megabuild · 1 year
me x u
sucks.. i dont think they even interact in canon :/ not that i'm against nevermetshipping but i just don't think they would like each other :/
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cultofpokeshipping · 6 years
Pokemon what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? what’s a ship you hate that most people like? what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
Hello anon!!! I apologize for taking so long to get to your question!!!
A ship I like that most people don’t?- Mostly never met ships, like lumiemetalburgshipping (Clemont x May), Romanticshipping (Drew x Serena). I’m not saying that there aren’t people out there that ship these pairings, but there probably aren’t very many.
A ship I hate that most people like?- I used to HATE any and every pairing to do with Ash and Misty other than Pokeshipping. But, I’ve learned to appreciate some of them like advanceshipping, mesafanshipping (Clemont x Misty, another never met ship), and to some degree, amourshipping
The most underrated ship, in my opinion?- Mesafanshipping. Yes, I know it’s a “never met ship”, but I love both characters, and I LOVE the tough girl/geek guy concept. I’d personally like to see a story where Clemont asks Misty for help in getting in shape so he can impress Serena, but ends up falling for Misty and she falls for him in the process!!
I still LOVE pokeshipping :D
Thanks for the ask anon!!
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asknarashikari · 3 years
…I have a crack ship in the form of Ren and Jin
...By that, do you mean Jin from Zero-One and Ren from Saber?
I don’t really understand why but I guess that’s the point of a crackship... though this one is also a nevermetship (thanks to Saber and Zero-One having no Movie War) so I’m really stumped as to where on Earth you’d get this idea
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flo-nelja · 4 years
1, 5, 14, 22, 23
I will consider that my main fandom for now is The Magnus Archives, if you want something else tell me.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
I’m picky about nevermetships, so Martin/Mike Crew is not doing it for me, neither does Gerry/Michael. 5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
You know, it’s hard to tell, because sometimes it’s so ruined that I don’t ever realize I could have liked it. Like, the fandom is all fluff, and I don’t believe in it, and I have some dislike for it, but if I had stumbled into darkfic first, I could have appreciated it.
Never a pairing I already liked, though. In this case, I’m just ignoring the fandom and writing my own thing. 14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom? 
I want the world being saved far more than I want individual characters to live and be happy.
Also, Tim is NOT a himbo, he’s super clever. 22. Popular character you hate? 
Hmmm, no, all the characters I fully hate are unpopular. There are, at best, popular characters I’m indifferent to like Joshua Gillespie.
23. Unpopular character you love? 
Emma Harvey
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flo-nelja · 5 years
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For this Femslash February meme
Day 9: Crossover & crack pairings: Melanie/Julia (The Magnus Archives)
My favorite nevermetship in this fandom (not my only one :-) ). What I wish is for them to team up to kill monsters in general and Amherst in particular. With a rocky debut because Julia technically did kill Melanie’s father, even if it was mercy kill, and lots of UST. :-)
Fancasts: (younger) Idina Menzel and Mia Farrow
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