remiliarosalia · 1 year
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I gotta show off these ADORABLE nerg sketches that the ever so lovely Lulumiyu made.
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Some stuff from NERG today :)
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Also saw THIS, unexpected and I wanted it so bad but the price scared me 😭
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I did get closer up photos of Viktor and Five, but photo limit on here is ten photos.
It took a while, but me and my dad did get to go on Moonwalker and we beat it! I do have this game on an original Xbox at home, too - it's just a different experience between using a controller and using buttons :)
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bitmapbooks · 1 year
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We will be at NERG (North East Retro Gaming) this weekend - 8th & 9th July 🕹📚
A great day out - Arcade Cabinets, Pinball Machines, Home Consoles, Vintage Computers, Retro Game Sellers, Refreshments, Cosplay, Merchandise and much more…
Hope to see you there 🙂
#bitmapbooks #book #retrogaming #retrogames #gaming #art #reading #foryou
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elline · 1 year
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secondary nerg doodle
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zombiehearts2007 · 3 months
I’ve been playing a lot of fallout 2 lately and I wanted to draw my chosen one. Hope you enjoy :-]
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I just went with the preset name Nerg cause I’m horrible at naming. His appearance is very much inspired by Mad Max, particularly his outfit in the road warrior
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rapidreptile · 8 months
ruiner nergigante has been ruining my night (affectionately)
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ascendandt · 1 month
im off work early today so im gonna watch the last temptation of christ when i get home 😁 it better be good
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devouringyourson · 2 months
i love it but jesus christ was S5 of the americans hard to get through like I was watching the first few seasons like 'wow this could go on for years! why did they cancel this?! viewing number means nothing!' probably cos I remembered how good s6/the ending was. But the reality of binge rewatching means S5 really was a painfully meandering and slow. Kinda similar to house s7 going off the rails and then S8 being so grounded and good?? like some shows do actually need to end and having that final cancellation gives them an end date to start wrapping storylines up in a way that makes the final seasons much more satisfying than the previous aimlessness. Unless we plan these shows out from the start (which no one except maybe a low budget BBC comission could do nowadays) there's always a period of rushing stuff or meandering nonsense and yes with hindsight we can look back at stuff that ended well and say wow why did they cancel that but there's usually always good reasons
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K so what if instead of working on this wip I instead told you guys about another shuji fic I won't actually write?
So hear me out. Reader's family is religious and intends to marry her off to Taiju. In the process of preparing for a loveless marriage to the mafioso mf, reader meets a good connection (through her betrothed nonetheless) for a great hitman, one ✨hanma shuji✨. You get rather close as you painstakingly plan the details of your husband-to-be's demise late in the nights for weeks. And, never having been religious, you let Hanma have you, all of you, because you know it adds a layer of insult to injury for your hypocritically pious fiancee.
Hanma plays the role of your wedding photographer on your big day and murders your husband in your honeymoon suite as agreed upon. No worries about the body, he assures you, he has a team for that. Instead, not minutes after, he's photographing you in the lingerie you picked out for him, not your ex, and you consummate a new partnership, a better one, high on the adrenaline of taking part in the ultimate sin and relishing in it.
And anyway that's the story of shuji and his lovely widow🫰
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
To make a hunt a success, the Mongols participated in great numbers in a coordinated annual attack on a designated area of steppe. This strategy was called the nerge (aka jerge or jarga) and was traditionally held early each winter over at least a month-long period, principally in order to fill up the larder to last through the leanest time of the year. During the empire, organised hunts around the capital were expected to deliver game for consumption at the imperial court.
During the nerge a long line of riders covering a line up to 130 kilometres (80 miles) and marked out by flags moved from the outer end inwards to eventually enclose a large pre-selected geographical area. The riders, accompanied by hunting dogs, then gradually moved, over a period of several weeks, in towards a smaller pre-designated circular zone, also marked out with flags beforehand, so that the animals driven there could more easily be killed. The riders worked in shifts to ensure no animals escaped the cordon, and anyone who did let an animal through the line was severely punished. Once the animals were penned in, only the khan could open the hunting with the first shot and anyone starting off before him was executed. After the hunt, some animals were deliberately allowed to escape the entrapment in order to ensure the conservation of the game for future hunts. A nine-day feast traditionally marked the climax and close of the nerge.
The Venetian explorer Marco Polo (1254-1324 CE) travelled to Xanadu during the reign of Kublai Khan (1260-1294 CE) and he gives more details of a nerge in his book The Travels, first circulated c. 1298 CE. When the khan goes on the annual hunt, Polo tells us, the whole operation is supervised by two officials, the 'masters of the chase', called chivichi who are brothers and who control the hounds and mastiffs. Each official has 10,000 men under his command, and these wear either a blue or red uniform depending on which chivichi they must obey. Polo goes on to say,
"The dogs of different descriptions which accompany them to the field are not fewer than five thousand. The one brother, with his division, takes the ground to the right hand of the emperor, and the other to the left, with his division, and each advances in regular order, until they have enclosed a tract of country to the extent of a day's march. By this means no beast can escape them. It is a beautiful sight to watch the exertions of the huntsmen and the sagacity of the dogs, when the emperor is within the circle, engaged in the sport, and they are seen pursuing the stags, bears, and other animals, in every direction."
(Bk. 2, Ch. 15)
The exact same strategy of the nerge was used by fast-moving light cavalry in Mongol warfare. Sometimes the wings of cavalry were so extended that an opposing army was eventually entirely surrounded. A reserve of heavy cavalry then moved in for the kill and, as with the animal hunts, some of the enemy were allowed to escape, but this time only to ensure the Mongols were not themselves numerically overwhelmed. Any escapees, unlike with the game, were then ruthlessly pursued, often for days after a battle.
As the noted historian E. Gibbon summarised in his seminal work The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, the nerge and warfare became, or indeed, always were, one and the same thing:
"The leaders study, in this practical school, the most important lesson of the military art: the prompt and accurate judgement of ground, of distance, and of time. To employ against a human enemy the same patience and valour, the same skill and discipline, is the only alteration which is required in real war; and the amusements of the chase serve as a prelude to the conquest of an empire." (quoted in Morgan, 75)
The technique of the nerge was used to great effect to cut off armies of the Rus princes from fortified cities when the Mongols invaded that area in 1237-8 CE. The nerge was even successfully used with a naval element against a combined land army and naval force of China's Song Dynasty at the battle of Yaishan in 1279 CE.
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saddragn · 16 days
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nerg scribbles. Love this guy. Capcom please bring him back for Wilds i beg u
brain decided I needed to learn hatching ASAP, made it through exactly one video then fucked off to draw this lol
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whencyclopedia · 18 days
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The Nerge: Hunting in the Mongol Empire
The peoples of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE) were nomadic, and they relied on hunting wild game as a valuable source of protein. The Asian steppe is a desolate, windy, and often bitterly cold environment, but for those Mongols with sufficient skills at riding and simultaneously using a bow, there were wild animals to be caught to supplement their largely dairy-based diet. Over time, hunting and falconry became important cultural activities and great hunts were organised whenever there were major clan gatherings and important celebrations. These hunts involved all of the tribe mobilising across vast areas of steppe to corner game into a specific area, a technique known as the nerge. The skills and strategies used during the nerge were often repeated with great success by Mongol cavalry on the battlefield across Asia and in Eastern Europe.
Hunted Animals
The Mongols, like other nomadic peoples of the Asian steppe, relied on milk from their livestock for food and drink, making cheese, yoghurt, dried curds and fermented drinks. The animals they herded - sheep, goats, oxen, camels and yaks - were generally too precious as a regular source of wool and milk to kill for meat and so protein was acquired through hunting, essentially any wild animal that moved. Animals hunted in the medieval period included hares, deer, antelopes, wild boars, wild oxen, marmots, wolves, foxes, rabbits, wild asses, Siberian tigers, lions, and many wild birds, including swans and cranes (using snares and falconry). Meat was especially in demand when great feasts were held to celebrate tribal occasions and political events such as the election of a new khan or Mongol ruler.
A basic division of labour was that women did the cooking and men did the hunting. Meat was typically boiled and more rarely roasted and then added to soups and stews. Dried meat (si'usun) was an especially useful staple for travellers and roaming Mongol warriors. In the harsh steppe environment, nothing was wasted and even the marrow of animal bones was eaten with the leftovers then boiled in a broth to which curd or millet was added. Animal sinews were used in tools and fat was used to waterproof items like tents and saddles.
The Mongols considered eating certain parts of those wild animals which were thought to have potent spirits such as wolves and even marmots a help with certain ailments. Bear paws, for example, were thought to help increase one's resistance to cold temperatures. Such concoctions as powdered tiger bone dissolved in liquor, which is attributed all sorts of benefits for the body, is still a popular medicinal drink today in parts of East Asia.
Besides food and medicine, game animals were also a source of material for clothing. A bit of wolf or snow leopard fur trim to an ordinary robe indicated the wearer was a member of the tribal elite. Fur-lined jackets, trousers, and boots were a welcome insulator against the bitter steppe winters, too.
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jongshiftz · 1 year
Hi! I was looking through you stuff to script posts. And I was wondering if you could make one for pregnancy? Like, immune to nergative pregnancy effects, etc. ?
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hello! i’m so sorry for the late reply and the lack of posts lately, but i had a lot of exams 😞😞 tysm for requesting tho! 🫶 here’s all i could think of 🤕🤕
also! thank you so much for all the recent likes n follows! 💕💕
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# stuff to script - pregnancy.
… your pregnancy is healthy and safe.
… your stomach doesn’t hurt because of your weird cravings and food combinations (☠️☠️).
… you aren’t nauseous, don’t throw up, don’t get morning sickness.
… people give up their seats for you, like you get a seat anywhere you go (in a bus or something).
… you have a healthy back that doesn’t hurt.
… you don’t have mood swings.
… you never get stretch marks.
… you won’t have postpartum depression (‼️).
… you don’t get labor contractions.
… you don’t have trouble falling asleep.
… you don’t have to pee too often.
… you aren’t constantly tired and sleepy.
… getting stressed doesn’t affect your baby (or just script you don’t get stressed!).
… giving birth isn’t as painful and goes fast.
… you don’t lose a lot of blood while giving birth.
… your baby (or babies) is healthy, free from any illnesses.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Ao’nung yanks Spider away from a ledge and holds him in the air as a tired/temperamental skimwing goes back underwater after trying to bite the guy. After a second, he realizes that he’s TOUCHING the weird demon kid and drops him to shake out his hands. Spider just lays on the floor like “what the fuck man I was making a friend”
he's just like "are you fucking stupid, oh my eywa, you demon, your stupid" all the while he is very aggressively making sure he didn't get bit.
this is a frequent issue; ao'nung acting out of instinct, not being able to back down from said instinct, yet still trying to convince himself he hates the demon. going as far to like, act as though he's repulsed at the thought of even touching him, when his big brother brain insists on always having a hand on his shoulder or on his head, and he's always on the nerge of a breakdown because of it. his brain feels like its mentally being torn apart cause part of him hates spider, but most of him loves him with his whole heart.
spider thinks its funny, but hates how he's being babied. he's gonna hit his skawng ass over the head with a stick in a minute, cause he doesn't need a babysitter.
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mig-murgthenurg · 5 months
I think people are seriously sleeping on what truly makes Nergigante a dangerous Elder Dragon hunter beyond being a raging ball of spikes and hunger.
Nerg is a persistence hunter. And it's very clearly demonstrated throughout the story but it doesn't seem like anybody really copped it.
Again and again, Nerg continues to pester Zorah and always comes back, even after taking beatings from the Hunters.
And by further extension, Ruiner Nerg demonstrates the heights of a Nergigante's resilience. You literally beat this thing to (near) death only for it to either play dead or go into some involuntary comatose state, like an Opossum, so it can heal quicker. Then, less than an hour later, it bursts from the ground to maul Shara to death.
This is what makes Nergigante such a force to be reckoned with, even if it lacks the ability to cause hurricanes, forest fires and the like. It will fight you, tooth and claw until either you die or force it to back off. Then, hours later, as you lick your wounds, it comes back. Just as full of rage and energy as the first battle. This process will repeat until the Nergigante deems you too much effort or you flat out die from exhaustion if Nerg doesn't get you first.
Nerg is one of my favourite Elders and that's probably just due to bias from being a Fiver but it disheartens me a bit to see people either interpret Nerg as a Goku Dragon who can beat everybody's ass or a weak as piss dragon can't even beat a Kushala.
Of course, I could be very wrong but this is how I see Nerg. Not some super powerful ball of spikes that instantly wins every fight but a predator that employs very real and very effective hunting tactics to wear down and slaughter it's prey.
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zombiehearts2007 · 3 months
My chosen one got hitched last night so here’s a drawing of what I think Davin looks like
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Key words, what I think he looks like.
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