#never drawing genshin outfits ever again
noscomnias · 6 months
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to behold the world's undying beauty
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flowerj3lly · 1 year
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sea otter fambly
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wri0thesley · 11 months
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"Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" "I'm sure I have absolutely no idea where, your grace."
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two-stars · 1 year
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he just like me fr (tortured indentured artist)
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theladyfae · 1 year
thought i'd finally finished the piece i've been working on for the past 3 months only to realise i still don't have a background,,, , when will it end
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poisonous-honey · 8 months
Why Are Their Designs So Complicated???
Who's Here: Kaveh, Alhaitham, and Reader/Player
Contains: Self aware genshin au (not the cult au), neither Alhaitham nor Kaveh speak since they're trying to keep the fact they're self-aware hidden, Kaveh outfit slander
You thought Kaveh would be an easier character to draw. At a glance, his outfit is much simpler than a majority of the casts, so you thought he'd be a safe pick for fanart. How wrong you were.
Alhaitham watched from the sidelines, far away from where your camera was pointing, as you fawn over Kaveh. It had been a while since you came to Sumeru City for anything while you were playing, so his curiosity got the better of him. Though it was nice to hear you without needing to partake in all the labour inducing tasks you always force him to do, He could do without Kaveh looking so smug.
He suddenly hears you complain as you turn Kaveh to the right, making him finally take notice of his presence. He could see Kaveh wanted to say something, probably to gloat, but with you currently controlling him he couldn't risk anything. Kaveh still had this air of pride and arrogance surrounding him, and it was obvious he was trying to show him up. Alhaitham merely raises an eyebrow at him before quickly tuning into what you were saying.
"I should have thought this through more. Why didn't I inspect his outfit beforehand? This is painful."
Kaveh's face immediately fell before he quickly fixed his error and returned it neutral before you could notice. Though, Alhaitham could tell just looking at his eyes and the slight twitching of his fingers that Kaveh was anxious.
"Why's there a gold band on his thigh? There's no purpose for it, and I don't think that'd be comfortable to sit with. Why do so many characters just have bands on their thighs for no reason? To make drawing them take longer?"
Alhaitham continues to watch as you move Kaveh every which way, and he can see he's struggling to keep his composure.
"I-I don’t even want to draw his scarf, but he looks unfinished without it. How do I simplify this, so I don't want to die drawing more nonsensical detail."
"I just wanted to make fanart for Writing on the Wall, why do these characters have to be so complicated. His outfit looked so simple in comparison to everyone else, but now I just want to keel over."
Kaveh looked like he was about to pass out, and it's quite a shock that you haven't noticed how not normal he's currently acting. Your blindness is currently acting in their favour, though, so while you're distracted he'll try to signal to Kaveh to get a hold of himself-
"Thank God, I think I'm done sketching his outfit. Kaveh I love you so much, To the moon and back, but I'm never drawing you again. Or anyone ever… Okay that's a lie, I love you all too much, but god I wish I had the patience to not go batshit. Now I'm just exhausted and don't even want to think about colouring this right now. I'll explore Fontaine a bit, I guess. I just need my exploration team-"
Your voice fades as you switch your team and teleport away. At least that saves them from Kaveh losing his composure in front of you, but now he's sure he's having a breakdown in his house. The things he puts up with for you. At least he has new leverage to pull against him.
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meiko3323 · 3 months
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Maxine (Arlefuri kiddo)
finally decided its time to sit down and finish designing her! you may see this is just a sketch, as ive yet to finalize the colour scheme of her outfit, im still weighing my options. split bw black and lavender/ purple for the dominant colour. the former looks cool, but the latter prob fits her motif better. anyway, for now let me tell you a bit more abt her:
Name: Maxine (prefers Max for short)
Pronouns: she/ her
Vision: (undecided)
Weapon: (undecided)
outfit details (in case its hard to read):
- has an arm band on her right arm, gifted to her by her friend [REDACTED]. it has the (teyvatian) letter M embroidered on it, for her first name
- has a side pouch on her belt w some basic first aid stuff and dog treats
- short fingerless gloves on both hands
- has both elbow and knee guards that are in a water drop shape w an X inside
- has a dagger strapped to the top of her left boot
- forgot to note: the center bit on top of her tie is a romaritime flower, to mirror the one on her head
About Max (childhood):
due to Arlecchino often having to be away on Harbinger/ Fatui missions, Max was raised mainly by Furina. that said, Arle does try her best to be there for her daughter, spending time w her whenever shes free, and often brings Max little souvenirs from her travels.
while Max was a baby, Furina took a sabbatical from her directing work to raise her. she instilled in Max an appreciation of the arts, with her skillful reenactments, and puppet shows of various plays and stories. once Max is a bit older, Furina starts taking up jobs again, leaving her child in Neuvillettes care at the Palais Mermonia, and picking her up at the end of the day. Neuvi doesnt mind, as Max is a well-behaved kid and either brings books w her to read, or draws while shes there. Sedene and the other melusines take a shine to her, making sure Max never has a shortage of snacks and tea throughout the day.
About Martin:
Martin is her loyal canine companion. she found him as a puppy, tangled in some fishing nets. of course she begs her parents to take him in, and they acquiesce on the condition that he is her responsibility now. since then Martin never leaves her side, even accompanying her on Hearth missions
About Max (hobbies): Max really likes nature, and ever since she found Martin stuck in nets carelessly left behind by some fishers, she took to cleaning litter in her free time.
i think thats all ive got for now ^^
im a sucker for animal companions, so ofc i had to give her a dog. he is named Martin after my dads german shepherd he had when i was a baby 🐶
Max's redacted friend that gave her the arm band is a future oc im working on cuz yes, shes gonna have friends, two of them in fact! no spoilers as to which genshin couples theyll be kiddos of, but any of yall that know me will probably have some good guesses 😸
still cant believe i went from thinking id never design an oc, to having a whole 3 now
thank you to my entire hoyofam for inspiring me and cheering me on thru this process, yalls fervent support means the world to me 💕
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tingyunz · 2 years
pure hearts
pairing: yoimiya x reader
contents: fluff, a tinge of angst, strangers to friends, implied friends to lovers, yoimiya being the adorable sunshine that she is
synopsis: friendship with a human leads to you redefining what's home to you.
additional notes: reader is based on multiple types of water nymphs and also a few details added by me. also thank you to @malpkakaka for the goldfish name. reblogs are appreciated!
genshin masterlist: [here]
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the first time you ever met her was fairly early in your lives. you ran away from an older nymph tasked with taking care of you and few other kids, during the annual festival your people held for the gods up in celestia to express their gratitude.
now, being only a decade old, you neither understood what those so-called blessings were nor did you find the celebrations interesting. which is why you decided to sneak out into the chinju forest without caring about how you might dirty your outfit or make the adult nymphs mad.
it was during those moments of carelessness when you stumbled upon a lost plushie shaped as a goldfish. though, being completely honest your first thoughts, while picking the toy up, were centered more around the concept of it being an offering that never made it to a shrine. after all, word had it that humans liked to offer all sorts of things, hoping for blessings from a deity.
and you'd probably go to the nearest sacred place to offer up your findings with a short prayer consisting of a simple "please, bless whoever this belonged to", if it wasn't for a blonde girl, who was also the owner of the plushie showing up in front of you with a mix of astonishment and excitement on her face.
"woah, you found ms. goldie o'gilt!" she beamed.
"i guess this means she's yours?" you asked.
"yep, yep! she's a gift from my dad. thank you for finding her, i was starting to lose faith that i can find her." she answered.
ah, so it's good you didn't offer it up. it would be really awkward otherwise, wouldn't it. and now you can just simply hand the happy girl her toy and be on your way. who knows how much time you have till the other nymphs realise you ran away again.
"i should probably go back, i don't want to make my dad worry too much. but it was really nice meeting you and thank you for finding ms. goldie o'gilt for me!" she happily waved at you as she ran back the way she, hopefully, came from.
it was nice meeting you too, you thought as you waved back, may we meet again, goldfish girl.
and you met again many more times.
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it wasn't until you both hit your teenage years, that you learned how differently nymphs and humans reacted to your friendship with the goldfish girl, who you got to know as yoimiya on one of your meetings.
those hangouts tended to draw unpleasant looks from the elders in your river, who believed that you meeting up with a human was distracting you from your ever-growing amount of responsibilities. yet no one said a word against this whole ordeal and the fishes under your care seemed pretty happy.
humans on the other hand...
"you know, back in the city, people don't believe you're not just an imaginary friend." yoimiya admitted on one of your meetings.
you were aware that for most people nymphs were nothing more than creatures of fairytales, yet hearing that you're not considered real by others said aloud still stung a bit. and taking into consideration how yoimiya must've felt, being told that one of her friends is nothing more than a figment of her imagination...
"why don't you introduce me then?" you proposed.
you're not sure why that was the first idea that popped into your head. you always felt a bit reluctant to go to the city, but surely, doing so would make yoimiya happier? and it's not like there's anything that's going to eat you if you enter the city, right?
"do you really mean it?" she asked and seeing the excitement in her eyes and that wide smile made your doubts disappear.
"of course" you'd do anything to keep her smiling like that.
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inazuma city was a place that you knew about from stories, that the elders liked sharing with the younger nymphs. "it's like nothing you've ever seen" they'd say. "it's one of the most beautiful places created by humans."
yet seeing it with your own eyes you felt as if the stories didn't do the city justice. sakura petals were flowing with the gentle breeze, before falling down on the grey pavement. children were running around on the streets underneath watchful eyes from the elders, tending to their gardens. and in the distance, standing tall was the residence of the raiden shogun, watching over the city.
if only you were human, you would definitely live here. but you had a family to care for and responsibilities you couldn't just leave, back in the forest river.
and yet, as you watched yoimiya excitedly introduce you to everyone with a big smile on her face, all you could think about was how you'd give up your immortality in a heartbeat, if it meant you could witness this everyday.
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the tipping point was when you got your vision. normally it would be a joyous occasion, as not many nymphs were graced with this honour, yet the gods must've hated you as you were blessed with the cryo element.
the unpleasant looks you received from you kind, drastically grew in numbers, and soon enough, they were accompanying you with every step you took.
you were a disgrace, they said, not only being very close with a human, but also getting a vision that would be more of a hindrance than a blessing.
"it's a sing from the gods." the elders whispered. "they're mad because of [name]'s actions."
that was the moment you decided to run away from the place you once called home.
coming back to the place it all started, you couldn't help but regret you weren't born a mortal. maybe then no one would look down on your friendship with yoimiya and you wouldn't be named a disgrace for something completely out of your control.
you felt the tears slide down your cheeks as the feelings you repressed for years finally caught up to you. it wasn't a grand breakdown, full of angry screams and tears, but a one filled with silent sobs that had you sinking to the ground and leaning against a tree.
suddenly you were warm, as familiar arms wrapped themselves around you in a tight hug. you had no idea how she got there, but it didn't matter. not when her presence gave you warmth none of your sisters ever did.
"it's okay, i'm here. and i'll never leave, i promise." she whispered.
and you believed her.
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the summer festival came and this time you were finally able to witness how humans celebrate it. and honestly it was baffling how different it was from the ones you celebrated back in the forest.
vendors were trying to sell their products by excitedly yelling things like "festival specialities" and "limited editions", someone was promoting wishing plaques and another person was yelling about something called "creative cooking".
but the most important part...
"[name], are you ready for the firework show?" yoimiya asked happily after running up to you.
honestly, you've never seen fireworks, your only experience was hearing the loud explosions, while you and the other nymphs were singing festive songs. and up until recently you weren't really keen on seeing them, but hearing yoimiya talk about them so excitedly, while also promising to make one inspired by you, that her dad would light up in your stead, made you feel excited to see them too.
"i can't wait." you told her with a smile.
"then let's find the best spot!" she yelled, taking your hand and pulling you along, running to search for a place she deemed fitting.
and your timing was nearly perfect as just when the two of you sat down in a spot, that she had definitely picked beforehand, it started.
myriads of lights filled the sky, making the night sky look as bright as it is during the day, accompanied by loud explosions. different colours and shapes painted the sky above you and seeing them, made you understand why yoimiya was so excited about them.
they were simply beautiful, each of them feeling like there were different stories behind them.
yet all of them ran pale in comparison with the girl beside you, as she stared at the sky with the softest look, visibly forgetting the world around her.
and at that moment you knew, you wanted to be a part of this every year, you wanted to see her happy everyday, no matter if you were the reason for that or not.
because then you decided, your home wasn't in chinju forest or inazuma city.
it was always going to be with her.
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© tingyunz 2022, please refrain from copying and reposting my works!
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Clothing ask anon 2 here to point out that while Childe has three direct battle themes (Never-ending performance, Rapture of the Chaos, Wrath of Monoceros Caeli) he also has a unique one (Foul Legacy) that mainly plays during That Cutscene in his story quest, and also he has three more themes outside that (Letter from Afar, Letters from Ajax, From Snezhnaya with Boldness), they're all bangers, and all available on Spotify under those names which is why I know said names in the first place!
Guess this turned into a music rec lol
Also thank u for clearing up the outfit bit, I wish I had the skills to draw but if I ever end up using the info it will be cosplay and u will be tagged, I promise, bc that outfit is Banger and Iiiii wanna make it
90% of genshin's ost are absolute bangers and tartaglia's are all up there among my favorites. something about the grand chorus and the flute...............
also they most likely have nothing connecting them, but the other day i had the luhua pool track playing and then shuffle gave me letters from ajax immediately after, and i sat there for a solid second wondering why the luhua pool track was playing again lmao the beginnings sound the smallest bit similar
do tag me if you ever get around to that cosplay, i'd love to see it!
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mintjeru · 2 years
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if you think i’d just let that teyvat style teaser go without drawing chiluc, you are gravely mistaken
open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: A three page comic in which Diluc shows Childe his Red Dead of Night outfit.
In the first page, Diluc’s ponytail can be seen at the side of the first panel. “I haven’t worn this in a while,” he says, “so I hope it doesn’t look too awkward...” “What do you think, Ajax?” Diluc asks. Childe turns around.
The second page depicts a full body, front facing drawing of Diluc’s new outfit. There are various labels pointing out his accessories and the differences with his original outfit.
The third page begins with a panel of dialogue. “Master Diluc...” Childe begins. “Huh? Why so formal?” Diluc asks. The second panel shows a chibi Childe blushing and clenching his fists as he leans forward excitedly. “Please go out with me!” he exclaims. A chibi Diluc stands in front of him with his back to the viewer. “You’re already my boyfriend though?!?!” he replies.]
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succubused · 4 years
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Title: Frozen Through.
Pairing: Yandere!Pantalone x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.3k.
TW: Unhealthy Relationships, Implied Financial Abuse, and Unbalanced Power Dynamics.
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If you had to guess, you would’ve probably said this was one of Pantalone’s favorite pastimes.
Both of you inside of his office, the door shut but unlocked, a fresh layer of frost tracing patterns into the dark windows. Him in his armchair, half-turned away from his desk, and you standing in the center of the spacious room, your arms crossed over your chest and your eyes cast sternly towards the flawless marble floor. This outfit was new, but clearly styled to align with his old preferences – the material sheer and black, designed to draw tight around your chest and waist before falling loose, forming a flowing skirt that fell just low enough to make your stockings (nearly too thin to actually be counted as clothing at all) seem… well, not appropriate, but functional, should he decide he’d rather show you off than keep you to himself. A corset clung tightly to your midriff, grey roses and snowflakes embroidered between visible spine, and while the sleeves reached to your fingertips, you found it difficult to be thankful for the coverage when they started equally as low, hanging while below your shoulders. All of it on his demand, of course. Just to make sure you'd lost as much of your dignity as possible, by the time he saw you next.
There were accessories, too, but you’d stopped paying attention after sapphire-studded cuffs were forced onto your wrists, after a strip of lace was wrapped around your neck so tightly, it still bit into your throat with each passing breath. It all blended together to you, the diamond necklaces and the fur-lined coats, the silk blindfolds and the leather harnesses. All of it was the same, more expensive than anything you’d ever able to afford and more gaudy than anything you’d ever want to. All of it made by the most talented craftsmen, of the highest quality materials, for no purpose other than holding his oh-so-demanding attention.
All of it so fine. All of it so impersonal.
All of it so, so incredibly cold.
You dug your teeth into the inside of your cheek, doing what you could not to shrink into yourself. Your only reward came in the form of a breath of a chuckle, a cheek resting against curled knuckles as he leaned back, as he inspected you with the same frigid greed he’d show to any of his countless, priceless possessions. But, if there was anything that didn’t meet his impossible standards, it failed to warrant commentary. He only smiled, that patronizing smile he loved to use on you, just a little too tight and a little too wide to ever be anything more than condescending, Just a little too artificial to make you feel anything but frozen, even under all the luxuries he piled onto you.
“Don’t be shy, dear.” His tone was soft, smooth, polished to perfection. “Twirl for me.”
You grit your teeth, dropping your hands to the hem of your skirt as you turned as slowly and as robotically as you possibly could. For all that he’d given you, shoes had apparently slipped his mind, and the cold seemed to seep into the soles of your feet like water slipping through the cracks of a fractured iceberg. The hearth wasn’t lit, nor did anything you were wearing do anything to actually hold in what little heat you were able to salvage, a decision you couldn’t help but think might’ve been made with something other then benign intent. It was hard to keep yourself from shaking, from wanting to curl up in the nearest corner and never come out again.
You didn’t have time for that, though, nor did you have any will to endure the punishment that’d undoubtedly follow such a blatant act of disobedience. He was already laughing again, already gesturing for you to come closer, to submit yourself for a much more in-depth inspection. You obeyed, albeit stiffly, with your fists clenched at your sides and your jaw locked into place. You knew his routine, by now, knew what he wanted from you, and you didn’t have to be told to drop to your knees, to lean against his calf as he cupped your chin and tilted your head back, tracing circles into your cheek with the pad of his thumb. He took his time, his gaze flickering from the plunging neckline to the strung-up corset to the choker around your neck. Tragically, he only saw fit to linger on that last one.
Carefully, with an agonizing kind of delicacy, he dropped his hand to your throat, slipping two fingers under the thin lace. He could’ve torn through it if he wanted to, if he forgot to mind his strength and exerted even the slightest amount of force, but you weren’t so lucky, and his attention shifted elsewhere soon enough, his fingers dipping to your neckline to toy with the fabric as he spoke. “What do you think? I commissioned it months ago, but…” He grinned, let his head lull to the side. “You know how bad politics can be for the market. Our beloved nation’s government has just seemed determined to keep me from spoiling my darling, recently.”
“It’s comfortable,” You mumbled, nearly under your breath. It wasn’t, but that was more believable than trying to pretend you genuinely liked it. “The style’s beautiful, and you clearly spared no expense. I really—”
"You should know better than to lie to me."
You really hated his smile. You hated the way he touched you, too, how the cool leather of his gloves left a trail of burning numbness across your flesh. You hated everything he did, but you hated that jolting chill just be near him sent down your spine the most.
You did what you could to simper, to mimic his sweetened apathy. “I suppose I might be a little cold, my lord.”
He simply nodded, and a wave of warm, gentle relief washed over you. He tapped his thigh twice, and with no small amount of reluctance, you pushed yourself to your feet, letting Pantalone wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into his lap, into his chest. The closeness was unneeded, unwanted, but his coat fell over your shoulders and you couldn’t help but melt into him, into the temptation to feel like something other than the steady creep of hypothermia breathing down the back of your neck. You closed your eyes as his hand found its way to your hip, then your thigh, before—
The door to his office crashed open, slamming against the nearest wall. One of his subordinates, masked and a rank too low to ever be allowed on the same floor as the Regrator under normal circumstances, stood in the entryway, panting and visibly strained. In response, Pantalone's hold around you tightened, his blunt nails digging into your waist. “What is it?” He growled, with more venom in his voice than you’d ever heard him use. “Do you know what happened to that last idiot who disturbed me?”
“M-my apologies, sir.” With all the grace of a corpse found frozen in a snowbank, they fell into a stiff bow, barely managing to spit the words out between grit teeth. “Lord Pierro is here to see you. He says he has urgent news concerning La Signora. It appears to be a matter of dire importance, sir.”
There was a low, agitated noise, a pair of lips pressed into the back of your shoulder, but he recovered in a moment, put on a crooked smile and got to his feet – leaving you tripping over yourself to get out of his way, in the process. You started to follow him, to open your mouth, but he was already at the threshold, already glancing towards you over his shoulder. His expression softened, but it was a temporary sympathy, gone as soon as he looked away. “I’ll be back. This shouldn’t take very long, Pierro’s never been the type to draw these sorts of things out.”
He nodded to his subordinate, and a bolt of pure ice ran down your spine. “Just stay put for me, alright?”
Before you could argue, before you could say anything at all, the door was closed, locked from the outside, and you were left alone. Totally, utterly alone.
Not for the first time with Pantalone, you thought you might’ve known what it felt like to freeze to death.
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sangopearls · 3 years
-some genshin boys as high school au classmates ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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notes: all of the characters are in their mid-late teens to fit the prompt. some romantic tones are applicable but i will never, under any circumstances, sexualize a minor.
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smug little bitch. he flirts by shutting your laptop or snatching your phone and running because this man is internally like ten years old.
always passing notes. don’t be surprised if you’re deep in your work and suddenly a paper airplane with a dumb drawing or a childish message comes soaring onto your desk. then he acts like he doesn’t know a thing.
usually avoids studying. he’s the naturally-smart type of bastard who slams his A-paper on your desk with a sly jab about how much fun he had playing video games while you were red-eyeing your study sesh
speaking of study sessions, he’s more than willing to be your study date and buy you both some study snacks/coffee… as long as you can tolerate him getting distracted constantly and doodling on the free spaces of your papers. again… he’s more childish than he’s willing to admit.
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class president and you can tell by first glance.
usually spends his lunches in the school library studying or learning about new things.
much like in canon, if you ever talk to him, he’ll blab for ages. he wins every class game of kahoot with ease.
has a small circle of friends and doesn’t go out of his way to expand it much. if he’s into you, he’s more of a classic romantic about it. he probably tries to woo you with his prestigious air, bright future, and smooth talk. asks you to prom by having you go to a peaceful area and offering you a small bouquet with a smile warmer than peach cobbler. be ready to meet the parents, this guy’s a traditional suitor.
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hello, mr. prom king.
high school au kaeya has every girl in the palm of his hand. he’s a charmer, and a lethal one, at that.
he’s got lots of friends and lots of affection. he dresses in the newest and most charming of fashions. unlike many high school boys (irl high school boys slander time!), he puts an active effort into his outfits and his grooming.
in the dating scene, he’s the laidback, charming, and mysterious type. his idea of a date is picking you up in his car, driving somewhere quiet, and chatting for what you’ll later realize has been hours past your curfew.
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diluc behaves similarly to high school au zhongli. he’s pretty reserved, but ultimately more cynical than zhongli. while his peers are interested in learning, charming colleges, and the dating scene, diluc has more of a “get-it-out-of-the-way” attitude when it comes to high school.
he hangs out by himself for the most part and is pretty outspoken about his disdain for his brother’s “cool” persona (author note: i shouldn’t have to say this but this is NOT a ship thing. not in the slightest.) like childe, he’s also pretty naturally smart. after all, diluc knows his future holds a ceo position and he’s going to have to have the education to match. naturally, this contributes to his cynical and antisocial nature.
romantically, diluc would probably attach to other quiet people. he would want to spend his time with someone who truly gets him, not someone drawn to a facade set up to draw in others. while appearing cold, diluc would really cherish and confide in someone warm and genuine :,) (this is starting to sound ghostwritten by donna…)
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
it’s my birthday soon and i’ve always felt lonely during my birthdays— so if it’s alright, can i request headcanons for scaramouche, xiao, and albedo with an s/o who only locks themselves in their bedroom because they don’t feel special enough to even celebrate their birthday? thank you 🥺
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Albedo, Scaramouche & Xiao
Notes: 👁👄👁 the title is so long- i don’t know how to shorten it- hshshs. Btw, HAPPY ADVANCE BDAY ANON-!! I KNOW THAT FEELING ANON- SO UR NOT ALONE 🤧🤧 if you want to talk, you can msg me anytime-! You deserve to be showered with love-! Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: none
[aether, childe, diluc, kaeya, venti]
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As much as Albedo wants to remember your birthday, he just forgets because of many things running through his mind. Especially when it comes to new discovery. He’ll be so sorry when he remembered that your birthday was today-
At first, Albedo had a hard time looking for you. He asked everyone- yes even Diluc, Kaeya, Jean, Klee, everyone- but no one has seen you. Which made him worried since no one has seen you the entire day—
He would literally tear down Mondstadt trying to find you until he remembered that he hasn’t check your house yet. When he finds that you’ve been locked up in your room the entire day, it literally broke his heart- ;w;
He would feel like it’s his fault that you don’t feel special, like bro- he would have a sad puppy face on. He will put his hands on either side of your face and make you face him-
“You are special. You are like the sun. You are like a (God/Goddess). Even if you don’t feel special yourself, you’re special to me. And since you’re my beloved, my (prince/princess), you deserve all the happiness and love in the world. You deserve to feel special on your special day. So smile, I don’t want to see any tears.”
Albedo would do anything you want, probably to make up his forgetfulness- :p if you want cuddles, then cuddles you’ll get. If you want a cake or something, he’ll try to bake something, no promises though. (Its the thought that counts, right? 👀).
Albedo would use his ability of drawing and bringing them to life. He would draw all sorts of things, bunnies, squirrels, flowers, and others. He knew that you love watching him draw and bringing them to life. It honestly warms his heart knowing you love what he’s passionate about.
If you want, Albedo could talk to you about all the things he found out recently. All of the research and things he discovered. If you ever question some things regarding about what he discovered, he would happily try to explain it. (It’s honestly adorable seeing him explaining the things he discovered in his research- 🤧)
At the end of the day (around 11-), he would cuddle with you while laying beside you. Every so often, he would press a kiss on your head.
“Happy Birthday, my love. May many more to come... the next time your birthday come, I promise we’ll celebrate it together properly.”
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If you think that Scaramouche doesn’t care about your birthday, then you’re right-! 😃 I’m joking- (unless-). He honestly wants to spend your birthday together with you, but his duty as a Harbinger comes first.
Believe me when I say he feels guilty. Leaving you alone on your special day is honestly low, even for him. He would definitely try to finish all of his missions immediately to get back to you. He would do whatever means necessary to finish them all immediately (he might or might not have sacrificed some people in the process- 👀).
You can imagine his confusion when he couldn’t find you anywhere. He already has something set up for you, all he needs is the birthday person themselves. But he couldn’t you anywhere.
Someone better tell him to check your room or else he would literally tear down the Fatui headquarters just to look for you-! He seriously need to manage his anger- 😓
Scaramouche would find it weird to he finds out that you’ve been in your room for the entire day. At first, he didn’t understand why you’re doing this. But soon, he’ll understand. Afterall, he might’ve done that before..
This guy has no manner whatsoever as he just entered your room like he owns the place- one look at you and the next thing you know is that he’s pampering you- like he’ll be preparing a bath for you and choosing an outfit for you (he’s a fashionista, change my mind 😃). Like bro, who are you and what happened to Scaramouche?
“Tsk. You’re quite a handful, you do know that, correct? Making me go through all this effort to comfort you. Now tell me, who put that idea on your head? Was it your family? Was it someone else? I honestly want to murder whoever put that idea in your pathetic head. ‘Not special to celebrate your birthday’? Ha! Don’t make me laugh. Everyone deserves to feel special, even if its for one day. Now, stop being stubborn and enjoy it-!”
Scaramouche would pamper you so much, like his personality did a 180- he would be pressing kisses all over your body and praising you like theres no tomorrow. He would help you dry yourself and put on the outfit he chose for you. If your hair is long, he would help styling it.
He would take you on a fancy dinner date (this guy is also rich, fite me—). He would honestly spoil you lmao- so enjoy it while it lasts- 😃
“Don’t expect this everyday, okay? I’m not gonna put much effort the next time... still.. happy birthday, my beloved. Don’t ever feel like you’re not special when you’re special to me.. if you ever feel sad, come to me. Thank you for putting up with me.”
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(Yes I’ve remade the Xiao banner again- 🤧🤧 im very indecisive ik-)
Celebrating birthday? What’s that? Xiao honestly didn’t think much of it since centuries pass by with his day of birth passing each time, he never really thought much of it. Never bothered celebrating it.
But when he found out (from Verr or Rex Lapis/Zhongli) that the mortals celebrate their birthdays, he honestly doesn’t have a clue on how to celebrate it. So he might seek the help of Verr or the Traveller.
He does his best. Please give him credit for trying- ;;w;; He’ll try his best to make something for you. It won’t be anything grand. A simple picnic near Wangshu Inn with some Almond Tofu and other food-
So when the day of your birthday came, Xiao is nervous. He doesn’t know if you’ll like the surprise or not. But when he started to look for you, he was confused when he couldn’t find you before growing worried.
Unlike the other bois, he would immediately check your room before tearing the place down- when he finds you there, he’s honestly confused again- (poor bby, always getting confused- ;;w;;). When you explain to him that you just don’t feel special during your birthday, Xiao would get worried and upset-
The first thing he does is hug you. Like this is the only thing he knows about comforting someone- its not like he encountered humans that needs comforting- ;w;
“I.. don’t really know what it feels like to not feel special on your day of birth but.. you’re special to me. Isn’t that enough?”
Like broooo, he looks like a sad puppy- he’s honestly lost on what to do. You might as well need to comfort him too 😅. He would try to shower you with affections before dragging you to the picnic he set up.
He would be so relieved if you like or love the picnic he set up. As much as its embarrassing for him, he would allow you to feed him and, if you let him, feed you in return. He will continue to press some kisses on your face, head and hands. Because, like, u really deserve it- 🥺🥺
He would bring you to the highest mountain just near Wangshu Inn and enjoy the view, and possibly go stargazing with you. I can see him knowing how to make a flower crown for some reason :pp so he’ll make a flower crown out of Qingxin flowers and place it on your head-
“Happy day of birth, my love. Even as more days of birth come, I promise to make you special. Even though it’s not the grandest, I hope that my efforts and love will be enough.”
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tamago-tamago · 3 years
little acts of love
what are some little things that the genshin boys would do to show that they love you? sometimes, there are acts of affection that aren't so obvious to the human eye alone.
characters: diluc, kaeya, xiao, albedo
genre: fluff, gender neutral
a/n: hey, hey, this is my first genshin headcanon, please let me know your thoughts:)
Diluc ❣
he would pat your head
whether he's simply passing by or watching you work hard on whatever task you have at hand, he always feels inclined to give you a pat on the head
it's nothing extravagant, really
but, he finds that it delivers a sense of reassurance and the pride that swells in his heart when he sees you — feelings that he normally finds difficult to convey through words
as he's quite a tall person, i think it also comes naturally to him
he wants to protect you, and the way you always lean into his touch reminds him that you understand that
it's almost become a thing between you two, whenever you'd run up to see him, he'd greet you with a smile and a small pat on the head
whenever he holds you, he feels like he has the whole world in his hands (which he firmly believes he actually does)
and you, you love the warmth of his touch
he would leave small gifts
diluc may constantly be absorbed in his work, but there's almost never a moment where you leave his thoughts
he'd be walking down the streets or around the winery and suddenly think, "ah! they would surely love this" or "huh, this reminds me of that one time they stupidly tripped down a hill"
and he would promptly be reminded about the million reasons why he loves you
up until today, there's hardly been a time where he came home without something in hand
sometimes it's a small flower that he thought would match your outfit today, sometimes he goes out of his way to buy you some materials that he knows you've been needing recently
whatever it is, the effort that goes into getting you these gifts is always worth it if he gets to see the bright smile on your face
Kaeya ❣
he would keep an arm around you
oftentimes it's around your shoulder, sometimes it's around your waist
wherever you go, kaeya loves to keep you close to him
maybe it's because there's a deep-rooted fear that you may disappear if he doesn't cherish you enough, yes, that point still stands
but! more than that, it's simply because he loves being near you
he can't get enough of your beauty, your lovely voice and cute smile — he's absolutely drunk on you
he would openly admit that he also likes showing you off too
he wants to make sure that everyone knows just how great of a person you are, so that they could shower you in the praise that you deserve
this man would never leave your side unless he has to
he would let his guard down
everyone knows kaeya for his smug personality, there's almost never a moment where he's not acting haughty
but there are times where even he gets tired of keeping that act
and those times are when he's with you
of course, he still pulls out a joke and teases you from time to time (he can't help it, it's practically in his blood), but he's also a lot calmer and relaxed when you're together
or should i say, he becomes soft
he doesn't feel the responsibility of being the cavalry captain or the pressure of being, well, kaeya
at least the kaeya that the rest of mondstadt thinks he is
he knows he's popular and that some people have mixed feelings about him, but he has complete trust into you, knowing that you love him for who he actually is — both the personality he projects, and the quieter one he keeps hidden
Xiao ❣
he would watch you as you leave
xiao's primary job is to protect liyue, so this makes sense
you are just as important (if not, more) to him, so he would do anything in his power to keep you safe
but of course, there is an extent to his doting, he understands your individuality and knows you're very capable of taking care of yourself
though that doesn't stop him from sitting on the roof of wangshu inn and watching your figure retreat into the distance
he'd sit there and watch you until you were out of his sight
this means even if you stop to talk with other travellers or merchants along the way, or if you get off track because you've spotted the resources you've been needing recently
xiao's a patient man, and not a single ounce of him would complain about that; all that matters is that you're safe
he also finds it cute when you spot a familiar face and get all happy, though he can't understand how you could possibly be excited about meeting someone
he would kiss you when you're asleep
or maybe... you weren't actually asleep but he thought you were asleep !?!?
speculations aside, i think this is the vulnerable side he would only show in private
we all know he doesn't really care for relationships or as he calls it "mutual understanding", so falling in love was already something really big for him
but seeing you asleep, sometimes on his lap, or against his chest, or next to him in bed, he can't stop the urge to plant a soft kiss on your forehead
he literally cannot stop it; the warm buzz in his chest and the way his heart warms as he kisses you
only being near you quells those feelings
sometimes you stir in your sleep because of him, so he'd spend the next while gently stroking your head to lull you back to sleep
Albedo ❣
he would trust you
okay look, that might not sound like much, but to an alchemist who's always making sure that everything is precise and accurate, it's difficult to find someone that he doesn't have to be wary of while conducting experiments
add on that internal battle he's constantly having with himself, it's relieving to finally have someone that he can be himself around; he doesn't have to keep his guard up
whenever you enter the lab, he doesn't have to pause his current experiment to accommodate to your presence
usually, he'd have to stop, so that he could focus and discuss matters with whoever came in without interruptions
however, you both have this mutual agreement that if you came in while he was working, he didn't have to worry about diverting his attention — he could finish it and as soon as he does, he would give you all the attention in the world
he appreciates that you genuinely listen to his speculations about life as most people tend to brush off his rambling and nonsense
he would constantly draw you
as an artist, albedo knows the importance of occasional practice and warm-ups to ensure his skills don't get rusty
so why not practice on you?
to him, you were the perfect model, he was fascinated by every single detail of your body and he thought you always moved with elegance
he doesn't think he would ever get bored of drawing the same thing over and over again, because he learns something new about you every single day
and most of the time, you aren't even aware that he's sketching you
he'd quietly sit at a distance and watch as you carry on with your own work
by the time you're done, his page would be full of small sketches
if you nudge him, he might give in and show you those drawings, but oftentimes, he keeps them to himself
he's sure you already know how beautiful you are, and if not, then boy oh boy is he whipping out the sketchbook
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fallingarchons · 4 years
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pairing: xiao / gn!reader
cw: cursing, mild violence, description of injuries
in which xiao thinks you’re an idiot, but never once thought he’d want you to be his idiot
wc: 4.7k
A/N: hey everyone! i’ve never written before, and i’ve kinda been on my genshin brainrot for a while now. honestly this has been living in my mind rent free for a while so i decided to take a crack at it and start writing, and the result was this kinda corny, super cliche lil ficlet. hope you all enjoy! also, it’s not edited because i’m kinda lazy whoops. luv ya, n enjoy!
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Xiao hates you.
He really does.
How dare you walk into HIS inn, stand on HIS balcony eating HIS almond tofu, grinning that disgustingly beautiful smile while loudly talking to your equally as loud companion about archons know what.
Honestly? Xiao thinks you’re an idiot.
He watches for around 20 minutes, fuming, as the two of you continue your high volume conversation that has done nothing but disturb his peace. Xiao decides then and there that he does not like you, and he wants you away from him as soon as possible.
With that thought in mind, he hops down from his spot on the roof.
His hand reaches out to angrily tap you on the shoulder, when suddenly he’s face to face with wide (e/c) eyes.
“Well hello there handsome.”
“Excuse me?”
You were having a pretty good day.
You had finally reached Liyue after almost 2 weeks of travelling, as you hailed from Mondstadt originally. You were sent out on a couple commissions that required you to travel to the neighboring city of Liyue, where you met your current travelling companion and good friend Xiangling. The two of you had eaten dinner at her restaurant, where you were recommended the Wangshu Inn by a passing customer.
“Xiangling, do you know of a possible place that I could stay tonight?” you swallowed your Sweet Mistress before continuing. “I have to head out on a commission in the plains tomorrow, so I need somewhere near there.”
Xiangling opened her mouth to answer you, but a man passing by your table spoke before she could. “The Guili Plains? There’s a nice inn over there called the Wangshu Inn that you could stay at. The nightly rate isn’t too expensive, and the views are incredible.”
Xiangling sprung up from her chair. “Wangshu Inn? I know that place! I’ve heard so many good things about it. Oh and the food there- YUM!! They have so many amazing options. There's mora meat, sweet mistresses, almond tofu-”
“Xiangling! Take a breath, girl!” You cut off her mindless rambling with an eye roll, patting her back as she heaved.
The passerby spoke up again, “I would really recommend the almond tofu. The chef there, Smiley Yixiao, is a good friend of mine, and he makes delicious almond tofu. You should definitely try it if you end up staying there.”
You smiled, thanking him for his help before nodding to Xiangling. She met your gaze, and the two of you cleared your table before walking out.
Before you left, the nice passerby stopped you one last time.
“It’s still light outside. If you hurry, you can catch the sunset! The top floor valley has a gorgeous view of the sunset. Oh- and tell Yixiao hi for me, okay?”
Waving goodbye to the man, you and Xiangling started off towards the Wangshu Inn, a little skip present in your step. Picking up a light jog, you aimlessly chatted with your friend as the bustle of the City of Contracts grew farther and farther away.
“Fuck, man.”
You had nearly collapsed once you finally arrived at the inn, out of breath from running for so long.
“It- shit, hold on” you pant. “It’s nearly sunset we have- we have to hurry up.”
Xiangling flashed you a quick thumbs up, equally as exhausted as you were. After getting your bearings, the two of you sluggishly walked into the inn.
A voice called out to you from your left.
“Hello and welcome to the Wangshu Inn! My name is Verr Goldet. Can I help you two travelers with anything?”
Given you still hadn’t fully recovered from the run, Xiangling took over, conversing with Verr Goldet about your anticipated stay.
While Xiangling handled the room, you decided to look around a bit. You walked down a small flight of stairs to what looked like a large kitchen, with a tall man cooking some delicious-smelling meals. The words of the friendly passerby flashed into your mind, and you asked him,
“Are you by any chance Smiley Yixiao? And do you have any of your famed almond tofu?”
The man visibly startled, a small squeak coming out of his mouth as he whipped around. Realizing it was a living person and not a ghost, he seemed to calm down. He told you that he was in fact Smiley Yixiao, and he happened to have some extra almond tofu on hand he had made earlier.
“Actually, if you could take this up to the balcony on the top floor for me, that would be great. Xiao should be up there right now.”
You nodded, taking the three plates of the gelatin dish from his hands.
‘...Xiao? Now who in the world is that.’ you wondered to yourself. Shrugging, you jogged up the stairs back to your friend, who was waiting for you with the room key.
“Oh my gosh that looks so good I am so excited!”
You returned Xiangling’s excitement with just as much enthusiasm, and you talked animatedly about how good it looked until you got to the balcony.
Eyes wide, you stared at the view in front of you in awe. The sky was a beautiful blend of crimson, gold, orange, and a hint of purple. The sun was but a small red sliver cutting the horizon. Leaning on the railing, you thought you had never seen anything more beautiful.
That is, until you turned around.
There in front of you is perhaps the most gorgeous man- no, human being you had ever seen in your life. He has pitch black hair with what looks to you like green highlights and- is that orange eyeliner? You look at his outfit- strange but it fits him in a way that’s almost unfair. But what really draws you in are his eyes. Striking liquid gold stares back at you unblinkingly, and you swear you just about passed out.
‘Well hello there handsome.’ you thought to yourself.
“Excuse me?” comes the annoyed reply.
Did you say that out loud?
“Yes, you did in fact say that out loud.” the annoyed voice continues. “Now tell me, mortal. What in Morax’s name are you doing on my balcony?”
You know that you have a perfectly good reason for being on the balcony, it’s a public place for archon’s sake. But his steely eyes and icy voice make any defense you planned on vocalizing retreat down your throat, rendering you speechless with your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Your eyes quickly scan the area, searching for your friend to get you out of this mess, only to find she had left in the midst of your distraction.
The man in front of you scoffs, rolling his eyes at your flustered demeanor.
“Leave mortal. You have no business here.”
As he turns to leave, you finally find your voice.
“Hey, uh, green bean man!”
When did you get so bold?
You see him freeze midstep.
“...Green. Bean. Man?” he grits. “Why you-“
“Yeah green bean man because your hair is green and I don’t know your name anyways that’s not important basically I just wanted to see the sunset and I was told by a chef to come up here and so I did and I didn’t know it was off limits sorry it won’t happen again sexy man.”
Panting, you look at him, only to see pools of amber glaring at you from your outburst.
Letting out a nervous laugh, you fumble for the dish that was given to you, holding it out to him tentatively.
“I take it you’re probably Xiao so… almond tofu?”
You see his eyes briefly light up, before reverting back to their steely appearance. He walks over to you, snatching the food from your outreached hand. You raise your gaze to meet his, immediately feeling the intensity of his guarded glare.
“You are an idiot, mortal. Now leave, and do not come back here. Do not come near me.”
With that, he disappears in a puff of teal.
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Unfortunately, Xiao was right.
You are an idiot.
For the next month, he watches with disdain as you make yourself at home on his balcony, clutching a plate of almond tofu every time.
Despite his harsh glare and “stay-away” demeanor, you make a beeline for him every time, already happily chirping away about something he deems meaningless.
He rarely answers you when you talk to him, opting instead for humming and the occasional one word answer.
That is, if he decides to respond at all.
You don’t seem to care though, if he’s thinking about it. No matter if he says anything or not, you always continue talking until he eventually leaves.
Despite what he thought at the beginning, he knows he doesn’t necessarily hate you, nor does he aspire to be mean to you.
Xiao, quite frankly, is just not used to this. ‘This’ being the idea of having a companion, a friend. He’s used to solitude, and doesn’t know how to act now that someone is showing interest in knowing him.
On top of this, he is dangerous. He knows he is dangerous.
Anyone who gets close to him eventually gets hurt. And why should he put in the effort of creating an emotional bond when all they’re going to do is leave him?
Whether it be by time,
or by his own hand.
Yet here he is, 3 months into your stay in Liyue, attempting to make almond tofu with you at Xiangling’s restaurant.
You had dragged him to the city a couple of hours ago, whining that “it’s Lantern Rite, a celebration about YOU!” and “Xiao you have to go with me! Don’t make me go alone!”
He eventually gave in, (though it really didn’t take much effort on your part) and he finds himself being yanked by the hand through the lantern-lit city.
He thinks if you weren’t holding onto him, he certainly  would’ve lost you by now.
You are a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm he’s come to find out, and he struggles to keep up with you and your curiosity. Every second in Liyue it seems you’ve found something new to look at.
“Xiao! Let’s go look at the Mingxiao lantern!”
“Wait no, look at that food stand!”
“Weren’t we goi-“
“I- nevermind.”
Xiao almost groaned in relief when you told him you wanted to have dinner at Xiangling’s restaurant. He just wanted to sit down and rest for a little bit, not used to the bustling social environment that is Liyue’s Lantern Rite Festival.
But maybe that was just wishful thinking.
That much is obvious to him when he overcooks his almond tofu for the fourth time. When he let out a nearly inaudible groan, the sound of your loud laughter rings throughout the restaurant. He looks over to see you doubled over on the floor, nearly crying at his expense.
“P-please Xiao. y-y-you idiot” you manage to wheeze out. “How- how- oh my god hold on I can’t breathe- how are you so bad at this?”
He should be angry. A mere mortal laughing at him, the Conqueror of Demons, a man with more blood on his hands than anyone will ever truly know, laughing at something so trivial like he’s never done wrong in his life. Like he’ll never do you wrong. He should be upset. He should push you away, tell you to never associate yourself with him again for your own protection.
Instead, for the first time in over 1000 years, Xiao laughs.
“What did you write?” you ask, sitting on the cliff above Liyue.
A questioning hum sounds from next to you at your sudden question. You don’t bother to look over, eyes still glued to the lantern-filled sky above you.
“On your lantern? I hear the citizens write their wishes on the lanterns in hopes that the Adepti will see them and grant them.” you explain.
“I know that. And nothing important.”
A beat of awkward silence passes.
“I… have my last commission tomorrow, so I’ll be leaving Liyue. I’m due back in Mondstadt to report to Kaeya my findings.” you say reluctantly, fiddling with the lantern in your lap.
You’re greeted with silence, the carefree mood quickly turning somber.
Another beat passes before you hear rustling, and turn your head. You’re met with the sight of Xiao quickly standing. He releases his lantern before you could glimpse what he had written before turning to walk away. You balk, calling out to him.
“Dude! Yo! Green bean man! Where are you going? I thought we were going to release our lanterns together!”
He freezes, his posture rigid. He can hear the thinly veiled hurt in your voice, and his chest squeezes in a way he doesn’t want to understand.
“I’m being summoned. If I do not see you before your departure, I extend my well-wishings. Goodbye traveler.”
And then he’s gone, leaving you speechless, alone, and hurt.
Your hand shakily reaches down to grasp your lantern, reading the inscription once more before letting it go.
‘I wish I didn’t have to leave him behind.’
A single tear rolls down your cheek.
High in the mountains above Liyue, a figure watches as a lone traveler releases their lantern. Clutching the lantern of a certain adeptus, the figure reads the neat writing once more.
‘I wish they didn’t have to leave me.’
Chuckling, the figure’s hand reaches to snatch the traveler’s lantern out of the sky.
“Just as I predicted,” the figure laments, reading the second wish. “the Yaksha finally has a weakness.”
You never thought you would be so hesitant to return to Mondstadt. But the thought of leaving Xiao your new Liyue friends was nearly enough to convince you to shackle yourself to your bedpost so you couldn’t leave.
You had never been one for rationality.
Letting out a deep sigh, you shoved the last of your few belongings into your travel pack. You stand in the doorway, taking one last glimpse at the room you had called home for the past few months, before heading downstairs.
Immediately, you are pulled into a bone crushing hug by a sobbing Xiangling. You faintly hear her blubbering, but it’s too quick and muffled by your shoulder to understand.
Your eyes quickly survey the room, flitting between the smiling faces of your friends. Desperately searching for someone you aren’t even sure you want to see.
Unfortunately (or fortunately- you still can’t tell), the adeptus was nowhere to be found. You lock eyes with Xinyan, who looks at you sympathetically. (You had met Xinyan after you bursted into Xiangling’s restaurant in tears following Xiao’s abrupt departure. She was understanding, but you still feel a bit awkward that her first impression of you was crying over a boy.)
You pry Xiangling off of you as much as you can, cupping her face so that her eyes meet yours. “Ling-Ling, this isn't goodbye forever! I’ll be back at some point, I promise!” you reassure yourself her. Fighting back tears of your own, you walk around to say your farewells to everybody else.
Your farewells are quick but emotional, and you find yourself crying as you walk out of the inn. A tap on your shoulder makes you turn around, and your (c) irises meet amber.
He cuts you off, “Be careful on your way back. If you find yourself in trouble, summon me. Say my name and I’ll be there. Any time. Anywhere. Goodbye traveler.”
“Wait Xiao I-“ He’s gone before you can finish your thought.
Your hand that is reached out moves to whip the tears from your face.
‘It’s useless to just sit here and fucking cry,’ you think bitterly. ‘I’ve got shit to do, and I’m going to do it. It’s time to get serious and focus. Come on ____, you’re better than this!’
With that thought in mind, you straighten your back, effectively steeling yourself before heading out into the vast plains.
You don’t turn back once.
“I should’ve turned back! Why didn’t I turn back?” you shout over the loud roars of the Frostarm Lawachurl stomping after you. Thinking back on it, you don’t entirely know why you accepted a commission in Dragonspine of all places.
You really, really, really hate Dragonspine.
You mutter expletives under your breath, cursing whatever god was willing to listen for making you encounter this overgrown yeti. You’re tired, cold, hungry, and running on pure adrenaline at this point.
What would’ve happened if you had just stayed in Liyue?
That thought briefly flashes through your mind, and in your distraction you don’t notice you’ve slowed down.
That is, until an icy fist rams into your backside.
You can practically feel the bones in your spine shatter as you fly off the edge of the mountain. Summoning all of the energy you have left, you force open your wind glider before you can fall to your rocky doom.
Through hazy eyes you spot a shallow cave on the side of the mountain. You wheeze out a sigh of relief, floating down into the mouth of the cave. Inside, you spot remnants of what looks to be the camp of a traveler. Scattered books, a pot, and- oh thank archons- a makeshift fire pit. As you weakly light the fire, you silently thank the gods for blessing you with a Pyro Vision. It really saves your ass sometimes.
You let out a small laugh through chattering teeth, pulling your jacket closer to your body as you lay down on the cold floor. Pain flares in your shattered back, and you whimper quietly.
With frozen tears on your cheeks and the crackling sound of the fire, you finally doze off into a dreamless sleep.
Oh how you wish you didn’t.
When you do eventually wake up, you kind of wish you hadn’t.
First of all, your back is on fire. Your fingers feel like they’re frozen in place, and your head feels like you were hit upside the head by the hilt of Xinyan’s claymore. Your whole body is stiff and ridden with knots that you itch to stretch out but can’t due to the chains holding your wrists in place.
Your eyes widen almost comically as you stare at the glinting metal of your cuffs. Your head whips around to look at your surroundings.
“Ow, too fast too fast. Oh, my head…”
Recovering, you come to find you’re in some sort of jail cell, metal bars keeping you from the outside world, and- oh dear Lord Barbatos is that a rat?
Pfft. How cliche.
You roll your eyes, ignoring the pounding in your head.
“Hey! Is anyone out there? Because, uh, what the fuck? I have places to be! I need to go!”
Silence follows, until you hear the faint clacking of footsteps echoing through the dungeon. You can’t quite make out the features of whoever is walking down the dark hallway, so you squint your eyes at the silhouette.
“Well, well, well what do we have-“
Not in the mood for another cliche, you cut the figure off. “Save the corny villain speech, I don’t care.” you deadpan. “Just tell me where the hell I am before I blast you into next week.”
The figure stops right before your bars, and in the dim lighting you can finally make out her features. You bite back a noise of surprise, because you swear if this woman hadn't kidnapped you, you would probably try to court her. Her indigo irises look at you mockingly before she speaks.
“Blast me into next week…” she taps her chin in a mock ponder. “Oh! I don’t suppose you mean with this?” You look at her now outstretched arm, seeing your precious Pyro Vision dangling from a perfectly manicured finger. Your eyes shoot to your left hip where your Vision should be, seeing nothing. You’re at a loss for words. Your only plan of escape was with the use of your fire, and now you’re practically useless.
Dread fills your body. You faintly hear the woman giggle sadistically as you visibly deflate, but you’re too caught up with your thoughts to really care. Your mind is running a mile a minute, trying to pinpoint something that could possibly help you get out of here alive.
“Be careful on your way back. If you find yourself in trouble, summon me. Say my name and I’ll be there. Anytime. Anywhere.”
You could call Xiao.
La Signora’s sardonic smile widens when she sees your apparent internal battle. You’re thinking about it. She knows you’re thinking about it. She set things up perfectly, and now everything is falling into place. The normally composed woman is practically vibrating with giddiness.
“Do it dolly,” she taunts. “I know you want to. Call the adeptus dolly. Call him to you.”
“No.” your voice is firm.
“Do it.” hers is firmer.
“No.” your voice wavers, and her grin widens impossibly more.
“Do it!” she slams her hands on the bars, and you startle.
“N-no!” your resolve weakens further, and La Signora knows she has you.
She slowly opens your cell door, sauntering over to you with a sick look on her beautiful face. She leans down, her lips inches from your ear.
“Do. It.” she hisses.
You crack.
You wilt, whispering into your knees.
“Xiao, please. Help me.”
A flash of teal and black.
Your captor stands up. “Oh good you're here! Now things get interesting.” She turns to you with her arm raised. “Now go to sleep dolly. The adults are talking.” She brings her hand down on your neck.
The last thing you see before you fall under is the mask the adeptus swore to never wear again form in his hand.
For the second time in what feels like 3 days, you wake up feeling like you were hit with a claymore. Shutting your eyes again, you snuggle back into the warmth of the sheets. Something grabs onto your arm and a voice mutters, “Shh. Don’t move or you’ll hurt yourself more.”
Your mind catches up to you, and suddenly everything hits you.
One: why are you in a bed?
And two: who the hell is touching you?
Fighting the excruciating pain in both your head and your spine, you turn over to meet the worried eyes of your companion.
“V-verr Goldet? Is that you? Why is it you? Does this mean I’m back at the Wangshu Inn? Why am I back at the inn? How did I get here? Wh-”
“____ hey. Take a deep breath. To answer your questions, yes it is me. Yes you are back at the Wangshu Inn. You were taken by the Fatui- you know what? I think there is someone else more suited to tell you what happened. He’s been showing up outside your door for nearly a week waiting for you to wake up.”
You balk. “A week? I've been asleep for a full week?”
Verr Goldet laughs quietly. “Yes, a full week. Your injuries are severe, and your body needed time to heal. Frankly, I’m surprised you're awake even now. I will take my leave. I can feel him getting restless knowing you're awake.”
She turns to walk away, pausing in the doorway once more. “Please go easy on him. He’s never experienced this sort of… attachment before. He’s just a bit confused. He really has never meant to bring you any sort of anguish, he’s just doing what he’s always done.” You watch as she leaves the room, her form in the doorway being replaced by one you know all too well. You begin to lift your body to welcome him, and he rushes over to gently nudge you back down.
“Don’t strain yourself too much. Your spine is greatly injured, and Qiqi is gathering what she needs to try to fix the fractures. She should be here within the next day.” He pauses, sighing. “I suppose you would like to know what happened, right?” He doesn’t meet your eyes.
He breathes in once more before beginning his tale.
“You were taken by a woman named La Signora, who revealed herself to me as the Eight of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. She had been following you for a while, and finally found an ideal moment to strike when you were in that cave in Dragonspine.” You are extremely confused. Why did La Signora decide to take you? Of what importance could you have been to the Fatui? Your confusion must have shown, because Xiao speaks again.
“I know you must be wondering why the Fatui would want you for seemingly no reason. She explained to me after I defeated her that the Fatui wants to wipe out all immortal beings. So she utilized what she found to be my weakness. Which is, well, you. Because of my apparent romantic feelings towards you. She saw our wishes on our lanterns during the Lantern Rite and...”
At this point you've drowned him out. ‘Apparent romantic feelings?’ How can he say that so matter-of-factly?
“Wait hold on back up. You-” you clear your throat awkwardly. “You like me?”
He looks at you strangely. “No I do not ‘like’ you. It has been brought to my attention that what I feel for you is called ‘love’ and that I am in love with you. And I am aware that you feel this love toward me too.”
He notices your silence and speaks up hesitantly. “Am- am I incorrect?”
The kicked-puppy voice almost has you flailing. You wave your arms wildly, and nearly scream “No! No. No you’re not- oh ow ow ow ow ow.” In your urgency, you strained your injuries. Again. Xiao’s eyes soften as he reaches out to lay you back down into bed, careful of your back. When the pain subsides, you speak again.
“No, you're not incorrect. I was just, taken aback, by how upfront you were. I do love you, a lot actually, and it’s very surprising that you feel the same way. I… I’m very happy.”
“Your face is extremely red. Are you running a fever?”
You weakly whack him in the arm, and he lets out a small laugh.
“I am just joking my love, I am not that dense.”
Your face flushes more with every word that comes out of his mouth.
“So are we going to kiss now? Since we are a couple in a romantic relationship I think we should.” You don’t know where your burst of confidence came from, but at his words you wrap your arms around his neck, yanking him down to your level. He braces himself with one arm on the bed, the other resting on your waist. Right as your lips are about to meet, you hear a thud and then an exasperated “Xiangling!”
You and Xiao look at each other, looks of equal annoyance present on your features. You push him up reluctantly.
“If you guys don’t open that door and get your sorry asses in here, I swear to Morax-”
The door opens slowly, and your friends shuffle, bearing sheepish grins. Your sword materializes in your hand, already glowing with fire. Xiao’s arm lifts to steady yours, and you mentally thank him for not making you look too out of commission. The glint in your eyes hint that you mean business, and Xiangling is the first to squeak out an apology.
“We’re sorry ____, we just wanted to know!”
Your eyes glint dangerously, and you nudge Xiao.
“Since I can’t exactly do anything, he will. Time to face the wrath of a Yaksha bitches!” you exclaim gleefully. “Xiao get them! Go!” you shoo him away with your hands.
Xiao shakes his head once more, before pushing himself off of your bedside. His jade polearm appears in his hand, and he stalks towards your friends. The door closes behind him and you’re left to your own thoughts. You think back to the words he’s said to you on many an occasion.
“You’re an idiot, mortal.”
You suppose you are an idiot. But maybe so is he. You’re just two idiots in love. At that thought, you laugh.
You suppose you'll get that kiss later.
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