#nerds are just Mean and i have your average person's body lmao
bhaalsdeepbat · 7 months
it's supposed to get dreary here again and i'm like. what if i go get local coffee and do an impromptu closet cosplay of christian girl autumn!orin
i have several long, blonde wigs i could play with and. i certainly could do the creepy makeup alkjfsdkl
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prosciuttulipa · 5 months
RAAAAAAH i want a match ngl LMAO
Jjk match because Im a fucking simp, and a guy bcs I am in fact a straight woman thanks
I'm a big nerd. Like, a very big nerd. I do math for fun and I am not ashamed at all when I interrupt someone to correct them (I have autism and ADHD, how could you tell?)
I'm relatively closed off, and most of the time, insecure. I'm shy and I barely ever make the first move (unless I've had a couple of drinks or a lot of eyeliner). I think what people most define me as is the "old soul, young body). I'm like the mom of the group, though I am absolutely reckless when there's another mom in the group, since it takes the responsibility away from me.
I hate going out, and it's really hard to get me to go to the beach, for example. I think my best quality personality-wise is that I'm down to earth and realistic about my goals. A problem is probably how much self-doubt I have, since people constantly tell me I am capable of achieving more than I think I can. I don't settle for seconds, but I'm not too excited when I rech first, because there's always a new competition.
Oh yeah, I'm competitive. Very.
I'm a pessimist, though I like to say it's realism, because why be positive, hype myself up, only for it to go wrong and the disappointment hurt me? As I said, emotionally closed off.
My personality is the infamous black cat, and I think (though I'm not sure), that a golden retriever boy is what would fit me best. (even though I simp for other black cat guys)
For hobbies, I'm boring, though I do have many. I play the guitar, do martial arts (krav maga), draw, sing, write absolutely filthy smut, and, most important of all: do math and study. Yeah, my main hobby is studying.
I'm not sure how I show my love? I don't, usually. I can love someone unconditionally and be absolutely lovesick, but only after a very heavy emotional session, may it be a fight or drinks, will I tell soemone how much they mean to me. I spent the last four years with my best friend, and only after a day's worth of drinking and crying did I tell her how much she meant to me.
I'm a bit icky with physical touch, but if I trust them, I'll let them cling to me. Initially push people away and only after knowing them do I let them hug me, kiss me, cuddle me. I am awful when dealing with compliments, and I cannot take a gift. So probably quality time is my love-receiving language when generally speaking. A boyfriend/husband would probably work with physical touch and words of affirmation, though.
I dont think there's any big turn-off or turn-on in relationships? Maybe not giving me enough attention and helping me emotionally, because I'm easily falling into insecurity, feeling like I'm not enough.
I have like medium curly dark hair and dark eyes. Eyebags, and a lot of moles all over my face. My body is relatively fit? I have a bit of fat ngl but I also have muscles. A bit of a tummy and thicc thighs (they do, in fact, save lives) that double the size when I sit (insecurity alert!) I'm pale, though I am a mixed baby. I dress in all-black most of the time, and all the color variations are like red or dark blue. (I AM NOT EMO). I wear eyeliner from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep and I have pierced ears. I also plan on getting nip piercings and plan on getting
I think i need more songs to listen to, so I'm going with the three songs he associates wit me.
Congratulations! You have been matched with...
Choso Kamo
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When people see you and Choso together, they immediately assume that you're just another average emo couple, quick to place stereotypes. But under the heavy eyeliner and dark clothes, are two people who are just trying to figure out life in their own way.
Choso is fascinated by your contradictions: insecure yet quick to correct others, pessimistic but burning with a competitive drive for more. Where some people may see indecision, he sees something much more real and human in comparison to the single-minded characters he's met during his time alive. Living is hard, has experienced it for himself, so he doesn't shun you for your contrasting perspectives. Instead, he wants to learn about the world alongside you, unpicking the way you think, wondering about your insecurities. Although he's been through a lot, there's something inherently innocent and simplistic in the way Choso sees the world. If you're an old soul in a young body, then he's a young soul in an old one. Perhaps by meeting somewhere in the middle, the two of you will get closer to unravelling the mystery that is life.
Choso doesn't mind that you don't like going out, but you often find yourself tagging along as he explores the world in small ways. A trip to the convenience store may as well be a museum visit, with the way he asks you about the products, eyeing them with confusion. He also admires the fact that you study math—to dedicate yourself to understanding anything in such depth is no small feat—and he's happy to sit next to you while you work, occasionally asking questions about your interest in the subject. His most common form of affection is just leaning his head against your shoulder, watching silently as you work.
Dates with Choso are pretty laid back, since he's happy to take the lead on whatever makes you comfortable. It doesn't matter to him where you two are. For him, understanding your mind (and falling in love with the way you think, the way you are) is what matters to him the most.
The Matchmaker's Gift:
Contrary to popular belief, Choso's music taste is rather soft. This song reminds him of the inherent dependence that comes with being connected.
Offering you this song with a curious tilt of his head, Choso asks you if this is how your pessimism feels like.
This is the song Choso uses to confess to you. His feelings are one of the few things he has to his name, and he wants to share them with you.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
It’s 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢, y’all.
Well hey there, stranger! My name's Samvs and I'm kind of in the market for a new writing partner or two. Let me save you some time and give you the important deets up front:
⭐ 21+
⭐ M/M
⭐ Multi-Para / Novella
⭐ Modern or Premodern Fantasy/Horror
⭐ Discord and/or Email
⭐️ EST (if that matters? I guess?)
Still with me? Rad~
Like everyone else posting on here, I'm a huge nerd, y'all. I'm absolutely the type to make playlists for every character and universe, to make big ass Pintrest boards for muses and locations and pets (its an excuse to look at dog pics, tho, lets be real,) and I absolutely love sharing stuff like that with my writing partners. That being said, if that's not your style, that's totally fine! I'm absolutely cool with most styles of collaboration!
That's really what roleplaying is about for me - collaboration. I love writing SO MUCH, but I'm not the type of person to write out a whole novel on my own, so I absolutely adore ooc chatter about the plot, the characters, the fucking memes they would send each other, whatever it may be!
I swear I won't chew your ear off all the time, but you're cordially invited to fantasize with me ✨
As for content, I’m pretty open. Yeah, there’s those few taboo subjects that most folk agree not to touch, but violence, sexuality and dark themes are the salt and pepper of literature. Gotta have a little darkness in your paintings according to Bob Ross, and his word is law. I don’t make the rules.
I don’t like fading to black unless the scene feels repetitive, and while I don’t have any specific kinks to insert, I can’t imagine most of my characters (or anyone else, tbh,) being solely into vanilla missionary.
This is the part where I admit I'm probably not going to be a good match for you if you crave daily replies. I also crave daily replies, but I literally cannot manage my life, my chores, my job, my stupid needy cat and everything else WITH as much writing as I'd like to do a day. I'd guess my average rate of response is a day to three, but there are going to certainly be times when I can hit you back much faster.
In short, I might need a little patience, but I'm more than happy to extend the same to you.
Speaking of, I'm also really not the type to be too butthurt if you bail. It's nice to get a message, but I mean, that's really awkward and I FULLY UNDERSTAND being overwhelmed and stepping away from writing for a bit. If you wanna come back, but the fire sort of faded for the story, hey, that's fine! I have about a billion plots to launch your way and as long as we get along, I'll be here when you're ready to work on something new!
On to those plots, though, because that's the good shit, right? Like, that's what we HERE FOR. Below you'll find a list of concepts I already have rolled up fairly tight into almost-plots; they're flexible and destructible and if combinable, so if anything really speaks to you in pieces, we can work with that! I’m a huge fan of larger casts, too, so if you’re here for an expanding universe, then I am too! In most of these, I don't have a preference for role, but in those that do I've bolded the role that I would prefer <b>you</b> to play.
<I> As a heads up, I've been listening to a lot of true crime podcasts lately so you might spot a bit of a theme in some of them lmao</i>
⭐ Journalist x <b>Investigator/Retired Officer </b>:
<i>[A little bit like modern D&D.] A charismatic Tiefling crime journalist meets an experienced investigator through work and talks this delightfully rough subject into a series of in-depth interviews. Though they have very little in common aside from an expansive mental catalog of crime scene photography, they find themselves talking long after the recording stops each time they meet. When the journalist finds himself suddenly embroiled in real danger, and without the benefit of being able to take it to the police, he turns to his newfound friend. What seemed like simple violence is only the tip of the iceberg, though, and it's up to the two of them to do what they can to divert the Titanic.</I>
⭐ Professional Witch x Client:
<I> Magic mingles with the mundane, and like with every other aspect of western life, cash is king. As long as you have money, witching agencies will be happy to help you find a mystic solution for your mostly monotonous worries, whether you need to break a curse... or cast one.</I>
⭐️ Werewolf x Dog Lover:
<I> There’s been a big, strange dog laying in the alleyway beside your house all night, and it’s dumping rain. You can’t just leave the poor pooch out there, right? Maybe he needs a home! </I>
⭐️ Drug Dealer x <b>Cop</b>:
<I> There’s a new party drug on the scene, and it’s making habitual users go feral. Literally. The morphing power of the euphoric powder known as Glimmer isn’t intended, however, and when it’s Fae producer is confronted by an officer on the case of a disappeared partygoer, they realize that there’s more going on here than just a little too much Hoovering. Fae politics and human laws have trapped them in a tight labyrinth that they’ll need each other’s help to navigate and survive.</I>
⭐️ Bonus Concepts:
<I> Fae realms, the intersection of fantasy and politics, odd couples, modern adventuring parties with diverse casts, nonhuman subculture </I>
⭐️ Fae x Adventurer
<I> It’s not every day one stumbles upon a mystic being and survives, and it’s even less common to come out on top. When a wandering adventurer finds a Fae trapped in an iron hunter’s snare in the wilderness, he’s wary to wisdom about setting it free. After cajoling and bargaining and begging, the Fae finally strikes a deal with the mortal; freedom in exchange for a wish. The adventurer can’t make a decision, though, and soon realizes that the Fae can’t leave him until he does, bound by the law of his own magic. Desperate to keep the powerful and beautiful creature with him, he stalls as long as he can. Maybe his wish is just not to be lonesome any longer. </I>
⭐️ Witch x <b>Inquisitor</b>
<I>Most villages have themselves a witch or a cunnung woman, a sage whose strangeness is tolerated in exchange for advice, cures and the promise of peace and prosperity through a little magic when the gods aren’t looking. This village happens to have a cunning fellow, who, perhaps unwisely, takes in a burgled and beaten stranger found on the roadside. It’s not until the unconscious man is already in his home that the witch realized he’s carried back a debilitated inquisitor, a stranger who may bring word of such country practices back to his leaders. Afraid that the burning arm of the church might turn towards his home, the witch has to either hide, show the inquisitor that his people are harmless, or... well, the dead don’t talk, after all, even if that does go against the his vow to defend life. What’s a witch to do? </I>
⭐️ Witch x <b>Fae/Demon</b>
<I> Same inquisition, different witch. Captured by the church and set to burn at the stake, there’s little hope for this one. Resigned to die, the witch is more than surprised when an otherworldly creature offers him a chance at freedom. It comes at a cost: he will be bound to the creature, in body and soul. Depending on his chaotic sponsor’s temperament, that could mean a life of learning deeper magics... or a life of torment and enslavement. A bad life is better than being on fire, though, right?</I>
⭐️ Thief x Warlock
<I> What’s shady, nasty, and might dirk you for a copper piece? Well, it’s both of them, actually. Two adventurers squabble over the prize stored in the city auction house, having both decided to steal it on the same night in unfortunate coincidence. One desires it’s power, the other, it’s weight in gold. Neither realize that they’ve both stumbled into an ancient trap until they split the burden of the curse the artifact truly bears. The curse binds them, and they have no choice but to work together to lift it before it claims their lives. Perhaps fate brought them together... or perhaps it was the wicked call of ancient spirits, begging for release. </I>
⭐️ Bonus Concepts:
<I> Dark magic, pacts and promises, curses, metropolitan adventures and sewer spelunking, social inequality based on fantasy aspects.</I>
It’s a lot of shit, I know. I wrote it. On a <I>phone</I>.
If any of that sounds like your jam and you’re interested in writing with me, then hit me up!
Contact me at <b>[email protected]</b> and we’ll talk it out!
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thenightnurse · 5 years
Understanding Diabetes
Let’s discus diabetes. More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, and yet most people don’t understand just how serious of a disease it is, or how it exactly works.
Before we begin, let’s clarify that there are many different types if diabetes, from Type 1, Type 2, Gestational Diabetes, prediabetes, and much more. I’ll talk about them later.
Let’s take a look at a few key players; The pancreas, the liver, the kidneys, your blood cells, and well, the rest of your cells lol. Insulin, glucose, ADH hormone. The stomach (breaks down and absorbs food), your muscles (stores and uses glucose) 
Okay so all foods, once they are broken down, are only one of three things, a carbohydrate molecule, a fat molecule, or a protein molecule. Glucose is a type of carb, a very simple one, and it’s what your body turns all carbs into.
Even though I said glucose is a simple carb (one of the smallest), its still really big, in fact its too large to be absorbed into most cells, like your skeletal muscles (aka most all of the muscles you think of), your fat cells, and your cardiac muscles (your heart). Glucose can however be absorbed by your brain, pancreas, and liver. 
So after you eat some carbs, its broken down into glucose. This glucose is now chilling in your blood stream until its taken up into your liver and pancreas. The pancreas realizes that theres a good amount of sugar in the bloodstream and it releases insulin, which allows your muscles and fat cells to use that glucose. Now here’s the part that I personally hate because no one ever explains how insulin lets your body use glucose other than “it works like a key”, but to be fair it doesn’t actually help you to know how, so skip this part if you don’t care to know. 
[Ight nerds, so remember how I said earlier that glucose is literally too big to just squeeze into the cells? Well then you must be wondering how does it? Good question. So inside your cells you have these things called hexose transporters, which are some cool yet boring membrane proteins. For the most part they kind of just chill in cytoplasmic vesicles, doing nothing and floating within a cell, but when insulin comes and binds to receptors on the outside of the cell, it basically summons all of the hexose transporters, to which they then join together like a fucking mech from power rangers and attach to the surface of the cell, creating enough space to allow them to be channeled through via facilitated diffusion, which is like passive diffusion (high to low), but through a channel/passageway. When the insulin goes away, voltron disassembles and glucose can no longer just float into the cell. Dope shit.]
Diabetes Pathophysiology 
Let’s first discuss type 2 diabetes, since it is the most common type. 90-95% of people with diabetes have this type. At the end of the day, the cause of type two diabetes is Ineffective Insulin use.
Now, what does that mean? Well, it might mean that the body isn’t producing enough insulin, or that the body’s cells aren’t responding to insulin. I’ll give a few examples to help explain.
Let’s say that you wake up and eat a large breakfast of sugary ass cereal and drink a lot of juice. On the way to school or work you have a bar of what is basically sugar, and a cup of coffee. Which is in reality (if you are like me at least), is just liquid sugar and caffeine. For lunch you go and decide to eat a sandwich, which, while it might not be bad, still does have carbs which turn into sugar. You then proceed to have another cup of coffee or soda or something high in sugar. You later have a candy bar as a way of congratulating yourself for getting through the work/school day (honestly, fucking mood, same. lmao) and then for dinner you eat some pasta (again, not innately bad, but because you already had so many carbs it’ll just fuck you up). You also drink some high sugar liquids because you like the taste of it. Then you have another snack before bed. Probably high in sugar. 
Well you remember how I previously said that insulin is released by your pancreas when blood sugar levels are high? Yeah well that shit is going to always be fucking high with a diet like that. Eventually the insulin receptors that are just chilling on your cells become fatigued and no longer respond to insulin because they’re just so done with it. Well the pancreas freaks out and decides to release even more insulin to try to compensate, but it will never be able to keep up, but it keeps trying and trying.
That’s basically how type 2 diabetes goes for the majority of people. Now for type 1.
So type 1 diabetes is a lot more rare. Less than 10% of people with diabetes have it. Type 1 diabetes is when your body’s immune system (the thing responsible for fighting infections) decides to attack the cells of the pancreas instead. It’s funny how the things meant to keep us safe can often times hurt us the worst. Ouch. Anyways, the scientific and medical community still aren’t sure what causes the immune system to do so. Some believe it’s due to genes, others believe its caused by viruses, or other environmental factors. More research is coming out every day. Really dope stuff. I guarantee you that the first person to discover the cause will not only quickly become incredibly rich (fuck the bourgeoise though) but will also win the Nobel Peace Prize that year. 
Well since the pancreas is no longer functioning, your body is unable to actually use any of the carbs you eat, and since your body kind of needs glucose to live and do anything, you quickly waste away. Before the invention of insulin in 1921, the average life expectancy for someone with type 1 diabetes was only 3 years. Imagine being a parent and bearing a child that quickly just died at 3 years old for reasons you didn’t understand. Terrifying and tragic. 
Most people with type 1 diabetes get diagnosed at the age of 14. There are some very telltale signs. So because the cells are unable to actually use the glucose, it kind of just sits in the bloodstream. This puts you at an incredibly high risk for infections, since bacteria will gladly use that sugar and grow rapidly in the bloodstream. Well because of concentration gradients (dude nature really loves conserving energy, I’ll write about it later), the water from within cells decide to leave the cell and enter the bloodstream, to balance out the concentration gradient of the high amount of molecules in the blood. Well on top of that the body really wants to get rid of the high sugar in the blood so it decides to urinate a lot to get rid of it, causing polyuria (poly meaning a lot, and uria meaning piss. So you piss a lot.) 
So in your body your kidneys are whats responsible for creating urine, and then it sends it off to the bladder to be stored till you piss it out. Well it works by filtering your blood and then getting rid of stuff it doesn’t need, like sugar, urea (which is the main part of urine, so your body uses proteins a lot, and when proteins are broken down you are left with nitrogen. Well this nitrogen when combined with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, create urea. Which isn’t healthy for you. That’s why you piss it out ), and toxins like ammonia. Among other stuff.
Normally your kidneys reabsorb the sugars and put it back into your bloodstream, but because you have so much sugar in your blood it’s unable to and instead the glucose goes to your urine. This is why they test your urine for sugar, and why diabetic patients can have urine that smells sweet. In fact old timey ass doctors would even taste your piss because if it was sweet you probably had diabetes. Well due to concentration gradients and your body naturally wanted to go to equilibrium, more water from your cells and body goes to join that urine. Because you are urinating so much, aka polyuria, you become really thirsty since you have no more liquid in your body. Like incredibly thirsty. We call this polydipsia. It’s almost an insatiable thirst. 
Well remember how I said your cells are unable to absorb sugar? Well your cells don’t like this and so it tells your brain to become hungry, to make you eat more, so that it can get sugar. But because you are unable to use the sugar no matter what, you stay hungry and continue to starve. This intense hunger is called polyphagia. (poly means a lot, phagia means eating.)
These three form the trinity of signs of diabetes. Polydipsia, Polyuria, and Polyphagua.
There is a fourth sign however. Diabetic Ketoacidosis. 
So a question you might have is how do people manage to live for so long if they aren’t able to process sugar? Good question. 
They process fats instead.
Okay so this isn’t innately bad. Yay, your body is burning fat, not too bad right? Well. Because someone with DM1 (diabetes mellitus type 1) can only process fats and no carbs, they quickly build up the amount of ketones (whats left when your body processes fats for energy) in the blood, and since ketones are a bit acidic, when they are present en masse they are able to change the pH of your blood. 
Other bad things that can happen due to DM1 and Ketoacidosis include having your electrolytes thrown out of wack due to them being urinated out, and with enough potassium gone you can have irregular heart rhythms which is never good. Lets see, due to severe dehydration your kidneys can decide to give up causing kidney failure. Because your body no longer gets rid of waste you can get really sick, and I don’t want to go into depth on that, but just think of all the troubles that can occur in your own house if you never threw out the trash. Tough shit. This is why so many patients with diabetes end up having to go to dialysis. Since they can’t filter their blood, a machine will have to. On top of this, because your fluid levels get thrown out of wack, fluids can actually build up in your lungs which makes it really difficult to breathe, as you can imagine. Basically it all just sucks.
So treatment for type 1 diabetes is pretty straight forward, everytime you eat, wake up, go to bed, or feel terrible, you pretty much have to prick your finger, check your blood sugar levels, then give yourself a shot of insulin to compensate and everything works out. It’s very annoying, but something you ultimately have to just live with. And if you live in America then it is incredibly expensive and good luck fam.
For type two diabetics treatments a bit different. For a good amount of people, most people actually, if they were to just have a proper diet, eat less sugars and carbs, and just exercise daily, they would be fine and would be able to go about their days without worrying about diabetes. But this is the modern age we’re talking about and people are lazy sacks of shits and are unwilling to do the bare fucking minimum to ensure they have a good life and so instead we’ve developed a lot of drugs to compensate.
 Different drugs do different things. Heres what the main ones do:
Biguanides like metformin or glucophage combat insulin resistance and they decrease hepatic glucose production.
Sulfonylureas work by increasing insulin production from the pancreas.
Meglitinides increase insulin production from the pancreas as well, but these are absorbed much quicker than sulfonylureas which means that they are a lot less likely to cause hypoglycemia.
alpha glucpsidase inhibitors work by decreasing the absorption of carbs in the small intestine.
Theres more drugs but honestly I’ve spent more than 2 hours writing this already and I have to be at the hospital at 6 in the morning and I just want to shower and sleep. I’ll just say this is part 1 and I’ll continue writing about diabetes later on. Like gestational diabetes. 
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written-by-weird · 4 years
Get to Know Me!
RuLes: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!
Tagged by @birdiethought
1.) Are you named after someone? Uhh... Not that I know of. Had I been born a male, then yea, but no. I believe I am the first one to have my name in my family... Huh- that’s weird.
2.) When was the last time you cried? I’d have to say- a few weeks ago. I was having a depression moment, and things weren’t feeling too hot. Getting better soon!
3.) Do you like your handwriting? Ha! My handwriting is never the same. I like how it looks when I am writing quickly, because it looks a little script like, and is very tiny and compact. However, when my hand gets tired, or if I am writing slow, none of the letters look like their counterparts. Blegh. Granted, I have Architect’s writing, so...
4.) What is your favorite lunch meat? To be honest, I don’t eat that many sandwiches... Mostly because I am so picky, that it’s too labor-some to think about them. But I like Ham.
5.) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Good question! I’m pretty introverted, and don’t really make myself known unless I have to.. So- unless you were in my similar interest, or some place I frequent then I probably wouldn’t seek me out, and therefore, by reasons of me being absent, we wouldn’t be friends.
6.) Do you use sarcasm? Hell yeah. Also, my sarcasm is so good sometimes, you can’t tell I’m using it, which I think is a good tool.
7.) Do you still have your tonsils. Yup! I actually have never had surgery or any operation done ever, so... Knock on wood now!
8.) Would you bungee jump? Hell NO! I hate heights, it makes my legs shaky, and I can’t do it. No. Nope. Nada. Never. Bye bye.
9.) What is your favorite kind of cereal? To be honest, I’m not really a breakfast person... But, I do prefer the more sugary ones. I won’t eat a lot, but I think fruity pebbles might be my favorite.
10.) Do you untie your shoelaces when you take shoes off? 95% of the time, no. I wear my clothes tight because it soothes the anxiety of me losing them, but most of the time, I just slide them off when I’m done wearing them, then go through the ritual of untying them, putting them on, and tying them again. It’s my thing, and it works.
11.) Do you think you’re a strong person? I dunno. I think it depends on what kind of strong you mean? Physically? My arms are noodles, my legs are trees... My mind is pretty strong Intelligence wise... Uhm- I think that I do have some problems that make some things difficult, but I wouldn’t say I’m a ‘weak’ person.
12.) What is your favorite ice-cream? I’ll always have a soft spot for vanilla anything - homestyle is my fav. I try to avoid chocolate and mint. Blegh.
13.) What is the first thing you notice about people? I think I usually notice the way people walk, carry themselves in public, and how they interact with others. I’m really good at reading people (Sometimes), and I can sit and watch people out in public, and know how a person is most likely to act. This helped a lot when I was a server- I would know if someone was a Karen without having to speak with them.
14.) What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Uhm- this question is a little confusing, but... I’ll try? I’m going to say my joints- I have really bad hips, knees, ankles, everything, so it makes walking and standing for too long really difficult - I don’t know if I like that about myself, but I can at least joke about it and say I’m an old person in a young person’s body? Like, I’m 20, but feel like I’m 87.
15.) What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? Well, It’s midnight here, so I’m in bed. I’m wearing black and white athletic shorts, and no shoes... I’ve still got socks on though, cause I’m super lazy, and won’t take them off lmao.
16.) If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Prussian Blue.
17.) Favorite smell? Uhhhhhhhhh - I really like fall. I love fall. Best season. I like the decaying smells of nature around me (Not rotting animal flesh, no) But like, the leaves and stuff- it’s a very comforting smell to me.
18.) Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? I’m going to assume this means through a phone call, and not text, so... MY DAD.
19.) Favorite sport to watch? To be honest, I’m not a huge sports person - When the season is on, and my team is on, I’ll watch football (American), but I really enjoy equestrian sports!
20.) Hair color? Uh... If it’s wet- dark dark brown, but usually an average brown. Like... Laundry lint brown. I dunno, look at my profile photo.
21.) Eye color? Blue - I dunno if it’s a pretty blue, but My pupil has this light brown ring around it, and a darker blue ring around the iris, so I guess it might look a little interesting...
22.) Do you wear contacts? Since I am blind as a bat, yes. I used to primarily wear glasses, but then contacts worked out better for me. I need to take better care of my eyes, and stop sleeping in my contacts. You don’t want to know how long these current ones have been in my eyes. 
23.) Favorite food to eat? I love food, I think anything with carbs is okay for me! I love pasta, and fries... Fries are good.
24.) Scary movies or comedy? Uhm... I dunno. I think an equal mix of both? If the story line is good for the horror movie, then yea, but for comedy, I prefer John Mulaney.
25.) Last movie you watched? Hahahahah. Hahaha. Ha. Soo... When I go to sleep, I need something to play in the background, because I can’t sleep with complete silence, or complete darkness, so I need to listen to something. I’ve been playing the movie CARS every night because it’s familiar, and soothing.
26.) What color shirt are you wearing? Heather gray? I dunno.
27.) Summer or Winter? Uhm. Fall.  JK- I prefer the warmth of summer, but I hate the bugs, so Winter because no bugs... But cold is bad... Mmmn... Fall.
28.) Hugs or Kisses? I dunno. Haven’t had a whole lot of experience in either to truly form an opinion. I guess I’d have to choose hugs because I’ve never kissed anyone, so...
29.) What book are you currently reading? I’ve actually fallen out of reading books... I’ve mostly read fanfiction for a long while, but! At my summer job! One of my coworkers is also a huge nerd, and he suggested I read the book ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’ and it’s actually really good!
30.) Who do you miss right now? I really miss the chickens we lost recently. A raccoon got into the coop a few nights ago, and decimated a little over half our flock. :(
31.) What is on your mousepad? Uhm- it’s like a... Rainbowy marble like thing. But that’s on my school computer for ARCHI stuff. I usually use my laptop, which is the trackpad.
32.) What is the last TV program you watched? Below deck - for those who don’t know, it’s a reality TV show about super yachting. There’s so much drama, it gives me anxiety. I really shouldn’t watch it.
33.) Rolling stones, or the Beatles? MMn Neither?
34.) What is the furthest you’ve ever traveled? For the longest time, it was to travel down to Puerto Rico for a week (I was maybe 12?) But in freshman year of High school, we took a band trip to Hawaii! (So Hawaii is the correct answer).
35.) Do you have a special talent? I dunno- don’t really think so... I mean, if this counts I’d be surprised, but I’m really good at quoting things? Like, some movies, I can say the whole script as it is happening? Or like- vines, I’m really good at vines...
36.) Where were you born? *Sobs* Missouri, USA
I tag anybody who would like to partake in this! I really don’t have any ‘mutuals’ (That I am aware of- please correct me if I’m wrong), so anybody please do this!
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keptmanners · 6 years
( ‘ romance ’ )  headcanons !!
name.   ruby buchanan. nickname. rubes. gender. cis female. orientation.   questioning, unknown. preferred pet names.   babe, baby, hon, honey, darling, sug, sugar, basically just any of your basic pet names. relationship status.   verse dependent. favorite canon ship(s).  rusim, duh. like you even need to ask lmao. favorite non-canon ship(s).  bruby bc it would be so fuckin’ CUTE! opinion  on  true  love.  ruby wants to believe that it exists. she’s young and relationships are all so new to her, but she’s such a hopeless romantic. the romance she’s seen in the media and all the happy endings have definitely helped shape her view on it. also, seeing her parent’s failing marriage both worries her that she’ll have a similar fate, but also makes her determined to have a happy marriage with the love of her life.   opinion  on  love  at  first  sight.  she’s not really sure how she feels about it. sure, she can understand an instant attraction, but ‘love’ is more complicated than that.. how  ‘romantic’  are  they.  ruby is very sappy and loving, albeit maybe a little awkward about it at times, too. but she loves showering her partner with attention and affection. cute little dates, hand holding, hugs, kisses, all the cutesy stuff! she’s really big on pda, too. she’s also known to do little, subtle things that someone might not even think anything of, but they mean something. nevertheless, she’s a hopeless romantic, loving girl. ideal  physical  traits.  appearances aren’t everything, but ruby would be lying if she said that she didn’t fancy tall, dark, and handsome men. really, she likes pretty eyes and smiles the most. ideal  personality  traits. just someone who’s personality traits can compliment her own. she wouldn’t want them to be too different than her, but a little different is fine, of course. she needs someone who’s supportive and will dote on her just as much as she would do for them, too. intelligence goes a long way with her as well. unattractive  physical  traits.  ruby cares more about personality than looks. so long as the person’s body language isn’t bad, she won’t mind. unattractive  personality  traits.  passive-aggressiveness, materialistic, unappreciative, rudeness, pigheadedness, selfishness. ideal  date.   stargazing – just being able to sit out under the stars while cuddling is all she needs. but she loves just riding/walking around and talking, or just grabbing a bite to eat at some hole in the wall restaurant. do  they  have  a  type.   nerds / dorks, hands down. she’s a sucker for someone who is driven, focused, intelligent, and knows what they want in life -- or at least has some idea. also, as stated before, she likes ‘em tall dark and handsome. i could also see her being a sucker for girls with cute smiles. average  relationship  length.  ruby is the type who, when she starts dating someone, is in it for the long haul. her dating record is admittedly very thin (i.e. nonexistent) but when it comes to relationships, she’s very serious about them. preferred  non-sexual  intimacy.  when someone plays with her hair she’ll melt in their hands. she loves kisses and cuddles, too. commitment  level.   ruby is very committed, 100%. opinion  of  public  affection.   she loves it. it’s her favorite thing. please shower her in attention and love in front of a bunch of people. let the whole world see how cute the two of you are together!!! past  relationships. as stated before, she’s never dated anyone -- this goes for main and modern verses.
tagged  by :  no one tagging : any and everyone!
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platitvdes · 6 years
FULL NAME: edward michael kaspbrak
NICKNAME(S): eddie, eds, spaghetti head, eddie spaghetti, spagheds, etc. by the losers/party. also wheezy, “sissy little queer boy,” and uh a bunch of other… more aggressive things by non–partylosers according to the book thanks a lot steve (king, not harrington)
AGE: eighteen
DATE OF BIRTH: september 3, 1976
HOMETOWN: derry, maine
CURRENT LOCATION: derry, maine
ETHNICITY: he white
NATIONALITY: americano
GENDER: cis male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: het thanks!!!!! just kidding he’s a homoromantic homosexual
RELIGION: a good christian boiy. he was raised methodist. what is he really? who knows. fighting a giant clown monster demon thing makes you really question a lot about religion and he’s not willing to go too deep into it
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: left-leaning, but very moderately so, mostly influenced by his friends and also by the fact that maine has been a blue state pretty much for the entire time he’s been old enough to think about these things. his mom’s a democrat solely because she lives off the welfare system ( and because she finds bill clinton incredibly charming and charismatic ); otherwise she’d definitely be a republican
OCCUPATION: student, a sad small gay
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: he lives with his momma in a very toxic environment also his mom is lowkey a hoarder it’s not so bad that he’s embarrassed to invite people over but like she’s a hoarder
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english and…. english
ACCENT: um idk a maine accent
FACE CLAIM: timothée chalamet
HAIR COLOUR: dark brown
EYE COLOUR: hazel—sometimes more green, sometimes more brown, sometimes more weirdly gold-ish; depends on the day and lighting
HEIGHT: five feet, eight inches.
WEIGHT: one-hundred twenty-two pounds.
BUILD: skinny af and long-limbed ( for his stature ). not crazy short anymore, but still below average height
PIERCINGS: y’all. pls
CLOTHING STYLE: from my head canons, bc i’m too lazy to rewrite it: eddie often looks like he’s stepped out of the pages of a ralph lauren catalogue not because he is stylish or fashionable at all—he isn’t—but because he wears a lot of polos and shorts, though he doesn’t fill them out nearly as well as the ralph lauren models do. Especially pastel polos. he also frequently wears your good ol’ graphic tee and jeans combo, because you can’t go wrong there, right?
USUAL EXPRESSION: concerned tbh
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: slightly doe-eyed, extremely doe-bodied, a preppy haircut, an inhaler in hand, and also he’s probably getting squeaky-voiced about something and/or visibly shaking. like a chihuahua.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS: technically? none
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: LORDY okay so the number one most important one is munchausen syndrome and hypochondria courtesy of being the proxy of his mom’s munchausen by proxy; severe anxiety (including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder); clinical depression; and, finally, i believe the medical term for it is “FOMO"
ALLERGIES: supposedly pollen, animal dander, insect bites/stings, dust, latex, mold, wool, and, like, a bunch of other shit. he does actually have some allergies, especially to pollen/animal dander/dust, that aren’t super severe and therefore don’t necessarily present typical allergy symptoms and contribute to his constant feelings of general illness and malaise that heighten the aforementioned hypochondria. he also is actually allergic to latex. womp womp
SLEEPING HABITS: not the best but not the worst—eddie falls asleep early enough and wakes early enough, especially when left to his own devices, but he’ll often stay up later just to be in the group chat because of the aforementioned FOMO and also because richie will usually show up at his house and they’ll just talk for a while. but even then tbh he has a hard time staying up later than like 1 or 2, and even on the weekends he’ll wake up pretty early. so……… all this adds up to having ambitions of getting a good amount of sleep, not getting Terrible amounts of sleep, but also not getting Enough sleep.
EATING HABITS: you would think he would have some special diet and maybe in 2018 he would be raised eating nothing but kale and granola and gluten free shit but bitch it’s 1994 eddie eats hella processed foods
EXERCISE HABITS: that’s cute idk he gets exercise from running from bullies and riding his bike w his friends although they don’t do that as much anymore now that people have cars
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: 1 probably eddie is always on the verge of a nervous breakdown. in actuality he’s probably around a 7, which is much higher than you might think; as much as he is indeed constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown, he’s done a pretty good job of pushing down literally everything into a well so deep that most people, including himself, can’t really tell what’s wrong or what’s going on, and it’s been that way for a long, long time. or anyway, repression is the only version of emotional stability he’s learned to manage and maintain, which probably doesn’t actually count as very stable, so who knows, maybe he’s a 3.
SOCIABILITY: not as introverted as one might think; he’s definitely an introvert and needs some time alone to recharge, but in general, he prefers being around his friends to not being around them and will go out of his way to be with the people he’s closest to
BODY TEMPERATURE: runs cold, typically, which also means he gets cold easily, which sucks when you live in fucking maine
DRUG USE: a seasoned pill popper of all kinds of vitamins and various placebos. he’s also on like 35 different mental health related medications. i know this isn’t what you were looking for but this is eddie kaspbrak
ALCOHOL USE: fam, come on
LABEL: “the little nervous one,” according to me upon my first watch of IT (2017); the crepehanger
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, feisty, energetic, brave
NEGATIVE TRAITS: defeatist, anxious, rambling, hypocritical
GOALS/DESIRES: to overcome his biggest fears, mainly—which means to be able to leave derry ( and his mother ) behind; to accept that he is not some sickly boy in need of protecting; to feel comfortable in his own skin.
FEARS: disease, death, abandonment, intense feelings of any kind honestly, his sexuality, exposure of said sexuality, change, his mom, disappointing his mom, independence, failure
HOBBIES: comics, movies, spending fucking HOURS reading medical websites and learning that all roads lead to cancer, hanging out with The Gang™, annoying his friends, lecturing his friends, sneaking out of his house, super mario bros, is candy a hobby? it is now, not dungeons and dragons ‘cause he’s not a fuckin nerd
HABITS: nail biting, compulsive timekeeping, pencil chewing tbh but only at Home, ice chewing also…..it’s super bad for your teeth but man does he love it……., assuming death lurks around every corner and shouting at everyone else about it
WEATHER: he likes a sunny day in weather that is slightly crisp, like late september, bc he has seasonal allergies
COLOUR: blu. particularly a good royal blue. sometimes sky blue if he’s feeling festive
MUSIC: pop music mostly…………. he loves a diva. he is a Loud whitney houston stan but he keeps his madonna love much closer to the vest
MOVIES: comedies definitely. he doesn’t care much for movies that are like, cinematically renowned and artsy or whatever. he’s here for something stupid that’ll make him laugh. he really likes dumb and dumber, embarrassingly enough. he also loves bill & ted. it’s his favorite movie. good ol wholesome fun, there.
SPORT: tennis obviously
BEVERAGE: an arnold palmer he’s really wildin out here
FOOD: honestly? a fuckin ice cream sundae
ANIMAL: penguins they’re gay and they mate for life
FATHER: frank kaspbrak. he died of cancer when eddie was a wee bab ( he was five so not actually a wee bab, but wee enough )
MOTHER: sonia kaspbrak, a devil woman
SIBLING(S): none
PET(S): he had a goldfish named arnold once that’s it
FAMILY’S FINANCIAL STATUS: lower middle class. his mom doesn’t work and lives solely off disability checks and the like, but they never seem to be for lack of money for eddie’s extensive medical care or, like, food or shelter.
ZODIAC SIGN: virgo binch
MBTI: ISFJ ( the defender )
ENNEAGRAM: type 6 ( the loyalist ), but actually he’s a type 6 with a type 5 wing that’s almost balanced, which, hilariously, is also called the defender
TEMPERAMENT: melancholic
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful good
ELEMENT: earth
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