#new clark and chloe pics WHERE
skoulsons · 8 months
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MY !!!!!!!! ORIGINAL !!!!!!!!! FAMILY !!!!!!!!!
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zebrabaker · 5 years
Might be farfetched but maybe a former fan of the Ladyblog leaves after certain things ruins it for them(either it be oblivio kiss pic or lilas bullshit) when they notice marinette and her awesomeness(like making cool shit for jagged and having a soup named after her), dedicates a blog to her, showing everyone in paris(and globally) how awesome she truly is. Can be salt or pure fluff(if you're still salty cause we all are) Person could be close friend who admires her or anonymous person idk.
Oh, I ran with this. There's going to be a couple chapters. I hope you’re happy.
Allegra Clark was a huge fan of Ladybug. She adored the LadyBlog, solely for the fact that it reported the unbiased truth, and was run by a girl at her school. So, when the log had become no more than some petty shipping site for LadyNoir, she had bailed. There were plenty of other news sources, and with how many there were, at least one had to have an exclusive with Ladybug, right?
Wrong. After several hours, she had realized that no one else in all of Paris had an exclusive. So, she was stuck. How did Alya get the interview anyway? Maybe it was mentioned in the video…She scrolled through the blogs archives, until she found the video. It opened on a dark room, before Alya appeared on screen.
“Hey there peeps! Alya here, with the best gift anyone has ever given me! My best friend, Marinette, got me- “Huh. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in Bustier’s class, too. Now that she thought about it, the girl had regressed over the last month or so. Last year, she had been a shy girl, with no friends and no backbone to speak of. At the start of this school year, she had made friends with most of her class, or so it had seemed. The girl had really come out of her shell, and even became class rep. Lately, she had slid back into said shell, speaking less, wearing plainer clothes, less makeup, spending more time on her phone or sketching. Allegra had been in Marinette’s class last year, and the girl had been sweeter than all the baked goodies she brought in. Be it on a random Friday, or someone’s birthday, Marinette brought in something from her family’s patisserie. Allegra had an idea. She was a girl guide, and helping people was part of the code…. She had work to do.
It had taken a few hours, but she had put together a full blog. She had found recordings of Marinette being mentioned by Jagged Stone and her Uncle, who was apparently a world-famous chef. The blog held a link to Marinette’s commission site (Allegra had submitted her measurements for a new dress. The girl’s designs were fantastic.) The title of the blog was ‘Marinette Dupain-Cheng is amazing ‘. The background was a cherry blossom pink, and the header was the same Cherry Blossoms that Marinette used on all her designs, taken from her site. Her first post was an introduction to the blog, and an explanation of why it was built.
Hey guys! I’m mod Allegra, (I’ll introduce the others later.) and you’re likely confused as to why I made another page for some random girl. It’s a little complicated, but I’ll give you the short version. There’s this AMAZING girl at my school, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and lately she’s been really down. I was in her class last year, and she’s such a nice person that I can’t just watch her wither. So, this blog is dedicated to all things Marinette. She’s done so much cool stuff that I can’t possibly begin to list it all here. As such, I’ll be making one post of a cool thing she’s done once a week, every Wednesday after school. If you know of anything cool Marinette has done, send me an ask! I’ll verify the story (we’re not the LadyBlog, lol) and post it on here! Until then, spread this blog around! recommend it to friends, mention it in posts, just try to spread the word. See you Wednesday!
“Allegra, Allain and Claude are here!” Her mom called down the hall. Allegra set aside her laptop, open to Marinette’s Facebook, Twitter, and Insta. Some may call it creepy, but she was determined to help the girl.
“Send them in!” She yelled back, stretching her back. There were two sets of footsteps in the hall, one light and quick, where the other was slow and steady.
“Sup?” Allain asked, strolling into the room. He was her oldest friend, having met at five in her mother’s beginners’ piano class. Allain was an African-French boy, his mother’s family immigrants from Morocco. He was dressed in his usual, a hoodie, jeans, a hat and headphones.
“Working on a project.” She sighed, snagging her water from her desk.
“Oooh! Can we see?” Claude asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet. She had meet Claude in third grade. He had found her, hiding in the coat closet, scared of Chloe, who had insulted her and almost made her cry. He had made a few dumb jokes, and the two had become fast friends. He was a giant, pushing five ten at age fifteen. He wore a shirt from his soccer team and a pair of jeans and converse. His brown hair flopped into his eyes, making him look like an excitable puppy.
“Sure. Remember Marinette Dupain-Cheng, that girl in our class last year?” Both boys nodded, Allain blushing. He had had a bit of a crush on Marinette. “Well, I noticed yesterday that she’s kinda regressed. Just a few weeks ago, she was vibrant and happy. Now she’s like she was last year, quiet and withdrawn. I figured that I may as well help her. I was actually gonna ask, did either of you want to help me run it? I plan to upload some cool thing she’s done once a week.” Allain nodded, busy jotting something down in the pocket notebook he carried everywhere. Probably a story idea. Allain was a prolific writer, and always had some new idea. As a kid, he rocked at make-believe games.
“Why not! I remember Marinette, she brought in blue-velvet cupcakes on my birthday, because she heard me say I love the taste but hate red.” Claude flopped onto her bed so that he was splayed across it sideways. “And she brought in Hummingbird cake for Monsieur Darcy’s birthday. That was cool.” Allain looked up from his notes.
“Oh, yeah. Whenever any of us came into the bakery, her mom would give us something for free. Madam Cheng was so cool.” He licked his lips, as if recalling a particularly tasty treat.
“So, it’s settled, then? We’ll use the blog to help Marinette?” Allegra glanced between her friends, giddy.
“Sure.” Allain shrugged.
“Why not.” Claude bounced on the bed a little.
Looks like they were in business.
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agl03 · 4 years
When will we get a season 7 trailer
Hi Anon,
We already do have 1 that aired at D23 what seems like an eternity ago now.  That had the first few moments of “New Deal” and then some bonus scenes...there is a breakdown somewhere in my blog.
But I know everyone is after the new bigger, better, content from nearly the whole season one.   Last year we got the super shiny Season 6 Trailer on May 2nd and I believe we Premiere May 18th, so just over a couple of weeks out.  Meaning we likely have a few more weeks to go before that comes out.  
The next piece I’m expecting will be the poster.  Last year was the gaming Table Last Supper which was full of all sorts of wonderful clues we successfully theorized about.  So that sucker will keep me happy for a good few days between asks and going over it with a fine tooth comb.  
Another bit of happiness are the cast pics which honestly anytime.  Those tend to just come out of no where.  Usually me leaving my house does it but since we are in lock down me showering worked today and maybe if I go do some yard work or something that will work.
Also two to three weeks out ABC Press will be dropping the official press release for the Season and Episode.   
Finally in the next few weeks we should see some early pieces from the major entertainment outlets like TV Line, Collider, IGN, and EW.   Tread carefully with anything you see on CBR.
Standard disclaimer that for as good as I am with theories and predictions about the story lines for the show, I have a AWFUL track record with the promo stuff....since it changes all the time and now we have bonus everyone working from home Pandemic Lock down going on.  Though based on the timing of Clark and Chloe’s posts and the Announcement today, it does indeed seem like they were going to be at Wondercon.  
Just saying AOS/ABC if you got a pile of posters and want to make money for a charity I will happily buy one.  
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aimeegbbs · 4 years
i was tagged by @grvywaren and @hugunderthestars thank you both!! 💙
i’m tagging @247-series @forbescaroline @clarkegriffinblake @jasperjoordan (feel free to ignore)
pick 10 of your otps from different fandoms without reading the questions and then answer them. then tag 10 other people to do the same.
isak and even (skam)
bellamy and clarke (the 100)
magnus and alec (shadowhunters)
david and matteo (druck)
katniss and peeta (the hunger games)
amy and jake (b99)
joana and cris (skam españa)
piper and alex (orange is the new black)
lucifer and chloe (lucifer)
grizz and sam (the society)
(this isn’t all of my fav ships because that list would be too long and the list isn’t in any particular order)
do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
i enjoyed their dynamic right away but the first time i caught myself rooting for them was “the bet” when jake took her on that horrible date but they obviously ended up having a great time. 
have you ever read a fic about 2?
i haven’t in a few months, but i used to read a lot of bellarke fics around the time s3 was airing
has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile pic/tumblr?
they’ve been my twitter icon once. does that count?
if 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
RIOT!! the only official wlw couple in the skamverse (so far) is not allowed to ever break up
why is 1 so important?
oh wow, i don’t even know how or where to start... isak’s story means a lot to me because he’s this closeted gay boy who’s been through a lot in the past year. he seems like this fuckboy when he’s actually just a really soft boy who wants to be loved for who he is. and then even gives him exactly that. and despite isak unknowingly hurting even, he also manages to give even exactly what he needs and love even for who is. i could cry thinking and their love story... also they’re meant to be in every universe and we’re living in a world where we already got to see some of the other universes. so yeah, they’re important because they give hope and beautiful representation.
which one has the strongest bond?
once upon a time i would’ve said bellarke but now i think it’s malec, evak and davenzi. they all radiate major soulmate energy
how many times have you read/watched 10′s fandom?
which ship has lasted the longest?
i guess jake and amy? i’m thinking it could also be alex and piper but they were broken up at one point and i’m not sure how long their break up lasted i’m bad at this adjshshs
how many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
never and it better stays that way
If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive: 2 or 8?
bellarke for sure!! they literally lived in space and survived the ending of the world twice... they could handle zombies without trouble. piper and alex though? not so much...
did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
they kept their relationship quiet in the beginning before cris came out to her friends and then at school but they didn’t really have to hide it... although maybe cris hiding their relationship from her parents?
is 4 still together?
of course they’re soulmates
is 10 canon?
yeah, but i’m actually not sure how their exact relationship status is i need s2
if all 10 ships were put into a couple’s hunger games, which couple would win?
adjshshs the irony of this. i mean katniss and peeta actually won them?? but i feel like bellarke and malec would be a tough competition for them
has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5?
oh boy, yeah... but even after peeta got hijacked by the capitol those two still found their way back to each other
do you spend hours a day going through 3′s tumblr tag?
i used to when the show was still airing, yeah. nowadays not sm anymore, just when i really miss them.
if an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break forever or else she’d break them all up, which ship would you SINK?
RUDE but piper and alex tbh. i was having a hard time shipping them after s3, but they managed to get me invested in them again only for that shitty storyline in the last season. i still love them but they’re the ones i could see most likely breaking up
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sonicenvy · 4 years
a redux of this post from almost 7 years ago
Age: 23
where i’m from: chicago, il
Favorite Food: still chocolate
Religion: *wavy hands* ehhhh, but culturally catholic
Sexual Orientation: bi
Single/Taken: single and not ready to mingle
Favorite Book: sum titles: Pride and Prejudice, Mathilda, Frankenstein, The Golden Compass, The Graveyard Book
Eye color: blue
Favorite Film: Kiki’s Delivery Service, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Pan’s Labyrinth (dir. Guillermo Del Torro), Stardust, How to Train Your Dragon
Favorite TV Show: Pushing Daisies, Lucifer, B99, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Parks and Rec
Favorite Band/Singer(s): Hozier, Stevie Nicks, Florence Welch, Nina Simone
Random fact about me: I currently own 19 cameras. pic of some of them
Favorite Color: still blue
If I have any pets: I have a baby doggy named diamond who is now 12, almost 13.
What im listening to right now: Hozier’s Wasteland Baby! on repeat, Nothing but Diamonds by ATO, The Hadestown Musical, BIRP! fm’s february and march playlists, and this playlist, and this playlist,  and this playlist.
What’s my ringtone: the exact same doctor who themetune that i made it back in 2011 when i first got an iphone
Favorite Male Character from a TV show: im currently obsessed with lucifer and jack robinson
Favorite Female character from a TV show: after all this time i am still a rose tyler stan at my deepest core, but am currently obessed with phyrne fisher and chloe decker
what my name means: pearl. and st. margaret of scotland
favorite superhero: Clark “mama’s boy” Kent
celebrity crush: billie piper, still. lucy liu, hozier
any1 else want to do the thing go for it. @
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empirexstatexrumors · 2 years
Just Spotted
My oh my, kittens. You had a very busy holiday weekend, didn't you?
Gabriel James-Michaels walked out of a pharmacy with a pregnancy test today. What? Did your daughter get knocked up again? Wouldn't be surprised if it was by someone close to the family... And on the topic of Gabe, he was also spotted making plans to learn how to pole dance with Sejun Byun and Nicola Marchette (lucky you, Theo Davenport). Seems out of the norm for Sejun. Is it because you and Karasu Kang are no longer a thing? Speaking of which... Crow, topless pool pics? That's one way to get over someone. So is getting under someone new. ;)
In other news, Declan Gallvich, what's with the morbid fireworks post? Is that why your hubby Stefan has been so quiet lately? Did something happen on the 4th? Come to think of it... Illyana Olsen and Harlow Jensen have also been quiet the past couple of days. Are you ladies having a Practical Magic summer? You know, that movie where the sisters hide a body in the garden?
You know who hasn't been quiet? Kennedy Knight. We saw your gender reveal -- aww, a baby girl. Congratulations! What did your baby's daddy say? Was Jaylan Trevino surprised? Or is baby daddy that stalker of yours?
Maribelle Wagner was spotted alone once again. Trouble in paradise? Oh, never mind... you and Harrison Abernathy "aren't" a couple. On the same note, Eloise Delacroix, I haven't seen you talking to the air lately -- or to Cassian Clarke for that matter.
Once again, TMZ gave me the scoop on Emilio Ramos. It's almost like someone in his life is submitting things to the media on his behalf. Lilly Romano, are you the guilty one there? Or is it really just himself for the clout? I wouldn’t put it past him...
Amelia Reyes was spotted looking real good on the beach. I see you, sexy. I also see you Lucy Hinton, Chloe Thompson, and Zayn Cabrera -- I just don't have anything on you... YET.
Speaking of having something on someone... did you see the Jonathan James-Michaels recall effort? If you see that petition floating around, send it my way.
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huntershe968 · 3 years
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Rider Insurance Motorcycle
Rider The App
Rider Furniture. 'Voted Best Independently Owned and Operated Furniture Store in Central New Jersey' is a family owned business located in Kingston, NJ (Just north of Princeton). We have one of central New Jersey’s largest selections of quality manufacturers, styles, finishes and fabrics always at discounted prices. Rider also offers insurance for scooters and mopeds, ATVs, UTVs & Off-road vehicles, off-road and trail motorcycles, and dirt bikes. Rider Exists to Serve the Motorcycle Community In addition to offering low cost motorcycle insurance coverage, Rider is proud to serve the greater motorcycle community.
The RiderDirected byChloé ZhaoProduced by
Chloé Zhao
Mollye Asher
Bert Hamelinck
Sacha Ben Harroche
Written byChloé ZhaoStarring
Brady Jandreau
Lilly Jandreau
Tim Jandreau
Lane Scott
Cat Clifford
Music byNathan HalpernCinematographyJoshua James RichardsEdited byAlex O'FlinnDistributed bySony Pictures Classics
Release date
May 20, 2017 (Cannes)
April 13, 2018 (United States)
105 minutesCountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglishBox office$4.2 million[1]
The Rider is a 2017 American contemporary westerndrama film written, produced and directed by Chloé Zhao. The film stars Brady Jandreau, Lilly Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, Lane Scott, and Cat Clifford and was shot in the Badlands of South Dakota. It premiered in the Directors' Fortnight section at the Cannes Film Festival on May 20, 2017,[2][3] where it won the Art Cinema Award.[4] It was released in theaters in the United States on April 13, 2018. It grossed $4.2 million dollars, making it a small commercial success. The film was critically praised for its story, performances, and its depiction of the people and events that influenced the film.
All of the characters are Lakota Sioux of the Pine Ridge Reservation.[5] Brady lives in poverty with his father Wayne and his autistic teenaged sister, Lilly. Once a rising rodeo star, Brady suffered brain damage from a rodeo accident, weakening his right hand and leaving him prone to seizures. Doctors have told him that riding will make them worse.
Brady regularly visits his friend, Lane, who lives in a care facility after suffering brain damage from a similar accident. Brady's father does little for the family, spending their income on drinking and gambling. Once, to fund their trailer, he sells their horse, Gus, infuriating Brady.
Brady takes a job in a local convenience store to raise money for the family. He also makes some money breaking in horses. With his savings, he intends to buy another horse, specifically a temperamental horse named Apollo, but his father actually buys it for him and Brady bonds with it, as he had with Gus. However, his riding and refusal to rest cause him to have a near-fatal seizure. Doctors warn him that more riding could be fatal. Upon returning home, Brady finds that his horse has had an accident, permanently injuring a leg. Knowing that the horse will never be able to be ridden ever again, and not being able to bring himself to put his own horse down, he must have his father to do it for him.
After an argument with his father, Brady decides to take part in a rodeo competition, despite the doctors' warnings. At the competition, just before he competes, he sees his family watching him. He finally decides to walk away from the competition and life as a rodeo rider.
Brady Jandreau as Brady Blackburn
Tim Jandreau as Wayne Blackburn
Lilly Jandreau as Lilly Blackburn
Cat Clifford as Cat Clifford
Terri Dawn Pourier as Terri Dawn Pourier
Lane Scott as Lane Scott
Tanner Langdeau as Tanner Langdeau
James Calhoon as James Calhoon
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Rider Insurance Motorcycle
Sony Pictures Classics acquired the distribution rights in the U.S. and other territories two days following its premiere at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival.[6]
Box office[edit]
The Rider grossed $2.4 million in the United States and Canada, and $1.1 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $3.5 million.[1]
Critical response[edit]
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On review aggregatorRotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 97% based on 182 reviews, and an average rating of 8.44/10. The website's critical consensus reads, 'The Rider's hard-hitting drama is only made more effective through writer-director Chloé Zhao's use of untrained actors to tell the movie's fact-based tale.'[7] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 92 out of 100, based on 42 critics, indicating 'universal acclaim'.[8]
Godfrey Cheshire of RogerEbert.com gave the film 4 out of 4 stars, writing that its 'style, its sense of light and landscape and mood, simultaneously give it the mesmerizing force of the most confident cinematic poetry.'[9]
Former United States President Barack Obama listed The Rider among his favorite films of 2018, in his annual list of favorite films.[10]
Top ten lists[edit]
The Rider was listed on numerous critics' top ten lists for 2018.[11]
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1st – Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune
1st – Alison Willmore, BuzzFeed
1st – Randy Myers, San Jose Mercury News
1st – Peter Debruge, Variety
2nd – Godfrey Cheshire, RogerEbert.com
3rd – Stephen Farber, The Hollywood Reporter
3rd – Owen Gleiberman, Variety
3rd – Ann Hornaday, The Washington Post
4th – David Edelstein, New York Magazine
4th – Nick Schager, Esquire
5th – Matt Singer, ScreenCrush
6th – Seongyong Cho & Sheila O'Malley, RogerEbert.com
6th – Emily Yoshida, New York Magazine
6th – Marlow Stern, The Daily Beast
7th – Jake Coyle, Associated Press
7th – David Fear, Rolling Stone
7th – Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter
7th – Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times
7th – Nicholas Barber, BBC
8th – Donald Clarke & Tara Brady, The Irish Times
8th – Scott Tobias, Filmspotting
9th – Christopher Orr, The Atlantic
10th – Philip Martin, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
10th – Sara Stewart, New York Post
Top 10 (listed alphabetically) – Gary Thompson, Philadelphia Daily News
Top 10 (listed alphabetically) – Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times
Top 10 (listed alphabetically) – James Verniere, Boston Herald
Best of 2018 (listed alphabetically, not ranked) – Gary M. Kramer, Salon.com
Best of 2018 (listed alphabetically, not ranked), NPR
Best of 2018 (listed alphabetically, not ranked) – Ty Burr, The Boston Globe
AwardDate of ceremonyCategoryRecipient(s) and nominee(s)ResultRef(s)Film Independent Spirit AwardsMarch 3, 2018Best FeatureMollye Asher, Sacha Ben Harroche, Bert Hamelinck and Chloé ZhaoNominated[12]Best DirectorChloé ZhaoNominatedBest EditingAlex O'FlinnNominatedBest CinematographyJoshua James RichardsNominatedGotham Independent Film AwardNovember 26, 2018Best FeatureThe RiderWon[13][14]Audience AwardThe RiderNominatedBritish Independent Film AwardsDecember 8, 2018Best Foreign Independent FilmChloé Zhao, Mollye Asher, Sacha Ben Harroche and Bert HamelinckNominated[15]National Board of ReviewJanuary 8, 2019Top Ten Independent FilmsThe RiderWon[16]National Society of Film CriticsJanuary 5, 2019Best PictureThe RiderWon[17]Best DirectorChloe ZhaoNominated
^ ab'The Rider (2018) - Financial Information'. The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Retrieved July 28, 2020.
^'Fortnight 2017: The 49th Directors' Fortnight Selection'. Quinzaine des Réalisateurs. Archived from the original on October 20, 2017. Retrieved April 20, 2017.
^Keslassy, Elsa (April 19, 2016). 'Cannes: Juliette Binoche-Gerard Depardieu Drama to Kick Off Directors Fortnight'. Variety. Penske Business Media. Retrieved April 20, 2017.
^Hopewell, John (May 26, 2017). 'Cannes: Chloe Zhao's 'The Rider' Tops Cannes' Directors' Fortnight'. Variety. Penske Business Media. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
^Cheshire, Godfrey. 'The Rider movie review'. RogerEbert.com. Retrieved February 1, 2019.
^Setoodeh, Ramin (May 23, 2017). 'Cannes: Sony Pictures Classics Buys Cowboy Drama 'The Rider' (EXCLUSIVE)'. Variety. Penske Business Media. Retrieved September 12, 2017.
^'The Rider (2018)'. Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved September 7, 2020.
^'The Rider Reviews'. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved October 18, 2018.
^Cheshire, Godfrey (April 13, 2018). 'The Rider'. RogerEbert.com. Ebert Digital LLC. Retrieved April 13, 2018.
^Sharf, Zack (December 28, 2018). 'Barack Obama's Favorite Movies of 2018 List Is Here, and It's Pretty Damn Amazing'. Retrieved February 27, 2020.
^'Best of 2018: Film Critic Top Ten Lists'. Metacritic. Retrieved December 18, 2018.
^D'Alessandro, Anthony (November 21, 2017). 'Spirit Award Nominations: 'Call Me By Your Name', 'Lady Bird', 'Get Out', 'The Rider', 'Florida Project' Best Pics'. Deadline Hollywood. Penske Business Media. Retrieved December 30, 2017.
^Wagmeister, Elizabeth (November 26, 2018). 'Gotham Awards: A24 Sweeps With Five Wins, Including 'First Reformed,' 'Eighth Grade' (Full Winners List)'. Variety. Retrieved November 28, 2018.
^Mandinach, Zach (October 18, 2018). 'Nominations Announced for the 28th Annual IFP Gotham Awards'. Independent Filmmaker Project. Retrieved November 28, 2018.
^Brown, Mark (October 31, 2018). 'The Favourite dominates British independent film award nominations'. The Guardian. Retrieved November 28, 2018.
^Lewis, Hilary (November 27, 2018). ''Green Book' Named Best Film by National Board of Review'. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved November 28, 2018.
^Ramos, Dino-Ray (January 5, 2019). 'National Society Of Film Critics Names Chloe Zhao's 'The Rider' As Best Picture'. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 6, 2019.
External links[edit]
Official website
The Rider at IMDb
The Rider at AllMovie
The Rider at Box Office Mojo
Rider The App
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Rider_(film)&oldid=1015566981'
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews TV: Smallville 1x21 Tempest (Season Finale)
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Tv Where Today We Are Continuing Our Look At Smallville By Talking About The Season Finale Of Season 1, Tempest
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This Episode Sees Clark And His Friends Getting Ready For The Spring Formal As Lionel Closes The Plant, Lex Attempts To Lead A Employee Buyout Of The Plant And Roger Nixon Finds Out Clark's Secret And Threatens To Expose Clark To The World...
How Will This All Work Out? Let's Find Out As We Watch Tempest...
The Episode Starts At The Luthorcorp Plant As Lex Awaits Lionel Who's Arriving By Helicopter To A Speech Of Some Kind...
(Start At 1:05, End At 2:45)
Meanwhile At Smallville High, Clark And Pete Get Ready For The Spring Formal Only For Chloe To Break The News To Them That The Luthorcorp Plant Is Closing...
After School, Clark Finds Jonathan And Martha Reading A Special Edition Of The Ledger That Talks About The Plant Closing. Despite Telling Them That Chloe And Her Dad Are Unhappy About This, Jonathan And Martha Are More Concerned About The Domino Effect It'll Have On The Community As Millions Of People Are Now Out Of Jobs...
But As Jonathan And Clark Debate Over Who's Fault It Really Is, Lana And Whitney Have A Picnic To Thank Her For Being With Him Throughout Everything He's Gone Through And To Break The News To Her That He Signed Up For The United States Marine Corp...
(Start At 1:14)
I Tried To Find Answers On The Smallville Wiki Over Why Whitney's Actor Eric Johnson Left The Series But There Wasn't Really Anything On The Subject...
Visiting Lex At The Mansion, Clark Asks Lex What Happened That Caused The Plant To Shut Down? Which Leads Lex To Tell Him The 2 Theories That Everyone Has, Either He Ran It Into The Ground Through Incompetence Or Did It Deliberately So He Could Go Back To Metropolis...
With Clark Telling Lex To Tell The Truth, He Doesn't Really Want To Because If He Does He'll Be Stuck With The Incompetence Rap And Instead Figures That Being Reviled Is Just The Lesser Of 2 Evils But Despite Lionel Doing This, Lex Swears It's Not Over And That He's Trying To Come Up With A Plan...
Stopping By The Torch Afterwards, Chloe Is Still Bummed About Her Dad Losing His Job To The Point That Clark Offers To Cancel The Spring Formal On Saturday For Her But She Doesn't Want To As It's The Only Thing She Has To Look Forward To As Her Dad Is Thinking About Moving Them Back To Metropolis Permanently Due To The Luthorcorp Thing...
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Having Clark Promise Her Saturday Will Be Great, He Promises Saying That It'll Be A Night To Remember...
Oh, It'll Be A Night To Remember All Right....
Later That Evening, Lex Calls A Meeting With His Former Plant Managers Saying That He Has A Plan To Keep The Plant Running By Holding An Employee Buyout With Lex Raising 90% Of The Capital With The Rest Coming From Them And In Return They'll Become Minority Owners...
Knowing It's A Risk To The Point That They'll Have To Morgage Their Homes Along With Trying To Convince Members Of The Luthorcorp Board To Go Along With Their Plan, The Managers Are In
Visiting The Talon, Clark Tells Lana That Chloe May Be Leaving For Metropolis Only For Lana To Tell Clark That Whitney Is Joining The Marines And It Now Has Both Of Them Thinking What Their Lives Will Be Like Without Them...
The Next Day Clark Places Large Stakes In The Ground Only For The Car To Blow Up When He Starts It...
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Surviving The Accident, It Was All Unfortunately Caught On Tape By Roger Nixon Who Has Been Monitoring Clark Since He Saved Lana From Watts...
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Visited By Lionel At The Mansion, He Wonders Why Lex Hasn't Packed Only For Lex To Tell Him That He's Not Leaving And That He's Calling For An Employee Buyout Of The Plant...
(Start At 0:28, End At 1:30)
Talking With Chloe In The Hallway Of School, Clark Tells Chloe That He Can't Pick Her Up Because His Ride Went Up In Flames Which Leads Her To Offer To Pick Him Up Saying Cinderella Was Never Her Role Model Anyway...
(As Valley Girl) And Like, It's The 20th Century, Girls Rule The World...
Hearing About Whitney Leaving, Chloe Tells Clark About A Recurring Nightmare She's Been Having About Clark Rushing To The Bus Station When Whitney's Gone To Profess His Love To Lana And That She'll Be Waiting At The Gym All Alone...
Telling Clark That If He Does That, She'll Never Speak To Him Again, Clark Tells Chloe That He's Going With Her Because He Wants To And That He Didn't Choose Her As A Default...
Stopping By The Talon After School, Clark Runs Into Roger Nixon Who Introduces Himself Saying That He Wants To Do A Story About Him...
(Start At 0:15, End At 1:13)
Telling Jonathan And Martha About Nixon, They Tell Clark To Just Continue Living His Life Despite Clark Being Upset About This After What Happened With Phelan In Metropolis...
But Aside From That Clark Saw The Octagonal Disc That Lex Found And He Now Believes It To Be Part Of The Ship As It, Of Course, Matches The Missing Piece But Despite How Persistent Lex Can Be, Jonathan And Martha Know That It Won't Be Traced Back To Them So Again They Tell Clark To Just Do His Chores And Stay Away From The Storm Cellar...
But Unbeknownst To The Kents, Nixon Heard Everything With The Help Of Some Spy Gear He Has...
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Visiting Lex The Next Day, Roger Steals The Disc As Lex Reminds Nixon That The Kents Are Off Limits But Not Worried About Lex Or His Threats, He Tells Lex To Be Nice Or He Won't Let Him In On His Discovery With Nixon Promising To Show Lex All The Evidence Tonight Telling Nixon To Pray That He's Not Wrong, Roger Leaves...
Later That Night At The Barn, Clark Is Getting Ready For The Spring Formal As Lex Enters To Help Clark With His Tie. Telling Clark That Whatever Happens In The Next Few Days, He's Still His Friend And That Won't Change It Has Clark Wondering What Lex Thinks Is Going To Happen? He Just Tells Clark That It's Just A Bad Feeling, Like It's The Calm Before The Storm..
Meanwhile At School, Lana And Whitney Take One Last Look Around School Before Whitney Ships Out For Training But Before They Get Ready To Leave, Whitney And Lana Have One Final Dance Before They Do...
Stopping By To Pick Up Clark At The Farm, He Gives Chloe Her Corsage And They Drive Off To The School As Nixon Sees Them Drive Away...
They Arrive At School As The Winds Start To Pick Up, Once Inside They Run Into Lana And Whitney And Pete And His Date...
With Chloe Taking A Pic Of Pete And His Date, Whitney Talks With Clark Asking Him To Look After Lana While He's Gone To Which He Promises To As Whitney Leaves...
Dropping Whitney Off At His Bus, Lana Says Goodbye...
Meanwhile On The Kent Farm, Nixon Enters The Storm Cellar And Gets Footage Of The Spaceship...
Back At School, The Spring Formal Goes On As Remy Zero Plays As The Band...
Because Who Better To Play At The Formal Than The Band That Sings Your Damn Theme Song...
Dancing With Chloe When The Band Plays Her Favorite Song We Eventually Cut To Lana As She's Coming Home Only To See That The Wind Has Picked Up To The Point That A Mailbox Hits Her Car Causing Her To Crash It...
Managing To Get Out Of The Car Lana Watches As Twisters Form In The Distance...
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With The Kents Getting In The Storm Cellar Because Of The Twister They End Up Finding Nixon As He Places The Disc On The Ship...
(Start At 0:43, End At 1:41)
Back At The School, Clark And Chloe Kiss As The Vice Principal? Tells The Kids About The Tornadoes Which Are South Of Town And Knowing That Lana Is South Of Town, Clark Races Off To Save Her To Chloe's Dismay...
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Meanwhile At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Discovers That Nixon Took The Disc As Lionel Enters As He Figured Out How Lex Is Funding The Buyout..
(Start At 1:48, End At 3:45)
Eventually Finding Lana, Clark Watches As Her Car Is Taken Up Into One Of The Twisters With Him Following To Save Her...
Where In All Honesty I Hope They Land In Oz...
And Yeah, This Is Where The Episode Ends Till Next Season And It Was A Good Episode...
The Story Was Good, The Characters Were Well Written, All In All It Was An Okay Episode And I Say See It..,
But What Do I Think About The Season In General Well, For That You'll Have To Tune In Next Week But Until Then This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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whatsonforperth · 5 years
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The shortest month of the year was always going to feel like it went fast! But here are the eight things that I loved in Feb.
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8 THINGS I LOVED IN FEBRUARY Ah, the shortest month of the year. February always feels like a trick somehow, as I miss those extra days. Its all in my head probably, but as my schedule for March is looking full up to the last week already, I cant help but think that its thanks to those missing days the month before. Last month, I talked about the time off I had to begin the year, which if you missed it, can be found back here. Of course, taking time off tends to mean that the weeks before and after are pretty full to preempt and play catch up. Such was the case (mostly) for me this month. Without further ado the eight things I loved in February. THE GYM: Okay, so, while this was on my list last month too, during February I have hit more of a stride with my workout routine. Ive been making it to the gym on average four times a week with an extra two days working out at home. The natural progression has meant I am overall feeling stronger again plus more body confident. Rather than just work on HIIT or strength training Ive been making sure to include more cardio focus and doing longer cardio. This is, in turn, helping me to break up my days usually spent at my desk (aka sitting too long). Plus Ive been mostly finding myself more exhausted and better able to sleep. THE BEAUTY CHEF COOKBOOK: Ive used the Beauty Chef Glow Powder for years. While I have just run out of it again, it always helps balance out my gut health. Last year I also had the pleasure of meeting Carla Oates, the beauty chef herself which prompted me to order her cookbook. Fast forward a few months where Id only cooked a couple of the recipes. Classic! This month, both Mario and I sat down to each read the intro and began to cook more from the book. Actually, Mario has made a lot of incredible meals during February and gotten more fermented things going in our kitchen. Its been so good for both of us to be on the same page in relation to the way we want to eat. Not just me trying to force feed him salads every day, or Mario force feed me carb or meat dishes. Coming to a balance and incorporating more biofermented foods is slowly making a big difference.
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BEAUTY: I have SOOOO many new beauty products I am excited to share with you. I said last month Id just filmed a lengthy video going through them but I am so annoyed with the sound quality that I am going to have to re-film after I buy a directional mic. Next time I will break it up a bit more- either into skin /hair/makeup or simply Sephora and Mecca buys videos. Shorter is better! Off the top of my head, or in front of me on my desk, I am obsessed with the Jo Malone London Bronze Wood & Leather Cologne and the Gifted Amazonian Clay Mascara from Tarte. Actually, and the Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush. So good! READING: Im ultimately covering a bunch of the same topics here in my favourites as I did last month, but to be honest, most of the time I am slowly making my way through variations of key things that work for me. Reading is one of them. This month I read Wundersmith the second novel in the Nevermoor kids fantasy book series by Jessica Townsend. Last year I had my friend Chloe come to stay with us who gifted me a signed copy of the first book. Jessica is one of her oldest friends so I was excited to read it. While the series is too young for me, its been nice to escape into a fantasy book at the end of the night and not think about what I have to do the next day. Ive also been gifting the books to kids we know in the right age group. Now Im onto reading The Princess Bride at last after watching the movie again recently. I love it!
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ARM PARTY At least, I think you still call it an arm party! What I am talking about is layering various gold bangles, bracelets, and chains. Ive just been lucky to get in two beautiful new additions (this one and this one) from my favourites at Astley Clarke. These arrived yesterday so I will shoot pics to share later this week. I just love having these layers as a little something extra, given I largely wear a pretty basic tee and jeans or tee and skirt outfits. BEADED BAGS Well, as you might have seen, I dedicated a whole blog post to my love of beaded bags, so check it out here. It had to make my February loves list! CHECK PRINTS I am still loving check prints, so there is really nothing new there. Yesterday I just ordered two new check print pieces from the Shopbop sale (my breakdown of the best of sale is up here now). Naturally, I cannot wait for them to arrive and get shooting some pics! Already I am planning how Ill style them for the upcoming seasons. Stay tuned. BEING ORGANISED Since Ive been home all month, it has felt so good to be back into a daily routine and being organised. It has meant I know what projects I am working on when, the deadlines, publishing dates and have easily scheduled around that. What does this mean overall? The more planned I am, the better I am able to create stories that arent all the same and ultimately can inspire you guys. And thats enough from me this month. I hope you all had a great February. Please leave me a comment with something you loved this month below. Looking forward to reading them! Oh and any requests for March? Beauty looks? Outfits styles? Open to requests!
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miniwolfsbane · 6 years
Copied from @andalite-angel post. Edited slightly.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, etc. are allowed.
Biospecialist, Marco/Rachel, Sam/Rahne, all cannon Disney Princess pairings, the two young kids Pacific Rim Uprising,  Lancitty, Evo Kurt/ Amanda,  Jott in Evo. Skyward??
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or ***** that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Fanfic writers and Evo romy, adult Jubilee x Gambit, others.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Never gonna be big on Evo Romy ever again, will forever hate Rahne x Roberto, Sam and Rahne with anyone but each other!!
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Evo Romy...somtimes. Because it does sorta make sense IN FANNON, but not in cannon. And Jean x Scott, because it’s so iconic, but I only like them in Evo, so...yah.
E - Have you added anything cracky crazy/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? 
See my fan fiction.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
The Little Mermaid and Star Trek have been there for 95% of my life.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, Sam/Rahne, Ariel and Eric (first when I was 5, even though I wanted to be Ariel), Rachel Tobias (first when I was actually gettin into fandom), Jake/Cassie (Animorphs), Clark/Lana, Clark/Lois (I think??) and Chloe/Ollie, Romy (even in Evo at a point!), and now Eliza and Goliath in Gargoyles. I keep saying I’m not a shipper, but I think I’m just a subtle one that pines and doesn’t read a lot of fanfic, but my heart swells over seeing my OTP on screen
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
TV Shows and Western (superhero) Animation mostly, but also a few animes.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I was annoyed by the Agents Of Shield fandoms behavior for a while, but I’ve never stopped liking any fandoms because of Tumblr. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
SuperWhoLock, Riverdale...some other popular teen shows.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Tie between Sailor Moon and Gambit I guess, but I’m sure there are lots of others. Sailor Jupiter has a good arc as well, even though she doesn’t have a lot of character development TBH.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Roberto Dacosta’s super strength power is pretty cool and he’s a chill guy. And rich. (I just realized that a lot of X-Men characters are rich, actually. Gambit, Xavier, Warren and him. Holy crap.)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Moon. TAS Rogue too, because she seems fun to hang with, and who wouldn’t like to be called “Sugah” all the time?
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
MORE GAMBIT (and comic Nightcrawler) IMAGINES!! And just more love and less fan wars across all fandoms, really.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Hero by Chad Kroger. Ship: Romy or Mollyx Remy. Character: Gambit or Angel.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
For any fandom? A mad scientist and a famous baker get together after the scientist contacts aliens, resulting in a warring invasion on earth.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
To be perfectly honest, The Smurfs because we’re a Christain household and we found it had stuff in it we didn’t agree with. I was three.  Other than that, I’ve only given up one other fandom permenantly that wasn’t what I thought it was and chosen at a bad time. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Kurt and Kitty in Evo, and Logan and Kurt is cool, but I don’t actually pay much attention to it.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Hmmm. One that isn’t too boring? Remy isn’t (wasn’t? He is married now) particular about a woman’s height and is comfortable enough with himself to date a woman much taller or shorter than he is. (Remember, Frenzy was freaking 6′7 before she got rebooted to a normal height and it was implied they had history.) For a while it was a wish of mine they’d pair him with a short gal, because all X-women are physically clones of each other, minus Rahne, Kitty and Jubilee. Blargh. Oooh, just had an idea for a new art project to make the girls look individual! ^_^
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Besides the above? Uh...headcannon that Remy smells good and his hair is silky to the touch and yes I’m a sick, weird little person, I know. Haha, not really. I’m not much of a headcannon person. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
* Gambit: Hot, suave, lit, accent, good cook, romantic, my fictional ideal man (told you, I’m sick and weird). * Sailor Jupiter: Sweet, loyal, living on her own at bloody 14 years old, strong physically and emotionally, had trouble believing/finding her feminity like me, tall (not like me!), brunette character, thunder powers. * Tuvok (Star Trek): My second crush ever, calm, reflective, hot grandpa, sarcasm galore, strong, suffers emotionally and physically, POC and like the only black vulcan that I know of, cute little boy chest, that butt (XD), frakin’ hot.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Surprisingly, one I haven’t talked about yet and that I’m not really fandom-y about. Rapunzel from Tangled. When I saw the movie, I was attached to her immediately. I’d grown up homeschooled and at that point I’d been caregiving for one of my parents for six years at that point, unable to move out and get married and have much of a life, so I was always metaphorically in a tower too. I have childish interests, am artistic and creative, have done LOTS of self-insert art like her, and am a generally happy person (even if I don’t always show it and don’t smile enough). So, out of every character in my many fandoms, I relate to Rapunzel the most. Also, I have only 2 things of Tangled merch-the movie, the soundtrack, and a gorgeous bedspread that’s actually based on the show, but doesn’t look like it. (I don’t like it’s animation/character designs, so it’s been hard to get into it.)
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
OMG, do we have to go here? Anything over-sexualized or kinky or just plain gross/weird. (v***, gore, ect.) There’s this one X-Men:Evo artist on DA that would be brilliant, but I can’t stomach their gallery because they feel the need to do a few  v*** and bondage pics amongst otherwise G-rated pictures. *throws up* IT’S A SHOW FOR 7-YEAR OLDS!! 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Huge guy, Tiny girl! (but it looks...weird...in live action. *Good Luck Charlie flashbacks*.) Also age differences. Some people are put off by Usagi and Mamo’s age difference in Classic, but I think it’s cute and they were really chaste about it. Specifically, I liked the part where he told her to do well in school for some reason. 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)? Holy crap, Pride and Prejudice and Anne of Green Gables. No one on my dash is into them though, it’s a real life thing. Long story.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I have written more self-inserts than is probably healthy, but at least I’ve mostly gotten past my teenage phase of thinking anime guys are hot and it’s extended to Gambit as well. I’d much rather see him be portrayed by a living, breathing actor semi-bringing my fantasies to life than as a drawn character. Well, not that I’m not happy seeing him animated and his voice in Evo is still super hot, but that’s another thing. Anyway, on that note, I wish XM:E weren’t a dead fandom and I could get more reviews instead of just faves/follows. I get so frustrated, because I’m not writing my fics for myself, I’m writing them to finish the story and for the fans. I know OCs/SI aren’t everyones bread and butter, but when you work hard on something, you want people to enjoy and appreciate it on it’s own merits. My regulars dropped off the planet and the fandom is just not that active online. (It’s still kind of active though, otherwise the Gambit and other prints on Steven Gordon’s online store wouldn’t have sold out so fast.) I wish it had been as creative as the MLP fandom, but even that wouldn’t have saved it. Thankfully, there are a few people “keeping the faith”, like Coldfusion180 and some others. They haven’t abandoned it and people have made AMVs for it in recent years, long after the shows cancellation. I know we’ve all moved on in one way or another, but it’s still nice to see the love for the show and it’s characters going strong, even if we’re now a niche fandom, tiny, but there. And even if I don’t get another single review up until the last in the series, at least I can say I finished it, if nothing else. Even if your fandom is dead, keep supporting it. If we don’t keep the characters alive, they die and are forgotten. They need us.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-02 03 CELEBRITY now
Taylor Swift Gives Surprise Performance and Does a Shot Onstage in Nashville
Kim Kardashian Showcases Daring Look and Gets Emotional at Makeup Launch
Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer Reunite for Easter After His Divorce Filing
Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Show PDA at Jordyn Woods' Mom's Birthday Dinner
Kate Middleton Joins Royal Family at Easter Service Days Before Due Date
Hollywood Life
Fabolous Sighted For 1st Time At Lil’ Kim Concert After Video Of Him Threatening Emily B’s Dad
Kate Middleton Stuns While Showing Baby Bump At Easter Service Mere Days Before Due Date
April Fools’ Day: 5 Things To Know About The Holiday Dedicated To Pranks
12 Celebs Dressed As Sexy Bunnies: Miley Cyrus & More In Their Hottest Easter Outfits
Taylor Swift Performs At Nashville Cafe Where She Got Discovered & Downs A Shot Of Fireball
Media Take Out
Desiigner Caught Taking A PIZZ On Someone’s House!! (PICS)
Comedian Sinbad Appears To Be SNITCHING On Russell Simmons . . . Says ‘MORE WOMEN’ Are Gonna Come Out With RAPE Claims!!!
Shirley Strawberry From Teh STEVE HARVEY RADIO SHOW . . . Is Being Sued . . . For Being a ‘DEADBEAT’!!
Meghan Markle Ended Her First Marriage 'Out of the Blue,' Claims New Book by Diana's Biographer
Jennifer Aniston Hits Tahiti with Famous Pals Including Courteney Cox for Jimmy Kimmel's Wife's Birthday
John Legend Started Juicing 6 Days Before Jesus Christ Superstar Shirtless Scene
Taylor Swift Performs a Surprise Set at Nashville's Bluebird Cafe — and Does a Fireball Shot!
Crude Body Shaming Texts Allegedly Sent to RHOC's Shannon Beador by Estranged Husband Revealed
Perez Hilton
Surprise! Kate Middleton Makes Easter Sunday Service Appearance Just Days Before Due Date — Look At That Precious Baby Bump!
Happy SeXXXy Easter! Celebs Who've Dressed Up As Playboy Bunnies!
Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott Flaunt Low-Key PDA At Friend's Dinner Party!
How 'Poor' Is Melania Trump? Do U Have Sympathy For Her?
This Week In Celebrity Twitpics & Instagrams!
Prince William and Kate Middleton's Third Child Has a Royal Title, but There's a Catch
7 Fun Facts About Luka Sabbat, the Breakout Star of Grown-ish
Queen Elizabeth II Attends Church Service Solo After Prince Philip Cancels Last Minute
Ryan Reynolds Says He "Could Use a Little Me Time" After False Report About His Marriage
Awww! This Sweet Photo of Saint and Chicago West Will Turn Your Heart to Mush
Reddit Entertainment
20 Most Charitable Celebrities in the World 2018
Sinclair's script for the local news stations that they own
One of the last remaining Blockbusters in the US is closing.
Name a list of animated fictional characters that got killed off after their voice actors died or left a tv/movie series
Anthony Davis' Unibrow Shaving April Fools Prank Didn't Fool Anyone
Donald and Melania Trump Present United Front for Easter
Justin Timberlake and LeBron James Take Shots at Cleveland Concert
Fabolous Gets Cheers at Lil' Kim Concert after Violent Video Surfaces
Millie Bobby Brown's 'Stranger Things' Raise for Season 3 is About $3 Million
The Shade Room
Mo’Nique Celebrates Being Under 200 Pounds For The First Time Since She Was 17-Years-Old!
Jeremy Meeks Estranged Wife Suffered A Miscarriage After He Left Her For Chloe Green
What’s Tea? Toni Braxton Boots Sister From Family Tour
#TSRTech: A Multi-Level “Mario Kart” Style Race Track Is Opening In Niagara Falls This June!
Stephon Clark shot six times in back – eight times in all – private autopsy says Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/latest-news/article207439864.html#storylink=cpy
Us Weekly
Pregnant Duchess Kate Attends Easter Service Days Before Due Date: Pics
2 Broke Girls’ Beth Behrs Celebrates Bridal Shower: Pics
Donald Trump Jr. Hits the Gym, Cuts Off His ‘Mullet’: Pics
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Choose Flowers for Wedding Ceremony
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Wedding: Everything We Know So Far
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agl03 · 4 years
I know it's weird, but I'm wondering how Iain is right now. Is he safe? Where is he? Is he with family or friends? I like to think he is the photographer for those track suit stories Nick posts on Instagram.
Hi Anon,
I’m sure Iain is fine and as always he’s absolutely entitled to his privacy  Him going off grid for weeks and months at a time is nothing new. Especially when he’s not able to go hang out with his friends who are usually the source of sightings.  And as always its really none of our business where he is hunkered down at.  Elizabeth was working in the UK and got one of the very last flights back to LA or she would have been there for the duration.
Everyone on the cast is handling it differently.  Clark does videos with Stella, Ming is hit and miss, Zach and Lil do quite a bit and Lil has a You Tube channel now, Briana I think is the most elaborate with her little sketches, Jed and Mo share music and adorable Benny pics.  Chloe shares vids of her dogs and around the house but they come in spurts.  Henry and Jeff have fallen a bit into the Iain category and haven’t posted much at all.
The cast has said many times at cons that they are in contact with each other via a group message, Iain might not be the most vocal in it, but he’s there.  For all we know they are having weekly zoom hang outs like so many others are doing.
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agl03 · 5 years
I am upset and I think you were the one who had proof that Iain was going to come back for season 6 even though Fitz died. Do you have the same thing for season 7? Elizabeth's birthday post to Chloe made it sound like they were sending it to Iain because he wasn't there. And I saw someone on Twitter say it was a table read so if Iain wasn't there he then he wasn't in the episode. I don't want to even watch Season 6 if they are just going to kill or take him away again.
Hi Anon,
That sounds like me and what I had wasn’t super secret, his agency had congratulated him on Season 6 of Agents of Shield.  
Unfortunately no, I don’t have anything like that for Season 7.  
Look I know this hiatus has sucked.   Believe me I am ready to tear my hair out, I miss the show, I miss the escape, I miss the asks, interviews, facebook lives from the cast, I miss the discussion and the excitement, and I miss all the new fics new episodes help spawn.   It’s been a long year and now we are so close to the end and everyone is desperate for content and news.  
Not helping at all has been the lock down on set.  Season 6 really sucked and then Season 7 came along and was all hold my beer, so its worse.  
But I would also like to point out that we only got TWO or THREE Confirmations of Iain ON SET for the entirety of Season 6 and the first one didn’t happen until Lil’s birthday which was in the 5-6 range of episodes.  
Lil’s Birthday 
When Chloe and Jeff were trying to get him to come out of his trailer
Singing happy Birthday to Mellanie...and that I lump with the second one.
Another massive difference from Season 6 and 7 is we’ve lost two of our biggest behind the scenes sources.  Karen who was part of the crew moved to another show gave us some truly wonderful spoilers over the years.  And Briana hasn’t filmed for Season 7 yet either.  She gave us the glimpse at the kiss pic AKA that thing I keep telling myself is coming as well as other fun things behind the scenes.
I don’t know if this means Piper doesn’t make it out of Season 6, if I’m right about some early Season 7 Theories, or Piper is off on a side mission until she’s needed again.  
I also feel that the cast and crew have gotten out of the habit of sharing as much as the used too.  Having to get posts approved or take things down isn’t really any fun and takes away from spur of the moment fun posting.  As a result they just don’t do it as much anymore.  
It’s not just Iain who is being hidden, its everyone.  I’ve been doing this for a long time now and never had so little goodies form set.  An that includes what I thought was dark Framework Arc!
Natalia and Chloe continue to be the most active and we tend to know at least if they’ve been working every now and then.  Yesterday was the first look at Nat in costume.
Clark:  We have that one twitter thing from set that he did for something else.  Other than that nothing.  
Henry:  Couple of pics with Chloe’s Dogs and one from lunch the other day.
Lil:  One from her trailer and story mentioning late shooting.
Jeff:  Pic in the make up trailer.
Ming:  Nothing from set, she has talked about AOS in her whenever videos when she is jumping to another project.
Iain:  Nothing, just he looked very Fitz at Wondercon.
A major thing to also keep in mind is Iain does not like to be on Social Media.  He doesn’t like to be in pictures and stories.  So his friends, the cast, and crew do respect that.  It is really not uncommon not to see him for months on end....and we got a lot of Iain content at Wondercon.
I wish I had something to help ease anxious fans.  I won’t lie there are days were I get frustrated too.  But I don’t have it, I’m not sitting on anything.  All I have is my faith and hope that he’s back and that if he was gone Lil and Jeff would not be as happy as she’s been.
I do ask that you guys remember I’m not super woman.  I’ve had a very long week and am super run down physically and emotionally.  I got a lot of panicked messages after Lil and Chloe’s posts today, this is just the one I chose to answer.  So much it overwhelmed me for a bit I had to retreat and regroup myself.  I simply can not make content appear where there is one and there is no use panicking over something we all have absolutely ZERO control over. 
Hang tight eventually he and the others will pop back up.  I am leaving my house tomorrow so there is that.
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agl03 · 6 years
Coulson’s Fate
I know that the TV Line spoiler we were graced with this week actually upset quite a few fans within the fandom.  So I wanted to do a meta on what my theories are as to what Coulson’s fate will be and what early theories as to how we will see Clark and Coulson back in the mix.  
I know that some fans whom Coulson is their favorite character have really struggled with this hiatus.  Clark has been hidden more than anyone else on the cast and they have gone out of their way to hide him.  And I want to say this is going to continue.  They did not film an entire season on total lockdown only to give away the thing they were trying to hide before the season starts.  So I’m really sorry to say we’ll have to hold tight a bit longer in that respect.  
I’ll start with the TV Line Spoiler:
I saw you visited the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. set. Any news on the Season 6 premiere date? Also, anything about Coulson’s return? –Jen
ABC has said nothing beyond “summer” yet for the premiere date. As for the other thing, no one I spoke to on set – where they were filming Season 6’s penultimate episode – spoke of Phil in the present tense. Take Chloe Bennet when I asked about Daisy’s state of mind when the season picks up, [REDACTED] amount of time after her mentor and father figure got dropped off in Tahiti to live out his final days. “In my mind, she has a bit more of a peace to her,” she said. “There is obviously the mourning of Coulson, but she’s also been through it all and she is genuinely stronger from it. She is not dealing with things as she has in the past. She has fully accepted her trauma and is moving forward in the most healthy way, for the first time.”
Something I really want to emphasize in this quote is that Chloe was referring to Daisy’s state of mind IN THE PREMIERE!  So anything that is to come with Coulson/Clarks return will not have happened yet for her character.  Nor is Chloe going to blow any of the details of Clark/Coulson’s return like this.  The cast and Matt have both been clearly instructed as to what they can and can’t reveal.  Even more, this isn’t a live interview (those are GOLD for picking up on clues) so sensitive and spoilery information will have been also redacted or saved for later like episode post interview after the episodes air.
Now let's dive into theory territory.
I still think we see the team completely split up as the season starts (yay theory from last season coming true not in the way I thought...again).   I still maintain May, Mack, Elena, and Deke are on earth.  Fitz has been Fitznapped or is trying to get home/lost in space possibly with Enoch.  And Jemma, Daisy, and the B Squad are on team Space Fitz Rescue.
If Daisy is in space she might even come back after Coulson’s surprise return...or they save that for she’s been back for a hot second and he pops out of a dark corner when everyone least suspects it.
Clark is listed in IMDB for the premiere so yes, this could be a boo boo.  It wouldn’t be the first time someone was listed in IMDB and then wasn’t in the episode.  I think no matter what, and this is gonna suck, that the premiere is going to really hammer home “Phil Coulson is dead”, there has been far too much emphasis on this at SDCC and in a few promo pieces to not see this continue.  They are going to want us to think he’s dead...so they can hit us with one heck of a plot twist later.  I am fully prepared to see flashbacks to Coulson dying kind of thing.
Clark is directing the Premiere.  When an actor does this that means they will be light in the Episode.  So any role Clark/Coulson does play in the premiere will be limited.  
In addition to being listed in 1 Clark also has doubles listed for 9, 11, 12, and 13.  Again.  This could be a boo boo but I doubt multiple stunt doubles would make this mistake.   I also acknowledge that this could be part of some sort of really long Arrowesque flashback kind of thing where there is a totally different story going in the past that is absolutely crucial to what is going on in the present.  That theory has to be on the table.  
I have said over and over throughout hiatus that I have no doubt that we will see Clark/Coulson again,  That is why I have been so chill with ‘spoilers’ that seem to say otherwise.  However, I don’t think (at least initially) he will be the Coulson we know and love.  There is always some sort of “Price to Pay” for defying death.  Nor do I think he’s back because of something the team does.  I think that the baddies will have done it.  The how and why Coulson is back is going to be one of the most important and crucial arcs all season.  
An arc such as this comes with some powerful story possibilities and common TV Tropes.
Philinda fans, I’m sorry but its gonna suck.  I’d caution to be prepared for a fight to get Coulson back and patience for them to be reunited...and even more time for their relationship to get back to where it was in the finale.  I would LOVE to be wrong on this.  As a long-suffering and frustrated Fitzsimmons fan, I don’t wish that kind of thing on any other ship.   But this is what the writers love to do with their major ships.  Tear them apart and make them fight to get back to each other.
By the same token I’d be super worried if they just get back together and all is well right when he makes his surprise return.
The team facing down their former mentor and leader who is now more of a villain is a common trope.  And I’m not going to lie.  I’d love to see Clark get the chance to play the baddie for a bit.  He would knock it out of the park.  You all remind me I said that when poop hits the fan.
This would be a very powerful arc for May, facing the man she loves.  Daisy her mentor and father figure who has the added surprise of coming back from space and walking into whatever has blown up when she was gone.  And Mack who is still trying to find his footing as Director and having to ‘go against’ their former leader.
Think Star Trek TNG Best of Both Worlds
It opens the door for some Coulson, May, and maybe some Shield backstory should they choose that whatever the McGuffin or baddie is is tied to their past somehow.  
What makes me so sure?
I wholly own that I have been wrong in the past and will be again.  “They would never kill Fitz” comes to mind.  But here is what I am looking at.
Clark said at the end of Season 5 he was meeting with the writers to see what they had in mind for him for Season 6.  IE The writers already had a story idea for how to bring him back in some way.
Clark and his doubles being listed in IMDB.
The cast is incredibly close.  We have seen cast members leave before and I saw NONE of that with Clark.  IE on IG no one comments on his posts “We miss you” (yes that is the kind of stuff I pay attention too).  If he was really gone from the show we would have seen more sadness from them at SDCC.  Rather they were giving me the we have a secret kind of vibe.
The Lockdown.  The show has had big guest stars before but never this level of lockdown.  This level is to hide someone who is there nearly daily.  Not a guest star who is usually done in a few episodes.  The cast and crew had to get posts approved.  The makeup trailer blurred out pictures.  And things considered too spoilery yanked down.  
Clark has been doing events with the cast and for ABC still.
I hope this offers some hope for fans who are concerned about Coulson’s return.  Hang tight, it's going to get worse before it gets better because I think they are going to continue to hammer on the “Phil Coulson is dead thing” so they can hit us with a plot twist later.  For example, if the cast does go to Wondercon I doubt Clark is with them unless they use the cover of him directing the Premiere to bring him in.  
There are going to be more spoilers that start to come out as the premiere gets closer that will not include Clark and Coulson.  Press Releases, Synopsis’s, Cast Pics, Press, and the trailer are all things that he may be kept out of to sell the ruse “Phil Coulson is Dead”.  I completely understand this is nothing but frustrating and disheartening when its your favorite character.  But do not take that out of whoever gives the spoilers, the cast, crew, or other fans.  This is a deliberate promo decision the show made nearly a year ago now.  
Believe me, I get this pain.  I was tearing my hair out last season waiting for Iain to return from filming Overlord and then for Fitz to be back on the show.  And we had solid confirmation he’d be back.  I’d seen pics of him on set.  My frustration and “patience” was rewarded with Rewind and Fun & Games but it doesn’t change how miserable I was while I was in the dark and waiting to see him again or how much I missed Fitz/Fitzsimmons together in 1-4.
Again, I would LOVE to be wrong here but feel like they’ve come too far with hiding him to go back now.
Remember the fandom is here to support each other through this hiatus.
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agl03 · 6 years
hey there, I think I saw a post where you said the AoS cast might not be going to WonderCon next year? because they'll have wrapped filming for s6 by then... but I was just wondering, won't they still go to promote it and release trailers or something else since March will be only a few months before the new season airs? it seems more likely than them going to NYCC this year?
Hi Anon,
To me, Marketing wise the cast going to Wondercon does make sense.  It’s the last weekend in March and the show is likely back Mid May.  Last year they went to NYCC which was early October with a December premiere. The timing is about the same and Wondercon is a great platform to launch hype about the season from.  
I’m certain enough they are going to be there in some capacity that I have booked a (fully refundable) hotel.  However, I’m prepared that the whole cast might not be there.  If they wrap filming in December they can be working on hiatus projects or gone home and not be able to return for a Wondercon panel.  Many of the cast are local but you just don’t know what is the in the works.  
They could absolutely go to NYCC as well, I’d honestly be surprised if it was the full cast (hey they surprised me with SDCC), but they could send a smaller group like they did in 2017 with Clark, Chloe, and Gabe.  Use it as an opportunity to drop some more tidbits and keep the fandom going and interested as hiatus drags on.  
They will be in a unique position going into next season already filmed the entire thing.  Any panels they do at Wondercon they knew exactly what happens from start to finish.  I’m hoping that translates to better promotion, not getting cast pics days before the season is released, and ABC doing some proper marketing for them.  And yes, some con appearances as well.  
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews Tv: Smallville 1x18 Drone
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Tv Where We Are Continuing Our Look On Smallville By Talking About Episode 18 Of Season 1, Drone...
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This Story Sees Clark Running For Class President With The Help Of Pete Who Decides To Be His Manager But Unbeknownst To Clark, One Of His Competitors, Sasha Woodman Is Eliminating The Other Competitors One By One, With The Aid Of Her Power To Control Bees...
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Will Clark Stop Sasha Before He Feels The Sting Of Her Bees?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Drone...
The Episode Starts At Smallville High As Student Elections Are Just Beginning With Sasha Woodman (Who Despite Being Apart Of Many Committees And Knowing More About Student Government Is More Of A Worker Than A Leader) Paul Chan (Who Is The Most Qualified Man For The Job Despite Elections Not Being About Merit But Popuarity) And Felice Chandler (Who Is Not Only Head Cheerleader But Is President Of The Drama Club) All Signing Up To Become Candidates...
But As Pete And Chloe Talk About The Upcoming Election, Later That Night, Paul Makes Flyers Before Getting Ready For Bed Only To Hear The Sound Of Buzzing In His Sink...
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The Next Day At School, It's Revealed That Paul Is In The Hospital Due To The Bee Attack And That Center For Environmental Protection Is Sending Out A Team To Investigate How It Happened But Paul Isn't Dropping Out Of The Race Because Of It As He Would Be Better By The Time He Would Possibly Take Office...
But As Pete, Chloe And Clark Do That, Pete Reveals That He Has A Surprise For Our Hero Clark And That's That He Has Signed Clark Up For The Class Elections...
Not Exactly Happy About This, Pete Tries To Convince Clark To Run By Saying That It'll Be Easy Just Show Up, Shake A Couple Hands And Give An Election Speech And It's In The Bag...
Uh, Pete, I Think It Takes More Than That To Win An Election...
Either Way, Clark's Going To Need More Convincing...
Meanwhile, Lex Is On His Way To The Luthorcorp Plant In His Car When He Comes Across A Hot Pair Of Legs In A Broken Down Corvette...
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Offering To Help The Woman, Whose Played By A Former Mighty Duck, She Refuses But When Lex Figures Out The Woman Is From Metropolis And She Starts Asking Him Questions, Lex Soon Realizes...
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Introducing Herself As Carrie Castle, A Staff Reporter For The Metropolis Journal, She Tells Lex That She Wants To Do A Fair And Accurate Profile On Lex And His Work In Smallville That Will Give Him The Legitimacy He Needs To Get Out Of Lionel's Shadow. But Despite The Good Pitch, Lex Declines However, He Does Give Her Brownie Points For A Good Effort...
Upset With Pete For Placing His Name On The Ballot, Clark Is Confronted By Sasha Who Asks Him Why He's Running As He Has No Interest In Student Politics, But Telling Sasha That It's All A Joke And He Intends On Dropping Out, Sasha Backs Off...
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Asking About His Chances If He Runs, Chloe Basically Tells Clark That They're About 3,720 To One...
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Returning Home To The Farm, Clark Discovers That His Parents Have Found One Of Pete's Flyers For Clark Running For Class President...
Telling His Parents That He Intends On Dropping Out, They Instead Believe This To Be A Good Idea As It's Something That Doesn't Involve Him Using His Powers..
Going Down To The Talon To Talk With Lana, Clark Finds Her Upset As The Talon Is Basically Empty Aside From Her Doing Everything Possible To Bring People In From Flyers To Coupons To Price Cuts And Nothing Has Worked, Suggesting That She Talk With Lex, Lana Tells Clark That She's Tried Only For Him To Be Silent On The Matter,..
But Aside From That, She Talks With Clark About His Campaign Saying That It's A Good Idea As Well, As He Is Honest And Has An Innate Sense Of Justice So, With That Said Clark Decides To Run...
Visiting Lex Who Has Also Discovered That Clark Is Running For Class President, He Gives Him Some Advice While Also Giving Him A New Campaign Slogan As Clark Tells Him About The Talon's Situation Only For Lex To Tell Clark That The Talon Has To Find It's Own Feet To Survive...
The Next Day At School, Chloe Talks With Clark About Why He's Running Only For Her To Discover That It's Because Of Lana Despite Him Lying Saying That He Thinks That He Could Do A Good Job...
(Start At 0:42, End At 1:42)
Returning To Her Campaign Headquarters(That Looks More Like A Twister Hit It), Sasha Hangs Clark's Campaign Flyer Next To Felice's As It's Revealed That She's The One That Sent Bees To Paul's House Because She Can Control Them...
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Working On Her Bed Story For The Torch, Chloe Tells Clark That The CEP Discovered That The Bees Didn't Migrate From Their Usual Places However, Beekeepers From All Over The State Are Discovering That Their Hives Are Empty Which Is Weird As Bees Are Notorious Followers And They Wouldn't Desert Their Hives Without Reason ...
But As Chloe Talks With Clark About This, He Discovers That Chloe Isn't Supporting Him For Class President But Paul Because Chloe Knows The Only Reason That Clark's Running Is Because Pete Suckered Him Into It And That Paul Has A Better View On The Issues Than He Does...
Mad That His Friend Isn't Supporting Him, Clark Marches Off...
Visiting The Talon To Place Flyers, Clark And Pete Find It Completely Empty Except For Lana, Whitney And His Friends Who Are Only There Because Whitney Forced Them To Come...
Great, That Makes Up For Every Horrible Thing Whitney Has Done To Lana...Not!
(Start At 0:45, End At 1:49)
The Next Day At School, Sasha Tries To Get Felice To Drop Out Of The Election, But Calling Her A Freak, Sasha Decides To Place Matters Into Her Own Hands By Having The Bees Attack Felice In Her Car After School...
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Back At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Is Getting A Massage By A Masseuse However, He Soon Discovers That The Masseuse Is Carrie Castle. Liking Her Enthusiasm, Lex Figures Out That The Only Reason She's Trying To Nail Him Is Because Her Editor Promised Her A Column Of Her Own If She Did...
Getting On His Good Side, Lex Finally Agrees To What She Wants Only If She Finishes Massaging Him For The Hour He Paid For...
Found By Principal Kwan, When He Was Trying To Leave The Campus In His Car, Chloe Tells Clark That Felice Is In A Coma, Which Makes Clark Remember That Last Year Sasha Was Attacked By A Whole Hive Of Bees Which Leads Him To Theorize That She's Somehow Controlling Them...
Uh, Gee, You Think!?!
If An Accident Happened To One Of The Candidates And It Involved Bees While Also Including The Fact That This Is Smallville, Land Of The Weird And Unusual And People Get Powers Here Daily I Think That Just Theorizing About Something Should Be Thrown Out The Window And It Should Instead Be Placed Into The Land Of Reality!
Either Way Chloe Says She'll Look Into It And Warns Clark To Watch His Back...
Running Into Sasha In The Hallway, She Tries To Get Clark To Drop Out But Believing In Democracy, Clark Refuses...
(Start At 1:39, End At 2:20)
Going To The Talon To Write His Acceptance Speech With Lana That Night, They End Up Talking About The Talon Only To Stop When They Hear Noise In The Vents...
(Start At 1:09, End At 1:58)
Taking Lana Back To The Farm, She Got A Little Stung By The Bees But She'll Be Fine Either Way She's More Concerned About The Insurance Forms...
As She's Being Picked Up By Nell, Lana Apologizes To Clark That They Didn't Get Too Far On His Speech But He's Not As Worried About That Right Now As He Is Finding Sasha. Suggesting That Clark Get Chloe, He Tells Her That He's Still Pretty Mad At Her Over Not Choosing Him Because They're Friends...
But Despite That Lana Sides With Chloe Believing She Only Did What She Felt Was Right And Decided Instead To Be Objective On The Issue, Choosing The Candidate She Felt Was Right For The Job...
The Next Day, Clark Stops By Sasha's Campaign Headquarters Where He Runs Into Chloe And They Make Up (Despite Them Being Back To Being Angry At Each Other In The Next Episode)
Anyway, They Look Around The Building Only To Discover Stalagmites Up Above That Have Been Built By The Bees When Clark Finds Honey On His Jacket. Wondering How Sasha Is Controlling Them? Chloe Believes That She's Emitting Something Called The Queen Mandibular Phermone...
Which She Picked Up When She Fell Into A Hive Of Africanized Honey Bees A Thousand Times To Which Doctors Had No Hope That She Would Survive As She Was Allergic With No Idea How She Survived Chloe Discovered That The Honey Bees Were In Shuster's Gorge Meaning The Bees Did Something To Make Her Their Queen...
Vowing To Stop Sasha, Chloe Tells Clark He Better Do It Quick Because Eventually The Scent Will Wear Off And The Bees Will Kill Her...
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Meanwhile At The Talon, Lex Has A Meeting With Carrie Castle When He Manages To Get Ahold Of The Rough Draft Which Doesn't Paint Him In The Good Light As She Promised...
(Start At 2:47)
Meeting Clark At His Family's Barn, Clark Tells Sasha That He's Dropping Out Of The Race But Mentioning That She's Willing To Do Anything To Win Even If It Means Putting All Of Her Opponents In The Hospital Has Sasha Believing That Clark Hasn't Really Dropped Out...
(Start At 0:49, End At 3:40)
With Sasha Unconscious As The Bees Continue Their Attack, Clark Tosses A Screwdriver At Some Gas Tanks As He Covers Sasha When The Place Explodes...
Well, There's No Way Winnie The Pooh's Getting That Honey...
As Elections Pass It's Announced That Paul Is The New Class President As Chloe Takes Pics Of His Victory Party As He's Still In The Hospital But Though Her Candidate May Have Won, Chloe Is Proud Of Clark For Showing Dignity In Defeat...
Noticing The Crowd At The Talon, Lana Tells Lex That They May Have More Nights Like This As The Beanery Has Several Health Code Violations That They've Been Trying To Cover Up, Asking Chloe To Look Into It Lana Discovered That It's True...
Congratulating Lana For Taking His Advice, He Talks With Clark Afterwards As He's Learned That He's Not Destined For Politics But Telling Him That He Doesn't Have To Do That To Change The World, Clark Asks Lex If He's Interested In Politics Which Leads Lex To Tell Clark That He'd Like To Be President...
To Which You All Know By Now That By The Time Clark Is Fully Superman, Lex Becomes President Of The United States...
And Has Me Wondering If Clark Is Slapping Himself On The Face For Somewhat Giving Lex That Idea When They Were Younger...
The Next Day At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Invites Carrie Castle Over To Congratulate Her For Catching Him With His Guard Down...
(Start At 0:31, End At 1:45)
Visiting Clark At His Family Barn As He's Taking Down His Campaign Headquarters, She Tells Clark That While She's Not Sure If She Liked Playing Dirty With The Beanery She Tells Clark That She Kind Of Enjoyed Being A Little Underhanded..
Honey, Your Career Of Being Underhanded Is Just Beginning...
Asking If He Finished His Speech, Clark Tells Lana That He Did But He Highly Doubts That Anyone Wants To Hear It But Saying She Does He Says Exactly What He Wrote To Lana Ending The Episode...
And That's Drone And I Like This Episode...
The Story Is Really Good, The Characters Are Well Written, The Villain Was Interesting If Not Somewhat Tragic Because Of The Way Her Parents Treated Her And The Effects Were Pretty Nice With The Bees, All I Have To Say Is See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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