#neurological disorder treatment
Neurological Disorder Treatment in Kolkata
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Experience expert neurological disorder treatment in Kolkata with my specialized care. I focus on conditions like epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and migraines, providing personalized treatment to enhance your quality of life. Trust in my commitment to advanced therapies and comprehensive support for your neurological health.
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fenrichaita · 1 month
Can we talk about how psychiatry has a pattern of using treatments for mental illnesses and disorders that cause brain damage and then labeling the direct effects of that damage as "healing"
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saytrrose · 4 months
Friendly reminder to not support the Autism Speaks organization
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the-withering-system · 4 months
My physio said she was proud of me! I ran a few steps and walked on a treadmill for 2 Minutes!!!! Also I've been prescribed Jenga while standing lmao
(it doesn't have to be Jenga, something else distracting is allowed too)
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The Bipolar Brain: An Introduction
Key Terms Bipolar: Previously called 'manic-depression' due to the nature of the mania being rooted in depression, this mood disorder is characterized by periods of mood shifts between a manic and depressed state. Depression: A period of rest after deeply distressing events Dopamine: A brain chemical meant to encourage pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. Grey matter: Also known as the cortex of the brain, this is the outer layer of the brain allows a person to have control over movement, memory, and emotions by sending signals between the different parts of the brain. Hippocampus: The part of the brain where memories are "stored" to later be relayed to other parts of the brain, consciously or not. It is one of the deepest parts of the brain structure, making signals difficult to send or receive. *Hypomania: A form of mania that is less severe or impactful than true mania. Limbic system: Processes emotions and behaviors to help other parts of the brain understand survival necessities. *Mania: A false sense of euphoria, triggered by stress Prefrontal Cortex: The part of the brain at the front center, which controls decision making, emotional management, and impulse control. Type 1 Bipolar: Characterized by mania that is more intense and/or frequent than depression. Type 2 Bipolar: Characterized by depression that is more intense and/or frequent than hypomania; type 2 bipolar people do not experience "true mania".
*For the sake of this post, "mania" will refer to both hypomania and true mania. When the information only applies to true mania, it will be called "true mania".
Part One: Introduction
We will be exploring the development, behavior, and remission of bipolar brains, using information learned from neuroscience, psychology, and lived experiences of bipolar people. The purpose of this is to inform those with Bipolar how to understand their own brain and take control of the disorder. This post is written by someone diagnosed with Bipolar 2, receiving treatment in the form of medication and talk therapy.
Part Two: Development
This mood disorder usually develops in childhood, but can develop at any point in a person's life. It is caused by trauma, as a response to stress. Most bipolar people also have family with the disorder, implying it is genetically predisposed.
In childhood, this disorder can begin to show symptoms as early as early adolescence. Children as young as 5 have been diagnosed with early onset bipolar disorder.
After traumatic events, such as abuse, neglect, or loss, the brain is forced to find a way to cope and manage complex stress. Trauma can range from mild to severe, and still trigger the onset of bipolar disorder.
During depression, the brain "mines" for dopamine, and during mania, the brain utilizes the dopamine. Over time, without treatment, the bipolar brain will struggle to maintain an effective dopamine-mining system, and these changes will even destroy grey matter in the brain, namely in the prefrontal cortex. This change in the brain makes it more difficult for the prefrontal cortex to communicate with the limbic system, causing less control over emotions and impulses, therefore causing more reckless decisions to be made.
Due to the nature of the relationship between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system, these two parts of the brain need strong communication. With limited grey matter, signals are weakened, or missed completely.
The hippocampus is a major part of the limbic system, and without a proper connection to send signals between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, it only becomes more difficult to recall past experiences or learned skills.
The longer a bipolar person goes without treatment, the worse their stress, and the worse they respond to stress. This disorder is degenerative, and those with Type 1 Bipolar show the most loss of grey matter.
Part Three: Behavior
Like a pendulum, bipolar brains swing between manic and depressive sensations and behaviors. Here are some characteristics of mood swings:
When depressed, the bipolar person attempts to "fill the void", also known as "dopamine mining". This behavior accumulates dopamine over time but does not release it. This can look like sleeping a lot, escaping into a piece of media, or fixating on an accessible hobby.
During manic swings, the bipolar person uses the dopamine accumulated during depression to compensate for the time lost and labor neglected during depression. This may look like addressing the issue directly in hyper-fixation, or avoiding the issue altogether to indulge in self-pleasure.
Episodes are different than swings. Episodes can be placed on a specific timeframe, sometimes down to the hour. Behaviors are impulsive, emotions are overwhelming, and the decisions made during episodes reflect this heavily. Below are some characteristics of a Bipolar episode, based on type of episode.
In depressive episodes, the bipolar person will display their usual depressive behaviors at a more intense, more frequent rate, and will quickly begin taking on self-destructive behaviors in an effort to punish the self for failing to meet manic expectations. Essentially, the body has gotten used to using depression to recover, and if results are not met, the body "doubles down" as a means to "force" results, in an effort to trigger mania.
Manic episodes are intense highs, often causing changes to the bipolar person's life that normally wouldn't be considered, let alone acted on. There is a false sense of euphoria that controls the impulses and emotions of the bipolar person, causing a disconnect from reality that can lead to delusions and the development of compulsive thoughts or behaviors that enable more poor stress management skills, such as overspending or reckless sexual activity.
Mixed episodes can sometimes be the introduction or ending to a manic or depressive episode, but can also happen alone. The depression attempts to self-destruct while the mania's euphoria makes those behaviors seem euphoric and desirable. These episodes are often painful and typically short-lived compared to the other two, but not necessarily so.
Part Four: Remission
There is a number of ways to treat bipolar brains, though medications and talk therapy, namely CBT and DBT, are the most commonly recommended. Some bipolar brains are medication resistant, so diligent habit seeking and a strong relationship with a therapist may be the best help. Below is an incomplete list of potential treatments, and why they work.
Medication can alter the chemical changes in the brain which trigger swings and episodes. Medication will not heal the brain, it will only control it while properly using the artificial chemicals. Medication plans must be specified to the patient, so trial and error is a necessary process for disordered medicated brains.
Talk therapy flexes the grey matter, and the grey matter may even be recovered in these thought exercises and memory training sessions. These changes are more likely to have a lasting impact, so long as the new habits and beliefs remain.
Diligent habit seeking, centered around self-care and growth, will help a bipolar brain take control of how they treat their stress. While swings may be unavoidable, building a set of healthy habits can alter the way these swings are 'engaged with', meaning behaviors can change. This can be a difficult form of treatment for bipolar people, as the disorder does not consistently provide motivation for habit changes. With a healthy outlook on relapses, this issue is resolved, and habit-seeking can continue even with relapses present.
Healthy coping mechanisms to replace mania are great ways to prevent manic episodes and swings, which will in turn prevent the 'need' for a depressive swing (to recover from manic burnout). These coping mechanisms can look different for each person, but no matter what, these mechanisms must be focused on growth - not escapism, passivity, or indulgence, which are manic behaviors that have been individualized.
Remission looks different for everyone, but no matter what, bipolar is a lifelong disorder. This means that even after years of successful treatment, with no swings or episodes, this disorder is almost guaranteed to make a comeback during high stress situations like abuse or loss. Anyone who has been diagnosed with bipolar should expect to keep their coping mechanisms going for life, and adjusting the mechanisms according to the needs of the changes in their life. There are a few things remission can grant a person, such as:
The ability to work on projects and tasks irregardless of current mood
Motivation to socialize even when the body seeks isolation, making relationships stronger and more consistent
A lack of shame for the disorder or what it has put you through, making stress management less about the desired results and more about the desired process
Part Five: Conclusions
There is no known cure for bipolar disorder, but those with bipolar can take control of their circumstances in small but life changing ways. The bipolar brain is simply trying to thrive even in stressful circumstances, and has only learned one biochemical pattern to do so. Treatment is all about re-training the brain's response to stress. Those who have bipolar must stop identifying with their bipolar to effectively treat it, meaning they cannot embrace their mania as 'the best version of themselves' nor the other way around with their depression. These are not personality traits, because this is not a personality disorder; these are conditions the brain is currently in.
People with bipolar disorder are not to be ashamed of themselves for what they've done to cope during depressive swings or episodes. Shame is often what maintains the cycle, as this is a major driving force of impulsive behavior. The guilt, shame, and self-loathing of a bipolar person will hold them back from developing better ways to manage stress. With an effective, individualized treatment plan, bipolar people can find themselves in remission, but should expect and accept relapse if a major stress is to occur. This is not because the treatment isn't working anymore, but because this is how the brain has developed to respond to stress, and until we find a cure, bipolar brains are to be respected as brains attempting to thrive in unforeseen circumstances - a worthy pursuit that any self-loving person would take on.
Additional notes:
Comorbidity with other mental conditions can cause symptoms to be more intense or more frequent. This includes conditions like PTSD, personality disorders or autism.
Many bipolar people seem to believe that their mania "helps them" - with things like getting projects and tasks done, or socializing. This is false. Mania is what uses the energy accumulated during depression to delude the bipolar person into thinking that the only way for them to get these things done is to indulge in manic behavior. Essentially, the bipolar person is the one helping themselves get their projects and tasks done, and mania is "taking the credit".
If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you have a strong will to thrive. Trust in this, and rely on that fact to help you change your habits so that your stress management system can adjust to a more stable, secure structure.
You must read the sources for a detailed look at the different topics and ideas shared here. This post is that of my own conclusions, based off of the information in these links plus my own experiences with Bipolar Type 2. I am not a professional, and this post should not be taken as mental health advice, but rather, an exploration from an unprofessional point of view. If you need mental health advice, seek therapy or psychiatric care, and take this information to them to see how it may apply to your life.
Sources: Bipolar experiences Dopamine & Bipolar Relationship Grey matter information Hippocampus information Limbic System information Mania & Hypomania Mixed episodes Prefrontal Cortex Walkthrough
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
i see the neurologist today, would anyone be able to give me advice on how to get my concerns addressed properly? for context, i'm going for:
spinal nerve (mayhaps cord?) compression, causing pain, spasms, and weakness. i need medication for the pain & spasms, and nerve tests done on my limbs (mainly legs).
..myoclonic jerks and attacks? triggered by loud noise and fatigue, but sometimes the trigger is unclear. i have it on video, thankfully.
i'm nervous they won't give me medication and won't test properly, causing me to be misdiagnosed with FND, if I don't have it. like.. what tests should they be doing before they even think about diagnosing me with FND?
(im ok with this being reblogged for reach btw)
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#just saw someone suggesting that ''everything being a disorder today'' stems from wanting a scientific explanation as to why theyre#different from everyone else and that desire itself stems at least partly from neoliberalism and individualism and wanting to be special#and buying into the facades of neoliberalism#and i get what theyre trying to say#but#my guy#your explanation was in context of things like chronic pain disorders and d/Deafness and autism and allergies#which most definitely do not stem from that. like i would still be autistic and still have chronic pain if i was not in a neoliberal society#neoliberal ideals are not the cause of my functional neurological disorder#neoliberalism isnt causing my peripheral nervous system to not work properly#i understand the argument youre trying to make and it definitely applies in some cases#but do not come into disabled spaces sprouting that shite#you know why i seeked a diagnosis for my chronic pain issues? because different chronic pain disorders can be treated differently#theres no point giving ne anti inflammatory meds for my fibromyalgia#and actually i do need the meds i take for my fnd because they reduce my nerve pain enough for me to function as a person#i didnt want a name for it so i could certify that i was an individual and not like everyone else#i wanted a name for it because i was in pain and i was suffering and i wanted medical treatment for it and i wanted an explanation as to why#i was in pain all the damn time
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petpetisy · 4 days
How Much Does A Dog Neurologist Cost Without Insurance in 2024? Answer is Really Shocking!
As a devoted pet owner, you might worry about the cost of seeing a neurologist for your dog. Without insurance, the price can be a big concern. But what exactly will you have to pay for a dog neurologist without insurance? Table of ContentsKey TakeawaysSeverity of the Pet’s ConditionType of Medical Services RequiredGeographic Location of the NeurologistExperience of the NeurologistWhat Do Dog…
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Best Neurology doctor in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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Your brain and nervous system are critical to every function of your body. That's why finding the best neurology doctor in Bhubaneswar is so important if you're facing a neurological condition. Whether you're experiencing headaches, migraines, nerve issues, or something more complex, you'll want to be under the care of someone who understands these issues deeply. As someone living in Bhubaneswar, you’ll be pleased to know that Dr PR Bhuyan offers specialized care with a focus on personalized treatment plans.
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nancykhemchandani · 1 month
Decoding Hand Tremors: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Explained
Explore the mystery of shaky hands with insights on causes, symptoms, and treatments. Online doctor advice available. Discover relief from hand tremors now.
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Common Conditions Treated in Pets with Veterinary Acupuncture
Acupuncture for pets is becoming an increasingly popular choice among pet owners seeking holistic and natural approaches to animal health care. This ancient practice, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and relieve pain. Pet acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of conditions, enhancing the quality of life for many furry companions. In this blog, we'll explore some of the most common conditions that acupuncture can treat in animals.
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Common Conditions Treated with Veterinary Acupuncture
1. Arthritis and Joint Pain
One of the most common uses of acupuncture for pets is the treatment of arthritis and joint pain. As pets age, they often develop osteoarthritis, leading to stiffness, swelling, and reduced mobility. Acupuncture can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve joint function. Regular acupuncture sessions can make a significant difference in the comfort and mobility of senior pets, allowing them to enjoy a better quality of life.
2. Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a genetic condition that affects the hip joints, causing pain and mobility issues. It is particularly common in large dog breeds. Pet acupuncture can be an effective treatment option for managing the pain and discomfort associated with hip dysplasia. By targeting specific acupuncture points, this therapy can help reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and enhance overall joint function.
3. Digestive Issues
Digestive problems, such as chronic diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting, can be distressing for both pets and their owners. Acupuncture can help regulate the digestive system, promote better gastrointestinal function, and alleviate discomfort. This natural approach can be particularly beneficial for pets with sensitive stomachs or those who have not responded well to conventional treatments.
4. Anxiety and Stress
Just like humans, pets can experience anxiety and stress. Whether it's due to separation anxiety, loud noises, or changes in their environment, these emotional issues can significantly impact a pet's well-being. Acupuncture for pets can help calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of relaxation. This treatment can be especially helpful for pets with behavioral issues or those undergoing stressful situations, such as moving to a new home or adapting to a new family member.
5. Chronic Pain Management
Pets suffering from chronic pain due to conditions like intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), cancer, or post-surgical recovery can benefit from acupuncture. This therapy helps manage pain without the need for heavy medication, making it a safe option for long-term pain management. By stimulating the body's natural pain-relief mechanisms, acupuncture can provide relief and improve the overall quality of life for pets with chronic pain.
6. Allergies and Skin Conditions
Acupuncture can also be beneficial for pets with allergies and skin conditions. Conditions like atopic dermatitis, flea allergies, and food allergies can cause significant discomfort and itching. Pet acupuncture can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote healing of the skin. This treatment can be used in conjunction with other therapies to provide comprehensive care for pets with persistent skin issues.
7. Kidney Disease
Kidney disease is a common condition in older cats and dogs. Acupuncture can support kidney function, improve circulation, and enhance overall health. While it may not cure kidney disease, acupuncture can help manage symptoms, reduce discomfort, and slow the progression of the disease.
8. Neurological Disorders
Neurological disorders such as seizures, neuropathy, and degenerative myelopathy can be challenging to manage with conventional treatments alone. Acupuncture can offer a complementary approach to traditional treatments, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures, improve nerve function, and support the overall neurological health of pets.
Choosing the Right Veterinary Care for Your Pet
When considering acupuncture for your pet, it is essential to choose a qualified and experienced veterinarian. Cascade Summit Animal Hospital offers professional pet acupuncture services, ensuring your pet receives the best possible care. Their team of skilled veterinarians is trained in both conventional and holistic treatments, providing a balanced approach to your pet's health care needs.
Acupuncture for pets offers a natural and effective way to manage a variety of common conditions, from arthritis and hip dysplasia to anxiety and chronic pain. By targeting specific points on the body, acupuncture can stimulate healing, reduce pain, and improve overall well-being. If you're looking for a holistic approach to your pet's health, consider the benefits of pet acupuncture. Cascade Summit Animal Hospital is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, including acupuncture, to help your pet live a happier, healthier life. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian to determine if acupuncture is the right treatment option for your furry friend.
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nayakswaraj30 · 3 months
Best neurologist in Jaydev Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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miracleshealthcare · 3 months
10 Common Neurological Disorders in Children
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According to the renowned neurologist in Gurgaon at Miracles Apollo Cradle/Spectra, neurological disorders in children encompass a broad spectrum of conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, impacting various aspects of a child's development and daily life. These disorders cause unique challenges for both affected children and their families. In this blog post, we delve into the complexities of neurological disorders in children, exploring their causes, diagnosis, and potential treatments.
Common Neurological Disorders in Children
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aarogyamantrahealing · 4 months
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Ayurvedic Treatments For Neuro, Ortho & Obesity
Do you suffer from orthopaedic problems, neurological illnesses, obesity, or sleep disorders?
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taariniswasthyam · 4 months
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Ayurvedic Postpartum Care in Satellite
Experience nurturing Ayurvedic Postpartum Care at TAARINI SWASTHYAM in Satellite. Our specialized treatments are designed to support new mothers during the delicate postpartum period, promoting healing, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. With a focus on traditional Ayurvedic practices, our experienced practitioners offer personalized care tailored to each mother's unique needs. From therapeutic massages to dietary guidance and herbal remedies, we provide comprehensive support to help mothers regain strength, balance hormones, and promote lactation. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and ensure a smooth transition into motherhood with our holistic postpartum care services at TAARINI SWASTHYAM in Satellite.
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nirmalayurveda · 4 months
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Changes For Better Metabolic Health
Nirmal Ayurved specializes in promoting better metabolic health through tailored Ayurvedic lifestyle changes. By integrating ancient Ayurvedic principles with modern wellness practices, Nirmal Ayurved offers personalized guidance to improve digestion, boost energy, and enhance overall well-being. Their holistic approach includes dietary recommendations, herbal supplements, detoxification therapies, and stress management techniques, all designed to balance the body's doshas and optimize metabolic function. Committed to natural and sustainable health solutions, Nirmal Ayurved empowers individuals to achieve lasting vitality and harmony in their lives.
Read more:-
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