leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Heathertail dies.
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windclan — year nine — greenleaf
staglight dies.
cottonfoot and silverantler become warriors.
cedarflight and verbenakit get sick, and die.
ashpaw and redpaw are apprenticed to poppyblaze and gorsetail.
blizzardkit and galekit die.
brightshore has three kittens, cascarakit (tom with blue eyes), cloudkit (tom with white paws and dark grey patches), and patchkit (white she-cat with long fur and a grey tail).
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Treepaw, Sunrisepaw, Icepaw, and Streampaw are apprenticed to Firefern, Sol, Petal, and Moonlight.
Parsleykit and Pebblekit are born to Firefern and Sandynose.
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Lilyheart and Seedfrost become warriors.
Bumblestripe dies. Snowpaw asks to be re-apprenticed to Willowclaw.
Sorrelkit, Poppydawn, and Halftail die.
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Stonewing becomes a warrior.
Cloverfoot leaves to join RiverClan to be with her mate, Copperfur.
Beekit dies.
Waspkit is born to Shrewfoot.
Spikekit is born to Grassheart.
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Mallownose, Sneezecloud, Lakeheart, and Shimmerpelt graduate their apprenticeships.
Lakeheart dies.
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thunderclan — year nine — greenleaf
longstar dies. brightstar makes brambleclaw deputy.
echopelt becomes a warrior. greystripe dies.
coneclaw's litter decides to take a trip out of camp. they run into a hungry, angry badger defending its set. hollyleaf rushes to save them, defending all five kits until a patrol comes. she dies, as do juniperkit, sprucekit, and willowkit. banepaw and nightpaw are apprenticed to cloudtail and ivypool.
brambleclaw is injured and decides to retire. ivypool is made deputy.
and that's it.
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shadowclan — year nine — greenleaf
bristlepaw and rainpaw die.
cascarakit dies.
bluebellkit dies.
maybe some kind of sickness? maybe the summer is too hot for frogs to surface?
cloverfoot has two kittens, onionkit (black calico she-cat with mottled patches and copper eyes) and waspkit.
grassheart has five kittens, cariboukit (white she-cat with golden-brown, mottled patches and gold eyes), cloudkit (white she-cat with dark grey patches and green eyes), pinekit (deaf tom), ridgekit (she-cat with patches), and spikekit.
and that's it!
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riverclan — year nine — greenleaf
skywhisper dies.
lakeheart, mallownose, shimmerpelt, sneezecloud, and willowfeather become warriors.
creampaw dies.
breezepaw is apprenticed to willowshine. leopardkit dies. i am sad about that.
owlkit also dies.
slushpelt and showernose have two kits, cloudkit (dark grey tom with a white belly and green eyes) and dewkit (very pale cream she-cat with white freckles, long fur, and green eyes). i'm really attached to this family.
skyheart and nettlestream retire. greyeye dies.
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skyclan — year nine — greenleaf
ricestorm dies. i try not to pull my hair out because it took so damn long.
needleshine, shadeflight, and trailpool become warriors.
aspenpaw, birchpaw, hemlockpaw, hickorypaw, and larchpaw are apprenticed to madronesun, cloudwing, silverberry, sandynose, and honeytail.
duskkit dies.
tinycloud has two kits, parsleykit and pebblekit. fringepaw is reapprenticed to sharpstar.
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