inprimalinie · 15 days
„Biergarten-Ausflug în uniformă nazistă”: Saxonia a sărbătorit Ziua Tatălui în uniforme naziste pe 9 mai
În a 40-a zi după Paște, în Germania se sărbătorește Ziua Tatălui. Anul acesta a căzut pe 9 mai. În Saxonia, în estul Germaniei, grupuri de bărbați au organizat sărbători brutale folosind simboluri naziste. În Dresda, bărbați cu vârste cuprinse între 27 și 58 de ani au condus o mașină militară Borgward din anii 1950 cu steagul Imperiului German din 1871-1918. Automobilul era inscripționat cu…
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usnewsper-politics · 3 months
"Europe's Far-Right Problem: Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and Other Extremists" #Europe #farright #fascism #NeoNazism #whitesupremacy
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romanationmovement · 8 months
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blaqsbi · 9 months
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Post: These Neo-Nazis Found Out Not Every Black Man In Florida Is With The Nonsense https://www.blaqsbi.com/5l6K
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yardfile · 10 months
more reading on women and white supremacy/neonazism:
How women advance the internationalization of the far right:
More Time 1999:
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stiridinromania · 2 years
Romania a votat la ONU impotriva rezolutiei privind COMBATEREA NAZISMULUI
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Anul acesta, pe 4 noiembrie, Romania a votat la ONU impotriva rezolutiei privind "Combaterea glorificarii Nazismului, neo-Nazismului si a altor practici care contribuie la alimentarea formelor contemporare de rasism, discriminare rasiala, xenofobie si intoleranta asociata"
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Sursa foto: https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1667720971034020.jpg Pe fondul unei dezbateri aprinse, Comisia a aprobat proiectul de rezoluție prin vot: 105 pentru, 52 împotrivă, 15 abțineri. Prin intermediul proiectului de rezoluție, adunarea generala isi exprima profunda îngrijorare cu privire la glorificarea mișcării naziste, a neo-nazismului și a foștilor membri ai organizației Waffen SS, inclusiv prin ridicarea de monumente și organizarea de demonstrații publice în glorificarea trecutului nazist. (sursa: https://press.un.org/en/2022/gashc4365.doc.htm) Prezentând textul, delegatul Federației Ruse și-a exprimat îngrijorarea cu privire la creșterea retoricii rasiste și xenofobe, a apelurilor de deportare a migranților și a refugiaților, islamofobie, afrofobie și antisemitism. Cu toate ca proiectul de rezolutie se voteaza anual, delegatul Statelor Unite ale Americii a numit rezoluția „o încercare cinică” a Moscovei de a-și promova obiectivele geopolitice invocând Holocaustul și al Doilea Război Mondial. În aceeași ordine de idei, delegatul Australiei a numit inacceptabilă armonizarea Holocaustului și nazismului de către Moscova. Desi rezolutia in sine este una tematica, si nu face referire la anumite tari, reprezentantii Uniunii Europene in cadrul ONU au sustinut ca au votat impotriva, datorita actiunii Rusiei din Ucraina, in care se foloseste termenul "denazificare". "Astăzi, sub falsul pretext de a lupta împotriva nazismului, Rusia a adus înapoi în Europa ororile războiului (...) Condamnăm cu fermitate folosirea argumentului de lupta împotriva nazismului și respingem utilizarea inexactă și inadecvată a termenului „denazificare” de către Rusia pentru a-și justifica războiul inuman, crud și ilegal de agresiune împotriva Ucrainei, ale cărui impacturi continue sunt grave, nu numai pentru poporul Ucrainei, ci pentru oamenii din întreaga lume. O astfel de denaturare erodează înțelegerea noastră asupra Holocaustului, nerespectează moștenirea acestuia și subminează principiile democratice." (Sursa: eeas.europa.eu) Cele 52 de tari care au votat pro-nazism anul acesta, sunt: Ucraina, SUA, UK, Suedia, Spania, Slovenia, Slovacia, San Marino, Romania, Republica Moldova, Portugalia, Polonia, Papua Noua Guinee, Norvegia, Macedonia de Nord, Noua Zeelanda, Olanda, Muntenegru, Monaco, Micronesia, Insulele Marshall, Malta, Mali, Luxembourg, Lituania, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Letonia, Kiribati, Japonia, Italia, Irlanda, Islanda, Ungaria, Grecia, Germania, Georgia, Franta, Finlanda, Estonia, Danemarca, Cehia, Cipru, Croatia, Canada, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Hertegovina, Belgia, Austria, Australia, Andora si Albania. Read the full article
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(Proto)Nazi/Extreme Right Wing groups are using Discord to groom teenagers to radicalize themselves. Beware, parents!
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despazito · 1 year
There's only so much of getting called inhuman for my ethnicity by someone with a totenkopf pfp until I start yelling, yet according to twitter I'm the one in the wrong about it ok ok ok
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karmaphone · 6 months
why yes I am tagging every political punk post with some variation of PuNk IsNt PoLiTiCaL. headass because of that one dumbass attempting to separate a partially politically based subculture from the politics. why do you ask
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inprimalinie · 3 months
Zaharova: Societatea germană este condusă de neonaziști
Purtătorul de cuvânt al Ministerului rus de Externe, Maria Zaharova, a comentat conversația între ofițerii germani de rang înalt despre loviturile de pe podul din Crimeea, declarând că acest subiect este “o chestiune tragică pentru societatea germană”, care este condusă de neonaziști. Georgiana Arsene Și aceștia sunt cu siguranță neonaziști, sută la sută. Uitați-vă la (ministrul german de…
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brimstone-cowboy · 1 month
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Wow that person is just FULL of stupid opinions
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romanationmovement · 2 years
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blaqsbi · 9 months
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Post: These Neo-Nazis Found Out Not Every Black Man In Florida Is With The Nonsense https://www.blaqsbi.com/5kAU
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sudaca-swag · 2 years
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heidi891 · 1 year
Severus does seem the type, doesn’t he?
“Severus?” Quirrell laughed, and it wasn’t his usual quivering treble, either, but cold and sharp. “Yes, Severus does seem the type, doesn’t he? So useful to have him swooping around like an overgrown bat. [HP&PS]
I think a lot of problems with how many HP fans percieve Snape stem from the type of person he seems to be.
As a teenager he’s a skinny, awkward nerd who hangs out with the wrong crowd and is fascinated by a dangerous ideology. He seems to be an archetypal nerd and incel fascinated by neonazism. A lot of ideas who Snape is, what his motivations are and so on, stem from not the source material but the archetype he seems to match.
The thing is, while he has a lot in common with this archetype, there are also significant differences. Without them Snape wouldn’t have betrayed Voldemort and become a spy, he would have stayed a loyal DE or another Karkaroff. This is important thing about Snape: he seems the type, but he is not the type.
Lily and Snape’s friendship wasn’t an awkward situation where Lily was a kind girl who sometimes talked to the local nerd out of pity and Snape jumped to the wild conclusions that they were best friends now. Lily truly liked him and they were real friends, not just in his head.
Was he jealous of James? Most likely he was, but he had a real reason to worry about Lily. James was a bully, Snape also believed James knew about “the Prank” beforehand. Would Snape have reacted in the same way if a genuinly nice boy like Cedric Diggory had been interested in her? We don’t know, but we can’t be sure that he would have reacted equally negatively. A jealous incel would have done that, but it’s not enough to be sure that Snape would have too.
After Snape called Lily a Mudblood, he sincerely apologised. An archetypal incel would have tried to put the blame on James and on external circumstances, he would have tried to gaslight Lily. An incel has a victim mentality: he’s not the one to blame, others are. But Snape did none of those things.
Snape didn’t feel entitled to Lily’s attention, he was her friend. She liked him and talked to him willingly. After Lily ended their friendship and told him to stay away, he did. He respected her wishes. An archetypal incel wouldn’t have listened, would have tried to contact her afterwards and felt entitled to her attention just because they used to talk. Snape did not, he left her alone as she wanted.
Snape was never friendzoned, because he had never asked Lily out. There is even no proof that he was in love with her romantically. Personally I think he had a crush on her, but her friendship was most important to him. I guess he didn’t want to lose it and waited for some signs that Lily had feelings for him too. Having an unrequited crush on somebody isn’t a crime, people don’t control it. An incel would have expected a romantic relationship in exchange for being nice. Snape respected Lily’s feelings and didn’t expect anything from her.
When he found out that Voldemort thought the Prophecy concerned Harry Potter, he asked Voldemort to spare Lily’s life. He could have asked him to Stupify her so he could have made her his sex slave. He could have Obliviated her so that she wouldn’t have remembered her family, he could have given her a love potion. It would have been so easy. According to Hagrid, Voldemort had wanted to recruit her before, so he surely would’ve been on board, wouldn’t he? But Snape after initial, emotional impulse to beg for her life didn’t come with such a plan. He went straight to Dumbledore, even though he could have been killed, and became a spy, risking his life, just to save Lily and her family. He took responsibility for his actions. He didn’t do it because he expected something from Lily. He hadn’t talked to her in years. It wasn’t selfish, it was selfless. He tried to save her and her family without expecting anything in return.
Do you know who saw Snape like the archetypal incel? Voldemort. And that mistake led to his downfall.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
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So the nyt has a piece out today finally broaching the matter of key Ukrainian military units openly affiliating with neonazism (with—tho the grey lady does not see fit to bring this to the attention of its readers—the kind of activist history one might expect of neonazis). And, naturally, their chief (and well nigh only) concern is that this might cause optics problems by lending credibility to the ever present threat of Russian propaganda. Plus some “heritage not hate” hemming and hawing about the complexities of Nazi imagery in Ukrainian culture. The fact that the US has been propping up nazi militias does not even seem to register as a problem
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