quietplace26 · 2 years
Ghostwire: Tokyo x Reader series~
Akito: Kitsune
Mari: Kitsune
Erika: Nekomata (She has three tails instead of two)
Rinko: Byakko
KK: ?
Yokai au (2)
"Good kitty... Nice kitty..." Reader nervously smiles as they stare eye to eye with a big ass tiger!
How the hell did they end up in this situation?!
Flashback to a few moments earlier... Reader did something stupid again. The angry yells behind them only proved that fact.
But they didn't regret doing what they did one bit.
In their arms was a trembling ball of fluff. A tiny little kitty. A tiny little kitty that was seconds ago about to get beaten to death by a couple of drunks!
When reader saw what was happeing, they didn't think. They acted.
One loud warcry and flying kick later, and reader was racing down the dark streets of the city they were currently in at the moment, trying to lose the angry drunks.
"How are these guys still chasing me?!" The drunks were surprisingly keeping up with them and that was starting to make them nervous...
There! That warehouse looks like a good place to hide in!
Reader and the tiny, shaking kitty ducks into the warehouse and quickly finds a hiding spot.
As they waited the reader gently pets the still trembing feline, cooing out soft words of comfort. "You're safe honey~ Those jerks can't hurt you no more..."
The pets/gentle words calms the kitty down. Soon the trembles go away entirely and the puff ball looks up at them with a soft meow.
They innerly squeal at how cute that was!
"Hm?" They carefully hold up the kitty to their face, examing it. Now that they had a moment to actually look at it closely, they were surprised to see the tiny kitty had not one tail, but three.
That was kinda odd, but it didn't take away any of the kitties's cuteness. So they just shrugged away the oddness and called the kitty an adorable little bean~
To their delight, the kitty purrs and snuggles into their arms!
A loud bang makes them jump and reader holds a finger to their lips, making a ssshhh sound toward the kitty, who quickly buries it's little head back into their chest, trembling starting anew.
The loud angry yells suddenly changes to screaming. "Oh shit! What the hell is that?!" A lod roar echos across the warehouse and the screaming escalates.
Loud footsteps rushes past reader's hiding spot and soon it was all quiet in the warehouse. Well... it was all quiet till something big started moving toward their hiding spot, growling lowly as it did.
Now here reader was, staring eye to eye with an angry tiger of all things! How was a tiger roaming around freely?! Did it break out a nearby zoo or something?!
"Rinko! No!!" The tiny kitty suddenly meowed loudly, her voice catching both the tiger and reader's attention. Did... did the kitty just talk?
She crawled out their arms and was now hissing/meowing angrily at the tiger, Rinko apparently, who had stopped growling and was now staring at the kitty as if in shock.
The tiger looked at the kitty and back to the reader. "Erika..." The tiger voice was rough but obiviously female. The kitty, Erika, hissed again. "No! They helped me, Rinko! They saved my life so leave them alone!"
The tiger finally relents with a huff. Suddenly the tiger was gone, and in her palce was a human woman. A rather intimidating woman. A rather... stunning looking woman.
Oh, and she also still had her tiger ears and tail as well.
"Woah..." They couldn't help but say with a blush. Hey! It wasn't their fault they couldn't handle beautiful looking people!
Seeing their reaction, Rinko's scary expression melts away into a knowing smirk. "Well at least they have taste."
Reader squeaks and their blush darkens while Erika hisses out her displeasure. "Rinko!"
A few minutes later and the trio finds themselves settled into Rinko's place, talking about what just happened.
During this Erika shifted, just like how Rinko did in the warehouse, in her human form. Well... mostly human form. She still had her cat ears and three swishing tails.
Reader finds out that Erika actually an abandoned Nekomata kitten that Rinko, who's a Byakko, took in a few years ago.
"Apparently being born with three tails instead of the normal two was a sign that I was cursed or something..." The girl mumurred as she snuggled into their side, demanding for more pets from her human savior.
Reader made a face at that. Who in their right mind would think this adorable cat girl was cursed?! So they tell Erika this, who squeaks and shifts back into her kitty form and hides under a pillow. Only her three tails could be seen.
Rinko gives them a thoughtful look. "Your taking this rather well."
Reader shrugs with a smile. There was no reason for them to freak out for too long.
Rinko ends up letting them crash at her place as repayment for saving Erika, who was now firmly attached to them.
They spent most of the night answering Erika curious questions about what their homeland was like and what they seen so far on their travels.
But when the next day rolled around and it was sadly time to say goodbye so they could continue on with their travels, Rinko asks them for a favor. "Mind if we tag along with you?"
Reader blinks. Takes a moment to comprehend what was being asked. "Y-you want to come with me? Both of you?"
Rinko crosses her arms with a smirk and nods. Erika nods as well, looking at the reader with a begging look.
Reader smiles. "You know what? Sure!"
Erika cheers as zips back to her room, yelling she had to pack her things. Rinko and reader laugh at her antics before the Byakko smiled one last time at them, mouthing a quiet 'thank you' as she took went to pack.
When they saw the tiger lady duck into her room they had to hold in a squeal of joy. They had travel companions now!
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popagan · 3 months
Twt dump.
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funakounasoul · 5 years
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Just did this alignment chart with MOST of the Raison cast. Couldn't really think of where to put some like Mirai and Hiroki, but everyone here HAS been in the comic thus far and they have...opinions.
Cut has everyone listed from left to right, top to bottom:
Kazuo Miyamoto. Rie’s dad. He’s made a lot of mistakes in the past...most of them notably said in the interlude between Parts 1 and 2.
Kregor. Elianne’s main henchman and an assassin by trade. He has caused problems both on purpose AND made many mistakes that he’s kinda sitting in the middle. Sort of
Shiva. The snarky nekomata. We don’t know much of her yet (only introduced in Ch 6) but she’s, well, a cat.
Elianne. Big Bad herself. She may think some of her ideas are for the benefit of some, but she likes causing trouble for the most part.
The Tanuki Bros. They just wanted some business inheritance. That’s all they wanted! D:
Miko Nakamura. What may be something you don’t see at first, Miko is actually someone who believes she’s in the right often, but tends to cause problems as a result. She has made many an apology in the past.
Cassandra Gibson. She USED to cause problems on purpose for the sake of solving Ascendant issues but she’s gotten better about it. But she still feels like she’s made too many terrible mistakes in the past.
Hayato Arata. He’s a very meh fellow lol
Tomoko Inada. Also fairly meh but she does like to help when she can!
Rie Miyamoto. She can’t help it. She likes to tease and joke but she is a good person.
Teliantar. Another recent addition, but this is what you need to know. She wants to make certain things better and will help to achieve those things.
Delilah Nelson. Depends on the situation. She will either help OR hinder...but  it’s always calculated
Koneko/Ozadarr. He’s a sneaky little fella with a mysterious past. But a lot of his actions are almost him taking a chance.
Laura Nelson. Sometimes she comes up with a really good idea just by chance.
Yukina Nakamura. She wants to be a helpful person. She wants to solve things, especially those history things she likes so much. Sometimes she just happens to find the answer in the unlikeliest of places.
Nozomi Miyamoto. She’s in the right and she knows it, but she will also let others chime in if they have ideas. She may huff but she will take it and roll with it.
Sachiko Nakamura. She wants to solve problems and will use teamwork to get there. BUT she also likes to think outside the box, which may lead to SOME problems.
Rin Nakamura. Sachiko got it from somewhere! Except Rin tries to follow what rules there are (even if they are loopholes, they ARE there! Sachiko may say “screw the rules!” more often than Rin)
O-Mine. Rie’s paternal grandmother is a freaking kitsune clanmother (shown in the interlude). She believes her actions will benefit her clan and you better listen to her ideas.
Hannah Nelson. Delilah’s older sister tends to be VERY helpful...seemingly on accident. Whoopsie? (so far shown in Special 6 in mostly mentions)
Camilla Nelson(Special 6)/Erika Takino (Ch 3). Laura and Miko’s moms respectively. They are both THOSE type of moms. The ones that are correct no matter what and will make sure their family listens to them, no ifs ands or buts.
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quietplace26 · 2 years
More GW:T x reader ideas!
Instead of seeking shelter in a shop being manned by a Nekomata and eventually running into Akito/KK, our dear reader instead runs into Erika about to be killed by Hannya.
As mention before, reader can't fight at all, so they do the next best thing.
Seeing how no one seemed to have noticed them yet, they launched themselves at Hannya, slamming their foot into the mask man's face, cracking the mask in the process, throws Erika over their shoulder, and RUNS.
Reader, with a still in shocked Erika slung over their shoulder, bumps into Rinko, and the trio rushes off to safety.
Rinko makes it apparent that she didn't trust the reader at all and they understands why.
They were an oddity. An unknown that obviously didn't belong...
But Rinko does lighten up around them when they did something rather sweet for Erika.
Erika, who was still quite shaken from nearly dying by her own father's hands, was curled up on a couch, crying quietly.
Reader gives her a worried look as they franically tried to think of something to cheer the young girl up with.
An idea springs into their head and they go over to their bag to get something.
Rinko gives them a suspicious look that quickly changes to a soft one when she saw what the odd foreigner pulled out.
It was an adorable cat plushie that the reader won from a crane game prior to falling into this world.
They look to Rinko, gesturing the plushie to Erika.
When Rinko gave the okay, they shuffled over to Erika, calling out her name softly.
A few minutes later a much calmer Erika was cuddling her new plushie and sitting next to the reader, asking them questions about their home country and other things.
They glanced over at Rinko, who smiles and mouths a silent thank you at them before turning back to her computer.
They smiled, despite still not understanding how the hell this was happening, couldn't help but feel proud of themselves for saving not only one but two lives!
Erika was just a kid! She didn't deserve her fate in the game!
The same goes for Rinko as well!
Reader would do anything to keep them safe and alive!
Unknown to them, both Rinko and Erika were begining to feel the same for this odd foreigner...
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Ghostwire: Tokyo x Reader series~
Akito: Kitsune
Mari: Kitsune
Erika: Nekomata
Rinko: Byakko
KK: Okami
Yokai au (3)
When reader arrived into this town eariler that day, they honestly expected nothing interesting to happen.
In fact, the town felt so dull that they couldn't wait to leave, but alas, the bus that could take them out this dull place wouldn't be back till next week!
So with boredom on their mind, they asked what they could do around here. Hiking was really their only answer.
The hike was supposed to be fun, supposed to be safe. It wasn't.
Fuck me that hurt..." Reader groans as they carefully pushed themselves up into a sitting position. What... happened?
Glancing up at the light above them they remembered. They were just finishing up their hike when the ground suddenly collapsed underneath them, causing them to fall through!
Looking around they could see they were in a huge cavern. Like really huge! There was even a small lake in there! Also, there was something in the middle of the lake. It looked like a... temple?
Curiousity filled their soul. They wanted to explore that temple!
They knew they should've been trying to find a way out this cavern but their curiousity was more important than escaping!
"Shit!" As they went to stand up, they hissed in pain. Oh well this wasn't good. It looked like their ankle was sprain...
They glanced back at the temple with a pout. Screw it. They've dealt with worse pain before. What's another sprain ankle to add their growing list?
They carefully limped over to the lake, which they discovered wasn't really a lake at all as the water barely went passed their ankles, and began walking toward the crumbling temple.
Limping up the steps they couldn't help but wonder how this hadn't been discovered yet...
"Woah..." Inside they find something amazing. A huge wolf statue.
They limped closer to it, studying it with interest. They couldn't help themselves. They touched the statue.
*Crack* Reader stumbles back and falls to the floor in shock as glowling cracks suddenly began spreading across the statue!
"Wh-?!" The statue explodes and light fills the temple, blinding the reader as well.
A howl is heard and the light goes away, letting them get a look at what happened to the wolf statue. Thing was... it wasn't a statue anymore.
A huge, living black wolf stood before them. There was marking on them as well. Glowing lines decorated it's front paws, muzzle, and back!
"Holy shit." Their whisper of disbelief catches the wolf's attention. and to their horror, it jumps at them with a snarl.
"You! What the hell are you doing in my temple human!" A male voice snarls. It takes a moment for them to realize the voice came from the wolf.
"Y-your temple?" They winced as the wolf growled again. "Yes. My temple. Now answer me!"
Usually they would sass anyone that spoke to them like this but as of right now they were scared. Shakily they told the wolf what happened all the while they curled in on themselves.
The wolf was silent for a moment, but to their relief, it moves off them with a huff. "Fine. I believe you. Since you freed me I'll let you go this time so LEAVE!" The wolf roars.
Reader scrambles to their feet only to fall back to the floor with a pained noise. Fuck! Their ankle!
"Oi! I told you to-" The wolf cuts off as the pain/stress of everything became too much for reader and they pass out.
"H-hm?" Reader wakes up feeling warm. They... were under a blanket? And their ankle didn't hurt anymore?
"So you're awake." They tense up at the familar voice of the wolf.
A sigh was heard and light filled the room. To their surprise, there was no wolf in the room, only a man... who had wolf like features! Like fluffy wolf ears and a bushy tail!
The man had an almost awkward look on his face as he lit some torches with his hands! "Relax... I'm not going to hurt you."
With the room lit up, the man plops down beside them and awkwardly apologizes, explaining he was the deity of this temple and the last humans he meet before reader weren't exactly nice.
They badly injured him somehow, and in an desperate attempt to not die, he sealed himself in this temple, becoming a statue in the process.
"It was only meant for a few years, but I get the feeling it's been much longer than that..." The wolf god glances at them warily before his expression became curious.
"Your face... I never seen anyone with features like yours." The wolf deity pinches their cheek and pulls at it, causing them to whine.
"Ow! Stop it!" He stops and they glare at him while rubbing their red cheek. "It's cause I'm not from Japan! I'm from ***!"
The wolf deity becomes rather interested in that fact. He demanded to know everything, inculding everything he's missed out on since his slumber.
Even though they were technically fully healed, they ended up staying with the wolf deity for a full week.
Over the week they were stuck in the wolf deity's temple they got to know him more.
His name was Kazuhiko. They nickname him KK for short. He never stops them~
He was seriously grumpy but never once took his grumpiness out on them.
His powers were no joke. Etheral weaving is what he called it and it was amazing!
And his wolf form was really fluffy! "Will you stop it!" KK growled at them as they petted his ears. "Make me!" They sass him. He just grumbles as he leaned into their pets. His tail was wagging~
Oh, and he was also unfairly handsome... Not like they would ever tell him that. His ego would grow even larger than it already was!
"KK?" The deity, who was currently in his wolf form and had his head resting on their lap, looks up at them. "What is it?"
They sighed as they looked away from the deity. "I can't stay here forever." Faintly they wondered if anyone in town had noticed that they were missing yet...
KK quickly shifted back into their human form and frowned at them. "Why not? My temple, while old, has everything you could ever need! Why would you want to leave?"
He was right. His temple had everything you needed to survive. Food. Clothes (Though most were fancy looking kimonos). Hell, there was even a running bath!
"I need to finish what I've started KK. I need to see all of Japan!"
Human and deity glared at one another before the deity sighed. "Fine. I'll let you leave." His eyes suddenly harden. "But only if you take me with you!"
They gapped at the wolf deity. They couldn't believe it. KK wanted to come with them?!
"KK... Why?" The deity rolls his eyes at the question and hugs them, causing the human to squeak. KK smirks. "Because I need to keep an eye on you, make sure a stupid human doesn't take you away from me."
Reader blushes cherry red, squeaking the deity's name loudly. "KK! You dumbass!"
The deity laughs and they couldn't help but laugh as well.
Having a wolf deity as a traveling buddy was something never expected to have, but could quickly get used the idea.
Especially if the 'buddy' part becomes something more later down the line...
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quietplace26 · 2 years
KK pisses off a nekomata and gets himself, along with his team, turned into 4 legged furballs!
(This was inspired by dapperwerewolf's GW:T fic "Twin Tail". Go read it! It's so cute!)
Kitty Mayhem au
KK would like to say that none of this was his fault!
Rinko would like to disagree with that statement.
Cats. They were all cats! KK, Rinko, Erika, Ed, and even Dale!
They were all huddled under a box trying to stay dry and out of the rain.
Kitty!Erika was trying her very best to calm down a angry Kitty!Rinko, who was hissing all sorts of curses and insults at a equally hissy Kitty!KK, who kept saying it was NOT his fault!
Okay. Maybe it was his fault... Look, he didn't know that calling a nekomata a 'shitty furball' would get himself and his team turned into actual 'shitty furballs'!
Kitty!Ed was huddled near Kitty!Dale, who was such a big cat that he took up most of the room!
Kitty!Rinko and Kitty!KK's loud argument is cut off when their box shelter was suddenly disappears.
Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team looks up to see a young man holding their shelter and looking down at them with worried eyes.
Rewind back a few minutes to the young man, Akito Izuki, walking home from getting groceries.
He had just passed by an alley when he heard loud hissing and growling.
A normal person would ignore such sounds and continue on with whatever they were doing, but not Akito.
He tracks the noise to a upside down cardboard box and without warning plucks the box up to see 5 shivering cats underneath.
Akito's heart broke at the sight. He couldn't just leave them here!
By the time Akito got out that alley with all five cats in a soggy cardboard box, his hands were bleeding everywhere from the many bite marks and scratches on them.
When he finally made it home, Mari gives him the scolding of the lifetime when she saw the state of his hands!
After bandaging his hands up, Akito carefully takes all five cat out to dry them and feed them some food.
Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team were still wary of this guy, yet seeing how they were now out of the rain and getting food made them lighten up around not only Akito but the boy's sister as well.
When they finally saw the state of Akito's hands, Kitty!KK and Kitty!Rinko went up and apologized to Akito, as they were the ones to tear up Akito's hands in the first place.
Since they were cats they couldn't talk so they kept their heads down and meowed sadly as they sat infont of Akito, who looked at them in confustion.
When Kitty!KK pawed at one of Akito's bandaged hands, Akito's just smiles, saying that it's alright as he knew they were just scared and wanted to protect Kitty!Erika.
Back in the alley, Akito had picked up Kitty!Erika first, causing both Kitty!Rinko and Kitty!KK to attacked him in a panic, as they thought he was taking her away from them!
After everyone was full of food, the siblings took the cats into the living room and started brainstorming names for cats!
Kitty!KK was Kuro (Black).
Kitty!Rinko was Tora (Tiger).
Kitty!Erika was Hime (Princess).
Kitty!Ed was Yoshi (Quiet).
Kitty!Dale was Kuma (Bear).
While Kitty!KK wasn't really happy about his new 'name', his Kitty!Team on the other hand liked their new 'names'.
When it was time for bed, Akito and Mari lets the cats choose where they wanted to sleep.
Kitty!Dale and Kitty!Ed stick to the living room. They found the couch very comfortable.
Kitty!Rinko and Kitty!Erika went with Mari, as she was a girl and Kitty!Erika felt comfortable around her.
This left Kitty!KK following Akito to his room.
Kitty!KK hisses when he found himself being plucked off the floor and dropped onto Akito's bed.
Akito laughs at Kitty!KK's grumpy face as he turned to change into his pjs.
Kitty!KK let's out a strangled yowl when he saw Akito peel off his shirt, and darts under the covers when the human went for his pants next.
Kitty!KK wasn't going to watch this brat change in front of him! He's not! He's no pervert!
The covers shift and Akito slips under to join a still flustered Kitty!KK.
Akito whispers a quiet good night, giving Kitty!KK one last pet before dozing off to dream land.
Kitty!KK sighs, feeling exhaustion setting in as he too settled down for a good night's rest, hoping when tomorrow came, he and the others would be back to normal...
Akito mumurrs in his sleep, suddenly curling around Kitty!KK, making the feline feel a little warmer... A little safer...
Kitty!KK purrs, curling into the welcoming heat of Akito's body, sleepily thinking how lucky he and his crew were for this meeting dorky but kind Akito Izuki...
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quietplace26 · 2 years
(This is the repost I promised. Mind you I made it longer, added a few new things here and there. Hope you like this newer version of this au.)
Rememeber my Kitty Mayhem au? The au where KK and his team were cursed to be kitties? I'm doing a different version. Let me introduce Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari!
What a CAT-astrophe au
It was a dark, cold rainy night in Shibuya, and not a soul was out wandering the streets because of this.
Everyone in Shibuya should've been at home, eating a hearty meal and staying warm.
Too bad that wasn't the case for a certain pair of siblings....
Sitting under a soggy cardboard box was two shivering kittens. The bigger one was male and the smaller was female. They look like normal street cats, don't they? Well, they aren't.
These two 'kittens' were Akito and Mari Izuki, two unlucky human siblings that were unfortunate enough to catch the attention of a corrupted Nekomata.
It just happened so quickly! One moment the Izuki siblings were peacefully walking home after getting some groceries, the next a scary looking cat with two tails was suddenly in front of them!
Besides the two tails, there was dark smoke pouring out it's mouth as it stared at the siblings hungrily with it's deep red eyes...
It ends up attacking Akito and Mari, and during it's attack, the creature starts chanting. Neither Akito or Mari could understand what it was saying, but then they started shrinking!
That monster-! It turned them into kittens!
Luckily for the siblings, they managed to escape the beast before it could finish whatever it was originally planning on doing with the former humans.
Now here they were as defenseless little kittens! And to make matters worse, that scary looking cat monster, which was apparently a real life Nekomata, who also cursed them to look like this, was still somewhere out there looking for them!
"Aki... I-I'm so cold..." Kitty!Mari whimpers as she snuggles closer to Kitty!Akito for warmth. Her little body was shivering violently...
Kitty!Akito looks at her worriedly. He had no idea what to do! They were cats now, so they couldn't just ask for help as no human could understand them now! And there was still the issue with that Nekomata hunting them...
So with a tired sigh, Kitty!Akito curls up protectively around his sister's smaller form, whispering how they were going to be fine as long as they had eachother...
*THUMP* Something lands outside their box, making the kitty siblings tense up in fear as their shelter was ripped away.
To their absolute horror it was the Nekomata, and it looked hungry! "I FouND YoU!" It yowls out as it lunges at them with the intent to kill!
Kitty!Akito covers Kitty!Mari with his body and clenches his eyes shut, waiting for pain to come.
...But the pain never comes. Instead, the Nekomata yowls again, this time in apain as it was suddenly dragged away from the kitty siblings.
"Hm?" Kitty!Akito opens his eyes and sees a group of human near the opening of the alley way. One human was using an odd golden rope to drag the yowling Nekomata over to him.
The man makes a few strange hand motions and the yowling Nekomata shatters to dust, leaing nothing behind to show it existed in the first place..
"W-wow..." Kitty!Akito whispers in awe, but quickly jerks back when the humans finally notices him and Kitty!Mari.
"Oh! Cats!" A girl Mari's age squeaks happily as she walks over to the kitty siblings with an excited look on her face, but then she pauses.
"Erika? What's wrong?" Another human, a scary looking lady asks the girl worridly.
"KK? Rinko? I don't think these are normal cats."
KK, the man who destroyed the Nekomata, steps forward and gets a closer look at the kitty siblings. "...Yeah. These aren't normal cats, but they aren't Nekomatas either."
Kitty!Akito lets out a shocked meow when KK plucks him off the ground to stare at him closely. "You... You're a human, aren't you?"
Kitty!Akito stops struggling at KK's question and nods with a tired meow.
KK sighs, rubbing his free hand down his face in annoyance as he mutters a tired, "Great." He then drops the shivering kitten in one of his trenchcoat pockets.
Kitty!Akito pokes his head out the pocket with a confused meown, but KK just pats his head, urging him gently back into the warm pocket.
"Erika you hold the other cat, and Rinko, call Ed and Dale... Looks like we still have a case to solve."
To Kitty!Akito's relief, this strange group of humans take him and Kitty!Mari somewhere dry and warm. They were safe now!
After being given some food, the kitty siblings were then placed in front of a keyboard where they were asked to type their names out and explain what exactly happened to them.
When the kitty siblings typed out everything, a foreigner with glasses stands up and walks out the room without saying a word.
Kitty!Akito, who was snuggled next to his sister in a nest of warm blankets and pillows, looks over to KK with a confused meow and head tilt.
KK gives him an amused look. "Ed doesn't really like talking to people much. That also inculdes me and the rest of the team. He's just getting some recordings ready so he can explain everything to us."
Ed does come back with a few recordings a few minutes later, and with these recordings he explains that the curse on Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari was thankfully not permanent.
In fact, the curse should be gone in a week or two at most! So until the curse was completely gone, both Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari would be remain under KK and his team's protection till then.
Kitty!Akito relaxes at the knowledge of knowing that both he and his sister would be humans again soon enough.
Before settling down for the night, Kitty!Akito looks over at KK, who was doing some work nearby, and meows at him, gaining the older man's attention.
The older man raises an eyebrow at him. "What is it?"
Seeing how the keyboard was still out, Kitty!Akito darts over to it and types out a quick 'Thank you' before darting back over to where his sister was snoozing away peacefully in the nest of warm blankets and pillows.
And if it wasn't for his kitten ears, Kitty!Akito would've almost certainly missed the quiet, "You're welcome." from KK...
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quietplace26 · 2 years
(Here's part 3, updated and reposted! Now all that's left is 4 and the au is finished again!)
What a CAT-astrophe au (3)
Kitty!Akito quickly learns that being a small kitten wasn't all that bad once he and Kitty!Mari were in a safe place where they could live peacefully till they could return back to their human forms.
That safe place being with KK and his team of misfits.
This odd group of human misfits kept Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari safe, and never once treated them like they were mindless animals.
They even explained their jobs as yokai hunters to the two small kittens! It was such an eyeopening experience for the kitty siblings!
The wild experience only grew when KK accidentally took Kitty!Akito on a hunt with him.
As for how it happened, Kitty!Akito had just fallen asleep in KK's coat pocket and the yokai hunter didn't noticed till he was half way to his mission's location!
Luckily it wasn't a hard hunt. Just one quick etheral weave and the corrupted spirit was banished. It was honestly one of the coolest things Kitty!Akito has ever seen in his whole life!
You would think that KK would've learned from this. That he'd check his pockets for napping kittens before going out on a hunt from now on. You'd be wrong.
Another hunt happens, and once again, KK accidentally takes a napping Kitty!Akito with him! And to make matters worse, this hunt turned out to be much more harder than the last one!
The visitor proved to be very difficult and manages to hurt KK! But when it was going in for the kill, it wasn't expecting a tiny angry furball to pounce on it's face and scatching the hell out of it!
This distraction was enough for KK to kill the visito and save Kitty!Akito, who was shivering in terror over what just happened. He fought a monster!
When he told Kitty!Mari this she whined how it was unfair he got to fight when she was stuck in KK's hideout! Erika never took her out on hunts!
Unlike KK, Erika made sure to pay extra attention to where Kitty!Mari was. Meaning she always made sure Kitty!Mari wasn't secretly hitching a ride in her pocket or bag when going out on hunts.
Oh, and there was one time KK took Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari to meet some Nekomatas that were thankfully not corrupted like the one that cursed them.
The Nekomatas were friendly and even offered to take the kitty siblings in if they never turned back into humans. While a nice offer, Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari didn't want to be stuck as cats forever.
Kitty!Mari wanted to be human again so she could talk to Erika and become friends with her! "We could be so awesome together, Aki! Me and her kicking yokai ass and looking cute while doing it!"
Kitty!Akito thinks she maybe growing a crush on Erika...
Kitty!Mari quickly denies it, but her brother doesn't believe her.
So in retaliation, Kitty!Mari points out how close he was getting to KK!
Now it was Kitty!Akito's turn to be flustered as he knew what Kitty!Mari was saying was true.
He did care about the older man a lot. He also worried about the older man a lot. The yokai hunter never seemed to take a break and worked himself to the bone, ignoring his team's pleads to take breaks.
One day Kitty!Akito had enough and just hops on KK's desk, shutting yokai hunter's laptop shut with a growl.
Of course KK got mad, but after glaring at eachother for a few minutes, the older man relented.
This quickly becomes a normal thing between the two of them. If KK worked too much, Kitty!Akito would do something to show that it was time to stop for the day.
There was even one time Kitty!Akito stole something from KK and made the yokai hunter chase him into the kitchen so he could remind the older man to eat something!
There was also the fact KK let's him sleep in the same bed as him...
"Aki..." Kitty!Akito glances over to Kitty!Mari. Her kitten ears were folded back and her tail was wrapped around her body, making her look extra small and scared. "Do... Do you think they'll let us stick around after we turn back? I-I don't want to leave Erika or the others... They're so nice..."
Kitty!Akito wasn't sure what to say as he too felt the same exact way...
"Mari!" Erika's voice calls out from a another room. "Mari! Where are you?"
Kitty!Mari looks over to Kitty!Akito with a hopeful expression on her tiny,furry face. Her brother just nudges her toward where Erika's voice was calling from and nods.
With her mood cheerful again, Kitty!Mari bounces off to find Erika, leaving Kitty!Akito all alone with his thoughts.
Will KK and his team make Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari leave once they returned to normal? Will they expect the siblings to forget what happen, act like they haven't had their world turned upside down!
The more dark thoughts flooded Kitty!Akito's mind, the more upset he grew. His little kitten ears were folded back and he was trembling slightly.
"Akito?" KK's voice break Kitty!Akito out his dark thoughts and familar hands scoops him off the floor. "What's the matter? You're shaking like a leaf!"
Kitty!Akito doesn't answer. He just buries his face into KK's shirt and nuzzles against it with a sad meow.
KK ends up taking Kitty!Akito back with him to his office after seeing how the kitten wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Eventually Kitty!Akito calms down and sees what time it was. It was clearly time for bed... and KK was once again working too hard to noticed this.
Kitty!Akito naturally puts a stop to this by shutting KK's laptop with a stern kitten glare. KK laughs at his attics, but ultimately listens as he plucks Kitty!Akito off his desk and heads off to his bedroom.
Kitty!Akito sliently watches KK get ready for bed from his nest of blanket. He... He wanted to jump into KK's bed like he normally did, but something was stooping him tonight.
He wasn't a cat. He was a human! A young man in his early twenties! He shouldn't be jumping into bed with a man whols never seen him in his human form before!
But the thing was, Kitty!Akito wanted to do it anyway. He wanted to be closer to KK... He made Kitty!Akito feel safe...
All of sudden, Kitty!Akito finds himself being plucked out his nest of blankets. "M-meow?!" It was KK and he was taking Kitty!Akito straight over to his bed!
Snug under warm blankets and curled up against KK's side, Kitty!Akito finally felt tiredness begin to creep over his mind.
And as sleep consumed him, Kitty!Akito never once notices how his tiny kitten body was begining to glow or the fact he was starting to grow larger....
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Final part~
Kitty Mayhem au (4)
It was still mind-boggling to think that the kitties Akito took in all those weeks ago weren't kitties at all!
But the facts were there in front of him! His cats never acted like normal cats at all! They were way too smart at times, almost humanly so, and there was also the fact that on the day of the fire Akito caught them glowing!
After returning from the hospital and hearing what happened, Mari suggested that maybe they were humans that were cursed. "Maybe they made a Nekomata mad or something?"
That... that would explain a lot actually. Akito, despite his mature attitude, believed in the supernatural. His sister shared this belief as well, so it wasn't hard for them to consider this.
As for the glowing Akito saw, it was most likely the curse fading away, and leading to the not cats getting back their original human bodies.
"Aki... " Mari's quiet voice breaks Akito out of his thoughts.
Akito looked up from his book and sees Mari curled up their couch, pouting sadly at him. "Yeah Mari?"
"I miss Hime and the others... "
Akito frowns. He puts down his book and goes over to Mari, sitting down beside her. "Yeah. I miss them too... "
Mari leans against him, curling into his side. "Do you think they forgot about us already?"
Akito honestly hoped not...
A sudden knock at the front door makes the jump. Who was at the door at this hour?
Motioning for Mari to stay back, Akito creeps toward the door catiously. Of course his sister doesn't listen to him and instead follows close behind.
Cracking the door open, Akito sees a group of people he's never seen before and awkwardly asks if they needed anything.
An older man dressed in all black steps up and silently holds something out to Akito. It was a small black collar. Kuro's collar.
"...Kuro?" The man grins. "Nice to see you again Akito. Call me KK."
Mari, who at this point had been peeking over Akito's shoulder, squeezes past her brother and bolts over to a girl her age.
"You! Are you Hime?!" The girl smiles and nods, holding up a small pink collar. Hime's collar.
Mari squeals happily and poucnes on 'Hime', who just giggles and returns the hug. She introduces herself as Erika.
Soon the other ex kitties began introducing themselves as well. With 'Tora' being a scary looking woman called Rinko, 'Yoshi' being a quiet foreigner called Ed, and 'Kuma' being a big/cheerful foreigner called Dave.
Mari quickly drags Erika inside, saying they had so much to talk about! Rinko, along with Ed and Dave, follow the giggling girls into the house, leaving Akito alone with KK outside.
Akito stares at KK curiously. "So... How did you all turn into cats Mister KK?
KK sighs, looking away as he scratched his head. Was the man embarrassed? "Don't call me mister. Makes me feel like a old man. And to answer your question... I may have pissed off a Nekomata."
Akito raises an eyebrow. So it did invole a Nekomata? "And how exactly did you piss off one off in the first place?"
The older man shrugs. "Called it a shitty furball."
Akito chokes down a laugh of disbelief. "S-shitty furball?!" Seriously?! No wonder this guy was cursed!
Hearing how Akito was laughing, KK gives him a familar grumpy look. Yep. Akito could clearly see this was his grumpy kitty 'Kuro'.
The grumpy look eventuall melts away to a more thoughtful one. "While being turned into a shitty furball wasn't the most fun experience, I can't say that I hated all of it." KK smirks, looking like the cat that caught the cream. "I mean, it lead me to meeting you, A~ki~to."
Akito feels a flush form on his face as he heard how KK spoke his name. Was-was he flirting with him?!
"KK! Stop flirting with Akito and get your ass in here!" Rinko voice suddenly comes from inside the house, making both men jump at how loud it was.
Okay. Going by what Rinko just yelled, it was highly likely that KK was really flirting with him... Oh gosh. His ex kitty was flirting with him! And he liked it...
KK shifts beside him and slings an arm around Akito's shoulders. "Come on. Lets head in before Rinko decides to come outside and skins both our asses."
"Our asses? Don't you mean yours?" Akito sasses KK, trying to cover the fact he blushing from being so close to KK, who he was starting to realize was actually quite handsome...
KK huffs out a laugh and gently boops Akito's nose, making Akito remember how he would always boop KK's nose when he was just a kitty.
"Alright you cheeky little thing. Lets head in before my ass is skinned."
Akito smiles as both he and KK headed inside. He wasn't sure where things would go from here on, but Akito had a feeling everything was going to be just fine.
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quietplace26 · 2 years
This is me looking at the game Cult of the Lamb and getting too many ideas for my little brain.
Cult au
Akito and Mari are kidnapped orphans who ended up in a cult.
The cult is lead by a masked man called Hannya.
The siblings are going to be the cult's next sacrifices.
Hannya's daughter, Erika, rebels against Hannya, and frees the siblings, helping them escape.
The escape ends in failure.
The trio are captured and Akito is chosen to be sacrificed first.
In the processed of being sacrificed, he meets the so called god of the cult, a Nekomata deity called Kazuhiko, or KK for short.
KK makes a deal with Akito, the god would save him and the girls if Akito became his vessel and made a new cult in his name.
Hannya had become quite the pain in the ass for KK, as he wasn't even sacrificing for KK anymore, just doing it for his own gain and selfishness.
Akito agrees to be KK's vessal.
Akito wakes back up, alive and looking very different.
He now has glowing markings going down his arms and to his hands, and he seem to have new extra appendages as well.
With a pair of dark furry cats ears on his head, and 2 swinging cat tails swaying behind him, it was clear he was blessed by KK.
Using KK's blessings, Akito massacres the whole cult within seconds, leaving Hannya the only one left alive.
Hannya pleads for forgiveness, saying he'll now follow Akito and be a good follower.
Akito just motions for Erika to come over, asking her what she thought would be a good idea.
Should he spare her father, or should he sacrificed him to KK?
She tilts her head curiously, looking so cat like in that moment.
"Why should we spare him?"
Hannya let out a strangled whimper, "I-I'm your fath-"
"You haven't been my father in years!"
Erika turns to Akito, nodding.
"He's all yours... Leader."
Hannya disappears in a vortex of fire and screams, leaving only Akito, Mari, and Erika behind.
The trio leave, finding a different place to stay for the night.
With his new abilities, Akito sneaks them into a fancy hotel with no problem.
As the girls slept off today's stress, Akito was still awake in bed.
He wasn't alone.
"Good job, Kitten~"
KK was there with him, looking oh so very pleased with his vessal.
Akito lets out a purr of delight when the god started petting his new cat ears gently.
Becoming a vessel to a Nekomata god, and starting a new cult for the same god was never on Akito's to do list, but if this is how he's gonna be treated from now on? Well, Akito could safely say he could get used to this~
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quietplace26 · 2 years
I found an au on dapperwerewolf's tag list that caught my attention. It's called the Protector au. Gonna see if I can expand on it, make it fun and intersting. Jealous!KK anyone?
Protector au
Akito doesn't get into an accident at the start of the game.
Somehow he isn't taken by the fog.
KK wasn't killed by Hannya.
Hannya had to make a copy of KK's body to put Yaseotoke in.
KK meets up with Erika and Rinko, preventing them from being killed.
Akito manages to make it to the hospital, and meets Hannya and Yaseotoke in Mari's room.
Hannya decides to kill Akito himself, but Yaseotoke saves Akito, taking him away to safety.
The duo finds shelter with the Nekomatas.
Akito has a panic attack and is comforted by some baby Nekomatas.
Yaseotoke rescues Mari.
The Nekomatas has an artifact that could heal Mari.
With Akito and Mari safe, Yaseotoke heads out to deal with Hannya.
Cut to the end of the game, and Hannya is fighting KK/his team.
Suddenly, Yaseotoke burst in on the scene.
Hannya, thinking Yaseotoke came back to help him, orders him to kill KK/his team.
Yaseotoke throws off his mask, kills Hannya, and leaves.
KK: "Did that thing have my fucking face?!"
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Has anyone heard of Westworld? It's about a futuristic theme park based off the american old west and it's populated by robots called hosts. The robots eventually gain sentience and start killing humans. So with this summary, I came up with a new au!
Ghostwire Tokyo x Westworld au
While Westworld is based off the american old west, the theme park in this au is based off ancient Japan.
Akito wasn't a big fan of hosts. He's actually afraid of them...
Mari is alive.
KK is a host, a yokai hunter Host.
Robot yokai also wander the park. Akito really likes the Nekomata robots.
Rinko, Ed, and Erika are humans.
Erika's father, Hannya, runs the park.
Akito has a panic attack when he first meets KK. It was a rather violent first meeting, with KK killing a yokai robot right in front of Akito.
When it was time to leave, Akito's fear of hosts had dimished and he was sad to go. Helping KK fight yokai robots was fun and KK really grew him.
At the end of the day, Host's memories are wiped clean, but something happens one day. Hannya did something bad...
Akito decides to go back to the park, and even knowing KK won't remember him, he still wanted to see the grumpy yokai hunter again.
The moment Akito is back in the park, the whole place goes on lockdown and Hosts start killing human guests.
All the blood and violence causes Akito to have panic attack.
He's rescued by KK, and to his shock, the yokai hunter Host remembers him!
Romance between a human and robot commences! :)
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