#never really made a comic series before so im testing the waters
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ghoap au pt.1
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Here's the other: How'd they react to their S/O who cherishes their gift given by their beloved so much, that one day the gift was destroyed by a hilichurl and they went so livid they practically fought the creatures to death and threw them to a lake somewhere, and sulked the whole how they don't deserve them anymore cuz of how careless they were. For Razor, Albedo and Xiao 👉👈
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: razor, albedo, xiao (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: not proofread, mc is referenced as an alchemist/adventurer in albedo’s, one swear word in xiao’s
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he made you a paw-shaped clay sculpture!
it was cute and small, fitting right into the palm of your hands
to others—it may look like some worn-down toy, but to you, it was a good luck charm from the ever-cute razor
but perhaps, it wasn’t quite the clay-shape that you held close to your heart... no, it was the strenuous effort razor put into sculpting the paw
you remember it vividly. how the boy would dig his hands into mud and sit under the burning sun, carving the dirt with his bare fingers as he hid the gift from your sight
so when a good-for-nothing hilichurl decides razor’s paw-shape charm was a nice pebble for hot potato... boy were you livid
Patting the ground beside you, [e/c] eyes widened upon the feeling of nothing but grass.
What...? Peering over, you stared blankly at the empty space, comical arrows pointing at the now-gone charm you had received from Razor. Just where was it? You swore it was right beside you...
And as if Barbatos were laughing at you, the wind blew, burning your eyes as the sight of mitachurls and hilichurls danced around the fire in the distance, tossing what looked like a rock into the air.
You blinked.
That was the charm Razor made.
first of all... how did the hilichurl get it? the charm was literally right beside you!
agh, whatever.
you’ll just retrieve it. easy, right?
first of all, your power would literally turn the lush grass into a desolate canyon (not really). second of all, you’d probably end up destroying the paw in your rampage
—if the hilichurl didn’t destroy it first
Materializing your weapon, you couldn’t help but hope that the paw had miraculously survived the impact of a hilichurl throwing it against the floor.
Hah, what were you thinking? Of course it didn’t... physics just didn’t allow it.
But you know what physics did allow? Why, beating these enemies to a pulp, of course!
once you floored the hilichurls, you quickly scrambled as to look for signs of the paw anywhere
berating yourself as to how utterly foolish you were for letting it go and leaving it unguarded in the first place, you stared in defeat at the sight of crumbled clay and hardened dirt in the grass of the hilichurl camp
why? why were you so careless? seriously, how did this happen? if you had just kept it in your backpack like a regular person, razor’s hard-earned hours and craft would still be as grand as ever-
Blinking, you hadn’t realized you had been sulking in the midst of this hilichurl camp. [E/C] eyes lifted up, widening once they had landed on none other than Razor, his crimson eyes like the agates that littered Dragonspine, his hair as grey as stormclouds.
“Ah... Razor...” You smiled in exasperation, staring at anywhere but said boy. How could you face him after watching his clay paw get destroyed by some measly hilichurls?
“Are you okay?” He asked, glancing around at the scene before him. The grass wilted, the camp that he remembered being obnoxiously loud and disturbing was silent and empty.
“Yeah, no biggie,” Waving off his concern, you began to walk away, your heart sinking with each step.
First, you let his gift get destroyed. Second, you walk away from him.
You were such a terrible partn—
“[Y/N]?” Razor’s voice cut through the air, a tension you had created solely on the thoughts of your own mind. Gripping your wrist with a tender touch, you didn’t fail to notice the way his eyes drooped down ever so slightly.
“Did I... make lupical mad?”
Gulping, you quickly waved your hands in front of your face, eyes widened as you tried to carefully explain the series of events that had just led down to this very moment.
“I—well, you see, your uh, paw-clay-thingy... I was careless and I—“
“Break it while hunting?” Razor answered, tilting his head as his hold merely stayed still, not wavering for a second, as if you were a boar in his hands.
Razor was much better at observation than you had thought.
“It’s okay. I make more for lupical,” Razor nodded, already beginning to pace over to a pond as he dipped his gloved hands into the water, wafting around for dirt as you rushed up behind him.
“Wait! But I was careless... you don’t need to make ano—“
“It’s for lupical. Lupical close, I give lupical gift that never break.”
Everlasting—that was what he wanted to make.
And a part of you couldn’t help but agree.
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albedo, in all of his alchemy prowess, made you an artificial flower
how? don’t ask him. he’ll spew some lengthy thesis and paragraph about the fundamentals, the research, the prototype, the testing, the—
ahem, anyways!
you had never intended to bring it outside. but one day, you had left your camp under the supervision of barbatos (wow go barbatos) and ventured off to fetch some materials
and when you came back? you were met with the sight of hilichurls and slimes raving around your tent
what the—
“I...I’m hallucinating,” You deadpanned, slapping your wrist at the sight of pyro slimes and masked hilichurls dancing around your tent, the inside of your humble abode moving around as if it were possessed.
And the cherry on top? A pyro abyss mage emerged, the flower floating besides it. But oh boy, it was no flower anymore... it was a flaming flower.
At that moment, you were left to ponder. Maybe, just maybe, you kinned a whopperflower at that point. Because oh boy did your temper and sanity explode on those little enemies, the way your blade sunk into their forms—
you were already planning your apology to albedo. he trusted you and loved you enough to make an artificial flower for you... and yet, it so pitifully crumbled at your touch
okay, not quite your touch. but it crumbled at the ugly pyro abyss mage’s touch
so, as any good s/o would do, you sulked while rebuilding your camp. it’s okay. as long as albedo didn’t know his creation was charred, all would be well. besides! he was quite a busy man! chances were low that he’d discover!
busy, he was, observant, he is
perhaps, you should’ve known
“Ah... hi Albedo,” You winced, opening your tent to smile at the alchemist who merely stared at you.
“You were gone for a while. Is everything okay?” He noted, remembering your absence from visiting his own camp at Dragonspine. As an alchemist, he knew what it was like being holed up in a camp. But for two weeks? Even he needed breaks.
“Well, you see... I was out... gathering materials! Yes!” You gave him a weak thumbs-up, wailing internally once his piercing azure eyes trailed around your camp, noting that nothing looked new. 
 “You don’t need to lie to me, [Y/N]. Is something the matter?”
“I’m sorry!” You cut off, clapping your hands together in a prayer-like position, guilt welling up in the pit of your stomach.
“Your flower—I left it unsupervised and it was set aflame and I’m so so so sor—“
“Don’t be.”
Mouth dropping, you stared up at the male, an amused expression painting his face like the canvases he dedicated to you.
“At least you were not hurt while it was set aflame. Come, I’ll show you how to make some more,” Opening your tent for you all the way, Albedo held a hand out to you, eyes flickering in mirth.
“And next time, don’t try to run away from your problems.”
“You cheeky littl—“ A blush of both embarrassment and fluster formed on your face, shocked at his sudden remark.
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he made you an adepti amulet
enhanced with super-cool-adepti-no-mortal-can-have power, xiao had informed you that all you needed to do was hold up the amulet and it’d scare any kind of enemies away!
cool, right? too bad you left it unattended while fighting the irritable anemo cube! now it’s at the bottom of the sea <3
how did this happen, exactly? well... you see... when wind picks up and becomes strong... light-weight objects will fly up into the air!
and sometimes, those light weight objects will fall into the sea, and sometimes, those objects would be gifts from your adeptus boyfriend who was waiting for you back at wangshu inn—
ahem. anyways. you beat the crap out of the anemo cube (aka, beth. aka, tornado cube. aka, cube waifu)
I should just... not go back to Wangshu Inn today. Haha... I’ll go ask Katheryne for a commission... You nodded, stuffing the turquoise shards of wind into your pockets, your bags filled with mora and enhancement ores being thrown off the side of the cliff.
—Along with the adepti amulet Xiao had made for you.
Seriously... you still had to wonder just how that happened! One second, you were avoiding getting sucked up by the vent of the anemo cube... and the next, your bag was traveling the world!
Can’t have shit in Teyva—
Trekking back to Mondstadt in defeat, you were innocently oblivious to the worry of the Yaksha back in Liyue.
are they okay? do they need help? did they go to dragonspine? all these questions spun around xiao’s head as he watched the moon rise, his mask dissipating into the wind
you told him you’d return tonight... yet you hadn’t. and a part of him had wished you hadn’t left liyue, so he had at least some control over whatever dangers dared to attack you
but, he knew you were strong. why else would he love you, anyway? he does not find appeal in being the savior 24/7
so, he waits. atop the balcony of wangshu inn, across the stars and moon, he prays to his archon, wishing—no, hoping you arrive safely
And—you did. You arrived back at Wangshu Inn.
... Three weeks later.
“You’re late. Very late,” Xiao’s voice blared in your ears, a blessing and a curse all at the same time. You didn’t know how to tell him the amulet was thrown off a cliff—but at the same time, you really wanted to run your fingers through his hair.
“Haha... sorry about that,” You laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of your head as Xiao merely grumbled, appearing before you with a piercing stare.
“Where were you? You did not even send me a letter.”
“I’m sorry... it’s just... eh... well...” You looked away, your heart churning against your ribs as Xiao extended his index finger out, tilting your chin to face him.
“What?” He asked, his tone harsh yet soft, longing yet logical.
“I uh... kind of... lost your adepti amulet... I’m sorry.”
He blinked.
“You waited three weeks to tell me that?” He asked in disbelief, almost in disappointment. Seriously, he was an adeptus! A Yaksha, at that! He could’ve just made another one for you... But nooo... you decided to wait three weeks in the land of the free (America?) and then worry him to death.
“Mortals...” Xiao muttered under his breath, crossing his arms with a huff as he turned his head away, the wind picking up.
“Hey, wait! Aren’t you going to say anything? Like a disappointed lecture or something?”
Disappearing, you facepalmed, already pulling out some sweetflowers and milk to whip up some almond tofu.
Damn that adeptus. Who was he to tug your heartstrings like that?
You sighed, sitting beside a cooking pot as lingering yellow eyes watched your form, their irises softening at the sight.
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— constellations! 💫
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plaidshirtjimkirk · 5 years
i wish i had an awesome list of things i wrote in 2019, but there’s none to speak of. i probably hit 30k max or so. but i wanna talk about writing anyway. this is longgggg, sorry.
i have been and ever shall be a ridiculously passionate person. when i love something, i really really *really* love it. it takes over everything. it’s all i think about. i’ve always been this way. i had all of one friend when i was a child and i met her in preschool. we met up recently and she started naming all these series and characters i was obsessed with since i was 4. LOL the thing is, like... no one else liked these things, so she had to deal with me infodumping and reading my crappy fanfiction to her from elementary to middle school. (the fact that she still talks to me amazes me.)
my relationship with writing is complicated and im finally understanding why.
i started out with self insert stories when i was super young because there weren’t any other kids around besides my one awesome friend. i never felt lonely though because i had my stories.
i loved fictional characters. i self shipped. this led me to roleplaying. i found someone who was writing as a character i adored. we wrote together and then started dating. that was my first SO. not knowing any better, i remained in an abusive relationship for 7 years. my stories were my comfort and i can honestly say that writing saved my life. there’s a good ending to this situation. one day, i experienced a breath of fresh air and finally took the trash out.
i dabbled in drawing comics for a bit as i worked hard at my job. i met someone worth my love and effort. we loved each other so much that we maintained a relationship while living on opposite ends of the planet. as you can imagine, that was pretty lonely. writing helped me through it. i met some amazing people to write with during this time, including my bff @suitablyaggrieved.
the fandom we were in then was filled with toxic people however. my having an oc didn’t help things so i had to deal with harassment, even when i was minding my own damn business. got tired of that, took down my writing, and barely wrote a thing for about 3 years.
when i fell hard into trek, i decided i wanted to give fandom one more shot. i wanted to be in a community that loved the same things i did and figured it was worth the effort of trying. tbh i feel very lucky that my return to fandom was trek because yall are seriously some of the nicest people ever.
when i started this blog, i was just some rude dipshit who didn’t really think about the weight of my words. i said mean things but i didn’t care. it was whatever because it was my blog and i had 30 followers. the follower count grew though at some point, i thought about why i tested the waters of coming back to fandom and how grateful i was to splash land back in one like trek. i realized i wasn’t being the kind of person i wanted to be. i’m still a dipshit, just less rude now.
but the thing is that trek got me into writing again. and when i started, i felt like there were no limits. i wrote and wrote and wrote. i was telling stories about some things i’d been through and using characters as proxies. it was an interesting experience. i never wanted to stop...made me feel like i was doing something constructive when drama was going on in my work life.
everything was ok though because i had my words.............and then chronic illness caught up with me.
writing made me happy because i saw myself putting out lots of stories. but when it came to the point where i couldn’t write as much as i used to because i was in too much pain to even get out of bed, it started making me feel really depressed.
the truth is that i don’t have confidence in my work. i never did. i probably never will. it sucks when you spend all this time working on something, just to end up hating it. and with being the passionate person i am, the lower word count had me feeling like a complete failure. all or nothing. consistency or nothing. i know this is unhealthy. i also would never think anyone else was a failure for not writing as much. it was just...i had all these personal goals i wasn’t meeting.
at some point, i started feeling as though i couldn’t write ks anymore. there were a couple reasons for that but the main one was losing consistency. i didn’t feel like my work was ever anything special, but at least i was feeling productive. when that went out the window, i kinda looked back at all these words i put out and didn’t feel good about them.
i started writing for small pairings where the fandom was literally all of 2 people. i thought that maybe i could just post stories for a tiny audience, or even just for my own sake, and maybe being so worried about quality wouldn’t be such a big deal. i was kidding myself though. ofc it was. and it just made me feel worse about my writing. i didn’t know how to make it fun. instead of being pumped to start something new, all i could think about was how i’d suffer to put whatever story i was thinking of together and just end up hating. it felt like so much wasted effort.
i met some awesome new friends who encouraged me to make an oc again. it took such a long time but i did and i spent a few months privately posting fics about all of our ocs interacting. writing was slowly becoming fun again.
and that brings me to where i am today. i realize it’s been a crutch for me throughout life. i could throw myself into it, throw myself into stories that others wrote. with less energy to go around because of being in pain frequently, the amount i could do reduced drastically. i’m still trying to figure out how to cope with that, and how to not put so much pressure on myself to where i get stuck in an endless loop of self hating.
still, writing saved me. even though things got really complicated, im glad i had the experience of doing it and even though it sometimes stresses me the hell out, i want to keep at it...figure out how the same thing that helped me so many times before can do so again.
i’m not sure i can ever figure the confidence/self love thing out, but i think i can try to make words my friends again. people outside of fandom don’t get it and i guess i can’t blame them if they don’t have the experience. they think ff is some frivolous activity that has no merit, no quality, no bearing on anything. but it does on franchise, community, and individual levels.
anyway, sending good vibes to every content creator out there. let’s hang in there through the great times and bad. <3
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happyendingsong · 2 years
im tabling at dcc in like three and a half weeks -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- which will be a ton of fun once im there but dear god im out of practice
i need to figure out what to prioritise making in the next while, and be very positive affirmations voice I AM CAPABLE OF FINISHING A PIECE OF ART AND IT WILL BE FUN REEMBRACING THE FULL ARTISTIC PROCESS about it
some ideas i have areeee:
twewy print, neku shiki beat and josh all piggybacking on each other
twewy badges/keychains which would be fun but ive no idea if they'd sell </3 maybe i should just test the waters with the print this time round and see what happens. maybe it'd be smarter using the neo twewy gang but like i have zero interest LOL.
kh sora print i started ages ago when he got announced for smash that i never finished
monster high print, im not sure what though, kind of thinking about dressing them up like 80s horror final girls or smth but im not sure how to translate that properly
bratz print, general y2k fashion shite
ff7 print, the gang in 90s fits hanging out with cats, styled like an old school adoption/psa poster?
ff7 badges/keychains?
kh sorikai print, the three of them getting healed at a save point
ygo print, mai and her harpie ladies. ive had this one on my vision board for yearsssss i just need to sit down and do it 💆‍♀️
mp100 print, the cast all wearing themed raincoats w umbrellas
mp100 badges? keychains?
kh sora print, him in the 100 acre wood
jennifer's body as a goosebumps cover
fnaf print, gachapon with all the animatronics in lil capsules (i made fnaf badges before but they never really sold that well, but i feel like the new game brought a lot of people back/made people really nostalgic for the series as a whole/now the kids who grew up with fnaf have disposable income to buy shit at cons?? idk um. lol)
eah print, lil cutesy cartoon versions of the gorls all hanging out on a big fairytale book. but i think eah is pushing it, i should see if the mh print has any takers before committing to eah.
advtime finn print or finn and jake, i SHOULD have another thing since all my advtime stuff is from like 2013 or smth. would LOVE to have more advtime on the table, i just need to think of smth 😔
could be a complete sellout and just do owl house because i know it'd sell..... i won't but i could.
same w she ra
same w ace attorney? though it'd be less sellouty because i do actually like aa, and i think aa stuff does REALLY well here
MAYBE sdr2? would have to rack my brain pretty hard but it could be a good shout
aw maybe i could finish my wwe 4hw print from years ago? i think it WOULDVE sold when i first started it in like 2019 but im not sure about now :/ although i think ott are actually putting on a little show at dcc this year so maybe doing a wrestling print makes a fair bit of sense. but i feel like if any nerds at a comic con are buying wrestling prints, they're gonna be aew fans. and idk if aew has any women id care enough about to make up a whole print for.....
kh girls print
the sims bella goth print
atla print, the gaang hanging out with turtle ducks or azula's girl squad
i also want to make a lil art zine of my life drawing bits from last year, i think that'd be cute :)
fart cunt faggy dyke cock pussy porn, hopefully this doesn't show up in tags
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Hero and Villain (Peter Parker x reader) (Part 1)
HeroesOfOlympus: Heyyyy y'all! I cannot believe the amount of followers I have now! This is incredible and thank y'all so much for following me! For those who don’t have an account or read my stories, thank y'all so much for taking your time to read this! Anyway, I love Tom Holland’s portrayal of Spiderman and it’s really refreshing from what Andrew Garfield had to offer. I feel Tom’s personality is kinda closer to Spider-Man’s compared to Andrew, plus the age of Spiderman and Tom is closer. BUT Andrew Garfield is such a good actor. I’m rambling again… Shit. Anyway, this is a series as well… So… Yeah.
Description: You are Peter’s Best Friend and Spiderman’s arch nemesis. Both of you don’t know that the person you’re fighting is your Best Friend until after one of your flirty and vicious fights, you realise Peter has the exact same bruises as the areas where you attacked Spider-Man and vice versa.
Reader Gender: Female
Reader’s Power: Ability to control water
Characters/Ships: Peter Parker x reader
Rating: PG (Might change to PG13 in later parts)
Warnings: Slight coarse language, don’t read if you’re sensitive to the thought/descriptive writing of blood
“Nice to see you again, Spiderboy.” You mocked, controlling the water vapour in the air to condense and form into water droplets, which you then stepped on gently, the water surprisingly able to support your weight.
Slowly commanding the water to bring you down to the ground, you checked Spiderman out. He had a lean build, a fairly muscular body and he was quite tall, lanky if you would call it. His vibrant red and blue suit fitted tightly on his body, making you see every tiny bump on his body.
“Riptide, I told you it’s Spiderman!” He groaned, stuffing his face into his hands jokingly, emphasising on the ‘man’.
You laughed and Peter couldn’t help but think where he had heard that exact same laughter as before. It was melodious and brought a smile to his face under his mask.
“Let’s make this quick. I’ve got a huge Biology test tomorrow and I need to revise my notes.” You grinned, flashing your blinding white teeth to him. 
Your villain costume was a navy blue colour with mermaid like scales on the whole costume, the outlines an ocean blue colour. It was similar to your favourite DC comic villain, Catwoman. It was a tight jumpsuit that showed off your curves and you wore navy blue ankle boots that glistened with a mixture of old and fresh blood.
A mask that covered your nose and the area surrounding your eyes made sure that you were unrecognizable.
Without waiting for Spiderman’s reply, you commanded the water from a nearby stream to attack Spiderman, making him splutter and gasp for air as the water tried to drown him.
Feeling a rising guilt in your chest, you tried to resist listening to that little voice in your head that was telling, begging, you to stop hurting him.
You were the villain, you were the one doing bad things and he was the hero, he didn't deserve to be attacked at just because you were both on different sides.
Your command on the water was dying and before you knew it, Spiderman shot a web right in front of you and he allowed it to pull him.
Once he was near enough, he punched you in the gut and you doubled over in pain. Soon, both of you were in a vigorous battle, each of you ducking, punching and just trying to defeat the other person.
While fighting, both of you provided flirtatious remarks to each other and a recount of what happened earlier that day. When Peter aimed a fist at your gut, you did a backflip, landing a good half a metre away from him.
“Are you Spiderman? Because you're crawling your way up to the top of my heart!” You grinned, Spiderman laughing at your lame pickup line whilst shooting a web at your feet, making you stuck to the ground.
Finally, he landed a hard punch right at your jaw area and you let out a yell of pain, him grimacing and feeling bad for attaining you with so much strength.
“Bye Spiderboy, see you next time...” You muttered whilst blood that shined under the lights trickled down your face from your mouth. Wiping the blood off of your face so that Spiderman wouldn't have any samples of your blood, you left in a flurry of water.
Blowing him a kiss, your eyes twinkled and a smirk graced your features, Spiderman not believing he had hurt you so badly.
The Next Day
“Hey Pete.” You greeted, sitting yourself down opposite of him whilst holding your food tray, wincing when your stomach area hit the table.
There were very visible black circles underneath your eyes and your eyes lacked their usual spark, making Peter worried. For the past few months, you had been more distant, more tired and you missed many classes, especially in the morning.
Suddenly, from the corners of his eyes, he noticed a smudge of something that was purple, blue and black in colour. Narrowing his eyes, he noticed you were folding up your jacket to put against the table and you leaned forward, wincing again.
Without even thinking through what he was going to do next, he leaned forward and touched the area where the colours were and with a gasp, he rubbed the area.
He was met with a horrible sight of the bottom half of your jaw bruised and dried up blood splattered across the dark colours. You had tried your best to put on makeup the cover up the bruise, but why?
Suddenly, the answer came to him and he pulled back, his breathing fast and loud. You looked at him with worry whilst fear danced in your eyes. What excuse could you come up with for the bruise? You could never let Peter know that you were the famous Riptide who stole from banks and fought Spiderman from time to time.
“You... You're Riptide... You fought Spiderman last night, didn't you?” He stuttered, looking at you with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
Narrowing your eyes, you bit your lip and shot out of your seat, moving closer to Peter so that your faces were inches apart.
“And you're Spiderman, aren't you? Because it certainly didn't come out in the news that Spiderman fought Riptide last night...” You raised your eyebrow, Peter’s eyes widening and he processed the information.
You, his Best Friend since you were both seven years old, his shoulder to cry on when Uncle Ben died, the one who made him laugh everyday, was Riptide, his arch nemesis.
You looked at him, tears forming in your eyes and you willed them to disappear. You felt like crying, going into the corner of a room and letting all your emotions out in tears, but you needed to know if it was true, if Peter really was Spiderman and if he would report you to the police or not be your Friend any more.
“I... I've got to go...” You managed to choke out, your accusation still lingering in the air as you took your bag, rushing out of the cafeteria and you let your tears fall, let your sadness take over you.
Let yourself break even more.
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thisiskindagross · 8 years
Satan and Me Asks
1.)  for the questions thing - are you cool w sexuality headcanons for ur characters??
I’m assuming you mean if people in the fandom make sexuality headcanons? And of course. You guys can do whatever you want. I know I’ve only posted about a few sexualities, so there’s not much to go on anyway.
2.)  Is hell really gone out of Satan forever? How long does Nat's wish last?
Hell’s not gone from Satan. It’s still inside of him, but he doesn’t hear the constant voices in his head anymore because of Natalie’s wish. That was what she sold her soul for, so the wish will stay in effect the rest of his existence.
3.)  Will we be seeing Pax or Felix soon? What about that small little boy?
Pax and Felix looking for Zadkiel is kind of a side plot in the comic, so I can’t say for sure when they will intercept. My guess is anywhere in the next 15 updates?
4.)  Do satan's earings indicate his emotions as well?
When Satan is in “human” form, his earrings are like his horns. They will change between yellow and red based on his mood.
5.)  is gabriel ok?
At the moment, no. He’s in considerable distress, but he will be. You’ll see this arc.
6.)  So im a ask, how does satan really feel about nat being damned to hell and him not being able to figure out how to stop it? He seems to care if she does.
He doesn’t like it at all, but since they can’t change it atm he is choosing to not think about it.
7.)  Has Satan thought about sex with Nat?
He’s been too preoccupied with the Apocalypse and the recent Titus thing (and now Natalie being sick) to really think about anything like that, I’d think. That’s not to say he’s never thought about sex in general, but just the plot never called for him to so? He really hasn’t.
8.)  any ships you generally don't like?
I mean, my taste in ships change all the time and have no effect in canon. There are some ships that become/are already canon that I don’t care for, and there are some I really like that I know will never be canon. For example, I used to hate Ganthea, but now I like it. It really depends. I flip-flop around a lot. I’d feel bad though listing ships I don’t care for, just because I don’t want to make anyone feel bad for liking something. Just because I don’t shouldn’t mean that you guys can’t like them. 
So in the spirit of not making someone feel bad IDK if I can fully answer this question.
9.)  any insights into how angel society works/what it generally is like for the various background angels? what do they get up to? are they all the same ones who were created back at the Beginning? how do they view current comic events (if they generally know anything)? what do they think of their 'leaders' (the archangels)?
Loaded question lol Well, the angels canonically in the bible are ranked. There are a lot of classes of angels; the archangels are actually second from the bottom. They’re literally just protectors and foot soldiers, I guess that’s the closest I could equate them to. So the vast majority of angels are just the society in the comic, whereas the ones who follow the archangels actually enlist to be in the army.
Each archangel leads a squad (except Raphael, who only works with the medic angels in the hospital). Each squad has a certain duty (ex: Jophiel’s is trained in recovery and surveillance, Zadkiel’s was p much the ones who take on tough jobs that have a low mortality rate, Gabriel’s is trained in support and backup to other troops, etc). They’re sorted and placed under an archangel depending on their test results. I actually do plan to do a dumb little comic about angels enlisting at one point.
Angel society as a whole aren’t 100% up to current events, because the archangels and higher up angels dictate what information is allowed to be trickled down. They also don’t want to cause alarm so they bend the truth a little bit. Right now majority of the angels aren’t even aware what really happened with Titus (like they didn’t know that someone was trying to overthrow Satan).
Not all of them were created at the beginning. Some were, others are fairly new. It really depends. It also depends on their personality if they like the archangels or not, so it’s hard to lump them all in together. For the most part the angels not in the army are blissfully unaware of the things around them. They stay in Heaven and mind their own business.
10.)  Why is Angel Michael so upset about Human Michael? And what does Human Michael think about Angel Michael?
Angel Michael is upset not at Mike P, but the situation. He likes humans but he doesn’t want to be a human. So the idea of being put into his body upsets him a lot. Mike P. doesn’t know anything about Michael; he’s just trying to process the information. When he does, he will want to get to know him.
11.)  Have any of the angels actually crushed on a human before
Quite a few have, but virtually none act on it. They would be executed if they procreated with a human, as would the nephilim baby. It’s a “look but don’t touch” situation.
12.)  okay okay you wont tell us the end game ships & das okay, but can you tell us who you personally ship Natalie with?
Natalie’s the rare character that I can ship with 95% of the cast, if written a certain way. The list would be too long lol
13.)  Do we get anything about Luce's past in the comic? I know there are parts from where he's an angel but maybe how he grew up or him as smol babe? Perhaps some cute scenes where they interact with God as their father and cutesy things?
There will be comics like this, yes.
14.)  What are the places/businesses Ipos and Sheila set up in the past? 
Ipos spent a lot of time around various parts of the world. During the 1700-1800s he stayed in Ireland, where he met Sheila officially. She spent most of her time in the Southern Hemisphere, and stayed in Australia for a while. 
Ipos was in the military for a while, too, so he could see more places, learn more about humans, keep tabs on everything. The real Ipos he’s based off of is actually an information keeper, so I tried to keep that true to form in the comic as well. Under different guises, Ipos and Sheila have run restaurants, bars, brothels, a hardware store, gun shops, camping supply stores, construction companies, real estate businesses.
15.)  Are all demons fallen angels, or were some just always demons? Also, is it possible for angels to have kids, either with each other or with humans? 
95% of demons are Fallen Angels. The few that aren’t are either born from bad circumstance/human sorrow, or have been made in a pact with another higher level Fallen. (I actually have a series that explains the first contracts with demons but that won’t debut for another few years I’d surmise. It’s touched upon as well in future “Here it Comes” updates.)
Angels can have children with each other, though it’s rare, and they can reproduce with humans. Nephilim, human and angel children, are very strong and very unpredictable so they’re viewed as taboos. In the bible it’s a big reason why God flooded the earth with Noah and his ark. Angels had copulated and had children with humans so they drowned them and their parents. (I’ve heard speculation that Goliath from David and Goliath was a nephilim baby too, but IDK how accurate that is).
  16.)  What is Kristi's family like? 
Kristi has her parents, Norma and Ray Lange, and an older sister who is in college, Lily. Kristi’s mother is high maintenance, which is probably where Kristi got it from. Her father grew up in town with Alex McAllister, and he used to bully him a lot. He had a crush on Carla (but was stuck dating her cousin), so that’s another reason he doesn’t like Alex. He settled for Kristi’s mom when he met her later, so it’s not exactly a love built marriage. He’s not too interested in his home life. Kristi’s sister is easy going and nice. She has a good relationship with Kristi.
17.)  Does Raphael have any fears about like real physical stuff/like how people have fears of snakes, spiders etc
Raphael doesn’t have a lot of fears like that. His are more mental stuff. But he is scared of bats. Won’t go near them.
18.)  Are there things about the story that you wish you could change but can't 'cause it's too late? if so, what?
Yeah, there are a couple. I wish I did more with Jericho. I watered him down for the comic, which I’m regretting. He was going to be more problematic than that. I’d like to keep Ipos and Sheila around a little longer, but they died p quick. There are scrapped updates I wish I went through with, but I can’t do anything about that now.
19.)  will we see pestilence and famine interacting with natalie and satan?
Not sure about Famine, but Pestilence yes.
20.)  Would it be fair to ask about what kind of piercings each character has? I know that each has their own unique ones and since we don't always see all the piercings (as with Anthea, whose belly piercings aren't revealed until that one episode) and it would be cool to know all the piercings that each has.
That’s a lot to list, but I’ll just say what piercing someone has if it’s under clothing.
Zadkiel has lower back dermals, Pax has a Apadravya, Jophiel has hip dermals.
 21.)  So how come Lucifer only uses "Festus" and doesnt call Felix "Felix"? 
Lucifer’s more formal like that. I’m sure if Felix pushed the issue he would change, but it’s really force of habit cuz that name comes to mind first when he talks/thinks about him.  
22.) How do you make updates do you write out a script or do you just make it up as you go?
I make it up as I go. Aside from a few events I know that I want to take place, I have no idea how I’m getting there and just let what happens on each new page take me there. A lot of times I’m surprised how the story changed, but that’s what makes it fun
23.)  Are we going to find out what happened to Yup's parents? 
If anything it will be subtle if it’s mentioned in passing, but IDK if it will. His dad and mom weren’t married so his dad split. His mom was into recreational drugs and was evicted from their apartment because of insufficient funds when Yup was 6.  She left him at the freeway underpass when she couldn’t deal with her situation anymore. When Zadkiel found Yup he’d been on his own for a month or so.
24.)  Do any of the angels or demons have any Phobias or fears? Just random things they are afraid of for no reason or for a specific reason at all
They do, it just depends on the demon. Anthea was afraid of driving on the freeway. Felix is afraid of being ignored. Zoe is afraid of small spaces.
25.)  i've always been curious... what exactly were titus' spikes made of? were they some type of metal? and did it hurt him to use them?
It did hurt, but he had a high pain tolerance. They were a mixture of calcium and stone (like Cain with Abel).
26.)  Do any of the angels have tattoos besides Gabriel and Raguel?
Some do, just depends. They usually have a specific reason in mind if they do.
27.)  Do any of the angels look less than human?
28.)  What was laila's brother's name?
Lyle. Laila’s name is actually Veronique and her middle name is Laila. After he died, she started going by Laila to feel closer to him, since they sounded similar.
29.)  Does Michael have an ex and does she have a name?
Michael does have an ex. They were together briefly before she fell, not enough time to really get attached but he was curious enough to try. They aren’t really touched upon in the comic so I never gave them a name.
30.)  So something I was wondering, bc I love Ipos and wish he was in the comic longer, does he have an Irish accent because he was in Ireland for so long and decided to adapt it? Also how tf is Ipos pronounced, bc i say it like eye-pos but idk if thts right.
He has a small accent, yes. And yeah, it’s eye-pos.
31.)  Have you ever imagined any Satan and Me babies? Not the characters themselves as children, but having children
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32.) Since Raguel is only 55, Does that mean he actually has a birthday then?
The day he was created was April 2nd on the 20th century calendar, as opposed to the other archangels who were born at the beginning of earth’s creation.
33.)  I was wondering is Michael jealous of how close nat and satan are? like when satan flew off with nat after the scuffle. I noticed Michael didnt look too happy. By the way I love your blog its the best It puts a fun twist on bible stories/charecters.
Michael is very jealous of Natalie and Satan’s relationship. It drives him up a wall.
34.)  I actually thought of one, surprise surprise. We know a few of the "who knew who first" scenarios, but did felix know of Lucifer first, or meet Anthea first? I suppose the same question could go for Anthea over Felix and Gabriel.
Felix knew of Satan first and was already enamored with him by the time he met Anthea. Anthea met Felix before Gabriel, though. In that WIP Gabriel and Anthea comic pre-fall I think it’s addressed that they met later down the line.
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lishakiyoko · 8 years
1: My name? Alisha. 2: Do I have any nicknames? lisha 3: Zodiac sign? gemini 4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? anything mario 5: Book/series I reread? none lol 6: Aliens or ghosts? aliens 7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? what 8: Favourite radio station? the popular ones 9: Favourite flavour of anything? chocolate for sure 10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? amazing 11: Favourite song? i hate those kinds of questions 12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? what they do for work... that's what happens when you're 30 😝 13: Favourite word? butthole 14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? i always forgive 15: Last song I listened to? i think it was a jack black song cos camren was playing it. 16: TV show I always recommend? vikings! 17: Pirates or ninjas? ninjas 18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? probably something depressing. not anything to help lol 19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? it always changes. 20: Favourite video games? anything mario or easy like that 21: What am I most afraid of? not living my life to the fullest 22: A good quality of mine? i'm an amazing girlfriend haha 23: A bad quality of mine? i lie a lot 24: Cats or dogs? cats! 25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? so many good ones! i really love natalie portman for an actress and i'm absolutely in love with travis fimmel and charlie hunnam 26: Favourite season? winter 27: Am I in a relationship? yes 28: Something I miss? being young 29: My best friend? my boyfriend 30: Eye colour? brown 31: Hair colour? brown 32: Someone I love? camren 33: Someone I trust? i wanna say camren but even he's hid some big things from me in the past couple years... so that's iffy 34: Someone I always think about? buying things lol 35: Am I excited about anything? a better future 36: My current obsession? ginger tea 37: Favourite TV shows as a child? eurekas castle maybe? i can't remember 38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? i tell camren almost everything. i'm with him all the time anyway 39: Am I superstitious? not really 40: What do I think about most? being a better person 41: Do I have any strange phobias? i'm claustrophobic for sure 42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind! but i wanna try and be in front this year when camren starts his youtube channel 43: Favourite hobbies? i'm boring so idk lol 44: Last book I read? it's been years 45: Last film I watched? ps i love you 46: Do I play any instruments? nope 47: Favourite animal? kitties 48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? uh 49: Superpower I wish I could have? fly! disappear as well 50: How do I destress? lay in bed and watch tv 51: Do I like confrontation? not at all ugh. the worst 52: When do I feel most at peace? when i'm at home and it's quiet. like right now. 53: What makes me smile? i laugh at everything so it doesn't take much to make me smile 54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? off. i need it pitch black 55: Play any sports? ew what 56: What is my song of the week? lights "lucky ones" 57: Favourite drink? pellagrino sparkling water in pomegranate. although it's more like a soda than sparkling water 58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? it's been a long time but i signed something and mailed it out recently haha 59: Afraid of heights? a little. i was pretty terrified when i went to the top of the sky tree in tokyo (2nd tallest building in the world might i add) 60: Pet peeve? messy people 61: What was the last concert I went to see? i don't remember. i hope to see a good one this year tho. 62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? nope. just ate pork last night! 63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? nurse. still a possibility if camren gets more business and i can quit my job... do school full time. 64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? sort of. enemies for a little while but forgave each other. i still hold a little bit of a grudge lol. 65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? something futuristic 66: Something I worry about? getting pregnant before my life is stable 67: Scared of the dark? nah 68: Who are my best friends? cheddar and jonathan 69: What do I admire most about others? being their own motivators. a will to get shit done. being able to drive and have a car lol. 70: Can I sing? a little bit. that's another thing i'll be working on this year 71: Something I wish I could do? drive 72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? pay of mine and my families debt. 73: Have I ever skipped school? yeah 74: Favourite place on the planet? japan 75: Where do I want to live? id stay here in los angeles but other than that probably japan 76: Do I have any pets? two cats 77: What is my current desktop picture? some guild wars thing camren changes out here and there. it's his computer 78: Early bird or night owl? early bird 79: Sunsets or sunrise? sunsets. im not that early of a bird 80: Can I drive? hell to the no 81: Story behind my last kiss? that's private lol 82: Earphones or headphones? headphones 83: Have I ever had braces? twice 84: Story behind one of my scars? they aren't very exciting 85: Favourite genre of music? i hate this question too 86: Who is my hero? i dunno 87: Favourite comic book character? not a comic book fan 88: What makes me really angry? what doesn't make me angry? haha 89: Kindle or real book? real book 90: Favourite sporty activity? i don't do sports. i like to watch hockey tho. 91: What is one thing that isn’t taught in schools that should be? money management 92: What was my favourite subject at school? art 93: Siblings? two younger sisters 94: What was the last thing I bought? a water bottle 95: How tall am I? 5'1 96: Can I cook? barley. just a couple of things i've done over and over like chicken and veggies or eggs 97: Can I bake? my oven doesn't work but if it did there's a bunch of things i'd love to try 98: 3 things I love? my cats, my home, and my boyfriend 99: 3 things I hate? living with a bunch of people, being tickled, being on the freeway 100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? i think it's pretty even 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? boys. i've always loved hanging out with boys better 102: Where was I born? southern california 103: Sexual orientation? bi curious but never had a chance to explore the other side unfortunately 104: Where do I currently live? north hollywood california 105: Last person I texted? camren. he texted me from the other room to bring him coffee 😒 106: Last time I cried? maybe a week ago? 107: Guilty pleasure? menchies froyo 108: Favourite Youtuber? jaclyn hill 109: A photo of myself. probably my profile pic 110: Do I like selfies? not really. i'm pretty bad at them 111: Favourite game app? i don't play games on my phone 112: My relationship with my parents? it's good 113: Favourite accents? british 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? new york ( 30th bday tho!! ) 115: Favourite number? 4 116: Can I juggle? no lol 117: Am I religious? no but i do have faith 118: Do I like space? it's a little scary, especially black holes 119: Do I like the deep ocean? i dunno 120: Am I much of a daredevil? no way 121: Am I allergic to anything? i think cats a little bit 122: Can I curl my tongue?ya 123: Can I wiggle my ears? no 124: Do I like clowns? they're okay 125: The Beatles or Elvis? the beatles 126: My current project? reinstating my pharmacy tech certification ( different from my tech license, i can work anywhere as opposed to just retail) 127: Am I a bad loser? no 128: Do I admit when I wrong? not really lol 129: Forest or beach? beach 130: Favourite piece of advice? none 131: Am I a good liar? yeah lol. i've lied about so much shit 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? i dunno. the only one i've watched all the way through was the hunger games and i don't even remember who was in what district 133: Do I talk to myself? sometimes. mostly in my brain 134: Am I very social? nope 135: Do I like gossip? yeah 136: Do I keep a journal/diary? no 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? All the time 138: Do I believe in second chances? yes 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? keep it lol. i'm a bad person and i love money 140: Do I believe people are capable of change? yes 141: Have I ever been underweight? yes when i was a freshman in highschool cos i got really sick and lost a bunch of weight. i was 96lbs. 142: Am I ticklish? very and don't you ever fuckin try to tickle me cos it pissed me the fuck off 😘 143: Have I ever been in a submarine? no way. claustrophobia 144: Have I ever been on a plane? yes. i used to be terrified but now i love it! traveling is awesome. i love the whole process. 145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? i'm too tired to answer this 146: Have I ever been overweight? i wouldn't consider myself overweight but i am the heaviest i've ever been. 147: Do I have any piercings? ears and nose 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? jax from sons of anarchy 149: Do I have any tattoos? 3 but i want them removed 150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? pursuing a career 151: Do I believe in Karma? yes 152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? nope. i have perfect vision 153: What was my first car? lol 154: Do I want children? yes. hopefully in the next 4-5 years. maybe sooner 😇 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? camren is pretty fuckin smart. it blows me away sometimes. 156: My most embarrassing memory? it was probably something i did while drunk 157: What makes me nostalgic? old music 158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? yes. last time was the night before my flight to japan and it was because i was so excited and nervous. 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? brains duhhh 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? black 😁 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? i don't think so. other than hearing weird noises at night 162: What do I hate most about myself? lack of motivation to do better 163: What do I love most about myself? i'm funny 164: Do I like adventure? yes 165: Do I believe in fate?yes 166: Favourite animal? cat 167: Have I ever been on radio? no 168: Have I ever been on TV? no 169: How old am I? 29 170: One of my favourite quotes? this too shall pass 171: Do I hold grudges? yes 172: Do I trust easily? no 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? nope lol 174: Best gift I’ve ever received? my trip to japan 175: Do I dream? yes 176: Have I ever had a night terror? sort of. camren gets them often 177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? i used to have recurring dreams of being in a train that crashes 178: An experience that has made me stronger? my mother being an extreme alcoholic for many years. that toughened me up a lot. 179: If I were immortal, what would I do? kill bad people 180: Do I like shopping? i'm addicted to shopping 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? rob a bank 182: What does “family” mean to me? stuff 183: What is my spirit animal? lol so stupid 184: How do I want to be remembered? just loving 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? driving!! 186: What is my greatest failure? my debt 187: What is my greatest achievement? making a dream come true! 188: Love or money? love 189: Love or career? love 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? viking era 191: What makes me the happiest? money 192: What is “home” to me? LA 193: What motivates me? money 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? i love you 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? not really 196: A movie that scared me as a child? exorcist 197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? brussel sprouts 198: Zombies or vampires? zombies! 199: Live in the city or suburbs? suburbs 200: Dragons or wizards? dragons 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? my mom dying 202: How do I define love? shut up 203: Do I judge a book by its cover? yes. it's a flaw of mine 204: Have I ever had my heart broken? sort of. i think i've just been really hurt and it affected me. but i've done most of the heart breaking. i've only been dumped in high school. 205: Do I like my handwriting? i have terrible handwriting 206: Sweet or savoury? both 207: Worst job I’ve had? bakery 208: Do I collect anything? make up and sunglasses 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? sunglasses and this necklace i haven't taken off in almost a year 210: What is on my bucket list? going back to japan! 211: How do I handle anger? not very well 212: Was I named after anyone? nope 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? yes 214: What TV character am I most like? daria 215: What is the weirdest talent I have? i can't make money disappear faster than anyone i know lol 216: Favourite fictional character? i dunno
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