arco-pluris · 3 years
(infinitrois but sexuality anon) hmm, i feel like im all sexualities (all neurospec (that apply to me), mspec, aspec, lgb, straight, and so on) at once (which i sort of view as.. allo = positive/light, aspec = negative/null/neutral), that it cancels it out/destroys itself.. does that sound weird sorry
Like panzerogender? I think about panzerian or panzeronian/panzeralian, based on pluralian, nullarian and uranian/dionian.
Another concept/perspective would be bringing omnikin (everythingkin) into orientation.
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is there an orientation where you’re attracted to people but your brain tries to convince you that you aren’t because of fear and/or trauma? or is there a list of trauma orientations/genders ?
There’s a list of neurospec/traumaspec orientations over here!
- Ez ✨
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rosemanmedicne-blog · 5 years
This week we wish to show our appreciation for our Neurodiagnostic professionals.
#NDweek #Neurodiagnostics #HealthCare #Neurology #Neurospec #neuropsychology #EEG #MRI #ECG #research #NDWeek2019 @CCMSNevada @SDMILV #RosemanMedicalGroup #TuesdayThoughts
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