#new crush…. high school love again! the rush of slumber party kissing?
dayurno · 6 months
kevin and jeremy both being pisces lifts their homoerotic teenage girl friendship to heights unknown like what next? you’re going to say you both play the same position? you’re both bisexual? you have long calls across the country? when you see him standing across the room from you for a moment you think you will never be able to cross the boundary of your friendship without ending the world as you know it, but then he looks at you and it feels as if he is worth the old world and more? hm?
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paging-possum · 3 months
sighs. should I perhaps oak a worthy.
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svnflowermoon · 4 months
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thepoisonroom · 7 months
New crush, high school love again The rush of slumber party kissing Don't touch, I'll never cross the line So I pushed you down a million times I'd love if you knew you were on my mind Constant like cicadas in the summertime Boys suck and girls I've never tried And we both know we're getting drunk tonight
Touch me, baby, put your lips on mine Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine I know you want it, baby, you can have it Oh, I've never done it, let's make it cinematic Like that one sex scene that's in Mulholland Drive I wanna know, baby, what is it like? I know you want it, baby, you can have it Oh, I've never done it, naked in Manhattan
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
🔀 ask game with ronance or stonathan 🩷
New crush, high school love again The rush of slumber party kissing Don't touch, I'll never cross the line
okay so what i'm thinking is nancy is visiting robin in college in nyc. nancy's been harboring this crush for robin for quite some time now. she wants to go for it because robin and her are finally single at the same time but she's so scared!! what if she ruins their friendship!!
they're planning on going out to robin's favorite spots in the city but a huge thunderstorm ruins their plans. they were in the midst of pregaming with the first lightning bolt struck. already feeling tipsy and warm. nancy puts her lipgloss down that she was applying in the bathroom mirror when she hears robin calling her friends, asking if they're still on for tonight. they're not.
robin appears in the doorway, something between a pout and a frown on her face. "sorry nance. looks like it's just us tonight."
"that's okay," nancy rushes to say. i only came here for you, she wants to say.
"what if we did a classic sleepover? like we used to?" robin suggests.
nancy's smile widens across her lips. "i'd love that."
so they change into their pjs. pop some popcorn. put a romance movie on the tv. lounging on the couch with a bottle of pink moscato passed between them. they're giggling and being stupid. it's just like old times. only nancy is hopelessly in love with her friend now.
"your lip gloss is all over the rim," robin says as she inspects the bottle.
robin shrugs and takes a swig anyway. she licks her lips afterward and nancy's eyes go wide.
"flavored?" robin asks.
nancy's brain short circuits. "vanilla," she barely mumbles.
robin hums and takes another swig. "i wanna wear it," robin says. nancy's heart starts to race. that had to be hint, right?
this is her moment.
nancy scooches closer and gets her face in robin's. robin blinks owlishly at her and sets the wine down on the coffee table, not bothering to turn her head to do so.
nancy's hand is slow and cautious as she holds robin's jaw. they're both glancing at each other's lips. they've both stopped breathing.
nancy takes the plunge and kisses robin fiercely. pouring years of crushing and pining into robin's mouth. spreading her lip gloss all over her lips. robin kisses back with equal enthusiasm. nancy moans, something she wouldn't do if she was sober, or maybe she would because robin is a god damn good kisser. nancy slowly crawls into robin's lap, running her hands through robin's hair. robin's hand is going up the back of her sleep shirt, her fingers dancing on nancy's spine, causing her to gasp. their kiss to finally part.
robin licks her lips again. "i thought you were gonna just go get the lip gloss," robin confesses.
nancy backs away. "oh fuck. is that what you wanted?"
"fuck no. this is way better," robin says as she kisses her again.
send me a 🔀 and a pairing, and i’ll shuffle my playlist and make an au based on the first song that comes up
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amochi · 2 days
new crush high school love again the rush of slumber party kissing don’t touch I’ll never cross the line so I’ve pushed you down a million times id love if you knew you were on my mind constant like cicadas in the summertime boys suck and girls I’ve never tried and we both know we’re getting drunk tonight touch me baby put your lips on mine could go to hell but we’ll probably be fine I know you want it baby you can have it oh I’ve never done it let’s make it cinematic like that one sex scene in mullholland drive I wanna know baby what is it like I know you want it baby you can have it oh I’ve never done it NAKED IN MANHATTAN!!!
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annie-banks · 3 years
New crush, high school love again
The rush of slumber party kissing
Don't touch, I'll never cross the line
So I pushed you down a million times
I'd love if you knew you were on my mind
Constant like cicadas in the summertime
Boys suck and girls I've never tried
And we both know we're getting drunk tonight
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inkjackets · 7 years
A Gay in Straight Clothing
Here is my fanfic created for the @miraculouspridezine​!
It’s about Alix (with her newfound assurance in her being) and Chloé (who is struggling to come to terms with her sexuality) bonding over their similar backgrounds and ultimately forming an unlikely friendship.
I hope you enjoy :)
Alix slammed off her alarm and groaned before rolling out of bed. She grabbed a pair of undies and shorts from her drawer and hopped around the room as she pulled them on while looking for a matching shirt. She swiped one from the floor, gave it a sniff, and chucked it on over her head, running from the room as she did so.
She entered the hallway, still pulling down her shirt, grabbed her backpack and had just finished slipping on her rollerblades when her father walked in from the kitchen, coffee in hand.
“Good morning, darling,” he said, handing her an apple.
“Morning, Dad,” Alix replied, grabbing her helmet from the hook by the door before taking the apple and biting into it.
"You off to school? You're not going to be late, are you?" he checked his watch anxiously.
Alix chewed and shook her head, "Don't worry Dad, I've got plenty of time."
"Well, if you're sure," he said. Alix grinned and opened the door. "Before you rush off," her father said quickly, "don't forget we are having dinner at the Bourgeois' tonight."
Alix groaned and smacked her head against the door; she had completely forgotten.
"But, I've promised Kim I'd do this challenge with him tonight," she lied, "we're going to race-"
“-No you don’t,” her father interrupted, shaking his head, “you’re not getting out of this one.”
“But Dad!" she moaned, “Why can't Jalil go? You know he’s so much better at these sorts of things than me.”
"He's busy working at the museum tonight. Besides, Chloé's your age. It would be good for you to hang out with a nice young woman like her, maybe you could learn some things from her." Her father eyed her clothes.
Alix stared daggers at her father.
Her father sighed, "It would mean so much to me if you could wear something nice. You used to look so pretty in those dresses."
“Dad, for the last time, I don’t care how I look, I don’t care for looks, and I’m never going to wear any of those dresses again.”
Her father didn’t respond but stirred his already lukewarm coffee with his teaspoon. Alix frowned, there was clearly something else on his mind.
“What is it?” she said bluntly.
He hesitated, "Your choice of fashion, or rather lack of it… it hasn't got anything to do with you being asexual…does it?"
Alix felt like her gut plunged into ice.
"What?" she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
“I’m just saying, trying to look more unappealing…”
"Of course not!" Alix cried with outrage, "It's just who I am!" She looked at her father in disbelief. He was a good father on the whole, if a little self-absorbed in his work. But he had never come out with anything like that before. She visibly deflated, "How could you ask me that?" she failed to hide the hurt.
"I'm sorry," said her father, "It was just a hypothesis."
Alix held his gaze for a second before turning away.
“I need to go to school,” she said, her voice cold.
“Just… think about what you’ll wear tonight, will you?”
"See you later, Dad."
She slammed the door behind her and skated out onto the street, the loose straps from her helmet flapping in the wind.
  Alix strode listlessly into the classroom, she had skated faster than normal to let out her irritation. Chloé and Sabrina were already in the classroom giggling annoyingly which did nothing for her mood. They ignored her though and she, them.
Alix sank into her seat and stared out the window. She didn’t sigh, she wasn’t that self-pitying, but she drummed her fingers on the desk. She was bored and didn’t want to think.
She let her attention wander until it landed on what the gossiping girls in front of her were talking about.
“She’s so strong!” exclaimed Sabrina.
Curiosity got the better of her and Alix peered over to glance at the tablet where Chloé and Sabrina were looking at photos of Ladybug, fresh from last night's akuma attack.
The photo in question was of Ladybug stopping an onslaught of flying bricks from an akumatised construction worker with just her spinning yo-yo. The angle of the photo looking up at Ladybug, with her expression of true grit, and brick dust whipping past her face to top it off, did indeed make her look like a powerful figure. Alya had truly outdone herself with that shot.
"Mmmhmm," Chloé nodded dreamily, "Imagine her sweeping you away and flying over the city in those arms of hers. That would be magnificent." Sabrina looked at her strangely. "What?" said Chloé.
Sabrina swiped the screen to show a picture of Chat Noir fighting the akumatised victim before speaking carefully, “I thought you liked Adrien’s arms.”
Chloé drew herself upright and looked at Sabrina but her friend didn’t meet her gaze. “I do,” she said simply.
Sabrina didn’t say anything, “Okay.”
"What's my admiration for Ladybug got to do with my love for Adrien?" Chloé's voice grew shrill.
“Nothing, nothing,” Sabrina said, her tone just a notch too high.
"What, can't I admire more than one person?"
"Yes, of course you can," she said, but her tone of voice implied something else.
Chloé frowned, as did Alix.
The awkwardness didn’t last long though as Adrien chose that moment to stumble into the classroom. Alix raised an eyebrow, he looked exhausted.
Chloé didn't seem to notice though and leapt on him with a standard ‘Good Morning, Adrihoney!' She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. Alix couldn't help but think her actions were a little more exaggerated than normal, as if she was trying to prove a point…
 "Hey, Alix, what you thinking?" Kim slid into the seat next to her and pulled her out her mind. Alix smiled, grateful for the distraction.
“Good, cause I’ve got a challenge for you.”
That caught her attention.
Kim pulled a couple bottles of coke and a few sticks of mentos.
"I don't think I like where this is going," Alix grinned.
Kim smirked, "You gotta put about five mentos in your mouth and try drink a bottle of coke. Whoever finishes the coke first, wins."
"That is so stupid!" Alix laughed, "You're on, what's the forfeit?"
Kim grinned slyly, "If I win, you have to tell me who in this class you have a crush on!"
Alix's smiled immediately dropped, as did her stomach. She stared at him, "What are you? Some girl at a slumber party? What sort of bet is that? Besides, you know I'm-"
"-asexual, yeah I know," began Kim, "but there must still be someone you like more than just a friend, huh?" Kim nudged her and winked, "Besides, if I lose I have to tell you the same."
Alix glared at him deadpan. "If you're not going to think of  a proper bet, then forget it."
Kim pulled back, “Jeez, whats up with you?”
Alix turned away from him and hunched over her desk. She stared out the window.
She felt a tiredness wash over her. Not sleepy tired, but she was sick of people making comments like that. She had thought that coming out would have stopped them, that people would start to understand. She had been wrong. And it made her exhausted.
Despite his faults though, Kim was still a great friend. However, just then, she was secretly glad when Mylene chose that moment to enter the classroom and Kim had to move back to his proper seat.
  Chloé was silent as her chauffeur drove her home from school. Sabrina's comment had been running through her head all day. It had left her feeling vexed.
Why couldn't she love more than one type of person?
 Unless Chloé had simply misread the situation? She thought back… No, Sabrina’s voice had definitely had a judgemental tone to it.
"Ugh," Chloé crossed her arms and glared out the window. People were so annoying. Why couldn't she just love whoever she wanted to without question? Why was that too much to ask?
When the car pulled up to the hotel, Chloé went straight to her room, dumped her bag down, and collapsed on her bed.
She gazed at the various posters around her room. The majority were taken up by Adrien and, more recently, Ladybug. However, there were various other celebrities from all walks of life plastered around her room. The only thing they all had in common was that they were successful and virtuous people.
That was her type, Chloé thought sourly, not some superficial thing about height or hair colour, but what they wanted to do in their life. Good people. Well… successful people… who, okay, they had to look at least a little bit attractive…
“Mademoiselle Chloé?”
The butler interrupted her thoughts.
“What is it?” She didn’t bother moving.
“Your father has asked me to remind you that the Kubdels are coming over for dinner and that you are to get ready.”
Chloé groaned and rolled over, “Why do we have to mix with people like them?”
“Your father has said they are highly influential people who are promising to back him in the next election if they-“
Chloé sat up and waved her hadn't impatiently, “It was a rhetorical question! Ugh, How did you not get that?”
"My apologies." Chloé huffed. "If I may," the butler continued, "your father has bought you a new dress that he thinks you'd like for tonight's dinner. Shall I bring it in?"
Chloé rolled her eyes, “Whatever.”
The butler bowed and walked out the room. Chloé fell back onto the bed, limbs sprawled, and gazed up at a poster of Ladybug shooting across the Parisian sky. She let a cold apathy take over her body.
  “Let’s get this over with.” Alix strode towards the door.
“Alix! Didn’t you see the clothes I laid out for you?”
Alix’s hand twitched. “Saw them, didn’t care for them.”
Mr Kubdel put his head in his hands, "I tried this time, Alix. Truly, I did. They were nice jeans and a simple white and blue top, I'm not asking for much."
Alix opened the door and stepped outside. She didn’t look at him.
"Those jeans were high waisted, do you know how uncomfortable that is? And it was a flowery white and blue top…with lacy bits Dad, lacy bits!” Alix shuddered, "I've told you, I'm not wearing those sort of clothes anymore, and never will."
“But darling, why not?”
"It's not me, Dad." She turned her head so her vivid blue eyes met her father's grey ones. "Why don't you get that?"
Alix held his gaze, willed him to give her a proper answer, to not flake out and avoid the question.
Mr Kubdel sighed, “Let’s just go, we don’t want to be late.”
Alix hid her disappointment.
  "They're late," said Chloé, crossing her arms.
“It’s only been five minutes, dear,” said Mr Bourgeois
"Ugh." Chloé rolled her eyes.
She tapped her fingers impatiently for another minute before the doorbell rang. The butler opened the door and led the Kubdels into Le Grand Paris hotel lobby.
Mr Bourgeois walked forward to welcome them in.
“Good evening Mr Kubdel, and uh…was it Alice?”
“Alix,” she stuck her hands in her pockets and pouted. She ignored the glare from her father.
“Ah yes, Alix, do come in.”
Chloé watched Alix with displeasure. Alix met her eyes and nodded in greeting. Chloé gave her head a brief nod in return. It was a mere exchange of acknowledgement of the other's existence, nothing more. They both followed her father into the dining room.
  It was taking everything in Chloé’s power to not slump in her chair. She hadn’t been this bored in a while. Their father’s talk of elections and new museum exhibitions went right over her head, and the presence of Alix did nothing to improve her mood. She eyed the pink haired girl with distaste.
In Chloé's opinion, Alix was holding her fork wrong, cut chunks too big, and chewed the cake in a terribly ungainly manner.
Chloé pierced her cake with a fork and daintily popped the morsel into her mouth.
She felt her manners had to be twice as good in order to make up for the atrocities of the girl sitting across from her. Chloé sighed. Dinner had been a tedious affair.
As soon as Chloé finished her last mouthful of cake - with such hyperbole etiquette that she looked pained - her father turned to the girls.
“Why don’t you two go upstairs now. Chloé dear, you can show Alix your room.”
Alix frowned, but her father gave her a warning glance.
Chloé pushed her chair back with a huff and left the room with Alix tailing reluctantly behind her.
  Chloé strode into her bedroom and flicked her hair haughtily, “This is my room,” she announced, “I don’t expect you to stay, you may go do whatever you want. I don’t care.”
Alix stepped in and gazed at the high ceilings and four-poster bed.
Chloé sat down on a chair, whipped out a nail file, and started manicuring her nails. To her annoyance, Alix didn't leave. Instead, the pink haired girl started wandering around the spacious room and peered at all her photos, posters and belongings.
Chloé so dearly wanted to tell her to get out, but for the sake of her father, she remained civil and contented herself with eyeing Alix over her nail file.
Alix sauntered from photo to photo. Chloé couldn’t read anything from her expression and it was infuriating. Alix bent over to look closely at a set of photos on a shelf. Chloé narrowed her eyes. Alix then reached to the back and picked one up to bring it closer to her face.
"Hey!" Chloé jumped up, "Don't touch my stuff!"
“Sorry, just wanted to look.”
Chloé strode over and snatched the photo off Alix, “Yeah? Well, don’t.”
Chloé made to put it back but froze when she realised exactly which photo it was.
It was of her, Adrien, and their respective fathers. They were waving out to a crowd at the end of Paris fashion week two years previous.
Chloé had always hated the photo, though she had never been able to quite put her finger on why.
“You don’t look very happy,” said Alix.
Chloé whipped her head up. “What?”
“In the photo,” Alix clarified, “neither you or Adrien look very happy.”
Chloé glanced back at the picture in her hand. Her and Adrien both had big smiles plastered on their faces as they waved enthusiastically out to the crowd.
Chloé raised her eyebrow at Alix.
"It's your eyes that give it away," said Alix, "You both look exhausted and like you'd rather be anywhere else than there. "
Chloé felt ice slide down her spine as what Alix said clicked into place.
She thought back to that day, remembering it clearly. Mere moments before, backstage, her and her father had got into a massive row. She had been socialising with all these adults for the past week. She had felt sick from all the fancy food, and tired of feeling out of place, what with being so young. Sabrina hadn't been allowed to come, and her only other friend had been modelling all week. She had been thirteen years old, she was shattered, and the absolute last thing she had wanted to do was go out on that stage, put on a happy face and wave at the crowds.
Chloé’s eyes roamed over the photo to Adrien’s picture. She would never forget the expression he had worn just before going on stage. He had been just as shattered as her, but evidently hadn’t even attempted to put up a fight. What with his father’s steely grasp on his shoulder, there was no hope. He had been turned into a glorified zombie.
The memory made Chloé seethe.
“All this socialising and keeping up appearances,” Alix continued, bringing Chloé back to the present, “Don’t you get tired of it all?”
Chloé didn't reply. Instead, she gently placed the photo back in its place. She felt a wave of insecurity wash through her but turned it into anger.
“You don’t know me!” she snapped.
Chloé instantly berated herself. Why had she yelled like that? It wasn't Alix's fault. It was no one's fault. Chloé sunk back into a cold apathy. It was the only way she could protect herself from her own anger and self-hatred.
Alix put her hands back in her pockets.
"When it comes to other people and their emotions," she said, "I'm usually no good." Chloé felt Alix's eyes on her but didn't look up. "However recently there's one thing I've discovered I am good at, and that's knowing when people are discontent."
“Why are you telling me this?” said Chloé.
Alix hesitated, “Because you’re unhappy and hiding something about yourself.”
Chloé drew her cold eyes up to meet Alix's warm ones. However, when Chloé didn't say anything and just glared indifferently, the light faded from Alix's blue eyes.
"Fine, don't talk." Alix strode away. Chloé could tell she was annoyed, but she didn't care. She watched as Alix strode towards her wardrobe. Instead of stopping outside though, or looking at other posters, Alix pulled the door wide and went right into Chloé's walk-in wardrobe.
For the second time that evening Chloé cried,
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"
Chloé ran over and tried to grab Alix who was spinning with her arms wide.
"Wow, this place is huge!" Alix exclaimed, evading Chloé's grasp.
“Get out of my wardrobe!”
"Why the hell does one person need so many clothes?"
Chloé managed to grab her arm and drag her out.
“Calm down,” Alix grumbled as she rubbed the spot Chloé had grabbed her, “I just wanted to see if you had as many designer dresses as you claimed to have.” She continued to rub her arm, “Not that I’d know the difference,” she added as an afterthought.
“Hmph,” Chloé flicked her ponytail, “One has to have many designer dresses to maintain a good reputation and appear proper.”
Alix raised her eyebrows. "How many do you have?"
The fight trickled out of Chloé, "Just stay away from my stuff," she said in a tired voice before walking away.
Alix was silent a moment. "To maintain a good reputation and appear proper." She repeated Chloé's words slowly. Chloé ignored her. "I'd much rather be myself and wear whatever's comfy," said Alix.
“Clearly,” said Chloé with distaste.
"Oh, come on, Chloé!" Alix suddenly exclaimed, throwing her arms wide in exasperation. "You can't tell me you don't find it exhausting! I know what it's like too, all this socialising and pretending. I used to put on fancy dresses, make myself look pretty and go to these posh parties where people would say things like, ‘Oh I love your dress where did you get it?' and ‘That suits you so well you should dress like that more often!' but I'd be like, ‘Are you even seeing me for who I am? ‘Cause this isn't me at all!' But obviously I couldn't say that, so I'd smile and pretend this version of myself they saw was the real deal, but it wasn't, and I hated it."
Chloé turned to look at Alix and was met with blazing eyes.
"I wasn't happy," Alix continued softly, "So one day I decided to stop. I made a promise to myself that I would only be myself, I wouldn't owe anything to anyone." Chloé didn't know why she was listening to this, but something was stirring inside her. "So I stopped wearing dresses," said Alix, "I started rollerblading everywhere like I'd always wanted to," she paused and smiled, "I even dyed my hair pink," her smile dropped, "I stopped trying to be what other people wanted me to be."
Chloé drew her arms up and hunch in on herself as Alix's words flowed over her. She didn't know what she was feeling. Alix's words had snagged her soul and it scared her.
"Not everyone has that luxury," Chloé said bitterly before she could stop herself. "I…" Chloé hesitantly continued, "I feel like if I suddenly changed to be myself, nobody would take me seriously." She suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. She rubbed her arm anxiously.
Chloé didn't know why she was telling Alix this, she didn't want to engage with Alix's words, but she had to admit it felt a little nice.
Alix's eyes were wide. "Well," she looked at Chloé and spoke carefully; she was highly aware of the thin thread she was walking on, "Honestly, I think coming out as aro ace was the real bullet in the head for me. Sorta proved not just to myself, but to everyone around me that this whole change wasn't just a phase, it was me fully embracing who I am," Alix paused, "Though my father still hopes it's just a phase," she muttered, "But anyway, if you truly wanted to just be yourself, it is possible. Hard, no doubt about that, but possible."
Chloé chewed her tongue as she looked at Alix’s warm and understanding smile.
Chloé frowned. "I have my father's campaign to think about," she said, "I've got a reputation to uphold." She drew herself upright. "You wouldn't understand," her voice took on a conceited tone, "you have no idea what it's like having paparazzi outside twenty-four seven, or security guards treading your every step," she became more domineering, "or your picture plastered though tabloids magazines! You don't understand anything, being myself isn't that simple!"
Chloé winced. she didn't need to be so condescending.
"Well, okay…" began Alix slowly, "but something clearly isn't right. What if you talked through this with a friend or something…?"
Chloé sneered and hated herself for it, "What, are you saying something's wrong with me?" She couldn't stop herself. "You think you could be this friend, do you? Hah!"
Alix drew her eyebrows together in anger, "No, nothing's wrong! It was just a suggestion! Jeez, I was trying to be nice! There's no need to talk to me like that." She threw her hands up in the air. "Who was I kidding? Of course I wouldn't be able to help you." Chloé flinched as she saw the hurt flash through Alix's eyes. "Excuse me for trying to be understanding." Alix stormed off towards the door.
Chloé chided herself. Why did she have to come out with something so arrogant and self-righteous? Ugh, nothing was right! Why was she feeling so awful?
“Alix, wait!”
Alix’s hand hovered above the doorknob. Chloé clenched her fists and swallowed her pride.
"I… I didn't mean to say that." She drew in on herself. "I don't know why I acted like that." She paused, "No, I do know why I acted like that.” Chloé dug her nails into her arms as she felt a burning behind her eyes. “You’re right,” she said, smiling sadly, “I’m not happy. I… I don’t know how to be happy.” She felt tears well in her eyes. “My life is a lie,” her voice cracked, “I’m sorry.”
Alix turned to face her and blinked. “You’re what now?”
“I'm," Chloé swallowed, “I’m sorry.” The words slid out a little easier this time.
Alix’s eyes widened and, to Chloé’s surprise, she let out a little giggle, “Chloé Bourgeois, apologising. That’s gotta be a first.”
Chloé wanted to be annoyed, but for the first time, she ignored that little voice inside of her. Seeing the light and laughter in Alix's eyes couldn't help but put her at ease.
Neither of them spoke.
"I have thirty-two," said Chloé eventually.
“Designer dresses. I have thirty-two.”
Alix spluttered. “Thirty-two?” she exclaimed, “Are you being serious?”
"You can go count them if you don't believe me," Chloé said with a small smile and gestured towards her wardrobe."
“Haha! Nah I believe you.”
There was another silence.
"You want to know something?" said Chloé. Alix cocked her head. Chloé rubbed her arms. "I don't like fashion labels."
"Oh," said Alix, a little confused.
"Well, I guess it's more like indifference," Chloé said, "You see I like fashion, but I don't like the superiority that comes with labels. I want to wear whatever I want, without judgement or scorn. But instead I'm told exactly what I can or can't wear. And I know it sounds pretentious, me complaining about all these designer clothes... except I like other styles too, you know what I mean? I like unconventional fashion labels, new and up and coming ones, ones that nobody's heard of, hell I even like clothes from thrift stores! As long as it fits me right and looks good, I'll like it." Chloé twisted her dress in her hands. "But instead I'm forced into this one style," her voice grew soft, "and I've been wearing it so long I feel like it's too late to change."
Alix looked at Chloé with concern. She stepped forward, almost as if she was thinking of comforting Chloé, but pulled back.
“If you must know,” said Chloé, wrapping her arms around herself once more, “I’m scared of these feelings.” She bit her lip. “I’m terrified about not being seen as normal,” she whispered, “I just…I don’t see why I can’t admire more than one style.” Those words felt heavier than Chloé had meant them to be, like she’d dug them up from somewhere far deep inside her.
Chloé looked up and received a slight shock at how intensely Alix was staring back. Chloé shifted uneasily. She didn’t exactly know why she’d decided to lay herself bare, and in front of Alix of all people, but she didn’t regret it, even if Alix’s eyes seemed to look right past her words and into her soul.
Alix shifted her gaze to the posters and photos dotted around Chloé’s room, all filled with stunning people from all walks of life. Chloé suddenly felt acutely aware of all the pictures in her room. She followed Alix’s gaze until they landed on the two pictures that had pride of place above her vanity table. Adrien Agreste and Ladybug.
Alix chuckled softly. "I knew that you were in love with Adrien, that's always been obvious. But I admit I thought your obsession with Ladybug was merely just that, an obsession," she paused, "but it's more than that, isn't it?"
Chloé's skin prickled as Alix's deep blue eyes pierced her's again, clear with understanding.
 Alix questioned.
Chloé dug her nails into her arms. She shook her head. "Pansexual," she said in a terrified whisper.
Alix glanced around the room once more at all the beautiful people, "Makes sense." Alix gave her that soft understanding smile.
Chloé gently lowered her arms.
“You…You don’t think I’m strange?” said Chloé.
Alix cocked her head to the side and smiled, “Strange?” she shook her head, “Of course not.”
Chloé released a tension she didn't even know she'd been holding and sank with relief. She let the peace envelop them before piercing it with one simple word.
"Thank-you," she whispered.
Alix grinned, "A sorry and a thank-you both in the same day? I think I'm in the wrong timeline."
Chloé laughed before they lapsed into a comfortable little silence.
Chloé saw something then, a small glimmer of an opportunity that she could reach out and grab… if she was willing.
Chloé brushed her hair behind her ears, sucked in her breath, and took the plunge.
"Hey, Alix?"
“W- Would you like to be friends?” she asked hesitantly.
Alix's eyes lit up with a happy surprise.
"Now you're talking my style," she grinned.
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kimtaehyungsjagi · 7 years
From Afar
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Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, AU
Word count: 3.3k
PT. 1  -  PT. 2 - PT. 3
You woke up to the sound of your phone going off. It was set to a particular ring tone so you’d know who was calling. You grabbed for you phone and your glasses from the nightstand beside your bed. Opening one eye as you look at the lit screen emitting in the darkness of your room. It read 1:36AM. You hesitantly picked up knowing what was going to happen if you did. You picked up anyway.
“Hey…” The crisp of the husky familiar voice reverberated from the other end of the line. “Did I wake you?” He asked already knowing that he did.
You hummed in confirmation as you stretched yourself awake enough to respond to him. “It’s okay, what’s up?”
“I think I did it this time… Seomi kicked me out, can I come over? Your roommates aren’t home right?”
Not that your roommates minded whenever he slept over because he was your best friend and they were cool with him, two of them were even friends with him too, but they knew what he’d meant to you. You were completely, hopelessly in love with him and had been ever since you two started University together. And even though it was dead obvious to everyone who knew you, he was completely oblivious.
“Yeah, hot choco chat?” you asked as you rose up from the warm comforts of your bed and headed out of your room towards the kitchen to boil water.
“You know me the best, I’ll be there in 15.”
Taehyung and his girlfriend always fought from time to time and he would go to you to vent. Of course, you would always be there for him, you were his best friend. You had met Taehyung in middle school. You were the new kid and you were awfully shy. Taehyung was a social butterfly and got along with just about everyone. He was the first one in your new class to come up and say hi to you and introduced you to everyone. He’d eat lunch with you and you got to know one another well. You clicked right away because you’d realize you both had a lot in common. You both loved to watch anime, playing video games, and you both had a 4D personality when you were comfortable around people. Your family ended up moving up the street from Taehyung’s family when you guys went to high school. Both of your parents started to have get togethers and they along right away really well too. You and Taehyung had become closer and that was when you two became best friends, spending holidays together and going on vacations, telling each other about your crushes and sharing secrets. He was there for your first heart break, and you were there for his.
You didn’t know you were in love with Taehyung until after your first serious relationship. It lasted about 8 months until Minwoo broke up with you. He was nice and kind, but saw that over time you were more and more into your best friend than you were into your own boyfriend. He was hurting and couldn’t be with someone who obviously was in love with someone else. He didn’t want to have to compete against that. You denied it at the time, of course, which angered Minwoo. You just thought you loved Taehyung as a best friend, in a brotherly kind of way.
It wasn’t until when you two had moved to University and went to a party one of the fraternity’s were hosting to kickoff the school year. You both decided to go so Taehyung could check out the frat and you wanted to shed out of your shell and ease your painful break up with Minwoo. You guys were having a great time and met a lot of cool people. Taehyung decided he would rush the frat and everyone was so hyped you guys decided to celebrate with shots upon shots. You were buzzing in the moment and wanted to dance the night away. You and Taehyung were being silly on the dance floor like you’d always been when you were younger. Then one of the fraternity brothers was going around making all the potential pledges take a chug out of a giant bottle of Belvedere. Taehyung, being a semi lightweight and already very tipsy off shots from before, took a huge swig.
After that he was getting a little out of hand and it was time for you guys to leave. You helped him back to your dorm because his was on the further end of campus and you didn’t want to make that trek with a wild, belligerent Taehyung. You walked him to your room while giggling over a joke he said that wasn’t really that funny, but because of your alcohol induced state it was.
“Do you know what the buffalo said to his son when he left for college?” Taehyung asked as you guys staggered into your apartment style dorm.
“What?” You inquired even though you’d already knew the pun.
“BISON!” Taehyung threw his head back in a laughing fit. “My dad said that to me yesterday, it was stupid then and it’s still stupid now but I can’t help but laugh!” Both of you bursted out laughing.
You walked Taehyung to your bed with him slightly leaning onto you to keep stable. But had tripped over his bulky shoes as he kicked them off and fell into the bed. You were in his arms, you guys were still laughing too hard and slightly panting for air. You took in his scent, a mixture of musk and lavender. You looked up to his face and stared at it. His mouth was boxy as he grinned, and eyes crescented into moon shapes. You didn’t know what was happening but your heart fluttered a bit and you smiled.
He calmed his panting and looked at you, “Hey… I’m glad we’re going to the same university together. I love you, you know that right?”
Your heart fluttered again, “I love you too…” you said but it somewhat felt like a confession rather than an innocent declaration of affection to a friend.
“You’re my best friend, I don’t know what I would do without you.” He smiled as he kissed your forehead.
“Me too..” you sighed with a weary smile. You lead your inebriated state to think it was just the alcohol clouding your judgement, but little did you know it was just the beginning of it all.
“So what was so bad that made her kick you out this time?” You asked as you handed Taehyung a cup of hot chocolate full of marshmallows.
He looked down onto the table and furrowed his brows, “it was stupid, she was asking for me to go with her to visit her family for Chuseok. But I told her that I couldn’t because this is the first year we’re celebrating without my grandmother.”
“Why would she kick you out for that?” you looked confused.
“Because she asked if you were going to be there too..” he sighed.
You families celebrated Chuseok together for the past 5 years, last year his grandmother passed away and it took a hard toll on Taehyung and the family. She was like another parent to him because his mom and dad were busy with work all the time, she basically raised him. She passed right before last year’s Chuseok so they didn’t celebrate it and instead were mourning. Seomi, his girlfriend of almost a year, was really possessive over Taehyung. When she met you, she didn’t like you off the bat. You thought she was just being shy and reclusive but you saw that she was friendly and opened towards Taehyung’s guy friends. She was only a class A bitch when you were around.
“I don’t understand why she’s being like this, you’ve been my best friend before I’ve even met her and our families have been celebrating together for forever.” He leaned back taking a sip out of his mug.
“She probably thinks I have a huge crush on you or something, she just wants to assert her dominance and show that you’re hers,” you shrugged half jokingly looking down.
“I think it’s because I told her I used to have a brief crush on you senior year of high school..” he crinkled his nose. “But I said that it was nothing, we’re basically like brother and sister,” he takes another sip out of his hot chocolate.
“What? Why would you say that to her? You’ve never told me this, no wonder she hates me,” your eyes wide as saucers and cheeks slightly flushing, heart slightly tingeing from the latter sentence.
“I don’t know it was a long time ago, we were trying to get to know each other and she asked about you,” he huffed, “I guess she can’t let it go. I never told you because you were with Minwoo and I just forgot about even having those feelings.”
“Oh..” you said taking your last sip of hot chocolate. “Well why do you think it’s it this time?” You asked as you got up and rinsed your mug in the sink.
“I don’t know, it might or it might not be.. I’m just tired of fighting with her over you. She has to understand that if I wanted to date you I wouldn’t be with her..” he said as he brought his mug to the sink.
You scoffed, “like that would ever happen, right? You said it yourself, we’re like brother and sister.”
You yawned, sleep was catching up to you as the warmth of the hot chocolate slushed around in your belly. You opted that it was time to head to bed as you patted Taehyung’s back and he trailed behind you. You and Taehyung used to snuggle all the time and have sleepovers frequently so it wasn’t weird for you to share a bed with him. For some reason, you felt strange being so close to Taehyung after just having a fight with his girlfriend. But you were too sleepy to care enough and had succumbed to the hands of slumber.
Taehyung on the other hand was having trouble falling asleep. He turned over to you, facing your back. He was close enough to take in your scent. Your strawberry scented shampoo, one he loved so much that even he used it sometimes, lingering in your hair. A hint of warm vanilla sugar, your body wash scent. He couldn’t help but to scoot in closer to you and wrap his arm around your waist. Deep asleep, you just meld into him like nothing, and he inhaled heavily as the scent of you helped get him relaxed enough to drift asleep. Something about snuggling into you just made him feel a little more complete.
You were dreaming. You and Taehyung were at a park, he booped your nose and ran off towards a field with tall grass. You ran after him but couldn’t keep up, all you saw was the back of his brown, chestnut hair bopping as he ran. Each step you took felt like you weren’t gaining any distance, but instead it was as if you were further and further away.
“Tae slow down!” You cried. All you heard was a husky giggle in response. Then you heard another voice, a female giggle. All of a sudden, your heart felt like a pin just pricked it. You kept running and running, giggles turned into mewls of pleasure. Until you reached a clearing. You saw Taehyung hovering atop of Seomi making out on a picnic blanket, his face in the crook of her neck suckling on her collar bone. Seomi looked up at you and smirked. You face contorted in distress as you backed up and ran away. You were crying.
Taehyung woke up to you stealing most of the comforter off of him. He looks at you, about to thwap your forehead with his finger, but he stops when he sees your face. His eyes tracing the slumber stowed upon your visage. You looked sad, but beautiful at the same time. Then he noticed a tear falling from your eye and wondered what you were dreaming about. He gently wipes the tear and kisses your forehead before slowly getting out of bed to make breakfast. He figured that with how much he comes to you about his problems, you never really seemed to talk to him about yours beside the occasional stressing out from exams so breakfast would be a nice gesture since he rarely cooked.
A clash of pans in the sink stirred you out of your sleep. You walk into the kitchen to see two settings of eggs and sausage with toast on the table. You smile at Taehyung. “When was the last time you cooked?”
Startled, he turns to you “Oh my god, don’t sneak up on me when I have a pan in my hand!” You both cackle. He puts the pan on the drying rack, “I figured since I’m always coming to you with my relationship problems and crashing on your bed, I could at least repay you with some breaky!”
“I hope it’s edible,” you joked.
After you ate, the two of you prepared to go home for the weekend to celebrate Chuseok with your families. You were excited to see both your parents and Taehyung’s younger brother and sister. To play games and see who can make the most foul tasting penalty songpyeon. Chuseok had always been one of your favorite holidays since your families started celebrating together. Because you were an only child, Taehyung’s siblings basically became yours. You were also excited about the awesome food, your mom’s yummy veggie pajeon and jimgalbi and Tae’s mother’s famous ttarogukbap. You were so ready to stuff your face full after having done midterms.
Taehyung dropped you off at your house first before heading down to his. When you went inside your father was fiddling with his hanbok. You chuckled and helped him tie the ridiculous hat for him after hugging.
“What do you think?” He asked as he made silly poses.
“Very handsome dad” you laughed. “Where’s mom?”
“In here! Come help me with the pajeon!” Your mother yelled from the kitchen.
You went in the kitchen and saw an abundant amount of ddeok and fruits, a huge platter of jimgalbi that made your mouth water, and your mom mixing a batter for the pajeon. You helped your mom fry 4 pancakes and wrap all the food up. This year you guys were celebrating at the Kim’s, because it deemed more appropriate since Taehyung’s grandmother passed, to do the ancestral offering there. Afterwards you went to your room to get ready, your mom had bought you a new beautiful hanbok. It was a deep navy blue with golden applique designs on it. The jacket was silver and the sleeves were white with the same matching applique designs and the same deep navy bordering the collar, sleeves, and bow.
Your mother smiled as she handed you a basket of fruits, “I have such a beautiful daughter!”       
“I get it from you mom!”
You guys headed down the street in your hanboks towards the Kim’s. When you got there Taehyung’s parents greeted you guys with hugs and both your mothers headed off to set up the dining room. Taehyung’s sister came running in and greeted you with a bear hug.
“Unnie! I love your new hanbok it looks gorgeous on you!” She said in a half serious half sarcastic tone.
“Eonjin-ah, why are you saying it like that?” you arched a brow.
She giggled and ran off to the kitchen, “Design just looks really familiar, but you do look gorgeous, like a princess!”
You followed her with your basket of fruits. When you reached the kitchen you finally figured out why Eonjin was being weird. Taehyung was standing there, his back towards you, sneaking some meat from his mom’s ttaroguk. His jacket was the same deep navy blue as yours with the same golden applique and white sleeves. His bottoms were a matching silver and deep blue.
“Hey! Hands off the guk, we’ll have dinner in 20.” His mom wacked the back of his neck as she entered the kitchen to turn off the stove.
“Yeona, don’t they look cute?” your mom giggled.
“They do, they do!” she replied, clapping her hands in glee.
“Mommmm, I thought you guys weren’t going to buy us matching hanboks anymore!” you whined as you walked up next to Taehyung.
“Don’t blame your mother y/n, we couldn’t help it. It was on discount and they look too beautiful to pass up!” Taehyung’s mother said.
Taehyung turned to you to finally realized that you two looked like a noble couple. “I mean you do look very pretty y/n, but I think I wore it best,” he winked at you as he stoke a pose.
You turned towards the dining room to avoid his gaze as you blushed, “Pshh yeah right. I’m going to set up the fruit, can we eat already!?”
You all gathered around the Kim’s living room to do the ancestral offering and prey. Everyone was solemn but still kept a smile on their faces. Everyone was talking to Taehyung’s grandmother as if she was still there in their presence. She meant a lot of them. They talked about new things that happened in the past year and what they hoped for in the not too far future. Then at the end you all were getting too sappy and Mr. Kim decided to make the air lighter by cracking a dad joke before you all went into the dining room to eat dinner.
You all ate and updated each other with what was going on in your school life. You talked about how you felt good about your midterms and that you probably needed to go out more. Taehyung made fun of you for being such a homebody, but unlike him you actually had to study to keep your grades up. Taehyung mentioned his fight with Seomi, although his family has never met her yet they’ve heard plenty about her and you knew that his mother already disapproved. She would ask if Seomi was really worth all the trouble, but Taehyung would just shrug it off. Eonjin and Junggyu talked about their grades and clubs in school. They couldn’t wait to get out of high school and start college. But you reassured them that minus the freedom, it’s not any more fun.   
After dinner you guys made penalty songpyeon for the losing team for when you, Taehyung, Junggyu, and Eonjin play yut while the parents went off to discuss whatever parents discuss at gatherings. Yours had horseradish and chocolate syrup in it. Taehyung made his with bananas and chocolate syrup because he felt nice. Eonjin made hers with wasabi and red bean. Junggyu put anchovies and chocolate in his. You guys played rock paper scissors to decide the teams and of course you and Taehyung were on the same team.
Taehyung had bad luck when it came to playing games, but surprisingly you guys were winning. You guys already had 2/4 of your pieces home and a 3rd more than half way home where as Junggyu and Eonjin had only one home. It was your turn, Taehyung threw the sticks and it was yut. You guys decided to bring your last piece onto the board, he threw the sticks again and got two spaces so you moved your 4th piece down the middle lane.
All of a sudden the doorbell rung while Junggyu and Eonjin took their turn and Mr. Kim yelled out to Taehyung that there was a girl at the door for him. It was Seomi.
AN: wHEW. Okay. So, this is my first attempt at writing a fanfic. Actually it’s my first attempt at writing any kind of story at all. I’m not a literature kinda gal. But I do enjoy reading fics and I guess I’ve been somewhat inspired? infires? to write my own. Of course I’m going to start off with a fic of my ult bias LOL. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy and come back for more!
 Tell me what you think? Constructive criticism welcomed ^^ 
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