#new theme 🙀?!
rohansdisciple · 1 year
okay so i’m either doing a gepard , welt , or silver wolf theme 🧏🏾‍♀️ … i have a vision for those three i just have to pick one (^_^;)
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Drew this dumb cat once, and now I can't stop drawing xem 😿🙏
Wanted to draw them like from the thumbnail of the new update, but in my style 😋🎉🎉 (inspired from image thats above and to the right)
Look at that goofy evil cat go ‼️‼️‼️
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Guys, you CANNOT look at me directly in the eyes and say that "Shijurui Burning" from Neros Day at Disneyland isn't xyr theme song (i'm insane!! agree to keep your limbs!! 🙀)
[ Gnarpy is from Regretevator, a roblox game, and was redesigned by the creator! ✨️ this is just my interpretation of the original design !! ]
Have a wonderful day/night !! 😼🛸‼️✨️
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newx-menfan · 17 days
Thoughts on Cerebro Podcast:
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Readers paying attention to nothing except X-Men is kind of brutally true 😂🤣 (I do read other comics…but X-Men is the only book I consistently read…)
Apparently one of the writers cats is very vicious! (I think it’s Jackson’s )🙀😾😹
Was kind of apprehensive when the podcaster mentioned not being a fan of NYX or NXM:AX- NYX I at least get…but I kind of am surprised they weren’t a big fan of NXM…honestly this is the same problem with “Xavier Files” for me; they write it off as “gimmicky” or “commercialization” or “a Harry Potter knockoff”, instead of admitting that NXM really was a great predecessor of Gen X and NM and fit really well with what Morrison had developed. I would say NXM was the only x-book that ever fully “felt” like a true blue “school” book and that the characters felt more realistic because they were flawed and more nuanced than a lot of previous teen characters 😒
Don’t agree that all the NXM should necessarily “break bad”- it makes sense more for someone like Hellion, (who went through bodily harm repeatedly, was heavily “shunned” by adults or labeled as a proto-villain, and was already pretty naturally rebellious) than a lot of the other NXM characters. Like I don’t envision Indra or even modern day Elixir turning because of their personalities…MAYBE Pixie because of Limbo influence? Even Surge, for example, as angry as she is…I can’t picture it working narratively as well.
Agree with the Podcaster that in a lot of ways these characters work in a new title because they feel “college age”- they’re not too young that you have to write a YA/highschool book and can feature broader themes…but they’re also still a “hip” and “young” age…
Brought up what I have been saying for years- that the NXM represented cultural crisis like climate change, 9/11, recession, ect… basically general disenfranchisement caused by modernity…and that they still work for that feeling and are basically the “millennials” of X-books
Kamala WAS editorially mandated 
I feel better hearing it described as “older Bendis” kind of book- as negative as I feel about Bendis, I did really enjoy his “street vibe” with Jessica Jones and Miles and miss those kinds of books. I miss books like “X-Factor Investigations” or the original “NYX”…
Really thrilled to hear Hellion is their favorite lol! (Although Hellion is pretty much EVERYONE’S favorite lol😜)
Really agree with the note that Hellion’s BIGGEST flaw isn’t that he’s wrong, but that he’s arrogant and condescending about it (it’s also TOTALLY why I think he’s an ♈️ and not a ♌️ )
Same with the “he’s not a BAD kid, he just comes off as bad”…
Agree that Laurie Collin’s COULD have made a really cool villian…although I really liked that despite her power set, Laurie WASN’T evil….also objectively…I’m more excited about it being Empath, because as everyone KNOWS, I REALLY wanted the Hellion v. Empath smackdown 😂🤣🤣
F***…. Might need to go back and read “Hellions” now 😂🤣🤣
The writers are obviously going to address the Sophie-Prodigy moment and Laura and Kamala (I have said this with Surge/Dust AX storyline…but again…there’s a difference with writing a problematic scene to explore a real problem vs. being racist/sexist/ect…) 
Really sad to hear the Surge hate ☹️, especially since the writers are obviously doing the same “learning moment” with Sophie and David….again, I would ARGUE the whole point of that original story WAS that Surge was wrong…but whatevs
The “shippers” commentary made me laugh 😂🤣
Liked the conversation around the local feel/geography (I was actually really excited when the “Vessel” at Hudson Yards popped up in issue #1)
I actually DIDN’T think about how Sophie MISSED Decimation…which actually makes it even MORE interesting!… Hellion AND Prodigy are definitely going to give Sophie a piece of their minds though lol
Sophie and Kamala being in the same boat (both didn’t experience THE BAD ERA of X-Men) and learning from one another sounds like it will be really interesting! I am actually MORE excited about Sophie than I was previously after listening to this podcast episode!
The statement about Empath being “Emma’s greatest failure” because you can’t really humble or nudge that character was an interesting way to look at Manuel and I am interested in seeing more of this play out
Sounds like Anole is going to be the one that gets arrested (1:11.45)
The idea of Emma constantly talking shit about Carol Danvers cracked me up 
Dante, David’s boyfriend will be heavily featured in issue #6; also I really appreciated the discussion around Dante, in general 
It does sound like no one should get super attached to any ship from this podcast ep lol
Not sure I care for “Kamala= Superman, Laura=Batman”….but whatevs
Feel super empathetic to Kelly needing to get off the call for his wife- it was super nice of him to do this podcast interview and congratulations on the new addition to his family!! ❤️
Everyone already knows this by now but QQ was originally meant to be “The Krakoan” in the first pitch…honestly it’s for the best because I am picky about my QQ representation…
Hellion commentary (1:27:15)- because THAT’S the most important lol
Totally agree that QQ was a million times better as an antagonist and they (cough…Aaron…cough) ruined a great Morrison character 
Kind of hope they didn’t JUST choose Julian because he’s a “white male privileged character”- Julian definitely IS that, but there’s also plenty more layers TO Julian…
This whole podcast episode is a love letter to Morrison and I LOVE it 😂🤣🤣🤣
Quentin DID steal Julian’s thunder and I am GLAD someone fucking SAID IT! 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Calling me out on my Hellion grievances lol - yes, yes I AM that bitter lol
Again- I actually don’t see Surge and Wallflower going evil; Wallflower because she saw how her father’s abuse of his powers affected her mother, and Surge, because I think Noriko is too loyal and dependent on others ultimately…. Julian makes sense because he’s always been a pretty independent thinker/ stood his ground when he thought he was right and always had a “damn the consequences” attitude. Julian IS loyal…but his need to do what he saw as “right” often trumped that loyalty- remember him turning on Emma to defend Laura! (might do a bigger write up on this later!)
Hellion got his hands back…but it sounds like they’re going to tackle THAT story on page possibly
I agree that Hellion TOTALLY would have gone through the Crucible as well- while I LIKED Julian’s prosthetics and what they represented…the truth is Julian more or less SAID he wanted them HEALED in “X-Men: Legacy”…it wouldn’t narratively make sense for him to pull a “Karma” and keep them
Kind of do hope we see Julian MAKING telekinetic floating hands as a fight move…
I agree that Hellion would be angry over the loss of Krakoa…but I actually think, after years of Hellion “wanting fame and glory”…after years and years of trauma and abandonment…receding into the background, having his friends alive and back…might have been a relief to him. While Hellion DEFINITELY IS arrogant…I do think he learned his lesson that there’s a negative to “fame and glory”…
Really pleased to hear Lanzing say he wants Hellion to be a bigger character and kind of push back on the “Hellion is just taking QQ’s original role’s place”- I know I am going to get flack for saying this from QQ fans… but; Hellion is more interesting than just being the ANGRY REBELLIOUS FASCHIST KID. QQ’s original anger didn’t have the layers Hellion does. While there’s definitely some egotism and arrogance there….Hellion WENT through a lot of trauma and isn’t entirely WRONG to be angry at the X-Men….Hellion I would argue ALWAYS had a complexity that QQ never did, because Julian was more emotionally intelligent than QQ (and that WAS kind of the point of Kid Omega…his intellect didn’t match his emotional intelligence! He WAS a more realistic take on the kid who is too smart for his own good!)
Glad to hear him mention Laura specifically!
the 7 train IS objectively terrible lol
This *might* be the book where Kamala’s family finds out she’s a superhero…
I agree with the writers and liked the Aamir moment- I think it does highlight that it IS easy to play into stereotypes and discriminate…especially when there’s propaganda actively reinforcing it…
Kamala is apparently going to get an X-verse version of “the Trumper relative” 😳🤣🤣🤣
G Willow Wilson run shoutout ✊✊
Couldn’t say much about the new “Quiet Council”….but they’re all “failed, used, and taught by Emma Frost”…
“Emma is the educator that matters”- truth!…although this DOESN’T highlight her legacy in a particularly nice way or bode well for the new generation of students 🤣🤣🤣
“Why would we STOP” commentary about Krakoa and the freedom they once had is great!
Calling attention to Hellion AND Esme not having the Empath power effect over them in the art (although the cuckoos powers often show up as pink as well)- won’t confirm or deny Empath controlling them
There isn’t a “Cut and Dry” villain in the book apparently (Ooooohhh! I love that! I really DO hope we get Magneto levels of ambiguity with all these characters!)
Agree that the artist did a great job with Empath’s character design and harkening back to the 80’s! (Technically Empath’s hair color changed depending on the artist- sometimes it was a dirty blonde, sometimes brown…also I could totally see Manuel dyeing his hair to match Emma…so…)
Kind of wonder if Firestar OR Magma will pop up… one of my FAV issues of Uncanny X-Men WAS the one where Empath and Roulette manipulated Warpath’s grief over Thunderbird and Firestar…
The commentary ON Empath and the relationship of psychology to power sets was really excellent!! (1:52:05) [I ADMIT IT NOW- I MIGHT NEED to EAT CROW and read “Hellions” 😂🤣🤣] 
Possibly WILL be in conversation with Eve Ewing’s Emma book… (I really WOULD like to see a dive into Emma constantly trying to “undo” the past with new students, and how it’s NEVER about Emma trying to do “right” by these kids…as much as Emma USES her students as martyrdom…the truth is, much like Xavier, it’s ALWAYS ABOUT her ego…that’s why she does it…) [I KNOW people hated KYOST’s take on Emma back in the day…but I would argue that they weren’t entirely WRONG that Emma’s actions are complex and not ALWAYS altruistic…]
….It KIND OF IS Emma’s fault, people 😂🤣
Not sure I love the idea of the cast growing…but we will see…
Lanzing and Kelly MIGHT be on again! 
Thought about making a Greg land joke with the Spider-Man plug…but I won’t be petty….
Overall- I feel better about this book; it DOES seem like the writers are putting A LOT of thought into this book and aren’t just doing things without thinking about it deeply first! I definitely think this is going to be one of the strongest X-book we’ve gotten in a long time and I am PUMPED! 
(Also I may have to listen to CEREBRO Files more- the commentary was really great 😂🤣🤣)
I know I may regret it…but I am REALLY feeling optimistic about this book!!
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slytherinshua · 5 months
i have no clue if u remember me or not but its me em / zuya 🙀🙀🙀 hruu zanna?? btw this is my new acc cos my old one got matured saur ya !
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OMG EM HIII I MISSED U :( i'm glad you got a new acc and it was literally crazy when ur old acc got a mature warning like U WRITE FOR BONEDO AND TXT 😟😟😟 but i'm doing good i'm just in the middle of changing my theme so this dark yuto buto stuff is gonna be gone later 😞😞😞 how are u doing!!!
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thistransient · 9 months
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For the past two years there's been a zodiac themed display of fun postcards designed by a variety of artists in the gift shop of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Looking forward to the Year of the Dragon, I'd been planning to go for a while and finally headed over. To my dismay it was not there! However, I was prepared to undertake one of my favourite activities, pestering an unsuspecting employee about it in Mandarin. Props to that man, who actually made a phone call to somebody about it, who called him back after investigating, whereupon he wrote down an address and phone number for me, because it turned out the whole thing was not organised by the museum but by a print shop. He suggested I call them first, but he was unaware that my least favourite activity is calling strangers on the phone in Mandarin, plus the location was only a ten minute walk away. The museum itself seemed plagued by an unusual amount of tourists and school children today, so I decided to skip the whole thing and go on this quest.
I was rewarded en route by a street full of seasonal decoration shops preparing all the shiny things for Chinese New Year (is this not also a kind of modern art??), and a wander down some alleys I would never have otherwise wandered down. Finally I found the place, Retro Jam 印刷, which to my good fortune had the sought-after postcards on obvious display. They seem to do all manner of screen and risograph printing, and also sell supplies and prints. I can't speak to the quality of services but I had a great time poking around in the latter. Across the street was a place called Risograph Museum, which as far as I can tell was unrelated to Retro Jam, and was not a museum but a small shop of prints and cute items where I also flipped through cards to my heart's content (apparently the main Risograph Museum with printing services is in Taichung).
Afterwards I had ambitions to go to IKEA and get a duvet cover for an IKEA duvet I'd come into the possession of recently (via a friend distributing loot household items before moving back overseas), so I walked to Beimen Station when hunger struck. I am not the kind of person who can simply walk into a strange restaurant. Usually it requires extensive investigation and two to three back-up schemes, which is not really something I care to do while sitting outside the metro by a noisy intersection. The primary way to streamline this procedure is to focus solely on curry. There was a place called Curry Lab. Tokyo (with the punctuation, yes) conveniently near IKEA, and it had a solid 5 stars, which induces suspicion because that generally means the place gives some discount or bribe for good reviews, but I chanced my luck.
It was dishearteningly dark within when I got there despite being 16:31 (with 16:30 opening hours listed) but the employees were present and the door was open, so I asked exactly when business commenced and they turned on the light and told me to sit down.
Lo and behold, I really would rate it as one of the top 5 Japanese style curries I've had. Something about the spices and the onions. I was impressed. I even indulged in a pudding afterwards, which was equally delightful.
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Google Maps' estimation of the crowd level at IKEA had me a bit wary but it was pretty empty and I had a grand time feeling the fabrics, sniffing the scented candles, and restraining myself from purchasing an orb to ponder (I already have a lantern at home, one spherical glowing light fixture is enough unless I move into a bigger place). I even got the duvet cover I went there for and nothing else!
(imagine how immense my willpower must be in the face of these, for 499元 🙀)
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When I finally got out it was rush hour and thus time to squish into the MRT like sardines. I have lived here long enough to have no qualms about moving people who will not move themselves. No more timid 不好意思 from this 外國人, it is time to 讓開! (Perhaps I give myself more credit than I'm due in terms of audacity, as more often than not the wave of humanity entering the train car behind me would propel me forward one way or another, I've simply learned to proactively embrace that inevitability.)
I've been feeling unexpectedly resilient regarding going out and doing things lately, although it may be because in going out I'm procrastinating on what I should be doing at home (although I am still thinking about it and making notes while walking around). In this way being outside feels more like a break instead of a torment 🤔 We'll see how long it lasts, but I might as well enjoy it.
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pr3ttyf4wn · 16 days
Hiiii I just found your acc and I'm kinda new to the Fandom but I js wanted to tell you your writing is amazingggg and I love your themee Its soo cuttee💕
IM SO GLAD YOU LOVE MY THEME also thank you for complimenting my writing, it truly means a lot 🩷 i hope you have a great rest of your day hun ALSO WELCOME TO THE FANDOM🙀🙀
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big-barn-bed · 1 year
omg new theme!! I love it :D
Thanks! 🖤
It’s kind of a weird story but hear me out..
so there I was in my green metal suit, preparing to shoot up the city. (And the ring at the end of my nose makes me look rather pretty btw)
It's a pity there's nobody here to witness the end save for my dear old friend and confidante, mademoiselle Kitty! 🙀
Kitty, kitty, kitty!
and anyway then I decided I was in a new era and needed a change.
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sanguine-salvation · 6 months
🐎 ---- How strong is your muse? Could they fight someone with a stronger skillset than them?
[ 🐾🙀😻 --- Animal themed headcanon prompts - ACCEPTING ]
Answered here (x) but you get a free AU headcanon!
Viktor as a siren is much the same as they were before, relying on speed and maneuverability over brute force, but they now have the added benefit of some added muscle from all their new flight and swimming anatomy, as well as a fancy new tail.
Unfortunately, while in siren form, their old ways of fighting have become more cumbersome. Wings will do that, no matter how tight you can get them against your body. But they've adjusted as fast as they did when they were human-shaped. They tend to rely more on ambushing or luring prey in with their song, true, but they can still tangle pretty hard up close.
It'll just be more grappling, biting, and tearing with talons. And do not discount how bad it hurts to get whammed in the face with wings or a whipping tail.
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indiweb · 9 months
you have the most gorgeous theme i’ve ever seen oh my god 🙀
oh mi gatos >3< gracias amorrrr !! i love yours as well. ugh im such a sucker for new jeans >~<
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ilygetou · 1 year
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tazzykiki · 2 years
📺🌅🙀✨ For the ask game!
📺 = Favorite Childhood TV Show(s)?
Had to come back to this one because hoooooooooooooooo boy do I have so many that I can't even remember. I practically grew up with tv and spent a good chunk watching it, so uh mannnn. Here's some in no particular order:
-Let's just start right off with Wild Kratts. PBS show about two dudes helping animals live free and in the wild. So popular it always won the vote every Friday to air a double-special. It's also where I got my username, based off my fave ep "Tazzy Chris". ive no idea where kiki comes from.
-Jane and the Dragon <3
-Dreamworks Dragons series, especially Race to the Edge. I practically breathe HTTYD. Sucks they won't let it fuckin rest peacefully!!!!
-Obviously, Transformers Prime. I had a Bumblebee backpack and everything! And that whole almost getting hit by a train ordeal.
-Saddle Club, i watched a bunch of rerun episodes on Pluto TV! I still adore the theme song!
-Winx Club! Sucks they won't let it fuckin rest peacefully!!!!
-Monster High!! They had some lows but hey the new show seems to be wayyyyyy better than the live action movie, tho idk if any new incarnation can live up to the vibes of the first one for me.
-Code Lyoko! I still need to rewatch it(again), and honestly I'm not even sure I finished it. The latest I remember is the William Arc.
-TMNT 2k12! The show has some serious character writing issues and keeps tricking itself into thinking half-assed romance arcs are the peak of story telling but I still very much love it and it has a special place in my heart.
-Ninjago!!!! It recently just ended and I might cry aaaaaaaaaaaaa
-Ben 10 all the way to Ultimate Alien!
-Danny Phantom -Incredible Crew -TMNT Fast Forward -Spectacular Spider-man -Ultimate Spider-Man -Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes -Super Hero Squad Show -Teen Titans -Pearlie -Strawberry Shortcake(2003) -My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -Sleepy Hollow -Max Steel -Slugterra -Kim Possible -Lilo & Stitch the series -The Little Mermaid series -Powerpuff Girls -Okay i know this is the speed round but istg I watched cartoon shows The Swiss Family Robinson and Little Women but when I looked them up there was only 80's anime???? Were those my first anime that I remembered completely wrong???????
I also tried to do ones before 2018 as this is childhood, oughhhh my brain is full of many things
🌅 = Early Bird or Night Owl?
While I love the sun, absolutely a night owl. I only get up early when my body forces me to for some reason and then I just end up passing back out.
I am also mostly active near the evening and such, as evident by me answering this near 2am lmaoo
🙀 = Favorite Scary Movie?
I have to be super careful with horror as I get pretty freaked out easily but a few horror movies I love in no particular order:
-The Endless
-The Ritual
-A Quiet Place 1 & 2
-The Cube
-Vampire in Brooklyn(idk if it counts but it's marked as horror so HA)
-Event Horizon
and probably a few others. I know there's some like The Thing, The Ring, and Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 that I like but aren't exactly my faves.
✨ = If You Could Be Any Supernatural Creature, What Would You Be?
While mermaids are an entire vibe, the ocean is fucking scary!!!!
Maybe a fae? I could shapeshift and do some funny supernatural shit to mess with people. I already love speaking nonsense.
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rohansdisciple · 1 year
i don’t know if i should do a dan heng theme or a luocha one next 😔 i’ll probably end up doing dan heng for the sake of time...but we will see i might not do either of them LMAO (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
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hoonvrs · 1 year
HOONVRS NEW THEME ?!,!!, 😦😦🙀🙀🙀
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
🐱 for Vox
🐾🙀😻 --- Animal themed headcanon prompts
[ Vick ]
🐱---- Is your muse graceful? Do they possess a skill that they're quite precise and never sloppy with?
I don't know that I'd say he's graceless, but he doesn't exactly move with grace. He lumbers about a lot of the time, though it isn't without its finer points.
He absolutely does! While it isn't, in the end, something that he actually takes into a profession, he is endlessly good with taking apart technology and fixing it. Sometimes he just does it for fun. He has a photographic memory (thanks to an on-board camera feature) and is able to put things back exactly as they were, though sometimes he decides to try new things.
He has actively broken several things because he doesn't always know his own strength, however.
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walking-circles · 2 years
omg new blog theme!!! 🙀 slaying as always
omg thank u!!! its based off the album lincoln by tmbg 💖💖💖
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ectoamerican · 2 years
@chiropterx sent: 🦋 ---- How sociable is your muse? Do they make friends easily? If not, is there a reason why they aren't / don't? 🐎 ---- How strong is your muse? Could they fight someone with a stronger skillset than them?
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🐾🙀😻 --- Animal themed headcanon prompts || accepting!
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🦋 - Danny needs social interaction more than others. He's very much a social butterfly and he's extremely friendly. Unfortunately, in Amity Park, people tend to not like him, for either various reasons out of his control, or seemingly no reason at all. Outside of his home town however, he seems to have an easier time developing friendships. Danny has even been friendly with some of his enemies in the ghost zone, regardless of what way they've tried to harm him or his loved ones in the past.
🐎 - WELL. This is kind of uh... something a bit unavoidable and complicated. Danny is incredibly overpowered. (even without my added headcanon stuff) His only real problem is a lack of experience. He's already dead, so he can't really be killed. And he's shaken off being reduced to a pile of goo before. There are some very specific things that could hurt him. But only really just hurt him.
Phantom has actually fought quite a few people who have more skills and experience under their belt than him. Plasmius, Pariah Dark, Fright Knight, Skulker--- actually all of his first encounters as well. A majority of the time, Danny has won these fights, through various means. With Plasmius, (for this blogs canon anyway) it has mostly only been because Plasmius doesn't want to hurt Danny too badly. Plasmius' goal with Danny is to take him under his wing, to adopt him as his own son. So of course, he'll defend himself in a fight, but he's not looking to defeat Phantom in the normal sense. For Pariah Dark, (the ghost king), Danny had two (2) things going for him despite the sheer strength of this enemy. 1) Danny was using ghost hunting gear from his family's home to aid in his fight. 2) This was an all or nothing type of fight, with a lot riding on who won. Danny tries harder for these fights. He exhausts himself and keeps pushing his limits no matter what perceived cost. He won this fight, but just barely and immediately passed out afterwards.
For most other fights, it has been either the use of his family's ghost hunting tools or Danny's own perseverance that he's won. He's even been defeated a few times and bounced back pretty quickly after going over the situation in his head to figure out the problem. When backed up into a corner so to speak, Danny will fight back, harder than ever. He's not one to run unless he's being attacked emotionally. Which is why, the closest he's come to really losing in a real sense has been in his first fight with Spectra, a ghost who knew how to pick at insecurities and fed on misery. The last thing I'll mention is Dan. An older version of Phantom and Plasmius, fused into one evil being. The situation with Dan was a combination of every previous fight scenario I've mentioned. An overpowered, more skilled, more experienced enemy. An all or nothing outcome, in which everyone he loved would die if he did not win. And an enemy who not only knew how to pick at his insecurities, but had backed him into a corner, unintentionally forcing Danny to come up with a new way to fight back. In this case it caused Phantom to develop his most powerful attack, the Ghostly Wail. Danny came out the victor because he knew he had to no matter what it cost him. He defeated Dan, but almost ended up losing his loved ones. This is a fight and enemy that haunts his nightmares on the regular.
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