tathrin · 1 year
Kiss #17, please (to distract)? Thank you!
Absolutely, and what an appropriate choice to send when I'm trying to distract myself from what I'm supposed to be doing lol (thank you). Anyway, prompt taken from this; anyone can feel free to send other numbers in at any time.
Legolas was fidgeting. Gimli glanced over sideways, a concerned frown furrowing underneath his beard. It was not the motion itself that had caught his attention: Legolas was by nature a creature of near-constant motion, a trait that seemed to be shared by all Wood-elves. They were like the trees they loved so much, ever swaying in some breeze that only they could feel; ever rustling like the whisper of thin green leaves overhead.
This was not that sort of motion; this was fidgeting. This was nerves.
Gimli could tell the difference at a glance, after so many years (he was not actually sure how many years anymore; time was a strange thing in the Undying Lands) of their companionship. Legolas's usual motion was soft and winding, like a gentle summer breeze. These fidgets, as he twisted his long bark-brown fingers together, were short and sharp and miserable.
He was nervous. It showed in the tension of his smooth and beardless face, in the darting glances of his bright grey eyes, and most of all in the twiddling of those spindly fingers.
Gimli reached over and covered Legolas's hands with one of his own, broad palm stilling the much longer, thinner digits with ease. Legolas looked over and gave him a grateful smile, but the skittering tension did not leave his eyes.
"You are distressed," Gimli said. He kept his voice low, although he knew that the other elves near them would hear well enough; elvish senses were too keen to be so easily avoided. But Gimli knew too that the others were all preoccupied with their own thoughts, and would not pry without cause. "Why?"
"I have never met him before," Legolas replied in a murmur. He curled one of his hands up around Gimli's, lacing their fingers together. "What if he...what if he is disappointed by me?"
"How could anyone be disappointed in you?"
That instinctive response merited Gimli another brief flash of a grateful smile, but this one was gone even faster than the first. "Oropher was a great Elf Lord," Legolas replied softly. "A leader even before he was crowned a king. He is spoken of with respect even by the Noldor—or some of them, at least; and that is no small thing, for us of the Woodland Realm."
"True enough," said Gimli, his words slow as grinding stone, "but I do not see why any of that should give you cause to fret, my dear."
Legolas swallowed. "I am so small, Gimli, compared to that. What if he is disappointed to meet a grandson who is so much less?"
"Ridiculous," Gimli snapped. "Legolas, you are being as foolish as a Took—no, moreso; for Tooks at least can recognize their own worth. You are a treasure among elves, my dear, and I do not say that only because you are my treasure."
Legolas could not restrain a watery laugh at that, and Gimli smiled to see it.
The smile passed quickly, though, and the frown returned, deeper now than before. "Do you fear that he will be disappointed to find that you have chosen a dwarf?"
"What?" Legolas gaped at him. "Of course not!"
"No?" Gimli raised an eyebrow. "He was an elf of Doriath, was he not?"
The tips of Legolas's ears colored. "That—yes," he admitted. "But what of it? Doriath was a long time ago, and the dwarves that fought there were not your kin. And they certainly were not you." He shook his head, his golden braids bouncing in irritation. "Besides, name an elf in all of Aman who has not fallen in love with you."
Gimli bit his lip to restrain his smirk. "I can name several," he said.
"That you have met?" Legolas retorted, and Gimli could not stop the short bark of a guffaw that slipped past his beard.
"Indeed, yes!" he chuckled. "Many look upon me with grudging tolerance at best, and you know it."
"None whose opinions are worth counting," Legolas said loftily.
Gimli smiled at him. "Fair enough," he allowed. "Your grandfather's opinion, however, is one that we would both value, I think."
"Nellglind adores you. And he died much closer to the events of which you allude than Oropher."
Gimli granted the truth of that statement with a nod, and decided that now was not the time to point out that Oropher's husband had not exactly been enamored of Gimli immediately upon meeting him. Instead he said, "Well, if you are not concerned that he will be displeased to see me by your side, then I cannot imagine what could possibly be the source of this fretting."
"I am not sure that it has a source," Legolas muttered. He drew his knees up before him where he sat on the slope of the low, grassy hill outside the Halls of Mandos where the elves of Greenwood had gathered to wait for the return of their first king. "Only that this is the first time that I will have been here to see one of my family Return from Death, and I find myself plagued by an anxiety over it that I cannot name."
Gimli nodded his understanding of that, too. "Well," he said, "as I understand it, you will not have long to wait, my love. Soon he will be back among the living, and you will meet, and he will adore you I am sure—even as I do."
He silently considered the merits of making himself scare for Oropher's actual arrival, however; of giving the legendary Elvenking a few minutes to meet his grandson on Legolas's own merits before confronting him with the reality of Legolas's dwarven husband. It seemed not just the prudent course of action, but the polite one, too. After all, while Gimli was indeed part of Oropher's family now, Oropher did not know that yet. Let him meet the grandson he did not yet know he had first, and then his dwarven grandson-in-law.
Things would no doubt go much smoother for all of them, then.
But they had a few minutes yet before the Doors of the Halls of Mandos opened, and his elf was still nervous.
So Gimli raised his other hand and caught Legolas's narrow chin and drew his beardless face down to him for a long, slow kiss. Legolas fairly melted into Gimli's arms, all the tension of his long limbs running out of him like iron set too long over a hot forge.
"Thank you," he murmured.
"Anytime, my love," Gimli replied, and pressed a second, softer kiss against Legolas's now smiling lips.
Of course, that was the moment that Oropher took to actually walk out of the Halls.
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tathrin · 1 year
Is the Galadriel and Doriath wip current or Galadriel reminiscing?
It is set in the final years of Doriath, and focuses on both Galadriel's role as Melian's student and her future fate as well as on Celeborn and Thranduil's youthful friendship, and it ends just after the Second Kinslaying.
It's very wip-y, in the sense of being mostly "here's a quick transcription of ideas" rather than actual writing, and I'm honestly not sure when I'll get back to it...but here's the beginning at least. It's the most detailed part, although even still it's mostly just sketched-out scene-notes with some bits of actual rough-draft prose at the end.
Melian and Galadriel in the former's garden in Doriath in a courtyard outside the palace that spills out into the wild forest; Melian is teaching Galadriel how to feel the world within her, both of them barefoot on the grass, feeling the flow of the song rise up through the soles of their feet. A peaceful, soft, quiet moment…
Thranduil and Celeborn walk along one of the castle walls, Thranduil skipping on the actual wall and Celeborn scoffing at him from the walkway; they pass two guards, who laugh; no one is taking the guard duty particularly seriously, because they all know Menegroth is safe from harm. 
Thranduil says that his father doesn't think it's good that they allow Galadriel and Finrod to come here; Celeborn is shocked (and deeply crushing on Galadriel), why!? Thranduil shrugs and says that Oropher doesn't think that it's good to have Noldor here when a Silmaril is; his other father, he adds while Celeborn is drawing an outraged breath to argue, pointed out that neither Galadriel nor Finrod are Fëanor's sons and should not be judged by their deeds. Oropher admitted that was true, but points out that they are still his kin—and perhaps for their own sake, should be kept far from such possible temptation. Other dad was amused by this; does Oropher really think that just the sight of some pretty jewel will overcome them? At that point, Thranduil says, wrinkling his nose, they started saying mushy stuff about being overcome by your beauty, and that's when he left. Celeborn laughs and calls him a child. Thranduil scowls.
Meanwhile, inside the hall, Thingol and the dwarves clash over the necklace; we open at the end of the argument, when tempers have already flared. Thingol towers over one of the dwarves, trying to intimidate him; another dwarf steps behind him and swings a hammer, cutting him down at the knees; he falls with a cry of surprise and the dwarf raises the hammer over him again…
Melian gasps and falls, Galadriel half-catching her and sinking to the ground with her mentor in her arms. "Teacher!" she cries (look up Sindarin), startled and afraid; what could fell a Maia? Melian smiles sadly, her eyes far away. "Fear not for me, Galadriel. This is the day I have long foreseen come at last, and the darkness that follows will be for you to face, and not for me. I depart these lands now, and leave Middle-earth for a time in the keeping of the elves alone."
In the halls, one dwarf stares in shock and horror at another; what have you done? The second lowers his bloody hammer and says that Thingol would have kept their treasure for his own. Should they have let him? Are the elves to forever be their betters, because they were made first? We are the forgotten children, unwanted by the song; it is up to us to seize our place in Arda, to make our own place in the song. Will you be forever second-best to the elves?
No, the first agrees; he takes the necklace. No, we will not let our work be stolen or our souls unvalued. Not by the elves, and not even by the Valar themselves. We are dwarves, and we know our worth as well as we know the worth of our treasures; we will not let our value be dismissed. But come! We must away before the other elves learn what we have done, or it will not be our treasures but our lives that pay the wages of this working! They flee.
"Depart!" Galadriel cried, her voice ringing raw and hollow through the garden. "But why? Wherefore should you leave this place?"
"I follow my beloved Thingol's spirit, my dear student. I know that I shall find him again someday on the other side of the Halls of Mandos; for he has left this land, and my daughter is long lost beyond the Gift of Men; and now comes the time where I depart for the Blessed Realms, and return to my own teacher and my kind and kin."
Galadriel gasped, her mind reeling beneath the weight of Melian's words. It was too much; too much all at once. She seized on the simplest, cruelest part: "Thingol is dead?"
"His life's blood even now spills across Menegroth's stone," Melian murmured. She rose, and drew Galadriel up with her. The queen seemed taller now, somehow, but more insubstantial too; she stood like a pillar of cloud before the breeze and smiled down gently at the bewildered elf-maid standing lost and lonely before her. "I say again, do not be afraid, my brightest and dearest student. I will not say that we shall meet again, for far and away will come the chance that may one day lift the Ban that bars you from those blessed shores; and thin even as the blade of a silver knife that chance is. You may well fail it; you may not even live to face the test. " She clasped one of Galadriel's hands between both of her own and stroked the bare fingers gently. "But if you do come across fire and destruction to the moment of your measure, and you can overcome both power and pride, then I foresee that the Ban upon your head will be lifted and the Seas will open to bear you home again."
"I do not think that Aman will ever let me call it home again," Galadriel whispered.
Melian cupped her face between her hands. "Ask your heart again in later Ages where your home lies, and despair not before then," she said, and bent low to kiss Galadriel on her brow. "Now farewell, my dear. Farewell, and let not your heart be hardened. On the other side of every nightfall there is a dawn, and the light in you will never go out so long as you will it still to shine. That much, I promise you."
"Melian—" Galadriel began to say, but the queen was no longer there; only a shimmer of light where she had stood, a gleam of mist that might once have been a smile and a faint echo of a distant song; but she was gone, and Galadriel stood now alone.
Around the borders of Doriath, the girdle of power that had long defended the great green lands flickered and began to fade, following the flight of its maker. The earth beneath Galadriel's bare feet shivered at the loss of power, but Galadriel did not feel it; she had heart then only for her tears.
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tathrin · 6 months
Could you talk a bit about the Death of Nellglind?
ask me about my (many, many) wips here.
Oh, very happily, yes! So Nellglind is what I've named Oropher's husband (since Tolkien gave us precisely zero canon about Mirkwood siiiiiigh) and in my backstory for Legolas's family, Nellglind dies in Doriath during the Second Kinslaying (slain by Curufin in specific, in fact, whom Oropher than killed in response; this has been done in order to provide Maximum Awkwardness For Everyone when Gimli and Celebrimbor eventually become besties in Aman).
Oropher is still an elleth in this story, although she has already turned her focus to the sword (my backstory for Oropher is that he's trans, and he was initially one of Melian's maidens, like Galadriel, and was very bitter when Melian abandoned them after Thingol's death, and none too pleased either with the fact that Galadriel, who was the most-learned and strongest of them all, did not even try to hold the Girdle herself) and is extremely proficient; but she has never killed an elf before, and so even though she has her Fëanorian opponent outmatched she hesitates over the death-blow; and in that moment of hesitation Nellglind, who is a singer and not a warrior, is slain.
And that's when Oropher learns to never hesitate, ever again. (Which lesson will not come back to haunt anyone later of course, shhh.) She cuts her way through the carnage and gets there in time for Nellglind to die in her arms, and then she goes off shrieking bloody vengeance after Curufin, killing him and almost dying in the process, and leaving it to Thranduil to drag her from the ruins and refuse to let her die.
This wip is the story I hope to eventually write about the events of said Kinslaying from Oropher's perspective, ending with he and Thranduil standing looking out upon their new home of the Greenwood, and both deciding to leave their old names behind them with the dead (metaphor about the renewal of spring after winter frosts, blah blah blah). Right now I've got the initial fight-scene written, but then just notes for the rest of it, so it has a ways to go yet.
Also while @babybat98 has been very kindly helping me devise some possible pre-Greenwood names for Oropher (and Thranduil will need one too, of course) I haven't settled on one yet, so that'll have to happen for sure before this story can go too much further lol.
But it's a fun one! Thanks for asking about it, anon.
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tathrin · 1 year
can I break the rules? I know Oropher isnt an oc but since he's got almost no page time imho that means the way you write him makes him your oc so (if youre not made im breaking the rules lolo) can you do 18 22 30 or 43 for Orpher pls?
Anon, you may absolutely break the rules thank you. Especially for Oropher; I have a feeling that Oropher would always come down on the side of breaking rules, tbh. (Questions taken from here.)
18. What embarrasses them?
Nothing. Literally nothing. If Oropher ever had a sense of shame once upon a time, it didn't make it out of Doriath alive.
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Okay, so picture how a gorilla goes around beating on their chest... No, wait. Picture how a Stereotypical American (or Australian) Dudeboy goes "hold my beer!" and then throws himself into Doing Something Really Dumb For Attention. Now replace that image with Oropher, First King of the Greenwood, elf with famously bad impulse control, handing his wine to Galion and probably taking off his shirt. He is going to get your attention, and you are going to think he looks cool if it kills him, dammit! And if it does, he'll just do whatever it was again but twice as hard when he gets back out of Mandos!
Do you think he looks cool yet? Because if not, he will do something even bigger and stupider until you do!
30. Who do they most regret meeting? 
Curufin. Without contest. Because I decided it's fun if it was Curufin, specifically, who killed Nellglind during the Kinslaying in Doriath, and then Oropher who killed Curufin. (This makes things extra fun for everybody when Gimli and Celebrimbor become BFFs in Aman!)
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
He would start talking about Nellglind, gushing about him and describing him in great and intimate detail. Oropher would have a fantastic time doing this, thanks so much for the excuse hapless person who now regrets asking! Everyone except for Gandalf would be horrifically embarrassed and uncomfortable. Nellglind's ears would be so red. Legolas will threaten to walk into the Sea. Oropher won't care. They will have to gag him to stop him.
And then everyone very quickly regrets the fact that Gimli taught him Iglishmêk...
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tathrin · 1 year
The file titled Oropher’s Return?
A response to this WIP Weekend game.
Thank you for asking! I haven't written anything on that one in quite a while, and it was good to get it going again because it really is a fun one. I'm not sure if we're supposed to post what we write for this or not, so in case we are here it is:
"Imagine my surprise," Nellglind drawled, "when I returned to life only to be confronted with an entire forest of Wood-elves I had never met before who wished to adopt me, while the Noldor and the Vanyar kept trying to convince all of us that I ought to be calling myself their king." "But that is not true at all," Angmeril laughed. "You returned to life almost two thousand years before I was forced to Sail here, and there was no Greenwood in Aman before that. You seemed to be quite happy living among the other Sindar of Doriath before you came to our woods." "If you wish to be strictly accurate about the order of events, then yes," Nellglind allowed, "that is how it went. But you must admit that it was a shocking thing to learn that my own husband had become a king of a people I had never met, regardless of how long I had to digest the story before there were any of you here on these shores so that I might see the results myself." "Well, I am glad that you came to see them, regardless of when it happened," Oropher said. "And that you have learned to love them, too." "Of course," Nellglind scoffed. "How could I not come meet my own daughter-in-law the moment I heard she was on these shores? And of course I fell in love with her immediately, for how could one do otherwise with such a charming elleth?" "That is also untrue," Angmeril said, laughing harder than before. "You found me to be absolutely irksome when first we met, and we both know it. There is no call to pretend otherwise now." "True," Nellglind shrugged, "but I found Oropher irksome, too. Being irked is how I fall in love." Oropher laughed very loudly, and pulled Nellglind in close to kiss his ear, and said, "That is true indeed, fortunately for me!" Gimli had not been able to keep from snickering at that. Legolas shooting him a scowl that said he knew exactly why Gimli was laughing had not helped, and he had to press his mouth into his beard to try and stifle his amusement. "You can be irksome too, you know," Legolas muttered. "True," Gimli said, still chortling. "But this is one contest in which I fear you shall always best me, my dear Legolas!" Legolas muttered something very vulgar in Sindarin in response, and Angmeril laughed so hard that her mother frowned in concern and told her to be careful she did not fall from the log on which she sat and roll into the fire. That, of course, had only made them all laugh harder. Then Oropher had asked his husband, "Have people really been pressing you to declare yourself king of the Greenwood?" Nellglind responded with a grimace that was almost as eloquent as Legolas's cursing and said, "Yes. It is the most nonsensical, irritating—" "They do the same to me," Angmeril said, scowling. "At least you have actually been to the forest whose echo they now want us to rule," Nellglind griped. "I have never even seen the original Greenwood!" "These Noldor do love their crowns," Oropher snorted. "Perhaps if they had ever learned to love their kith and kin as highly, they would not have been so quick to spill elvish blood in the pursuit of jewels and power." "We are not going to get into all of that," Nellglind declared firmly. "You have only just returned from the Halls of Mandos, and this is a night for joy. Not for dwelling on our losses and our sorrows." "My sorrows are all abated now that you are at my side once more," Oropher declared, his sharp eyes softening with warm affection. Then he frowned and glanced at Gilthawen and asked, "Is not your husband here as well?" "No," Gilthawen said, her voice very quiet. "He was not here when I disembarked," Angmeril told them all. "Whatever happened to my father after he left the Greenwood, he did not make it to Aman." Oropher reached over and took Gilthawen's hand. "I am sorry," he said. Gilthawen mustered a smile. "I am sorry, too. But we parted long ago, and by his choosing. I will not waste my days mourning him now." "Quite right!" Oropher declared, and stood to pour them all more wine.
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tathrin · 6 months
wip folder game!
tagged by @lordgrimwing thank you very much!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oh jeeze, okay here we go...
An Elvish Lure
Arwen and Éowyn
Blindfolded in Lórien
Boba Fett vs Alien
Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli in Lothlórien
Bounty Rescue
Celebrimbor in the Fellowship
Coming Home Under the Shadows
Cooking With JediStormPilot
Dead Faces In The Water; Dead Faces Everywhere
Death of Nellglind
Defending Dwarven Honor
Disarmed (Tiraran)
Dwarven Ring (Not Like This)
Echoes Through Stone
Elven Compass (Fellowship)
Episode VIII
Fett and Ailyn
Gimleaf: As A Lie
Lord of the Star Ring Wars
Not A Healer's Hands
On Why Legolas Joined the Fellowship
Oropher: A History
Oropher's Return
Quick Enough to Trust the Elves
Rise of the Jedi
Sea-Longing and Songs
Shadows Creeping
SW Sequels: Meeting Mirta
The Last Jedi Without The Suck
Thranduil: A Crown of Silver and Blood
To Live In Undying Lands
To Sleep With The Dead
Twin Faces of Destruction
Two Fell Into Shadow
Undying Lands
Whumptober 5 + 7: Pray I Don't Get Up
Wraith Squadron - Enemy Ally
This isn't everything I've got, it's just the LotR and Star Wars stuff, because it was already just so damn long already, I wasn't going to peek into the other folders and make it worse shhhh.
So we definitely aren't tagging that many people, because that's ridiculous. However, if you haven't been tagged in this yet and you see this, you can absolutely assume that you have been tagged by me, because holy kest that is a lot of stories lmao. So instead we'll go with nine specific tags, because that's a good number to choose for groups of people, don't you think? Not for any reason...
tagging: @roselightfairy @bifuriouswaterbender @estel-of-the-eyrie @babybat98 @rosalui @aroace-moron @storytellingdreamer @sallysavestheday @curiouselleth
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tathrin · 5 months
I'm working on some Background Timeline Nonsense for my Celebrimbor In The Fellowship AU fic and trying to put together stuff in a way that both makes sense and is fun (and reconciles some of the Unfinished Tales mess). I've already blathered at poor @babybat98 about this, but I figure I might as well subject the rest of you all to it share it here too, in case anyone has Thoughts or Suggestions:
A Timeline of the Lords of the Woodland Elves.
506 F.A. Doriath is sacked (about 30 years before the Third Kinslaying at Sirion).
By 511 F.A., refugees from Gondolin and a few Drúadain joined them there, and by 525 Earendil and Elwing were wed and ruling the Havens of Sirion.
539 F.A., the last of the Fëanorians show-up in Sirion and do their usual silmaril-slaughter, and Elwing jumps off the cliff. The Havens are left in ruins, and Morgoth has control of all Beleriand, blah blah blah.
545 F.A. the Host of the Valar land in Beleriad. The War of Wrath begins.
590 F.A. Morgoth defeated, War of Wrath ends, First Age ends. *Galadriel probably doesn't actually marry Celeborn until now, possibly because of the whole "don't marry during war" thing the Calaquendi tend to do? unclear, because everything involving them is unclear lmao
1 S.A. the Grey Havens are built in Lindon, the only place in Beleriand that really survived the War of Wrath.
By 20 S.A. Galadriel and Celeborn leave Lindon, where Gil-galad is now king (probably crowned because of Galadriel's influence somehow? Unclear, again!). Galadriel and Celeborn go to Eriador and dwell near Lake Nenuial, where they are accounted "the Lord and Lady of the Eldar in Eriador" according to one version of the Unfinished Tales. They have a lot of Noldor, Grey-elves, and Green-elves with them at this time. Now for the fun backstory stuff...what if we say that Celeborn, Oropher, and Amdír were all basically BFFs from their youth in Doriath, and will remain thus for many years before the eventual splintering around 750 S.A.?
So, as of S.A. 10-20 when Galadriel and Celeborn leave Lindon, what if we say that Amdír and Oropher are with them also at this point, and with them their sons? They can be part of the company of mingled Noldor and Iathrim who are mentioned there at Lake Nenuial, with Celeborn (relative of Thingol) and Galadriel (sister of Finrod) as the "highest ranking" of their little quartet, and also the ones (especially Galadriel) who care the most about rank/leadership, and thus fall naturally into that role both in behavior and in the eyes of everyone around them, while Amdír and Oropher are more advisors/etc (maybe they end up in charge of guarding everybody, as the Warriors of the group). Amroth could be as young as 110 right now if he was just a wee little lad when Doriath was destroyed, barely an adult, or at any rate easily less than 200 yet. Perhaps Amdir never made it to Sirion at all, and only rejoined his son after the War of Wrath? (Perhaps Amdir's mom died in the Kinslaying, like Nellglind?) Regardless, Galadriel and/or Celeborn could have been doing most of the looking-after of him during the War either way, and thus we get Amroth as sort of "their kid" like he was in that draft, while not actually being their son which wouldn't make sense. Maybe Celeborn looked after both Amroth and Thranduil while the other adults were involved more in the fighting, given that picturing either Amdir or Oropher NOT fighting if they were still in Beleriand at this point is difficult (albeit not impossible: they could always have gone "fuck this shit, this is a Calaquendi Problem, you deal with it") and Galadriel is The Mighty One while Celeborn is more chill (and because I like not having The Woman be the one doing the child-minding lol). Alternatively, they could have all fought to varying degrees, with young Thranduil the one charged with looking after younger Amroth? idk most of the War of Wrath is pretty hand-wavy even in Tolkien's stuff so this can stay vague lol
At any rate, we pick-up the thread with our next Known(ish) event:
300 S.A. is when Celebrían is probably born. At this point, her parents are presumably still in Eriador. So, we could have them all living together as a little found family unit of survivors at Lake Nenuial, with Amroth and Thranduil acting as sort of older brothers/cousins to Celebrian. Perhaps she has more of a brotherly relationship with Amroth, who is younger, and a little more distance between her and Thranduil, because he's so much older (and lived through the trauma of everything more directly)? He sees himself as the Sensible And Mature One who has to look out for the younger/more naive kids, perhaps? At some point, of course, there must be some kind of a falling-out of some sort between Oropher and Galadriel/Celeborn, because we need to have some reason as the driving factor (combined with the increasing numbers of Dwarves in Moria, which we know Oropher wasn't pleased by; hello Doriath Trauma Round One!) for him to do the whole "moved his people north three times" from the original location of Amon Lanc in order to avoid being near Galadriel and Celeborn in Lórien. Perhaps the falling-out can be traced back to Ost-in-Edhil somehow?
750 S.A. is approximately when Eregion is founded, and construction is begun on Ost-in-Edhil. 750 S.A. is also around when we're told that Oropher and Amdir took up lordship of their respective Silvan lands (although I'm already deviating from those details a bit because fuck colonialism lol; but that's easy enough to do and still claim canon-compliance due to the vagueness of all of this in "canon" anyway, so we'll still use that as the rough date of when the Sindar refugees came to Laurelindórenan/Greenwood, and just say the whole "king" thing in Greenwood happened later and the Noldorian historians never caught the nuances, shhh) So if we extrapolate from all that... What if the falling-out happens because of Eregion? What if Amdir and Oropher are not about to accept an open and friendly relationship with the local Dwarves, after what happened to Thingol and Doriath; and Galadriel, with her foresight and her stubbornness and her Noldorin love of craft (and the fact that her first main trauma was Alqualondë long before the Sindar were scarred by the Battle of a Thousand Caves), refuses to let her Goals™️ be held hostage to their grudges and trauma, and insists that the only way forward for this land is hand-in-hand with the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm. Celeborn reluctantly sides with his wife (even though he loathes dwarves as much as any of them) over his friends, and Amdir and Oropher go off in a huff with those others of the Elves of Eriador who aren't interested in More Noldorin Bullshit, crossing the mountains and joining with the Silvan Elves in the east. So:
750 S.A. Amdir and Oropher leave with a group of followers, while Galadriel and Celeborn found Ost-in-Edhil with Celebrimbor, the two of them being taken as Lord and Lady of Eregion while he's (presumably) just in charge of the smiths for now.
1000 S.A. Sauron, not wanting to start shit with the western elves or Numenorians right not because they're too strong (and presumably just not giving a shit about the little Wood-elves in their forests), beings building Barad-dûr.
1200 S.A. Sauron tries to beguile the Elves of Lindon, and Gil-galad tells him to fuck-off. He tries again in Eregion, and despite Galadriel going "big nope!" the Gwaith-i-Mírdain there welcome him.
1350 S.A. Sauron manages to get Galadriel ousted from Ost-in-Edhil, and Celebrimbor becomes lord of the place. Galadriel and Celebrían leave via Moria, and spend a while in Khazad-dûm with their dwarven friends before making their way eventually to their old friend Amdir and foster-son/brother Amroth in Lórien, where they are welcomed, and Galadriel and Amdir reconcile (possibly enthusiastically, possibly awkwardly) but Celeborn, refusing to step foot in a dwarven kingdom, stays in Eregion, where he is "disregarded" by Celebrimbor. So I like to picture him skulking about as That Grumpy Old Man muttering and scowling at everybody as they pat him on the head and go "there, there grandpa" and whisper apologies to whatever dwarf he's offended today.
1500 S.A. by this time, the Seven and the Nine are made, and Sauron leaves to go make the One Ring in secret in Mordor.
1600 S.A. Sauron makes the One Ring and proclaims himself as Sauron, and ready for war. Celebrimbor goes OH FUCKSHIT and runs through Moria to consult with Galadriel in Lórien. He gives her Nenya, and she convinces him to send the other two to Gil-galad in Lindon, and get them the fuck out of Ost-in-Edhil.
1605 S.A. Sauron's immediate attempt to start said war is potentially delayed by the first two of the Istari, the Blue Wizards, who in a much later draft of Tolkien's actually came to Middle-earth during the Second Age, long before the rest of them, rather than all coming over together. Instead, he had them come over with Glorfindel, and while Glorfindel hung around to help Gil-galad et al they made their way East, to try and save the tribes of Men who had fallen under Morgoth's worship, and to discover where Sauron was hiding, and work against him. I think I want to go with that version, simply because I like the idea of Glorfindel coming back with some of the Istari? But I ALSO like the idea of him having fought in the Last Alliance, which means I need him to come over before Gandalf, Saruman, and Radagast do in the Third Age. So this splits the difference nicely! So, as of 1600: the valar have gone "oh fuck!" and thrown two maia and one reborn elf on a boat and thrown them back to Middle-earth to clean-up the leftovers of the mess left by the War of Wrath when they failed to drag Morgoth's most powerful lieutenant back to face judgement in Valinor OOPSIES, presumably because they figured out that Shit Was Hitting The Fan thanks to the whole One Ring Thing being big enough to be Noticed By The Powers lol Anyway, thanks to Morinehtar and Rómestámo being fucking badass, Sauron's plans for war are delayed several years, and Celebrimbor has time to hide the Three and presumably to warn the Dwarves about the Seven. Ooh, what if we say that he's been spending a lot of this time trying to devise some way of un-linking the Rings from the One Ring? He apparently has the Nine with him when Eregion falls, and Sauron just takes those, but the Seven and the Three aren't there; maybe he was working on the Nine, and knew the Seven were safe in Khazad-dûm where his dwarven smith-friends were doing the same there? And that's why he never tried to destroy them: he was still holding out hope they could be saved, be fixed. That he wouldn't have to destroy the greatest things he ever made, and all the hopes he put into them. He just needed a little more time...
1693 S.A. the War of the Elves and Sauron (finally) begins.
1695 S.A. Sauron slinks through the Gap of Rohan, thus avoiding the Elves in the Greenwood and Lórien, and invades Eriador. Thanks to the Númenóreans having cut down many of the Trees of Minhiriath and Enedwaith, the people in these lands welcomed Sauron's conquest and let him pass without trouble. (Well done, Númenor! Didn't anyone ever teach you deforestation is bad?) Celeborn leads the forces from Eregion (presumably having said "I told you so" to Celebrimbor a few times) and they manage to defeat the first wave of Sauron's army, but are then overwhelmed and forced back to Ost-in-Edhil. Gil-galad hears about this and sends Elrond leading a force from Lindon to help, and also sends messages to Númenor pleading for help. Nobody answers (men, pah!). Elrond's force is too small, and can't break-through to get to Eregion to help.
1697 S.A. Ost-in-Edhil falls. Celebrimbor is tortured into giving up the location of the Seven, but dies without revealing the Three. Sauron, not being an entire idiot, guesses that they're most likely with Galadriel and Gil-galad anyway, but is pissy about being resisted, and turns Celebrimbor into a banner that he carries into battle. Elrond's tiny army is about to be overrun when the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm attack Sauron from the rear, along with the force of elves that Amroth has led through Moria from Lórien, (because whatever Issues™️ his father might have with Dwarves, he's not about to let his foster-father die). This allows Elrond to gather the survivors of Ost-in-Edhil, including presumably Celeborn, and flee. The Dwarves are driven back as well, but they shut the Doors of Moria and Sauron can't get in. Haha, thwarted by Celebrimbor and his previous sweetheart, sucks to be you Sauron! The Doors of Durin are apparently not opened again until the Fellowship of the Ring comes to them (although that doesn't make sense, because Gandalf and Aragorn both passed through Moria at least once before LotR, so they must have been opened at some point; but perhaps the text only means they were not left open again after this point, and is not referring to when/if they were ever opened from inside by someone walking through and out?). The retreating elves found the stronghold of Rivendell, to which many of the survivors of Eregion flee. (Celeborn, presumably, says "I told you so" a lot at this point too, but not often enough for them to murder him.) The rest scatter, some fleeing Middle-earth altogether and some disappearing into the Wild with others fleeing through Khazad-dûm (before the Doors are shut, presumably) thanks to their dwarven friends, and make their way eventually to Lórien, where they join their fellows who left Ost-in-Edhil earlier and merge with the Silvans and Sindar there.
by 1700 S.A. Sauron has overrun all of Eriador except for Rivendell, which is besieged, and Lindon, where Gil-galad is also barely holding him off at the River Lhûn and Mithlond. Finally the Nûmenorian fleet arrives, and kicks Sauron's ass all the way back to Tharbad, although he burns the forests of Minhiriath and Enedwaith as he goes. He gets caught in a pincer between the main force and a smaller one that Ciryatur landed at Gwathló behind him, and barely escaped "with his bodyguard" to Dagorlad. It is unclear at this point if Sauron actually HAS any or all of the Seven, or just knows where they are; sources say that Durin at least was given his Ring by Celebrimbor himself, so perhaps Sauron never actually manages to collect all the Seven at this point? but still has his original influence over them. He does have the Nine, we know, because he gathered them up when he came to Ost-in-Edhil and defeated Celebrimbor on the steps of the House of the Mírdain.
1701 S.A. the first Council is held in Imladris, when Galadriel and Celebrían come looking for Celeborn and meet-up with all the other leaders of the various forces of Elves and Men. They decide to make Rivendell the new elvish stronghold in Eriador, as Eregion is in ruins and remains thus. Gil-galad at this point gives Vilya to Elrond (it's unclear when Cirdan gets Narya, because of course is it; he might already have it, or he might not get it until Gil-galad marches to War in Mordor, although wtf was he thinking leaving Narya behind when he went to war just when he would need its power most? Gil-galad wtf mate???) and declares him his vice-regent. This is also when Elrond and Celebrían meet for the first time. (Presumably at this point her foster-brother Amroth teases her mercilessly about her very obvious crush on Gil-galad's pet peredhel, and she probably smacks the crap out of him for being a jerk.) At some point after this, Galadriel and Celeborn (and Celebrían presumably) leave Rivendell to live near the sea, probably because Galadriel was apparently "striken with sea-longing" the moment she put Nenya on. They go to Belfalas, which will be later called Dol Amroth, and apparently visit Lórien at least twice more before the end of the Second Age, but we don't know anything else about them here.
At this point, there isn't much relevant canon information until the Last Alliance happens, since most of what's going on of import now is happening in Numenor, but let's hit the highlights in case we want to expand on any of this later.
2251 S.A. the Nazgûl appear.
3262 S.A. Sauron taken to Numenor as a prisoner.
3319 S.A. Numenor sunk, Sauron flees back to Middle-earth, and the world is reshaped.
3429 S.A. Sauron seizes Minas Ithil.
3430 S.A. formation of the Last Alliance.
3431 S.A. the Last Alliance marches to Rivendell.
3434 S.A. the march to Mordor, and the Battle of Daglorlad, where Oropher and Amdir both die. Siege of Barad-dûr begins.
3441 S.A. Sauron defeated (for now), war is over. Thranduil and Amdir go home with their scant surviving forces.
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