#neo-angelregion Ren
dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Project(s) round up-ish, for October 2018!
Yep, it’s that time again, for this lover of all things crafting back on her excitement for what she’s been making. So without further adieu let’s see what I’ve conjured up in this lovely month of Halloween (expect a part two, still fishing out decorations and costumes for my dolls)
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My new scarf! This was made in Caron Cakes, Cinnamon Swirl, used about half the ball and I still have half left! It’s a really long scarf too about five feet long (which is as much as I am tall. Word to the wise - you want your scarf to be as long as the person your making it for, so they can get all warm and snuggly with it unless you wanna go for the shorter type of scarf)
Now, when I was at the craft store, twice now I’ve found super duper cute Halloween socks, that just HAd to get in my cart, one of them being these adorable socks with unicorn skeletons on them... and thus, two of my girls got some new duds.
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Yeah, bit of a running joke around here, Vala here barely has anything that suits her current character personality, and dressing her in her old frilly, extra super girly clothes just doesn’t fly around here anymore. It feels weird. So, unlike last year where I stuck her in a new shirt and her jeans and called it good, I made her an entire outfit from scratch. I wanted it to be different from her past sweaters and outfits, so I took leftovers from Noah’s lovely sweater (fit her like a glove, instantly) and made Vala a one sleeved number. Then the pants came next with this cute bat fabric. I’m really pleased with both, since the skeletons look cute but also a little spooky. (This is as close to a kelpie sweater as I’m probably gonna get so I’ll be pleased)
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Close up of Noah’s sweater, honestly the hardest part was deciding which side goes front, since both had an abundance of unicorn sweaters. This side won, cause of the epic laying on it’s back unicorn.
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Vala’s full outfit, just really happy in general with how it looks. Feels like it’s something her character would wear if she got her hands on it (or if someone knitted it for her. Wisp has yarn crafts too!)
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Oh good goddess, this dress... THIS DRESS. I am so happy with how it looks, but boy was it a bit of a chore to figure out. I used size 10 crochet thread, first working up the bottom part of the skirt and then working upwards, alternating each row with a different thread. Took me about a day to finish, but hooo boy did it murder my fingers. I think I was out of commission crochet wise for a few days. Same day I finished the shawl I started it. 
And that’s it for now. Expect more later!
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dollsorwhatever · 4 years
Random Lumi photodump
I was bored and scrolling through my photos last night, and I found these ones of Lumi that I took right after she got her newest wig and eyes in mid-2019.  Kinda random but I’d just noticed how pretty she looks in these, so...here you go lol
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I have so many dolls that I love, but Lumi is just that one that gets me every time I see her despite rarely taking her out. I don’t know what I would do without her lol
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smallwonderdolls · 6 years
Stream of consciousness dolly rambles
Nice, child-proportioned Yo-SD bodies - Dollits’ D.B.D. body (26.6cm), and Cocoriang’s COYO body (27cm).  Both look aesthetically pleasing to me (no blocky limbs or armoured knee caps), and have good poseability .  Dollits’ body, in particular, is kind of “svelte” and curvy in a Chibi-Unoa-esque way.  Am definitely keeping them in mind if I ever need a body in this size range.   
I’ll be the first to admit that, when it comes to dolls, I have a predominant bias toward a certain long-established Japanese company.  =D  At the same time, though, I can’t deny that Myou Delia in 1/4 scale, and coffee resin specifically, catches my eye every time I see her.  ^-^  She’s got such a sweet expression. According to the company website, her head is apparently 18cm in circumference, which is actually a touch smaller than my Yo-SD Kanon, at 18.1cm?? o_O
I’m currently pondering D.I.M. Jullis, which is quite unlike my usual taste in dolls.  It has possibly the most unappealing company photos ever, plus a towering, egg-shaped forehead, and a ginormous nose... but also cute parted lips and a bit of an (Volks SD) F-16 look to it.  I feel like it’s a versatile sculpt and that it would be fun to try and create a character out of it.  For a matching body, it seems like Dollmore and Doll Legend are passable matches, colour-wise.
Re-acquainting myself with a local collector who owns a Little Fair Ren reminded me of how I used to want a Ren girl quite badly!  I was looking at old company pics and think she really would make a lovely girl. *_* I wrote to (Neo-)Angelregion but they don’t seem to have plans to revive the Little Fairs at the moment, although they still appear on their website, tantalisingly enough. :-( 
Finally, I am (still) keen on the Volks FCS MSD sculpts F-45 (sunlight) and F-54 (give sell me the redhead, please, exactly as he is...) I wonder if they’ll ever open international FCS again...  ;_;  Even if only for existing first-hand owners? 
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Christmas 2018
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“Can I have some?”
“Avalon. Give me, the fruit cake. I actually like it.”
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“Pretty tree though.... and I’m still shorter than it.”
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“Welp, we made out like bandits. Good idea hitting the bakery before two.”
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“Look at all the presents Avery!”
“Oh, I wonder which one’s for me?”
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“What’s it sound like brother?”
“It’s... boxy.”
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“And I said that’s not a mimic, that’s my wife!”
“... Boo.”
“Avalon, love that was bad.”
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“I still can’t tell what’s in here.”
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“When’s my turn?”
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Merry Christmas!
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Lost Souls Shawl MSD v2
So, I wanted to make another one of these shawls for my MSD girls, since I wanted to see how it would look in black (and finish the border this time) so I wanted to take some comparison pics and show how different they look side by side.
I have to say the black is really my favorite.
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Yup, definitely prefer it in black! 
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Comparison in size to mine (as of last night. The thing is way bigger now)
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Pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/lost-souls-skull-shawl
Thanks for looking!
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Photostory: “You look Fine”
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“Hey Avalon, what do you think? Do you like it?”
“Yeah, yeah whatever you look fine. Check this out!”
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“What? I mean check this out!”
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“I can do magic again!!!”
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“You are such a big dork.”
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“*chu* I’m your dork. There’s a vast difference.”
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“Besides, to me your always radiant.”
“Oh stop...”
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“So can I have my shawl back?”
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dreamstormdragon · 7 years
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It’s Shark Week which means aquatic themed pictures, backgrounds and doll clothes.  And some shenanigans including being booped by a shark and my Obitsu dog terrorizing my planes figure... After he was already terrorized.
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