#netball court news
sunsetkerr · 1 year
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summary: you are about to play the game of your life and sam is right there on the sidelines cheering for you. [1.6k words]
pairing: netball!reader x sam kerr
notes: netball!reader is my new favourite thing
YOU KNEW THAT AUGUST would be a busy month for you and sam. she and the matildas had just progressed out of the group stages in the world up, but so had you. 
at 18 you received the call-up to play for the australian diamonds netball team. you played in the constellation cup against the silver ferns and came out on top, a new name in national netball; people loved you.
you played through the year with the diamonds, often playing with your state team too. but in the january after your first cup, you tore your acl. only 19, people thought you were done for with the way you went down. it had the nation talking about netball, about how its rising star had fallen from the sky.
an estimated 6-9 months in recovery became 12 and you hadn't picked up a ball since; resenting the sport that you loved. once cleared to return to netball, you were eager to return, to show everyone they had no reason to doubt you; that you would play for australia again.
the diamonds kept you in the reserves your first season back in 2015, too nervous about your leg. you got to watch the diamonds take home the world cup on home soil. whilst you couldn't play for the nation, you played at suncorp level once again- this time, smashing your scoring record. you shot 653 goals in the regular season for the thunderbirds, beating your personal best of 597.
you were back and netball fans around the nation knew it.
the next season you were back working with the diamonds, making your way towards one goal- playing in the world cup.
when it came around, you were picked in the starting seven- shooting goals for your country. you broke your personal best again, 653 becoming 672. you were approaching most goals scored ever by a singular player.
but second place smacked you and your girls harshly back into reality, you left with no cup. you left runners up. clips of you crying on the court went viral, your fans knew what that game meant to you. you were broken to lose.
the next year, you were signed to nike. you became a spokesperson for their newest line of netball shoes that they had manufactured and your face was plastered all over the country. billboards, posters, and any advertisement had you on the front.
soon, nike called you to a shoot with all of their major athletes, wanting to showcase the faces of their campaigns; and that’s when you met sam.
your entire world shifted. she was funny, confident, beautiful and smart; and you fell for her straight away. netball and sam were the only two things on your mind.
two months into being friends, she asked you to be her girlfriend.
news outlets were noticing how much time you both started spending together, how you were always in the stands at each others games if they didn’t conflict with the other persons. the instagram stories, being in the background of each others posts. people began to catch on.
but when you scored the winning goal at the 2022 commonwealth games against jamaica, sam and the rest of your teams family rushed the court; and she kissed you right there, on live television.
the secret was out, and you and sam quickly became one of australia’s favourite couples.
you both constantly showed off your unwavering amount of support for each others careers. matilda’s fans adored seeing you in the documentary and revelled in getting a peak into how crazy your life with sam really is. constantly travelling, constantly trying to make time for each other.
you both knew that your careers meant the world to you. you were determined to go back to the world cup in 2023 and win. she wanted to do the same.
but you both always knew what you went home to; each other, and that was enough for you both.
you worked hard to get picked back into the starting seven for the world cup, your coaches noticed your commitment and dedication- you were put in the line up, no questions asked.
you worked through the group stages and through the second stage, then the play-offs. the grand final was now staring you in the eyes, and england would be tough to beat, but you weren't planning on taking it easy on them.
you woke up early to get to the training centre with the girls, letting sam sleep in. you talked tactics, did some drills and watched through some past matches from the cup to talk about focuses for the final. you always got nervous before a big game, but this one had skyrocketed your anxiety.
sam had been called by your teammate ruby, when she found you throwing up in the bathroom for the second time that day.
"you're crazy if you think you're playing, you're obviously not well," her voice crackled through ruby's phone. you knew that you were fine, it was just the nerves- they were knocking you onto your ass.
"you're crazy if you think i'm not," you bit back, sam surprised by the bite in your tone. "i ate heaps at breakfast, and then ran sucicides for 25 minutes, sam" you explained. ruby shot you a look, knowing you were lying to your girlfriend. "i'm fine," you emphasised.
"you need to call it if you're not y/n" she said, sat with her elbows against her knees and her hand over her mouth. sat back in the hotel, she began to bite her nails. knowing that you could be bleeding out, and you would still play in this final. nothing would stop you. they would have to drag you out kicking and screaming.
"would you?" you ask her, eyebrows raised. sam didn't respond, only sitting in guilty silence. sam has played games ill on multiple occasions. through gastro, the flu and covid. you sat by her side every time and knew that, inevitably, she would be walking onto that pitch; too strong willed for her own good. you weren't much better.
"sam?" you called her name.
"no.." she sighed, knowing you were right. "no, i wouldn't" she said. "but even when i was sick i still told you if i was or not, so tell me; are you okay?"
you sighed, resting your head against the tiled walls of the bathroom. "i think it's just nerves," you admitted, "i-" you sighed again- "i'm shitting myself, i'm so nervous."
"baby" she tutted, "you're gonna be great. you've got this in the bag, yeah?"
"don't say that," you shook your head, "we lost to them last time."
it was true. in the group stages, you did- you lost to england.
"yeah, by a fucking point y/n"
"a point that i missed," you felt that loss heavy on your shoulders.
"she contacted you and the ref didn't call it," sam argued.
"i still missed"
"and you're not going to today," she told you, "you're gonna beat that pb, you're 33 off beating it". it was true, you were once again nearing your personal best for most goals in a season. "and i know that you're gonna shoot more than 33 tonight," she smiled.
"you think?" you whispered.
"i know"
and she was right. just as the half time whistle sounded, you had a penalty shot. the crowd cheered as you set up for your shot. sam was starting to stand up in her seat just a row behind the bench. she was cheering louder than anyone else there. you heard her 'come on, y/n' over everyone else in the crowd. macca and alanna sat on either side of sam, mary, hayley and steph there too to cheer you on.
you took a breath, straightened your elbow and shot with one hand, other arm by your side- your signature.
nothing but net.
the crowd went crazy. steph, your goal attack, engulfed you in her embrace. the england defenders congratulated you. you turned to where sam was sat and smile. she was now standing up straight celebrating with her teammates. she held up her first and met your gaze.
you smiled again, pretending to shoot another goal. she whistled out at you and pointed to you. the cameras caught it all. the crowd cheering at your interaction.
australia led at halftime 27-23.
in the last quarter, you were on fire. you shot every goal you went for, and the wheels fell off for england.
when the final whistle sounded, you were a world champ. 
your team defeated england 61-45. your subs rushed the court, so did your coaching staff. you screamed, running to meet your teammates. 
sam watched on as tears streamed down your face. liz, your captain, passed you the trophy as it was brought out for your team. you raised it up, the crowd knowing how special this was for you. after a long journey, you finally got to hold that cup. you looked up into the stands, to find sam. she was crying too, wiping tears from her eyes as macca hugged her. you sent her a smile, tears still streaming down your face as you cried. you blew her a kiss with your other hand, and she caught it, holding up her hand. 
“holy shit!” you shouted over to her. 
“i knew you could do it!” she called back. you laughed at her before being brought back into the moment with your team, only now- you were world champs. 
and even though the title rested on your shoulders, you couldn't wait to go home with sam tonight- you were always a champion to her, title or not.
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rascalcreations · 2 months
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I do what I want, netball au
tsc: Center. He’s very fast and is quickly becoming one of the best players in their comp
yellow: Goal Defense. Focused on strategy and is the “Brains” of the team. He often comes up with new drills for them to try
blue: Goal Keeper (my position!!) Also good at strategy, blue is very good at reading circle defence. Has a mean pivot
green: Wing Attack. He’s one of the faster players of the team and is best at feints
red: Wing Defense. Holds his ground very well, good at defending in the mid court. His passes are very reliable
tco: Goal Attack. Powerhouse player, team captain. His passes are very powerful and reliable. He and tsc switch positions a lot. one of the best players in the comp
purple: Goal Shooter. One of the newer additions. Best jumper on the team and never looses a rebound. His dad King is an ex player from a national team and puts a lot of pressure on him to do well
Tco used to be on a team with Tdl but they had a fight and Tdl left for a rival team
Alan and Victim have a coach rivalry cause Alan was Victim’s previous coach and a bit of a dick
lmk if you wanna know more!!
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gh0stdyn · 2 years
Just a simple one shot I guess?
English is not my first language, first time writing a one shot
Excuse my grammar or anything else ❤️
There’s a lot of grammar mistakes
On your match day
Warning : none I think?
A bit of angst (i think,sorry 😭) , fluff ending
Please leave a note about this one shot . Pleaseeee thank you and i love you people who read this😭❤️
Your final netball match vs Australia team. And Jude said he cant came to your match.
“ But I really need you there for me next week…” Y/N said while cleaning the dishes. “You are my lucky charm , Jude.” You said with a pouted face and puppy eyes as begging him to come to your game.
“ I’m really sorry love, I can’t come to your game because we have a friendly match with Man City at the same day ,babe” Jude said while finishing his meals and clean up the table. “ But I wish you all the best to your team, and come on love , who’s the captain and the best goal attacker !?? You innit? I know and believe you can win the match!” Jude comfort her with hugs and kisses.
Y/N defeated and melted by his compliment. “Alright alright, but I really wish you can come tho” “ You know, everything came out from those lips have always melted my heart and this is why I loved you so much!” You said and Jude grinning like a kid gets new toys. You guys keeping up with each other about the day and cuddling.
As always, Jude is the first one who fall asleep as you were telling about the gossip. Jude love cuddling and he apparently love to be the small spoon because he feels protected when he’s asleep and you didn’t mind at all.
( The final match day )
You and the team woke up early to do some last traning for the match this evening. All of your teammates were getting ready in their jersey and went for traning. Then, the teams having a great lunch and rest as much and prepared for the final game this evening.
( The match )
All the basic things before every game were done . All of your teammates and coaches were nervous as hell and excited to win the final. You also feel the same but also a bit of sadness because Jude can’t come to your game. But you have to overcome and not to overthinking about Jude not coming to the last game and keep calm so you could win the game.
Your team were losing to Australia by a few points . All the fans and your teammates were frustrated and worried about the game . Coach had a little briefing while we’re on the time break. “ Come on , girls ! We have to win this, We have to make a comeback. I know you all are tired right now but you have to pushed just a bit more. We are just behind them by 2 points. I do believe in you to win this game. Especially you, Y/N” Coach said with a hopeful face and you nodded.
All your teammates know that Jude can’t come to your game but they assured you that his luck always be with all the time. As the time breaks were almost over ,
suddenly a very familiar loud voice for the seating shouted , “ COME ON MY Y/N! YOU CAN DO IT BABE!” . You looked up to the seating and you see Jude, Haaland and his girlfriend aka one of your best friend were there supporting you and the team. Jude were smiling from ears to ears when he sees your eyes light up with hope and love when you saw and mouthed ‘ I fucking love you’ to Jude. As the referee blows the whistle, the second half were began.
Now , your teams are tied to Australia. There’s only 2 minutes before the game end. Jude and the supporter are anxious about the timing and everything. As you are about to jump and catches the ball, suddenly the GD are body contacts in the D circle . Jude now at the nearest seating to the court and hoping that your teams gets the ball.
There’s only one minute left and you get to shoot the ball. The scenic are quite and anxious at the same . You calm your self to shoot the ball, as the ball went into the net, both of the referees blows the whistle as the times are up. All your teammates and the coaches run towards and hugs you as a congratulations. Jude waiting for you at the seating with a big proud smile craves on his face. You come up to him and kissed those perfect lips and all of people and the cameraman in the court were cheering for the couple and taking videos and pictures of the moment.
“ I thought you couldn’t make it, Jude!” You said and lightly punched his chest. “ Well, actually love, I lied to you” Jude said with a big grin. “ You what?! You dirty little liar! You lied to me about the friendly match?” You are gobs smack and laughing at him. “ Well actually the friendly were yesterday and I decided to suprise you here” “ and I am so proud of you for winning the game and you deserve it , my love “ . He said and pecked the corner of your lips.
“ So you were here all time? I mean form the start?” You couldn’t believe you didn’t see him in the crowds. Jude replied, “ Yeah about that I can said I was a bit late like 5 minutes because Haaland didn’t find his phone” you laughed. “ And turns out he was holding the phone for the whole time!” Jude complaint to you as you were laughing at the situation. “ But , I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it on time, my love” . He said with a disappointment face and you said it’s okay.
“As long as you here support and watch me win, I’m more grateful than ever. I love you , my Jude.” “I love you too, my Y/N.”
The End🫶🏽🫶🏽
Okay so how what’s?? Good or bad?? Please leave your response about this one shot .. Thanksss and luv all the Bellingham fans
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opiatemasses · 9 months
Debunking the myth of the level playing field: exploring the notion of equality in English school hockey
England Hockey’s U16 squads were announced recently for the 2023/24 season. Of those selected 80% are privately educated.
On this critical issue the governing body, GB Hockey, are seemingly silent. This blog seeks to address this, highlighting the stark disparities which exist in hockey, as well as proposing realistic solutions. This is a discussion on the challenges hockey faces, where acknowledging the problem is an important first step towards future change.
Firstly, how do we know there is a problem?
Previous blogs on this subject have tended to cite statistics, illustrating the numbers of privately educated athletes representing Great Britain at past Olympics. Other blogs have also referenced Ofsted and their acknowledgement in previous years of this issue which led to the labelling of state school competitive sport as  “average at best”. Evidence suggests this gap has narrowed but, not sufficiently to claim that the problem is solved.
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Why does this problem exist?
Past research has identified a distinct difference in outlook between private and state schools which contributes to this disparity. Public schools traditionally use sport for character development and leadership training, in comparison to state schools which use sport more for health and general recreation. This Difference in attitude towards sport has a significant impact on the quality of delivery as well as the number of those participating.
State schools typically have only basic facilities at their disposal and have limited access to the high quality astroturf surfaces required to train and play competitive hockey. Moreover, they would struggle with the costs of providing underprivileged students with the sticks and specialist footwear needed for the game. This all limits the opportunities for students.
In stark contrast, private schools, such as Wellington College (Berkshire, England) offers its pupils ‘16 rugby pitches, two floodlit Astroturf pitches, a state-of-the-art sports hall, 22 hard tennis courts, 12 cricket pitches, an athletics track, two lacrosse pitches, six netball courts, a shooting range, and a nine-hole golf course'.
Sports facilities on this scale unarguably contribute significantly to the likelihood that already privileged athletes from private schools, will succeed at the highest level. Indeed, many privately educated athletes, including those within the England and Great Britain squads, are more likely to benefit from specialist and supportive coaching throughout the players development. They are often educated in smaller PE lessons with lower teacher-pupil ratios. This enables teachers to focus their time on developing individual athlete success, which is highly advantageous within the elite sport context as there is greater potential for student preparation and performance improvement in competitions.
There is one difference that is obvious, yet also possibly the hardest to provide a solution to. Parents of privately educated children typically have enough financial freedom to facilitate a more professional sporting environment for their children which means their opportunities increase. This is often combined with the ability to afford better quality training and equipment, along with greater accessibility to traveling for training and competition. Overall, whether we like to admit it or not, more money equals a foot in the door and that means the chances of progressing to elite levels are heightened.
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These are not all of the differences but the most obvious ones to me.
This is particularly prominent and clear in my sport as a hockey player.
This angers me as talent is being disregarded or even wasted!
Possible interventions for this problem?
UK sport has acknowledged the gap across all sports, which is positive for the future. The new ‘talent identification and performance pathway scheme’ has since been introduced which looks to find and nurture children at an early age and therefore increases accessibility to sport and means that the talent pool for British sport is as wide as possible. This scheme is a perfect example of a positive shift towards better equality within school sport.
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There is no simple fix, do not get me wrong. State schools are never going to be able to generate the amount of funding required to compete with some public schools. However, just by increasing exposure to diverse school sports experiences, it could enhance equal opportunities for young athletes. Introducing mixed school competitions could be a step forward, promoting more challenging and regular competition and motivating aspiring hockey enthusiasts.
Partnerships between schools and sports clubs for general sport have also been the focus for the government for a long time now in order to drive an increased interest for children with less opportunity which I believe is a really positive move as undoubtedly over time this will drive an increased diversity amongst high performance sports teams in the future.
An example specifically to hockey would be the new programme set up between, National League club Bath Buccaneers and its local state schools. A new outreach program, led by the mother of an under-12 state school player, has been established. The goal is to promote hockey in state schools, demonstrating its accessibility and the growing opportunities. This form of initiative holds great promise, and I believe that overtime it will become attainable for other clubs, through mutually beneficial partnerships between clubs and schools, to replicate the model across the country which could lead to a brighter and more fair future for the sport.
This is an issue that needs action now. Please help by sharing this blog to help spread the message.
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mj-skyair-star · 1 year
█🕹️👾🎮Chapter 12: Waiting (Part 2/2)░▒▓█
March 29th, 2036, Saturday, 9:50 a.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We met with the rest of the group again. They all remained on the same bench chatting away like everything was normal, everyone except Jet Greez. Until the group detected us, Airis and I shared the wonderful news that got them exceedingly enraptured like we were celebrating another new fantastic year. Jet Greez, on the other hand, might care less about it so I'm not unforeseen of him. The only time I would actually be astonished is if he cheers for someone whose life has been saved... Or he could be hiding his care.
Soon we began chatting among ourselves, well, more like chatting with Airis, our first human being to interact with. We basically questioned her about Real- er, Earth (is what she wants us to call it rather than the name 'Real Earth'. We weren't sure about that, although we could understand) since this magnificent planet piqued our curiosity, unduly intrigue... of course, again, except for Jet. Although, he didn't join the group nor chat. I never comprehend why he always likes alone time for himself the majority of the time. Regardless, he watched us from a distance from where we were sitting (still at the same silver, shiny, metal table that Airis was sobbing over). It might sound a bit creepy of him, but I assure you, he's not... Let's just say he sees it as 'he's a part of it, just sitting/standing from afar distance'.
It's not like I'm going to force him anyway.
... I must admit, I deeply miss his extrovert side... He hasn't been very open to people since-...
... Since... since...
... I... get why he has become more of an introvert now...
Nothing you should know!
Because Oscar is resting adequately for a couple of hours, we can't have that serious sit-down discussion yet. In the meantime, at some point, we'll have to do something other than lounge around and chat. Not that I have a problem with that. I'm more of an active bot who likes to do activities most of the time or twenty-four-seven which is rare, primarily when it comes to running. I don't sit still willingly for more than three hours. If I have to, I would just let my leg stim.
I still want to learn about Earth, from a human child's knowledge, and so far, the answers were extraordinary indeed. I'll give it two hours of this!
Two hours later.
Alright! Two hours are up! This is perfect timing because things were just getting awkward at this point. Luckily, I came up with something to prevent that from happening. I stood up from the bench and suggested to everyone that we should play a game of Hoop Ball. My team extended their enthusiasm upon hearing those two words. Barring Airis, she didn't know what it was so I had to explain to her the game and rules. Then I got off guard when Airis told us that Hoop Ball is exactly a mixture of 'Basketball' and 'Netball', in her Earth understanding. HA, HA! Surely it is laughable! It's not the same as 'Basketball' and 'Netball'! I don't really believe it, and I don't think anyone else does either... Well... things did extensively turn into a mini remote debate, not in an adverse way, of course!
Everyone has different opinions and we should respect them no matter what.
... Excluding the problematic ones.
We all headed to the 'basketball' court (us robots call it the hoop court), located next door to the cafeteria to get ourselves ready.
Since I know Jet is likely to cheat, in some way, when he plays any game, I decided to make him the referee. He might also be likely to call false fouls. Even though I had never seen him as a referee before. For months (or feeling the foreverness of not seeing him face-to-face in general) I have zero ideas of what he's been up to apart from being there for Artron. From memory of the last time I played sports with him. I recall the previous time he actually cheated in Hoop Ball.
And boy, the moment I told him my decision of roles privately. As a result, I didn't think Jet would call it unfair. His response is: 'It's unfair because I was biased towards him just because he (Jet) betrayed us and worked with Artron from time to time.'
Listen. I know he betrayed Artron back, however, just because he did the same to him. That doesn't mean my trust towards him is open. I know Artron would have the same feeling too.
I find his words dull-witted. Again, I am only doing it because I don't trust him to participate in sports. He is capable of cheating at any time, and he will. I managed to convince Jet by pulling out the Qute card. Qute is the only bot who loves to play referee (also, she's quite small and doesn't like sports. Her words, not mine) howbeit she's unavailable, we don't have anyone else to be a referee. I win that unnecessary argument while Jet Greez grouches and agrees to take the role.
Moving forward.
The team were split into two groups: Me and Airis versus Obus and Grezzer.
Mectra and Kitt are cheerleaders for both teams as well as bench players who wait for teammates to switch places with them (Mectra is on my team and Kitt is with Obus and Grezzer). The two sat on the long blue bench, outside the lined court, cheering us on as well as waiting patiently for any switches.
Jet came into the court with the ball after we'd done our mini warm-up. He stood in the middle of the white-ringed line of the massive school court. Meanwhile, I positioned myself near Jet, standing on the opposite side of Grezzer, outside the ringed line. The body-built bot did the same position as I did. Me and Grezzer shared the competitive expression.
Following that, Jet held out the orange ball with black lines up between me and Grezzer. He had his whistle in his mouth... ready to blow it at any given moment... Things were slowly getting intense and overestimated the ambition of winning... and ignoring the certain grouchy bot sending me daggers.
The whistle was blown, shrilly, at the same time as Jet threw the interesting-looking ball in the air. This caused me and Grezzer to jump with our arms up and stretch as much as we could in the air, at the exact same time.
So who touched the ball first?
I did.
I slam against it, sending the rough orange ball flying past the orange bot's head to head towards Airis. Unfortunately, Obus caught it before she did.
Obus took three steps and passed it to Grezzer, who caught it. I rapidly sprinted, using my speed boost, to catch up to Grezzer and snatch it off him. I then took three big steps, close enough to shoot my goal, the sweet first-round victory in the hoop-
Immediately after my throw, the sound of that high-pitched, irritating whistle paralysed me! My neon blue eyes stare at the ball, it misses the hoop, instead, it bumps into the orange ring. It lands on the clean, reflective court, bouncing away gradually... I am taken by what just happened... Me? Getting whistled? My mind rushes with thoughts of disbelief at how I could get whistled at in a game. I'm sure this was a mistake- Wait a minute!-
Brushing off the bizarre juncture, immediately, my programs got me reminded that I put Jet to be a referee. Turning around casually to see Jet jogging toward me with a sinister cocky smile spread across his face (that I decided to ignore) I frowned with a mix of suspicion behind it.
"In Hoop Ball, you're not supposed to use your special abilities or powers, remember?" He told me, once he reached for me and raised up a yellow card.
"Ugh! I completely forgot about that! How could I!?" I facepalm.
I stayed in that position for a couple more seconds due to the presence of embarrassment crawling up my system. This was reasonable to call out. I will admit, I retrospect on him a lot of times... Maybe I have judged him too hastily?
Jet smugly sniggers.
"You explained everything to Airis about this game. How could you forget it? Ha!" I rolled my eyes, giving out a short sigh. "First warning, Captain Bias," he whispered the last word so no one could hear.
He laughed mockingly at me yet I don't care, but what I do care about is that he'll aggravate me for the rest of the five rounds.
I simply walked away from him to run over to Obus with my speed boost deactivated this time. Grezzer has the ball and tosses it towards us. Obus and I jumped up to catch it. How ignorant of me. He caught it and threw it into the hoop at the speed of light.
"Ah-ha! Yes!" In victory, the red bot cheered.
"Team OGT on one point, TAM remains zero," Jet declared.
Mechtra and Kitt cheer wildly in the background, as well as, sharing support to keep trying towards me and Airis. It would be something that Airis needs because I noticed her feeling disappointed in herself.
I, on the other hand, let out a smirk.
My second in command made an excellent shot, as excellent as his combat skills. I admire a few things about his skill. Although, I am 100% confident that me and Airis can beat them. I'm sure of it.
The real game begins~
Another two hours later.
"Obus! I'm open! I'm open!" Grezzer cried out, waving his arms around like a baby bird trying to fly.
It was the final round. My team and Obus' team points were tied, we were getting eager to win a tiresome game..! More like the human girl is getting tired rather than the rest of us. Us bots don't get tired like humans, besides some of us run either charging or batteries.
Obus had the ball and threw it towards the strongest bot but I caught it before he did. With a smirk, I hurriedly took three steps and tossed it to Airis, thankfully she was already closer to our goal.
"Catch it, Airis!" I call out to her.
She opened her arms and caught it, then swiftly turned her heel to successfully throw it into the hoop!
Fortissimo, the whistle blew.
"Game! Team TAM wins!" Proclaim the referee.
"Woohoo!" Me and Airis run towards each other and earn high-five for victory.
Suddenly, my attention was drawn to something off to the side, near the two-way door. I diverted to see what it was and couldn't help but smile the moment I had the full view of it. My robotic blue eyes had spotted something remarkable that Airis will be on the top of the world.
"Hey, Airis," I tapped the pigtail girl's shoulder.
She turned to face me once she finished shaking hands with Grezze and the unsportsmanlike Obus (he accepted the defeat later on).
"What is it?" The girl inquires.
I gestured my head to the side, still grinning (to the point that I might look silly).
"Look over there." She took a quick glimpse and gasped in stupefaction, a great big smile forming on her face.
No- Please allow me to rephrase it. She jumped so high! Over the moon!.. Uh- Okay, now that I'm witnessing this more, maybe she's gotten too happy...
"Oscar!" The brown-haired girl bolted towards Oscar and Qute.
Qute briskly floats out of the way, knowing that Airis might hug her friend to death or knock him down to the floor (if she decided to jump on him for an unbreakable hug). I have never seen anyone with this much exhilaration. Even Oscar could see what was happening, judging by his smile turning a tiny bit crooked.
"A-Airis! Wait! Wait! Wait! WAIT!!!" Too late.
She braces herself for the cuddliest hug around him, very tightly... Hopefully not to death.
"I was so worried about you! I mean, sick to death! I'm so glad you're alive!" Airis looked like she was about to cry out of pure joy, meanwhile, Oscar became a limbed rag doll thanks to Airis' clutches crushing him.
"Miss- you- too- air-!" Oscar chokes his broken words due to oxygen drifting away from him.
"Oh, sorry!" Airis immediately released him and got tense that she hurt him though Oscar reassured her that he was fine, after gasping for air to catch his breath. "How are you feeling?" This time, Airis was much more tranquil and softer towards him.
"All... better..." Huffing, Oscar gave her a meek smile and a thumbs up.
It was a heartwarming sight to see two friends reunited together. Really, it is.
... Now it's time.
I became serious in my expression since we were approaching the main situation.
"Now that he's here, it's time to explain what is happening,"
"Children!" I called out to them. They both turned their heads towards me. I gazed at the members, sending them a message through my emotions. They know what that means so they become serious too. I face the children again. "I believe it's time to explain why we're here and what's been occurring around here,"
"Oh right. I nearly forgot about that." Airis says.
I approached the two before the others did.
"Please, follow me," with that, I walked past them to exit out of hoop court, knowing everyone followed my lead.
We led the two kids upstairs to the Computer Room.
Opening the blue wooden door, the human children gasped, whoaed, and commented on how cool the room was remodelled. The one comment I don't get is: 'This room looks like a meeting room from Star Wars!'... What's Star Wars?.. Possibly a video game that I wasn't aware of? (We turned the 'I.C.T' into our own style-like home. We'll fix everything once we defeat Artron and the ones that serve him).
I sat down on the desk chair across from where Oscar and Airis are sitting. Obus and Grezzer sit on my right side, Mechtra and Kitt are on my left. Qute just floated near Airis, and Jet Greez leaned on the wall near the door we just entered, arms crossed.
Silence had its time to shine long enough so I broke the silence. I am captain so I mostly do the talking, and yes, I allow others to speak as long as no one accidentally overlaps each other's talking. Especially when dealing with 'After you,' - 'Oh, no! After you!' type of problem.
I straighten my posture and lay both of my robotic arms on my desk, crossing them for my hands to dangle off the table edge.
"Since Oscar has been recovering for four hours, it is finally time to tell you what's going on,"- I inhale a short breath, steadily- "I believe you two have so many questions that you want answered, yes?"
"Yes," they both unison.
I earn them an earnest nod and continue the conversation.
"Would you rather hear the explanation of how we found out about this sinister plan, and why Artron and his associates want to kidnap you?"- I point to Airis for about a period of three seconds until I place my hand down.- "and then the questions last. Or the other way round?"
"I think hearing the story comes first. Obviously, we need a lot of explanation to understand how the heck you guys got here, or how you exist. Asking questions helps but it would take a lot of time if we didn't hear the explanation first. Particularly since the explanations do answer a considerable number of questions for you. Well, for some of them, I guess" Oscar replied.
"I'm with him," Airis answered after Oscar.
I nodded again and started explaining everything, not leaving a single detail behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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myf00djournal · 2 years
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Today was huge and I am feeling it
Had gym
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Protein afterwards
Two eggs on two slices of toast with bagel seasoning and bbq sauce
Coffee (cafe untracked)
Banana protein pudding
An apple
Homemade butter chicken and basmati rice with broccolini 🥦
Small bag of popcorn
Homemade iced coffee
One slice of toast a honey
Two hours of netball 😫 one hour of fitness one hour court work and drills and game play
Shoved in some leftover dinner from last night - beef and veggie cottage pie w mashed potato 🥔
Only at around 2000 and I very much overestimated my lunch. I felt so sick at training tonight. I usually have something substantial around 4pm but I had my therapy appointment and I did it over video call because I was so pushed for travel time today. I really need to perhaps have a more substantial morning tea because I have a solid brekky lunch and dinner but these snacks are lacking.
It’s not a good day when your literal energy output is more than your intake 🥲 so tempted to demolish something else before bed but it’s 10pm and it’s just too late sadly. Tomorrow is a new day.
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nameofallteams · 24 days
226 Netball Team Names That Score Major Points
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When it comes to netball, having a great team name can be a big morale booster. A clever, catchy, or humorous name can not only build team spirit but also intimidate your opponents. Whether you're forming a new team or looking to rebrand an existing one, choosing the right name is key. Here’s a comprehensive list of 226 netball team names that are sure to score major points and stand out on the court. Classic and Timeless Names - Netball Ninjas - Thunderbolts - Dream Team - The Defenders - Netball Knights - Court Crushers - Victory Vixens - Star Spikers - Powerhouse - Winning Warriors - Dynamic Divas - Elite Eagles - Lightning Strikers - Supreme Squad - Game Changers - Netball Queens - Swift Shooters - Fearless Flyers - Total Titans - Triumph Tribe Fun and Playful Names - Netball Nuts - Spin Doctors - Alley Cats - Bounce Bunnies - Netball Nerds - Jumping Jackrabbits - Netball Noodles - Dunkin’ Divas - Basket Brawlers - Netball Nincompoops - Wacky Warriors - Dribble Darlings - Sassy Spinners - Jolly Jumpers - Mighty Munchkins - Fabulous Flyers - Cheerful Chicks - The Gigglers - Fantastic Flyers - The Whirlwinds Inspirational and Motivational Names - Rising Stars - Fearless Furies - Golden Gliders - Unstoppable Forces - Champion Chameleons - Bravehearts - Rising Phoenix - Trailblazers - Unbeatable - Power Surge - Infinity Squad - Victory Visionaries - The Invincibles - Dream Catchers - Bold Braves - Horizon Heroes - Pinnacle Players - Determined Dynamos - Soaring Spirits - Ultimate United Fierce and Competitive Names - Savage Storm - Ice Queens - Thunder Thunderbirds - Ruthless Rebels - Conquerors - Rampaging Rhinos - Storm Chasers - The Heatwaves - Fierce Falcons - Annihilators - Battling Beasts - Hellfire Hawks - Dragon Warriors - The Dominators - Blazing Eagles - Killer Instincts - The Infernos - The Titans - Tornado Troopers - The Juggernauts Creative and Unique Names - Netball Nomads - Galactic Gliders - Quantum Queens - Stellar Strikers - Solar Flare - Cosmic Crushers - Phoenix Flyers - Astral Athletes - Nebula Netters - Starship Spartans - Radiant Runners - Celestial Squad - Lunar Legends - Meteor Mashers - Interstellar Invaders - The Cosmos Crew - Aurora Warriors - Galactic Gladiators - Supernova Squad - Stellar Sparks Pop Culture Inspired Names - Marvel Mavericks - Jedi Jumpers - Avengers Assemble - Starfleet Squad - Cyber Knights - Superheroes - Justice League - The Spartans - Hogwarts Heroes - X-Men Warriors - Avengers Alliance - Gotham Gladiators - The Jedi Masters - The Avengers - Galactic Guardians - Heroic Hawks - Marvelous Mavericks - The Guardians - Rebel Runners - The Force Fields Team Spirit Names - Team Titans - Power Pack - Spirit Squad - Unity United - Winning Wonders - Fusion Force - Victory Vanguards - Harmony Heroes - Team Triumph - The Dream Team - Victory Vortex - The Fusion - United We Stand - Team Ignite - Power Players - The Achievers - Unity United - Spirit Stars - Victory Vision - The Crusaders Playful and Humorous Names - Netball Knuckleheads - Funky Fliers - The Bouncing Beans - Jumpin’ Jellybeans - The Netball Nonsense - Daring Doodles - The Dribbling Dodos - Laughing Legends - Silly Spinners - The Wobblers - Quirky Queens - The Chuckleberries - The Kooky Crew - Laughing Legends - Zany Zappers - Happy Hoppers - The Netball Nincompoops - Jolly Jugglers - The Comical Crew - The Laughing Llamas Modern and Trendy Names - The Flash - Hyper Heroes - The Blitzers - Fast Lane Flyers - Trendy Titans - Pulse Pioneers - Velocity Vipers - Nova Nets - Zooming Zephyrs - The Trendsetters - Epic Energies - Quantum Quicksters - Turbo Team - Urban United - The Innovators - Lightning Legends - The Edge - Next Gen Netball - Speed Demons - The Modern Mavericks Classic Animal-Inspired Names - Fierce Foxes - Clever Cheetahs - Brave Bears - Daring Dolphins - Mighty Lions - Speedy Sharks - Rampant Rhinos - Talented Tigers - Wise Owls - Sly Foxes - Powerful Panthers - Majestic Eagles - The Bold Bears - Lightning Leopards - Vicious Vultures - Ferocious Falcons - Agile Antelopes - Courageous Cubs - Noble Eagles - The Pouncing Panthers Regional and Local Pride Names - Urban United - City Stars - Metro Mavericks - County Crushers - Village Victors - Coastal Crushers - Local Legends - Regional Rulers - State Champions - District Dynamos - The Capital Crew - City Surge - Town Titans - The Local Lions - Provincial Powerhouses - Metro Monarchs - Urban Legends - Suburb Squad - Local Legends - The Hometown Heroes Inspirational and Aspirational Names - Champions of Tomorrow - The Legacy Makers - Destiny Defenders - The Visionaries - Legacy Legends - The Aspiring Stars Conclusion Choosing a netball team name that resonates with your team’s identity and spirit can be a fun and impactful way to start your season. Whether you opt for something classic, creative, or competitive, the right name will set the tone for your team’s journey and success on the court. Happy naming! Read the full article
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qnewsau · 29 days
QSA expands inclusive basketball across Melbourne
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/qsa-expands-inclusive-basketball-across-melbourne/
QSA expands inclusive basketball across Melbourne
Australia’s largest LGBTIQA+ sporting club  QSA continues stepping up inclusion in community sport for all as Q League spreads across Melbourne.
Two years ago, Queer Sporting Alliance (QSA) launched an Australian first – Q League.
A community basketball and netball league built by queer folk for queer folk.
To this day, they continue to change the game for the better as they expand their basketball tournaments across Melbourne into the Docklands.
“Q League is a space for the LGBTIQA+ community and their mates to come together and have a great time.”
“We are so proud of what we have built.” Executive Director Bindy Cohen.
A year into the role, Bindy is excited at how far QSA are coming.
This will be the 4th location for Q League in Australia.
“We are excited expanding to Docklands and hopefully more locations in the future,” Bindy said.
“We’re taking the community into sport and making the word community meaningful.”
With Q League embracing the true spirit of sport by celebrating the ‘all’, prioritising fun over winning.
People of all gender identities and abilities who often feel left out of traditional team sporting environments are welcome to play, including allies.
“Making sure our trans participants feel safe and comfortable has always been at our forefront.”
“When we started, we learned quickly that not everyone gets it.”
“The only way we could make people understand was to show them how it’s done.”
Everyone is welcome on QSA’s court
Q Leagues non-gendered tournaments are a world first, with all games following the same ‘rainbow rules”.
It’s something that traditional community sports clubs and competitions could learn from.
“We have so many allies that play because Q League’s community vibe makes them feel comfortable and safe.”
“We have enjoyed how intersectional the league has become, particularly for the neuro-divergent community who have been drawn to the welcoming environment of the league.”
‘Rainbow cards’ are awarded to players who score more than 10 points in a row, restricting them from the key until the end of the half.
A ‘no tryouts’ policy means no matter your experience, you get to join a team and play.
All players’ achievements are celebrated in ‘Rainbow Round’ with DJs cheering and more.
“Some of our players tell us they never thought they’d play team sports again because they hadn’t found a safe place,“ Bindy said,
“Which is mind-blowing. It makes no sense that someone must feel that way.”
Training for Docklands Q League has been taking place on Tuesday nights with games starting next month.
“August has been about ‘Come and Try’ sessions,” Bindy said. ‘if you’re unsure, you can come down and have a go.”
The scratch matches and small training sessions have been a great opportunity for people to step onto the court and see if it is for them.
Find out more about QSA and Q League here.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, and community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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novumtimes · 2 months
Emma Raducanu out of Citi Open after quarter-final defeat to Paula Badosa | Tennis News
Emma Raducanu’s hopes of winning the Citi Open were ended by a defeat to Paula Badosa in the quarter-finals. The 21-year-old made a promising start against her Spanish opponent as she took the first set 6-4, but Badosa sent the match to a decider with a hard-fought 7-5 success in the second set. Raducanu took a 2-0 lead in the decisive set, yet Badosa fought back and eventually ended the British player’s challenge in Washington DC by securing victory with a 6-4 third-set triumph. Twitter This content is provided by Twitter, which may be using cookies and other technologies. To show you this content, we need your permission to use cookies. You can use the buttons below to amend your preferences to enable Twitter cookies or to allow those cookies just once. You can change your settings at any time via the Privacy Options. Unfortunately we have been unable to verify if you have consented to Twitter cookies. To view this content you can use the button below to allow Twitter cookies for this session only. Enable Cookies Allow Cookies Once “I’m super happy,” Badosa said. “Emma played amazing, she took me to the limit and all of the places physically and mentally tennis-wise. “I knew I had to play very aggressive, and in the beginning I was missing and knew I had to adjust, but she was also making me miss. “She’s very fast. I’ve never played her before and it’s the first time I’ve experienced her, and I was surprised how smart she is on court and I really like how she plays. “It was a very nice fight and I hope people enjoyed it.” Badosa now faces Caroline Dolehide in the semi-finals after the American beat compatriot Amanda Anisimova 7-6 (7-5) 6-1 in their last-eight clash. More to follow… This is a breaking news story that is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh this page for the latest updates.Sky Sports brings you live updates as they happen. Get breaking sports news, analysis, exclusive interviews, replays and highlights. Sky Sports is your trusted source for breaking sports news headlines and live updates. Watch live coverage of your favourite sports: Football, F1, Boxing, Cricket, Golf, Tennis, Rugby League, Rugby Union, NFL, Darts, Netball and get the latest transfers news, results, scores and more. Visit skysports.com or the Sky Sports App for all the breaking sports news headlines. You can receive push notifications from the Sky Sports app for the latest news from your favourite sports and you can also follow @SkySportsNews on Twitter to get the latest updates. What’s coming up on Sky Sports Tennis? In the run-up to the final Grand Slam of 2024 – the US Open – you can watch all of the biggest tennis stars in action live on Sky Sports as they compete across the hard-court season. National Bank Open, Montreal (ATP 1000) 6-12 AugustNational Bank Open, Toronto (WTA 1000) 6-12 AugustCincinnati Open (ATP 1000) – 12-19 AugustCincinnati Open (WTA 1000) – 13-19 AugustWinston-Salem Open (ATP 250) – 18-24 August Watch the WTA and ATP Tours throughout 2024 on Sky Sports Tennis. Stream Sky Sports Tennis and more with a NOW Sports Month Membership. No contract, cancel anytime. Source link via The Novum Times
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davidcranford386 · 2 months
Social Indoor Netball: A Perfect Blend of Fitness and Fun
Social indoor netball is a dynamic and inclusive sport that combines physical fitness with social interaction. Played in a controlled indoor environment, this version of netball is gaining popularity due to its accessibility and emphasis on fun. With teams forming from friends, coworkers, and community groups, social indoor netball provides an enjoyable way to stay active and connected. Why Choose Indoor Netball? One of the main advantages of social indoor netball is its accessibility. Unlike traditional outdoor netball, indoor games are unaffected by weather conditions, making it possible to play year-round. The smaller court size and modified rules create a faster-paced game that is less physically demanding, allowing participants to enjoy the sport regardless of fitness level.
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Building Strong Social Connections Social indoor netball emphasizes the "social" aspect by encouraging players to interact and form bonds both on and off the court. Teams are often composed of friends or colleagues, fostering a sense of community and teamwork. Many leagues host social events and gatherings, providing additional opportunities for players to connect and socialize outside of regular matches.
Health Benefits of Playing Netball Playing social indoor netball offers numerous health benefits, making it an excellent choice for those looking to improve their fitness. The game involves a mix of cardiovascular exercise and muscle engagement, which enhances stamina, coordination, and agility. Additionally, the quick decision-making and strategic play involved in netball improve mental acuity and reaction times.
Catering to All Skill Levels
Social indoor netball is designed to accommodate players of all abilities, ensuring that everyone can participate and enjoy the game. Leagues often have graded divisions, allowing individuals to compete at a level that matches their experience. This inclusivity attracts a wide range of participants, from beginners to seasoned players, making the sport accessible to all.
Promoting Teamwork and Cooperation Teamwork is at the heart of social indoor netball. Success in the game requires players to collaborate, communicate effectively, and support one another. This collaborative aspect not only enhances the gameplay experience but also translates into improved teamwork skills in other areas of life, such as work and community involvement.
Social indoor netball is more than just a sport; it's a community activity that promotes health, happiness, and connection. With its focus on social interaction, fitness benefits, and accessibility for players of all levels, it's no wonder that this variation of netball has become a favorite pastime. Whether you're playing for fun or looking to meet new people, social indoor netball offers a rewarding experience that combines the excitement of the game with the joy of being part of a team.
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effortless23 · 3 months
Netball Across the Globe: Countries Where It Thrives
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Netball, a beloved sport known for its fast-paced gameplay and strategic maneuvers, has gained widespread popularity across various countries around the world. Originating from basketball, netball has evolved into a distinct sport with its own set of rules and dedicated fan base. Let's explore some of the countries where netball thrives and why it has become such a cultural phenomenon.
Australia: As one of the powerhouses in netball, Australia boasts a strong national league and a fervent following for the sport at all levels. From grassroots programs to elite competitions, netball holds a special place in Australian sports culture.
New Zealand: Known for producing some of the world's top netball players, New Zealand embraces netball with passion and pride. The national team, the Silver Ferns, is revered globally, and the sport enjoys widespread participation across communities.
England: In England, netball has seen a surge in popularity with the growth of professional leagues and grassroots initiatives. The Vitality Netball Superleague showcases top talent, while schools and clubs nurture the next generation of players.
Jamaica: Netball holds a prominent position in Jamaican sports, with the national team consistently ranking among the best globally. The sport is deeply ingrained in Jamaican culture, attracting players from all walks of life.
South Africa: Netball has made significant strides in South Africa, where it is widely played and supported. The national team, the SPAR Proteas, competes at the highest levels, inspiring a new generation of netball enthusiasts.
Across these countries and beyond, netball continues to thrive as a sport that promotes teamwork, skill development, and athleticism. Whether played competitively or recreationally, netball fosters camaraderie and a sense of community among its participants.
Understanding how to play netball involves mastering its unique rules, such as no running with the ball and designated positions on the court. Players must strategize to pass the ball to teammates and score goals while defending against opponents' attacks. The sport requires agility, coordination, and tactical awareness, making it both challenging and rewarding for players of all ages.
As netball gains momentum globally, its inclusivity and competitive spirit continue to attract new fans and participants. Whether you're cheering from the sidelines or stepping onto the court yourself, netball offers an exhilarating experience that celebrates athleticism and teamwork.
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tanyastuesdays · 5 months
You at 16
I couldn’t count it on my fingers and toes how much you were to me.
A never-ending waterfall fell from my mouth even at the slightest pin drop of you being around,
And suddenly,
I’m left to wonder where you are in the world.
I don’t know what you’re doing,
Who you’re with
Or what you like anymore.
I don’t even know who you are.
If they asked me to tell them who you were I would recount a version from a two months ago.
Sixty days and a new world has passed by and replaced you with a stranger.
Goodbye to the two girls, inseparable, always hip to hip.
We took on each new adventure together.
Rolling ankles on netball courts, silly little passes and snickers.
Needles sewn through fingers, hot glue burns and endless loose threads.
Dancing in living rooms, laughing at the table that broke my toe.
And suddenly,
I can’t breathe.
It’s an onslaught I don’t expect.
I see you once,
Your hair is a new colour.
I see you twice,
And you look just like the little girl I met fourteen years ago.
Your tiny fists have winded me,
Keeled me over and told me to remember.
I scream at her, you, she, you,
“Who do I remember?”
Do I remember two chests heavy with dread,
Illusive freedom at our fingertips
And bitter words on our tongues?
Do I remember soft gentle hands,
Pushing my hair back,
Saying ‘it’s okay’,
Beckoning me to safety,
Calling for hours on end,
The fuzzy yells about expensive phone calls?
Do I remember
You at 6
You at 10
You at 13
You at 16
And then again
You two months ago,
Twenty almost touching your lips.
No more will we see the world from the same lense,
But I’ll always hold two little girls’ hands as I walk across the street.
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headcentaur · 5 months
10 Essential Drills to Enhance Your Netball Skills
Are you eager to take your netball skills to the next level? Whether you're just stepping onto the court for the first time or you've been playing for years, the path to improvement lies in focused, targeted practice. In this guide, we'll explore a curated selection of 10 essential drills crafted to elevate your netball skills and propel you toward success on the court.
Netball is a sport that demands precision, agility, and strategic thinking. Regardless of your current skill level, committing to regular drills is essential for honing your abilities and mastering the intricacies of the game. With these carefully chosen drills, you'll have the tools you need to enhance your performance and take your netball game to new heights.
So, whether you're aiming to perfect your shooting technique, improve your passing accuracy, or enhance your defensive skills, this guide has you covered. Get ready to dive in, challenge yourself, and unlock your full potential as a netball player.
Netball is a dynamic and fast-paced sport that requires a combination of physical prowess, technical proficiency, and strategic thinking. Whether you're aspiring to compete at a high level or simply looking to improve your skills for recreational play, dedicating time to focused drills is crucial for development. In this article, we'll explore 10 essential drills that target various aspects of netball, from shooting and passing to footwork and defensive techniques. By incorporating these drills into your training routine, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more confident and proficient netball player.
The Main Part
1. Shooting Accuracy Drill
When it comes to netball, shooting accuracy reigns supreme as one of the most pivotal skills on the court. Elevating your shooting prowess requires dedicated practice and a keen focus on refining your technique. Start by creating a designated shooting station adjacent to the goal post, where you can hone your skills in a controlled environment. Experiment with shooting from different distances and angles, replicating game-like scenarios to sharpen your accuracy under pressure.
As you embark on your shooting drills, pay meticulous attention to the finer details of your technique. Begin by ensuring a firm and comfortable grip on the ball, allowing for optimal control and precision in your shots. Next, establish a solid stance, distributing your weight evenly and positioning your body in alignment with the goal post. This foundation provides stability and enhances your ability to generate power and accuracy in your shots.
As you release the ball, focus on executing a smooth and fluid follow-through motion. Extend your shooting arm fully towards the target, maintaining a consistent trajectory and release point with each shot. Aim to achieve a seamless transition from your shooting motion to your follow-through, ensuring that your movements flow effortlessly and with purpose.
2. Passing Precision Drill
Effective passing is essential for maintaining possession and creating scoring opportunities in netball. To enhance your passing precision, practice passing drills with a partner or against a wall. Focus on passing techniques such as chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass, ensuring accuracy and timing in your delivery.
3. Footwork Agility Drill
Agility and footwork are crucial for maneuvering around the court and evading defenders. Set up agility ladder drills or cone drills to improve your footwork and agility. Focus on quick and precise movements, including side steps, crossover steps, and pivots, to outmaneuver opponents and create space for yourself or your teammates.
4. Defensive Positioning Drill
Effective defensive positioning is essential for intercepting passes, blocking shots, and disrupting the opposition's attack. Practice defensive drills that focus on body positioning, timing, and anticipation. Work on maintaining a strong defensive stance, keeping your eyes on the ball, and anticipating your opponent's movements to intercept passes and regain possession.
5. Rebounding and Ball Retrieval Drill
Rebounding and ball retrieval are crucial skills for both offensive and defensive players in netball. Set up rebounding drills that simulate game situations, such as contested rebounds under the goal post or chasing loose balls along the sidelines. Focus on timing your jumps, positioning yourself for rebounds, and securing possession of the ball.
6. Communication and Teamwork Drill
Effective communication and teamwork are essential for success in netball. Practice drills that focus on communication between teammates, such as calling for passes, signaling for support, and coordinating defensive switches. Emphasize the importance of clear and concise communication to ensure effective teamwork on the court.
7. Shooting Under Pressure Drill
In a game situation, shooters often face pressure from defenders and the clock. Practice shooting drills that simulate game pressure, such as timed shooting challenges or shooting with defenders applying pressure. Focus on maintaining composure and confidence under pressure, ensuring consistency and accuracy in your shooting technique.
8. Passing Under Pressure Drill
Similarly, passing accuracy can be challenged by defensive pressure in a game situation. Practice passing drills that simulate defensive pressure, such as two-on-one passing drills or passing against defenders. Focus on maintaining control of the ball, making quick and accurate passes under pressure, and adapting to defensive movements.
9. Decision-Making and Game Awareness Drill
Good decision-making and game awareness are essential skills for all netball players. Practice drills that challenge your decision-making skills, such as small-sided games or scrimmage sessions. Focus on reading the game, anticipating plays, and making quick and effective decisions under pressure.
10. Fitness and Endurance Drill
Finally, netball is a physically demanding sport that requires endurance and stamina to maintain peak performance throughout the game. Incorporate fitness drills into your training routine, such as interval training, sprints, and circuit workouts. Focus on building cardiovascular fitness, strength, and endurance to excel on the court.
Summing Up
In conclusion, improving your netball skills requires dedication, practice, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By incorporating these 10 essential drills into your training regimen, you'll develop the fundamental skills and techniques needed to excel in all aspects of the game. Whether you're aiming to improve your shooting accuracy, passing precision, defensive positioning, or overall fitness, consistent practice and focused drills are the key to success in netball. So lace up your shoes, grab your ball, and get ready to elevate your game with these essential netball drills.
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premiersportsleisure · 6 months
Exploring The Intricacies Of Indoor Basketball Court Construction
In the realm of sports and recreation, few activities match the intensity and vigour of basketball and netball. Creating the perfect sports playing environment is paramount for athletes and enthusiasts as well. From this blog, we shall touch upon the world of indoor basketball court and netball court construction from the dimensions of the court to the quality of the playing surface.
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Exploring the Dynamics of Court Installation:
Building a basketball or netball court is a long drawn and detailed process, requiring attention to detail and precision. Here are some key factors involved in court installation:
Determining the court size and type: The dimensions of the court play a vital role in determining the overall playing experience. At Premier Courts, we offer a variety of court types, including hard courts, cushioned mats, and grass turfs, tailored to suit different preferences and requirements such as in the case of tennis grass surfaces or indoor basketball courts.
Materials and Construction: Each court type demands specific materials and construction techniques. For instance, acrylic courts require rubber underlays, dual coatings, and gel cushioning to ensure optimal performance and durability.
Site Preparation: Proper site preparation is essential for a flawless court installation. This includes excavation, grading, and drainage, as well as the installation of line markings, hoops/nets, lighting, and other amenities.
Understanding Resurfacing Costs:
Whether you're rejuvenating a worn-out court or upgrading to meet new standards, resurfacing is a crucial aspect of court maintenance. The overall costs are based on factors such as:
Court Condition: The condition of the court dictates the extent of resurfacing required. Factors such as size, composition, and overall wear and tear influence the cost estimation.
Base or foundation preparation: A solid base is essential for the longevity of the court surface. For synthetic grass tennis courts, the cost depends on factors like the quality and thickness of the turf used.
Labour and Resources: Skilled labour and specialised equipment are essential for the resurfacing process. This includes the removal of old surface materials, application of new products, and meticulous layering to achieve the desired finish.
In conclusion, at Premier Courts, we're committed to delivering excellence in basketball and netball court construction and resurfacing.
Whether you're organizing tournaments, coaching sessions or playing recreationally with friends, investing in professional court installation and maintenance ensures an impeccable playing environment for all.
Contact Us: Premier Courts Visit Us- https://premiercourts.com.au/contact-us/ E-mail- [email protected] Call Us- 1300 552 882
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packernet · 8 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2024/01/17/contrasting-dynamics-netball-v-football/
Contrasting Dynamics: Netball v. Football
Embarking on a journey to understand the nuanced realms of team sports, this comparative analysis looks into the contrasting dynamics of netball and football. As two distinct games that share the common threads of teamwork, strategy, and scoring, netball and football unfold on different stages, each with its unique set of rules, playing fields, and cultural significance. While the two sports have a dynamically large range across all aspects, they provide interesting compliments to one another, from which players on both sides can learn a lot, especially when looking for some activity in the offseason.
Team Structure
Netball is characterized by a team structure involving seven players, each with specific positions and roles. Before going further, you should learn more about how to play netball if you aren’t familiar. The positions include goal shooter, goal attack, wing attack, center, wing defense, goal defense, and goalkeeper. In contrast, football boasts a larger team structure with eleven players on the field at any given time. And for many, trusting the defense can pose the trickiest aspect compared to netball’s offense-centered structure.
Netball’s gameplay revolves around precise passing, strategic positioning, and accurate shooting. It is a non-contact sport where players cannot move freely across the court but are confined to designated areas based on their positions. Football, on the other hand, is a highly physical and contact-driven sport.
Field/Court Dimensions
Netball is played on a rectangular court divided into thirds, with distinct shooting circles at each end. The court dimensions are standardized, and players adhere to specific zones based on their positions. Football is played on a larger rectangular field marked with yard lines, hash marks, and end zones.
In netball, points are scored by successfully shooting the ball through the opponent’s goal post. Each successful shot earns the team one point. Scoring in football is more diverse, with different actions yielding varying point values. The primary goal is to score a touchdown by crossing the opponent’s goal line, which is worth six points. Additional points can be earned through field goals (3 points), extra-point kicks, or two-point conversions.
Contact Rules
Netball is known for its limited physical contact rules. Physical clashes are minimized, emphasizing fair play, quick decision-making, and skillful maneuvering to outwit opponents. Football, in contrast, is characterized by its physical and contact-oriented nature. Tackling is a fundamental defensive maneuver, and players engage in blocking, tackling, and physical confrontations throughout the game.
Duration of Play
Netball matches are typically played in four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes (though variations exist depending on the level of play). The structured quarters provide opportunities for teams to strategize, adjust tactics, and showcase their endurance and skill over the course of the game. Football games are also divided into four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes in the NFL (though actual game time can extend due to stoppages or overtime periods).
In comparing netball and American football across these dimensions, it becomes evident that while both sports share common elements of teamwork and strategy, their distinct rules and styles of play contribute to their unique identities and appeal.
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hyypnotix-writes · 1 year
I’m sorry I just get nervous jaja
I'm from Argentina, so I'm also sorry to tell you that we're still alive in the World Cup, although by a very small difference, yesterday was an incredible game! I honestly didn't think we would get through, it has been an honor to compete against Wales!
I completely understand your point of view.
I mean football has always been very important for all of us here, it seems incredible but we breathe football, we are happy for football and we cry too; If it's football, 90% of the country wears it with its heart on its sleeve.
Although lately we have been doing very well in different sports nationwide, almost everything always ends up in something related to football.
To give you an example we can use the rugby world cup but if you don't mind, I'll also give you a little context.
Like every year the Copa Libertadores is played (it would be like a South American Champions League) and this year the fans of the Boca Juniors club (including me) did not stop looking for coincidences and situations that had happened the last time they won a Libertadores, we did something very similar with the 2022 World Cup ((believe me that there are still Twitter threads with all our conspiracy theories and "sacrifices" made by Argentines going around social media). If we win this Cup (we already reached the final as the first team to go through all the kill-kill matches on penalties in the history of the Cup) it would be our seventh CL so obviously we are all so obsessed that we see the number 7 everywhere ( there are also Twitter threads about this on the media).
Going back to the example, the last time the Pumas went to the semis was in 2007. And what happened that year? Boca won their last Libertadores. And now that the Pumas have returned to the semi-finals and we are all happy about it, we cannot help but not find the coincidence of the events and therefore fill ourselves with hope for winning “La Séptima” just for the simple fact that something that happened the last time we did it has happened again.
Sometimes I wonder if we are really so bad at a socioeconomic level that we put all our joys, hopes and sometimes sadness in a sport or if we are simply that passionate since we were born or if we are simply a country full of crazy people
I used to play tennis and paddle tennis, I still play as a hobby when I am very stressed and yes you are right, it is considered an elitist sport because to perform professionally you need a very high budget. Basically because it is an individual sport where all the expenses are your responsibility and you are not part of a team. Just like golf, you need special equipment to play it, from the racket to the balls. Generally, an instructor or coach is required to acquire correct technique and these classes are generally not cheap, then the courts are special, they are almost always inside a club, and that club charges a membership that is almost always inaccessible to most people.
Ps: I apologize for the endless text, I think I got carried away.
Ps2: I’m soo in love with your fics :)
you knocked us out!! 👀🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
was a really close match in the first half - Argentina definitely deserved the win in the end tho, we threw it away ..quite literally!
New Zealand next for you ..a very tough draw! good luck 🥲🍀
I remember seeing drone footage of some of the celebrations in Argentina after the World Cup win!! HUGE turnout 🥹
I quite like the small patriotism that comes with sports - I never feel more Welsh than when watching rugby 🥲
I always find it fun when a nation really gets behind their team - whatever the sport
I think superstitions and coincidences always play a big part too - adds to the fun of it all, building up the excitement!
I feel like there was a whole thing with the number 2 in anticipation of Barcelona’s second Champions League win last season ? and that ended up happening ..so maybe there’s something in it ✨
but no, you’re so right! football and netball were always free after school clubs (in my experience) so almost everyone has played football, and most girls over here will have played netball at some point too I think
that’s very fun! I’m a huge fan of tennis, just never had much chance to play - I was very good at it on the Nintendo Wii tho 😂 it was never offered as anything in school, same with rugby, or even cricket so I think they always seemed a bit fancier
idk if it’s because they’re less popular, generally, or maybe it’s just more expensive for schools to run - the most exotic thing my secondary school offered once was rowing which I quite liked ..definitely felt a bit posh, and it ultimately involved having to join a club outside of school
please don’t apologise! I quite like getting long messages 🥰
and thank you for reading it! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it so far 🥹❤️
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