jeweledstone · 11 months
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Dumb asset thingy for an animation I’m working on and almost finished with
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hopeaterart · 2 years
Ku: I seem to be fighting a woman with green hair. Sending a visual, footage and analysis.
Toffee: Alright, so she seems able to fire energy blasts, and- be extremely cautious while dealing with her!
Ku: Is everything alright?
Toffee: The power readings I'm getting on her are unlike anything I have ever witnessed. Maybe Eka when he's doing his thing, but...
Wizard: Well, Eka believing he's channeling the power of a deity would fit with what the database says: you're fighting Palutena, a goddess of light.
Toffee: What!? No way, there is no way Ku's fighting against a goddess, gods aren't real-
Wizard: Why would I be lying about that!? And have you seen Eka? There's definitely more to him than just his legs-
Ku: I mean, Eka's thing is definitely not a robot thing, but I have the admit the situation's pretty weird. I mean, what would a goddess even be doing in Neovile?
Palutena: You know I can hear you and your friends, right?
Wizard: Gah!
Ku: Greetings, madam. What are you doing here in Neovile?
Toffee/Wizard: Ku!
Ku: What? The kind of people I fight always monologue at length about their goals and problems, might as well ask and make sure she's not here to destroy the city.
Palutena: You don't have to worry about that. I just heard a lot about your exploits, and wanted to see you for myself. And also see what your city had to offer, I heard the technological advancements here were top-notch!
Ku: So... you're here for a fight and tourism?
Palutena: Exactly. Mind giving me a tour of the city once I beat you?
Ku: *chuckles* You're not the one's who's gonna be doing the beating. But sure.
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killcheap · 3 months
The Delivery Drone Uprising: Short Story
The Delivery Drone Uprising In the heart of the sprawling metropolis of NeoVille, delivery drones buzzed tirelessly, crisscrossing the skies like mechanical bees. These sleek, metallic machines ferried packages of every size and shape, from gourmet meals to high-tech gadgets, ensuring the city’s insatiable appetite for instant gratification was always satisfied. It was a marvel of modern…
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ocombatente · 1 year
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Character Qs
Hey look, another round of OC questions curtesy of this blog as requested by @all-made-of-stardust, let’s get it to it!
1. What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname? Raiqah Eimaan Damji. Superhero identity is Red Pulse but enjoys being called just Red as a nickname, also applies in her civilian identity since red is her favorite color. Mae Niwot, superhero identity Nature. Group’s taken to calling her Chief as their unofficial-official team leader. Edahiko Washio, introduces himself and prefers to go by Ed, bit annoyed after years of Americans mispronouncing it. Superhero identity is Pillar, Marcos sometimes calls him Pill. Ed’s not very fond of it. Sasha calls him Eddie. He’s also not very fond of it. Sasha Jessica Hile, superhero identity is Solar Flare. Loves nicknames from friends and family, including Baby Girl, Sol, Sparky, Lightning Bug. Angela Gina Hua, prefers Angie, sometimes just Ange. Referred to as “The Vessel” by Palivāńkum. When she gets roped into doing superhero stuff she goes by Hijack. Nobody. Just Nobody. Marcos calls her Nobby since it’s utterly ridiculous otherwise to go around asking “Where the hell’s Nobody?”. It’s catching on.
2. What is your character’s hair color? Eye color? Raiqah: both a dark, warm brown, almost black. Mae: same as Raiqah, eyes are a smidge lighter. Ed: Black hair that he’s very proud of, brown eyes. Sasha: Deep brown, almost black, fluffy as hell, warm brown eyes. Angie: Black hair dyed bright purple at the tips, brown eyes. Nobby:…bright ginger hair, muddy grey/green eyes.
3. What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have? Raiqah: A round face with full cheeks and a long, thin curved nose. Her eyes are unnervingly large, almost taking up the entire upper part of her face. Mae: Blunt features with a strong jawline and a striking alpine nose. Ed: Long face with a long nose, cherry red glasses, ears stick out ever so slightly. Sasha: Long face with high cheekbones, bright eyes with thick lashes, and a short, wide nose. Angie: Heavy make-up that’s Goth Up to 11, nose, ear, and eyebrow piercings Nobby: Snub nose, extremely pointed chin that could cut glass, sunken cheeks.
4. Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them? Raiqah: No scars presently, though that’ll probably change after a bit of superheroing. She has a few freckles on her back though. Mae: Some miscellaneous scars from farm life and years of boxing, particularly on her hands and an impressive mark on the back of her left knee from a being thrown off a horse. Ed: Six scars. Two square shaped marks on his shoulders, four pinprick marks on the inside of his arms from injections, all from his time as a mad scientist’s guinea pig. Sasha: Surprisingly, no, though she’s broken bones before without scarring. Angie: The Mark of Palivāńkum burned into the palm of her right hand, a diamond-like eye flanked by triangles. Also, tattoo of the silhouette of a flock of birds on her left shoulder, Nobby: Six scars. Two square shaped marks on his shoulders, four pinprick marks on the inside of his arms from injections, all from his time as a mad scientist’s guinea pig. Although, she has had a number of injuries since then that should have left scars…
5. Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to? Raiqah: A loving, devoted doctor for a mother, Fatima, and lawyer father, Ibrahim, along with the family’s loyal manservant Boswell Wilkins and a regiment of personal tutors that Raiqah is very close to (not to mention her extended family back in Palestine). As a shy and skittish kid Raiqah doesn’t have a lot of close friends but hangs out with the other bookish/science kids at lunch. She likes to be around people of a familiar temperament to herself; quiet, polite, scholarly, but is closest to Boswell, Marcos, and Sasha. Wants to be closer to Angie and Nobby. Mae: Her parents, Britney and Mirac, originally ran a farm in Oklahoma before Britney got deployed in Japan for six years. As a result, Mae’s a bit closer with her dad than her mom, though conversely, she’s closer with the extended family on her mom’s side than her dad’s. Mae’s comfortable with pretty much anyone, but prefers to be around honest, kind, open folks. Mae’s closest to Angie and Daniel, along with a few close friends from back home in Oklahoma. She wishes she were closer to Nobby, Ed, and Raiqah. Ed: With cold and collected parents Minoru and Taki, Ed’s the youngest of three with eldest Toshiro and middle child Keiko. Ed’s not very close with any of his family, extended or otherwise, and has a particularly strained relationship with his brother Toshiro. A bit of a loner, Ed tries to hang out with the “cool” music kids at school, which basically entails them all standing around awkwardly acting like they don’t care about other people seeing how cool they are. Closet to Nobby and Angie, wants to be closer to Mae. Sasha: Fathers Vinal and Tydeus who are the proudest parents to ever parent with her twin sister Jacquelyn (“Jackie”) who is the sour to balance out Sasha’s sweet. Very close to the extended family on Vinal’s side, not so much with Tydeus (downside of being an alien on the run). Sasha hangs out with everyone, people who match her excitement and bubbliness and even sourpusses that she wants to cheer up. She’s closest to Marcos, wants to be closer to everyone in general but Ed in particular, the sourpuss. Angie: Her parents, Zhijuan and Harry, are currently separated and on rough terms, with Angie having a particularly hard time being around her father. Angie’s the middle child, with a contentious relationship with her older brother Anthony and adores her little brother Andrew, and had a pretty solid friend group at school, immersing herself in the punk/goth scene with people who loved music, were confident in themselves, and didn’t give a shit about what people thought without being dicks about it. Of course, all of these relationships go right out the window once Palivāńkum gets a hold of her and Angie isolates herself for the safety of everyone she holds dear. Angie’s actually a very calm and natural people person, so she gets along with pretty much everyone but especially Daniel and Mae. She wishes she was closer to Nobby-- if nothing else maybe she’d cool it with the murder attempts then. Nobby: No family and no friends as far as she’s concerned, the latter by choice (and her naturally pugnacious personality). Love and friendship lead to weaknesses that people can exploit, better to keep to herself and rely in her own skills. When she has to be around people, she prefers those who keep to themselves, are self-reliant, and can kick major ass. By design, Nobby’s not very close to anyone, though she has ties to Ed and Mae. Tells herself that she doesn’t want to be close to anyone ever again.
6. Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home? Raiqah: Neoville, USA, and she’s lived there her whole life, considering the city home. Mae: Born in Oklahoma City, OK, and grew up on the family farm before heading out to Neoville for college. She still considers Oklahoma her home and gets a bit homesick on rough days out in the big city, but Neoville is growing on her. Ed: Originally Ed lived where he was born, Weymouth, MA, till he was eight and got abducted and the police recovered him in Neoville when he was ten, which means he technically lived in the city for two years. Afterwards his family hopped around a bit, living briefly in Boston and New York City before settling in Neoville permanently. Weymouth will always ne his home, though. Sasha: Born in Los Angeles, CA and lived there for ten years before her dads moved them to the east coast in Neoville, which she loves to pieces and happily calls home. Angie: Like Raiqah, born and raised in Neoville and very fond of the place as home. Nobby: Another Neoville native, thought the city is less “homey” to her.
7. Where does your character go when he’s angry? Raiqah: Her room where she can have a quiet sulk without causing any fuss or making other people uncomfortable/unhappy. Mae: Outside for a long jog to sort through her thoughts and emotions and to productively work through any excess negative energy. Ed: To his room to silently fume, away from whoever is pissing him off, or if it’s really bad he’ll rent out a soundproof booth at the local music store so he can work things out on his electric guitar. Sasha: To confront whatever is bothering her, but if she can’t the next best thing is the nearest person she can vent to about it, preferably over some ice-cream. Angie: Far, far away from whatever the thing/person is, less Palivankum take advantage of her negative emotions. Nobby: Towards whatever is pissing her off so she can punch it in its stupid face.
8. What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why? Raiqah: Dying or disappointing her parents, both of which are painfully obvious to anyone who knows her though she hasn’t exactly told anyone and doesn’t plan to, since it’s rather embarrassing and she doesn’t want to bother people with such trivial things. Mae: Failing to save someone or being the cause of someone getting hurt. She’s confessed this to everyone in the team at various points as a sign of trust, but she would never tell her parents considering they don’t know about her superhero extracurriculars and doesn’t want to worry them. Ed: Hospitals and needles. He didn’t exactly tell anyone, rather everyone got to see his reaction first hand when he woke up in ICU and flipped out. Ed doesn’t want to tell anyone about it because he’s ashamed of such a basic/nonsensical fear for someone who can’t be hurt, and because he doesn’t want people to ask why he’s afraid… Sasha: Being taken away from her family or tortured. She’s mentioned it to Marcos and Ed and would openly tell anyone else who asked her since she’s not ashamed of it. Angie: That Palivankum will overcome her body and soul, reducing her to a shell that will carry out the lost-god’s bidding and rip apart countless innocent minds, including her brother and father’s. Eventually she tells Mae and Daniel about it seeking help, but ultimately, she’s doesn’t want to tell anyone about this monstrous side of her. Nobby: Hospitals, being tied up or confined spaces, which she will never, ever admit to anyone as it’s a glaring weakness, but which Ed suspects.
9. Does she have a secret? Raiqah Yep, the whole superhero thing. Mae: Have I mentioned the superheroing? Ed: Superhero, plus child kidnapping and experimentation victim, probably killed a few scientists along the way, not to mention what his brother gets up to, and his love of rock and roll. Sasha: Superhero and half-alien. Angie: The soul vessel of a forgotten deity bent on revenge. Nobby: Yes.
10. What makes your character laugh out loud? Raiqah: Chemistry jokes, the works of P.G. Wodehouse, being tickled. Mae: Daniel’s antics, Ellen Degeneres comedy specials, Bert & I recordings Ed: Rom-coms and cheesy sci-fi films, Hootie and the Blowfish Sasha: Memes, puns, cheesy jokes, baby animals with mustaches Angie: Talking dirty to her Nobby: Saying you surrender.
11. When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart? Raiqah: No, plenty of crushes, though those can lead to broken hearts too. Mae: Yes, thankfully with no broken hearts. Ed: Yes to love and broken hearts. Sasha: Yes to both, but more love than broken hearts. Angie: Yes and yes. Nobby: No.
12. What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can? Raiqah: Fridge full of healthy, all organic, free range fruits and veggies and whole grain treats, sparkling water, hummus. Nothing on her bedroom floor, thank you very much, a stack of epic poetry and history books on the nightstand for some light reading, some bits of scrap paper in her garbage can from calligraphy practice. Mae: Fridge of fresh, raw produce for future meals and cooking, protein shakes, some red meats and cornbread. Might be a stray sports bra and hand chalk on the floor, she’ll clean it up in a jiffy. Phone on her nightstand, potato peels and lemon grass clippings in the trash. Ed: A lot of fast food contains (his parents aren’t very big on cooking), floor is pretty clean aside from the odd sock and guitar pick. Keeps his glasses on his nightstand, not much on note in the trash. Sasha: Due to alien dietary needs, the fridge is basically a vegan warzone; no dairy, overly processed junk food, nuts, white bread, eggs. The warzone extends to her bedroom floor, strewn with clothes, gymnastic equipment, papers, and the contents of her schoolbag. Keeps her phone on her nightstand, and she’s lucky if trash actually makes it to the garbage can. Angie: Lots of leftover takeout containers and breakfast foods like eggs and bacon. Some choice fishnets and combat boots on the floor, two alarm clocks on the nightstand, and overdue bills in the trash. Nobby: She wishes she had a fridge. Or a bedroom, for that matter…
13. Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother? Raiqah: Tiny spotless MaryJane’s, patent maroon leather. Mae: Well-worn sneakers, dirt encrusted but nonetheless still in good shape. Ed: Black Chuck Taylors, scuffed with fraying laces. Sasha: Neon pink and blue striped flip-flops with little googly eyed flamingo straps. Angie: Knee high leather boots with platform heels that give her another three inches of height, so many buckles you question how she can still walk from the weight of them. Nobby: Steel toed work boots, so worn in some places duct tape has been wrapped around the heel, laces frayed.
14. When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her? Raiqah: Lemon polish. Boswell made sure the house was always spotless, and it always amazed her that this extended to the kitchen even after the cook prepared something. Mae: Fresh dirt. Growing up on a farm this was a common smell, but her dad helped her cultivate her first garden in the kitchen window box. Ed: Oddly enough, Ed actually doesn’t remember what most things smelled like from when he was younger due to the nature of his powers and how they deaden all his senses from an early age. Sasha: Popcorn. Her dads were very big on Saturday movie nights with all the trimmings. Angie: Pork dumplings. Her mom only made them when there was something to celebrate. Nobby: Blood.
15. Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why? Raiqah: Easy to throw out cloth that don’t fit anymore; difficult to get rid of any old class work because you never know when it could be important, right? Mae: Easy to get rid of worn clothes; difficult to get rid of anything connected to her parents or from back home on Oklahoma. Ed: Easy to get rid of school junk; difficult to get rid of any clothes or music related items. Sasha: Easy to toss any books; difficult to get rid of basically everything else. Angie: Easy to get rid of anything that is legit trash; difficult getting rid of any clothing. Nobby: Easy to throw away anything she can’t carry; difficult to part with food or weapons.
16. It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on? Raiqah: Finishing her calculous homework and planning ahead for her piano tutoring session. Mae, Sasha, and Ed: In costume, patrolling the city and busting up any weekend supervillainy. Angie: Working the lunch rush at the café, doing her best to pacify and get through to the next hour. Nobby: Busting heads while searching for the next lead in her quest to find Dr. Rajinder.
17. What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting? Raiqah: Her first memory of going to worship in a mosque and feeling the love and utter understanding of Allah all around her. Mae: When kids at school asked her “What she was” and she proudly told them about her Arapaho heritage and to not be racist jerks. Ed: Being strapped to an operating table for two years and cut open until his body stopped feeling. Sasha: Her dad showing off his alien form and taking her for a ride while he flew through the night sky. Angie: Anthony abandoning her and Andrew at the park to hang out with his own friends and Angie getting the two of them back home via subway from the first time. Nobby: Her parents being killed in front of her when she was six.
18. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with? Raiqah: A late-night trip to the library being chaperoned by Boswell, maybe for a free lecture, decked out in her hijab, full skirts, and a thick cardigan. Mae: Probably checking out the opening night of a new photo exhibit at the local art gallery, plaid button up and jeans, she’d invite Angie and Raiqah. Ed: Dark turtle neck and ripped jeans, looking to sneak into the latest rock concert at the plaza. Might ask if Sasha would like to come with. Sasha: Pink halter top, white cutoff shorts, gold lace up sandals, chunky jewelry. A night on the town with karaoke, movies, laser tag, concerts, anything as long as its exciting and with anyone who wants to tag along. Angie: Tight short purple dress that laces up the sides, platform combat boots and ripped fishnets, black leather jacket with silver studs around the collar. The usually heavy makeup, thick eyeliner, smoky eyes and plum lips. Going to check out the latest punk scene with anyone who’s up for a round in the mosh pit. Nobby: Motorcycle helmet, brown bomber jacket, jeans, red gloves. A Jericho 91 at her hip, switch blades up her sleeves, a stained baseball bat sluing over her back. Nothing like a night on the town beating up gangs and getting answers.
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peach3s-and-cr3am · 6 years
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Meet Candy Harrington and her robo assistant Julius. Candy is a spoiled teenager that relies on her robot expecting him to do everything for her. She likes cute things and wacky clothing and the most popular girl in Neoville High while her older sister, McKenzie is at WhiteRiver. Julius was sent to watch over the two girls (and dog) to be their guardian as their mother is at Fiji and their father is busy at the military doing his general duties. Julius is sweet, open minded to new things, and often fed up with Candy's attitude
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apolarchampagnat · 4 years
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Se você tem um apartamento de até R$300 mil na região dos bairros Portão, Novo Mundo e Capão Raso e deseja mais espaço, chegou a oportunidade perfeita.
Esta casa possui:
📏 199m² de área construída 📐 360m² de terreno 🛏 4 dormitórios 🚿 3 banheiros
Além de vaga para 5 veículos, lareira e muito mais.
🔗 Site Apolar => Referência 923922 => https://www.apolar.com.br/…/vendas-residencial-casa-curiti…/ ⠀ 📍 Rua Ervino Jaros, 124, Neoville, Curitiba. ⠀ 💰R$ 980.000,00💰 ⠀ ☎ Visitas e informações com Apolar Champagnat no (41) 3335-7190 / (41) 99223-4925 📧 [email protected]
#permuta #permutascuritiba #permutasparana #permutaimoveis #apartamentosavenda #casasavenda #imobiliarias #corretoresdeimoveis
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cianoceano · 7 years
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☹️ (at UTFPR - Neoville)
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acessofacil · 7 years
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Aquele momento que você tira para pensar! #choop #neobier #neoville #vemmais (em Neo Beer)
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jeweledstone · 6 months
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Yin and Yang, Order and Chaos, you cannot have one without the other
Expect a strange visitor on the day of the fool
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hopeaterart · 2 years
My boy Ridley!
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Ku: I seem to be fighting a dragon. Sending a visual, footage and analysis.
Toffee: It seems to be fully organic, albeit heavily mutated. The footage shows it healing from wounds in a few seconds.
Wizard: The database says this is Ridley, the captain of the Space Pirates and known throughout space as 'The Cunning God of Death'. Don't let his animalistic appearance fool you: he possesses a high amount of intelligence and is extremely sadistic.
Ku: Oh no... So he's far more dangerous than he appears.
Toffee: Which is already a feat considering that he's a dragon.
Wizard: Do not screw around on this one, Ku. If you don't destroy him, he'll destroy you. And then, the rest of Neovile is sure to follow.
Ku: I won't let him. But just in case, you two want to start evacuating the surroundings.
Toffee: Already sending warnings to everyone in a 50-miles radius.
Wizard: Please come back to us.
Ku: I will.
(Note: If in one of his Meta Ridley alt, Toffee will note at the beginning that, while he's heavily mechanical, it can detect organic materials)
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kaiowas · 7 years
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Relembrar é viver. Galera do tempo de colégio. ❤ (em Barcelona - Neoville)
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OC Kiss Week #1- First Kiss | Forehead Kiss
The Morning After
      Mae enjoyed routine. Routine Saturdays started with a pre-dawn jog through her complex’s park, calisthenics by the pond, getting the paper for Ms. Mundrai on the fourth floor. Unfortunately, that would have to wait, as there was a tiger in her bed at present.
        And another woman. It was hard to decide which was more unexpected.
The tiger was only mildly unusual; Daniel usually changed form before bed.  Animal form felt more natural to him, and it was best to get it out of the way rather than risk a spontaneous shift in the middle of the night. It was one of the few things he’d been shy about, but Mae had been pleased that he’d felt comfortable enough to tell her. Besides, it turned out that lions, tigers, or bears (oh my!) where excellent space heaters during the Neoville winters.
There was a groaning snort from the other side of the bed (which was significantly smaller than Mae remember) and the covers jerked up, exposing her bare legs. A wave of goosebumps spread over Mae’s skin, and once again she regretted not listening to her mother and packing pajama pants. Curse the seasonably warm Midwest.
Gingerly, Mae rolled over, leveraging out of the bed so that she didn’t disturb her partners. The sun was starting to rise and she didn’t want it to outpace her. A quick scratch between Daniel’s ears prompted a sleepy chirp and he flopped over, covers tangling around his tail, curling tighter against Angie’s side.
The sight had Mae doing a double take. The woman was definitely stranger
Last night’s patrol meant that Mae had gotten home late enough that she’d barely had the energy to strip out of her costume, dimly registering the state of the apartment. Now in the light of day she took stock of the carnage from last night; like a trail of breadcrumbs, Daniel and Angie’s clothes led directly to the bed. Though how Angie’s bra ended up on the potted hibiscus was a puzzle. The couch had been pushed askew and one of the throw pillows was ripped open, it’s cotton guts spilling. 
Five minutes to straighten the living room and gather up clothes, ten to go down to the laundry room and start a fresh load, another ten to get the spackling paste from the tool box and fill in the claw marks on the wall. 
Those were new too. Mae rubbed her thumb over the fresh plaster, smoothing out the uneven lumps. Daniel wasn’t as …enthusiastic with her. Which is how Mae liked it, she’d never been into that sort of thing. It was nice that they’d found someone who was, though she’d have to lay some ground rules if they wanted to keep the apartment from collapsing on them at this rate.
Angie snorted again, followed by the general rustling sounds as she sat up, stretched. The edge of a tattoo, all delicately intertwined black lines, curved over her shoulder. She put her hand down to brace herself and lurched back when she got a handful of sleeping tiger face. To her credit, Angie looked merely intrigued by this turn of events, as if she were used to her nightly paramours turning into reptiles but not mammals. 
Mae stored the toolbox back in the hall closet, suddenly acutely aware of how odd this was. At least for her. That it might only be odd for her made it all the more awkward.
She smiled at Angie, trying to look as at ease as possible. No reason to spread the nerves around. 
“Mornin’”, Mae said quietly. “I was gonna get a pot of coffee going–?”
“Please.” Angie dung the heel of her hand into her eye, leaving behind a streak of mascara that curled all the way up into her eyebrows. “Black with three sugars.”
One minute to fill the pot and set it to boil, two to find the filters and measure out the grounds. The fancy, free-range-organic-pre-ground Venezuelan beans Angie gave her as a house warming gift.
Angie sauntered over and perched on the kitchen counter wearing one of Daniel’s shirts. While Angie may be as tall as him, she definitely wasn’t as stocky, the fabric hanging off her slim frame. Mae took a half-second to admire her. She may not be into sex, but Mae still appreciated the view. It reminded her of the analogy she’d blurted to Daniel when she’d first explained asexuality, about how just because someone liked looking at Leibovitz’s photos it didn’t mean they wanted to take them home and fool around with them.
Mae started as Angie let out a burst of laughter. That Angie laughed at all was unexpected, the closest Mae had ever seen her get was an enigmatic smirk.
“I’m sure there’s a fetish for that”, Angie said.
Mae blinked. “For what?”
“For…”, a glassy look passed over Angie’s eyes, “… Leonardo DiCaprio with a swan around his neck?”
Mae thought a moment, remembered an exhibition in Manhattan she’s gone to years ago.
“Leibovitz! “Said Angie
“Leibovitz?” Mae said, a beat later.
“Shit. Sorry.” It was shocking how someone so tall could fold into themselves so completely. Angie rubbed at her temples, eyes closed. “I didn’t even think about–I never have to worry about it with Daniel, can’t read animal or human/animal hybrid minds, so I just kind of let go last night. Guess it carried over.”
“It’s okay”, Mae said. “At least you got a bit of artistic culture to start your day.”
“It would help if some gods could keep their opinions to themselves.”
Mae nodded in sympathy without any idea what she was talking about. She bustled about, fetching some mugs while Angie stared intently off into space, her face that peculiar blankness she got when arguing with the Wandering God that shared her mind. While magic had its perks for hero work, it was times like this that Mae was thankful for good old fashioned human mutations. It was much more straight forward.
“Better?” Mae asked once Angie took up her mug, quarrel settled. 
Angie shook her hand in a ‘so-so’ gesture. “Helps there’s only one person.”
She pushed off the counter and headed toward the door. The sunlight streaming through the window caught the purple highlights in her hair, lingered on the studs in her ears and nose. 
Mae stuck her head around the corner after her.
“Where are—“
“Laundry room. Shit. Stop it.” Angie flicked her forehead. She held up the mug, working the door open with her foot. “I’ll bring it back up with Daniel’s stuff.”
Concern panged in Mae’s chest. She strode over, put her hand firmly on the door. Even with Angie putting her full weight on it, it didn’t budge an inch.  “Angie, why are you acting like you’ve got the holler tail all of a sudden?”
After another futile attempt to open the door Angie sighed and fixed Mae with her best neutral face. “Are you sure you want to do this, because I can assure you it’ll be awkward for all parties, but mostly you because good people always pick up secondhand guilt.”
It wasn’t said unkindly, just as a matter of fact. Some people said it was raining on Thursday, Angie told you how your mind would respond to new information.
Mae nodded. “Better to air it out than let it fester.”
“Okay.” Angie retraced her steps back to the kitchen, sat back on the counter, coffee clutched before her like a talisman. Mae obediently followed, standing at attention across from her by the couch, arms clasped behind her back.
“Okay, okay so—at ease, this isn’t a court martial—“, Mae relaxed her arms to her sides, “—so, I don’t want to even touch on the ace stuff ‘cause that’s personal, but all of this is personal so whatever, but also because that’s between you and Daniel. And I know you said you were okay with us getting it on last year because you two weren’t official yet. And then you both came to me about this arrangement and said you’d be cool with it if I was, but I’ve picked up some brainwaves from you for a few days now that make me think you’re not so cool.”
Angie took a long swig of coffee. Mae waited silently, suddenly painfully self-conscious of the flood of thoughts and emotions running through her mind.
“There.” Angie pointed at Mae with a black polished nail. “Primordial guilt soup.” 
“I’m not guilty.” Mae reconsidered. “I don’t feel bad for my emotions or decisions. I do feel guilty if I’ve made you uncomfortable.”
Angie tapped her temple. “I’m always uncomfortable.”
It was a wry joke, but it still saddened Mae how much truth there was to it.
“I just don’t want you to feel obligated to do—this.” Angie gestured to the space between them, then wagged her eyebrows suggestively. “Besides, I hear one night stands are all the rage now.”
“One night stands imply ‘one night’, Angie.”
More silence as Mae thought and Angie drained her cup. It was hard to keep her mind quiet, like trying not to think of pink elephants when someone told you not to think of pink elephants, but she had deep reservoirs of discipline to call upon. And it was for Angie’s sake as much as hers. She focused on the half-moon of deep purple lipstick on Angie’s mug. On the way her eyes crinkled when she focused. How she unconsciously curled her fingers closed on her right hand to hide old scars.
“Maybe I like having you around.” Heat shot through Mae’s ears, and she was thankful her dark skin made it impossible to notice. “As, uh, more than a friend.”
Angie’s face was unreadable, as always. Her head titled back and forth; maybe it helped her focus of picking up stray thoughts?
“Really? That’s not what you said last time I asked.”
Mae closed the gap between them in a few steps. She had to look down to meet Angie’s eyes (she wasn’t the only tall one here).
“I can change my mind, can’t I?”
A smile tugged at the corners of Angie’s lips. Like her laugh, it was rare and all the more precious.
A thought formed in Mae’s mind. She made the image as clear as possible, trying to get Angie’s attention, along with the silent question, May I?
Touch was always a tricky subject with Angie given how it amplified her powers, so it was some matter of pride to Mae when Angie smirked and leaned her head forward.
Mae brushed her lips against Angie’s forehead. Angie leaned into the touch, and just as quickly pulled away.
“Don’t want to test it too much”, Angie said in response to Mae’s worried expression. Her mouth stretched into a wicked smile. “But we could always practice later.”
Another blush crept over Mae’s ears as Daniel came stumbling blearily from the bedroom, hand absently scratching at the stray patches of fur receding on his abdomen. With a bone grinding pop the last of his vertebrae snapped into place and he straightened, stretched his arms over his head.
“Mahhhhiiiinnng”, he yawned. Dreamily Daniel padded over to Mae and kissed her neck, pressing his nose against her skin so he could take in her smell, before going to Angie and repeating the gesture without fear of aggravating her powers.
He emerged from her side sniffing curiously and instantly brightened.
With a surprising burst of speed, Daniel disappeared into the kitchen.
For a moment Angie stared after him, then slowly turned to Mae, eyebrow quirked.
“Does he often wander the apartment naked?”
Mae sighed. “Constantly.”
“Well.” Angie hopped off the counter in hot pursuit. She threw a glance back at Mae. “Guess he’s really not just an animal in bed.”
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mceara · 8 years
Neoville Center Mall ganha panificadora e confeitaria http://bit.ly/2kZifZt
Neoville Center Mall ganha panificadora e confeitaria http://bit.ly/2kZifZt
— Miqueias Souza (@Miqueiasfx) February 3, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Miqueiasfx
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acessofacil · 7 years
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Cafezinho da Família!!! #papaiurso #neoville (em Confeitaria Papai Urso Neoville)
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jeweledstone · 1 year
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Meanwhile, in an alternate universe, this fucker probably exists
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