#never would have expected me to write this kind of old school omegaverse but here we are
six-demon-bag · 21 days
resonance hybrid
Pairing: Ernst Schmidt/Helmut Zemo
Summary: Schmidt, a throwback omega with physical traits that keep him on the outside of society, ends up in the sights of a dangerous and possessive man when he turns up in another universe after an experiment on the station goes wrong. Maybe being in an entirely different universe is what Schmidt needs to finally find the acceptance he’s never had before.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Crossover, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, but also not omegaverse, Omega Ernst Schmidt, schmidtys got all the parts, low self-esteem schmidt, not alpha zemo, double dick zemo, Anal Fingering, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Rimming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Double Penetration in One Hole, Double Penetration in Two Holes, EKO Scorpion Helmut Zemo, Multiple Orgasms, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Knotting, Mating Bond, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Word count: 8242
Link: resonance hybrid
Keys jangle and the door screeches as Zemo steps in, crouching in front of Schmidt’s mat. Schmidt tries to look smaller and uninteresting. There’s nothing he can do but wait and hope Zemo gets bored fast. “There’s something about you,” Zemo says, his hand firm on Schmidt’s jaw as he turns his sweaty face up to meet his eyes. His thumb strokes Schmidt’s chin idly and Schmidt barely keeps himself from leaning into it. Zemo might not be an alpha, but the command in him pulls on his stupid omega instincts just as much. “What is it,” Zemo muses, sharp eyes searching Schmidt’s face. “You don’t do anything, yet there’s something.” “No,” Schmidt grits out around clenched teeth. “There’s nothing.”
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Mine [Tomura Shigaraki]
This is a bit different from most of my other writing I think? Read the content warnings. It’s not as fluffy as a lot of my other writing. It was just an idea that wouldn’t go away and I finally got it all written out.
Sorry I haven’t updated much this week, first week back at work has been rough. Always open for requests though, especially headcanons or thirsts/drabbles atm.
CW: Omegaverse (Alpha!Shigaraki, Omega!Reader), female reader, NSFW, dubcon , blood, violence, kidnapping
Distressed omegas were meant to be a cowering, whimpering mess. They were meant to be easy to control, to comply subserviently with an Alpha, or even a Beta, in order to remedy whatever situation had them in such a state. Distressed omegas were most certainly not meant to be snarling, snapping and occasionally sending ripples of electricity and broken earth out at their captors. Which is exactly what you were doing.
 It was supposed to be an easy job, scope the place out, report back on your findings. The place was not, according to all the previous intel, supposed to be a hideout for one of the most notorious villain groups in all Japan. But just your luck, that was exactly what it was. You’d expected to die, honestly, when the small blonde had appeared out of nowhere. Maybe dying would have been the better option, rather than being tied up and surrounded by the League. You weren’t even entirely sure why you weren’t dead, she’d mumbled something about your scent and in a blurry series of events you’d found yourself here, growling at their leader as he crouched before you, easily recognisable with the hand obscuring his face.
 “Can someone tell me why we have a distressed omega in the middle of our floor?” He rasped, taking his eyes away from you for a moment to scan the group. “We caught her sneaking around!” Toga grinned, bouncing on the balls of her feet.  “Right. So why is she here and not, say, dead?” Shigaraki growled, before whipping his head back to you, nose wrinkled. “And will you stop that? You smell terrible.” You merely snarled in response. You knew your distress tinged your natural scent with a sour note that wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t as if you could control the feeling given your current predicament. “Um, boss, we do have her tied up. It’s probably not entirely her fault.” “Spinny is right. She smelled so good before~” Toga beamed. You snorted. “She’s bleeding, of course you thought she smelled good.” “Not like that! The blood smelled good, but she smelled right before she started bleeding. Then she smelled better~”  Tomura sighed, shifting forwards towards you to try and see what the beta girl meant. You shuffled backwards, baring your teeth at him in a snarl, sparks skittering off your skin towards him. Tomura snarled back, sharp canines glinting from between chapped lips in a clear threat. “Stop it! I could just kill you you know?” He glanced over his shoulder, missing the way your body drooped in poorly hidden hurt at his next words. “You just had to bring a broken omega didn’t you brat?”  Broken. You’d heard that before. No one wanted an omega who snarled and snapped back, instead of submitting at the drop of a hat. Omegas were supposed to be subservient. Motherly. They were supposed to have supportive roles. You were none of those, topped with an offensive type quirk, you weren’t what anyone would look for in an omega mate. You were broken, by their standards. “Stop. Calm down.” You reacted immediately to the new Alpha voice, your body relaxing against your own will, every fibre of your being racing to obey the alpha’s command. You turned your head to scowl at the man who’d pulled such a dirty trick, stupid Alpha’s and their stupid ability to make Omega’s obey. A scarred face grinned back at you, Dabi you realised, another strong Alpha - had to be to make you submit like that when you were so riled up. “You could’ve done that too you know creep, threatening her wasn’t going to make her any less distressed.” He huffed. “You’re the worst Alpha I’ve ever met.” Tomura scowled, scratching at his neck. “You must not spend much time with yourself.” Dabi huffed a laugh, leaning against the wall behind you. You could feel his eyes burning into the back of your neck, clearly watching for you to make some move to attack as Tomura shifted closer. His scent was getting stronger, too much so to just account for his proximity. He was trying to calm you, you realised belatedly, a hand twitching near his neck as if he didn’t dare scratch at the damaged glands further. It took a moment for the scent to really hit you, your eyes going wide and panicked as your body reacted, the urge to fling yourself towards him and flee warring between each other and leaving your frozen in place. You shook your head as a needy whine bubbled from your throat unbidden. Tomura fell backwards, brows pinched together in what you thought was a similar kind of distress. In a panic you tried to focus on a different scent, anything to push the scent of dusty rooms and decaying leaves and belonging from your nose. Your head whipped to Dabi behind you, breathing deeply through your nose. He was another Alpha, surely his scent should do something to mask Tomura’s, but the smoke and spice was far too faint to cover whatever the other Alpha had pumped through the room. Noticing your gaze Dabi just offered a lazy shrug, tilting his head slightly with a smug smirk. The burn scars that covered his neck must have messed with his scent glands, which also explained the tang of burnt flesh you got from him. The Betas weren’t doing much either, and everyone smelled faintly of blood, including you. With another needy whine you gave up and focused hard on the floor, trying not to breathe more than strictly necessary. The world around you blurred and faded as you fought every instinct in you screaming to reach out to the Alpha and bare your neck to his teeth. 'Stupid body, stop it. I'm better than this, I've met plenty of strong Alphas before.' 'But none of them smelled like that. Good enough to make you react like this' your traitorous mind whispered back. 'Screw that. I am not my secondary gender. I'm a hero. I don't roll over for anyone, and certainly not an infamous villain. No matter how good he smells…' 'Smells like mate. Your Alpha.' '...mate. No!'. You snarled into the floor, not quite sure when you’d shifted position like this. You vaguely registered the shuffle of feet, Tomura had stood and moved away at some point, and the low rasp of orders. "Spinner, go put her somewhere." "Okay? Uh, where?" "Anywhere but here." A door slammed and you felt yourself being lifted, heated over a shoulder. Spinner you guessed, he smelled weird, even under the blood and soft scent that marks him as part of the pack. His smell was dry, like sand and tanned leather and something reptilliant you couldn't place. He jostled you slightly as he moved down some stairs, making you hiss at him in irritation. He growled back, finally dumping you in a small cellar, your hands still tied.
“What was that all about?” Toga asked, spinning a knife in her hands.  “You can’t guess?” Dabi sighed. “Do you know anything?” Toga just shrugged, humming to herself. “I know how to stab people.” “From the omega’s reaction I’d say she smelled a mate.” Compress sighed. “I’m sure you can piece together who from the reaction.” “Oh. Oh. Maybe that’s why she smelled so nice before.” Dabi shrugged. “What did she smell like before? I only got the sour distressed smell, and… well.” Toga winced, the sour smell had been unpleasant sure, but the strange musk after it hadn’t been so bad. It reminded her of how things smelled after she got to play with blood. “She smelled good, like thunderstorms and old things. A bit like the bar when we first got here, except with more lightning.” “That explains it. Creepy hands McGee is going to be a child about it though.” Dabi hummed.  “You should have more faith in our leader.” Dabi shot Compress a disbelieving look and shook his head. “This is going to be a pain.”
You weren’t sure how long you’d been trapped in their cellar. Two days maybe, if they were bringing you three meals a day, longer if not and well… three meals a day seemed a little too generous for the group of villains. Yet no one had come to find you, probably assumed you were dead you reasoned, but the abandonment stung somewhere deep in your chest. You’d smelled your mate several times since you’d been captured too, lurking outside the door but never coming any further. Each time the battle with your instincts got harder, the omega inside you begging to call out, to crawl to the door and beg for him to come in. Occasionally small whimpers would slip past your lips, ones that you would scold yourself for, but worse was the answering growl that sometimes came from the other side of the door. Low and possessive and filled with a promise of something both dangerous and so, so tempting. Those times it was even harder to stay back, your body trembling from the effort of staying still. You didn’t want him, not logically, he was dangerous and cruel and evil. Everything opposed to what you worked for in life. But your traitorous body smelled a mate, the first one you’d met since high school, and it wanted him so badly it ached. 
Meanwhile Dabi was getting more and more frustrated, nothing was happening with the League while their boss was fixated on their captive, and while he didn’t really care about the League’s goals where they diverged from his own, the inactivity was boring the others and their restlessness was driving him insane. That and the constant growling of the other Alpha made his hackles rise, part of him he thought he’d buried long ago wanting to fight over the omega. It was stupid and he hated it, so it needed to be solved, and he knew just the thing to kick Shigaraki into action.
 You snapped awake from a fitful sleep as you heard the door to the cellar opening. A traitorous part of your mind hoping it would be your mate. Instead the faint smell of burning caught you nose and you huffed, turning away from the other Alpha. You heard a growl from behind you but ignored it, pulling the blanket around you protectively. “Go away.”  There was a rough laugh. “I don’t think so little Omega. All this pining is getting annoying.” You huffed. “There is no pining. But if you’re here to kill me just get it over with, this cellar smells terrible.” “Tempting but no” he grabbed your shoulders, flipping you onto your back in one swift motion “I’ve got a much better plan.” Your body tensed up, preparing to fight whatever this asshole planned to do to you, despite the power-dampening bands they’d locked onto your wrists. You pulled your legs up, closing them tightly, ready to kick him away. But Dabi was deceptively strong, pinning your legs down with one arm as his other grabbed something from his coat pocket, binding it over your nose and mouth. A gag, you thought at first, ready to scream for help that probably wouldn’t come as soon. But then the smell hit you, your eyes going wide and panicked. It was his smell, dusty and decaying and enough to set all of your nerves on fire. You thrashed on the bed, tossing your head around and trying to get it off, get away from the intoxicating scent, but Dabi had a hand pressed hard against your throat. “Behave.” You froze with a whimper that you hated yourself for. “Good Omega. Now, we just need to wait until your heat kicks in and this’ll all be over.” You struggled weakly again, your heat hadn’t been very far off when you first broke in here anyway, the overwhelming scent of Alpha, of Mate, would only bring it on faster. And with Dabi pressing down on your neck you felt you might pass out before you could get the clothing off you. Everything was hazy and the blood was pounding in your ears as the edges of your vision darkened.
 Dabi sighed, climbing off you and sniffing the air. Beneath the sour sting of distress he could smell the sweetness and thick musk that signalled an impending heat. A couple hours and you’d be in full heat he figured, plenty of time to convince the creep to get down here and trap him in here with you. Dabi figured he’d either kill you, fuck you and then kill you or (and it was probably the least likely) actually claim you as a mate and stop this ridiculous moping. Maybe having an omega around the place would be useful, you were supposed to be good at looking after people and all that shit and god knows these idiots need it. Now he just had to convince the creep to actually enter the cellar.
 In the end it was easier than he thought. All he had to do was suggest you were in some kind of danger and some long dormant Alpha instincts seemed to kick in, sending Shigaraki darting into the cellar before his brain could catch up with what he was doing. With a satisfied bark of laughter Dabi slammed the door shut again, banking on the boss’ instincts kicking in before he could think of disintegrate the door with his quirk. Sliding the lock shut he turned to address the door, raising his voice so he could be heard inside. “We’re all sick of your nonsense, so either fuck or kill each other. I don’t care.” You were staring wide eyed at Shigaraki from your makeshift blanket nest, a sheen of sweat making your skin almost glow in the dim light. The room stank with the scent of your heat, sickly sweet and tinged with ozone. For his part Shiagraki had pressed himself back against the door, staring at you as if you were about to pounce on him and eat him alive. Though, in his defence, your instincts were screaming at you to do exactly that. In a way it was almost funny, that something so simple could reduce someone so powerful to panic like this, but you knew how dangerous that could be at the same time, how easily he could kill you. You tried to growl at him, but it came out more like a needy whimper, a ripple of pain running through your body. You knew it was only a matter of time before he lost control, maybe it was better to just get it over with… the way your body was screaming at you was getting harder to ignore too. Before you realised what was happening you had started to crawl towards him, his snarl the only thing that snapped you out of the heat daze and made you stop. “Stay back.” You froze, studying him carefully. He was trembling, a thin sheen of sweat covering his face, his hands frozen into claws on the floor, pinkies raised. So it was getting to him faster than you bargained for. Great.  “I’m trying!” You hissed. “Try harder!” You narrowed your eyes, a snarl escaping your lips. “Screw you.” He answered with a growl, deep and low in his throat, the sound making you whine and press yourself to the floor on instinct, hips raised in the air. In the few seconds it took you to realise what you were doing something in Tomura snapped, the scent of your heat and the submissive mating position sparking every instinct in his body. In a flash you’re trapped beneath him, feeling the solid press of his length against your ass. He’s trembling, barely restrained as he ruts against your clothing. It’s sweet, in a twisted way, that he’s this far gone but still trying to hold on to a thread of control, to wait for your consent. And with him pressed so close, his intoxicating scent filling your nostrils, you know you can’t hold off much longer. Each time you try to say no it comes out as whine, your heat growing stronger with each passing heartbeat. “Please.” It comes out as a whine, but your hips rocking back against his is more than enough to tell him what you want.
 His fingers scrabbled at your pants, careful to keep his pinkie away from the clothes even in this state.  You heard the groan as he saw the mess of slick sticking to your underwear, you could feel it starting to run down your legs, the smell almost overwhelming. You heard more fabric rustle before you felt him pressing against you, felt the quiver in his body as he stilled with his head just pressing at your entrance. You whined, low and needy, bucking your hips back against him again, knees pressed together by your hastily tugged down clothes and chest cold against the floor. Behind you he growls, hips bucking forwards with enough force to almost push you over. His body folded over yours, hands pressed against the floor, away from you. A small thing, but it speaks volumes about his unwillingness to hurt you, that the bond of knowing you’re mates has stuck with him too. It’s the last coherent thought you have before your brain is completely overcome with a haze of lust, devoid of any thoughts except how good his cock feels inside you, hard and heavy rubbing along your inner walls. Your hands scrabble against the floor as he bucks up into you, pressing against a spot on your insides with every thrust that makes you see stars, his breath a series of harsh pants in your ears. There’s no dirty talk, no indication how much he’s enjoying this aside from the occasional ‘fuck’ or low moan. You could feel his knot pressing against your entrance, stretching you a little more with each thrust, brushing against your clit and pushing you closer and closer to your release. You knew anyone who passed would be able to hear your wanton moans and whimpers through the door, too lost in pleasure to control your volume. “Please. Please knot me Alpha, mate.” You whined, rocking back against him. “Need you.” There was a low chuckle from above you, dark and twisted. “Lost all your fight little omega? How pitiful.” You whined, clenching down around him. It was all it took for him to thrust hard once more, his knot pushing past your outer ring and locking itself inside you. The sudden pressure tipped you over the edge, spasming around his dick, barely aware as he made a final few shallow thrusts before groaning and tipping over the edge himself, filling you with his warm come. The pain of his teeth latching onto your neck, the sharpened canines piercing through the bond mark, was enough to bring you out of your daze. “Mine.”  Locked together you could feel his tongue lapping at the wound, cleaning the blood and soothing the sting of the bite. You tried not to struggle, worried the movement would anger him, even as you could hear the mutterings of ‘mine, my omega’ against your skin. With the worst of your heat sated right now you could almost think clearly again, despite the stretch of his knot inside you firing all kinds of signals inside your body. You’d allowed yourself to be claimed by one of the biggest villains in Japan, in a dingy basement against a cold stone floor. He’d bitten you and marked you as his. There was no way they were going to let you out of there now, no matter how much you begged or used your ‘omega charms’ on them. You were trapped. At least the claim would offer you some protection from the others, or so you hoped.
What on earth had you gotten yourself into?
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yaneyanedaze · 4 years
My Special Girl Pt: 1
(Yandere!Various x Beta!Chubby!Reader)
Whoo boy, it’s my first time taking a step into the realm of Omegaverse, but i hope you guys like it, I am working on My Android Lover and Our Goddess (Which is the Royal Pillarmen story!) those should be coming soon as well! I’m happy to write for you guys and I hope you all are having a wonderful day!
With that! On with the story!
F/n is a college student with a little problem, She’s a beta that apparently give off the scent of an Omega. So when she finally goes out one day, her life gets turned upside down as multiple Alpha’s try to claim her as theirs.
Will she tell them the truth? or let them find out on their own?
“Come on f/n, you never go out with me anymore? Are you alright?” My friend, Crys (Pronounced Chris) asked. I shook my head, sighing heavily, already knowing where this conversation was going. I stood up from the table and headed to leave, not wanting to be apart of this. “Hey wait up! F/n!” She whined, following after me, “Is this because of-“ “Do not. Mention. His. Name.” I practically growled, anger dripping from each word that left my lips. I could see the sadness in her eyes as she looked down at the ground, kicking dirt around. 
“Come on, that was in the past. We’re in college now!” I rolled my eyes and continued walking on, more annoyed than ever now. “Look, I’ll think about it, Now go please..” I said, as I was now standing in front of my apartment. Her look of somberness quickly turned to glee as she practically bounced with joy. “Yay! You won’t regret it f/n!” “I haven’t agreed yet- annnd she’s gone.”
I watched as she happily skipped away, I shake my head, a ghost of a smile appearing on my face. Walking inside, I was greeted to the cold, crisp air, I could feel the goosebumps already on my skin from the nice, relaxing feeling. My name is F/n L/n, I am a plus size girl in her 3rd year in college, majoring in fine arts, I have two sisters who live with my parents still back in (Hometown). My sisters are both Omegas, as well as my mother, and of course my father is an Alpha, but me?
 I got unlucky and ended up being a Beta and because of this they basically shunned me, even though I was the baby of the family. They didn’t want anyone to know that I was apart of their family. Then again, she didn’t like me anyways because i was a bit on the plump side, I had a chest, curves and a butt, so i guess i had everything that she wanted. She used to call me names, pick on me because of my weight and even my sisters joined in on it, while my dad just sat and watched. So I eventually ended up moving away to go and live with my Grandmother. She was a beta as well, so I don’t understand why my Mom hated me so much when her mother was the very thing I am. My Grandma loved me and cared about me, she bought me anything i’d like, make sure i was  happy and never judged me . Soon she knew I was going to be heading off soon so she helped me get my own little apartment and car for school. I still visit her when ever i can.
My friend Crys was also an Omega, I don’t even know why she bothered because she was kind of considered the top tier of the school. But she’s been by my side since elementary school (minus..that incident.) and has been a huge sweetheart. 
But again, it sucked.
Crys wanted me to go to a party on campus, but I usually don’t do well at parties, cause you know anxiety is a thing, and why go be social when you have Netflix. I groaned loudly “Why musty I have such a soft spot for that girl!!” I yelled out as I dragged myself to my room to get ready when I get a call from my best friend, Reimi. She was a sweet girl with bubblegum pink hair and big redish/pink eyes, She’s another friend that I’ve known for years, and I’m a lot closer to her than I am with Crys.
“N/n! I heard you were going to the party! Someone must’ve black mailed you into going” She jokingly, I rolled my eyes and chuckled slightly as I roamed through my closet looking for something to put on. “Oh shush! Crys persuaded me to go with her puppy dog eyes.” I explained getting a soft ‘Oh’ from her. “Well I was just calling to see, I’m not going do to exams, I gotta crunch that study time” “I understand, I just wish I would stay home but I’ve already got an outfit out and Crys is expecting me.” I say pulling out a cute pink dress. It was a bodycon dress with slits on the sides and a sweetheart neckline, i smiled and shrugged, tossing over on the bed so I could wear it. It was a gift from my grandmother one year for my birthday. “Well, let me go so you can finish getting dressed! See Ya!” “See ya Reim” She hung up the phone and i headed over to the bathroom to freshen up and finish up.
I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror as I walked past, Even after all these years, I was still having a problem with loving myself. I guess my mom really did affect me more than i thought she was going to, I shook my head and slapped my cheeks.”Come on You’re gonna have fun tonight!” I say hyping myself up before i go in the bathroom to get ready.
It was around 8:00pm when Crys and I pull up at the party, It was being hosted by one of the most popular boys of the school, Joseph Joestar, and of course, he was an Alpha. It’s probably the only reason Cyrs wanted to go to be honest. Speaking of the red head, she was wearing a pretty blue tube top with matching skirt, silver hoop earrings and a glittery choker. She wore heels to the party, but i know she had a change of shoes in her bag for when she get tired.
We both got out and she let out an excited squeal, “Yes! Look at us! two friends going out together, come on we’re gonna have fun just like the good old days!” She exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. Once we reached inside an overwhelming scent hit me straight in the face, I nearly dropped, but Crys caught me and giggled only making me nudge her as we walked in. We smiled and waved as we saw some of our classmates and some new people as well. But soon we separated as I had gotten tired of walking around already, and I usually didn’t do well in social environments. 
I wandered around the large house until i came across a room that looked to be another sitting area, so I found the corner and sat down near it. I apparently didn’t hear the footsteps coming up beside me either.
“Surprised to see you here, F/n, Didn’t think you’d come to parties.” 
I jumped slightly in my spot, turned and nearly fainted.
Jotaro Kujo was leaning against the wall behind me. He was one of my classmates, and he really didn’t come to class much, but when he did, you knew. Because majority of the girls would be swooning over him while the poor guy just wanted to rest and do his work. “Ah, I came with a friend, I got a bit tired, So I just came here to rest a bit,” He hummed in agreement as he leaned there. “Joseph made me come, said i needed to get out more, I would’ve been fine with chilling at home reading my marine biology books.” he said letting out a soft chuckle, followed by a ghost of a smile.
I felt like i was living some girls dream, To be sitting here chatting casually here with Jotaro would make them just melt. But to me he was just a normal guy, someone who loved marine biology and all things about the ocean. He was a gentle giant, at least towards me. “Let’s go outside, Its getting too stuffy in here.” He said, grabbing my hand, leading me outside, we pushed past people, saying my excuse me’s when we bumped into people.
Once we reached outside, I looked up at the sky seeing stars in the sky, all of them twinkling brightly, all of them just as beautiful as the next. Jotaro was also looking up at the sky as well, but he looked like he was contemplating something, like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t.
“Jotaro? Are you Okay?”
                                                   (Jotaro’s Pov)
I breathed out slowly, gripping my fist as I let out a soft growl. ‘Why can’t i just get this over with.’ I thought to myself, She was standing right beside me. This cute girl, who didn’t find me scary, who didn’t just fawn over me like I was an object. Did she even know what I was? Other would be practically drooling over me, I’ve even had some males fawn over me. I glanced over at her and saw her face in awe looking at the sky. The way the moonlight glossed over her perfectly chubby cheeks, the way that dress hugged her curves and fitted her body in all the right places. If I wasn’t able to control myself I would’ve taken her right here and now, not caring that anyone else would see. They would know she is mine, and no one would dare look at her or try to claim her.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t even hear her call my name out.
“Jotaro? Are you Okay?” I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face her fully, she was about 5′1, so compared to me she was so small, She would fit so perfectly in my arms. I mentally slapped myself and let out a sigh before speaking. “Are you dating anybody?” I asked, and it came out blunt, but i didn’t mean it to, panic started to surge up in me as I didn’t want to come off as rude to her. But she seemed to ignore the tone of my voice and answered anyways with a smile. “Uh..no, I’m not really the dating person, i’ve ever only crushed on one person.” She admitted, a small blush on her face. ‘Thats cute.’ I thought as I watched her. She would be the perfect wife, I could see her swollen and round with my children, welcoming me home from a long day at work. I was happy with the response she said so I couldn’t help but give a slight smirk and a chuckle which seemed to surprise her as I saw another plus appear on her cheeks.
That’s when it hit me, She had a sweet scent to her, one that reminded me of roses and sugar, it gave off such an innocent vibe, not compared to some of these other girls around this place. She did say she’s only liked one person, so maybe that’s why, but I couldn’t wrap my head around it,it was teasing me, she looked to cute and innocent. I shook my head and let out a low growl hoping she didn’t hear, and luckily Joseph came outside just in time to save me from myself.
“There you are! I thought you had left, didn’t know you were out here chatting up this cutie here~!”
 He said teasingly. F/n didn’t pay him no mind and neither did I. “Shut up, are you done hoeing around?” I asked, now standing in front of F/n. He smirked and laughed at my comment before throwing an arm around my shoulder. “I wouldn’t call it that, I was just looking for a girl~, but to answer your questions, no, I didn’t see anyone I like..that is..” He stepped around me and grabbed F/n’s hand.
                                                     (Pov Switch)
I jumped slightly when Joseph suddenly grabbed my hand. “You’re such a beautiful sight Baby doll~ How come i have never seen you around?~” He asked and I was about to answer until Jotaro practically growled at him. “Okay Okay jeez, i’ll back off for now~” He said, getting the hint. he scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to me before heading back into the house. He was gone as quickly as he came, i looked down at the paper in my hand and saw it was his phone number with hearts beside it. I rolled my eyes and giggled slightly.
“Don’t pay attention to him, thats how he always acts around girls he doesn’t know” Jotaro says before pulling down his hat and handing me his own piece of paper. I looked at it and saw it had his number on it but a date on it as well. “That day, after class, be ready we’re going out.” he said bluntly and walked back inside. I was in shock, so i didn’t immediately follow him. I had gotten two numbers in one night, both of them guys that all the girls loved. Needless to say, I didn’t know whether to be scared or excited, but i felt something.
 I just didn’t know what.
I eventually walked around to the front to find Crys waiting on me. She smiled at me and started talking as we walked to the car. “Soo~ Did you have fun~?” She asked getting over into the drivers side. I nodded slightly, a smile growing on my lips, “yea..I did..” I said as I looked out the window, thinking about Jotaro, and excited for the next few days.
I hope you guys liked this, as i stated above this is my first time really writing something like this and i also hope that i didn’t write Jotaro and Joseph too OOC, if i did let me know and i’ll try to fix it!
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bouncyirwin · 5 years
KakaSaku Fic Rec | Readers’ Favourites
This took forever. Mainly because I had to retrieve the links myself, but it’s finally here! I present to you the KakaSaku fanfiction recommended by this fandom through comments, messages and asks per my request. Thank you to everyone who sent in their recs and to those who recommended some of my writings. Happy reading! Find 50 fics under the cut.  I added a (*) next to my personal absolute favourites if you’re interested ;) Although I should point out I haven’t read everything on this list yet!
A Study In Movement by @ila-moon-beam | Ongoing | M
Sakura juggles taking care of her 12- year- old, working as a nurse technician and exotic dancer. It's not an easy life, but it's the best she can do given what she has. What she isn't prepared for is Sarada's handsome teacher who she meets at the parent/teacher conference, as well as his surprise appearance at the strip club she preforms at one night with his friends.
Private Practice by @alienwritesstuff​ | Ongoing | M
When nineteen year old Kakashi is injured during a mission, it's Sakura's job to see that he is healed properly. But, Kakashi is interested in a bit more than the healing she can give him. [Age Swap AU]
Nama-Stay Away From Me by @the-copy-mistress​ | Ongoing | M
When Sakura’s impeccable schedule keeps getting thrown by her gym’s ever tardy yoga teacher, she decides to give him a piece of her mind. Things do not go as she predicted. Modern AU.
Moment You Loved Her (back) by LindtLuirae | Completed | T
Some things are just worth breaking for. KakaSaku AU.
Hungry Hearts by @ila-moon-beam | Ongoing | M 
Sakura is a single mom who works tirelessly to finish her bachelor's degree. She does what many other single moms her age do; they go to school, they work, they take care of their children. Except, things are different for Sakura in her last semester of her college career. Her daughter, Sarada, will be staying with her grandfather, she will be TAing for this mysterious new Professor at her university, and she will soon find a familiar face coming back to haunt her; determined to reconcile their family.
Everyone Goes to Tsunade’s by @mrssakurahatake​ | Ongoing | M 
1920s AU, After their long term business partner forces them out, Tsunade and Jiraiya decide to open their own New Orleans speakeasy. Business isn't going well, can a new house band help them turn things around?
Into Darkness by @lady-otori​ | Ongoing | M
For Sakura, being the granddaughter of the head of the largest Yakuza clan in Shikkotsu wasn't easy. For Kakashi, being forced to consider marriage with the Fire Country's most spoiled Yakuza princess was worse. When the wolf and the dragon of the criminal underworld go head to head, bystanders had better look for cover. [KakaSaku] [Yakuza AU] [Arranged Marriage]
The Beginning, the Middle, and the Coda by @lady-otori​ | Complete | M
The beginning, the middle, and the coda to Kakashi and Sakura's relationship, in which it all begins when he expresses the most important thing in the most awkward way possible. A three-part series of interconnected oneshots, exploring three different stages of their love. [KakaSaku] [Fluff] [Smut]
Reciprocity by @sparkswithyou​ | Complete | M
On a mission gone wrong, one thing goes right.
Insatiable by @somnificsheep​ | Complete | M
Sakura tugs the covers back to reveal dark, pleading eyes looking up at her. “If you don’t mind it in the shower,” she says. “Some of us--” she leans down to nuzzle his forehead-- “have work to get to.”
“Maa, Sakura, anyone else might think you’re calling me lazy,” he drawls. “I’m simply taking advantage of having some time off, is all.”
House of Crows by SilverShine | Complete | M *
KakaSaku. War is coming to Konoha and Sakura is far from home, uncertain of her future. But one thing is for sure, Sakura will protect her unborn child at all costs, whether it be from Konoha's enemies... or from its own father.
Crowns Of Blood And Bone by @raendown​ | Complete | T
He hates and hates and hates until he loves her, slowly and in small pieces.
Daughter of Fire by JulietteDeschemps | Ongoing | M
Sakura got up and didn’t bother brushing the dirt from her dress. She had a feeling she was about to get even dirtier.
She looked at the memorial stone one last time, memorizing the characters without even realizing she was doing it. It would serve from that moment on as a reminder of her determination. She wouldn’t let Naruto and Sasuke join the names carved on that stone.
That was her nindo.
you'll never leave me behind by PersephoneHemingway | Completed | M 
Sakura went ANBU and Kakashi hasn't seen her in a while. They face certain truths.
Masks by madstoryteller999 | Ongoing | T
When Sakura walks home after sending Naruto and the Sasuke Retrieval Squad off, the last thing she expects is to be attacked. What she could have never anticipated is that evening changing...everything.
In which: Sakura's Inner is far more diabolical than anyone ever expected, crows demonstrate themselves to be cruel mentors, the complications of selfdom in ANBU are realized, and Sakura learns exactly how much she hates Kakashi (and how alike they are in the most terrible of ways)
Pink Clouds by CharredCitadel | Ongoing | M
Konoha has fallen to Danzo, and Sakura has fled far away...right into the arms of the Akatsuki. Who would have thought that life as a missing nin could be so liberating?
Wish I Knew You by LindtLuirae | Ongoing | T
A lost bet and a forced dare brings two lonely losers together. Sakura never thought something as absurd-sounding as the 'No More Lonely Losers' program would land none other than Konoha's hottest bachelor and her long-time crush in her lap. KakaSaku. Rating might be upped later.
Mariposa by WhiskeyBlair | Ongoing | M 
It wasn’t until he found himself getting a face full of skull fragments and brain matter that he even realized he was being rescued
To Grow A Garden by Wolfy Tales | Complete | T *
"So what do you think about having a kid with me, Sakura?" - A family focused one-shot [KakaSaku]
Follow Your Nose by @tipsyraconteur​ | Complete | M
Sakura decides to find her signature scent. Kakashi "helps". Things get out of hand. (Kakasaku. One-shot.)
In Case of Blue Scroll by Leola Majora | Complete | M *
In Case of Blue Scroll the Hokage must lock himself in his office and pull his hair out as what he thought were memories of a long lost love turn out to be the memories of a mission he was about to assign his former student, Sakura Haruno.
Konoha Files by @mummapaintstheblues | Ongoing | M
Exactly one year since his partner's untimely murder, Detective Kakashi Hatake is forced back into active duty.
He is paired with up and coming Detective Sakura Haruno.
Through their work together, not only do they catch a killer, but Kakashi begins to see a fresh new hope to the dismal world around him. But is this new partnership enough for him to abandon the darkness altogether?
Kakashi Candyman by @xoxoendoh​ | Complete | M
"Just how much did you drink before coming down here?" 
"Sakura," Kakashi murmured darkly, trailing his hands down her thighs as he knelt at her feet, "I'm still thirsty." 
Kakashi notices that his wife could use a little 'de-stressing' before hosting the Halloween Benefit Gala…. —Swalloween2018, KakaSaku, NC17—
Adaline by @nikkigrand | Ongoing | T *
I would choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I would find you and I would choose you.
I pecan U by merrrcurius | Ongoing | M
It all started with a twig and a razor. The pecans didn't count because they didn't work.
Kakashi's just doing his duty as Captain.
It takes them places.
Discoveries in Oil by @nikkigrand​ | Complete | G * 
Kakashi always knew that he would always be there for Sakura, even when she belonged to someone else. Birth AU
The Fletcher's Heart Paradox by @Moonlady9 | Completed | M 
They are familiar yet total strangers. She knew their names but not the kind of people they were in this moment in time, she knows who they are from her moment in time. 28 years is a long time for people to change, but how much will Sakura change? How long will her heart stay steadfast, now in this new time. Time changes people, and their hearts.
House Calls by Spoiled Sweet | Complete | M *
Always the Team Mom, Sakura opens up her home as a clinic for the hospital-phobic ninja of Konoha. At the same time, her relationship with Kakashi begins to evolve in a way she never expected. M for swearing and later content.
make it holy by faeritell | Complete | T
Neither Kakashi nor Sakura welcomed the names on their skin.
Duty Before Honor by SilverShine | Complete | M *
[KakaSaku] Sakura knew why Tsunade didn’t want a virgin on this mission. Things might get out of hand. Acts might be carried out too far. She was glad Kakashi was accompanying her, but right then she wouldn’t have minded the entire population of Konoha.
The Cabinet Door by @itslulu42 | Complete | M
It says something about her, she thinks, that the only thing tying her to sanity is a talking dog. 
Everything But The Kitchen Sink by @itslulu42​ | Ongoing | M
Kakashi must have angered a god in a previous life. Why else would his soulmate be such a walking cliché? A Kakasaku Variety Pack of Modern Day AUs!
Omega Erased by @ila-moon-beam | Ongoing | M
A shift in equality caused a change in the dynamic between Alphas and Omegas. With the emergence of Alpha woman, the hierarchy reflected as such. Alphas began to mate with Alphas, simply using Omegas for their respective heats and ruts.
They were seen as play things. As a means to an end. As anything but equal to an Alpha. It had been this way for the past hundred years, society punishing Omegas for bringing out the worst in Alphas.
It was an Alpha world, and Sakura was just living in it.
A dystopian omegaverse.
Double Edged by nimblnymph | Complete | M *
Seduction is like a double-edged sword. You never know when you'll go from being the seducer to being the seduced. 
your most important person by @fineillsignup​ | Complete | M
Some people got their soulmarks on their arms or faces or some other place that was more difficult to hide. He remembered how Minato-sensei’s hair would sometimes be lifted by the wind enough to reveal “Uzumaki Kushina dattebane!” written boldly across the back of his neck in crimson. His teacher had sometimes laughed in his gentle way about it, saying that fate was determined to make things easy for him.
Your Most Important Person
Or, Kakashi tries to fight fate and fate fights back.
Or, how many ways can a soulmark screw you over?
Or, sometimes you just have to take what you can get.
the malady of solitude by moonvalentine | Complete | T
A few years after the war, they're still trying to regain their footing.
Friendship by Numbers series by Oroburos69 | Ongoing | M
Sakura's too young, Kakashi's too...different, and neither knows what to do with a real, live friend. Clueless and incompetent, they stumble down the path of friendship, accidentally getting naked and engaged along the way. Seriously.
Take my past and take my sins by @thekatthatbarks​ | Complete | M
Sakura narrowed her eyes at him, not wanting him to play it off like he always did. Her hands came up to his face. “You look like you haven’t slept in months, Kakashi.” Before he could respond, her hands went down to his waist and she tugged at the hem of his pants. Unsurprisingly, there was slack. “And you’ve lost weight.”
“Sakura –“ Kakashi started, grabbing the hand that was at his pants.
A thought crossed her mind, making her blood go cold as she realized. She cut him off with a glare, “You picked up the mask again, didn’t you?”
A Poor Imitation by leafygirl | Complete | M
Sakura is injured on a mission, forgetting everything she knew of life in Konoha.
The Samurai and the Oni Girl by selberias | Complete | T
AU KakaSaku set in Edo-period Japan. Sakura is the descendant of a red-haired foreigner as well as a merchant's daughter. Kakashi is a local samurai who has fallen on hard times, a man whose pride has been broken down to this point. Love comes after.
It's Something Unpredictable (But in the End is Right) by BasicallyAnIdiot | Completed | G
The problem was not that Sakura broke into his apartment.
It was that she had opinions about his defences.
Scar Tissue by @TipsyRacounteur | Complete | M
She comes to him on the type of day that he has way too often—the type of day that almost breaks a man—and she asks him to let her take care of him. And just like that, he starts to let her in, without ever even meaning to. (For KakaSaku Month 2018 Healing Prompt.)
Better Man by Kakashisgf | Complete | M
Sakura and Sasuke have been married for over a decade, but things are far from perfect, and Sakura's beginning to realize that maybe she deserves better. KakaSaku
Say it Again by @nyxako​ | Ongoing | M
A story in which Kakashi loses his hearing during a mission, only to later realize that the only thing he can hear anymore is the sound of Sakura's voice. [KakaSaku]
The Taste Of Fire by @alienwritesstuff​ | Ongoing | M *
**Hogwarts AU** Like a moth to the flame, Kakashi couldn't seem to stay away from her. He knows it's wrong, knows it's too dangerous. But, he's drawn to the fire. And fires like these tear the whole world apart.
Aposematism by @youngjusticewriter​ | Ongoing | T
Pretty things were dangerous more often than not. They had to be.
Don’t you know that the world has a tendency of yanking beautiful things up and leaving them to slowly die wherever they were taken to?
Dear fellow traveler by youngjusticewriter | Ongoing | M
“You’re thinking too much. Let me make you stop,” Sukea offered and, yes, his voice was different but Sakura liked it even if something about it made her mind inch.
“Okay,” she agreed before closing her eyes. She didn’t want to (see the world, she just wanted to wake up to find out the mission had been a bad dream) see Sukea and think on the things that she kept picking up on from him. All Sakura wanted was to be Chinami who was just a traveler just like Sukea was. A traveler who didn’t have people’s lives slip through her hands because she wasn’t good enough.
Destroy the middle, it’s a waste of time by youngjusticewriter | Ongoing | T
“Another one?” Mrs. Takahashi asked, “You’re going to burn yourself out.”
(You’re not good enough to keep working; you can’t endure like others do. You’re too young. You’re supposed to just wait around until your teammates get back because those who abandon their teammates are worst than scum.
And Sakura wanted to laugh despite the loneliness that had dug itself into her skin, and had made her bleed, so not to be shaken off.
They left - they left and now it was just her so why should she wait until they got back? She wasn’t a piece of cake that could be discarded.
Sakura had wanted Sasuke and now she wanted to be better in serving her village. Her crush, her teammate, refuting her didn’t stop her chasing after him even though she should have respected his choice. What was their opinions, strangers opinions, compared to that?)
Then I burn, were the words Sakura wanted to spill out from her tongue, to spew out as though they were poison she studied and used, and I get up from my ashes.
Don’t slam the door, Sakura thought as paws pressed into her hand as though to hold it. It (having to pay for another door) wouldn’t be worth it.
(Don't) lay me to sleep by youngjusticewriter | Ongoing | G
Sakura doesn’t need defending though.
Sakura smiled at the girl, because that’s what Ami is and what Sakura hasn’t been since her dreams started, with tired eyes (with eyes too old because that’s what happens when your soulmate is a jonin with a pretty painted mask).
You got to choose before the choice is pulled from you by youngjusticewriter | Complete | G
Kakashi didn’t greet her with an apology, a lie, or even with a hello. (He wasn’t too for gone that he had neglected himself to point he couldn’t sense her coming.)
That’s okay because Sakura doesn’t smile up at him, she doesn’t (lie) promise everything is going to be okay, nor does she greet her husband like she would have this morning if he wasn’t already out of the house. Sakura didn’t even take one of Kakashi’s hands into her own and give it a small squeeze in comfort, in a subtle way to remind him she was still here. No, instead Sakura exhaled the breath she had been holding in and it doesn’t remove the heaviness she feels in her chest.
“You need to come home.” Sakura doesn’t ask for him to do it for her even though Sakura had too lost their child. (We’re not dead, Sakura wanted to yell, and if you continue to keep your company with them, with the dead, then one day when you do come home we might just have become the company you prefer to keep. We might just become the dead you idolize because you were too late in life to realize how much your loved ones meant to you.)
Ceremonial by youngjusticewriter | Complete | T
With bloodied lips and sharp canines Kakashi smiles at the sight - it’s only for a night after all. In the past he had tried to shove it down, had never voiced that sin unlike the others (so many others) to the tombstones of his fallen comrades, but he’s dying now. He can have it just for a little bit. The air is hard to breath in, its too cold or maybe he’s too out of breath, and there’s clothe from his destroyed mask in his bloodied mouth but that’s okay. It’ll be over soon.
Twisted fingers - Kakashi could actually see a bone poking out of one - reach up to touch but it’s too late.
come through (like the sweetener you are) by exarite | Complete | M
Kakashi was not Sakura's sugar daddy.
(Or was he?)
It Wasn't Even Us In The End by tedthedead | Complete | M 
How many years?
How many years had he been lovesick, a yearning child needy for her comforting touch, a desperate man aching for the soft silk of her skin?
633 notes · View notes
hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton Omegaverse AU 1
John smiled widely as he looked around, taking in every detail of his new office. To be honest, he never thought he'd pull it off, but here he was! An omega with a full time job as a newspaper artist. His job was mainly focused on cartoons, of course, but he knew that he'd get to do a few pieces to go with certain articles, if the journalists themselves asked for him to do so.
But enough wasting time, he had to set himself up! He spread out his ongoing works across his desk and put up a cork board that he used to organize his ideas, making the office his own. As he sat and got ready to begin working, he caught a sharp, inky scent in the air, instinctively whipping his head up to look at the alpha that walked into the room.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. You have a strong sense of smell."
Right, of course everyone would expect him to have a weaker sense of smell...
"Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Alexander and I'm a journalist here. I was surprised that they actually let an omega on board here, not that I have anything against omegas, but I know it can be hard for you guys out in the work world."
John knew he wasn't trying to be offensive.... But he was failing very badly at that. "I mean... Most omegas these days can be okay with suppressants. It's not our fault that the world still thinks we should just be housewives."
"Right.. Sorry.. Um... I've never been around an omega like this, if that wasn't obvious."
"No, it was."
"Anyways.. I just wanted to say hi. Is there any tips you can give me on not insulting you in the future?.."
"Yeah, I may be an omega, but I'm not all that different from you. I'm an adult, not a child."
He nodded and left.
John didn't mean to be so harsh, but he didn't get a full time job as an omega by being sweet to the core as he was expected to be, though he was sure he did benefit from his manners being better than those of an alpha. He shrugged it off. If that guy let his ego be torn down just because he was called out by an omega, that wasn't his problem. He just got to work.
When everyone was taking their lunch break, John had planned to stay and eat in his office, not wanting much to interact with the alphas in the office, but that idea was interrupted by someone coming into his office before he could tell them off, the same alpha from earlier.
"Hi, I'm sorry, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see and I didn't ask to come in, but I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier and show you that I'm not just some idiot alpha, like you probably think I am.."
"And you thought the best  way to do that was to barge into here like that?"
"Kind of.. I knew you wouldn't let me in if I hadn't done this. I wanted to give you a peace offering." He slid a plastic plate onto his desk with a piece of cake in it over to him. "The office is having a party for one of the other guys and I didn't think you'd want to join, so I brought you some cake from it."
John was surprised by how genuine the gesture felt. He thought for a second before taking the cake and eating it, accepting the peace offering. "This is good cake.. Thank you. And I forgive you. Besides, I didn't mean to be so snappy, I'm just trying to make sure you guys know I'm not some alpha that's helpless. This isn't tv or something." He shrugged and took another bite.
"I know.. Again, I don't really interact with omegas that often and I think it's unfair that almost all omegas in media are shown to be as weak as they are and alphas are just people. I just wasn't sure how to approach you.."
"Just like a person. I'm just a person who's built a little different and has a sweeter scent." He shrugged. "And if any of your alpha buddies want to try and come talk down to me because of it, I have been given permission to hurt them in self defense."
"That's fair. There might be a few creeps that do that, but there are also some guys that are cool, probably cooler than me, and know how to speak to an omega."
"I wouldn't mind meeting them at some point. Preferably without you just barging in."
"Yeah, again, I'm sorry about that.. I just wanted to apologize."
"I accept your apology." He smiled and took another bite of his cake.
Alexander smiled. "Also.. You're really cool.. Would you like to go out sometime?"
John hardly had to think over the offer before shaking his head. "Sorry... It's already being an omega in the workplace, especially so quickly out of school. An office romance would only complicate things. You seem like a cool guy, though."
"Right.. It's fine." He smiled, quickly getting over the rejection. "So, do you want to come get drinks with me and my friends after work?"
"Can't. I'm 19. Besides, I don't really feel comfortable going into bars with a bunch of alphas, not you in particular or anything."
"Oh... You meant fresh out of high school. You must be really talented."
"Thanks." He smiled. "We can hang out at my place or something. I know self defense, so I'm not afraid, as long as I stay sober."
"None of my friends would attack you. I'd never be friends with someone who'd force an omega or anyone to do anything in bed."
"It's not that I don't believe you or trust them, it's just to be sure. Look at the world we're in. I can't be too careful."
Alexander knew exactly what he meant... Their president believed that all omegas should stay at home, breeding and making the future generations in a country that was already overpopulated. He thought omegas were there to please alphas and make babies, that they were just objects and it was disgusting. "I know what you mean.. I'll talk to them, maybe they'll be interested in hanging out."
"Cool. Tell me what they say." He smiled and looked back down at his work, getting back to it and leaving his lunch and desert to the side.
Alexander took the cue and got up, leaving and going back to his own office, finishing his work for the day.
Once the day was over, he went to his friends and to the bar, catching sight of John leaving the building as from the parking garage. Did this kid have a car? .. Nope. He went straight out of the garage and waited by the curb for his ride. He turned his eyes away and got in his friend's car, going out to the bar with them.
Luckily, his friend Lafayette was there to make sure that they didn't regret it the next morning at work, especially since they were having a meeting.
John walked in a minute or so before, having gotten the email last minute, and ignored all of the stares from the alphas that picked up his scent, turning to their boss.
Mr Washington, who was at the head of the table, stood up to begin. "Okay. As most of you know, we're here to discuss our weekly interview topic."
Alexander smiled proudly. Every week, they received different submissions for important figures in the area that should get interviewed over their success and it was his week, which only came twice a year.
"Alexander, I see that you're already well aware that this is your week. We've decided that this week's interview should be with someone whose been getting recommended for months and I've decided to save this one for you."
"Yes! Who is it? Bernie Sanders? Michelle Obama?"
"Nope. A bit more local. Maybe you're familiar with his work. He runs a blog online, helping people become successful even though, as you've said, 'he hasn't worked a day in his life'."
Alexander's smile disappeared. "Nope! Not happening! There's no way I'm going anywhere near him! He thinks he's so high and mighty because he knows how to get a job that he doesn't need!"
John furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you mean Thomas Jefferson?.. From Invest for Success?.."
"That privileged, self-obsessed, high and mighty-"
"Yes, John, him. I assume you're familiar with his work?"
"Yeah, my friends used to read it and think it was crap, but I thought it wasn't all that bad. He knew what he was talking about and it's really helpful for college students, since the school system failed at helping us in that area."
George nodded. "Right. And it seems that a lot of people feel like he's helped them, as he's been highly recommended for the past few months."
"I'm not doing this. I'm not going near him. John knows about him, John can do it!"
"Wait, I'm just a cartoonist! I don't know the first thing about this kind of stuff.."
"It's easy. You just read the questions and write his answers. Lafayette can handle the editing."
George raised his hand, cutting him off. "That's enough, Alexander. John, would you mind?.. I know it's not your job, but we can discuss this at a later date. It would be due next Friday."
"I don't know.. I guess we can talk about it."
"Thank you. And, if you find that you don't want to take this job, Alexander will do it."
"Sounds like a plan." John nodded.
"Good. You're all dismissed. Come to my office, John."
He got up and followed him to his office, a familiar sight from his job interview a few weeks prior and his short orientation the day before.
"So, you can look through all of the old interviews and figure out what kind of questions you want to ask, then I can get one of the other journalists to help you edit it together. And, of course, since this isn't really your job, I'll provide a bonus."
John thought over the offer for a few seconds before nodding. "Yeah.. I think I could do that. Just give me the address and time."
George smiled. "I'll send you that and all of our previous interviews as soon as I can. You can go ahead and go back to your office."
John nodded and smiled, getting up and going back to his office. A few hours later, he received an email with every interview and everything he'd need to conduct his own, taking a deep breath before looking through them all. He mainly skimmed through them, more interested in the questions asked than their answers, and went through the actual blog that brought Jefferson there before writing down his choice of questions and sending them to Washington for approval, which he received soon after.
He smiled and began emailing Jefferson himself about the interview.
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mrsgrangermalfoy · 6 years
Featherweight by foxxing 
It’s been 13 years since any of them have seen Jinyoung. Spurred onward into a life of crime from their delinquent childhood on the streets, the 6 of them have risen in the underground ranks to become the most successful group of hitmen under the Knight Group. Jinyoung, having abandoned them and their lifestyle at 18, has risen to stardom as the hottest actor in Korea, but not everyone loves him: on a sunny February day, a $6 million dollar hit crosses the desks of the 6 Knights, but only one of them is bitter enough to take it.
Or: Jaebum becomes Jinyoung’s bodyguard under a fake identity to get revenge for a broken heart.
Word count: 124,000 
tbh read everything by this author, they are a quality source of jjp
Anteroom by minyukie
How do you act around your ex with your child in the other room? It’s been almost a year and a half, and Jinyoung has yet to figure it out.
Word count: 76,771
i love kidfics, kinda angsty
Charade by Sugarbowl 
Jaebum and Jinyoung walk parallel paths in many ways, but Jaebum isn't interested in their intersection. Jaebum struggles to support his young son on his own, while everything seems to come easy for wealthy, charming Jinyoung. But when they're forced to partner for a project, Jaebum finds himself a bit more willing, and much more in need.
Word count: 152,145
I love this author’s characterization of Jinyoung, please read it dadJB is something we all need more of
Compass Calling by Sugarbowl
Prince Jinyoung is destined for a lifetime of luxury, until he's shoved in a trunk and accidentally abducted. Im Jaebum clawed his way out of poverty to captain a pirate ship and... not much else, actually. Jinyoung could be his first real treasure, if Jaebum could just figure out how holding someone for ransom actually works.
Word count: 82,944
if you didnt think you needed a pirate fic before, YOU DO NOW, literally the fic that made me ship jjp
Wilder by Sugarbowl
Newly graduated, Jinyoung is determined to try new things. New parties, new boys, and when Mark asks for a favor, even volunteering as a counselor at summer camp. But new experiences can get complicated, and he quickly finds himself a little out of his depth.
Word Count: 76,619
why are there not more summer camp AU’s. i love this author so much they come up with the best ideas i had to rec three fics honestly just everything they’ve written you won’t regret it
Citation by KingJackson
When the one book he needs for an important term paper has to remain in the campus library, Jinyoung catches the eye of Jaebum, a library assistant.
Word count: 115,401
jinyoung’s a dick here and jb is too good for the world, quality smut, cute markson on the side, read the sequel Renewal too
Honey by crimson_calamity
It was always the handsome ones, his mother always told him: handsome boys will use you, break your heart and leave you with the pieces. Jinyoung used to think she was talking about herself but, well. Her intuition towards her son has always surprised him.
(Jinyoung doesn't think she could ever have anticipated this)
Word count: 5693
This is the first fic in the “We’re the opposite of angels” series. just read the whole series (Of all the assignments, Not quite what anyone expected, Let's make this work) cus JB as a demon is hot ok
Baggage by mertlekang
RentAU! - Jaebum and Youngjae have been living in a shitty apartment on the wrong side of town for years, struggling to pay their rent and carrying the weight of their past mistakes. With the introduction of a new neighbour, a meeting with an old flame, and the help of a stranger after a mugging, new relationships are built and their lives grow all the more complicated.
Word count: 47,081
Warning this fic made me cry, but it’s so well done i could feel the characters pain myself, it’s not solely a jjp fic, contains markson and yugbam too
Walls of Glass by hakkais_shadow, katamari
The city's social structure is firm and unyielding--Alphas at the top, Betas in the middle, and Omegas as pliant, broken servants to the Alphas. When Im Jaebum, the heir of an old Alpha family suddenly finds his social position flipped, he's thrown into a world of intrigue, deceit, and as the very unwilling servant to an even more unwilling Park Jinyoung.
Word count: 37,873
I still dunno how i feel about ABO fics but i like the power dynamic between JB and jinyoung and i found the world very interesting and well created
bloom by subsequence
Jaebum may have learned to accept his role as future king, but accepting this new role — the thought makes him sick to his stomach.
If he could have, Jaebum would have chosen any other way to present as an omega.
(Or: Omegaverse Arranged Marriage AU featuring Princes!JJP and a cast of loudmouth extras.)
Word count: 82,833
another ABO fic, but also well done, great if you love a good royalAU like me
꽃이 만발한 차 (Tea Blossom) by seitsemannen
Unlike the other companions at the Red Orchid, Jinyoung’s robes never revealed more than the slope of his neck or a sliver of his wrist, if he was being flirtatious. His clients were paying for his intelligent company and handsome face, nothing else.
The entrance of Jaebum in his life is the start of a series of exceptions.
Word count: 39000 (this is a WIP)
interesting concept, i’m intrigued to see how the story progresses
The Prince Who Never Laughed by seitsemannen
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, lived a beautiful and kind prince named Mark, who after his mother's loss never laughed again. That was until he met the brightly smiling apprentice of a glassblower, Jackson Wang.
Word Count: 50,000
a cute fic, i love royalAU’s
Playhouse by seitsemannen
All sorts of rumours surround the handsome Wang heir and the good-looking servants of his household, but no one seemed to know for sure, as no matter the price, the members were not willing to give the secrets of their Master up.
Mark doesn't care for celebrities or rumours, except the one that says the Wang household pays several times more than the usual servant's salary, so when there's a job opening at the House, he goes for it. In the days and weeks spent at the House, Mark gets to know the members and finds out what of the ludicrous rumours were true and what weren’t. What he did not know to expect, however, is how good friends he would become with the other members of the House, and what’s worse, that he would fall in love with Jackson Wang.
Word count: 311,000 (this is a WIP)
honestly this is like a classic, and super smutty and long 
Twist by KingJackson
Mark knows Jinyoung. Jinyoung knows Jackson. Jackson hooks up with Jinyoung who also hooks up with Mark. Mark goes to hook up with Jinyoung and ends up also sleeping with Jackson. Jackson sometimes hooks up with Jaebum, but that isn’t important right now.
And they say romance is dead.
Word Count: 68,964
honestly this was the fic that made me ship markson, i wasn’t too big on them but jackson is too good here to not root for them
(tbh if anyone know any good markjin fics hmu i’m struggling to find quaility ones)
Blue Neighbourhood by gotsichi7
Jinyoung lived in his own bubble until Mark came around and reminded him how precious friendship was. The bond they had was beyond any friendship Jinyoung had ever made which made Mark special to him. But school was coming to an end and after graduation, there was no telling where everyone would end up. Life threatened to break that bond or rather seperation made them realize just how special their bond was.
The relationship of Mark and Jinyoung based off of the Troye Sivan album, Blue Neighbourhood.
Word count: 43,963
angsty af, another one of those that hurts so good and you feel in your soul
Ameoto (Part 1 of 2) by aquilaprisca
In a small town, hidden beneath constant rain and shadows, Jinyoung spends his time alone lying on his mattress wondering whether the hollowness inside him will ever be filled. Somehow even the smile he perfected over the years can't even seem to save him from himself. But being the only bartender within a mile radius means Jinyoung meets people on a daily basis, and as he watches the door, and waits for the ring of the bell, he wonders sometimes if there'll ever be someone that enters his bar and changes everything for him.
Word count: 28,806
cute fic i enjoy the writing style, light angst, don’t forget to read the sequel 
ok so i don’t really read markbum but cutiepiemarkeu has written a huge amount of really solid markbum fics if you are interested 
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viktuurificwriters · 7 years
EmmyLynna: Writing Omegaverse Fics for Everyone
AO3 Profile
Not everybody enjoys Omegaverse AUs. This is understandable because such fics can get quite… iffy… and just too much. But then again, it is important to emphasize that not all omegaverse fics are like that. Some fics are still located on what can be called as the “innocent side” of the entire omegaverse spectrum. EmmyLynna’s works are just some examples of such fics.
EmmyLynna (@emmylynna) is the author of the Entwined series, which is composed of several fics following the love story of Viktor and Yuuri from childhood to adulthood. The story starts with a seven-year old Viktor who instantly gets a crush on a six-year old Yuuri while in school. Viktor then decides to claim Yuuri as his mate and from then on works hard to prove his love to Yuuri, even when all the adults around them think they’re just playing at some kind of game.
The series includes Precocious, First Comes Love, then Comes Marriage, then Comes Yuuri with a Baby Carriage!, Blocked on Multiple Fronts, A Toast to the Newlyweds!, and Where You Go I Follow.
The first fic in the series, Precocious, currently has seventeen out of twenty-four chapters in and has garnered more than three thousand kudos. It is well-received by readers, saying they find it adorable how Viktor can get quite possessive and how Yuuri is a sweet cinnamon roll.
EmmyLynna certainly did a good job in portraying Viktor, Yuuri, and the rest of the child characters as innocent kids who still don’t know much about the “technicalities” of love. Despite being too young, Viktor and Yuuri already know they love each other, and their friends are more than willing to support them.
Entwined offers a lot of enjoyable adventures (and misadventures) in the young lives of Viktor and Yuuri. You can leave this article right now and go read it if I’ve already piqued your interest. But if you’ve already been reading it, then stay with me as I tell you more about the person behind all those wonderful fics right under the cut. (Spoilers included)
EmmyLynna is a 28-year old Filipino with a US citizenship. She used to live in Manila, Philippines but then her family moved to New York. She now works as a clinical pharmacist specializing in internal medicine and she happens to be the only Asian girl in her team. She is also a part-time clinical assistant professor in a pharmacy school.
She has a minor in psychology, and as an introvert she has always been observing people. She said she’d never been in a romantic relationship before, and yet she is still able to write, what she hopes is, a credible love story because of the way she analyzes how people would act in certain situations.
When EmmyLynna writes, she needs to have everything outlined. She breaks off each chapter with a one-word summary and then goes over it again in order to fill in additional details, enlisting them in bullet points. She does this in order not to get stuck halfway through. She had learned her lesson when she experienced writer’s block in her previous fandom while writing her first fanfic when she was thirteen. She had promised herself that she would never make the mistake of not outlining her works again.
In coming up for the idea of Precocious, she shared that she literally just woke up at four in the morning and for some reason had the beginning concept of the story in her head: “Whatever Viktor Nikiforov wanted, he would get.”  
“And for some reason, the next (not so) logical thought that followed was, ‘Wouldn't it be adorable if there was a kid!Viktor who thought of that about a kid!Yuuri?’” she said. “Closely followed by, ‘Ooh, I don't think I've read a fanfic with that premise yet. I wanna read that fic.’ And then I got to thinking and finally decided ‘I will write that fic.’”
EmmyLynna then added that now she could’ve definitely been wrong and that they are likely other childhood fics out there, but since there are many YOI fanfics uploaded each day, she had probably missed it.
But as for getting ideas for specific scenes in a chapter, she sometimes tries to pull from her own experiences. “I live a pretty mundane life, but there are snippets that I can embellish and dramatize to make them more entertaining,” she said. “That's what I did for the Halloween chapter, and what I will do for an upcoming chapter when a certain dramatic something happens.”
Sometimes when she is stuck and out of inspiration, she would write out an entire scene for a future chapter. It would keep her have fun in writing and sometimes she would even put previews of the finished scenes in Tumblr in order to get people interested.
Moreover, EmmyLynna is the kind of writer who balances in coming up with original ideas and in catering to what readers want. She relates a lot to Viktor in a sense that she likes to surprise readers, but at the same time makes sure that her readers are satisfied with every chapter she posts.
“Part of being a good writer in my opinion is making sure that you keep readers interested, and that can be accomplished either by surprising them with a plot twist or by giving them the fluff they want,” she said. “In my personal experience, I find that my readers are able to predict the general flow of where my story is going, but it's in the details or the execution that I catch them off-guard.”
(Warning: Spoilers below)
In Precocious, EmmyLynna included an “Overcome Chihoko” chapter, posted the day after the Yuri on Stage event and when the entire fandom was still going crazy about Viktor getting buck naked on top of Hasetsu castle and doing stretches just to prove to Yuuri that he’s better than “Chihoko.” Although that chapter has nothing to do with Viktor getting naked and climbing on top of a castle, considering that the characters are still kids, it still includes a possessive and jealous Viktor that wants to prove to Yuuri that he is the best alpha for him.
Readers enjoyed that chapter. EmmyLynna was able to incorporate the “Overcome Chihoko” incident in her fic without straying from the storyline and disrupting the structure or flow of the story. People always love it when the writer includes recent events in the fandom into the fic.
“Sometimes, the surprise can even go both ways,” EmmyLynna added. Like in the fifteenth chapter of Precocious, EmmyLynna did not expect that she could make several readers cry when Viktor and Yuuri were faced with their first real challenge in their relationship.
EmmyLynna admitted that the confrontation scene in the principal’s office in Chapter 15 was the hardest for her to write. “So much of the story was hinging on that critical moment and I had to make it as realistic as possible,” she explained.  “As one reader commented, ‘dramatic but not over-the-top’ was exactly what I was aiming for.”
Chapter 15 included the main conflict of the story and if she didn't wrote it well, EmmyLynna said that the rest of the chapters would’ve fallen apart. What also made it more difficult to write was because many of the previous chapters were fluffy. She didn’t want to transition into a sudden angsty twist that would seem out of place.
“It was meant to evoke a lot of frustration and anger,” she said. “And based on the feedback I got, it looks like I succeeded. I didn't expect some readers to cry though, so that was unplanned!”
(Spoilers End)
Precocious, the first and also the most popular in the Entwined series, offers a lot of adorable kid!Viktuuri interactions. But if you’d like a little something that is not too innocent and also not too naughty for an omegaverse AU, then you could check out the third fic in the series which is Blocked on Multiple Fronts (linked above). In the story, Viktor and Yuuri are college students with certain college student needs. And Viktor has been craving for Yuuri for over a week, but with their friends always around, it’s not that easy to have those needs fulfilled.
It’s amazing how EmmyLynna is able to write her characters in different ages; it certainly shows mastery in characterization. Although she said that writing is an adjustment she had to get used to because she’s been a reader for so long, it doesn’t show in her writing at all. The entirety of Precocious is so well-thought out, leaving no scene or character out of place. And from the fluffy and enjoyable vibe her works emit, one can really see just how much she loves what she is doing.
“Writing is all about love, your love for the characters and love for the fandom,” she shared.
According to her, writers should never feel coerced to write something because readers beg them to update, no matter how hard it is. If a writer’s heart is not into it, it will show and no one would like to see that. She believes that writers should write because they love writing.
Writers should also never be afraid in putting themselves out there. “Whether it's a drabble, one-shot, or multi-chapter fic, every contribution counts in a fandom. Writing is a talent and a skill that takes time, and you will never get better if you don't give it a shot. Somewhere out there, there will be someone who will look forward to reading your work,” she said.
Such inspiring words from EmmyLynna.
And as a bonus, she’d like to “put out there” a certain lesser known fic entitled Once You Go Greek by DefiantDreams.
“The research the author dedicated really shows. I think it captures the Greek life really well,” she commented. The story is about Viktor and Yuuri being members of rival Greek fraternities.  “The kind of shenanigans the two get into made me chuckle a lot throughout the fic. More people should give it love.”
Now, to wrap up this article, allow me to say a few more things:
EmmyLynna is a decent omegaverse writer. Even if you don’t like omegaverse, you can’t argue with that. The Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics are actually quite subtle in her fics. But that’s not the main point here. The A/B/O dynamics are simply just elements of the AU, not what her stories are only about. Even if you just ignore the A/B/O dynamics, her fics are still undoubtedly sweet and genuine love stories. No one should shame her for using an omegaverse AU to tell her stories. And this also applies to any omegaverse writer out there.
Now just chill out and enjoy reading her works!
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