riverclan — year ten — allegiances
don't worry i learned my lesson.
leader: sleetstar (7y).
deputy: stonestream (5y).
seer: willowshine (5y). (apprentice: breezepaw)
mallowtail (11y).
mosspelt (8y).
dawnflower (8y).
ridgeshore (7y).
greymist (6y).
mintfur (5y).
prickletail (5y).
sprucefire (5y). (apprentice: cloudpaw)
beechfur (5y).
breezeantler (4y). (apprentice: brackenpaw)
spruce-eye (4y).
thunderglow (4y).
pouncetail (4y).
squailnose (4y).
petalfur (4y).
prickleice (4y). (apprentice: jaypaw)
cedardawn (3y).
copperglow (3y).
mapleface (3y).
yarrowsight (3y).
ashberry (3y).
birchwing (3y).
mapleglow (3y).
brightstem (3y).
lizardtail (2y).
slushpelt (2y).
thunderthroat (2y).
vanillastone (2y).
dewstream (2y).
perchwing (2y).
dawndapple (1y).
leafwing (1y).
yellowclaw (1y).
lakeheart (1y).
mallownose (1y).
shimmerpelt (1y).
sneezecloud (1y).
willowfeather (1y).
havenpelt (1y).
barkdawn (5y). (kits: brightkit, foxkit, snowkit)
rootsun (5y). (kit: shadekit)
oakheart (15y).
skyheart (13y).
grasswhisker (10y).
nettlestream (3y).
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About SolarClan
PAST LEADERS: Volestar [founder], Pipitstar, Cuckoostar, Duststar, Honeystar, Swiftstar, Wisteriastar, Diverstar, Salmonstar, Rookstar, Loonstar, Ashstar, Slugstar, Lizardstar, Rainstar, Chanterellestar, Burnetstar, Whitestar, Campionstar, Rushstar, Cherrystar, Twitestar, Beetlestar, Honeystar, Juniperstar, Maplestar, Cedarstar, [unknown]star
PAST MEDICINE CATS: Grousetail, Kitenose, Knotwhisker, Foxfur, Harrierfur, Gadwallfang, Emberpelt, Burdockclaw, Dunlinleaf, Goosefur, Goldentail, Thrushflower, Eagleheart, Cherryfur, Goldennose, Boulderstorm, Harriertail, Nettlestream, Bramblingflower, Fogstream, Wisteriafur, Waxstorm, Waspnose, Avocetcloud, Mallowtail, Sycamorewhisker, Crowfang, Brownstorm, Otterfoot, Heronfang, [unknown]
CAMP: ShadowClan’s abandoned twolegplace. Each of the rooms are used for differing dens: the bedroom for the nursery, the bathroom for the medicine den, the study for the leader’s den, etc. and etc. It was here that the original Clan cats found strangers living, and joined forces with them in an unheard of pact between loner and Clan. They were named Solar- after the other group’s founder, an ancient cat named Sol, signifying the union of the two groups. 
TERRITORY: ShadowClan’s ancient territory. At one point they owned half of SkyClan territory, however due to WildClan’s advances they were pushed back behind the little waterway. Keeping the smallest territory, SolarClan is in a bit of a stitch, as they cannot claim more territory from WildClan due to the waterway that now seperates them (and WildClan’s fierce protection of the twolegplace bridge); but they can’t take any territory from FarmClan due to their strength and deep, cascading river.
PERSONALITY: SolarClan is notably different from the other two, thanks to the joining of Clan and loner. Loner culture made its way into SolarClan’s daily life, such as a difference in how outsiders are regarded, and how tightly one should stick to the Warrior Code. They ask many questions, often ones that have no forseeable answer. They are a bit more artistic and - if one’s being honest with themselves - eccentric.
APPEARANCE: SolarClan cats tend to be big, fluffy, and dark. It seems that white just doesn’t occur in their genepool, for whatever reason - at least, not pure white. And it isn’t that they almost exclusively sport black or grey cats - no, they might be the most colorful Clan on the spectrum! The difference is that they just happen to be incredibly dark. Their ginger cats are always dark russet or deep rust; their grey cats are charcoaly; their brown tabbies are a deep ruddy brown, and their black cats come out blacker-than-black it seems. They have very lithe builds under all their fur, and are quite nimble despite their percieved size. They have almost strikingly pale eyes, ranging from green to blue. They also tend to have slightly strange white patterns, such as having white faces or an all-white back half, giving them the effect of ‘pants.’
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riverclan — year twelve — allegiances
leader: sleetstar (9y). she-cat with thin stripes.
deputy: barkdawn (7y). very pale she-cat with long fur and gold eyes.
seer: brightsun (2y). small white she-cat with pale cream points and blue eyes.
mosspelt (10y). she-cat with white patches.
ridgeshore (9y). red tom with dark flecks and hunting skills.
greymist (8y). mangy, pale grey she-cat. (apprentice: burpaw)
mintfur (7y). light grey tabby tom.
sprucefire (7y). skinny, strong tom.
breezeantler (6y). small tom with dark eyes.
thunderglow (6y). tom with white paws.
petalfur (6y). scrawny, grey and white she-cat with amber eyes.
prickleice (6y). slender, white tom with tabby patches on his head and back, and green eyes.
cedardawn (5y). brown she-cat.
mapleface (5y). mottled she-cat with white patches.
yarrowsight (5y). tom with long fur.
birchwing (5y). blind, magnificent, mottled red she-cat with long fur and orange eyes.
mapleglow (5y). brindled she-cat with long fur and yellow eyes.
lizardtail (4y). light brown tom.
slushpelt (4y). white she-cat with very pale patches and orange eyes.
vanillastone (4y). red tom with white paws.
dewstream (4y). grey she-cat with long fur.
leafwing (3y). she-cat with amber eyes.
yellowclaw (3y). pale she-cat with blue eyes.
shimmerpelt (3y). silver grey she-cat.
sneezecloud (3y). grey tom.
willowfeather (3y). dappled cream tom with long fur and copper eyes.
havenpelt (3y). black and white she-cat.
jayclaw (2y). grey tom.
foxnose (2y). russet tabby tom.
snoweye (2y). cream tom.
breezeheart (1y). brown and white she-cat.
dappletuft (1y). grey and white tom with blue eyes.
gorseclaw (1y). tom with grey ears.
harelight (1y). white tom.
moonblossom (1y). magnificent, dappled grey she-cat with white paws and orange eyes.
nightsky (1y). dark gray she-cat with blue eyes.
softpelt (1y). dark grey she-cat.
cariboufoot (1y). brown she-cat.
dewfeather (1y). pale brown she-cat.
lightningleap (1y). large she-cat with a streak over her shoulders and copper eyes.
moosefur (1y). white she-cat.
curlfeather (1y). handsome, pale brown she-cat. (kit: ricekit)
mallowtail (13y). tortoiseshell and white she-cat.
pouncetail (6y). ginger and white tom with a short tail.
copperglow (4y). dark she-cat.
nettlestream (4y). brown tabby tom.
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riverclan — year eleven — allegiances
leader: sleetstar (8y). dark she-cat with thin black stripes and copper eyes. (apprentice: harepaw)
deputy: stonestream (6y). large, muscular tom.
seer: brightsun (1y). she-cat with brown points. (apprentice: bentpaw)
grasswhisker (11y). small tabby she-cat.
mosspelt (9y). tortoiseshell and white she-cat with blue eyes.
ridgeshore (8y). red tom with copper eyes and hunting skills.
greymist (7y). mangy, pale grey she-cat.
mintfur (6y). light grey tabby tom.
prickletail (6y). battle-scarred, small brown tom with a banded tail.
sprucefire (6y). small, pale tom with darker stripes.
barkdawn (6y). she-cat with long fur.
breezeantler (5y). small, magnificent, grey tom with banded legs and dark gold eyes. (apprentice: softpaw)
thunderglow (5y). heavy tom with white paws and yellow eyes.
pouncetail (5y). white tom with a tabby tail. (apprentice: moonpaw)
petalfur (5y). she-cat with a hooked tooth. (apprentice: nightpaw)
prickleice (5y). tom with patches on his back.
copperglow (4y). ginger she-cat.
mapleface (4y). mottled she-cat with long fur and teal eyes.
yarrowsight (4y). large, graceful, pale cream tom with darker stripes, long fur, and copper eyes. (apprentice: curlpaw)
birchwing (4y). blind, magnificent, mottled red she-cat with orange eyes.
mapleglow (4y). she-cat with dark yellow eyes.
brightstem (4y). calico she-cat.
lizardtail (3y). light brown tom.
slushpelt (3y). white she-cat with long fur and orange eyes. (apprentice: dapplepaw)
vanillastone (3y). tom with white paws.
dewstream (3y). light she-cat with long fur. (apprentice: gorsepaw)
perchwing (3y). small she-cat.
dawndapple (2y). broad-shouldered white tom.
leafwing (2y). brindled she-cat with amber eyes.
yellowclaw (2y). pale she-cat.
shimmerpelt (2y). silver grey she-cat. (apprentice: breezepaw)
sneezecloud (2y). grey tom.
willowfeather (2y). cream tom with long fur and copper eyes.
havenpelt (2y). black and white she-cat.
lakeheart (2y). grey she-cat.
jayclaw (1y). grey tom.
cloudheart (1y). dark grey tom with a white belly.
foxnose (1y). russet tabby tom.
snoweye (1y). pale cream tom with dappled patches and teal eyes.
brackenpelt (1y). tortoiseshell she-cat with a torn ear. (kit: morningkit)
cedardawn (4y). pale brown she-cat with a white flash and yellow eyes. (kits: blackkit, burkit, cariboukit, dewkit, lightningkit, moosekit)
skyheart (14y). graceful, brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and torn ears.
mallowtail (12y). tabby she-cat.
nettlestream (4y). tabby tom.
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riverclan — year nine — greenleaf
skywhisper dies.
lakeheart, mallownose, shimmerpelt, sneezecloud, and willowfeather become warriors.
creampaw dies.
breezepaw is apprenticed to willowshine. leopardkit dies. i am sad about that.
owlkit also dies.
slushpelt and showernose have two kits, cloudkit (dark grey tom with a white belly and green eyes) and dewkit (very pale cream she-cat with white freckles, long fur, and green eyes). i'm really attached to this family.
skyheart and nettlestream retire. greyeye dies.
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riverclan — year eight — new leaf
showernose becomes a warrior.
so many apprentices...
bullpaw, hollowpaw, echopaw, lizardpaw, pinyonpaw, slushpaw, thunderpaw, and vanillapaw to nettlestream, mistystar, barkdawn, mosspelt, rootsun, spruce-eye, greymist, and pouncetail.
(barkdawn and rootsun are excited to train apprentices together.)
hackberrykit, windkit, and skykit die.
silverfang has six kits with nettlestream: dawnkit (blind white tom with yellow eyes), heronkit, juniperkit (red tom), leafkit (brindled she-cat with amber eyes), skykit (massive pale tom with tipped fur), and yellowkit (pale, tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes, darker points). silverfang, unfortunately, passes away giving birth.
greyeye retires.
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riverclan — year seven — newleaf
prickleice, cedardawn, copperglow, mapleface, nettlestream, and yarrowsight become warriors.
ashpaw, birchpaw, maplepaw, and oakpaw are apprenticed to thunderglow, barkdawn, ridgefall, and willowshine.
mosspelt has a litter of kits with pouncetail: dandelionkit (ginger she-cat with stripes), frostkit (she-cat with very pale cream patches and yellow eyes), and showerkit (cream tom with darker stripes, a white patch, and yellow eyes).
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riverclan — year six — leaffall
tumblecloud dies.
beetlepaw dies.
cedarpaw, cloudpaw, copperpaw, maplepaw, nettlepaw, and yarrowpaw are apprenticed to pinesun, dawnflower, duskfur, sleetblossom, sprucesky, and grasswhisker.
windkit dies.
greyeye has seven kits with squailnose:
ashkit: grey tom with hazel eyes
birchkit: blind, mottled red she-cat with long fur and orange eyes
greykit: (sorry, i did NOT notice when i was picking names lmao) dark tom with amber eyes
maplekit: she-cat with long fur
oakkit: pale tom
pinekit: black she-cat
sleetkit: pale silver tom with dark stripes and long fur
and that's it!
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riverclan — year nine — allegiances
note: new format because i've moved off of the legacy editor and i don't have a markdown editor anymore and that makes a lot of the formatting i do for these a pain. it's similar, just easier for me to type.
note from editing matthew: i absolutely hate how i did this it's making my life really annoying, and i have at LEAST three years to get through.
leader: mistystar (11y). small, lithe, pale blue-gray she-cat with sleek fur and ice-blue eyes.
deputy: sleetblossom (6y). striped she-cat. (apprentice: willowpaw)
seer: willowshine (4y). small, sleek, thick, and soft-furred, gray tabby she-cat with bright eyes.
skyheart (12y). graceful, pale brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and torn ears.
mallowtail (10y). large, tortoiseshell-tabby-and-white she-cat. (apprentice: yellowpaw)
mosspelt (7y). tortoiseshell she-cat.
dawnflower (7y). small, very pale grey she-cat with copper eyes and a long scar.
ridgefall (6y). black tom with green eyes.
ridgeshore (6y). tom with dark flecks and copper eyes.
voletooth (6y). tabby tom. (apprentice: shimmerpaw)
greymist (5y). grey tabby she-cat. (apprentice: creampaw)
mintfur (4y). light grey tabby tom.
prickletail (4y). pale tom with a banded tail and teal eyes. (apprentice: dawnpaw)
sprucefire (4y). (apprentice: mallowpaw)
stonestream (4y).
beechfur (4y).
breezeantler (3y).
spruce-eye (3y). (apprentice: sneezepaw)
thunderglow (3y). (apprentice: skypaw)
pouncetail (3y).
squailnose (3y).
grasspelt (3y).
petalfur (3y). (apprentice: leafpaw)
prickleice (3y).
cedardawn (2y).
copperglow (2y).
mapleface (2y).
nettlestream (2y).
yarrowsight (2y).
ashberry (2y). (apprentice: lakepaw)
birchwing (2y).
mapleglow (2y).
brightstem (2y).
showernose (1y).
echoshine (1y).
lizardtail (1y).
slushpelt (1y).
thunderthroat (1y).
vanillastone (1y).
dewstream (1y).
perchwing (1y).
rootsun (4y). (kit: havenkit)
barkdawn (4y).
oakheart (14y). big, slender, dark reddish-brown tom with amber eyes.
grasswhisker (9y).
greyeye (6y).
okay y'know what? i give up! allegiances with no appearance information! i'm fucking tired! i'm sorry! i made a bad choice!
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riverclan — year eight — allegiances
leader: mistystar (10y). small, lithe, pale blue-gray she-cat with thick, sleek fur, a pink nose, and ice-blue eyes.
deputy: pinesun (3y). intimidating brown and red she-cat with a white chest.
seer: willowshine (3y). small, lithe, sleek, thick-furred, pale gray she-cat with green eyes.
sedgecreek (11y). huge, dark brown tabby she-cat with a long tail.
grasswhisker (8y). pretty she-cat.
mosspelt (6y). tortoiseshell she-cat with soft, white chest fur.
dawnflower (6y). small, very pale grey she-cat with dark copper eyes and a scar.
ridgefall (5y). tom with pale eyes.
sleetblossom (5y). dark brown she-cat with thin stripes and copper eyes.
silverfang (5y). young, silver she-cat with gold eyes.
greyeye (5y). large she-cat.
ridgeshore (5y). tom with dark flecks and hunting skills.
voletooth (5y). small tom.
greymist (4y). mangy, pale gray tabby she-cat.
mintfur (3y). light grey tabby tom.
prickletail (3y). battle-scarred, lithe, pale tom with a banded tail, white paws, and teal eyes.
sprucefire (3y). tom with amber eyes.
barkdawn (3y). very pale cream she-cat with gold eyes.
rootsun (3y). red she-cat with darker spots, white paws, and bad vision.
stonestream (3y). large, muscular tom with golden eyes. (apprentice — showerpaw)
beechfur (3y). brown tom.
breezeantler (2y). grey tom with banded legs and dark gold eyes.
spruce-eye (2y). dark tom.
thunderglow (2y). heavy, grey tom with white paws and yellow eyes
pouncetail (2y). ginger and white tom with a tabby tail.
squailnose (2y). young tom.
grasspelt (2y). light brown tom.
petalfur (2y). small she-cat with one hooked tooth.
prickleice (2y). tom with patches on his head and back.
cedardawn (1y). pale brown she-cat with a white flash and yellow eyes.
copperglow (1y). thickset, dark ginger she-cat.
mapleface (1y). mottled red she-cat with white patches, long fur, and teal eyes.
nettlestream (1y). dark tabby tom.
yarrowsight (1y). pale cream tom with darker stripes, long fur, and copper eyes.
ashberry (1y). dappled grey tom with hazel eyes.
birchwing (1y). blind red she-cat with orange eyes.
mapleglow (1y). brindled she-cat with long fur and yellow eyes.
brightstem (1y). calico she-cat with varied patches.
skyheart (11y). graceful, pale brown she-cat with torn ears. (kits — bullkit, echokit, hackberrykit, hollowkit, pinyonkit, windkit)
mallowtail (9y). large, tortoiseshell she-cat. (kits — lizardkit, slushkit, thunderkit, vanillakit)
dawnfire (2y). long-furred she-cat with dark brown stripes. (kits — dewkit, perchkit, pinekit, shadekit, skykit)
oakheart (13y). big, slender, reddish-brown tom with amber eyes.
sandstream (5y). large, fluffy cream tom with pale stripes, a scar, and pale green eyes.
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