flapplestoflapples · 30 days
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thylacid · 5 months
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siblings yay
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cow239358234 · 12 days
hi cowpaw! who is bullpaw?
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COWPAW: bullpaw is my brother! he's fuzzy goofball, but he cares. he's been visiting me every day now for... how long? 2 moons?... he's great!
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bonefall · 1 year
It's the clanmew rabbithole anon again. I have so many OCs and i find the translations way too fun lol.
Rainstone- Ssacharbon (deluge-useful stone). Lots of different rain words to choose from, but deluge felt pretty fitting for this character! Useful stone over other rock types because Rainstone is a very dutiful cat who cares a lot for his clan, and I think using useful stone specifically kind of emphasizes that.
Tundrawolf- Hchomuruoo (swan-wolf). Tundrawolf was actually given his prefix after the tundra swan, and it is a legacy name for his grandfather, Swanstar, and I chose to keep that over the snow/winter vibes of the name. Wolf was an easy direct translation.
Sootscorch- Keyafifkar (cinder-burned). Soot turning into cinder/ash feels like a no brainer. Scorch translates to burned- Sootscorch's name brings up the imagery of scorch marks, so burned feels fitting.
Roothollow- Babechokyaog (dead tree limb-forest). YOU. This one gave me so much trouble. Roothollow has the imagery of roots in a forested hollow, fitting for her lowkey and dependable personality. But the use of hollow also gives the vibe of emptiness and wrongness... and considering Roothollow is the daughter of a disgraced, cruel medicine cat, that's definitely something she carries. So I had a really hard time finding something that encompasses that. I think that the imagery of a forest full of dead trees also has a similar vibe, even if it isn't a perfect 1:1. I tried my best here.
Larkspurpeak- Mwssafponmahssbup (poisonous flower-tor). No translation for Larkspur. She was very specifically named after a toxic flower- her parents were kinda morbid lol. So keeping the theme of poison flower felt like it vibed here. And I used tor since it gives the idea of a rock formation, in the absence of being able to use mountain or mountain peak.
Lilydawn- Gaorponma'awhaf (tiger flower-dawn). She has an appearance that reminds me do the tiger lily, and since there's no word for lily, tiger flower! Dawn was a pretty easy 1:1 translation.
Bullflower- Gruagponma (fallow deer stag-flower). So for this prefix, I chose to keep story meaning over choosing an animal that would translate more directly. Bullflower is trans, and his birth name was Cowkit/paw, which he later changed to Bullpaw, and then he received the warrior name Bullflower. I imagine in clanmew, his birth name was Niaa (fallow deer doe).
Mallardsun- Kwekhapif (duck-daytime). Mallard was easily simplified into duck. For sun, I chose the imagery of daytime when the sun is shining, rather than translating directly.
Toadcackle- Yauwaoababa'amam (loud-speaking-toad). Toad was a direct translation. For cackle, though, there aren't any words for laughter or even purring that I could use, so I settled for loud, uproarious speech.
Brookshine- Yawshasheni (brook-shimmering). Pretty easy translation here!
Kitestar- Eeaoshai (red kite-star). Warrior name was Kitefang- Eeaoki (red kite-fang). He was named for the swallow tailed kite, but the red kite is the closest alternative!
Batspark- Fipskop (bat-spark). Really direct translation here! Chose the generic name over something more specific because Batspark was named after the silver haired bat.
Lightshadow- Olurrwasha (pale-shadow). Lightshadow's prefix was for their light coat colour, so I went with pale to pair better with shadow.
Dovefire- Hrrukafyar (rock pigeon-wildfire). Dove was just a matter of picking a pigeon species. As for why I went with the wildfire meaning specifically, it's because Dovefire herself was a spitfire and generally uncontrolled.
Once you start translating one, you just can't stop. I love the way you choose poetic meanings over direct translations, that's the spirit!
Tundrawolf being Swanwolf in Clanmew is actually super cool. A swan is actually strong enough to kill large dogs, if it gets them in the water. That's a little known fact. "Swanwolf" brings to my mind the idea of a graceful wolf that flies, kind of like a Clan cat version of a griffin. Two ferocious animals put together.
ANYWAY, onto some new words for you;
To Laugh = Frrafrra/Frrafrr/Ffrraf
It's less of a "laugh" than it is an "amused purr," but it will do for anyone who's trying to translate some kind of joyful response to a thing.
You know... I find it kinda weird that Lily is so common in canon. There are three "direct" translations for lilies in this region, but it seems so odd that "lily" is used for a general nice 'flowery' name.
I feel like the word the Erins should be using is "Orchid," actually. It has a sort of 'exotic' feeling but it's the far more common flower in this region. It makes me wonder if they ever meant to use it, and then thought it was an exclusively tropical flower so they used lily instead.
But, anyway, here are the three lilies;
Spadderdock/Brandybottle/Yellow Water-Lily (Nuphar lutea) = Pobba YES I will accept Brandy or Spadder as a valid warrior suffix because of this plant. It's a type of lilypad with a straight, towering yellow flower almost like a little tail, and a heart-shaped leafpad. VERY common in ShadowClan, and has a distinct smell like fermented fruit. (Its common name, brandybottle, comes from how much it smells like brandy)
White Waterlily (Nymphaea alba) = Powo The "waterlily" people tend to think of when they imagine them. A round leafpad with a white, blooming, lotus-like flower.
Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) = Urcha The most common flower to bring up when 'lily' is invoked, though Clan cats believe it's actually a white 'relative' of bluebells. Not the common "lily" that comes to mind when you're imagining floral arrangements!
So, feel free to come up with your own word for tigerlily there! Gaorponma works perfectly for what you were trying to invoke.
This is another thing that makes me tilt me head about canon-- why do the cats have so many words for fire and its byproducts if they don't cook? Especially soot, specifically. Soot is what builds up as a result of controlled fires. Chimney soot, exhaust soot, you know. Why have more than "cinder" when cats are only supposed to see 1 fire in an entire generation?
But thankfully, BB cats cook. AND they can make things out of very fine soot, enough to want to distinguish it from cinders. It can become a pigment called bistre!
So Sootfur's name in BB is probably going to be able to translate as Bistrefur or Sootfur, depending. And in any case, that word is;
Soot/Very fine ashes/Bistre = Keybo (Cinder + Pigment)
Hmmm.... well in a previous one today, I made a word for Root, Pehur. So that's out of the way.
Part of me has actually been dancing around 'hollow' specifically because I like watching people try to come up with a way around it, lmao. It's such a good English word! It means so many things!
But the jig is up 😔It's time for some words for various lonely places.
Swale = Ulako From Ul Arra/One Whole + Kossa/Tree. The dead space that immediately surrounds a tree, where its roots and shade prevent other plants from establishing too deeply. Tend to be sunken and marshier than the surrounding areas.
Barrens = Kosmpor From Curse + Soil. An area that has recently been devastated by a natural disaster, and cannot support life. During the destruction of the White Hart, everything was reduced to kosmpor.
Hollow = Lurre A dip in a forested area, often a bit secluded and easy to miss. A good place to hide secret visitors.
Glen = Hwur A hollow that does not have any trees.
Ditch = Sskow An open pit that is dug deliberately, usually for training purposes so they're surrounded by soft dirt, but sometimes just to cool off or to set up a safe place to start a fire.
Tor = Hssbup A rocky outcrop in moorland that protects against wind. WindClan warriors are only allowed to construct ovens or fires in a hssbup else they might start a fire through the sparks being carried away.
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citrineclan · 1 month
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Sagospot, even giving all the credit where it's due, can only conclude it was a pretty wretched ceremony.
He glances toward Ula, who looks only a little miffed at the chant of "Keliheart!" being cut short in the wake of the young molly storming off mid cheer. No one else seems to care, but to be fair, that had been a common theme throughout the whole rite. Freezenut had been by far the most ecstatic when setting the bar, but even his jubilance could not make up for his wispy voice, marred from moons of grief. Sagospot supposes he was a close second, and that thought is quick to trickle down the well-worn rivulets of guilt etched into the vertebrae of his spine. It's uncomfortable and familiar, and his fur stands on end wherever the feeling touches.
The ceremonial circle collapses around him, the clan quick to return to their previous obligations. It's as if this was nothing but an inconvenient interruption to their days. Narrowing his eyes, Sagospot's gaze follows Keliheart's retreating figure, homing in on that tense posture and fluffed fur. A haze of whispering shadow has settled over her shoulders, and - following that uncanny urge yanking at him from the same parts of him still chilled by shame - Sagospot takes off after her.
The tom catches up by the time Keliheart has taken a seat at the edge of the ocean. Her limbs are set for a truly impressively macabre sulk session. She's just out of range of the lapping shore, eyes narrowed as she sneers at the foaming water. When she throws her head back and stares blankly at the sky, Sagospot takes that as his cue to insert himself.
His younger sister's ear twitches at Sagospot's approaching pawsteps, but she otherwise does not comment. Anxiously, the tom watches as her features begin to swim. Something moves out of the corner of his vision, and he forces himself to blink several times. The whispers of the ocean have begun to sound more and more like chattering voices.
That's enough of that, he thinks at himself decisively.
"Ooh, you found the prime brooding location," Sagospot meows aloud, finding delight where he can. "I think every cat's been here at least once. In fact -"
"Does he know," Keliheart interrupts, voice hard as ice, "that he can name us after literally anything else?"
Sagospot, shepherded into silence by the vitriol - but not quite surprised at it - does not answer her. She seems to take this as a need to elaborate.
"That's two for two on his protégé's," she explains bitterly.
Sagospot smiles weakly, trying to find the right words around the vestiges of Scaleheart and Bouvardiakit clamoring for his attention. "Is it really so bad to be named after her?"
The pushback, however slight, seems to take most of the steam out of his younger sister. Keliheart hangs her head, ears flat. "I dunno," she mumbles, voice no longer edged with a serrated bite. "Just thought I could finally have some individuality. Something of my own."
Sagospot hums agreeably, settling down beside her by the water's edge. (And after he just got all the starchy salt out of his pelt from moons of doing nothing but mourning by the ocean! Really, the lengths he goes to.) "We all need a little something of our own," he concurs.
Keliheart glances at him. She opens her maw to say something, thinks better of it, and then closes it. Instead, she says, "So, like, first I was Bullpaw's twin. We looked so alike. Then he got taken - RIP to a real one by the way, straight up fanum taxed, really."
Sagospot stares at her blankly. Slowly, he nods. "Sure." Then, "Do you guys even know what you're saying half the time?"
His sister acts as if he hasn't said anything. "And now, as soon as I get some freedom, I'm nothing more than Scaleheart's daughter." She pauses, glares at nothing, then shudders. "Or, even worse, I'm just some K-Mart Mambaheart."
Sagospot means to ask what a K-Mart is. "You do kinda look like Scaleheart," is what comes out of his muzzle instead. Keliheart bristles. Flecks of the shadow along her back spatter onto the ground next to her. A little gets on Sagospot's paws, and he does everything in his power not to react.
"Ugh," Keliheart groans, turning to face him, "look, dude, I really don't mean this in a cruel way, but don't you get tired of being known as the weird one?
Well. I never. "... Rude."
"I don't want to be known as just 'Scaleheart's daughter' the same way you don't want to be known as just 'the weird one'."
"... Okay."
"And - okay, this is going to sound awful, especially coming from me to you, but - she's DEAD. Gone. We don't get Spirits or Starclan or Naiads. No one is ever seeing her ever again. And, you know what? Get over it. I sure did. I got over it like that." She does her best to snap with her paws. "Oh, well, Ula knows how to do it." She tries again. "I did it yesterday, I swear."
Sagospot uses the brief reprieve to really digest the implications of that onslaught. It settles in his belly like moon's old carrion.
"I dunno," she sighs, oblivious to Sagospot's constipated expression. "Maybe I just never learned empathy. Y'know, I keep thinking to myself that maybe that empathetic trait skipped me and Jessaminewish just to give you and Shadowpaw an extra helping of it." She looks at him out of the corner of her eye. "I mean, you're out here with me. I would'a just let me go. Everyone else did."
Sagospot shrugs uncomfortably. "That is... incredibly heavy." He can't bring himself to look at her face anymore; it's starting to adopt the features of someone he loved quite a bit more than her. It's terrifying, because she doesn't have to change much. He wonders why she got their mom's face when she's nothing like Scaleheart.
Keliheart picks up the conversation thread. "So, no, I don't think 'heart' fits me - not in a metaphorical, or literal, or familial way. And, like, I really did consider making a bigger deal out of it, but Pinethud already did that, and it was embarrassing for everyone involved."
Sagospot shifts uneasily, drawing line after line in the sand with a gentle claw. Every line is as straight as he can manage, and he focuses on the motions of doing so. Slowly, the ocean turns back into water and Keliheart's body is just her own again. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply.
"I don't think it's wrong for either of you to fight for what you think is best for yourselves," he murmurs. "A name is anything you want it to be. There's no reason to have to stick to it if you don't like it. It's not 'embarrassing' to feel so strongly about the way others perceive you. It's why we groom our fur, flaunt our scars."
Keliheart grunts. "Scars are gross."
Sagospot fights the headache swelling like a building storm behind his eyes. "What do you want others to perceive you as?"
"Strong," she says instantly. "Steadfast. Not afraid of confrontation."
"What do you want your name to be?"
Keliheart falls quiet. Her eyes catch on Sagospot's lines in the sand, and she scrunches up her nose. "What are those?"
"Coping mechanisms," he replies automatically, repeating what Freezenut had called it. "Or... stimming?" He furrows his brows. "There are far too many words for all the things I do."
"That's because you do too much," Keliheart comments somewhat reproachfully. "We didn't have enough words beforehand, so now we've gotta make some stuff up."
"What would you want your name to be?" Sagospot reiterates snappishly.
"What do you think would fit me?" she retorts with an equal amount of venom.
Kelishart, he thinks. But he's going to be the bigger cat. "Why should what I think matter?"
"Why shouldn't it?” she barks, suddenly loud. “I want to be seen for who I am by other cats. I don't want to be the only one who knows who I am! I want -" her loud voice breaks. A low snarl starts up deep in her chest, one that grows until it's more pathetic than frightening. "I want proof that others know me," she finishes, spitting.
Sagospot gives her some silence. It is in part to let her reign herself in and in part to indicate that he hears her. That, at least in this moment, he knows her.
"You don't make it easy," he says as gently as he can when the air is no longer a taut thing. "To know you, that is."
She makes a face. "You do make it easy to know you. Everyone knows everything about you. And it's cringe."
A little something snaps in the back of Sagospot's head. "You cannot live a life abiding by other people's thoughts of you," he snarls, bristling at the hackles. “And –“
"A holistic reference to a community's conscious populace. Cats or otherwise."
"Ah. Go on, then, you academic."
"You will not be happy with yourself if all you think about is how other people see you."
Keliheart sneers. "I'm sure you're well-acquainted with that." But there's an undercurrent of something hesitant in her voice. Sagospot latches onto that hesitance with all four paws, hoping beyond hope he can find its tender throat and rip at it until it bleeds.
"I think you have empathy. I think you have kindness. I also think," he says, cutting her off when it looks like she's about to interrupt again, "you have become so incredibly self-absorbed as an attempt to have someone care about you first and foremost, even if it means you can only find it in your own reflection."
Keliheart lapses back into silence. Sagospot breathes calculated breaths, trying to follow the pattern Freezenut had explained to him. In for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four...
"... It's really not that serious," Keliheart growls. She doesn't meet his eyes. "'Even if you can only find it in your reflection,' who fucking says that?"
She's quiet again. Sagospot just breathes.
"Fucking weirdo," she mutters.
"I wanted to be left alone, and you took it as a fucking challenge or something," she snarls.
"Y'know what would have been more fun than talking to you? Jumping into the ocean and getting mauled to death by a shark," she hisses.
"I dunno, maybe, like, Kelibeetle," she whispers. "I like beetles."
Sagospot breathes out. "And you don't like scars."
"I like beetles, and I don't like scars," she says at the sand. "Okay."
Sagospot shakes the sand from his pelt like yet another ghost. "Okay."
He leaves Kelibeetle to it.
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<prev. beginning . next>
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riverclan — year seven — leaffall
shadepelt dies, and mistystar chooses pinesun to replace her.
sequoiaflame dies.
ashberry and birchwing become warriors.
conepaw dies.
showerpaw is apprenticed to stonestream; frostkit dies.
skyheart has six kits, bullkit (huge red she-cat with yellow eyes), echokit (grey, mottled she-cat), hackberrykit (grey tom with black spots), hollowkit, pinyonkit (dark brown tom with long fur and dark yellow eyes), and windkit (grey tom with dark flecks, long fur, and amber eyes).
mallowtail and ashberry have four kits, lizardkit, slushkit (white she-cat with very pale grey patches, long fur, and orange eyes), thunderkit (brown she-cat with white paws), and vanillakit (red tom with yellow eyes).
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cloudster-clown · 2 years
Hmm okay so with Tommy’s warrior name, I tried to see if something related to Theseus’ myth would work, but Bullpaw seems too similar to Technoblade?? Idk, it just doesn’t feel with right with Techno being Right There, yknow? Anyway, I feel like maybe a warrior name reflecting his personality l instead of his physicality would add some variety to the names. That’s all I can come up with rn though, so take this as you will.
Hmm I see what you mean by the personality thing, I'll take that into consideration! Im still trying to figure out what I should name him it's a bit difficult haha.
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captaincnc · 3 years
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“You have been wronged, brother.” Bullstar mewed, her ears drooping in sympathy. “It was cruel of Stonestar to name you Halfheart, when you’ve proven your injury does not hold you back. Today, I will fix his mistake.” Bullstar padded towards Halfheart, their head up as she gazed at her brother. “From this day onward, you’ll be known as-”
“No.” The tom hissed. “We both know that’s not what happened, Bullstar.” Halfheart meowed, his voice cold.
“It’s time for everyone to know the truth.”
AAH! Here he is, my boy Sunstep! He was my first ever oc, and after several fresh coats of paint, he’s all ready to go.
A bit of backstory for him. Sunpaw (he/him) and his sibling Bullpaw (she/they) were normal siblings, and the only litter to their very proud parents. While the two apprentices were hunting, a hawk ended up attacking them, resulting in the loss of Sunpaw’s eye.
He was renamed Halfpaw by their leader, Stonestar, despite Bullpaw begging the leader to not be so cruel. Eventually, Bullpaw became Bullstar, and renamed her brother as well as making him their deputy.
But wait, that’s not really what happened, is it?
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Cownose is the barnclan medicine cat, and was mates with Horsedapple near the beginning of the clan, before Barnstar had learned all laws of the code. Barnstar is conflicted about how to handle this once aware that that's not how things are Supposed to be and is thankful to be saved from having to decide when Cownose offers to stick to the code and break up with her. She's understandably pissed bc it's a dumb law and he's abandoning her and his son Bullpaw. And she's mostly right abt that
let cownose be her mate and a parent 2019
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flapplestoflapples · 30 days
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Poppypaw was on a patrol with her mentor, friends, and friends' mentors. "I just love that we get to go on patrols together like this!" Stringpaw mentioned. Poppypaw nodded in agreement. "mhm!" Stringpaw was right. The fact that the 4 friends had this opportunity to spend time together along with their mentors was just absolutely lovely. "Well, speak for yourself, im stuck with judgy mcjudgypants over here," Scorchpaw complained "YOUUUU watch what you say, boy! I am NOT afraid to slap the SMACK TALK OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" Spottedclaw snapped. Scorchpaw rolled his eyes. He knew Spottedclaw was all bark, no bite. Tangleroot, Fourlegs, and Lakewing all gave Spottedclaw a side-eye. "Oh dont give me those looks, you know the little brat deserves it." they all looked away, no one really taking Spottedclaw seriously. Spottedclaw scoffed and looked ahead. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye. A wormadam and Spewpa were oddly using string shot into a pile. This intrigued Poppypaw as she tilted her head. She looked back at the patrolling party, they werent paying much attention to her. She used this to her advantage and slipped away to check it out. Carefully, she crept up to the two pokemon, making herself known but sure not to be hostile. "What are you doing?" She asked. The Spewpa stopped and turned towards her. "Making Sculptures". "Woah, with string shot?" Poppypaw asked. "Yup, would you want to join?" The Spewpa continued. "It's lots of fun!" Exclaimed ghe Wormadam. Poppypaw was delighted. "Of course!" She crawled and wiggled over, sucking up her best string shot and spewing out to the pile, trying best to keep the form of it. The 3 were carefully aimed as they molded the statue. A round body with big magnificent wings was taking form. As Poppy Shot, she felt a warmth inside and started glowing brightly for the Spewpa and Wormadam to see. Through a transformation of evolution, she rested as a Metapod. She opened her eyes wide and fell onto her side. "Well, this is certainly exciting, but this could be a problem…" she sweat a bit. The shine of Poppypaws' evolution caught the attention of her party, who quickly realized she wasn't with them. The group hurried over, in awe of Poppypaws new found form. Bullpaw pushed her way forward "No fair, i was gonna evolve first!" Scorchpaw snickered" at least you didnt evolve into THAT" Tangleroot approached and gently lifted Poppypaw upwards. "I am so proud of you, Poppypaw." Despite her overwhelming surroundings, Poppypaw felt the warmth once again. She smiled inside. "Thank you, Tangleroot." Tangleroot introduced herself to the Spewpa and Wormadam, thanking them for keeping an eye on Poppypaw, even if the other mentors (aside from Fourlegs of course), thought this entire ordeal was irresponsible of both Poppypaw and the party. The party parted ways, Tangleroot carrying Poppypaw in her arms, the sculpture left to stand, a beautiful butterfree, glinting in the light.
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thylacid · 6 months
hi 🥺 umm what is cowpaws favorite food. and hobby. whyd she get exiled. does she have friends other than the alien parasite in her face. am i getting the pronouns wrong. does she ever wish that it never happened and life was normal and if she does does she feel guilty about thinking it
1 cowpaw likes fish
2 cowpaws favorite hobby... hrm.. idk what kind of hobbies warrior cats would have but i think she'd take a liking to some kind of art while stuck in the medicine den. besides that she just likes to play toys
3 big question. lets just say the parasite might've done something while cowpaw was asleep
4 many cats weren't very keen to spend time with her, but she had her brother bullpaw for a while to keep her company. hes dead now
5 cowpaws pronouns are she/her and the parasites pronouns are it/its but she/her is also fine for it :3 so ur getting the pronouns right yea
6 theres nothing she wants more than for starclan to fix her, but she tries to keep herself from thinking about it. guilt will eat her up for the rest of her short life ^_^
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cow239358234 · 12 days
tell us about your family!
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COWPAW: well, my family is very small, i hope you aren't expecting much. it's really just me, bullpaw, and henhowl, honestly!
COWPAW: henhowl is my mama, she's very strong! she tells lots of stories about the farm and the animals that lived there. i'm even named after one! how cool!
COWPAW: and, well... i've already gone over bullpaw!
COWPAW: ...there is also smokescreech... but he isn't really important. all i really know is that he's the deputy and i don't see him. oh well! sucks for him!
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cow239358234 · 2 months
How are you doing? :0
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COWPAW: i'm great! Bullpaw caught a big squirrel today, he came home and showed me it! when i'm out of the medicine den i want to try to get one too.. maybe i can get an even better squirrel...!
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riverclan — year eight — leaffall
sedgecreek dies.
echoshine, lizardtail, and slushpelt become warriors.
bullpaw dies.
pinepaw and shadepaw die.
dawnpaw, juniperpaw, leafpaw, skypaw, and yellowpaw are apprenticed to prickletail, skyheart, petalfur, thunderglow, and mallowtail. willowshine wishes she had the guts to force one of them to be her apprentice.
heronkit dies.
rootsun has two kits with sequoiabird of windclan, dewkit (white tom with grey patches and green eyes) and havenkit.
grasswhisker retires.
sandstream dies.
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riverclan — year eight — new leaf
showernose becomes a warrior.
so many apprentices...
bullpaw, hollowpaw, echopaw, lizardpaw, pinyonpaw, slushpaw, thunderpaw, and vanillapaw to nettlestream, mistystar, barkdawn, mosspelt, rootsun, spruce-eye, greymist, and pouncetail.
(barkdawn and rootsun are excited to train apprentices together.)
hackberrykit, windkit, and skykit die.
silverfang has six kits with nettlestream: dawnkit (blind white tom with yellow eyes), heronkit, juniperkit (red tom), leafkit (brindled she-cat with amber eyes), skykit (massive pale tom with tipped fur), and yellowkit (pale, tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes, darker points). silverfang, unfortunately, passes away giving birth.
greyeye retires.
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