#never been in that situation (thank goodness) but I get you Donnie.
quartergremlin · 2 months
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what would a turtle top surgery look like? we have our answer.
I spent so long designing Donnie's room and then drew. none of it.
Leo: Heeey Don! Have fun on your special date?
Donnie: Move over.
L: It's been forever since we've had a sleepover!
D: Whatever satisfies your hyperactive nesting instinct.
L: ...
D: And stops you from stealing my stuff.
Meme: Donnie after sleeping in their mask
Instagram monologue:
It's trans Donnie hours. Currently batting around questions of turtle gender, kappa sexual dimorphism, and human vs yokai gender presentation. bc in regular turtles females are flat on bottom and males have a slight concave plastron (so they can valance on top of the shell when fucking) so I made it canon that in kappa (turtle yokai within the rottmnt canon, that the turtles are sometimes referred to as even though they are mutants (so I'm assuming they're similar enough plus the origins of yokai [is] basically the same, since kappa evolved through generations where the turtles took humanization steroids and speedran their evolution)) - gets read as masculine.
/however/being top-heavy like that reads as female to humans. the turtles were mostly socialized as humans and in human culture (as much as they could ve in kind-of hiding, but now they can very much belong in yokai culture
they /are/ afab (kind of, its a bit complicated - turtle chromosomes don't work like human chromosomes and if we run under the assumption that they /did/ get a sry gene from yoshi, something something something no matter how you look at it they're some flavor of intersex), but how much of their turtits situation is coming from their turtle or human side is up in the air
PAIRED. with the opposite yokai/human gender presentation scales here, can make being! any gender kind of complicated! nevermind a trans mutant ninja turtle. so the /real/ question kind of boils down to. when considering presenting a certain gender for society, which side do the turtles put more stock in? (plus the island question)
asking that with leo was easy - he asked what Top Surgery For Turtles^tm and donnie told him that he'd be transing in the wrong direction. Since Leo's never really had a problem with his body anyway he took it at face value and he's fine. Donnie, however. is nonbinary plus transmasc. if talking it from a purely yokai standpoint, he's doing pretty good. but donnie's always put a bit too much stock in others' approval. see: the purple dragons, big mama, etc. and being nonbinary under normal circumstances is shit like. usually.
Some people just. shoot for confusion. but how do you even start when both sides are pretty certain they're right in opposite directions. anyway the concludes my Trans Donnie Hours, thank you for coming to my TEDx talk.
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niphredil-14 · 4 days
EEEEEEEE your writings make me roll around happily!
May I request a Donnie x reader where they communicate via asl during his non-verbal episodes? So we all know that Donnie knows asl and binary code, and it's theorised that his eyebrows are also important to express what he wants to say non-verbally (I heard that your expressions are also important in asl).
So imagine Donnie, during his non-verbal episodes and talking seems more tiring than usual. Unresponsive to reader's words and he'd just nod and his face is more expressive. Noticing this, reader pat Donnie's shoulder and starts to sign, and that's how their conversation went.
Cue Donnie falling hard.
I know that this has taken absolute ages to get out, so thanks for your patience! Also, if the quality of this is less than great, this is the first thing I've written (aside from school writing) in ages.
TSL- Turtle Sign Language
Don never had been very good at acknowledging his own feeling and needs, which, although he would deny it even in the face of torture, did frequently cause him many a problem. Such as the common occurrence of Donnie denying and ignoring his sensory issues, exhaustion and stress, which when all put together, caused him to shut down. That was where they found him, on the floor by the foot of his bed, knees pressed to his plastron, with a weighted blanket replacing his battle shell. The lights were all off, except for the tablet propped up a foot or so away from him, soft sounds of someone whispering, most likely an ASMR video, playing from the device. After a quick knock on the door, they cracked it open and peeked inside, not bothering to wait for an answer. His eyes glanced up from the tablet to meet their gaze.
"Is it okay if I come in?" They said softly. He nodded, and watched as they walked in and closed the door behind them, making their way over to him. They pointed to the open space on the floor next to him, and with their voice low, and just as soft,
"Do you mind if I sit?" Donnie raised his eyebrows and gave them a small smile, giving a small shake of his head before jerking it sideways, to motion for them to sit with him. After getting situated, they asked another question,
"Are you okay, Dee? Leo said you left really suddenly." Donatello gave a light shrug, pulling the weighted blanket more around his shoulders, before finally giving them a small nod. Upon not receiving a response from his companion, he let his eyes wander back to the video. The screen displayed a dim background with fairy lights and a woman holding her index finger up and slowly drawing patterns in the air in front of her, asking after each one what shapes and images she had traced. The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, following the woman's directions and answering her questions, until Donnie's attention was grabbed by his friend, who leaned forward and was staring intently at him. He turned his head to gaze at them, and raised the muscle over his browbone, causing the faded, drawn-on eyebrow on his mask to raise almost as drastically. They seemed to take a moment to think before they raised their hands a bit and began to motion, forming signs familiar to Don.
'Is there anything I can do to help you?" Donnie's eyes shot wide open, and he released his grip on the weighted blanket to raise his hands and sign back to them.
'You know sign?' He questioned them, one thick, marker-made eyebrow raised comically higher than the other. His signs looked slightly different, which they assumed was just an adaptation made due to his distinct anatomy, but they could understand him regardless. They smiled wide at him, a proud glint in their eyes, and began to sign their affirmation to him. A smile formed on his face, his bad-boy image being challenged by just how heartwarmingly sweet the look in his eyes was. Their hands began to move again.
'So, is there anything I can do?' His own hands flying in response, his excitement and joy apparent with the speed at which he moved his hands, and the expression shining so brightly on his face.
'Just being here with me is really helpful, thank you.' Their smile grew to match his.
'You don't need to thank me, Don, there's nowhere I'd rather be.'
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tmntxthings · 2 years
hi! So I was hoping you could make a story about Leo accidentally drank a love potion thinking it was a new brand of soda and always wants to be with the reader now and the reader just accept it’s now?
thank you ☺️!!
Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
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author’s note: 🤭 such a cute idea, thank you for requesting~~ hope you enjoy <3 (title reference to the movie strange magic)
warnings: slight angst, fluff, slight cursing
> donnie’s < > raph’s < > mikey’s < > casey’s <
“Ohhhh Y/n~~~~”
You groaned at the sound. Leo hasn’t left you alone for two weeks straight. You kept quiet hoping he wouldn’t check Raph’s room. But that only had him calling out for you louder, making a ruckus in the lair.
Splinter yelled at him to ‘BE QUIET’ and something about one of his shows just getting good. You knew it was only a matter of minutes before Leo pulled out his ultimate weapon. And no sooner you saw a tiny blue circle start to form.
Let’s start from the beginning. The turtles had dragged you to Hueso’s, your first time ever eating there. And somehow after ordering drinks a sparkly pink drink ended up at the table. No one had ordered it but Leo being such a dare devil decided to give it a try. “What?! It’s a free drink!” Leo said nonchalantly. Raph had told him not to, “You don’t know what that could be! And look at it! It’s like the drink is alive or something,” Raph said suspiciously eyeing the drink from his corner of the booth.
He was right, ever since it had been placed on the table it was like the liquid swirled and moved without anyone touching the straw. Mikey looked at Leo, “you won’t!” he goaded his older brother. And that was all it took as Leo dragged the glass to him, took the straw out, gave Raph a wink and Mikey a smirk as he downed the entire thing. Donnie smacked his forehead at the absurdity and Raph mumbled something under his breath. Now the seating arrangement turned out to be very important in this situation.
Leo and Donnie were sitting together on one side of the booth, while Raph, you and Mikey were squished on the other side. So when Leo’s glazed eyes opened after drinking the last drop and they landed directly on you, it was like electricity could be felt in the air. He sighed no- more like swooned in his seat as he leaned forward over the table and slurred, “Y/n have I ever told you how beauutiful you arrre??”
Everyone including you, was staring at Leo dumbfounded. “If my calculations are correct, from the pinkness, to the fizziness, and way it moved… Leo just downed about a pint of a love potion,” Donnie concurred. Your hands smacked down on the table, “anddd you thought it best to say that AFTER he drank it??” You narrowed your eyes at the purple turtle who looked up from his phone finally, and gave you a shrug, “he would’ve done it anyway whether I said what it was or not.”
You sighed, he was right about that. And you jumped out of your skin as Leo reached over and grabbed your hands from the table. “Why aren’t you paying any attention to me?” He pouted and all his brothers made gagging noises. You couldn’t help but laugh, and slowly pulled your hands away, patting his gently, “Leo, you’re under a love potion” you tried explaining to him, even though you didn’t know the first thing about love potions just that now they were suddenly real!
“Yeah I’m totally in love with you,” he corrected you and smiled dreamily. Back to the here and now, the blue portal was big enough for his head to pop through looking around, “Aha! You’re in Raph’s room,” and ducked his head out of the portal as it closed. He came running into his older brother’s room. “Why don’t you come hang out in my room?” He whined as he approached you. Stopping just shy of practically climbing on top of you.
Leo craved your presence at all times. It had been funny at first, watching him wait on you hand and foot. He literally never told you no for anything. But after a while it got to be too much, and when you had asked Donnie when the potion should wear off he had shrugged. “It varies on how strong the potion was made and how much he drank, and he did consume the entire glass so I’d be willing to estimate a month,”
You sighed, you still had a whole week left. “We were playing hide and seek!” You lied to him and his eyes lit up. “Well I found you,” he chuckled and leaned in impossibly closer, “do I get a prize?” He looked down to your lips and you couldn’t help your blush. Leo had been getting bolder and less innocent as time passed. “Nope! You cheated, no portaling allowed!” His eyes teared up, “But I couldn’t find you!!” he whined as he reached out and grabbed the bottom hem of your hoodie.
He did that a lot too. If he couldn’t kiss or hug you, he grabbed onto your clothes or hand. It would be really endearing if he wasn’t under a potion. You refrained from rolling your eyes, it was his fault, but you couldn’t blame him too much. “Okay okay, I’m sorry don’t cry,” you grabbed his hand and stood. He let you pull him out of Raph’s room, him sniffling the entire time, holding back tears. When you entered his room he stopped, seeming to relax more now that you were in his space.
“I don’t wanna play hide and seek anymore,” he said squeezing your hand. “Alright, what do you wanna do?” you asked. Hide and seek had been your go to game to get Leo to leave you alone for a little while. But you were resigned to your fate as he pulled you into an embrace. Heart racing stupidly as you tried to tell yourself this was just a potion. “Let’s cuddle! Oh and watch movies! Do you want popcorn?” Leo got really excited about doing regular things together. Things that before the potion, he never made a big deal about. “Yes to the movies and popcorn,” you said carefully making sure he realized it was a no to cuddling.
“Get comfy! I’ll be right back!!” He said happily, choosing to ignore what went unsaid. As he ran out of his room only to stumble back in after a few seconds, he came right back up to you. “Yes?” You questioned, “I forgot..” he said shyly, “Forgot what?” and no sooner had you asked he rushed forward kissing you chastely and ran back out of the room in glee. You were shocked to say the least, as your hands came forward to press against your lips. You were blushing so hard, “damn it!” you said going to sit on Leo’s bed.
You were frustrated with yourself for enjoying this so much. So every time you felt a blush or happy at his lovable behavior you got angry. It wasn’t real! None of it, and by the time the month was over Leo wouldn’t feel what he was feeling now. You needed to calm down but tears at the prospect of the future were threatening to fall down your cheeks. “Get a grip,” you muttered to yourself as you covered your face with your hands. Breathing in and out deeply.
You had always had a crush on the blue turtle. So all his advances made your heart flutter even though your mind knew it was only the love potion. It was a constant battle between your emotions and rationality. But if you tried to stay away from Leo it only made him upset, and truly you didn’t want to be away from him either, you just wanted the real him back. Even if he didn’t feel the same way you did, it was better than knowing it was all fake. You sighed and when you dragged your hands down your face you almost jumped out of Leo’s bed.
He was right in front of you! Sometimes you forgot how good a ninja he was, or maybe you had been so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you just hadn’t heard him return. He was looking at you with the strangest expression on his face like he was conflicted, “why are you crying?” he asked softly. You didn’t want to talk about it to love potion Leo, so you shook your head, “it’s nothing, c’mon let’s watch Lou Jistu or something,” you said trying to distract him. When you tried backing away from him further onto his bed he followed you. Your eyes widened when you came to the edge of his bed and your back met a wall. He was hovering over you now, “tell me please,” he refrained from touching you which you found very strange. He was usually very handsy.
“I just,” you blew out a breath, were you really going to spill and tell love-potion Leo that you had a big fat crush on him? He’d just immediately start kissing you and not get the point at all. That he wasn’t actually himself right now! That this all just meant nothing, and when you admitted that to yourself it felt like someone had just sliced open your heart. “You won’t understand,” you tried to reason with him and he shook his head, “try me” not backing down until he knew what was wrong. Why you had tears in your eyes and stains running down your cheeks.
“I’ve been crushing on you for a while Leo… so this whole love potion thing was fun at first but it hurts now. It hurts knowing what I feel is real and what you feel isn’t.” There you said it, in a rush of words that all hurt to say but you did it. Instead of what you thought was going to happen, him jumping around the room happily or try to mush his face to yours he seemed surprised. “For how long?” He asked seriously, “I think ever since we first met…” you said quietly.
“Y/n.. don’t be mad.. but the potion wore off a week ago,” Leo was smiling down at you. And you blinked in response taking in what he just said. “What?” You said dumbfounded. “I was pretending.. this whole week to be under love potion influence,” Leo explained sheepishly, a hand going behind his neck rubbing there. You pushed at his plastron angrily, moving to get out of his bed, “wait don’t go!” he said in a rush, as he beat you to the doorway. “You thought this was funny???” Your voice raised in anger and embarrassment. “Seeing my stupid reactions??”
“What?! No Y/n that’s not true,” he said shaking his head, eyes imploring you to believe him. “Move Leo, I’m leaving.” Your arms were wrapped around yourself, like if you held yourself tightly you wouldn’t fall apart. You couldn’t believe it had all been some prank! That he was actually in a right state of mind and just toying with you, annoying you and and, then you thought of all the lovely compliments and the fleeting touches. “What is wrong with you?!” You cried out, hurt more than ever and Leo winced, “Y/n please just listen to me” he begged going down on his knees.
When you said nothing he continued, “I liked you before the potion and I liked you during the potion and I like you now! I feel the same way as you and just, it felt so nice being able to express how I really feel without having to fear the rejection, I realize that was wrong of me! And I’m really sorry!!” His words tumbled out quickly like he couldn’t get them out fast enough, he worried you wouldn’t listen. That he had taken it too far. But he meant every word.
“You liked me before the potion?” You repeated, stunned at his confession. “Yes!” He said rising from his knees as he scooped you up in his arms. “Please forgive me for being so stupid,” he murmured in your hair. You sighed and he tensed up, “I don’t know..” you felt him sag, deflated that he had ruined his chances, “I guess I’ll let it slide this one time…” you finished, reaching out your arms returning his hug, fingers caressing his shell.
He picked you up immediately, “Really?!” his eyes were bright with hope as he spun you around in his arms. “Yes!” You laughed and he churred, nuzzling his face into your neck, feeling relieved. “But don’t you ever do anything like that again!” You said and he nodded into your neck, saying into your skin, “never again!” And he leaned his head back to look you in your eyes, “no more pretending,” he said seriously and looked down to your lips in question. You surged forward, answering him, kissing him.
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Decided to post the final chapter a day early! No Fun in Fungus chapter 5! I’ve submitted myself to @tmntaucompetition and the submissions close tomorrow if you wanted to submit this au as well! Thank you to everyone for supporting and reading!
“What did we do!?” Leo shouts in confusion.
“I know there’s something you want to apologize for. Even if it’s not your fault.” Mikey insists.
Leo glances away then takes a breath and looks at Donnie.
“I’m sorry about S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.”
“It seems Mikey can apparently tell the future now because I have no idea why you’d apologize for that.” Donnie deadpans.
“I sent him to go protect gram-gram. He was destroyed because of me.”
“He was destroyed because the Krang loves hurting our family and possessed our extra great grandfather. I’m just glad you didn’t try to do something stupid like face him alone. It would have been your parts I’d have to find scattered around.”
“But….Donnie, you loved S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. How are you not upset? You hate when I break your inventions, and he was way more than just an invention.”
“Are you kidding? You’re really asking me that? I can’t rebuild you! You are not easily replaceable, Leo! I know what I say and how we joke around but I thought that’s just what we did! Do you think I mean everything!? That I want you to be like gram-gram!? Like all the Hamato before us!? No! When I told you to sacrifice yourself to buy us time I said it because you like jokes! I-I didn’t say it so you could go jump into a portal to save the world! Screw the world! Screw all of it if it means I lose anyone!” Donnie ends up tearing up at the end.
Leo feels a lot of guilt creep up inside him. He was very aware about how being in the prison dimension and getting so hurt affected everyone.
At least he thought he was.
“I don’t think that, I’ve never thought that! You guys know I don’t just do this kind of stuff whenever, right?” Leo frantically looks between the three of them.
None of them can meet his gaze.
The guilt turns into a bit of hurt.
“Jeeze, you sacrifice yourself for the sake of the world once and suddenly you’re the craving death guy.” He deflects.
“Leo!” Mikey shouts, eyes starting to glow again.
“You’re joking now? Right at this moment? Am I hallucinating again? You can not be serious!” Donnie joins in on yelling.
Leo looks away from them, eyes landing on Raph.
He’s the only one who doesn’t get angry which surprises Leo. The anger was there at first, he could see it, then it flickered to something else.
“You told us and I never thought you were bein serious.”
Donnie raises an eyebrow.
“Told us what exactly?”
“That he jokes to cope. You’re not telling jokes because you don’t care, you’re telling jokes because you’re afraid.”
Leo bites the inside of his cheek.
“I thought I was pretty obvious about it until you guys kept coming after me during the first Shredder situation. If I don’t joke, then I just stop moving and that leaves all of us without portals!”
“Why didn’t you just tell us? It sounds like you were scared the entire time!” Mikey frowns.
“Of course I was! He turned Draxum into a freaking raisin and almost killed dad! How could I not be scared!? What good would telling you I’m scared be? So you could do what? Actually, let me tell you exactly what you’d do. You’d do what you’ve been doing since Mikey rescued me and ignore everything just to make sure I’m okay. We didn’t have the time for that back then.”
“How often do you not tell us how you’re feeling just because it’s inconvenient or a detriment to the mission?” Donnie narrows his eyes.
“Have you considered how much I do say what I’m feeling only for you guys to say I’m being paranoid or messing around? Oh Leo, we should trust the weird spider lady. Leo, stop spraying the bugs to protect this guy from getting mutated. Who cares if we might get hurt during the mutant panic?”
Leo regrets his words as he sees the look of hurt on Raph’s face.
He sighs heavily.
“It’s not on you, big bro. The bigger problem is we kind of all ignore each other? I’m still afraid of bringing up the pizza puffs incident because I’m worried you’ll blow a blood vessel. Donnie got pretty mad about the pizza pigeon too. And then….” He trails off, remembering just how badly he messed up.
“Maybe that’s because we weren’t paying attention to your feelings then either.” Mikey says softly.
“No, what I did was all my fault. You and Donnie could have died.”
“You chose the wrong thing to do, but you were….really messed up, Leo. You didn’t even have much time after your panic attack. We should have taken over for you, or at least try to make you see you weren’t okay.”
“Then….I’m sorry that for as much as I talk, I don’t say what I need to say as much. I’ll try to do better, try to help us all do better.”
Mikey smiles brings him over, nuzzling his cheek against his.
“I suppose it’s my turn now. I am sorry for….a lot of things. I….know how I can be. While I have come to terms with the fact that there are parts of me that I should accept and never change, I do realize what you all put up with sometimes. I don’t always take care in focusing on what you all do for me, small things that can be taken for granted. I want you all to know that no matter what I say or do, I would still personally tear out the still beating heart of anything that comes after us. Then, I would put it on display as a warning.” Donnie says that last part nonchalantly.
There’s a few seconds of silence before Donnie is pulled into the collective hug.
The others are crying.
“Donnie, we love you too!” Mikey sobs.
“That was beautiful, Dee.” Raph sniffles.
“I’ve never heard you say something so emotional, kinda liking the mushy side.” Leo smiles through tears.
Donnie can’t help but tear up too.
He really did love his family more than anything.
Mikey soon lowers everyone down, the chains disappearing as well.
“Can Raph ask how you did all that now!?” Raph grips him by the shoulders.
“I….I don’t even really know. I just thought our family was going to fall apart and it just happened.” Mikey answers.
Donnie glances around.
“Your chains managed to get rid of a lot of the spores. I think the mushrooms must be weak to light like yours.”
Mikey’s eyes light up.
“I can make those things go away?”
“That’s my working theory, but…..I worry about your arms. I’m surprised that they aren’t hurt again now.“
“There is a pretty big difference between chains and opening up a portal to another dimension.” Leo comments, subtly checking over Mikey’s arms.
Mikey hums as he tries to think of a solution.
“Donnie, could you make a weapon?”
He makes a gun and hands it to him.
“Donnie!” Leo and Raph shout.
“Oh calm down, it’s just a dart gun.”
Mikey imbues the weapon with some of his ninpo.
“I need a mushroom to test it out on.”
Raph picks up Leo and Donnie in one arm and Mikey in another.
“Let’s find you one then.”
He carries them all off and together they carefully search for the mushrooms.
Eventually several start making their way towards them and Mikey shoots.
The bodies shrivel up almost right away at the ninpo dart stabbing them.
“Alright Mikey!” Leo cheers.
“If it’s his light that does it….then maybe these will work!” Donnie creates three UV light flashlights.
He hands two to Raph and Leo and wriggles out of Raph’s hold.
“Let’s make these mushrooms which they never evolved.”
The brothers start exterminating every single mushroom they come into contact with.
It feels nice to be able to take out the things that have been torturing them all night.
It’s almost cathartic. They couldn’t truly destroy the source of their fears, but they could waste some crappy mushrooms that triggered their PTSD.
“Do you think that was the last of them?” Raph questions after a lot of walking yielded no more mushrooms.
“When this kind of thing happens in movies, isn’t there usually one big version that controls the others?” Leo answers with his own question.
“I hate where you drew that conclusion from, but I hate that you’re right even more. My goggles picked up a much larger amount of mystic energy in one of the tunnels.” Donnie adds.
“Then we know what we gotta do. Those things aren’t going to hurt anymore people. Everyone on board?” Raph looks around.
Everyone nods with the same look of determination Raph has.
They grab their real weapons for good measure before heading down the tunnel Donnie got the reading from.
He and Mikey walked behind Raph who had Leo using his arm for assistance walking again.
Mikey can’t help but still feel a little afraid of the darkness they leave behind as they walk with their lights.
Donnie gently, purposefully bumps his hand against Mikey’s.
Mikey smiles a bit and holds his hand.
He smiles more when he notices Donnie’s tail wag.
After a good amount of walking, they come across the end of the tunnel that goes to a large opening.
Inside was a colony of the smaller mushrooms surrounding a humongous one.
“Let’s slice him up like he’s going on a pizza.” Raph readies his weapons.
The mushrooms start coming at them all’s
Leo opens up portals to send him and the others to different locations.
Raph mows down the mushrooms with his projection and Donnie supplies some clones with more UV lights.
Mikey jumps and flips around like crazy using mainly his legs as he shoots at the mushrooms. It’s freeing, not focusing on what he can’t do for once.
Donnie made grander, larger weapons with every launch of his ammunition. He let himself go all out. Therapeutic in its own way.
Leo may or may not be taking too much advantage of being able to use his portals again. They were useful in this chaotic fight sure, but it also meant a lot to be able to move around better.
This is the first fight they’ve had since the Krang and each of them felt like they got something back from it.
They keep fighting until the big mushroom finally ends up the same way as all the smaller ones.
The ones that were still alive also followed suit.
Now that the fight was over, they dragged themselves back to their home. It was entirely too late in the night and everything they went through was exhausting in its own right.
Mikey looks up at Raph, eyes almost closing, and makes grabby hands.
Raph feels his heart swell. It’s just like when they were kids.
He lifts him up, cradling him like he did Leo at the beginning of this whole situation.
Leo smiles tiredly at seeing them.
“Remember when you tried to convince me you were older and I said that all big brothers give piggy back rides? I can’t believe you and your big brain fell for that.”
Donnie considers this and suddenly stops right in front of him. When Leo almost falls over on him, Donnie takes the opportunity to get him on his shell.
“I am older.”
Leo rests his chin on Donnie’s head.
“Fine, just this once.”
Raph and Donnie carry their brothers to Raph’s room.
When Donnie, Mikey, and Leo are in the bed, Raph grabs his fluffiest possible blanket out of his collection and pulls it over all them after he’s wrapped himself around.
Donnie had his arm spread over Mikey and Leo who were cuddled up together.
Mikey also held Raph’s tight in his arms like it was the world’s most comfortable teddy bear.
They all drifted off to sleep, knowing that even if there were more nightmares, they’d deal with them.
None of them would ever be alone.
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afreakingdork · 2 years
Crush Too Much - Part 5
RotTMNT Donatello x GN!Reader
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Warnings: Light Angst, Fluff, Embarrassment, Overbearing Siblings, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis:  So you met a customer three times at work and that made a pretty big impression on you? That’s nothing to necessarily get worked up over, but when you’re all prepared to ask for his number the next time you see him and his brother gets involved instead, you might be in for something more than you bargained for.
Regretting your decision to opt for the less expensive pair weighed on your mind as you blew warm air into your gloved hands. Winter was in full swing, but neither the current nor impending cold of the evening had yet to freeze your warm spirits. To say the stars had aligned over your last three months would be an understatement. Though you had met up with him in a few fleeting times after work, Donnie and you now texted on a daily basis. They weren’t earth shattering conversations, but you felt confident enough to text him even if you were just bored. While he seemed borderline nocturnal, he was never one to ignore a message. He indulged you at your silliest and was there for you as much as he could be if you were stressed out. The fall semester finals had been particularly draining, but finding a care package left for you at work containing your favorite snacks and a library map on helpful books is the only time you'd almost been brought you to tears. He was never overly sweet, but he paid attention and that mattered just as much if not more.
Your hands warmed, you stuffed them into your pockets to retain the heat. Keeping your arms close to your body, you took a few lazy steps in a circle on the corner you were waiting at.
Your others friends had started to pick up on the way you stared at your phone. You were coy about it, but their cheeky smiles spoke volumes. Your ability to maneuver these goading situations had been greatly amplified by the time you had spent with Leo. In a far lower frequency than Donnie, you’d texted with the blue-themed man. He was far less interested in messages and more in the capers you executed. He often only began a digital conversation with the intent of planning the next outing. Since your first gallery crash, he’d successfully ushered you as his cohort into two other events thus far. They mostly revolved around him rubbing elbows, but he’d always sneak in that same question he’d been asking about your feelings.
Ruminating over the time you’d known the Hamatos made you realize you hadn’t spoken to Leo since your last outing. You shrank down into your coat as you remembered Leo last asking his question just as you were about to leave. You’d dropped the defining ‘like’ word to describe your feelings for Donnie before literally taking off. Had he been ignoring you because you could only admit it by essentially running away after?
“There you are.” Donnie’s voice drifted in from your left and all other concerns seemed to evaporate. You tried to keep the twinkle in your eye to a minimum as you rounded on a heel to greet him. He was, of course, dressed in his winter clothes and though you had seen them before, your heart still skipped a beat. It took a lot of will power to not play with the flaps of his trapper hat. You loved how they were just a winterized version of his goggles.
“Was I hard to spot?” It was one of the few times you were thankful for your mouth moving faster than your mind could keep up.
“Not at all.” He tipped his head to one side, his half-cocked smile stretching across his face. “At first glance with everyone bundled up you would think so, but every person carries themselves a little differently.”
“Vigilant as always.” You noted, rolling on the balls of your feet. He nodded languidly and from within your coats pockets you fumbled to locate a folded piece of paper. “I could spot you no matter how big the crowd though.”
“I would make a joke about my devilishly good looks, but I know exactly what you’re going to say.” He slumped at the missed opportunity.
“Purple?” You mused, pulling a hand out victorious.
“Purple.” He snapped back dryly. “Is that the pass? I can’t believe you actually printed it; so very archaic of you.”
“And just liked we discussed before, part of the email said you have to come with printed passes. Sure, there was also a QR code, but I didn't want to get it wrong.” You pouted and unfurled the paper.
“The fact that they have an inconsistency of that nature doesn’t reflect well on our plans for the evening.” He held out his hand and you passed him the form.
“Sure, the whole thing is really loose, but we also get to see a movie for free and before everyone else so…” You drew out the syllable goading him.
He rolled his eyes, but the corner of his mouth was upturned. “’Win, win.’”
“Exactly! Let’s go get in line!” You spun around and marched toward the theater with Donnie in tow.
“How many of these showings have you gone to?” He wondered.  
“This is my third one since I found out about it maybe… a year ago?”  You tilted your head trying to remember the first movie you’d seen this way.
“So you and a guest,” He gestured to the both of you. “See a movie for free in a showing set up by the studio’s distribution department in an attempt to garner word of mouth?”
“Yeah, pretty much.” You slowed as the theater’s bright lights loomed overhead.
Donnie made a small hum of frustration as he studying the passes he still held. “I keep looking for some sort of fine print or detail on the larger machinations of the principle. The logistics of the ploy just don’t seem like they’d play out in the movie’s favor.”
“Still thinking it over?” You giggled. “You worried about it so much over text, but you’re still here.”
“I want to see this film.” His head snapped to you with a deadly serious expression.
You bit your lip to keep more laughter from bubbling up. His staunch attitude was so cute. “I mean you know the catch…” As if on cue the two of you approached the sectioned off line where about 7 people were already queued.
“Ah yes, the nefarious ‘first come, first serve.’” Donnie narrowed his eyes as the two of you maneuvered your way behind the ropes. “In this weather it is an obvious ploy to weed out the weak. Those left standing will be the harsher critics.” It was as if an ancient duty had been placed on his shoulders.
“If we’re supposed to critique it more, wouldn’t that not help the whole ‘word of mouth’ thing?” You posed the question knowing it would frustrate him.
His lips pursed in annoyance and he glared at the paper as he reclined against the brick exterior of the theater. Behind him, you pressed a shoulder against the cold wall and listened as he listed off reasons the showing took place publicity to pre-screen runs. You wondered how long he had scoured the internet for research. You’d later pat yourself on the back with how good you were at multitasking. It took great still to simultaneously absorb all his information while both using the time as an excuse to appreciate the glory of him. Using a finger to draw in the air he made a poignant note about how seats in the theater is the optimal view were reserved for critics in an official capacity. You used the motion of warming your gloved hands yet again, but this time as a means to hide the adoring smile spread on your face. The texting was fine, but being able to watch him dispense large swaths of information wasn’t even a contest. You had it so bad.
“To sum it up, there’s just a frustrating lack of clarity.” Donnie groaned, pushing off the wall and taking a few steps in place to shake off the problem that had no real solution.
“That’s probably it.” Your speech adding heated moisture to your fingertips. “I bet they keep us in the dark so they can do whichever of those they want.”
“Make the terms vague so the signing party can’t protest them since they aren’t outlined…” Donnie nodded as he digested the information. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
“Who’s nefarious now?” You chuckled, now leaning your head against the brick and committing to the tilted angle your body was at.
“I never said that I wasn’t.” Donnie tilted his head and gave a nonchalant grin that caused that all familiar stomach flip you’d never get used to. He was far too lethal for his own ignorant good.
“Bad guys get ticket responsibility then.” You needed to switch gears so you nodded to the paper still in his hand.
He reviewed it lightly before folding it along the lines you had created earlier. “I’ll guard it with my life.”
“I wouldn’t go that far!” You joked, feigning to roll your eyes at the dramatics. A small silence fell and you watched Donnie shove the square into his own jacket pockets along with his hands. The cold wasn’t unbearable, but the next hour and a half standing in it would surely push your limits. You blinked before screwing your eyes shut. You had gotten so caught up in the sudden euphoria of meeting Donnie that you completely forgot your ulterior motive for the evening. You would have beaten yourself up further if it weren’t for the close proximity of your companion. You withheld a sigh and opened your eyes with renewed determination: you were going to use this time trapped in a line to finally figure out what on earth the man did for a living.
Going over the facts again, it wasn’t exactly as if he’d been dodging the question; you hadn’t asked him outright. You’d pieced together a few things. What he did, his brothers seemed to do also. He was an inventor. He’d sent photos of few minors mechanical objects he had been working on in what looked like a full blown lab setting. He’d mentioned fixing a myriad of things so he had technical ability across a tremendous amount of fields. His family seemed to consist of 2 dads, 3 blood brothers, an April O’Neil, and what seemed to be 3 separate Caseys. It all meant he had a seemingly unlimited amount of funds, schooling that outpaced his age by several decades, and the close confidence of a New York star reporter. None of those things seemed to add up to any specific career and it was driving you crazy.
Refreshed on the details, you prepared to address him. You weren’t sure if you were going to ask outright, but you at least had a solid time frame. In the time you’d been quiet, you were sure he’d already be scrolling his phone. It had never divided his focus before, but there was always a slim chance this could be the time it created some sort of conversational buffer. Sweeping your gaze to him, you jolted as he seemed to be watching you casually with his phone nowhere in sight. You shrank into the rim of your jacket and briefly wondered if he could read minds.
“How did the meeting with your academic advisor go?”
All those movies about having your breath taken away were all simultaneously right and wrong. There were correct in that it was something that could happen, but woefully mistaken when it came to the circumstances. You couldn’t believe he remembered something noted in a casual text almost two weeks ago. “It…” It took so much willpower to not physically wheeze. “It went good. I’m on track for graduation!”  
“Still not sure what you’ll do after?” He shifted his weight from one leg to the other. What had you done to receive such good karma?
“No, I’m still torn between masters or going straight into the work force.” You hiked your shoulders up because being tucked into your jacket was sort of cozy. “I could and should probably worry about it more, but the classes have gotten so advanced my focus just tends to be funneled into a day by day.”
He nodded in a way that seemed knowing and that’s when it occurred to you that your karma was twice what you’d even considered. He was laying out the ideal groundwork for your evening’s question. It was so perfect it felt like even meeting him initially had been leading up until now. “Y-you’d know right? Are you like a lab tech or something?” Served in a silver platter and yet you still stuttered. You imagined a picture of your face plastered under the definition of mortified.
He laughed brightly at the question. “Nothing of the like.”
You were now mentally making a list of eliminated possibilities. “Oh, then the lab is…?”
“It’s mine. I’ve had one since I was young.” He seemed amused. “I remember the first thing I ever repaired was papa’s remote. He was happy until he realized it controlled every electrical appliance in the house. You think he would have enjoyed the ease of being able to activate the stove for tea and turn on the fan with a single device, but one fire starts and suddenly your first creation is smashed into a million pieces!” The emotional charting from fond memories to trauma was a steep graph when it came to Donatello.
You balked. Was he some kind of comic book billionaire’s son genius? “Did you explain it to him?” The question seemed to fall out of your mouth.
Still at an emotional crest, Donnie seemed to freeze and then mull the matter over. “I suppose an argument could be made that I was just an innocent tot…”
“AKA you didn’t tell him.” You hide your mouth with a gloved hand to bite back a snicker.
“Look, you’re new to the subject of my delicate youth so I’ll give you some brevity, but let’s just say that trying to maneuver the confusing emotional landscape of being told that you are both not supposed to over explain a present while simultaneously being asked to create such isn’t a line that’s easy to maneuver.” He flatted his hand out in demonstration of the segment that had been drawn for him as a kid.
Considering you didn’t even know what he did for a living, asking about his childhood trauma didn’t seem like the best topic to pursue. If you ever did get that close though, you absolutely had a few choice words for whichever parent seemed to have starved Donnie emotionally. Until then, you’d skirt the topic. “Yeah, that’s a lot for a kid to process, but so is having their own lab?”
“I didn’t start out with a full-service lab.” He tipped his head as if that should have been an obvious fact. “I slowly built one up gathering materials from around the lair and expanded slowly to scrap yards and the like.”
You were torn between asking about the use of ‘lair’ again vs. the fact that he built what looked like a fortune 500 backed venture with his own two hands. Your mouth chose to land you somewhere in-between. “You must have grown up in a big place?”
He glanced away with a fond look. “You could say we grew into it.”
Now that one sounded purposely vague, but you weren’t about to give up. “Is it alright for you to be off tonight?”
“Sure, my brothers can pick up the slack once in awhile. If anything goes completely awry they can always contact me. It used to be we could barely be apart, but we’ve gotten more capable with age.” He scuffed the sole of his boot against the pavement.
How long had they been doing this? You were started to reach a breaking point, but just outright asking still seemed not quite right. “They say skill comes with experience.”        
He gave a dry huff of amusement. “I can say for a fact that isn’t the only way to garner it.”
Was he trying to lead you now? You feared getting lost in the hazy conversation. “Donnie, I-”
“How long would you say that we’ve known each other?” He asked, turning a curious eye up to the clouds.
You snapped your gaze to him to find him still looking skyward. He had not only taken control of the conversation, but had steered it away from where you had wanted it to go. It was like he was purposefully trying to keep you on your toes tonight. It was confusing. “Me?” You gaped.
“Yes, I have an idea of when I would date it back to, but I was curious where’d you place it.” He nodded to the sky as if it had given him some sort of answering before turning to gaze at your once again.
Your brow scrunched as you considered his point. Leo’s ongoing, albeit confusing, dialog  had Impressed upon you the importance of analyzing your feelings at each stage. A particular point of those earlier conversations had been when you’d finally gotten Donnie’s name so that seemed like the logical start point. “The night we got bao.”
He hummed lightly in agreeance. “That’s what I would say also.”
He got quiet again and your shoulders drooped as you waited for some sort of signal that he would continue. It left the two of you seemingly caught in a sort of staring contest, waiting for the other to make the first move. Your gaze was pulled downward as a twitching started around Donnie’s left shoulder. You tilted your head as you watched it spread down his arm. His right hand flew up to grab the appendage and in doing so his body tipped forward at the hips. You were finally just about to open your mouth when he sliced through the silence instead.
“Ah, this is awkward, right!? It’s awkward! You have to say it’s awkward!!” As if he had been holding himself back his arms and legs flailed away from his body.
“Huh?” Your voice was meek, but you were definitely gawking owl-eyed.  
“Thiiiiiis!” he dragged out the syllable in a long whine while pointing between the two of you so quickly you could only see a flurry of moment.
You wanted to respond, but only a weak wheeze of air came out of your lips.
“Annnnd I wasn’t supposed to say anything…” He growled with frustration and swung his body until he was gazing up once more. He pinched the bridge of his nose tightly.
“You weren’t supposed to?” You wondered, feeling so very lost.
“Exactly, I can’t keep this up so I’m just going to come clean.” He turned back towards you with his whole body hung with apologetic dangling. “While completely against my character, I know, I had some concerns regarding my personality.”
You would have done a double take if you weren’t already staring right at him.
“It’s easy to acknowledge that you’ve taken the charge in most aspects of our association and, for the record, I want to clarify that this wasn’t being tallied in a competition sense. Instead, after the initial examination of the poorly executed idea of the evening, not yours, the distribution company, I realized that it would be a poor sport of me to force you to make the conversation for the course of our tenure in line.” His arms were drooping down so low that they almost touched the ground.
You were frozen in astonishment. While you had been suffering under your own self-imposed burden, he had been doing the same to himself.
“So, I then came up with a list of talking points, but as I thought about the specifics of trying to force those into a conversation the whole thing just seemed stale.” He rose up incrementally giving a face of distaste. “So I…” He swallowed hard as if bile was rising in his throat. You watched as he straightened his back before buckling immediately under the stress of whatever he was trying to get out. “IendedupconsulltingAngeloonthematter.” He choked the sentence out as quickly as possible before a shiver ran its course through his whole body.  
“Mikey?” You peeped, trying to make some sound come out of your body. You were relatively familiar with the various nicknames Donnie had for his brothers, but he had spoken so fast you almost weren’t sure you’d caught the right one.
“Yes.” He retorted instantly in a heavily defeated tone. “He has this moronic doctor alter-ego that goes by many names, but always retains the same faux doctorate.”
The ridiculous nature of the statement broke through your frozen exterior and elicited a single dry chuckle from your body. “You each have your own quirks, huh?”
Donnie gave you an only mildly scandalized side glance before continuing. “In this particular session, I spoke with Dr. Friendship, who instructed me to put my phone away, pay attention, and focus on asking questions that don’t have to do with me.”
You snorted; that was even funnier. “But you do those things anyway.”
“So, I’ve been trying all evening to-" He went rigid in his otherwise continued explanation and shot you a suspicious though inquisitive stare. “What did you say?”
“I mean, minus the phone, you always pay attention and I’ve never felt not included.” It was so matter of fact your body bobbed with the point.
“You’re not just saying that?” His doubts were still prevalent.
“How many times have I lied to you?” You shot back your own question, finally getting a feel for the conversation again. Everything was falling back into line.
Donnie did some mental calculations before returning his attentions. “Based on what I know so far, everything seems on the up and up although there are claims I currently can’t verify…” He trailed off giving it once more turn in his mind before deciding. “At this present time I suppose I can say you have not.”  
“Then…?” You pressed, trying to get him to say it always meant he’d be more open to an idea.
“Then I worried over all of this for nothing?” He heaved a sigh, his eyes shut with lingering irritation.
“I mean it’s not nothing. It’s ok to worry.” You gave him a reassuring smile.
“Thank goodness!” His voice raised in a means to push out the rest of his frustrations. He followed it up by giving his body a small shake as if he was dislodging the residuals. Something occurred to him in the process that piqued his interest. “It was awkward though, right?”
“I don’t know if I would say awkward, more like… unnatural?” As you tried to put it into words you realized you might have misstep. “N-Not that I would expect you to act a certain way, obviously!”  
He seemed oblivious to your plight as he was caught up in his own scurrility. “Dr. Friendship may have capped the whole presentation off by stressing the importance of ‘being yourself.’” He rubbed his chin with his eyes closed. “This is why you don’t leave an important detail to closing arguments! I was already plotting my strategy by that point!”
You resisted the urge to point out that it made more sense to just wait to plan until an entire lecture was done, but it seemed like a moot point. “I’m glad that’s out of the way though. It was like I didn’t know how to talk to that not quite Donnie Donnie!”
“Exactly!” He pointed a finger towards you. “That’s what tipped me of! It was like you were trying to ask me something, but I wasn’t speaking as I normally would which meant you weren’t able to act like yourself either.” A smile finally graced his lips as all the pieces fell into place for him.
A hot flush warded off the time you’d spent in the cold because that wasn’t exactly right. He had been honest with you though, so it felt more than overdue for you to do the same. “Actually…”
You waited for him to come back from his thoughts and address you. “Go ahead.”
“I was trying to ask you something.” Your eyes dropped down, unable to hold the eye contact. Even Donnie had been able to manage that.
“Oh, is that so?” He added casually. It seemed like he was fine waiting for you to get up the courage.
With your head tipped down you thought maybe it was time to have a little outburst proclamation of your own. “I’ve been going crazy these last 3 months…” You brought your head up and fisted your gloved hands at your sides. “…trying to figure out what the heck it is that you and your brothers do?!”
“What we… do?” Donnie seemed taken aback.
“Yeah! You have a lab! All of you look like you have the muscle mass of gymnasts. You never seem to worry about money. You know a lot of powerful people, but at the same time it’s like no record of you even exists!” As the words tumbled you, you realized you had never tried to look him up, but you were too far gone in that respect. “You live with your family in what you keep calling a lair. Your hours are totally incomprehensible. I’ve heard other wild words thrown around like ‘topside’ and ‘patrol’ like that’s not a big deal! Plus, we haven’t addressed it and none of you are really hiding it, but are we like dancing around the fact that…” You leaned in close and raised a gloved hand like that you had a secret to share. Donnie blinked before lending you an ear. “…you’re mutants…?”
Donnie spit out a breath of air as a laugh took him. You jolted and he leaned back, holding a hand to his stomach. The line around you both had built up since you first queued and a few people looked at him. He wiped away a single tear from his eye before giving you a lopsided grin. “We do keep it on the down low, but we’ve found that over the years that confidence sells an image of normality. If we just act like we blend right in, we usually get less questions about the matter.”
“You laughed so hard…” You weren’t exactly slighted, but it had been weighing so heavily on your mind that the fact it was so hilarious to him seemed unfair.
“Sorry.” His grin could not be dampened. “It’s just a nice change of pace from someone that isn’t loudly talking about how gross we are. You, on the other hand, have been acting like it was a secret to guard?!” His light air tapered off as he heard the words coming out of his mouth. “Ah, no wait, I see now what you are saying…”
“I didn’t want to out you!” You knew it was childish, but your foot gave a little stomp. He turned away and you could tell he had done so to swallow another laugh. “Why you-!” You swatted at his closest arm lightly. “Now I’m the one who worried over nothing!”
He faced you again and held up a hand like a focus mitt. You gave it a few withheld punches before sighing. “Better?”
“Yes…” You grumbled.
“Good.” He nodded with accomplishment and then shifted into a prepared stance. “Let’s clear the air then. Ask away.”  
A puff of surprised air came out of your mouth. “What kind… are you? I can see the green, but it doesn’t seem like lizard…?”
He nodded his head in a way that said he was evaluating your inquiry. “Turtle.”
You resisted the urge to groan and instead pointed to his shoulders. “Then that’s...”
He turned his head to look at what your pointing and made an educated guess. “A shell? Why yes it is.”
At that you couldn’t help but tip your head back. It really seemed obvious. Coming back down from the stars you lifted a curious finger. “Do you mind if I…?”
He raised a brow and studied the digit. “Go ahead.” The response was affirmative, but tense so you were slow about reaching out and poking the finger into his chest. Under the softness of the coat, you could feel the harder plastron.
“I feel so dumb right now…” You flushed, pulling your finger back as you hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Peeking up at Donnie, you saw him biting his lip against more laughter.
He shook his head, but you could tell there was the slightest hitch to the movement. “As for what we do…” He began before folding his arms in a way that meant he was calculating the best description for it. “We… are the protectors of this city.”
“The…?” You started and stopped. The jokes about mafia and super heroes suddenly felt much less absurd. You were sure to lose sleep tonight.
“That may have been a bit dramatic.” Donnie gave a lighthearted sigh before a serious air drew around him. “Do you remember the invasion of New York?”
“I remember being on a cruise ship and then suddenly returning to a devastated city, like everyone else-” You were stating it like a natural fact until you realized Donnie wasn’t immediately commiserating like anyone else would. You could feel the color drain from your face. “Wh-what are you saying?”
He had a faraway look to him. “That my family…” He breathed deeply and then leaned in closer to you as you had to him earlier. His voice dropped down just for you to hear. “…saved the city.”
Since he leaned into your ear and gave you no time to react, you stared ahead. Your eyes grew large as many tidbits of conversation fell into place. You only realized you hadn’t blinked when the cold air started stinging your retinas. You screwed your eyes shut and sank down into your coat. What had you heard? There was always talk of colored vigilantes over the years, but never any concrete evidence that anyone took seriously. Donatello and his brothers, from your perspective, lived in the city without a care in the world. Donnie himself had just mentioned moving with confidence. “How many other times than that?” You asked the question to the ground before turning to look at him shell-shocked.
The gentle look on his face told you more times than he could mention. “That’s…”
“It’s what we do.”
His head moved back incrementally at the passion in your voice. It fanned his ego and he brought his chin up haughtily. “I appreciate the comment, citizen!”
You laughed, but caught the eye he peeked open down at you to gauge your reaction. He seemed satisfied, but you had one last major question. “So, where do you live?”
His shiny demeanor dulled ever so slightly. “Let me pose you a question first to get you into the right mindset.”
“Okay…?” You tilted your head curiously.
“Have you ever thought I stunk?” He watched you closely.
You would have laughed if it weren’t for the clear patient gaze he was giving you. You went from disbelief to utter confusion. “No…?”
An arm jutted out right in front of your face. “No?”
You looked between the appendage and him taking the cue that he obviously wanted you to smell his coat. You leaned forward and gave it a sniff and smelled nothing but the faint scent of fabric softener. “No.” You responded firmly. “And I’ve never thought about it before now so it’s safe to say that can go all the way back to when I first met you.”
“Sewers.” He said staunchly, returning his arm to his side.
“Sew-“ You began to parrot back before the word sunk in. You weren’t only colored incredulous, but dyed in it. “H-hold on-?” You raised your hands as if to stave off the confusion. You looked to him for a hint of comedy, but he watched you uninhibited look that hid nothing. You replayed his earlier mentions of the lair and shook your head. Donnie stayed silent and continued to stare expectantly. You turned the thought over a few more times and then looked at him with renewed determination. “But-”
The smallest wince passed over his features.
“You saved the world!?” As soon as the first word left your lips you caught how loud it was going to be and muffled the rest under your gloved hands.
Donnie’s brows shot up with surprise. You weren’t sure what he thought you were going to say, but what you did caught him off guard. His expression softened and one corner of his mouth turned up. “We’ve even saved Bro’s Pizza and we didn’t even get a discount.”
“Quality and no hand outs!” You grinned with dawning memory even if it had been shared with his brother.
Donnie shook his head like it was a simple annoying fact of the universe. Any lingering tautness to his muscles seemed to melt away. He turned as if he was going to say something else when a loud voice cut through the cold air.
“Alright, folks! We’re going to bring you back in just a few minutes here and if you have two people coming in on your pass then both parties better be here or they will not be admitted! Again, be ready, we’ll call you back in just a few minutes, all parties ready! We’ll be giving out wrist bands so I’d recommend getting one, your seat, and then you can feel free to move about the cabin! Thank you!!!”
Any other point disappeared as Donnie’s face scrunched up with distaste. “That was a joke, right?”
“Nope, that’s about what they say every time.” You couldn’t help, but smile.
“Scoff! It’s beyond sloppy!” He looked to you for reassurance, but found amusement instead. He rolled his eyes away from you and narrowed at where the person had just been standing. “I’m going to find them and have a choice word with them after the film.”
“You’re going to make it hard for me to decide which I want to watch more.” You giggled.
He swept a deadpan expression back to you. “Oh, you were coming whether you wanted to or not.”
“Well good thing I do!” You felt light again.
You attitude must have been infectious because Donnie seemed to brighten also. “From now on, we agree to just ask if we have questions, worries, or what not.”
It was less of a question and more of a statement, but the terms were perfectly agreeable. You still had a slew of burning questions about his hero title, but another attendant walked out to direct the line. You could spread the questions out; it meant you had text fodder for weeks to come and that alone was enough to speed up your heart rate. Why had you ever even worried about feeling cold in this weather when you had him by your side? “That sounds perfect, Donnie.”  
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lust4life01 · 7 days
could you write for donnie & reader’s first time w/ them being all sappy and cute afterwards?? thank you so much!! i love your work 💗💗
I have finally finished my exams for the year so I can FINALLY get back to writing both yours and my fantasises. Thank you for the request also!!😽
Let me do it right now, baby.
Warnings!! Smut, 18+, first time, p in v sex, fingering, losing virginity.
Pairing: Sweet Donnie x virgin/freader.
Disclaimer- both Donnie and reader are 18+!!
——————————— -- <3————————————
The first time is always an interesting experience and to you it was a big deal. Giving not only your body to another soul but also a piece of your heart, a shared experience you’d both remember. Sure it was natural to be nervous but you knew Donnie wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or ever put you in a situation where you weren’t comfortable.
You’d been dating for a while and had a few messy make out sessions here and there but it never really when further than a bit of touching. A couple nights before you and Donnie had gone to a party and things started to get a bit heavy, but due to your intoxicated state he pushed you away and told you maybe another time. After that, he was all you could think about. The thought of his hands and mouth touching you would send you into orbit. You wanted him so badly, so when Donnie invited you over for a movie night you knew the event which would occur.
Donnie came strolling into the room with a set of DVs in hand whilst rambling on about which movie is the most cinematic
“Okay, what do you wanna watch? Road House? I know you love Patrick Swayze, or maybe-“
He stopped dead in his track when his eyes laid on you, who was situated on the bed, top discarded, in a white lace bra.
You had put a lot of effort into your appearance that day which Donnie did noticed but didn’t think anything of because you always looked stunning to him. The desire to look good for him was overwhelming, nearly as overwhelming of how bad you wanted him.
“Y,n. Wow. I. You look-“ he could barely talk as his eyes traveled down to your chest and then back up to you face.
“Donnie, I think I’m ready. No. I am ready, if you are?”
Your voice possessed both neediness and an element of innocence as you stared right back up into his eyes.
Dropping the dvds down he made his way over to the bed and cupped your jaw with his hands “are you sure baby. Because I can wait for you, I mean I didn’t ask you over with the intention-“
Reaching up you kissed him passionately silencing his very noble monologue.
He groaned into the kiss and you both slowly laid down, lips still interlocked. Straddling his waist, you depended the kiss and nestled your fingers in between his silky dark hair, letting a quiet whimper leave your mouth.
Retracting for him you hummed “Do you want this Donnie, do you want me? Cause I want you so badly.”
He bit his lip whilst staring you in the eyes “fuck. Yes please”
The motion of him flipping you onto your back made your stomach ache with anticipation, which only grew stronger when his large frame slowly moved down your body, leaving soft kisses on your flushed skin. His fingers hooked your skirt and slowly pulled it down your thigh, his eyes fixated on your face to make sure you were comfortable.
“Fuck, my girl is so pretty.”
A low hum left your lips as you sat up and grabbed the bottom of Donnie’s shirt. Starring innocently with doe eyes, you asked sweetly “can I?”
The exited grin with his lip situations between his teeth and the small nod of his head was your green light. Flinging it off you started in awe. You had seen him shirtless before of course, but in the light, in this state of lust, and the safety you felt, he seemed like a god. Something crafted by the divine who could grant you salvation through a mere glance.
Donnie smirked at the star struck look on your face and placed his big hand around the back of your neck gently, guiding you back down so your head rested on the pillow.
The feeling of his long fingers along your thighs made you want to cry out, the desperation practically seeping out of you. Finally his finger slipped into your panties and felt the wetness that rested there.
“Jesus, you really want me this bad baby?”
You could only hum in response, the feeling of his finger circulating your clit made your brain turn to mush.
Finally his fingers made their way to your soaked core, after he spat onto his index and middle finger, gently thrusting two fingers inside, preparing you.
“Donnie, fuck, please.” The sensation was so overwhelming, the fullness, it made your head rush. Barely functioning, your breathing got heavier and heavier as his fingers moved and he gently asked you if you were okay, numerous times.
You soon stared to feel an intense sensation loom in your lower stomach,. Knowing this was yours and Donnie’s first time together you figured he probably wouldn’t last very long so you told him to stop.
Pulling his soaked fingers from you, his face burdened with concern, he asked if you were okay.
“I’m sorry baby, did I hurt you? We can stop if you want-“
An amused grin spread across your face, he was always so gentile with you.
“No Donnie baby, you made me feel so good. But I want us both to feel good.” Starring at the hardened bulge in his pants you continued “want us to cum together.” You told his as your hands rubbed him through his tight jeans.
He nodded his head and kissed you hard, as your fingers made their way to his pants, fumbling to push them down his thighs.
Once his boxer and pants sat at his waist you grabbed the condom sat on the nightstand. You tore the packet open with your teeth as Donnie watched with eyes full of lust.
“May I?” You asked giggling
He nodded his head profusely as your fingers wrapped around his hard head, placing the condom down his length, earning a low needy moan from him.
You laid back and he spread your legs wider, admiring the complexity and beauty of your body before teasing your entrance with his head.
Just before finally slipping it in he grabbed your jaw softly and made sure you were listening to him
“Y,n, are you absolutely sure you’re okay with this.” As you nodded your head your eyes fluttered shut but that wasn’t enough for him. “No. Y,n. I need you to say it for me okay. I need to hear you say it.”
“Shit, Yes Donnie. I really, really fucking want this” you emphasis, dragging out your words slightly.
“Good girl.” And with that his pulsating dick slowly entered you. The strength was a little uncomfortable at first, which led to a small hiss leaving your lips. Once you had gotten use feeling of his fullness against your walls, Donnie stared to thrust slowly, causing both you to whimper.
“Fuck baby you’re so tight. Don’t know how long I’m gonna last.” Donnie mumbled with a load grow afterwards.
With Donnie’s warning you moved your hands down to your clit and quickly rubbed in a circular motion, causing you to wine at the sensation. Simultaneously Donnie groaned at the way your cunt tightened around him.
You both were so close, the speed of Donnie’s thrust increased as did the speed of your fingers magnifying your pleasures.
The sounds of heavy breathing and light whimpers filled the room which only spurred you on more. The feeling was new and slightly painful, but in the best possible way because you had the best possible boy with you. Through fluttered lashes you looked up at him, his hair messy and his mouth little ajar. He looked so pretty when he was on the verge of coming. The sight of him brought you closer to the edge.
A high pitched whiny moan left your lips as your climax reached, “Donnie, I think, I’m gonna cum, I don’t know. Fuck”
Your orgasm hit you like a wave of ecstasy as you tightened around Donnie’s cock, causing him to cum merely seconds after you. The low animalistic groans that left his mouth only heightened the pleasure.
He collapsed on top of your chest, as both collected your breath. You couldn’t help but giggle. Knitting your hands through his hair he looked up and kissed your lips. A sharp breathe left your mouth as he slowly pulled out, getting up to throw away the condom. As he returned from the bathroom he brought a warm wet cloth and situated himself between your thighs once again. He gently cleared you up whilst praising you for doing such a good job for him.
From the dresser he grabbed you a shirt of his and a pair of clean underwear for himself. Once lying back on the bed you placed your head on his chest as his hand smoothed your the back of your head and your hair. “How are you feeling baby?”
A satisfying hum is your answer as you inhale the scent of his neck. “I love you Donnie Darko.”
Kissing you passionately once again he held his fingers under your chin and smirked. “I love so fucking much y,n , yln.
The sounds of giggles and laughs erupting from the two of you could be heard as Donnie tickled your waist, leading to a battle of affection in the forms of laughter and touch.
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taffycandyqt · 5 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do tmnt 1987 Donnie x a fem trad goth reader and he’s just enamored with her and his brothers are just confused asf as to why a “vampire” is dating their brother
OMG YES! there is a severe lack of 87' content in the TMNT fanbase and it makes me sad. Not to mention I dress goth occasionally so this request got me really excited!
Who in the Halloween is That?!
87' Donatello x fem trad goth reader
Fluff, crack
Donnie Brings his goth girlfriend to finally meet his family. His brothers are happy for him but Donnie is a little to enamored with his girl to realize that they're also a little concerned.
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Donatello and you have been dating for a little more than three months. He had been out on a mission to find a missing part for his next invention when you instantly caught his eye with your unique style. You were an employee where he was looking and he was fascinated by your choice in clothing, it was so different than anything he had seen before. So he approached you. And with the confidence of a shy fangirl meeting her celebrity crush, asked you if you knew where he could find what he was looking for.
You, of course, helped him find it but right before you went on your way, he complemented your outfit and asked you out. Then the rest is history. There were a couple of things to smooth out as with all relationships, but you guys were a match made in heaven.
Now, you both were at a place in your relationship where Donatello felt like it was finally time to introduce you to his family. He actually introduced you to April first, to ease you into it. She was surprised to say the least but really happy for you guys. Honestly, she was proud of him.
Nows not the time to reminisce however. Not while your sitting at a table with Donatello's family staring at you like your the mutant.
"Umm, Donatello, who's this again?" Raphael said gesturing to you.
"I'll introduce you all in a minute, I want everyone to be here so let's wait for Master Splinter." Donatello replied as he was setting the table.
Leonardo sat down next to Raphael as Michelangelo brought out the pizza and sat it in front of the others. Michelangelo side eyed you curiously but looked back fast once you noticed.
Safe to say, it was a little awkward.
When Master Splinter entered the room he greeted you and then sat down and situated his sushi. Once everyone was seated the began to eat. Donatello quickly snatched you a slice before it all went missing. You smiled at him as a quite 'thank you' and he smiled back.
"So, gonna introduce us to your new bud Donatello?" Michelangelo flopped his pizza around to gesture before punctuating his sentence with a large bite.
"Yes!" He answered, almost like he forgot, "Everyone, this is Y/N L/N, my girlfriend."
Everyone except Splinter choked on their food at the sudden news.
"G- girlfriend?" Leonardo coughed out.
"Since when did you have a girlfriend Donatello?" Raphael questioned.
"Well we've been together for a couple of months and-"
"Months?! And you never told us?!" Michelangelo interrupted.
"Well I'm telling you now aren't I?" Donatello crossed his arms.
"Now my students, relationships are a complicated thing. They take time and Donatello and y/n have decided to tell us when they felt the time was right." Splinter explained, "It is good to meet you. I am glad my son was able to find someone that brings him happiness."
"Thank you. I'm glad I get to finally meet all of you." You said.
After that the dinner became much more comfortable and you enjoyed the conversations you were able to strike up with Donatello's family.
After dinner, Donatello wanted to give you a tour around the lair and show you some of the inventions in his lab. Master Splinter decided to leave them be and meditate in his room while the rest of the brothers congregated in the living room per Michelangelo's request.
"Okay dudes, I know how this is gonna sound, but I need you to listen to me here."
"Just get on with it Michelangelo." Raphael responded, already wishing he could watch his comedy skits on the television.
"Donatello's girlfriend is a... VAMPIRE!" Michelangelo emphasized by raising his arms.
"A vampire. Really."
"I'm serious dudes!"
"Michelangelo, I get that y/n might dress a little differently but that's no reason to assume that shes a vampire."
"It's true! Let me show you!"
Michelangelo began to pull out their movies and display the covers of each.
"Observe, exhibit A. 'The Vampire Girlfriend', the vampire dates her prey to not only to eat him but to get access to more meals through his family!"
"Oh, oh no Michelangelo! I think your right! Not!"
"Come on Michelangelo a movie?"
"Wait theres more! Exhibit B. 'The Vampire Alien Next Door', the vampire comes off as a friendly person to gain their neighbors trust before they suck their blood!"
"Again, Michelangelo, it's just a movie!"
"Do any of these 'vampires' even dress like y/n?"
"Pay attention mi amigos! Exhibit C. "Attack of the Goth Vampire Clan'."
Leonardo and Raphael studied the cover before looking at one another.
"Whelp, I'm convinced." replied Raphael.
"Yup, that's pretty solid evidence." Leonardo agreed.
"So dudes, now that we all see the truth, the question is, how do you expose her?" Michelangelo asked.
"Well we can't just let her stay with Donatello." Leonardo answered, "We will need separate them."
"Okay, how are we gonna do that fearless leader?"
"I'm thinking," Leonardo responded, "I got it! Michelangelo, break the oven!"
"What?! No way dude, how are we gonna make pizza!"
"Don't destroy it, just, ya know, break it a little so Donatello has to come in and fix it. That way we can distract him long enough to test y/n."
"Okay, sure sure." Raphael nodded along, "but now my question is, how do we test y/n?"
"Oh don't you worry brother of mine, I have a great idea." Michelangelo smiled.
"I don't know Donatello, I think one of your brothers was glaring at me during dinner." You weren't sure what to think, they all seemed to like you just fine except the one. It made you nervous to think one of his brothers didn't like you.
"Oh that's ridiculous, my family loves you! And I mean, how could they not? Your amazing!" Donatello saw nothing but smiles and good food. To him it felt like you belonged there. How could one of his brothers not see that?
"I guess." You sighed, you love Donatello but he tends to wear rose colored glasses when it comes to you. It's caused a few minor spats in the past, but nothing that wasn't easily fixable. Overall, though, it was pretty good for your selfesteem. You've never felt more like a catch in your entire life.
"Hey, don't worry okay? If one of them really doesn't like you I'm sure it just because they haven gotten to know you yet! They'll see how wonderful you are with time. So don't stress okay?"
You couldn't help but smile at your sweet boyfriend. Gosh, you loved him so much.
"Yeah, your probably right."
"I usually am. Now that that's been settled, let me show you the Turtle Van! It's my prized invention and I've wanted to show it to you for forever!"
And with that you were lead along and shown every beep and gizmo that the Turtle Van had to offer. Your boyfriend's creativity and ingenuity never ceased to amaze you.
"And if you just put your hand here-" Donatello moved you hand to a small scanner, "there! Now your hand print has been entered into the vans main frame. You should have access to all it's central controls." As he turned back to you it donned on him just how close the two of you were. Donatello blushed as he gave you some space.
"A- anyways I, uh."
"Donatello! Duuude! I need some of your brains amigo!" called Michelangelo from another room.
You and Donnie left the van to stand at the door way of his lab.
"Does it haft to be me?" Donatello yelled down the hall. This was the first time you had been in the lair. Can't he relish on you presence in peace?
"Afraid so compadre! Your the only one who can fix the busted oven!"
"Oh for the love of-" Donatello rolled his eyes, "looks like Michaelangelo broke something again. It may not be the most interesting thing in the world but we can still talk while I fix the oven if you want."
"Sounds good to me!" You reply. In all honesty you enjoyed watching him work. It was something that made him happy, and how could you to be upset with a happy turtle.
As you entered the kitchen you sat at the table while Donnie inspected the damage.
"Is it bad?"
"No, it shouldn't take me too long to fix this."
"That's a RELIEF." Michelangelo responded putting extra emphasis on 'relief'.
Donatello got to work while you asked him to tell you what happened. He loved explaining the technical stuff to you.
"I said. THAT'S A RELIEF!"
Donatello paused, "Yes Michelangelo, we heard you the first time."
"Oh, ummm. Y-yeah dude. Sorry." Michelangelo then turned to the doorway of the kitchen and gave Raphael and Leonardo a look.
"What does that bozo expect us to do?" Raphael whispered, "She wasn't supposed to follow him!"
"We'll just have to carry on with the plan anyways." Leonardo shrugged.
Raphael sighed but continued anyways.
"Look at this neat new necklace I found Leonardo!" He faked as he walked into the room.
"WOAW Raphael! That's amazing, what's it made of?"
"Oh you know, just garlic woops!" as Raphael pretended to slip he made sure to throw the garlic so it landed on you.
"Oh my goodness!" All three of them turned to look at you, "Are you okay? Your not hurt are you?"
You stood up and pulled the garlic off as you hurried to Raphael's side.
"What's going on?" Donatello stood up and surveyed the situation in the kitchen, "is everyone okay?"
"Uhhhh, yeah yeah. How are you y/n, sorry that garlic got you, hehe." Raphael rubbed the back of his neck and tried not to act suspicious.
"It's fine, it's just garlic. Your the one who slipped flat on your face."
"I'm okay, don't worry about it." Raphael waved you off.
"Why did you have a thing of garlic in the first place Raphael?" Donatello asked.
"Oh, uh... I... just... found, it."
"Oh. Would you like help washing them then?" You offered.
"Uhhhhh, s- sure."
"Okay!" Your turned and went back to where you had let the garlic fall. Donatello gave his brothers a weird look but continued on with the oven.
"There has to be another way!" Michelangelo exclaimed.
"She touched the garlic Michelangelo, what Vampire can touch garlic?!"
"Maybe that's something the movies just added to give them another weakness." He responded, not willing to except that you weren't a vampire.
"Michelangelo, I think its time to give this a rest. Y/n being a vampire is a little ridiculous." Leonardo placed his hand on Michelangelo's shoulder.
"No dudes! I can prove it, this time for sure!"
"Here we go." Raphael rolled his eyes.
It didn't take long for Donatello to fix the oven. After he did he led you back to his lab so you both could spend some time together.
"I also wanted to give you this!" Donatello handed you a hand held device designed like a turtle shell.
"Thank you! ... What is it?"
"It's a Turtle Comm! Each of us have it and all our friends too, now you have one! I didn't want to give it to you before because it contacts through an interconnected line. I didn't want anyone thinking you stole one of our Turtle Comms. But now you can contact me directly at the click of a button if you need anything."
"Wow! Thank you Donatello, it's amazing!"
"Oh it's nothing I-" you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.
"I-I-I, um, oh, well, I-"
"Oh Donatello. You got a minute?" Raphael asked as he knocked on the labs entrance.
Both you and Donatello jumped a little bit but you weren't to startled. You put your hands in front of you as you looked anywhere but Raphael, you hoped that he didn't see you do that.
Donatello on the other hand sighed and turned to his brother, not to pleased with the constant interruptions.
"Does it have to be right now?" he asked.
"Hey listen. I'm just checking to see if this is y/n's." As he said this Raphael shoved a cross necklace in your face. Why he had to do the brunt of the work for these plans, he had no idea. He just wanted to get it done quickly.
Donatello separated Raphael from you, as he was in your personal space, and turned to you.
"Is it yours y/n?" He asked.
"No I don't think so."
"Great, so Raphael, you can-"
"Well in that case y/n, you can have it." Raphael said as he tossed it to you, "It doesn't belong to any of us and finding the original owner in New York of all places is out of the question."
"Oh. Thank you, I guess?" You had caught the cross and looked at it. It want anything special, just a regular silver cross on a cheap necklace chain.
"Well I'll leave you two be." and with that he winked at Donatello and left the lab.
"There Michelangelo, she held the cross with both hands and nothing."
"She's still a vampire dudes I'm sure of it!"
"You get one more test to convince us Michelangelo. Then Raphael and I are done and you put this whole vampire thing behind you and be happy for Donatello."
"And if she is a vampire?"
"Let em' date." answered Raphael.
"Unless she wants to suck his blood, right?" Leonardo questioned.
"My turtles, what are you doing?"
"Michelangelo over here thinks that Donatello's new girlfriend is a vampire and has had Leonardo and I running around with him trying to prove it."
"I see. And what is your basis for this assumption Michelangelo?"
"It's because- OH! Master Splinter do you mind if we borrow your long mirror? It's the only one in the lair that can we move and everybody knows that vampires don't have reflections!"
"Hm." He thought for a moment, "Yes. But if you would wait my students. I have some business to attend to before I can lend it to you."
"But sensei! Time is of the essence!"
"And patience is a virtue."
"Okay my sons, here is the mirror." Splinter hands Michelangelo his long mirror. He had informed them before that he would like stay to make sure they don't break it. So that's what led Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo hiding in the living room waiting to jump y/n.
"Donatello! Can you come here for a minute? I need a sparring partner to practice my katas but Raphael and Michelangelo are busy!"
"Sorry Leonardo, but I'm busy too!" He called back.
"Please Donatello! It's only one move, it shouldn't take too long!"
It was quite for a little bit and that's when they heard foot steps.
"-but what are katas?" They heard you ask.
"Oh it's a typ-"
"AHA!" Michelangelo said as he jumped out of his hiding spot to put the mirror in front of y/n. As he looked at the mirror there was very clearly no reflection.
"Wait what?!" Raphael said as he and Leonardo ran to take a look at the mirror.
"It seems your intuition was correct my son." Splinter told him.
"Yes, it seems it was." You said menacingly, "And now that you know, I hope your aware that I can't leave you alive."
"Wh-what are you saying y/n?!" Donatello exclaimed.
"It's been fun Donatello, but a girls gotta eat." You lunged at him and his brothers were all to slow to stop you before you reached him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and started...
Both you and Donatello were laughing.
"Umm, dude, most people scream when they're being attacked by a vampire." Michelangelo said, stunned and very confused.
"Uhh, Michelangelo, look in the mirror." Leonardo instructed.
"Dude nows not the time for-" as he turned around to face Leonardo he saw that he didn't have a reflection either.
"Is Michelangelo a vampire too?!" Asked Raphael still freaked from the whole ordeal.
"No my students. When you told me about your belief in y/n being a vampire, I took the mirror you wanted to use to Donatello. I informed them of the situation and what you planned on doing."
"We decided to have a little fun since you've all been pulling our legs all day. I switched the mirror out of the frame with a screen. I uploaded a scan of the entire lair and programed it to simulate a reflection of the spaces based on its positioning. However because it is a screen projecting a pre-performed scan, instead of reflecting light, no one standing in front of it would have a reflection." Donatello explained.
"Then all we had to do was implement a bit of expert acting and you were fully convinced!" You finished.
The three of them stood there stunned.
"S-so you really aren't a vampire?" Michelangelo asked.
You held up a compact mirror to your face and angled it towards Michelangelo so he could see your reflection.
"No, I'm really not." You smiled.
"My students, let this be a lesson to you on judging someone based on appearances. In some cases it is necessary for your safety. However, for most situations, especially one like this, it is important to give someone the chance to demonstrate the content of their character before jumping to conclusions on who or what they are."
"You're right sensei. Y/n, I'm sorry, I guess I just got too caught up in my movies."
"We're sorry too." Raphael started.
"We didn't believe you were a vampire as much as Michelangelo did but we still contributed to his antics." Leonardo finished.
"Aww, that okay guys. You aren't the first people to think I'm a vampire though, so don't worry about it." You told them, "Though usually the people who think so are around the age of five."
"Well that makes sense, Michelangelo stopped maturing after age five!" Raphael snarked.
"Hey! I am very mature!"
"Now Michelangelo, you shouldn't repeat everything you hear on TV!"
Michelangelo began to chase Raphael.
"OH BOY, television really is making today's youth more violent!"
As the kept running around Leonardo turned back to you.
"I do hope that this first impression doesn't scare you off. We're glad your here and want you to know that your always welcome in our home."
"Oh don't worry about it, it's totally fine. But thank you." You smiled at him then turned to Donatello and grabbed his hand, "I should probably go home now though, I told my parents I was at a friend's house and it's getting close to when they want me home. Can't have them calling her house, afterall you have yet to meet my family."
"Oh boy." Donatello nervously chuckled in response. That would definitely be an adventure for another day.
------------------------------------------------------------ This took me so long but I really like it! The dialogue might be a bit fast paced but it think it's still fun. One good thing about writing for 87' is that a lot of the humor in the series is derived from ridiculous situations and things that don't make sense. So it was pretty easy to come up with situations for this one because it didn't need to make logical sense🤣🤣
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keep-the-wolves-close · 2 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 39: Black Sky
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: language, angst, suicide, Malcolm Beck, injured character, character death, violence
* Word count: 6,110ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all.
Author's note: Here we are folks! Season 2’s finale! I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well! Thank you for sticking around this long, and I hope you continue to follow along with the story as we head through onto season 3!
Gonna take a little break to get season 3 and season 4 worked on some more, so bear with me!
It was still early in the morning of the second day after his son was kidnapped and his best friend landed in the hospital. Kayce had barely slept. His father was meeting with the sheriff this morning. There was nothing more they could do until Donnie cleared the way.
Kayce chewed his bottom lip as he stared off into nothing. His son was kidnapped and god knows where and his best friend was laid up in the hospital unconscious potentially never to wake up, all because he let himself be convinced to leave the ranch. He knew he should have been there. He knew it might have made a difference, but the opportunity had passed him. Now they had to defend their home and right the wrongs that had been done to them.
He could hear Stella’s voice in his head. ‘We can’t be soft defending it.’ Being soft was exactly what they weren’t going to do. If he knew her like he thought he did, she’d be practically begging to blow them and everyone involved to pieces on main street for everyone to see so that the message was received.
Kayce’s stomach clenched again at the thought of losing both his son and Stella. Monica’s soft voice came from behind him. “Have you heard anything about Stella?” Even though she was fairly certain about the relationship between her almost ex-husband and his best friend now, Monica didn’t think Stella deserved to be in the current situation she was in. Especially since it was because she tried to save their son.
Kayce wiped his hand along his clenched jaw. He hadn’t heard anything from Ryan or Colby since yesterday. The last they had told Kayce, the doctors said Stella had covered her face just barely good enough. She had some broken ribs, one hell of a concussion. There would be a gnarly scar along her face once it healed. He assumed she was still unconscious. Kayce was surprised the kick that caused the gash didn’t fracture her skull. She was lucky it wasn’t worse than that.
He absently shook his head. “Nothing new. Still unconscious I’m guessing.”
“Can we go see her?” Monica hoped Stella would wake up.
“We have to get Tate back. It — it wasn’t — supposed to be this way.”
“Your father is gonna take a while talking to the sheriff. Let’s go see her. If she’s in this predicament because she tried to protect our son, it’s the least we can do.” Monica turned to look at Kayce. “Ryan and Colby shouldn’t be alone.”
Ryan’s leg bounced continuously and he chewed on the side of his thumb. He numbly stared at his sister lying in the hospital bed. He was terrified that she wouldn’t wake up. The doctors and nurses had tried to convince him that her body was trying to heal itself. That she will wake up when she’s ready.
Aside from the bruised and swollen face, she looked peaceful. Ryan couldn’t understand any of this. He could, but the extremes threw him down into a spiral. He prayed to whatever god would listen. His mind was taken over and he was reminded of when their dad was in the hospital. He felt as helpless now as he had then. There was nothing he could do. ‘Except make sure those motherfuckers pay.’
A light knock behind him brought his and Colby’s attention to the door. It was Kayce and Monica. He breathed out loudly and his shoulders dropped. Ryan waved them into the room, standing.
Monica caught sight of Stella and gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to believe it was real. “Oh, Stella.” She whispered. “Ryan, I'm so sorry.” Monica pulled Ryan into a tight hug.
Ryan leaned into her grasp for a moment, and tried to keep himself from crying. He didn’t know what to say. At this point, he didn’t think there was anything he could say.
Kayce stopped moving the second he could see Stella lying there. His heart was in his throat and his palms went clammy. “This was a bad idea.” Colby stood and placed his hand on Kayce’s shoulder to keep him from running.
“It’s gonna be okay, man,” Colby gave Kayce’s shoulder a squeeze, “from what I can tell, it looks worse than what it actually is.”
Ryan let Monica go and said to Kayce. “Every single one of those sons of bitches are gonna pay, Kayce. For Stella and for Tate.”
Monica stepped up to Stella’s side. She prayed silently. She knew Stella could pull through. Monica knew that Stella was strong and hard-headed. Just like Kayce. However, this time around she needed some help. Kayce stood there speechless, trying to catch his breath. Monica prompted him softly, “You can come over here, you know. It won’t hurt her.”
Colby gently tapped Kayce’s arm to try and spur him into motion. A look passed between the three men. It was a glance of retribution promised, but sorrow, and understanding. Both of the most important people to the men were hanging in the balance, and there wasn’t much they could do for either of them. Kayce’s steps faltered. If he went over and touched her, it would make it real. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to handle that.
Monica was reminded of when she was in the hospital from the distressed look on Kayce’s face. She waved him over. She would at least give him some comfort, disregarding the split between them. He made it to the end of what felt like the longest walk in his life even though in reality it was only a few feet. Monica switched spots so Kayce could be closer to Stella. She placed her hand on his back, letting him know the support was there.
Kayce felt his eyes sting, and his breath got caught in his throat. He choked on his own air. He leaned down and kissed Stella’s forehead gently. He whispered to her, “we’re going to get everyone single one of the sons a bitches who did this to you. I promise you that, sugar. None of them will walk out alive.” A few tears dropped from his eyes, landing on Stella’s face. Kayce lifted his hand and gently wiped them away.
Ryan watched the scene in front of him and felt his heart crack even more. Before he could get too deep, his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Need you back at the ranch. A text from Rip read.
“Kayce, they need us back. I’m going to check in with the doctor and then I’ll be right behind you.” Ryan directed. He looked to his best friend. “Colby, can you stay with her so I know she’s safe?”
“Of course, man.” Colby patted Ryan’s shoulder. “If anything changes I’ll let you know.”
Monica gave Stella one last look and prayer as all three of them rushed out of the room. Kayce couldn’t bring himself to look back.
“Ryan, you take Monica with you. There’s a stop I gotta make on the way.”
“Kayce!” Monica called out. He snapped his head in her direction. She waved him closer. “I will not face this world without our son. You make sure you kill them,” she whispered.
“Don’t worry about that, Monica. If he doesn’t, I sure as shit will.” Ryan interjected.
Kayce pulled up to the M/T Beck Ranch to where Donnie’s deputies stood guard. He rolled the window down and the deputy closest to him stepped forward. He leaned out the window and asked, “how many in the house?”
The deputy shrugged. “Just him. As far as we know.” He placed his hands on his hips. “I need to see the warrant.” Kayce pulled the paper out of his pocket, unfolded it, and held it up to the officer.
The deputy nodded. “Alright.” His boots crunched in the gravel as he turned on his heel and sat down in his patrol car. The other deputy followed his lead. The car started and they pulled away without any further question, leaving Kayce to do as he pleased.
He pulled into the drive, just far enough that he could remain undetected, but close enough that he didn’t have to run a mile to get to the house.
He ran up to the front doors crouched, and gently opened the first set. They squealed loudly in protest and he winced at the disruption of the silence. When no one came to look, he continued through the second set of doors.
He looked in the living room and didn’t see anyone. Panning around the room, he saw a hallway to the back right. Making his way through the mouth of the hallway, he looked through each of the rooms as he passed them by, finding no one.
He continued pushing toward the back of the house. He came to a set of stairs. He looked down then first, but running water caught his attention from upstairs. He raised his pistol to aim ahead of him and traveled up the stairs. He climbed slowly and grimaced when he reached the top as the floor creaked beneath his weight. He banked on the fact the running water would drown out his extraneous noise.
Moving further down the hallway, he could see a bathroom sink at the end. The water was indeed running, and the sound of paper rustling grabbed his ears. He strode up to the doorway and spotted Malcolm’s brother Teal sitting on the toilet. He lifted his pistol with surefire accuracy and popped off three rounds in Teal’s gut before he barely registered someone was there.
Teal slumped forward and groaned in agony, holding his hand to his stomach. Kayce kneeled down onto the balls of his feet, his face flat but pleased. Teal sputtered in fear seeing Kayce’s resolute face. “Where’s my son? Where is he?”
Teal tried to catch his breath. “I don’t know,” he growled out. Kayce shot him in the calf without blinking.
Teal screamed in pain. “Stop! Stop!”
“There’s a lot of stuff I can shoot before you die.”
“The — Montana Free Militia. They’re who we used. They got him.”
“Where do they camp?”
Teal huffed and puffed. “Base of the Crazies. The Crazy — the Crazy Mountains.”
Kayce’s face hardened. “You ever been up there?”
“Yeah. Up 284. Just before Diamond City. There’s a,” Teal started to cry, “there’s a little beat up house,” Kayce made peace silently with what he was about to do after he got everything he needed from Teal. “Behind a bunch of junkers.”
Teal leaned forward and moaned. “Oh fuck. I’m shot to shit.”
Kayce remembered Stella’s words about not being soft defending the ranch and the family that stood behind it. “Don’t you know about my family?” His face scrunched in disappointment. People really had thought they’d gotten soft. “You didn’t think we’d fight back?”
Teal was crying. “No. Nobody ever fights back.”
“Until now.” Kayce raised his pistol.
“No, please. Please.” Teal begged. “Not on the toilet. I don’t wanna die on a fuckin’ toilet.”
Kayce’s face softened briefly. “I promised the mother of my son, and my girlfriend’s brother, I’d kill you. All a man has is his word.” He squeezed the trigger and the kill shot knocked Teal back against the back of the toilet.
Kayce took a different gun, and angled himself as if Teal was shooting back. He rubbed Teal’s hand all over the grip, getting his blood on it, then placed it on the ground just beneath his hand.
He stood and went back the way he came in. He pulled out his cell and called his dad.
Ryan was sitting on the porch with Jamie and Beth. They’d wanted as much of an update as he could give them. “She’s got some broken ribs, a concussion, wicked slash across her eye, and she’s unconscious.”
Jamie sighed loudly. “Shit. I’m sorry Ryan.” Stella wouldn’t be in this mess if she hadn’t been trying to protect his family member. She shouldn’t have been there at all. He wished he would have heard something, if she’d called for them.
“She’ll wake up, Ryan. If there’s anything I know about her, it’s that she’s spiteful. She’s not gonna let some pussy of a man who comes to kidnap a child in the cover of nightfall take her out.” Jamie and Ryan stared at Beth for a moment. The softness from her shocked both of them.
John came out of the house on the phone and made his way down to the grass determined. “Okay, good.” John took a breath. “You’re okay though, right?” He visibly relaxed at whatever answer he’d been given. “Thank god. Come home.”
The trio scrambled off the porch to catch up with the leader. Beth asked gently, “what did he say?”
John reached into his vest and pulled out a letter. “You need to make an amendment to the trust, Beth.” He leaned closer to give her the letter. “Read this. Then do what it asks.” He grabbed her shoulder. “I know who loves me.” He glanced at Ryan. “I know who’s loyal,” and then back at his daughter. “I always have.” He walked back into the house to get ready for the fight that was about to take place. Not only for his grandson, but the revenge for one of his employees.
Beth opened the letter and skimmed over it quickly.
Jamie watched Beth closely. “What does it say?”
“None of your fuckin’ business.” She headed off to do what her father asked. She needed to go see Rip.
“I’m gonna go down to the bunkhouse to get ready. We’re moving on them tonight.” Ryan departed as well leaving Jamie standing there dumbfounded.
John stalked back out of his house toward Kayce and Jamie standing in the driveway. A large SUV pulled up the drive fast, and out came Mo, Chief Rainwater’s head of security. He shut the door and made his way around and said, “I was sent here to help.”
John went into the red shed next to the house and grabbed a bullet proof vest. He turned and gave Kayce directions. “Go get Rip when he’s done with Beth.” Before Kayce could object John said, “I can’t risk you, son.”
Kayce marched up the hill that led to the new cabin Rip had been gifted. Beth had walked by him, letting him know where to find the man in question. Rip was sitting on the steps to the house. “Whattaya know Kace?”
“Stella’s torn up. Still unconscious. Tate’s with a militia. In the Crazies.” He shook his head. “We don’t have any time.”
“How can I help?”
“It’s a big ask,” he adjusted his ball cap, “can’t attack a fortified position without knowing the strength of our enemy. In Afghanistan, we’d send an armored vehicle into ambushes. Draw fire to know how many we were fightin’.” Rip nodded and Kayce rubbed the side of his face. “We don’t have any armored vehicles. I’d do it myself, but,” he stopped himself. He hated that he was even asking something like this of Rip.
“I know. I’ll draw your fire.” Rip rose off the steps with a groan. He began his march back to the barn with Kayce trailing behind him.
Ryan, Kayce, Mo, and Handon pulled up in the cover of darkness to the little busted up shack Teal had told Kayce about. Rip and John pulled up behind them with a horse trailer. The three men got out of the truck and put eye black on their faces to make themselves harder to see. Rip and John jumped out and started to pull their horses out of the trailer.
Kayce put on his gloves and surveyed the surrounding area with Mo standing next to him. Handon made sure his sights were good. Ryan reined in his anger and held it for when he got the chance to take the motherfuckers who hurt his sister to meet their maker. Rip walked up with his horse.
Kayce asked Mo, “you want a rifle?”
“I’m best with my pistol.”
“Pistol won’t pierce armor.”
“I won’t be aiming at their chest.” Mo looked at Kayce. He fully turned to Kayce, taking in his camouflaged face. “Got anymore of that?” Kayce handed the eye black over to him.
Mo walked over to Rip and Dude. He looked at Rip and got his approval to bless the horse for the hell they were about to go through. He traced a circle around Dude’s right eye. “So he sees danger.” He drew some more sigils on his neck. “So he is sure-footed.” He made his way to the gelding’s shoulder. “So the bullets bounce off.” He finished by drawing some on the horse’s hind quarter. “So he moves fast.”
Rip tried to lighten the mood the only way he knew how, hearing Stella’s voice in his head making a joke. “You sure you don’t wanna draw on me some?”
Mo chuckled. “Won’t work on you.”
“Yeah, I figured.” Mo walked away and Rip took a second to say whatever kind of prayer he could muster up.
John and Rip mounted their horses and trotted over to the rest of the group. John fixed his collar. “You know, of all the days to ask this of you, I’m sorry it’s today.”
“I can’t think of a better day for it, sir.” They shared a look. Rip nodded.
“I’ll be coverin’ you on your right.”
John took off to swing around on Rip’s right side. Kayce waved everyone forward. “Let’s get in place.”
Handon stopped next to him. “You think they got night vision?”
“Yeah, and thermal. You can bet on it.”
Ryan, Handon, and Mo moved forward to take cover behind some rubble that laid in front of them. They needed to be able to see where the fire was coming from and how many shooters there were.
Rip leaned back and took in the sky one more time in the moment of peace before all hell broke loose. He thought of Beth. Of Stella. “I love you.” He spurred Dude into action. He was ready to cause a ruckus.
As soon as he galloped by a small building on his right, shots started flying through the air. All of the ground men rushed behind him.
Kayce yelled out, running forward, “Livestock Police! Drop your weapons!” They dropped several men and took cover in between reloading time.
Rip pulled Dude to a stop. John cantered up to his side and hollered. “Livestock Police! Drop your weapons!” John raised his rifle and took out another one of the militia members.
Rip climbed down off his gelding, taking deadly aim and took out another. John slid out of his saddle to join him. Handon placed one of the men in cuffs.
Kayce, Ryan, and Mo came to the actual house the militia were staying in and surrounded it. Handon and Ryan took the back. Mo and Kayce took the front.
Kayce opened the front door and ducked back quickly. A few shots rang out from behind the door and while the man was reloading, Kayce and Mo took their chance to charge inside.
Each of the four took to clearing the house. Checking every room they passed by for Kayce’s son. The foursome came to a back room and there were three people left. Ryan and Handon got two of the people in cuffs. One sat in almost a meditative position.
Kayce had his rifle aimed at the man on the ground. He checked the room off to his right and went back to the man on the ground. “Where’s my son?” The man just stared blankly at Kayce. “Do you know, where my son is?”
The man scoffed. “I sure do.” He placed a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger before anyone could stop him.
“No!” Kayce screamed. “Fuck!”
Back outside, John had just finished tying up one of the militia men that was still alive and he heard footsteps through the grass behind him. He grabbed his rifle and yelled, “hey! Stop!” He followed after the man running away.
The man that was running, turned and took a few poorly aimed shots at John, but John stopped him assertively with a round of his own. The man dropped to the ground. John stormed over to him, and he rose from the ground and took another shot at the patriarch. John squeezed the trigger again, hitting the man and making him fly back onto the ground.
He groaned in pain as John stepped closer to him. When John was almost on top of him, he realized it was Malcolm. Unbeknownst to John, the group he’d brought with him stood by the fence and watched as he stepped up to Malcolm.
“You deserve a lot worse than this.”
Malcolm rolled over to grab his gun, but John aimed his rifle and shot Malcolm’s arm. “Ah god! Fucking cocksucker!” He cried.
“There ya go. Get it all out you son of a bitch.” John retrieved Malcom’s weapon. “Now tell me where my grandson is, and I’ll getcha to a hospital.” He kicked Malcolm over. “You have my word.” Malcolm laid there crying. “Go on, scream. Scream till whatever makes you want to hurt a child, my daughter, my horse trainer to hurt me leaves you.” Malcolm rolled back over onto his back. “If there’s a heaven, and I sure hope so, this is your last chance to do something that just might get you in it.”
John sat down next the injured man and Malcolm spluttered. “You know, I think a lot about the ten-or-so years I’ve got left before there’s not much left for me to but sit around and reminisce. You on the other hand, have to cram a lifetime of reminiscing into the next thirty minutes or so. Or you could lay there, and not telling me where he is will be your last thought.”
Malcolm wheezed and John looked him over. He thought of his daughter and the atrocity of what Malcolm’s hired men put her through. “Not whoever you may have loved, or your brother’s ninth birthday. None of that shit. Your entire lifetime’s gonna be reduced to my grandson’s face. It’s up to you, Malcom.” The thought of Stella, beaten and bloodied, laid up in the hospital unconscious, for trying to protect his family. Doing the job he had asked her to do. ‘Until my dying breath, sir,’ whispered through his head and he shuddered. He prayed with everything in him that it hadn’t been her last breath.
Ryan and Kayce watched on as Malcolm twitched, trying to catch his breath. Ryan looked back at Kayce. “What’s he doin’?” Kayce shook his head and they both observed the moment before them.
John looked up at the sky while Malcolm sputtered some more. “That’s Jupiter up there, the bright one.” He shifted his focus back to the ailing man on the ground next to him. “Did you know that?”
Malcolm’s chest started to rattle. “Carter Meads. That’s his name. Whitefish, Montana.” He struggled to breathe as deeply as he could. “Whitefish, Montana.”
“I’ll call for a chopper. Get you to the hospital.”
“I ain’t gonna make it to a hospital.”
“Yeah well, I gave you my word.”
“I won’t hold you to it.”
“You want company or do you wanna be alone?”
“Alone.” Malcolm ground out. “I wi— wish we’d never met.”
“Yeah,” John laughed darkly, “I bet you do.” John made his way back to his men.
As the sun rose over the mountains in Whitefish, Montana, Sheriff Haskell’s truck and a squad car rounded the corner on the house where Carter Meads lived with their lights on. Kayce, Ryan, and Handon covered their backs down the hill from up top.
Donnie and his team loaded up on the porch, ready to ram their way in. They busted the door open and everyone filed in. They took out a few people in the front part of the house.
Going toward the back Kayce called out for his son. “Tate!” Ryan, Handon and himself made their way up the stairs.
Donnie had already made his way upstairs and opened a door in the back and immediately turned back to stop Kayce. “Kace! I need you to step back!” Ryan pushed forward. Handon held Kayce back as best he could. Donnie asked Kayce, “give my guys a minute. You don’t wanna see him like this.”
Kayce started to grapple against everyone in his way. Ryan was their last defense. Kayce busted through him yelling, “see him like what?!”
He broke through the wall of men and into the bathroom where his son was. Tate shrieked and he got up close to him, catching his focus and letting him know he was safe.
Donnie stepped up to the door and told Kayce, “we’ve got a trauma specialist on the way.”
Kayce hugged Tate and the boy finally calmed down long enough that Kayce was able to get him outside and into the truck.
The drive home was quiet. Ryan knew that everyone who had hurt his sister and kidnapped his friend’s boy was dead. A weight lifted off his shoulders knowing that everything had to look up from here. Now he just needed his little sister to wake up.
A small voice from Kayce lap startled everyone. “Aunt Stella tried to save me and they hurt her. Is she okay?”
Ryan’s heart shattered completely. They all knew Stella’s beating had to have been because she tried to stop the men. He kept the tears at bay long enough to look at Tate, who was hiding in between his father’s arms. “Yeah, buddy. She’s okay. And she’s gonna be real glad we got you back.”
Ryan, Rip, and Lloyd walked through the hospital entrance. Everything at the ranch was taken care of for the time being. Tate was home safe. Traumatized, but safe. Stella was safe, but Ryan didn’t know when she would wake up. If she would wake up. Ryan was thankful the other two came with him. He was grateful Colby was still here. That helped him shake the heebie jeebies off.
The men came up on Stella’s room. They braved themselves and entered. There were whispered curses from Rip and Lloyd. A nurse just finished taking her vitals. She smiled at the men, trying to bring some cheer to them.
“Her vitals are super strong, gentlemen. She wants to be here. She’s just gotta wake up.” She patted Ryan on the shoulder making her way out the door.
Ryan could do nothing but stand there and watch the love everyone had for his sister. Colby came to stand with him. It was at that moment that he knew they were with the right people. He leaned a shoulder on the wall to let Rip and Lloyd have a moment with her.
Lloyd walked up to her bedside. “Little bit,” Lloyd mourned. He reached out to grab her hand. “Those evil people are taken care of. Your brother and Kayce led the charge. You can come back to us now. Please.” He pleaded.
Rip joined Lloyd at Stella’s other side. He placed his hand on the top of her head after he removed his sunglasses. “Shit, Stella-belle,” he sniffled, “this isn’t the kind of trouble you were supposed to be gettin’ yourself into.”
Ryan moved into the room and took a seat next to his sister’s bed. He glanced up at Colby, “so what have they said while we were gone?”
Colby crossed his arms. “Basically what the nurse said before she left. Her vitals have been strong this entire time. Her bloodwork came back great. Her MRI came back with some swelling in her brain, but with the head trauma that’s to be expected.” Rip and Lloyd grumbled. “They have her on meds to help keep the swelling down. Her X-rays showed a few broken ribs, but thankfully nothing was punctured. She’s just gotta wake up.”
It was somber in the room for a few minutes. Lloyd sat next to Ryan. Rip still stood guard at her bedside holding onto her hand. Colby left to get them coffee and give them time to stand vigil.
Stella’s breathing picked up. Her legs started to rutch around like she was uncomfortable. Her hand squeezed Rip’s. Rip watched her intently. A scratchy mumble of, “it’s still better than meth,” uttered from Stella who kept her eyes closed.
Ryan jumped out of his skin and the chair. Lloyd quickly made it to the door, calling for a nurse or a doctor. Anybody.
Once Kayce was sure Tate was sound asleep he quietly told Monica he was going to go check on Stella. She wanted to object, but understood. They hadn’t heard anything from the three who went to visit her in a while.
“Just make sure to come back in case he wakes up,” she spoke softly to Kayce. He agreed and made his way downstairs.
John called out from his office. “Where are you going?”
“To check on Stella.”
“Kayce?” His father called his attention.
Kayce poked his head in through the door finally. His dad looked focused out the window, but worried nonetheless. Kayce supposed there were a lot of things he had to be worried about right now. “Yeah, dad?”
“I’m coming with you.”
John left no room for discussion. He stood, striding past his son. Kayce fell in line behind his dad. He wasn’t sure how to take this kind of response from him about Stella. In the past John would have asked for a report back on her. This time however, he was coming along. John knew it his fault she was in this mess to begin with.
Coming out of Stella’s room was a group of nurses. Kayce thought the worst. He stood outside the door, scared to enter. His heart dropped into the floor. Terrified of what he would find. John waited with him, uncharacteristically patient. The doctor walked out, almost running into them.
“Oh sorry! You picked the perfect time to visit, gentlemen. Go on in.” The doctor whisked off down the hallway.
Going in, Kayce could see Rip smiling. His shoulders relaxed seeing his gruff lead wrangler in a good mood. The two made eye contact and Rip motioned at Kayce and John to the others. When they rounded the corner, Kayce’s eyes casted to Stella first. There she was, sitting propped upright. Not as swollen, but still bruised. The gouge over her right eye most likely held together with liquid stitches was red and angry.
Her brown eyes peeked at him. She smiled shyly. Almost embarrassed to be seen so vulnerable. “Hey, cowboy. John.”
Kayce rushed past everyone to get to her. He leaned down and softly hugged her neck. Placing a hand on the back of her head, he kissed her on the top of her head and breathed deeply. “Jesus. Don’t you ever do that to me again, you hear me?”
“I thought I saw a few more greys on you.”
John, Rip, Lloyd, Colby and Ryan decided now was the time to give them a minute and backed out of the room to the hallway.
“I brought you somethin’.” Kayce said. He reached into his jacket pocket.
“Oh?” Stella questioned, trying her damndest to not raise her eyebrows.
Kayce pulled his hand out, surprising her with her spare pair of glasses.
“Oh my god you’re an angel! I’m tired of squintin’ at shit.” Slowly she placed her hand out to recieve them. Once she had them on and could see him clearly, she cleared her throat. The scratchiness hadn’t left yet. “You found Tate, right?”
“Yes we did. Your brother and I made sure we made a point to every single one of them.”
Emotion bubbled up in her throat. “Kayce, I tried to stop them. I really did.”
“We know Stella. Tate told us. I couldn’t be more thankful for you. What you tried to do for him.”
“I’m so glad you found him. I didn’t know he would see them attack me and come back. He must get that from someone else I know.” She paused to look at Kayce. “When he came back for me instead of running to the house like I told him… I lost all sense of rational thought.”
“I know, baby. I know.” He looked her over, deciding to take the seat next to her. He worried about calling her that. He didn’t want her to panic all over again like a few weeks ago. “I just wish it didn’t happen this way.”
Stella gingerly touched her fingertips to the cut that started above her right eyebrow and stopped on the apple of her cheek. “Yeah me too. It probably looks gnarly, doesn’t it?”
When she didn’t panic when he called her baby, he continued. “It’s beautiful. Just like you.” They didn’t know the men had come back into the room.
Her mouth dropped open. “These meds they’ve got me on must be hittin’ me real good.” She chuckled. She went quiet. Kayce thought she might have fallen asleep, but there was a look of contemplation on her face.
“What is it Stella? Is something wrong? Do I need to get the doctor?” Kayce began standing.
“No, no, no.” Stella reached out for his hand. “I was just thinking, and it’s a horrible time to ask, but if I don’t now, I never will.” Kayce waited for her to continue and gently rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand that didn’t have the IV port. “Did you really mean what you said the other night in the lodge?”
“There were a lot of things said that night, sugar.”
Stella had hoped she wouldn’t have to say it out loud. She sighed. “You said you loved me.” She adjusted her glasses, pulling her bottom lip in briefly. “Did you really mean that?”
Around the corner, the five men were about to shit a brick house. They all looked between each other with their mouths hanging wide open. This was not where they thought this conversation was headed. It wasn’t what they thought they were going to be walking in on.
Kayce thought about it. She hadn’t mentioned anything since, so he thought it was something she didn’t want to talk about just yet.
“By god Stella, yes. I meant every damn word.” He watched her as she mulled everything over. “You okay with that?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just been a lot.” She played with a corner of her blanket. “So when do you gotta go back? I don’t wanna keep you from your family.”
“Tate finally caught sleep. He should be solid for a little while. I do have to go back eventually.”
“But I’ll be here with you all night, Stellee.” Ryan announced as the men walked back around the corner.
“When they let me outta here, where am I going?”
“I’d like it if you would stay at the ranch for a little while longer.” Rip mentioned. “Just in case something isn’t feeling right, someone is around.”
“Can I stay somewhere other than the bunkhouse?” She inquired. She looked to her brother. “Please? For my own sanity?”
John finally spoke up. “Yes, you may. You have the pick of wherever you want. You say the word and I’ll get you a spot.”
Stella and Kayce shared a look of bewilderment. She smiled gently at John. “Thank you, sir.” She tried to straighten her face out to avoid stretching her skin. She grimaced with the movement of her skin. “I mean, John.” The bruises and the gash across her face were really killing her vibe for smiling. Even if it was for the simple fact that she was alive. She let out a sharp yawn.
John glanced at Stella and Kayce, then the rest of the men. “I think that’s our sign to head out for the night. She needs to rest. Ryan, you keep us updated, alright?” Ryan confirmed with a nod.
“Can I have a minute with Stella before we leave?” Kayce asked.
“Of course, Kace.” Ryan ushered everyone out of the room.
Kayce stood, still holding Stella’s hand. She watched him contentedly while he contemplated. He rubbed her knuckles. “Can I kiss you? I’ve never really asked.”
A small smile splayed across her face as far as she could without pain. It was probably the wrong time for this joke, but she couldn’t resist herself. “I dunno. Can you?”
“Oh you ass.” Kayce started to pull his hand away.
Stella gripped his fingers with a giggle. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Yes, please kiss me.”
He leaned down gently to her. He was almost afraid to hurt her.
“I won’t break, Kayce.” She whispered. Their eyes met finally in a collision of brown on brown.
He leaned forward and softly pressed his lips to hers. Time seemed to stand still. He had been so worried she was gone, he hadn’t been able to focus on anything else other than getting his son back and getting payback to the sons of bitches who did this to her. He pressed slightly harder, trying to melt into her. He hadn’t realized he wanted this for a long time until the thought of her being gone crossed his mind. Even long before Monica came along. Her partially dry lips, no thanks to the dry hospital air, opened with a gasp.
He backed up slightly thinking he’d hurt her. “I’m so sorry.”
“No, come back here. Don’t apologize. It’s just hard to breathe with a stuffy swollen nose and broken ribs.” She greedily reached for him. When his lips touched hers again, her eyes closed and she leaned into him. He trailed after her, but pulled away and straightened his back.
“I should go. When we get you to the ranch, you wanna stay in the lodge with me?”
“I think I’d like that.” She would appreciate the solitude, but would still be close to her brother, her horse.
“Wait, Abigail. Is she okay? Did you guys find her?”
“Funny enough she ran up to us first panicking, before we found you. We thought it was because everyone was running around.” He gazed down at her with a sad smile. If only he would have known before he found Stella. The memory tried to come back, but he blocked it. “So yes, she’s okay. A little spooky, but she’s okay. I’ve had Jimmy lookin’ after her. When he wasn’t, Rip was.”
Stella sat back with a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god.” She didn’t know what she’d do if something ever happened to that horse. “You go. Take care of your boy. I’ll be safe with Ryan here.”
Kayce squeezed her hand and went out to the hall to trade places with Ryan. The two shared a look, knowing that this would be a conversation had at a later date.
The three extra men that visited began to walk back out to their vehicles. John stopped, causing Kayce to pause. John faced Ryan. “Ryan!” The man in question stopped his journey through the door. “This is on me.”
Ryan’s face contorted into confusion. “What do you mean, sir?”
John looked down. “I mean your sister almost gave her life to protect my family. She earned that brand fully. This trip is on me.” John swiveled on his heel, and caught up with the other men, leaving Ryan standing there about to cry if he wasn’t careful.
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ninjaneonleon · 10 months
A Clash of Feathers and Steel
There was no helping him. Leo was lost to whatever curse the Crow had placed on him and he seemed to be not only willing but actively embracing the situation. Donnie couldn’t tell how much was Leo and how much was the curse at this point.
“What’s wrong, Othello? Can’t find the beat?” Leo snickered, flapping his wings and sending a small wave of water at Donnie. He had to jump to avoid being knocked over.
“You were never this much of a jerk before,” Donnie grumbled, pirouetting and sending the same back at Leo. He spotted on Leo, watching as his twin gracefully landed in an arabesque after the leap.
“That’s because I never had a reason to be!”
As much as Donnie wanted to talk Leo out of this, he knew it wouldn’t do a thing. Leo was too far gone and if Donnie’s family talking to him on his bad days did nothing, there was no way Donnie talking to Leo now would help.
So he did the one thing he was hoping to avoid. Donnie held out his hand and summoned his staff. It was different from what he could recall his old tech bō looked like, it was slimmer, longer and more elegant. Like it was made from starlight, delicate but enduring and unchanging.
Upon seeing the weapon, Leo let out a gurgling hiss. It sounded closer to a crow’s caw than a turtle’s hiss and it made Donnie’s feathers stand on end.
“So we’re getting dangerous, are we?” Leo spat. “Fine. I had hoped that this interaction would be different, but you’re leaving me no choice!” He flapped his wings once, twice, and two long feathers fluttered down from the tips. Leo grabbed them as they lengthened into midnight rapiers that shimmered with frozen moonlight. No doubt they’d be just as sharp a steel.
“I don’t want to do this, Leo! I want to help you and get you home!” Donnie cried, getting into a defensive position.
“That’s all I want to do for you!” Leo shot back, readying his swords. Even when on the brink of battle, Leo was just as graceful as Donnie.
The two collided with an echoing scream, the cacophony of metal on metal. This fight was as much a dance as it was a fight for their lives and honestly, as scary as it was, Donnie had never felt so alive.
This is why he was here.
This is what he was meant for.
Leo’s snarl was poisonous, his glare deadly from his shimmering blue eyes. Donnie gave as good as he got. He would defend himself and his Lake with his life.
Then Donnie got a good hit on Leo, sending him flying from the water and to the bank. His twin didn’t get up, his wings shrinking back down to be the little feathered tufts behind his shell.
“Leo?” Oh god no, had Donnie actually gone too far?! “Leo?!”
Donnie was by Leo’s side in an instant, shaking his shoulder gently to wake up, please wake up. He felt two forms approaching. Donnie didn’t care who they were, they would stay back. He hissed in their direction, his wings spreading wide. Donnie would protect Leo until he woke up, until his twin was okay again. The two figures backed up and Donnie relaxed minutely.
Then Leo groaned.
“Donnie?” His eyes were hazy as they opened, no pain present but also none of that shimmering blue energy. “Donnie, is that you?”
“Oh thank god. Yes, hi, it’s me.” Donnie scooped Leo up and hugged him close, fated enemies or whatever they were be damned.
“I feel weird. What happened?” Wait, Did Leo not remember anything at all?
“You made a bargain with someone bad,” Donnie explained gently, refusing to let Leo go. “They made you into a crow, Leo. Like how I’m a swan.”
“Couldn’t have been a black swan, could it?” Leo weakly joked with a snort. “We’re twins, and it would have been better to be opposites.” That’s how Donnie knew Leo was back to himself. He was making terrible jokes again.
“Yeah, well, apparently the crow has no taste.”
They’d figure this out, they’d figure out how to free Leo and get him home. Donnie finally understood what his family was going through. If what he was feeling was even close to what they’d been going through for how every long he’d been the Lake Guardian… well maybe it was time for Donnie to find his way home too.
So part 4 is a thing now! I have maybe a couple more parts to add but not many, this was just a little idea that came to me while I was bored at work, lol
Still, thank you so much guys for your support! I’m glad you’re enjoying my ramblings.
@tangledinink @dryad-druid
Part 5
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“Aw, man! What am I going to do? Save April and Mr. O’Neil? But what about Master Splinter?”
HE THINKING OF HIS OWN DADDY TOO! NOT JUST PUTTING APRIL’S FIRST- WAIT! Has Splinter been a part of his plan this whole time?! Does this mean that he hasn’t been working tirelessly just for April, but for his own father too? Sure, getting his crush back and fixing his mistake was a big part of the plan, but this kid clearly has his heart set on curing both. DONNIE, MY DUDE! STOP PROVING YOURSELF TO BE SO GOSH DARN SELFLESS-
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“What about me?”
Broski, how long have you been standing there- 🤣🤣
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“Oh, um. Hehe, hey- sensei…”
Genius in purple be acting sus. Further proof for new headcanon. Donnie has been planing to turn him human all along and wanted to make it a surprise. He feels awkward when this topic is brought up because A) Might not be able to now. B) he’s so used to keeping it on the down-low.
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“Leonardo has informed me of the situation. You must split up to rescue April and find her father.”
Master Splinter knows exactly what’s going through his son’s head and is here to make sure that his priorities are in the right place. His intentions are honorable, but the conflict is unnecessary.
NEXT PERSON WHO SAYS THAT THIS DUDE DOESN’T KNOW HIS KIDS- Well. Honestly. I don’t get where you’re coming from. Respect to your opinion, but… How doesn’t he again?
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”I’m sorry, sensei… This is all the retromutegeon I have left.”
HOLD UP- Why are you apologizing??? What did you do other than spend months of your life creating it? Stop with this misplaced guilt! This isn’t your fault! How could is possibly be your fault?! Actions speaking louder than words and your actions have been pure!
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“I may not be human, but I am fortunate enough to have my humanity. Save Kirby.”
…Or attempt to reassure him of his worries. *cough* That works too.
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This sequence tho-
Firm nod from an obedient student, but he still has the sorrow of a reluctant son. Splinter closes his eyes to collect himself, because he knows that he might be giving up his only way to become human, if even for a long while. The way Donnie looks so dejected tho. 🥺🥺
(Thank you for the encouragement to ramble @honorary-evil-genius)
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green-lotus · 2 years
Headcanons for how the bros would react during/after the first fight with their partner? I’m feeling extra angsty today 🫠
I can't write lol
But! I tried
This came out way longer than I expected, and it turned more into a general description of a disagreement, but I felt that giving some context to the situation would make the whole thing more realistic. Hope it'll be alright to the person asking
So sorry if Donnie & Mikey parts are off key or out of character! I don't yet feel nearly as confident writing about those two as I do in Raph's or occasionally Leo's case, but I decided to give it a go anyway
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• It wasn't literally anything important that started it. Some most minor stuff about cleaning or putting something back on its spot. And it never happened before, Raph held his temper in check around you, he wanted so badly to make a better impression on you then as the aggressive meathead he too often came across as
• But he just forgot himself. He forgot that you're you, and not one of his brothers, you were both so comfortable around each other after more than a year in a solid relationship it sometimes would slip his mind that you're someone special
• And as you both threw shorter and shorter and more pinching remarks at each other, he just lost it and abruptly jumping to you, yelled over your voice, sending the nearest pile of cans flying towards the wall with one movement of his arm... And his hand flew dangerously closed to your face
• But since you were never a meek sort yourself - you pushed him away instantly, at least as much as you were able to, and screamed back at him, even louder
• Silence fell immediately, and you could both almost hear each other's hearts pounding
• You were scared. Just a bit, but even so. Raph the others knew threw tantrums like that constantly, but your Raph? He never did that. You always assumed a day like that will come, but it still wasn't any less unpleasant. You know he would never lay a hand you and all of that was accidental, but even so... Six inches and you may have been slapped
• You were staring him straight in the eyes, lips squeezed together, breathing heavily, furious, but already feeling the tension slipping off your body, a good sign
• Raph? Raph was only getting worse, terrified, his eyes changed immediately after he realised what he just did
• And now he was an image of pure misery. So confused and so ashamed, and with absolutely no idea how to express it
• He moved his lips, but made no sound; you composed yourself, ready to talk normally, but then he broke, shook his head as if trying to apologises, turned from you and ran away like a beaten dog
• You remained on the spot and took care to calm yourself first.
• He wouldn't seek you out first out of shame, and you knew that.
• So when you felt ready, you found him, pouring all his tension and unresolved emotions onto the punching bag as always, and the moment he spotted you he froze.
• You nodded, just to signal him you weren't angry any longer, but didn't say anything more. And after you have him the peaceful space, words came pouring out of his mind.
• "Y/n... I... I... Eeeeh... Baby, i'm so sorry. You know... You know I would never, ever hurt ya, ya know... I..." He looked into your eyes, his own still so uncertain. "You... Believe me, right? Tell me... You believe me, I don't deserve it maybe, but... Please..."
• You smirked and reached to his face, and took his head in your arms, telling him that you believe him and that all couples fight eventually, and your first one was still remarkably short and quickly resolved. As he leaned into you, you could feel his breath slowing down and all the tension releasing from his muscles. He chuckled into your neck
• "Thanks... Hey, but, next time I go off the range like that... Just throw something at me, will ya? Whatever's close to your hand"
• "Like this shit?" You picked the smallest weight you could find from the weight bar, and still could barely hold it up for a moment.
• Raph snorted. "Oh yeah. Will do"
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• Congratulations! You found some subject on which you and Leo don't agree on, and neither of you are willing to back down, standing your ground firmly as always
• That's why you're so strongly drawn to each other anyway, and why you feel so right at each other's side...but this was just waiting to happen
• So the discussion kept heating up, until one of you eventually stood up and decided to raise your voice, and the other responded with the same thing, subconsciously refusing to be overruled
• Leo was astounded. You haven't met or got together yesterday, but still, he never before experienced the situation in which you annoyed him so. You were always his equal & partner, and now... He was just so damn pissed going over the same thing over and over again when talking, he never felt so badly out of touch with you, it was terrifying. He could argue with his brothers, but you were something else... What if that's a sign things are not working out between you? What if this wasn't right? What if he was doing something wrong?
• His anger quickly passed, or more likely, turned into confusion, and you couldn't not notice that
• "Leo... Leo, for fuck's sake, talk to me! What is it? What did I say?"
• "It's not..." He wanted to say something, but didn't really know what. "It's not you, it's... It's me. Excuse me" His voice was cold and static, but shy
• He tried to storm off, but you knew him too well by now and knew that him escaping an unresolved situation is never a good sign for anyone involved, so you grabbed his arm and walked over to him
• "No no no no, no, i'm not doing that. Just say what you want, i'm not gonna change my mind, but just say it, would you?"
• Leo took a deep breath.
• Initially, he wanted to just spit out the most trivial, obvious explanation and carry on. He didn't have strength to deal with anyone so steadfastly set in their opiniom
• But then... He realised... It was you, hell, it was you he was talking about, his woman, his beloved person. Why was he acting so stupid on purpose?
• He really didn't want to think about the fact he MIGHT be doing it on purpose
• He lowered his eyes and hunched slightly, letting his guard down
• "Listen, I guess... I just never thought we could really argue. I know it's inevitable in a couple, but you..." He took your hands in his and cradled them for a moment. "You are... So special to me. I didn't WANT to argue. But it still... Happened."
• "Uh - huh"
• "Uhu?! You don't have anything ... Else to say? We were just at each other's throats, it shouldn't have happened"
• "Were we?"
• "It felt like that to me."
• "Yeah. And now we're not. You could say we're past our first official couple fallout. How triumphant is that, sensei?"
• Leo capitutaled and chuckled. This one half - ironic, half - affectionate nickname always got through to him
• "Very. I'm proud of us, love"
• You embraced each other, but even so, he whispered in your ear softly: "you're still such a knucklehead... sometimes, i guess"
• "Yeah, that's fine. Love you too"
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• It took an unhuman amount of patience & extravagance to deal & exist with Mikey on a daily basis. And you were always more than happy to provide that. No one could ever quite keep up with YOU either, so
• But this one time, even your temper ran short.
• You would most often accompany Mikey in every not really reasonable venture he came up with. Going above ground to join a dress - up parade? Strolling through the city roofs in broad daylight and avoiding all sight? Got it, you were never the one to hold him back, and Mikey fell deeper in love with you every single time
• Until this one time.
• He just kept on fooling around, in the least suitable moment. Brothers were stressed, Leo needed peace & quiet after some serious talk with Splinter and Mikey didn't seem to notice that fact at all, and you had a really, really rough day and the last thing you were in the mood for were his wild ideas
• "Mikey, jesus, just shut up for a second, would you? Could you do that?"
• He looked at you, astounded, but not quite catching on the mood of the situation
• "Hey, my baby, what is it? Did those crabs get you down behind my shell? You need some special Michelangelo treatment?"
• If he corrected himself now perhaps you wouldn't have lashed out - but you simply couldn't take it anymore
• "No! Just shut up, Mikey, shut it! I'm tired, i'm sad, i can't deal with you!"
• Mikey stared at you with his blue eyes, utterly confused. He was clueless - what happened to you? You never acted like that in response to him, especially when he was acting out his very best for your smile & laughter
• "What do you mean? Baby doll, what do you want? What's wrong?"
• "Nothing, just... Mikey, i'm tired of you"
• That maybe wasn't the best choice of words, but there was no other right now
• "You're tired of me? How can you say that? You only just got here, i'm trying to cheer you up, i'm doing my best for you, angelcakes!"
• What you said hurt him more than he would have thought
• He had such a perfect partner in you. Always
• You didn't patronise him, didn't treat him like the younger, less serious one, he didn't have to hold back one bit, didn't need to overcompensate for any of his shortcomings with some extra acts, you were 200% on his ride and he would never think you can get tired of his behavior, what the hell happened? Did he do something wrong? Did you grow out of loving his dazzling personality and temper?
• No fucking way, no, it couldn't be
• "Angelcakes! Sugar plum! What's going on?" He grabbed you suddenly, feeling all his insecurities rising in his throat; but since you haven't calmed down just yet, you shook his hands off and stepped away, and that was somehow even worse
• How was he supposed to explain anything and talk and possibly even argue, not having hugged you in the first place, without showing how much he loved you first?
• "What are you doing?!" He shouted. "Don't you like me anymore? I'm trying my best here babygirl, don't do this to me! I love you!"
• A gulp in his throat was getting bigger and bigger
• "Don't you love my anymore?"
• He was overwhelming you. Quite a new sensation
• "Of course I do, Mikey, just... Give ma a second, alright? Give me some time? Leave me alone for a moment? Please?"
• At least she said that.
• Mikey wasn't stupid. He saw reason, he saw now how agitated you were. He should have noticed that sooner... And he wanted with all of his being to cheer you up, make you smile, but still, what you said... It hurt him. He knew he should have acted differently, but that burn inside him wasn't going away
• "Alright!" He exclaimed, raising his arms. "Alright! I get it! You wanna be alone angelcakes, you got it, i'm leaving! It's fine! All good!"
• That were the best words he could find that sounded right in between supportive & accepting and angry & obscene.
• He felt your gaze at his shell as he was backing away. Suddenly he felt like... crying. Why did he have to go through anything unpleasant with his beloved, sweetest dollcake? Why?
• And before he went too far, he collapsed on the stairs and realised he was snuffling and his eyes were wet.
• And despite what just happened between you two, you couldn't look at him like that. More calm now, you went to him and embraced him from behind, and you didn't have to see his face to know how happy he suddenly was
• "Hey, cupcake... I'm sorry, i know what you meant"
• "Yeah... Me too."
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• "But you don't! You don't know anything about it, you don't even know basic commands, just stop talking, it all sounds idiotic!"
• Right after saying that, Donnie realised... He maybe shouldn't have. Or should have done it more... Carefully.
• He certainly didn't want to insult you. Never. He had do much respect & love for everything you were & everything you said.
• But... You didn't know anything about what you were saying. It was his area of expertise... Wasn't it? He WAS in the right, factually. Was it impolite to point that out? Or to call things what they were?
• Yea... It was. Even without seeing your face... He knew he should have acted IT all out very differently
• A sudden panic took over him. Why, why did he have to say that...
• "Hey, hey, that's not what I meant, i mean... I mean i did mean that, but not like that, it's just i was right and..."
• He was only sinking deeper, words were twisting in his mouth, between stress and desire to make things right
• He gave up on trying to say anything else, and just sat down, desperately thinking what was he supposed to do now
• You stared at him in silence. It wasn't much of an insult what he said, it wasn't even that unpleasant, but just something about the way he said it and the dismissiveness in his voice... It wouldn't let you forget. It worried you, you've never seen your Donnie so... full of himself and so overconfident, he was right, you didn't know much about what you were discussing, but to say it like that?
• As neither of you could really come up with anything clever to explain your standing point, you considered running off, but what would be the point of that? It wouldn't solve anything
• And you knew Donnie thought the same - his gaze lingered at the far corner of the room, but then, it came back to you
• So you decided it would be best to do the same - and even if you weren't feeling quite ready to start the conversation again, you sat on the floor next to your purple turtle, staring into the nearest wall
• And you sat there for quite some time, without a word
• Until finally, you felt Donnie's hand gently slipping onto yours. You turned your head, only to meet his eyes, full of uncertainty
• "Emmm... I'm sorry if I... Hurt you"
• "No, it's not that"
• "Really?" Surprise in his voice almost made you laugh. "Then... What is?"
• "I mean... Donnie, i'm not as knowledgeable as you, not by half, but do you have to say it like that? I'm really trying to catch up to you in every conversation we have..."
• Donnie felt a tender pulse of heat somewhere inside him. "Do you? I mean!..."
• "Yeah."
• "That's..." You glanced at him again, and realised he was smiling. "That's... So wonderful of you"
• You opened your mouth, but Donnie, this time, was quicker
• "Then I promise... No, I promise you anyway, with extra consideration for that fact... That i'll never overlook that again"
• None of you were best at words to choose when dealing with emotions, but you knew each other well enough to know what the other is trying to express. You smirked
• "Fair enough. I promise to never say anything idiotic"
• Abrupt change in his expression was way too amusing. "No no, don't say that, that's exactly the opposite of what i was trying..."
• You placed a small peck on his arm. "I know. It's alright"
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Prompt! The turtle of your choice developing a sudden allergy, though he doesn't know what to, and all the rest trying to "help" him figure it out by exposing him to allergens.
Do do do d— OH??? What’s this??
A prompt?? 
*snatches paper*
“Prompt! The turtle of your choice developing a sudden allergy, though he doesn't know what to, and all the rest trying to "help" him figure it out by exposing him to allergens. 
Pt 2: I forgot to add is that the reader or oc is trying to get the others to leave the turtle in question alone”
A/n: ahaaa I seee, now this is interesting. What could it possibly be…? hohohoooo I’m so excited to see this one play out >:)
— Freakout (A Oneshot) 2018 Raph x Reader —
Raphael Hamato. The biggest in his living clan, the strongest, the gentle giant, who never— ever, got sick. Raphael, who played in the mud as a kid, who didn’t develop any concept of germs until Donnie nonchalantly went on a rant about it. 
So when Raphael invincible Hamato let out a sneeze, he didn’t bat an eye. You didnt either, until he sneezed again— and then a third time. 
“Are you okay?” You quirked a brow, setting down your DS to glance at him. He waved you off, “I’m fine, sweettart.” He smiled at your nervous look, “no need to wo—“ he cut himself off, shoving his face in his elbow to sneeze again. 
“Are you sick??” You shifted your knees beneath you for some extra height, a hand reaching to brush his forehead. Normal— thank god. “You don’t feel like you have a fever, so that’s good.” You muttered, fussing over him just how he did when you two were fighting villains. He laughed lightly, a hand lifting to your head as he smoothed down your hair— calming your nerves.
“Maybe I should get Donnie..?” You suggested, and suddenly Raph’s eyes were wide open— looking everywhere but you, blubbering apologies about the situation and how there was no need to bother his genius brother. As you looked closer, however, his eyes seemed to match his red mask, light pink curving around the edges a little more than it was supposed to. 
You shifted uncomfortably, and the thought suddenly occurred to you about his allergy. You began frantically looking around, inspecting the room for any invisible peanuts you may have had. You would have cried if you saw even a Reeces wrapper on your floor. “What are you looking for?” the red clad turtle chuckled, a nervous bite to his tone. “Peanuts.” You said quickly, interrogating your room as you decided to get up, lifting anything that may have been on the ground. “What? Why would those be here? You don’t even like peanuts!” Raph gave an incredulous look, and you whipped around, noting how hoarse he sounded. 
Biting your lip, you mulled over in your head how possible it was that your boyfriend would ask for help if he needed it. “You really think you’re ok? I mean— what if there was an allergen in this room?” You walked over to him, sitting back down on your bed and gently leaning against his shoulder. Raph’s arm gently held you closer, petting your hand with care. “if its re—“ he coughed away from you, then cleared his throat, “if its really bothering you, then we can go see Donnie or Leo.” 
You paused, wondering if your ears were playing tricks on you. “Leo?” Shock hit you as you realized he wasn’t joking. “We’re talking about your brother, right? Leonardo? The one who never takes anything seriously?” The terrapin just laughed, before getting caught in a coughing fit. “Y- er— yeah.” His smile softened, “Leo tends to get really ‘smart’ whenever Im in trouble, it freaks him out. don’t tell him I know, though— its a secret.” He held up a finger to his lips, shooting you a wink. You shook your head knowingly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Only for you.” you muttered, pulling him off your bed and to your door, “lets go— I sweat if theres anything in my room that caused this im gonna chuck it to the moon.” 
Raph gave a gentle smile, listening to you rant about him and how sweet he was. He felt warmth seep into his face, getting shy at how much you praised him. He hoped it was nothing serious… his brothers worrying about him always led to trouble. 
Without fail. 
As you explained the situation to Donnie, his eyes slowly widened, looking around for a quick moment before ushering you two to the living room, blabbering about how urgent it was you figure this out. You didn’t know why he brought you here, considering the ‘urgency’, but you quickly realized what was going on when he pulled up a PowerPoint, making a few calls.
“Based on past events, it has never been often that our dear Raph-a-La succumbs to sickness.” Donnie ranted, pointing to a graph that he totally didnt keep for all of his brothers in the event a health crisis happens “In the event that it does happen..!” He pointed to the side of the graph, labeled ‘level of pain.’ “Its always something bad.” 
The purple-clad turtle went on to his audience (consisting of all the family members he had rounded up) and as he showed his PowerPoint presentation, you felt Raph shift next to you. 
You looked over, and felt your heart break a little at the sight.
Raph was curled into himself, trying to take as little space as possible on the floor of the projector room. His mouth was crumpled into a wavy line, brows furrowed as his fingers drummed on his arm. Suddenly, you just wanted to know he was okay. You didn’t want to deal with Donatello’s theatrics— or Mikey’s questions, or splinter’s— or Leo’s serious stare towards your boyfriend. You just wanted to cradle Raph’s face in your hands and take all his worries away. 
You raised your hand.
“Yes, Y/n. As his partner you no doubt have questions.” Donnie mused, a hand on his chin. “Guys.. can’t we just focus on getting him better?” You gave a weak smile, hoping to draw attention to how uncomfortable the whole charade made Raph. 
The tech turtle scoffed, “Do you even know me, Y/n?” 
You knit your brows together, your eyes dilating as you silently pleaded for him to wrap it up. “Your ‘puppy dog eyes’ will not work on me.” Donnie rolled his pupils, adding his signature air quotations, “This stuff is important to know! We do this every time Raph is sick and it is mandatory everyone knows what to do in crisis!” 
“Its like uhhhh…” His eyes searched the roof, looking for the word, “Lockdow— no. Fire drill!” He gave a little satisfied smile at the end of his claim— you could see April wince at his use of the relation. You couldn’t agree, but you didn’t want to argue on similes, you wanted to rip into him for making Raph uncomfortable. 
However, because of your respect for Donnie and value for your non-biological kinship with him, you stayed calm. 
“Have you ever wondered if this..” you gestured to his PowerPoint and the gathered family members, “..is the reason you don’t have as many data points on Raph?” 
The snapping turtle seemed to sweat-drop, avoiding his genius brother’s accusing gaze. Splinter piped up from his place on the recliner chair, “Are you suggesting he..?” His voice drifted off, but it was clearly voiced as a question. 
“Only told you guys when he got really sick because you always freak out?” April checked her nails, having been unfazed by the entire thing. “Oh, yeah he does that all the time.” 
Ear-bleeding screaming. 
The room had erupted, the family (except you two) all yelling at April and each other. “So all my graphs on him are just inaccurate!?” Donnie shouted while Mikey’s voice overlapped, “He’s been holding it inside this whole time that’s so SAAHAHAHAD—“ 
You watched as the blood drained from Raph’s face. Knitting your brows, you muttered a small apology to him, in which he stiffy replied “Raph’s okay… You only wanted to help..” while you felt bad, your eyes lit up, realizing his symptoms had gone away. He looked in perfect health, despite the small line of tears he had collected.
“Guys oh my god!” 
You yelled over everyone, feeling bad as most of them flinched at the loud noise. “Look!” You pointed at your boyfriend, who was trying his best to believe you knew what you were doing. “His symptoms are gone!” You clarified, and when the family went to crowd him — you stepped in front, wagging your finger. “Eh. eh. eh.“ you half-barked, taking a threatening step forward, pointing to Donnie, “Only him.” 
The purple turtle gave a smug look to his twin, who scoffed like he suddenly didn’t care. “You may be the best at maintaining his allergies, ‘Nardo, but I’m the scientist.” Donnie exclaimed proudly, before turning to you and his brother, dropping his metaphorical mask. He sat next to Raph, and seeing that they were no longer in crisis mode— everyone seemed to gravitate away, Splinter setting up a movie and Mikey challenging April to some game. Leo lingered a little, eventually walking to the kitchen to make something. 
Raph seemed to visibly relax, still fiddling with the edge of his bandana. “Okay,” Donnie said, “Where were you two.” 
“My room.” You spoke up, incredibly relieved that you had cleaned before inviting Raph over— you knew Donnie wouldn’t want the ‘crime scene’ fiddled with. 
You two worked together to find out what had set Raph off, working at a slower pace with the stress of sickness away. Your boy was mostly free to play with his brothers, except for when you two would test a possible allergen. You were there the whole time, even though Raph told you several times you didn’t have to worry. 
Eventually, Donnie noticed white and other dusts slowly falling from a cupboard of yours. He asked, and, upon opening, found a transparent box, different arranges and colors of sediment in little tins— some were spilling everywhere. “What’s this, Y/n?” He showed you the suspicious box, which had clearly been shaken up. “Ah— no!!” You called desperately, noting the containers knocked over and spilled loose. You took the box dejectedly, “My friend got me this.. its samples from different terrestrial planets..” 
Donnie furrowed his brow, noting the labels on the different sections. “And a few moons I see…” he noted, squinting at earth’s moon dust. “Would you mind it I took this to my lab?” 
“Wait— You don’t think..?” You half laughed, before looking to the fan you had in the corner of your room. “Oh shit.” 
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Donnie announced to the imaginary audience, “I believe… we have our culprit.” 
Upon taking it to the lab, Donnie held the moon dust under a microscope, smiling to himself before stepping back to let you see. Your eyes focused in on the lens, and you saw tiny particles, with sharp, jagged edges. 
“Imagine having that in your sinuses.” Donnie mused, “you see, because of the jagged nature of Moon dust, most people are allergic, and it can cause many symptoms.” He rattled off, waltzing over to Raph to give the good news and perhaps a temporary respiratory medicine.
You, though?
You were just planning. Planning the absolute tear down of your room via vacuum cleaner.
A/N: HI!!! I took a lil creative liberty.. but hey! Thats what prompts are all about!! >:) I hope you enjoyed, Raph is the bestest boy and as someone who sees him like a big brother, I love writing about him. 
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
can I request yandere! 2018! Donatello with a very shy fem! a reader who can't say no to a lot of things? I think it's quite interesting. Thanks!
Alright! As you did not specify concept or scenario, I got to choose ^^
I'm so sorry it took so long, getting me back into TMNT is difficult. Wrote what I felt fit with this and tried to see where the story went.
One Simple Phrase
Yandere! ROTTMNT! Donatello Short
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Attachment issues implied, Taking advantage of weaknesses, Toxic behavior, Forced relationship, Implied stalking, Possessive behavior, Angst.
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It seems like such a simple phrase to say. People say it all the time. Nope, no thanks, not today.... It should be easy.
Normally it would be, not with him however.
Donatello always managed to remove any sort of confidence you had. No matter how much you practice, you can never speak your mind. Donatello... has your emotions in his hands.
You'd think it would be easy! Just... say no. Say no to the video games, say no to the little dates, say no to his constant requests.
But you can't.
It's not that he's forceful or anything.... He's just... insistent. Donatello seems so happy when you're around him. His happiness makes you happy.
Which is why you can't just say no.
He says your name so sweetly. He begs you with those eyes of his. He loves your attention and can be so dramatic to get it.
You hate that you can't say no.
Donnie knew this. He knew, with your fragile personality, you could never say no. As a friend, he should help you through this... he should leave you be sometimes.
But no one said he was a morally correct friend.
He likes that you can't resist his charm. It's not like he does anything invasive! He just... wants your attention-
He wants your attention all the time.
Which is why he seems so manipulative with your feelings. In his mind, he doesn't have to share. If he has you around him all the time, clinging to you, no one else can have you.
In his mind, you not saying no makes you easily manipulated! If anything, he's doing the right thing! You're safe from anyone else taking advantage over you!
... by him taking advantage of you.
Call him hypocritical, he doesn't care. Is being a hypocrite a bad thing if he's doing it for your own safety? Around him, you're safe, right?
It's not like you said no to him yet.
You never said no to the trackers. You never said no to the drones. You never said no to any of his tech.
All because he told you it was for your own safety.
This relationship you two have is built on manipulation. Friendship... or something more... Donnie is pulling it into place by your weaknesses.
In his eyes, things were going great. Soon he'd have you to himself! Then... he'd be the only one to be this close with you! You would have no idea about the manipulation!
That's what he thinks....
As time goes on... and Donatello's behavior grows more exhausting... you catch on. You begin to realize this is toxic. What he's doing isn't right.
In this situation, you had to say no.
Even if you didn't want to break his heart.
"Hey, (Y/N)! I wanted to know-"
At that one simple phrase, Donatello stops his request mid-sentence to stare at you. His eyes hold disbelief, perhaps even panic. You ignore the betrayal in his eyes.
He's such a good liar.
"I... I didn't even finish- (Y/N)-!"
You say it again, emotions threatening to spill out of you.
"You've lied to me. You've lead me along. You knew I couldn't say no. You USED me!"
"I just... wanted you safe!"
He's trying his best to string the lie together again. To make you continue to believe in him. He was even close to crying....
"Come on, (Y/N)! You know I care for you!"
"No." You say again.
"No you don't."
"You're just trying to make me feel bad, aren't you?"
Your newfound confidence throws him off guard. Listening to him, trusting him, doing what he says has been too exhausting. You had to say it at some point.
You needed to say that one simple phrase to end this. His happiness was not as important as yours.
Even if your refusal broke the mutant deep inside.
"I-I'm sorry...! I'll be better- Please don't leave me alone, (Y/N)! I just wanted to spend more time with you! You know I'm attached to you! You... you won't leave me, will you?"
You frown at his begging. He says he'll change yet he doesn't in the same breath. You're tired... you want to end this.
"... Leave me alone."
You then feel Donatello wrap himself around you, pulling at you while you panic. Quickly, you retreat back into your more reclusive shell when Donnie stares at you.
"No. I'll never just let you leave me."
"Don, please-"
"Say you won't! Say you'll stay here with me!"
"Say you love me, (Y/N)! We're the best together, no one else!"
"Get off me-"
"I don't want you to leave me...."
Even now... even when you say no... you feel like you must retract your statement. No may be a simple phrase... but it isn't one he wants to hear.
You wish to say no, but...
Donatello wants to hear you say "Sorry...."
He wants to hear you say "I love you...."
No is not a simple phrase to him when you say it...
It's a weapon against his obsessive need for you.
He doesn't want you to cut him off. Like a parasite, he clings and begs for your attention. He can't live without you.
Perhaps you aren't the only one who can't say no...
Donatello can't seem to say no when it comes to your attention, either.
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yanyanderes · 2 years
If I were to describe who fell into the spiral of obsessiveness first and subsequently started a domino effect then it would go like this.
Donnie almost instantly attached himself to you emotionally when you repeatedly praised him for his good work and not being afraid to give him criticism. Even though it bummed him out at first it made your praise felt a lot more real and rewarding, it also surprised him when you would congratulate him on the smal things, making him feel like he's not just the tech guy.
Leo followed soon after but in a much lowkey way, although he tries to deny it you have a way of making him weak in the beast way, which often leads to him venting about his frustrations and insecurities. It opens up new potential in him that he thought he could never achieve, all thanks to you and your patient heart. He admires you for loving him and not the facade he puts up front.
Despite being the youngest of the bunch Mikey's been feeling like he's walking on eggshells at times when around his brothers. They can be so stubborn, holding in their trauma until it explodes and then he's left to pick up the broken pieces despite being fifteen years old. But you! you're honest about your feelings, he doesn't need to coax it out of you. You tell him when you're sad and won't back down for a beat 'em up game showdown just to cheer him up, he finally feels like a kid again.
Raph is smitten by you, your tenderness towards his brothers and how you help them with some of their internal problems, it makes him want to bury you in his arms along with his family promising that you will be safe. Though he has a tendency to ignore his own emotional needs (guess that runs in the fam huh?) and you notice that. You make time for him to relax for once and ease his worry over the safety of his family, you never seem to ask for anything in return except their friendship. And although your loyalty is commendable he can't help but wonder if you have any alternative motives, don't take it to heart though, he's just cautious. And seeing you with other people isn't helping the situation, and his brothers can't help but agree.
yesss i love this little domino effect
adding on to this a bit, i feel like april is a bit of a unique case. assuming she’s the first one who meets (y/n) and is the one who introduced them to the guys, she is the first one to harbor an obsession towards them, but is the last one to act upon these feelings. allow me to explain;
april clings to (y/n) because of the normalcy they provide. yes, going out and bashing bad guys is fun, but april needs a break every once in a while, and (y/n) is so nice to relax with! they’re the one she goes to for chill movie nights or casual talks at nice restaurants.
at first, she tries to push away these feelings. she’s being way too possessive, and she doesn’t want to weird them out! but then, (y/n) meets the guys (probably by accident) and gets to know them. as the guys start developing obsessions as well, april starts getting a bit jealous. i mean, (y/n) is her best friend! she’s the reason the guys know them in the first place!
so (at least at first) she starts seeing the guys as competition and starts acting on her feelings more. it’s worse if (y/n) doesn’t seem to care much for the way the turtles act around them. i mean, if this behavior is so bad then (y/n) would’ve said something about it by now. soon, her behavior starts to rationalize in april’s mind, until this obsession, the very thing april tried to hide, turns into the new normal.
she eventually decides to share with the guys after seeing how well they work together, though. after all, the more the merrier.
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chiscribbs · 7 months
For your Donnie clone idea, I really really love the thought if his brothers getting to see the bits of him that aren't always obvious, but very big parts of him. It might just be me projecting, but I like the idea of them being a little surprised at Eager-to-please Donnie. Like maybe hes a little too eager (staking his self worth on usefulness couldn't be me ahaha). And obviously Affectionate Donnie would catch them a little off guard, but I like to think that they didn't know the extent of how little Donnie values himself outside of being helpful. I also wonder how they would respond to anxious Donnie? And anti-social Donnie? I just really like the idea to ponder over, and I love seeing other people ponder it too. I like thinking about how the brothers would react, and how they'd act after Donnie goes back to normal. Sorry for the big block of text aha this is like my first ask on Tumblr ngl
Well, firstly- Welcome, Anon! And thanks for choosing my little blog to be the recipient of your first ever tumblr ask, I'm honored! :D 💕
Secondly, yes - I totally agree! There's a lot that the boys don't know about each other, and I absolutely love plots that result in some of those things being revealed. Like Donnie and April's interaction in DvWT, or Raph's emotional breakdown in the S2 finale. It's always interesting to see how everyone reacts to those sort of unexpected situations - it's a unique bonding experience.
Also, I commend you on figuring out the narrative purpose behind "Bad Feelings" Donnie's existence, as well as the scene he shares with Leo! That's basically what I want to convey with him - those hidden emotions that the real Donnie prefers to just shove into a little box and set aside in a dark corner somewhere to just not acknowledge. Hence why none of the other Donnies want any part of him - Donnie himself doesn't. In Donnie's mind, that part of him just gets in the way, makes it harder to function and be useful - it's a burden. (Needless to say, he doesn't take very good care of his mental health, he's very self-critical.)
You could certainly do a similar thing with other Donnies, too - I think Affectionate Donnie will probably be the most shocking for his brothers to encounter, simply because the real Donnie is almost never that upfront about his affections (except on rare occasions). As well as, like, Compassionate Donnie - they might be a little surprised to find out just how much he actually cares despite not showing it very often.
Unfortunately - as much as I would love to be able to give each of the Donnies more focus and involvement - the way I've been envisioning this concept is in episode format. Meaning it has a built-in time limit and a single plot thread that needs to be resolved by the end. So, I'm really only able to explore a handful in-depth, mainly focusing on Bad Feelings Donnie and Intellectual Donnie as they have the most direct plot involvement.
However, that's one of the reasons I love to see other people's ideas for this concept - you can explore all of those things that I can't, get as in-depth with each of the Donnies as you like! Give every side of our boy a chance to shine, I love to see it. :>
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boxturtle4eva · 8 months
A (salty) Defense of Rise!Leo’s Leadership Skills
Disclaimer: English isn’t my first language - this is my opinion - I love the turtles and their family dynamic, and think the movie is rad aka I’m not here to hate
Lately, I’ve noticed the majority of the fan base dunking on Leo’s leadership skills, and even the writers of the movie portray him as someone who is severely lacking in this regard. But is this really justified?
Is Leo a bad leader?
Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
As early as season 1 Leo is shown to be - despite his flamboyant demeanor - a much more cautious turtle than his brothers when it comes to the safety of his family.
While Donnie suggests taking down the ‘Spine Breaking Bandit’ or the ‘Long Island Mangler’ for their first mission in ‘Origami Tsunami’ it's Leo who vetoes the idea and redirects his brother’s attention to something much more suited to their current level of expertise aka ‘Paper Thieves’. In ‘Bug Busters’ he almost immediately realizes that Big Mama is a threat. And in ‘Mutant Menace’ he voices his concerns about them leaving the lair during the anti-mutant panic.
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Note that Leo only interferes in his brother's fun when he thinks that they are in real danger and gets annoyed when they won't listen to him directly - which I imagine is the reason he rather likes to manipulate or use figures with more authority to push his plans instead of direct communication. It seems more effective (he is great at it anyway), and less damaging to his ego when he gets shut down.
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I believe he has been backseat-driving those bozos for years.
Furthermore, Leo is smart, adaptable, perceptive, and a brilliant strategist (and he knows it!).
He also has a very good idea of what his brothers are capable of and is unafraid to use their skills to his advantage. This is evident when he advocates for Mikey to go on his first solo mission to receive Hot Soup - The Game. But most noticeable in ‘Many Unhappy Returns’. There, he predicts not only the villain's (Big Mama, Shredder) actions but also his family's and their ability to handle the situation, while putting together a great scheme to stop feral!Shredder. Leo has the ability to look at the angles and easily sees the bigger picture.
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When Leo said ‘You guys got this!’ he meant it 100%. He is shown to trust his family and is not afraid to rely on them. This might be due to his identity issues hinted at in 'Portal Jacked!'. He may feel insecure about his own self, but he knows his brothers in and out and how awesome each one of them is. Yet not in a starry-eyed unrealistic way. Leo is well aware of their weaknesses and limitations.
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In ‘Many Unhappy Returns’ Raph questions if Leo is serious, and guess what, he was, cause they won thanks to Leo's plan. Here we also see glimpses of Leo as the Mad Dogz official leader with Raph affirming that he trusts him.
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In the movie, Raph also asks Leo: ‘What’s it gonna take for you to be serious, Leo?’ And the answer is obvious - his family being in danger. Nothing more, nothing less. Leo gets serious as soon as Casey explains what happened in his timeline and why they need to retrieve the key and stop the end of the world (around minute 20).
I always found it particularly mean-spirited for Raph to assume Leo isn't serious given the knowledge that this is how Leo copes with high-stress situations (see 'Mystic Mayhem') and his otherwise competitive nature (see 'Air Turtle'). Leo would never lose on purpose. Raph copes by snapping and Leo by joking and that is a recipe for disaster. And while it's understandable in the Shredder situation I feel it isn't really justified in the movie.
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Unlike Donnie or Raph who are over-preparers, Leo has also no issues to go with the flow, which leads to a seemingly more laid-back attitude and clashes with Raph's tendency to be a mother hen. But he kinda does not need that much time in the first place...
In the end, I think Leo has all it takes to be a great leader from the get-go. Of course, he is far from perfect. There is something deeply wrong with our poor boy's communication skills, and between his general laziness, his unfortunate coping mechanism, cocky cool-guy persona, competitiveness, and general deceptiveness it is hard for the team to tell what's going on and get a good read on him or his intentions. But hey, Leo is like what, 16 years old? And the good thing is, he has his bros who've known him for his entire life and know how to take him. They all got his back. (Or not?)
So what changed? What’s up with Leo’s leadership skills in the movie? Nothing! Leo’s character is exactly the same. He is as sharp as ever. It is Raph who changed.
Cause here comes the kicker, the thing the authors of the movie so eloquently sweep under the rug, the question nobody seems to ask:
Is Raph a good second-in-command?
Stay tuned for part 2!
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Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
But seriously just think about it. In my mind, Leo never truly stood a chance.
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