#new series 😌
kevinfeiges · 11 months
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Around the MCU → S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division)
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galedekarios · 7 months
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huntingrays · 2 months
man i’ve never had a ship that i genuinely wanted to become canon until valgrace
like with other ships i was chill or was fine with them just being friends or didn’t trust the author to do it right
but valgrace?
if they ever be canon i apologize for the person i’ll become
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scarefox · 7 months
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sanvees · 7 months
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It's our best photo together.
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vagabond-umlaut · 5 months
HIIII KIT <333333 you said you were okay w selfship asks so!!!!! here i am :33
first of all >:3 i’m a sucker for the falls first/falls harder dynamic, so!!! in your selfships, who fell first and who fell harder?? 🎤🎤 or did you both fall at the same time??? i need to knowwww!!! 
anddddd i also . love & adore….. sun/moon pairings……… 👉👈 so i’d love to know where your selfships fall on that scale too!!! :3 i get sun vibes from you but i could see moon too…. super curious to hear abt this one hehe
anyway!!!! ily kit <3333 i hope sukugo r treating you nicely!!!!! feral cat men smh…
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AAAHHH ARIIi, TYTYTY FOR SENDING ME THESE QUESTIONS! I SERIOUSLY LOVE ANSWERING ASKS ON MY SELFSHIPS SM— i'm hugging u so very tightly rn *mwah mwah mwah* @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat
who fell first? who fell harder?
honestly speaking, the lore of my ship w satoru changes w the seasons 🤭🤭 but acc to the information i hv as of summer 2024, i'm the one who fell first. and 'toru is the one who fell harder. i fell for him a very long time ago— back when i was in my mid teens and he was in his early twenties. but nothing romantic happened then– wtv hints i gave him either went over his head or he intentionally side-stepped them. and i js stopped giving him hints after one or two failed attempts, js staying happy with staring at him from afar, or yk, relishing wtv moments i used to get him as being one of his acquaintances... [he used to see me as a 'friend'. i nvr thought he cld see me as a 'friend', haha] but yk, when we grew up, i crossed quite some distance into my twenties and he too entered his late twenties— this is when the tectonic plates of our relationship slowly started shifting. i cld feel it, but i did not want to hope once again js to get heart-broken a second time— satoru, however, felt the shift like an earthquake. it's like, one moment he was thinking of me like he wld think of a friend, but then smthng happened, and he was like, "oh. this isn't how i think of shoko or nanami. oh. oh."— and well, let's js say, satoru was not rly in the mood for dating... he was more like, "omggg, ily! i'll take care of u! i'll make sure u hv a happy life! why don't we get married engaged, hm?" [i love my men a bit yandere 😂]
i think, mr. darcy's words fit sukuna and my dynamics the best 😄— “i was in the middle before i knew that i had begun.” we did not hv a very normal start to our relationship. sukuna js abducted me from my family and made me his queen. and i js became his queen and began to live in his temple or palace or fort or wtv. and yeah, we js started living together the way two ppl married as if for tax benefits start living together under the same roof. tht is it... except, tht doesn't stay tht is it for long. usually, i wld be content w some yummy food, interesting books, and nice comfy clothes— but over time, i began to notice i was feeling stuff other than js content. over time, this heavy feeling inside my chest began to grow lighter and i began to feel freer— and i realised, it was because of this freedom i was experiencing here. smthng i nvr got to experience when i was w my family— that place was rly good, yeah. i was treated rly well. but i felt more like ' a bird inside a golden cage' there. this observation changed my perception of sukuna from a housemate to smthng more amiable, perhaps smthng more affectionate, and i tried to get closer to him, inch by inch— actually millimetre by millimetre, 'cause i love to test the waters 1st then dip my toe into it— and then one fine day, when i wake up from an afternoon nap and i find sukuna sitting at the table, totally immersed in scrolls of poetry... an odd thing happens in my chest— which occurs again at dinner a few nights later... when i notice him eating as messily as ever— smthng which repeats when i catch him napping one day, akin a big cat lounging in the shade— a phenomenon which starts to happen multiple times a day very very soon... needless to say, i quickly diagnose it as a case of falling in love w my hubby 😌😌 as for sukuna... i don't rly think he feels love... he kidnapped me 'cause he was lwk intrigued by me. [idk why] he married me 'cause he grew highkey intrigued by me. [i still hv no idea why 😭😭] and he gave me space, never tried to be bad or scary to me 'cause he gave me some amt of respect as his wife, his queen [i nvr went to his court tho. i preferred drinking fruit juice and reading a good book in the shade of a tree] [were u able to guess i'm lazyyy] but then, one day, few weeks after i was able to extricate myself from my jumbled emotions and reach a definitive diagnosis— i found him snoozing under the same tree i take rest under, w a very amateurish book titled 'how do you know you are in love'— and i actually got rooted to the spot. and sukuna, heaven knows how, woke up while i was busy gaping at him. and he made an embarrassed face and dashed away— uraume later confirmed, their lord was feeling an odd thing in their chest; esp the last few weeks— roughly the same time as when i first encountered my symptom. later tht night, when i started subtly teasing him, calling us soulmates, he js put a blanket over my head to shut me up, but did not kill me— guess he loves me, huh 🤭🤭
who is the sun? who is the moon?
be it kitoru or kitkuna, i think i'm the moon, babes 😇😇 tho not a full moon. i'm more of a waxing crescent, methinks... 'cause i feel like i'm bright, but not bright enuf to light someone's path thru a forest at night... i js hv the potential, heh [i'm defo not the sun, babes 😅😅 i can be a lil grumpy and mean tbh, hahaha] satoru and sukuna, on the other hand... i think they are the sun in our dynamics. they can be both the comforting sun of chilly winter mornings, when i need them to be here for me, to hug me, to kiss me, to love me— and the scorching sun of a summer noon, ready to burn anyhting and everything which dares to bother me... [i love satoru and sukuna being a little crazy in their love for me 🥰🥰]
they're treating me pretty well so far, babes 🥰🥰🥰 and fr fr— feral cat men make me go insaneeee 😂😂😂
now i too wanna know ur answers to these same asks for ur selfships, my loveee 🤗🤗🤗 [no pressure tho!! only if u wanna ❤️❤️]
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musclesandhammering · 10 months
Pet peeve: nobody ever includes Timely in the found family :(
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protoindoeuropean · 6 months
So, he has a new series out so I was reminded of my obsession with Ding Yuxi again and in watching some YT video about the new series I was again struck by how fascinating it is to me how different his looks can be. For example, when I watched the first series with him in the main role (The Romance of Tiger and Rose; which yes, I'll readily admit, I agreed to watch in a large part because I saw him on the poster and was like, well, I wouldn't mind seeing more of this 😏), there were two ~versions of him – in the historical and the modern setting:
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And like yeah they all wear those wigs in historical dramas so that's not particularly remarkable, right. Little did I know that this was just a tiny tip of the iceberg
Because then when I went to look him up afterwards on YT etc. and the first pictures I saw were these:
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about which I was at first like, is that even him? Like the face is just ... not the same in these? But ok, what do I know, anyway ... And then I watched an interview where he has yet another different look, and that seemed kind of in between, so that "bridged the gap" in a way. And then! – in that same interview – they juxtaposed him with another of his earlier looks:
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and it's like, who tf is this person ?
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It's just, idk, really amazing how much just different hairstyles, lighting, makeup, accessories will do. Obsessed
Other interview looks are nothing extreme
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And obviously there's supposed to be more variety when looking at the different roles
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But still, sometimes I'm just like, this is one person .....
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And like, sure, these looks obviously aren't impossibly different, but comparing the different ends of the spectrum can be pretty wild
In any case, the one that brought all of this about was this latest one:
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and idk at this point I shouldn't be surprised anymore. And yet ...
Anyway, I do actually love his acting too lmao
It really is ... delectable 😌
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someone put their whole artistussy in this panel:
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yncoreee · 26 days
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Out of boredom 🙂
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laesas · 2 years
Honestly the only people mad about Only Friends being fucked up and messy and sexually charged are either teenagers or adult shut-ins that have never actually interacted with a group of gay people in their early 20's. I promise, hand on heart. It is exactly as chaotic as that. Maybe more.
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mukuberry · 1 year
[dash filled with ice king selfcest] ok fine ill check out that series /hj
WOOOOOOOO999OOOOOOOO LETSA GOOOOOOO SELFCEST WINS YET AGAIN 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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urwendii · 1 year
Headcanons of Valar and Maiar hierarchy in Imbë verse.
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The Aratar or Māchanumāz:
We know them, the Eight (+ Melkor).
Higher Maiar:
Maiar who are exceptionally powerful and can almost be considered rivalling with the Valar. Unsurprisingly they are associated with Aratar*
*Melian while being formerly affiliated with Vána, is also said to have been kin to Yavanna.
Arien’s affiliation can either be Vána, Estë or Varda depending on tolkien’s lore version. In my verse she is officially affiliated with Varda but also works for Vána.
Olórin is not in this category as his strength lies with his empathy and compassion but he is nonetheless unofficially considered as part of it by many.
Regular Valar:
The rest of them we know by names:
Enkí (Vala of Time)
Regular Maiar:
Tillion: Maia of Oromë
Uinen: Maia of Ulmo
Curumo: Maia of Aulë
Aiwendil: Maia of Yavanna
Salmar: Maia of Ulmo
Ómar: Maia of Ulmo
Pallando: Maia of Oromë
Alatar: Maia of Oromë
Aramírë: Maia of Aulë
Oryalda: Maia of Yavanna
Catalma: Maia of Vána
Calaimë: Maia of Oromë
Hatalim: Maia of Tulkas
Nilmírëa: Maia of Varda
Lesser Maiar:
The Maiar that are part or Arda's natural world. Made of those who wear Kelvar or Olvar raiment and those who are employed for the more regular and daily tasks in Aman.
The most famous Maiar wearing animals skins are:
The Eagles of Manwë
A note on Úmaiar:
As for the corrupted beings that Melkor brought from beyond the confines of Arda, little is known.
Valaraukar (Balrogs) were once great spirits of fire, possibly on par with Arien's might.
Many corrupted beings might initially have been lesser Maiar corrupted early on (whether willingly or not is up to debate.)
The case of Ungoliant:
Not much is known of the being clothing herself as a great spider. Her primaeval relation with Unlight tends to indicate she was not from Arda nor Eä but might have come from the endless Void. Loremasters have long speculated if she was indeed a by-product of the Discord during the Music, or if other beings inhabited the Void That Is Without - but without being able to offer evidence against such speculations, none have dared to formulate a concrete hypothesis as of yet.
All it is known is that Ungoliant possesses some inate power that allowed herself to remain cloaked to Manwë's surveillance and was able to pose a serious threat to Melkor himself. Recently, a small group of scientists came forward with the theory that the Great Spider might be the counterbalance of Light itself - as embodied by Eru Ilúvatar Himself, a theory of Matter and Antimatter had followed the paper but had so far only resulted in various escalating arguments amongst academics with some arguing against the Presumption of assuming the existence of another Being equal to Ilúvatar. [Extract of Tirion's Sc. Newsletter, Fifth Age - Sept.09]
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scarefox · 5 months
he's back simping
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-> that's what he's watching:
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camptv-era · 2 years
I hope axel and julia interact in the way I want them to.
Axel: (being over the top, no-nonsense, and shouting orders) "C'mon team! Let's WIN this challenge, so we can get closer to my victory!!"
Julia: *turns towards her slowly, as if she's realizing Axel's the one talking* "Whoa, wait, what?"
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ravens-words · 2 years
this love of mine (1/2)
|| Hurt Buck, Worried Eddie Firefam, Idiots in Love, and Bobby and Buck bonding.||
"Why are you staring at Buck?"
Hen's voice startles Eddie enough that he nearly spills the hot coffee he just poured into his mug on his lap.
"He's always staring at Buck," Chimney mutters from where he's sitting beside him.
Eddie rolls his eyes, side eying his friend, then turns his attention back to Buck, who's staring at the coffee machine like it holds the secrets of the universe.
"Eddie," Hen prompts, and he sighs.
"He's not looking so hot," he says worriedly.
Chimney opens his mouth to comment, but Hen points a finger at him. "You- hush." She looks back at Eddie. "What do you think is going on?"
"I don't know-"
The alarm sounds, interrupting him.
After that, it's back to back calls. Eddie's head is pounding, he's so hungry he can eat a horse, and he's tired. None of his teammates are faring any better, but Buck is definitely doing a lot worse. He's curled up on the couch, arms wrapped around his midsection. A sheen of sweat dots his forehead, and a grimace mars his features. Eddie's worry spikes.
He walks over, ready to bully him into one of the bunk beds, when the alarm blares. Bobby walks in, hurriedly fills them in on the call they're headed towards. Eddie interrupts him, "cap, Buck's-"
"-fine," Buck bites out, frowning at him.
Bobby eyes they younger man, opens his mouth to say something, but seems to change his mind. "Buck, you sure you're up for this?"
"I am," he says, but Eddie's not convinced, and from the look on Bobby's face, he's not, either. Eddie's so sure Bobby's going to bench him, but he surprises him by clapping Buck on the shoulder and nodding tightly, before making his way down the stairs.
"What the hell, Eddie?"
He turns to face his best friend, glares at him. "Seriously?"
Buck rolls his eyes. "I'm fine."
"Ten seconds ago you looked about ready to keel over, you're not fine."
Buck swallows, turns away to grab his phone with a shaky hand. "Buck," he says, pleading with him, "sit this one out."
He softens, just a little bit, "it's gonna be fine, Eddie."
Two hours later, when he's passed out in Eddie's arms, sweat mingling with the blood on his forehead, and trapped under the rubble of a two-story home, Eddie wants nothing more than to say I told you so, but he's too busy trying to keep them both alive. "When we get out of here," he grunts, dragging Buck through the narrow corridor, "we're gonna have a serious talk about-shit!" he dives down, covers Buck with his body as best as he can as the ceiling caves in.
He winces as pieces of concrete fall onto his back, tightens his hold on his partner. It takes a few seconds, but he's able to move, even if it hurts, so he continues on his way. By his estimation, they're a few feet away from the front door. He's about to breath out a sigh of relief when the floor beneath them shakes and, faster than he can react, it caves in.
They fall through the opening, Eddie on top of Buck, and for a heart stopping minute, he thinks- this is it. He can't breath, everything hurts, and Buck is still unconscious.
Butt then that moment passes, and he takes in a few gulping breaths. Sitting up is a struggle, and he nearly collapses a couple of times, but he does it anyway. His shaky hands find Buck's weak pulse and he breathes a sigh of relief. He tries to wake him, taps his cheek, calls his name.
Panic consumes him for a few seconds, white hot and overwhelming, but he pushes it down, manages to push it to the back of his mind.
Now isn’t the time.
So he tries to wake him again, and though it takes a few seconds, Buck stirs. He groans, eyes open to slits, and Eddie's relief makes it hard to stay upright. He holds his hand under the pretense of checking his pulse and smiles. "You scared the hell outta me, Buck."
His best friend blinks at him, sluggish and uncomprehending. "Wha' happened?" Buck slurs as he tries to sit up. Immediately, a grimace of pain twists his features and he slumps back against the concrete with a gasp.
Eddie's on him in an instant, checking for bleeding, a broken bone, anything to explain the paleness, the sweat, the very obvious pain he's in. "Buck? Hey, talk to me. What hurts?"
He stares at him like he's grown two heads. "Everything," Buck mutters.
Eddie rolls his eyes, huffs, and looks at him pointedly. "Be more specific."
He pauses, seems to take an inventory of his injuries, and grimaces when he shifts. "Abdomen, definitely."
Eddie gently begins to examine him, watching his face intently. When he touches his lower right side, Buck grimaces. Eddie presses down gently, then removes his fingers suddenly and Buck lets out a pained scream.
Eddie curses. "Buck? You with me?"
"Yeah," he pants, somewhat breathless.
"Any nausea?" A nod. "Vomiting?" Another nod. "And you've had a low grade fever since this morning."
Buck squints at him, and even in the dim light, Eddie can see his guarded expression.
Which means Buck can most likely see his thunderous expression.
"It's appendicitis, Buck."
He wincee.
"And we're trapped here. For God knows how long. Anything could go wrong, any minute now and I won't be able to do anything about it," he hisses, fists his hands in Buck's turnout coat in an effort to stop their shaking.
Buck's clammy hand settles on top of his and he squeezes. "Sorry," he mutters, and Eddie shakes his head. He looks away from the piercing, apologetic blue eyes, and clenches his jaw. There's got to be away out of this.
He gets up wordlessly, starts looking around to find a way out. His radio isn't working, and neither is his phone, so he can't call for help, which means they're on their own.
He doesn't know how long he spends walking around the basement they ended up in, trying to find a way out, but it's at least been ten minutes. He's about to give up when he hears Buck call out his name shakily.
He all but runs over, falls down to his knees beside him and freezes at the look of panic that is etched in every inch of the younger man's face. "Buck?"
"Something's wrong," he mutters hoarsely. "I can't-" his face screws up in pain, and Eddie's heart slams against his chest, painful and loud in his ears as panic starts to rise.
"Buck? Hey, talk to me."
"Hurts," it's one word, but damn if it doesn't pierce through Eddie's heart like a gunshot.
"I know," he says, squeezing his hand.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Eddie shakes his head, "it's not like you knew this would happen."
"Sh-should've listened to-" he stops, bites his lips as he groans, and sw4at glistens off his forehead, "Eddie- I- Maddie- tell Maddie I-"
For the first time in a while, Eddie sees genuine fear in Buck's eyes. He freezes as he begins to understand where this is going. "No," he snaps at him, squeezes his hand so tightly he can almost the bones creak under the pressure.
"No," he repeats, firm and pissed off. "You don't get to do this- you don't get to try and say goodbye. You," he grits his teeth at the shake in his voice, but carries on, "are going to make it out of here."
Buck is now staring at Eddie in a way that terrifies him. He's smiling, fond and- there's something in his gaze like resignation or pity that pisses him off. "Edds, I'm- I don't think I am."
He scoffs, even though he's scared shitless of the possibility. "Of course you are."
Buck shakes his head, looks up at the ceiling. "Wasted so much time," he says, words slurred and quiet.
Eddie freezes. "Buck?"
"Thought I had more time with you," his best friend mutters, as his hold on Eddie's hand starts to go slack. “An’ Chris-topher.”
Eddie grabs it before his hand before it hits the ground, tight enough to hurt. "You do. We've got all the time in the world."
Buck smiles, pained and helpless and heartbroken. "I wanted to- there's so much I-" he keeps trailing off, and Eddie feels like he's split in two; part of him wants to hear what he has to say, but another part desperately needs him to stop talking, because he knows the words are a goodbye and he's not ready for that.
Buck lets out a huff of a breath that's a poor imitation of a laugh. "'m such a coward," he slurs, "can't say it even now."
Eddie's heart squeezes in his chest. "You're not. You're the bravest person I know."
He shakes his head sluggishly. "No' when it comes t-to you," he responds, eyes drooping. His breath stutters in his chest, hitches. His eyes close. Eddie's fingers fly over to his neck, desperately checking for a pulse. Where just a few minutes ago there was a faint beat, now there is none.
Buck's heart stops beating.
Eddie's does too.
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