE” becoming “Sneak 'n’ Tubaik” a two-person bounty hunting duo who were friends -- wait, no they are now horrible enemies of our protagonists and are probably looking for them and hate them enough to break the rules of BHIKKE to collect the multi-million credit bounty (also: BHIKKE itself. The Bounty Hunters Intergalactic Killing and Kidnapping Expo, which definitely wasn’t a planned thing until they made it a thing, and from ‘we should avoid that’ it suddenly became ‘well it’s probably the best place to go to get what we need’ despite the multi-million credit bounty on us)
- that one space rabbit, a joke that multiplied and became an entire Dread episode wherein the players may have tied the world record for Jenga?
- Neimoidian Sparks, Leenik’s favorite romance author, who thanks to a bit about Leenik wanting an autograph led to him appearing in-game and becoming a new member on the ship??
Basically this show is fantastic, these players are fantastic, and Kat’s ability as GM to roll with the (ridiculous) punches is epic and enviable. Amazing that they get anywhere, but they most definitely do. I can’t believe I held back listening to this just cause I’m not a Star Wars/sci-fi fan. This is amazing.
Also, should probably mention: the episodes are one hour! Super easy to listen to for an AP podcast!
[And the second campaign (non-Star Wars) is most excellent as well! But I was already listening and freaking out about that already]
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celinamarniss · 5 years
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The Mynock by Ben Zweifel
The Mynock is a heavily modified GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat.  
The ship is owned by Tryst Valentine and was designed to serve as a short-term home for a small crew. Prior to Episode One, ships operations were helped by the droid R2-D20. The ship does have an ship computer AI, KAT,[1] but at some point KAT was damaged and now chooses to only answer kitchen-related questions. On Myrkr, a modified engine belonging to Lyn was installed on the Mynock. The engine, allowing the Mynock to siphon energy from other ships, also brought Lyn onto the crew. Tony was additionally brought abroad on this planet. On Phindar, the Mynock's hyperdrive was repaired by Zevowc and the ship was repainted with a pink stripe and a stick figure family. Following the Mynock's departure from Phindar, the crew traveled to the Roach system to either expand the Mynock or to trade it in for a new, bigger ship.
The current crew includes: Captain Trystan Valentine, Bacta, Leenik Geelo, Lyntel'luroon, Neimoidian Sparks, Tamlin, and the vornskr Tony, as well as many lizards. 
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waveridden · 6 years
okay you guys know how neimoidian sparks is basically space nicholas sparks? i need more names like that. including
space john grisham
space sue grafton
space dan brown
space stephen king
basically, like, any author who you would find on the bestseller list for airport paperbacks? please help me space their name
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noddytheornithopod · 6 years
So, Star Wars Resistance... I saw the premiere and the subsequent two episodes that Disney put online. I’ll discuss my thoughts under the cut (expect lots of Autistic feelings on Neeku :V).
I don’t know if I’m just getting older and would’ve felt the same about Ahsoka and Ezra’s first appearances, but I’m kinda finding Kaz annoying for now. I’m sure he’s going to develop and get better at... everything, but for now I’m finding him kinda grating. Like, he’s got the immaturity those characters had, but he’s more obnoxious about it especially since he’s such a try hard and his awkwardness with everything got annoying for me quickly. But of course, the massive idiot always ends up being right or fixes the problem of the episode. Makes me wonder how he even is a good pilot and flying T-85 X-wings in the New Republic navy. :P The most interesting thing about him so far is how sheltered he seems with his parents doing everything for him until now.
Oh yeah, Kaz saying the New Republic is all he’s ever known and he wants to fight for it... can’t wait to see how he’s going six months later. :P
We got a little bit of information about the Republic and Resistance relationship actually stated in visual media, namely how they weren’t allowed to engage Vonreg and Kaz had to get rid of them, and how the New Republic isn’t a fan of the Resistance even if they’re kind of necessary to keep an eye on the First Order. I can’t help but wonder if Kaz’s dad is secretly a First Order sympathiser, given the novel Bloodline indicates a lot of the “centrist” (as in, they want to centralise power) senators were secretly FO sympathisers. We don’t know much about Kaz’s dad besides him being a wealthy senator, heck we didn’t even see him when he talked with Kaz.
Besides Kaz being too much of a doofus for my liking, my other big issue was... Neeku. I’ve discussed before that his Autistic coding is pretty blatant, and these episodes pretty much confirmed he’s quite stereotypical there. I want to like him, but I feel really uncomfortable watching him. I’m not sure if it’s just me being overly weary and internalised ableism talking, but the whole literal minded thing got old fast. Like, if the character had more nuance at this point I might find it funny and relatable (think PnF or MML in this regard), but Neeku is so stereotypical (right down to the fucking Sheldon style voice - wait what do you mean his voice actor was also on The Big Bang Theory) that it just leaves me feeling second hand embarrassment. I thought they were going to be more introspective when he gets upset and talks about how he finds it hard to get others... but nah. Speaking of which, I kinda feel really weirded out at how they basically used his literal mind and naivete to basically get Kaz into conflict with everyone by taking his boast literally? Like great job guys, I sure feel so much better about myself right there. :/ I also feel weird because they make him seem really childlike and really emphasise it, and people talk about how cute and adorable he is. It’s just uncomfortable. Also, Kaz taking advantage of his literal mind to deceive him and sneak off from work? I literally said “you dick!” out loud to Kaz there. So yeah, Neeku isn’t really working for now. I hope they develop him more because my gosh I don’t want to watch Star Wars Sheldon every episode.
Yeager is probably the best character so far. I like how he’s a wise old mentor type but he also already showing his more flawed side in how he’s trying to avoid any of the First Order conflict. I also want to know more about his time in the Rebellion, how he knows Poe and what happened to his family (don’t you DARE tell me his kid was kidnapped by the First Order). Also, him being more grounded I think really helps in the face of doofus pilot and space Sheldon.
Tam is good. They haven’t really done much with her yet, but I’m sure that will change eventually since she has expressed her own ambitions. Also I definitely feel bad for her since she’s genuinely hardworking and committed to her jobs only for that doofus Kaz to show up and fuck up everything. I kinda get vibes of the whole “loser male protagonist overshadows actually competent female supporting character” thing here, to be honest. Like obviously Kaz has to grow as the protagonist but wow, I feel bad for Tam (though I guess we’re supposed to).
BB-8 is cool I guess, always there to pull off nifty stuff to help. I guess Poe is using Kaz’s astromech for now while BB-8 has Kaz on the mission? Bucket is okay I guess, nothing too special yet, his intro felt very Chopper though.
Haven’t seen much of the aces yet besides Torra, she seems nice and I’m definitely curious to see how her relationship with Kaz develops as they become friends. Also wow Kaz, you definitely underestimated her, just because she’s the youngest and newest doesn’t mean she’s easy, she’s an ace for a reason you ding dong. :P
The other denizens of the colossus are fine, at least the location is well thought out and the world building is there. Nobody I’ve really gravitated towards yet.
Torra’s father seems creepy. I can’t help but wonder if he’s a First Order sympathiser, or will at least be a total pushover in the face of them. I think I heard something about taking control of the Colossus but I’m not sure if it was about him or I misheard, I doubt it would be so vague though.
Dammit, I wanted a sympathetic Neimoidian, but the dude has to be in league with pirates and by extension the First Order. Also why does he have to be so fat, why do the villains have to be fat (yeah you know why but meh)?
Elijah Wood’s character was something for sure. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him, I won’t be surprised if he ends up being a thorn in Kaz’s side in racing and mechanics or even works with the First Order.
The racing parts were pretty good, actually.
I want more of Vonreg. Of course we have to start small with those pirates being hired to do shit for the First Order, but he seems interesting. Also he’s got a cool voice, but it’s Lex Lang, of course I’m happy to see Dr Neo Cortex as the First Order’s top pilot.
Phasma is here, woo! Hope she is able to satisfy her fans here where she couldn’t in the movies. :P Also Commander Pyre is the gold stormtrooper, I wonder where he sits among the First Order if Phasma is always around for the important stuff?
Poe was cool, and Leia’s appearance was nice.
Why do the First Order want control of the Colossus? It seems pretty insignificant, but I guess we’re going to find out why it’s so strategically important with time. Definitely curious to the strategy at play.
OH YEAH also the racial diversity among the humans is pretty good too from what I can tell.
Overall, I’d say it was an okay start. It hasn’t got me fully into it like The Clone Wars movie or Rebel’s Spark of Rebellion did when they first came out, but IDK if it’s because I’m older or Resistance is aiming slightly younger. It has a lot of promise and I’m curious to see where it goes especially in regards to Yeager and the First Order’s plotting, but my gosh do Kaz and Neeku need development. I’m sure it will come since these Star Wars animated shows do show that patience pays off, but yeah. For now, not too into Kaz’s goofy antics. :P
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minnarr · 7 years
Campaign fic: Pen and Paper (and Datapad)
Link: AO3
Wordcount: 776
A friendship fic, mostly featuring Bacta and Lyn, but including all the adult crew members (and a Dear Mynock letter).
Summary: A fic(tion) exchange between the Dear Mynock crew? Bacta maintains it was a bad idea in the first place - but not everything about it was bad.
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crystal-siren · 6 years
Dark Horizon (Obi-Wan x Reader) Pt.1
A Bright Beginning ( Read me first)
Other Worlds (Read me second)
@stuck-as-me, as promised  :)
The last of three stories requested by the amazing @dovies666. They have been a pleasure to write. I hope they have lived up to your expectations :)
I don’t spare my loyalty lightly. To me, it’s not a superficial gesture or an expectation but a hard-won privilege that must be bled and fought for. But earn my allegiance and you’ve got it for good - a devoted friend and guardian who would break bones to protect you. ~ Beau Taplin // Blood Brother
The Capital was the one place that Y/N had believed the war would not come to. Now, as she wove her starfighter through a mess of explosions and streams of fire from the gunships that hovered just above Coruscant’s atmosphere, she realised just how naive she had been. It had all been a matter of time.
“If we die, I’m going to spend the rest of our afterlife reminding you that this was all your fault.” Y/N spoke into her earpiece and narrowly dodged the blast from a vulture droid that had its sights set on her.
“That’s cool, I wouldn’t mind having company while being a ghost,” Anakin’s amused tone filtered through her com.
Shaking her head, Y/N circled her fighter back and aimed her cannons at the droid that formally been hot on her tail. “Take that you mechanical piece of-”
“Language young lady,” Anakin’s voice cut her off.
“Are you seriously picking on my language right now?” Y/N replied, slight annoyance dripping into her tone. “And besides, I’m older than you!”
“Yeah, but only by a couple of years.”
Somehow managing to avoid crashing into the enemy gunships, Y/N managed to shoot back, “a couple? Make that ten.”
“Still a couple,” her friend’s smug voice made her grind her teeth.
“Just how is that?” Y/N pulled up short thus dodging an errant blast from a Republic cruiser.
“Well, you see-” Anakin started to reply when he was cut off.
“Can we stop bickering like children for just a minute and focus on the mission?” Obi-Wan interrupted. His no-nonsense tone filtering through both their earpieces.
Narrowing her eyes in concentration, Y/N soon found the two starfighters that were currently being piloted by her two best friends. “I’d love to.”
Within moments all three were aligned.
“Master, the General’s ship is straight ahead.” Anakin’s tone became serious.
“You do know that he isn’t your Master anymore yeah?” Y/N couldn’t help herself, a grin tugging at the edges of her mouth.
“Its called respect Y/N,” Anakin tried and failed to sound irritated.
“Whatever you say,” Y/N replied, her e/c eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Children, please.” Obi-Wan sighed. Those two never passed up an opportunity to poke at each other.
“It’s the one crawling with vulture droids,” Anakin continued with his earlier description.
Y/N’s keen eyes soon locked onto the ship and groaned. “Oh joy.”
“I see it. Oh this is going to be easy,” the false optimism in Obi-Wan’s voice made Y/N grin.
“Not a word I’d use to describe our current situation.” Y/N shrugged her shoulders against her safety harness and looked to her right. When her eyes locked with his, she nodded and smiled what she hoped was an encouraging smile.
“Ahem,” Anakin faked coughed into their earpiece. “You may want to pay some attention. The fun is about to begin. Ten vulture droids straight ahead and coming down the left side.”
“Yippee,” Y/N tone dripped with sarcasm. Gripping the yoke of her fighter with one hand and the triggers with the other, she settled against her seat and took a deep breath.
“Add five Tri-fighters to the right,” Obi-Wan’s statement made her cringe.
“This just keeps getting better and better,” Y/N murmured to herself. “I never should have let them talk me into this.”
“I heard that,” both Obi-Wan and Anakin spoke at the same time.
“Now that your hearing capabilities have been established, shall we continue?” She looked from side to side and received a thumbs-up from Anakin and nod from Obi-Wan.
“I’ll handle the Tri-fighters,” Y/N impulsively decided and surged forward before the other two could say anything.
“She’s going to get herself killed if she’s not careful,” Obi-Wan said to Anakin as they watched Y/N’s starfighter shoot forward.
“Well,” Anakin’s voice floated over the com. “We can’t let her have all the fun, can we?”
~ ~ ~
Grievous’s reptilian eyes had followed the three Jedi starfighters for quite sometime now. Skywalker, Kenobi and Y/L/N. Those three had quickly become the bane of the Separatist’s existence. Separate them and they were dangerous, put them together and they became lethal.
So it made perfect sense for the Senate to send their best to retrieve their precious Chancellor.
Then, one of the three broke away from the others and shot towards the oncoming Tri-fighers. Grievous watched that one closely. Skywalker no doubt. Who else would face such an enemy head-on ? His eyes soon caught onto the the remaining two, who soon followed. Kenobi and Y/L/N. Those two were never far from their mutual friend. Where one was, the other two would be close by.
The General watched in angered fascination as they decimated and outmaneuvered the droids that Grievous had dispatched. Turning away from the view port, he left the bridge, coughing as he went. Sooner or later they would make their way to his ship, and when they did, he would be ready.
~ ~ ~
Y/N considered herself lucky. Tri-fighters were notoriously difficult to destroy.
“The General’s Command ship is dead ahead,” Anakin’s voice crackled in her earpiece. “Head for the hanger.”
Y/N bit back a snide remark when Obi-Wan’s slightly panicked voice sounded in her ear. “Have you noticed that the shields are still up?!”
Upon closer inspection, Y/N noticed that he was right. “Anakin? You and me, lets go.” Signalling to her friend, she shot forward with canons blazing, Anakin following suit and Obi-Wan not far behind.
The shield generators were destroyed with the first few blasts and soon the hanger’s blast doors began to close with a terrifying speed. All three Jedi punched their thrusters to maximum.
Y/N held her breath as they narrowly missed being crushed by the doors. All three starfighters crash land in a show of sparks, their pilots wasting no time in leaping out of them.
“Next time the galaxy loses it’s mind,” Y/N called over the commotion of fending off the droids that had surrounded them. “Count me out.”
“Not going to happen,” Anakin replied, sauntering over to her after they had dispatched the last of the droids.
Before she could think of a reply, Obi-Wan walked over to them and turned his attention to Artoo who had followed Anakin. “Artoo locate the Chancellor.”
“Tap into the Ship’s computers,” Anakin further instructed and winked mischievously at Y/N before following the little astromech.
Sighing and shaking her head, Y/N made to follow the two when she felt a hand on her arm. Looking down, she smiled when she saw who the hand belonged to.
“Are you alright?” Those familiar sea-shaded eyes searched her e/c ones.
Nodding, she placed a gentle hand on his. “Yeah. I think so.”
The momentary silence was broken when four battle droids approached. Turning to face them, Y/N and Obi-Wan drew and ignited their lightsabers. Behind them, the sounds of Artoo hacking into the ship’s mainframe were accompanied by Anakin’s small encouragements.
It did not take long to take care of their attackers. In that moment Artoo managed to display a complete hologram of the entire ship.
“Where do you suppose they’re holding the Chancellor?” Y/N’s eyes fixated on the ship’s tall spire and she hoped she was wrong. Heights were never really her thing.
“His signal seems to be coming from there.” Obi-Wan pointed to very place that Y/N had been staring at. “The observation platform at the top of that spire.”
“Y/N?” Anakin’s worried tone broke through her thoughts, “you ok? You look a little pale.”
“Yeah,” she smiled at both of them and nodded, “I’m fine.”
Neither of them looked the least bit convinced but decided not to push the matter.
Then Anakin said something that Y/N wished she didn’t have to hear. “I sense Count Dooku.”
Honestly, she thought to herself, could the day get any worse ?
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes slightly, “I sense a trap.”
This only made Anakin smile, “next move?”
Obi-Wan answered with a grin of his own, “spring the trap.”
Those two were incorrigible, Y/N thought to herself as she followed them to the nearest elevator.
~ ~ ~
Their arrival had not gone entirely unnoticed. General Grievous stalked onto the ship’s bridge and addressed the Neimoidian that sat at the helm. “What’s the situation Captain?”
“Three Jedi have landed in the main hanger bay,” he replied. “We’re tracking them.”
Grievous turned to one of the screens and coughed in place of a laugh. “Just as Count Dooku predicted.” In reality Dooku only expected two, but one addition should prove little trouble.
~ ~ ~
Even the elevator ride proved to be eventful. The moment the three of them has set foot in one, they were once again faced with more than ten battle droids.
They made quick work of them, but that was not the end of it. The elevator screeched to a sudden stop, causing all three to look at each other in confusion.
Obi-Wan turned to Anakin, “did you press the stop button?”
Anakin, in turn shook his head, “no, did you?” To which Obi-Wan also shook his head.
“Y/N did you?”
“Really Anakin, why would I do that?” Y/N glared at him with her hands on her hips.
“Well, there’s more than one way out of here,” Anakin said while looking up. Before either Y/N or Obi-Wan could react, he ignited his weapon.
“We don’t want to get out,” Obi-Wan reminded his friend, “we want to get moving.” Taking out his comlink, he tried to get through to Anakin’s faithful little astromech, “Artoo..Artoo? Do you copy? Activate elevator,” he stopped talking as he examined the instrument panel in front of him, “31174.”
Y/N only rolled her eyes when Anakin disregarded those words and sliced a hole in the elevator ceiling and jumped out.
“Show off,” she called up through the hole. “What if we start moving ?”
“Not going to happen,” Anakin called back, sounding much too confident.
“Such faith you have in your little friend,” Y/N shot back, “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled once I tell him.”
“Don’t you dare-” Anakin’s words were cut off when the elevator began moving rapidly downwards.
“Stop, stop! Artoo,” Obi-Wan spoke, much too calmly, into the comlink. “We need to be going up not down.”
Anakin, for his part, was hanging by his fingertips off the narrow edge of the elevator shaft. Y/N’s words kept running loops in his mind, she wouldn’t let him live this one down.
His attention was drawn to the elevator door just above him as it was pried open. Two battle droids aimed their blasters at him.
Y/N’s panic was quite literally brought to a halt as the elevator jolted to a rough stop.
Standing up, she smoothed her hair and robes and saw Obi-Wan do the same as he spoke into the comlink. “Now that’s better,” as the elevator began to move up again.
Looking down, Anakin saw the very same elevator moving towards him with terrifying speed.
Landing smoothly atop the racing elevator, Anakin dropped down, startling both it’s occupants. Their lightsabers at the ready.
“Oh it’s you,” Obi-Wan said with a degree of relief.
Y/N, meanwhile shot her friend a smug smile. “Not going to happen huh?”
Not gracing her with an answer, Anakin pointedly ignored her and turned to Obi-Wan. “What was that about?”
“Well, Artoo has been..” Obi-Wan started before Anakin cut him off.
“No loose wire jokes,” Anakin said rather defensively, “he’s doing the best he can.”
“Did I say anything?” Obi-Wan protested, making Y/N smile.
“He’s trying!” Anakin was becoming more defensive of his little droid.
 “I didn’t say anything!”
Their argument is brought to an end when the elevator doors opened to reveal the viewing platform. Y/N tried not to think of high up they were.
Three pairs of eyes immediately locked onto the Chancellor, who sat not too far from where they stood.
Approaching him, they bowed respectfully.
While Y/N and Obi-Wan simply addressed him, Anakin enquired after his well being.
The answer the Chancellor gave made Y/N curl her lip in disgust. “Count Dooku.”
How she loathed that name and the man it was attached to. Not bothering to hide her feelings concerning the man, she turned to face him. Behind her, Anakin and Obi-Wan strategised, but she only had eyes for the man in front of her.
The Count was equally surprised to see her. “Young Y/N. What an unexpected pleasure.”
Her e/c eyes glittered with the deepest loathing. Her hand gripped the handle of her lightsaber in an effort to control her emotions. “I cannot say I feel the same way.”
“Get help,” the Chancellor spoke from behind her, “you’re no match for him. He’s a Sith Lord.”
“Oh, I know,” Y/N murmured before shrugging off her robe and igniting her weapon.
“Y/N? What are you doing?”
“Y/N. Stop.”
Her friends’s protests did nothing to quell the emotions that now ran rampant in her system. No one would take this opportunity away from her.
The two Jedi watched in horrified fascination as Y/N launched into a series of attacks that took the Count by surprise. Her attacks were fluid but held a startling amount of aggression.
This loss of emotional control combined with aggression, led Y/N to become unaware of her surroundings.
Dooku used this to his advantage.
Obi-Wan watched her closely, never had he seen her lose control like that in a fight before. Usually an elegant fighter, Y/N hardly ever relied on strength and aggression.
It all happened so fast. Suddenly Y/N could no longer feel solid ground beneath her feet. Managing to prevent her head from hitting the ground, Y/N hit the hard ground with a loud thud. Her sword arm was not so lucky. Despite being horribly winded, she tried to get up and immediately hissed at the pain that shot through her right wrist.
Convinced that she wouldn’t be causing him anymore trouble, Dooku made his way to the two remaining Jedi.
Just as Y/N had done moments before, Anakin and Obi-Wan shrugged off their robes and stood their ground. The latter had to restrain himself from looking in her direction and making sure she was alright.
“Gentleman, your swords please,” Dooku spoke as he approached them. “We don’t want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor.” If he thought to get a rise out of them, he was wrong.
Anakin and Obi-Wan, with weapons ignited, moved towards him. “You won’t get away this time, Dooku.” Obi-Wan said to him.
The fight that ensued was beautiful. At least, that’s how it appeared to Y/N. Her eyes followed her friends as they fought and worked together against their enemy.
“I’ve been looking forward to this,” Dooku remarked, making Y/N want to tear that irritating smirk from his face.
“My powers have doubled since the last time we met Count,” Anakin spoke confidently and Y/N felt her heart swell with pride.
“Good,” Dooku sounded somewhat please, “twice the pride, double the fall.” His smug tone elicited a snarl from Y/N.
Her hard e/c eyes followed the group as the fight continued. It soon became apparent that Anakin was the stronger fighter. Both Dooku and Obi-Wan were tiring and Y/N began to worry, she knew all too well what happened if one tired during a fight.
A horrified gasp left her lips as she watched Dooku lift Obi-Wan into the air and then throw him off to the side while managing to land a hard kick on Anakin. Ignoring the pain in her arm, she pushed herself off the floor and limped her way to where he lay unconscious.
Shaking her head in denial, she felt for a pulse and felt relief course through her when she found one.
Anakin, meanwhile continued to rain blow after blow down on the Count. Their lightsabers lock, blue becomes entangled with red.
“I sense great fear in you Skywalker.” Dooku taunted him, “you have hate. You have anger. But you don’t use them.”
Pushing away from him, Anakin struck again with new ferocity. He struggled to keep a tight reign on his emotions. But as the Count continued to strike, his anger grew and therefore, his strength.
Y/N felt her eyes widen as she watched the fight. Her jaw almost dropped as Anakin severed the Count’s hands in one swift move. Her eyes followed his lightsaber as Anakin caught it and activated it, along with his own. She held her breath as he held both weapons at the Count’s neck.
“Good, Anakin, good. I knew you could do it.” The Chancellor’s words surprised all those listening. “Kill him. Kill him now.”
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Neither, it seemed, could Anakin. “I shouldn’t...” he sounded so unsure.”
“Do it,” in that moment, Y/N swore he sounded like someone else.
Before she could even blink, Anakin severed Dooku’s head and she watched in a stunned silence as her friend freed the Chancellor.
Accepting Anakin’s help, she stood up.
Suddenly the ship tilted to one side, helping Anakin to make a decision. Lifting a still unconscious Obi-Wan onto his shoulders, Anakin motioned for Y/N and the Chancellor to follow him.
When they arrived at the elevators however, they found them not to be working. As the ship continued to tip to one side, Anakin forced open a set of elevator doors and entered the empty elevator shaft.
Y/N didn’t think twice. Clutching her injured limb to her chest, she followed her friend down the shaft as the ship continued to lose its balance.
Unbeknownst to the trio, the ship’s crew worked quickly in order to right the ship once more. They were successful.
Oh no, Y/N thought to herself as she felt the ship right itself. Of all the places she could have been at that moment, stuck in an elevator shaft with a broken arm was not one of them.
Of course, Obi-Wan had to choose that moment to wake up. Quickly taking in his surroundings, he scrambled to get a better hold on Anakin, who was hanging tight to a small cable.
“Um, guys,” Y/N called from not far above. “We kinda need to move, now.” Her words were emphasised by the sound of an elevator rushing down towards them.
Letting go of their respective handholds, the three Jedi and the Chancellor tumbled down the elevator shaft before unraveling the grappling hooks from their utility belts and using them to swing through an open door just as the elevator rushed past.
“I’m never doing anything like that ever again,” Y/N muttered to herself as Anakin and Obi-Wan glanced at her. “And you two,” she pointed at them with her good hand, “can’t convince me to.”
~ ~ ~
On the bridge, the location of the Jedi and the freed Chancellor had been discovered. A co-pilot spoke up, addressing the General. “General, we found the Jedi. They’re in Hallway 328.”
Excellent, Grievous thought to himself. “Activate Ray shields.”
~ ~ ~
The four skidded to a halt as ray shields appeared around them. Y/N groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Wait a minute! How did this happen? We’re smarter than this!” Obi-Wan spoke up, clearly confused.
“Apparently not,” Anakin replied and Y/N found herself agreeing with him.
“I say..patience.” Anakin’s suggestion was met with looks of disbelief from both Y/N and Obi-Wan.
“Patience?” They both asked at once, not believing what he had just said.
“Yes.” Anakin seemed rather sure of himself. “Artoo will be along in a few moments and he’ll release the ray shields.”
“The way you rely on that droid..”Y/N shook her head and held her hands up defensively when Anakin glared at her.
Sure enough, seconds later, Artoo came screeching into the hall. Anakin seemed rather pleased with himself. “See? No problem.”
No sooner had the words left his mouth then more droids appeared.
“Seriously?” Y/N asked no one in particular the same time Obi-Wan turned to Anakin.
“Do you have a plan B?”
Anakin was silent as the droids surrounded them and took them, hands bound, to General Grievous.
To be continued...
Part 2
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fanthatracks · 5 years
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Customising Your Fandom: Tattoo Trooper
This latest customised figure was a sparked by opportunity and inspired by one of my favourite Legacy Tales which was accompanied with two of the coolest action figures, the Ralltiirian Basso and his counterpart the Neimoidian Mouse, both in Stormtrooper disguise. This tale also inspired two of
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