romanationmovement · 1 year
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bi-lil-guy · 2 years
From : This Post Cuz I Don't Wanna Blow Up Their Notifs But
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Bro I Kissed Vil 💕
But The Homophobic Homosexual Twinkified Version Of The AntiRoma Megans Law Dickshit Has A Crush On Me???💀💀💀💀💀
Time To Get Diasomnia A New Security System-
Also Is It Gay For You Bestie To See You Naked And Save Your From A "Kidnapping" By Your Werewolf Friend???
I'd Make A Jacob V.S. Edward Jokey Joke But I Don't Wanna Be This Analogy's Bella-
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pssst calling dick a slut and a whore and oversexualizing him in general is racist and antiroma and the fandom needs to stop making these jokes and encouraging canon writers to include them in his comics
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5-7-9 · 5 months
didn’t know romania was making such casual antiroma humor 💀 i think i found a good channel or video
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Is America's phobia of homeless people a spawn of old European Anti-gypsyism?
(Notice: I am very new to and ignorant on the subject. Be nice)
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robobee · 4 years
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i rbed this from @tovezza & id like to elaborate
YES on one hand its cliche to have the ordinary character suddenly be super powerful but at the same time. i think declan suddenly having access to Magic And Power (that's been kept from him his whole life!) only to realise that it sucks actually and isn't him is narratively valuable to break him free from the bonds of like. nialls bullshittery
and i DO in fact think declan has the on-paper makings of a sympathetic villain but it'll never be him because he cares deeply for matt and ronan, to the extent of literally structuring his life to protect them
i DONT think mstief will kill ronan but if it does happen / maybe to a ronan clone(?) it affects matthew too & it'll be a one hit whammy to declans literal entire life
begs the question: does declan have a life at ALL without his brothers i dont think hed ever manage to recover or function without them
sorta related but i am like 70% sure jordan or henessey r gonna sacrifice themselves for the other tbh so. rip declan ig
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transhawks · 4 years
I was trying to find some pretty stones on some "chakra themed" webshop because I'm a magpie and collect pretty rocks. But they had fucking "chakra healing dildos" make of many sort of gems. Like, mountain crystal, amethyst etc. Each had a certain healing property according to the site. I bet hawks owns a few of those. Also the fuckers like 400 euros, if they where much cheaper I'd have bought one for shits and giggles and placed it in my living room and see how guests would react.
this sounds like some gwenyth paltrow ~schpiratual~ appropiative nonsense... though I know older historical toys were made of those materials >>;;;
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djuvlipen · 2 years
Roma representation in disney movies😍😍😍
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Reasons why the public school system shouldn't have given up on me when teaching me grammar: I have been using the word "g*pped" for like the full 25 years of my life (Not often but I use it) because my absolute dumbass who cannot read thought it was jipped and related to like chipped (like, chipping away pieces, etc and that's how I related it to ripped off and losing something/at something) and had no realization at all that it came from a antiroma slur until my friend pointed it out to me when I said jipped. So genuine apology to anyone I used that word around and hurt. I was stupid and didn't know what it meant, which isn't an excuse but I will do better from here.
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aidaughter · 2 years
mfw americans are just now discovering how vile and normalized antiroma racism is
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bonesfromtheglade · 2 years
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Dorov, I’m Lichen!
20 | agender female | he/she/they, no pref | INTP Taurus.
Inbox always open for chatting!
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Dni if:
Racist, antiblm, antichoice, antiroma, homophobic, transphobic, pedophilic (don’t be a shithead xoxo)
Minors (18<) should never interact with my NSFW content. It makes me wildly uncomfortable. Respect that please.
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sparrow-of-fury · 4 years
glad to know you treat antiroma racism and antisemitism as a joke <3 absolutely thrilled to know that.
My profile has been set up this way for nearly 6 years, so I don't get why you suddenly brought this up.
I did look into your claims and it seems that the actress is the one who has used Romani slurs to describe the character she's playing, which she has done twice now. That I do not support in any form or fashion.
I've yet to see anything in the show itself thats racist, but if you can show me, then I'd be happy to listen.
You can always dm me if need be. 😊
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lareinecersei · 7 years
Engage in dialogue and educate your fellow Romanians about the rounding up of Jews, their transportation to concentration camps, and genocide Antonescu facilitated. Be part of that change. The more minds changed or made aware, the better.
The problem isn’t that they aren’t aware of his role. The problem is that they are celebrating him for it, especially because of the Roma part of the Romanian Holocaust. And in this case, I don’t believe that dialogue is enough. Sensible education and dialogue will be useful for future generations. For the current generations we need laws that will actually punish antisemitic and antiroma dialogue, on social media as well, to eliminate Holocaust deniers from public functions and offices, I don’t care who they are or how good they might be at their job,  and to prevent these people from forming groups that migh ever achieve political power. 
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angelicfiresign · 7 years
i think people just refuse to acknowledge the fact that fascism is inherently violent?? like it’s literally rooted in the genocide of whole groups of people and directly calls for the extermination of those groups and someone taking their car and hitting people in the name of fascism isn’t some sort of outlier being taken to extremes like this is the goal of fascism
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So my last post was serious but something that lives rent free in my head was that this laptop autocorrects and when I wrote "antiroma slur" it changed it to antiroman. Fuck the people from the 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE who ruled the north east I guess. Also fuck anyone named Roman (Even the Sanders Side, fuck him in particular)
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 years
have you heard the roma person on twitter who said wanda isn't whitewashed lol
Not sure exactly who you’re talking about, but I’ve seen similar conversations on several platforms. I’m not accusing anyone of anything, but I think it’s very interesting how often people will materialize Roma identity or ancestry when they’re trying to excuse Olsen for *checks notes* being an antiroma racist and playing a whitewashed Romani character.
You know, we’re all entitled to our own opinions, and no community is a monolith. There are plenty of folks who either don’t care about these characters, or find them distasteful and would rather not be associated with them. I’m sure there are people who just don’t agree with my takes on visibility and pop culture. I’m obliged to respect those opinions.
That said, you can’t deny the fact that this adaptation has removed an important aspect of the character and story. Wanda’s identity and experiences have been completely rewritten, and in the process, she’s gone from being a member of an oppressed minority to being a member of the oppressive majority. There are a lot of people who seem to think that’s up for debate, but it’s not. Those are just the facts. It’s not just Wanda’s story, either— suddenly, everybody is an expert on Romani history. All of these folks are crawling out of the woodwork just to tell Marvel fans that everybody in our community is white-passing and therefore anti-Roma racism doesn’t exist? That it’s actually better to let a racist white girl play this character, than to let a Roma woman, let alone a brown woman, be seen in a mainstream film?
I’m just saying, it’s a little strange.
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