#new venue
flightrising · 1 year
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Dragons arrive at the Silk-Strewn Wreckage to help mitigate the damage of invasive glow-worm swarms in today's update!
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condensedenderman · 2 months
Also I'll say it because nobody else has: the boneyard looks a LOT like the silkstrewn wreckage in terms of color. Doesn't quite feel like a plague venue
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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For some reason I have doubts about putting my life in this man’s hands.
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harmoonix · 3 months
🪼⨍ꫀׁׅܻ᥎꫶ׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ ժׁׅ݊ꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻɑׁׅ֮ ꩇׁׅ🪼
🕊 By Harmoonix 🕊
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~ my heart goes la di da ~
🪼 - Scorpio Risings/Scorpio Mars/Scoprio Sun are more possessive than the rest of Scoprio placements in my opinion,Scoprio Moon or Scoprio Venus will act more obsessed than posseisve
🪼 - Taurus Placements can focus on lot of finances and wealth, some things with gaining and getting from others (money)
🪼 - Where Neptune sits in your chart can indicate where you get addicted:
In the 7H, to your relationships
In your 10H, to your status, public image
In the 1H, becoming addicted to your appearance/the way you look
In the 2H, becoming addicted to money and finances
In the 3rd H, becoming addicted to communicating more, expressing yourself, addicted to creativity
In the 12H, becoming addicted to isolating yourself, hiding yourself from the world
🪼 - Mars in Virgo/6H or at 6° or 18° their charm is insane. Their body can stand out to these natives, beautiful mind and body is the definition for them
🪼 - Mars in Pisces and Sagittarius natives have irresistible charms since Jupiter rules both of these signs, the person is very liked with Mars in this position
🪼 - 12H Sun can have lots of Neptunian energy, therefore the Sun will act in "shadow", not seen so easy by others
🪼 - Lilith h12 in the 4H/9H and 12H have deep ancestral wounds, it can be generational pain as well
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🪼- When you have Neptune/Venus or Sun/Jupiter in the 2H, you can become addicted to buying things that light up your mood and make you happy instead of simply buying them because you want them
🪼- Taurus/Libra or Pisces Risings/Moons are like a piece of art, ready to be set up in a museum
🪼- Capricorns can be night owls. If you don't know, the meaning of night owl is when a person is more productive at night instead of being productive during the day
🪼- When you have Neptune in the 1H/Neptune aspecting the ascendant, you can have doubts about yourself, like you can think youre not beautiful or that youre not liked because soemtimes Neptune makes illuions and fake scenarios about things that may actually not be real. You are very beautiful and sometimes you cannot see it
🪼- Uranus in the 7H can bring an awkward situation when you'll meet with your partner/spouse
🪼- Lilith in the 4H/10H can actually indicate being judged by the family or feeling like the black sheep. Especially from the father side of the family (Mother side can be too)
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🪼 - Mars in the 8H i think is one of the most sensual houses to have Mars in. Everything is so sexual right there
🪼 - Taurus/Venus in the 3rd house gives you a very harmonious relationship with your siblings (in case you have)
🪼 - Lilith in Aquarius is the place where Lilith doesn't want to be like others and it can sound corny but she is just feeling different than the rest of the world
🪼 - Venus in Capricorn may actually need a lot patience in their relationship, you're waiting but for a reaosn, to find something better
🪼 - Sun in the 9H can be the person to change their spiritual or belief system a lot in their lives, they wanna try and experience different things
🪼 - Asteroid Ishtar (7088) is said to be equivalent to Asteroid Aphrodite so aspecting the ASC/MC can indicate surrounding yourself with beauty
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🪼 - Having the ruler/lord of the 6H in the 12H can indicate that the pets you have in this life time can be family members from a past life
🪼 - Pluto aspecting the Asc/Sun or Moon gives you the "detective" aura, you can find yourself being interested in crime series or crime novels
🪼 - Cancer Guys especially Cancer Sun/Rising Guys can be momma boys,so when you date them make sure their momma won't come between u 2
🪼 - Venus in Cancer/Venus in the 4H are the best placements to have if you want to raise a family or an entire generation
🪼 - Asteroid Bless [92891] and what you were blessed with:
In the 3rd - with great siblings/brotherhood comfort
In the 10H - with a good career or job/public image
In the 11H - blessed with finding the community you belong to
In the 2H - finances/money/security
In the 9H - with a great background/ancestral background/with a good learning skill
In the 1H - blessed with your appearance/the way you look
🪼 - Asteroid Aura 1488 aspecting Sun gives the aura of a young soul, someone very kind and light hearted
🪼 - Aura 1488 aspecting Mars gives the aura of an ambitious/brave/bold person, influential aura
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🪼- Aura 1488 aspecting Jupiter gives the aura of a four-leaf clover, very wise, spiritual, intuitive is giving shaman/wizard vibes
🪼 - The rising you have in your D9 chart (vedic astrology) is the energy you'll embody a lot in this life, for example I have Cancer Rising in my D9 chart and I have to focus on things that make me more comfortable and secure just like a Cancer 👁👄👁
🪼 - Virgo + Aquarius combo in your chart can tell about a very intelligent native, clear mind, good personality and charming
🪼 - Gemini + Leo combo in your chart can tell about a person who is always thinking at others more than anything, caring, generous, and social/popular
🪼 - Jupiter in your 4H/9H can indicate leaving your home country and flying to another maybe for a better life or whatever reasons, it indicates some moving when you were a kid
🪼 - Taurus Saturn/Saturn in the 2H are rarely talked about, I think Saturn here wants to teach the native to spend their money carefully on things so they can be 100% fulfilled of their purchases
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🪼 - Saturn in the 6th/12th Saturn at 6° 18°,12°,24° degrees, this is a very healing placement, but one tool to use to heal yourself is literally the sleep, trustttttt me, if you feel sad try to sleep, if you had a bad day try to sleep it will make you feel much better! The sleep can actually heal you.
🪼 - Saturn in Gemini/Saturn in the 3rd house will give you "freedom of speech", your voice is very powerful and you can help people with it
🪼 - Pluto/Lilith in the 11th house can talk about being different from your group of friends, you can have something not everyone will accept in their friend group
🪼 - When you have Jupiter harshly aspecting your Sun you can often think of bad luck happening to you
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🪼 - When you have Saturn in Sagittarius or in the 9H school can sometimes drain you the most, especially some teachers as well
🪼 - Mars in the 9H can actually tell of tense situations with teachers and in school generally (Mars in Sag and Mars in 9° and 21° can as well)
🪼 - Chiron in the 1st/2nd houses can not always the best relation with their bodies, is a slow journey but with good results, if you want that of course
🪼 - Venus in the 10th/Capricorn can sometimes put work before relationships, especially after a breakup omg, they gonna focus much more on work than ever
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🦋 Connecting Yourselves to the source 🦋
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ghostlyferrettarot · 7 months
🖤✨️Venus in the houses✨️🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open.
🖤🖤If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🖤🖤
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♥︎Venus 1st house: charming people with a flirtatious aura. They know how to get people attached to them ; love to compliment others but expect double the praise in return, they know they are a catch. This individuals are usually the life of the party, the one who unites the relationship/friendship group.
♥︎Venus 2nd house: This is the house of finances, so these people prefer to be pampered by their loved one. People with strong values and respect, they expect the same from their partners. They don't play, they want stability and seriousness in a relationship; most loyal and supporting persons ever.
♥︎Venus 3rd house: really flirtatious and persuasive. They value new experiences, they are attracted to other's personality and interests. You have to keep them entertained, they have an adventurous nature and can get bored easily when it comes to a routine.
♥︎Venus 4th house: These individuals have a really harmonious and protective nature, a fairy-like aura to them. They value comfort and openness in a relationship, they want to feel the love of their partners and create a special bond with them. These people tend to attract people with mommy and daddy issues, with an "I can fix them" vibe.
♥︎Venus 5th House: These are my luxurious people, they have high standards and don't care what anyone has to say about it. They are in love with love, their cheerful nature attracts them towards creative people and people who are in a position of fame or success. They are the muses of artists.
♥︎Venus 6th house: These individuals tend to manage many things at once, they thrive on self-improvement. Their love language tends to be acts of service, they are also attracted to truly selfless people. They can spot a lie from miles away, value trust, and expect the same from their romantic partners. They forgive but they never forget.
♥︎Venus 7th house: They have an attractive and persuasive personality, they are tolerant and charismatic. The 7th house is the house of agreement and partnership, so your luck will probably change after your marriage, your significant other may play an important role in your life. These people crave love and genuine connections.
♥︎Venus 8th house: They are very sensual and intimidating; tend to have stalkers and admirers. They value deep connections, people who truly understand and accept them. People with some type of trauma are attracted to them. You may be interested in occult sciences and have healing powers.
♥︎Venus 9th house: They have a happy aura and an adventurous character. These individuals are attracted to optimistic and adventurous people, those who value their beliefs and want to take risks with them. Venus in the 9th house attracts many foreigners as it may indicate a lot of travelling, you significant other may be from another country.
♥︎Venus 10th House: The 10th House governs public image, career aspirations, and career achievements which makes these individuals attracted to status. They are goal-oriented, always looking to improve, and expect the same from their partners. You will want to live a high-profile life and connect with influential people.
♥︎Venus 11th house: They have a calming and jovial personality. Easily attract many friends who would want to work and connect with you to grow your business. These are my "friends to lovers" trope, they value friendship over romance, which attracts them to those closer to them.
♥︎Venus 12th house: These are my artistic people, they have a lot of passion and compassion. They tend to be attracted to spiritual or helpful people. They value connections and are naturally drawn to others; They find much comfort in helping those around them. They are looking for a partner with good character and empathy.
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bbyteach · 9 months
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Uhhh sooooo NYC 80’s punk scene AU where ed used to play in bands when younger but not anymore & runs a popular venue and is totally burned out on the scene. Until a blonde weirdo wearing pastels started coming to shows there and he had to understand what is going on with this guy?? And the guy wants to learn more about this world and Ed confused but ends up having more fun than he has in ages??
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edgemontbarns · 2 years
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trapastrology · 2 months
Astro Observations W/ Aris
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7H Uranus in a solar return chart doesn't always mean that a romantic relationship will end. It can be a close friendship/best friend, business partner,etc.
1H Venus in solar return-putting more effort into your looks. This is considered to be a "glow up" year. This is the year where you find your signature style, makeup, scent, etc. I'd consider this to be the best dressed year. Could also change hair color or style. Cosmetic procedures happen here as well.
North Node in Pisces tend to benefit more from having an assistant or help in general. Pisces South Nodes tend to want/get too much help when they need to be more self-sufficient.
11H Liliths are HEAVLY prone to having ppl around them who hate them (esp friends) and don't realize. These are the ppl we see who usually get set up by their "friends" or someone close to them. Look to your lilith sign as well. If your Lilith is in an air sign, watch out for envy in air signs.
For my ppl with majority of their placements in the 2H & 3H tend to be "blind" to themselves. Whether it's their faults or great things about themselves, they can't seem to see it until someone else points it out and then they finally realize it.
2H Pluto/Scorpio 2H- shouldn't verbalize to anyone who much they make. Don't say whether you're doing bad or good financially either. A lot of jealousy and envy will arise from telling the wrong person which will affect your money and stability terribly.
3H Nessus- Usually experience intense trauma or bullying in elementary, with siblings and thru words. They usually write or speak about their pain that usually ends up helping other ppl tremendously. These are the type of ppl who make music or write poetry that helps other ppl get thru hard times. However, due to a lot of bullying and being spoken down to, communication ends up being one of their biggest issues and this can manifest in many different ways
When you get criticism or pushback from doing North Node things, that's how you know you're going into the right direction sometimes. For instance, a 4H NN may get told that they need to focus on their career path instead of creating a family. (Full post on this coming very soon!)
Use your moon on a bad day to help regulate your emotions. Look towards positive aspects
5H Aries Moon- make a creative art project alone.
Sextile 3H Chiron-write about what's bothering me.
Make a playlist with artists who have your NN sign as their dom personal placements & those whose plmts fall into the same house as ur NN. This will evoke that North Node energy out of you. (Something I've been doing for me and my clients for years)
The end! Look at my pinned post for info on my upcoming Patreon. Message me to book a reading! Most readings are only $25 until July 31st.
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wild-saber1337 · 2 years
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cryinganabell · 14 days
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Doodles, more-
I might have posted some before ive no idea æ
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loganswdc · 2 months
who wants to go commit a crime with me !!!!
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i am actually ready to go start a war for logan , the way he's been treated and all this new information after carlos has been signed is absolutely incredulous . the weak goodbye to logan . the 8 posts about carlos and how excited everyone is to work with him . and nothing about logan . i know this is about carlos , but seeing logan be so insanely under-appreciated is sickening , honestly . it's something we always knew , but seeing it practically pushed in our faces even further is genuinely disgusting . and i'm genuinely excited for carlos !! i hope things go well for him !! but logan is the driver i will defend first and the driver i will always support above everyone else , no matter what . and i can't fathom what logan is going through right now .
i hope he's somewhere in florida , fishing on a boat with his family . i hope he's got a good support system around him . and i hope that he know we're all proud of him . that we'll still be here , we'll follow him wherever he goes . and i hope he's able to rest , knowing that the team that's been so adamant about destroying him recently will finally be out of his life: he'll be free of them :')
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rosdevw2 · 9 months
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he's very beautiful to me!
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naycelium · 9 months
Coco on a Snowy Stroll ❄️
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harmoonix · 1 year
👑 Queen Energy - Astrology Notes
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She, queen of the kings
🕊️ - Cancerian Degrees 4°, 16°, 28° in your Sun, Moon or Rising makes you look so pure and feminine, you have so much feminine energy inside of you and you tend to give mother vibes to people around you
🕊️ - Sagittarius Degrees 9°, 21° in your Sun, Moon or Rising makes you look so appealing to others. The type of person everyone is curious to know because you seem amazing from the first time they see you entering in a room
🕊️ - Midhaven in Libra Degrees 7°, 19° = The person can appear elegant and charming to the people, you tend to give others this vibe of lovely and harmonious person who seeks for peace
🕊️ - Midheaven in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25° = Native can appear hot and irresistible from the first sight people see them and but in the same time someone with a lot of confidence and brave
🕊️ - Venus aspecting Pluto (all aspects) can get people obsessed with them and I ain't joke, y'all can even have hidden stalkers or just people who stay in the shadows trying to know more about you = Oh, oh, oh, boy why you so obsessed with me
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🕊️ - Mars square/opposite/conjunct Midheaven can appear scandalous and attractive in the eyes of people, they are the moment. Show your confidence makes you haters explode
🕊️ - Venus in Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) will always stand up with their uniqueness, they have something unique inside them that's is so visible seen is like you go into a cave full of gemstones and they are the rare diamond
🕊️ - Venus in Leo Degrees (5°, 17°, 29°) will always make a good first impression, they are mesmerizing Inside and out and they shine always. They be having the best personalities ever
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys
She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas
🕊️ - Sun at Scorpio Degrees 8°, 20° are magnetic inside and out, they are always the type of mysterious energy in the room where everyone looks at when they enter in a room
🕊️ - Sun at Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26°, I have only one thing to say... You give princess vibes. Your aura, your personality, your words... everything about you seems so delicate and gracious
🕊️ - Moon in the 5th/10th houses will always show off their best versions of themselves even when they have it low. Because they keep it cool and attracting
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🕊️ - Lilith in the 3rd/6th houses have such an enchanting voice, Mercury rules these houses and here it gives these natives really good voices
🕊️ - Venus in Scorpio/Venus in the 8th house natives loves to get complimented about their looks, if they look too sexy or not. Never forget to tell them how gorgeous they are!!!
🕊️ - Capricorn in big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) will always have something in them that reminds you about royals, they always give this commander energy type of vibe
🕊️ - An Air Mars will always be sensual in the way they communicate and in their moods, it is in their blood to be like this, keep an eye out for them if you want to be theirs
🕊️ - Moon square/opposite/conjunct Saturn should be praised more about how much control they can have and how powerful they are because they didn't have it easy (Def an Queen Placement)
🕊️ - Jupiter - Neptune harmonious aspects: These are one of my fav aspects to have in a birth chart they are so spiritual and intuitive omg and they have this aura of "experimental soul" like they have been here before and know a lot of things sometimes even without a reason (I can sense/ see these natives can be protected either by universe or their ancestors)
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🕊️ - Venus - Ascendant aspects, this aspect is literally touched by Venus herself with the beauty and talent, very artistic, very lovely and of course very beautiful
🕊️ - Venus - Sun aspects, they give this warm energy that makes them to shine in the crowd and it gives them this angelic beauty
🕊️ - Moon in Fire Degrees (1°, 5°, 9°, 13°, 17°, 21°, 25°, 29°) are so savage in words if you especially in a fight, they can be brutally honest aswell and can call you out for the things you did wrong
🕊️ - Lilith - Saturn aspects these aspects can be very powerful and karmic once they learn they power no one can stop them, these aspects are giving the Lilith herself when she broke up with Adam and left the garden of Eden. She was furious,hurt and sad in the same time. These aspects can give the same energy
🕊️ - My beloved Air Risings have a unique magnetism upon others being air ruled comes with a wind of attraction (The Lords of Air Risings: Mercury, Saturn/Uranus and Venus are coming to slay not to play)
🕊️ - Asteroid Eva [164] aspecting the Ascendant look very feminine and gracious, well mannered, polite, kind at heart and sensibile. An good combination
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🕊️ - Asteroid Eva [164] aspecting Asteroid Adam (6461) - Girl you don't know how much power you hold, with this aspect you tend to have submissive energy around you (Makes sense look at the aspects names 😭)/ Let's say that... men who want an submissive partner will want you hard
🕊️ - Asteroid Aphrodite (1388) aspecting Pluto gives threatening vibes, people may be feel an threatening aura coming from you with this aura (I ain't joke I say from experience 😭). You have a lot of power and they don't like that at all
🕊️ - Pluto aspecting Sun natives are so mesmerizing, they have such beautiful eyes and energy. They are def powerful and full of potential
🕊️ - Natives with Sun in the 1st/3rd and 5th house are people who really know how to enjoy life, with them life is full of surprises
🕊️ - Leo Venus/Mars/Rising = Literally queen vibes. I love this aura so much. You are full of power. Love, Confidence. Everything is inside you
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🕊️ - Leo and Libra Moons will always bring this warm energy in the room. They are the type of people who makes everyone to laugh and feel better
🕊️ - What is not talked enough in Tumblr about the Neptune - Moon or Neptune - Ascendant aspects is that someone with such aspects can be very sensibilie to reactions and to people. And nothing wrong about being sensible, it shows how pure you are
🕊️ - Venus in the 9th house/Venus at Sag Degrees [9°, 21°] or Venus in Sagittarius can have a very curvy body, their thighs can be the most prominent/visible part of their body and their attractive alluring body making others just to want them even more
🕊️ - Sun - Ascendant harmonious aspects tend to be often in the spotlight because of their warm and shinning energy, a lot of people like to be around them because of their energy makes everyone to smile
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!! Royal Observations Notes just arrived !!😍🕊️
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys
She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas
I honestly love the Royal themes because they bring so much inspiration to my aesthetics 🕊️ Hope you are all doing good with the people you love 💕 have a good day 💕
- Harmoonix 2023
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 months
💜🖇Neptune in the houses🖇💜
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
💜If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!💜
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💜Neptune in the 1st house: speaks of an exalted sensitivity and defined intuitive qualities, which in some cases can generate natives with medium profiles due to their psychic abilities. They are personalities with spiritual, emotional qualities, with a deep inner world.
💜Neptune in the 2nd house: They do not put a real focus on their income and for this reason a scenario of economic imbalance and money disorder can be generated. It is a position that induces an inactive, idle or resigned attitude with respect to material searches. If the planet is well aspected, this placement can become a successful future due to having a prodigious intuition for economic matters.
💜Neptune in the 3rd house: generates profiles of intuitive, visionary, utopian minds. However, it is an ideal position for all those tasks for which stimulus and hunch are required. It favours artistic and musical qualities, but above all it is ideal for directing thought towards the realm of spirituality.
💜Neptune in the 4th house: the inner world symbolises the influence of this planet and by default it can be a particularly sensitive or intuitive native, who may be linked to art or some form of spirituality. They are people who feel love for nature and who have a harmonious vision of the family. But at the same time, family life can be confusing.
💜Neptune in the 5th house: it is a position that revives romantic feelings and favours platonic bonds. On the other hand, imagination plays a leading role in everything related to sentimental life. It is also associated with secret or unattainable loves that can be a source of great disappointments.
💜Neptune in the 6th house: it idealises the professional sphere and motivates the spirit of service and sacrifice. It is favourable for tasks and activities linked to the esoteric world in any of its facets. Natives tend to dedicate themselves to a profession that facilitates helping others, such as doctors, teachers, psychologists or astrologers, and sensitivity and intuition are of great help to them in the workplace.
💜Neptune in the 7th house: this position tends to cause great challenges for both romantic ties and partnerships. It predisposes an excessive idealization of relationships. In some cases, these people may be overcome by feelings of pity, or by the desire to help or save the other. The professional partner is likely to have "Neptunian" characteristics, that is, dreamy, sensitive, vulnerable qualities.
💜Neptune in the 8th house: creates profiles with a great attraction to the spiritual world, mystical sciences and esotericism. The union with others is experienced as if it were a mystical union. Likewise, it makes them more vulnerable to fraudulent situations in the field of business and contracts. However, economic disappointments will contribute to the native's spiritual growth.
💜Neptune in the 9th house: it is a fruitful position for the development of spiritual abundance in all its angles. It favors religious and mystical preferences, as well as interest in the occult. But if the planet is in tense aspect, the native can fall into deception or into tangled and uncertain forms of spirituality. They may also be attracted to more or less sacred figures: ascended masters and angels.
💜Neptune in the 10th house: it marks in the native a professional life of a "Neptunian" trajectory, or, what is the same, of a bohemian nature so to speak. With this position, all kinds of personalities can be found who develop within the spiritual world: psychics, healers, magic practitioners, teachers, etc.
💜Neptune in the 11th house: they may have a tendency to join groups of character or with spiritual purposes, it is a position that seeks connection with others. They can also connect with groups of a humanitarian, religious or social nature, which dedicate their energy to helping the most disadvantaged. The friends of these natives may have "Neptunian" traits: people with bohemian, sensitive and perceptive lives.
💜Neptune in the 12th house: it is in its domicile, and therefore at its maximum power. It predisposes a life of service, offering or renunciation, being an ideal position for priests, monks and mystics. This position encourages isolation from the world and the development of an intense spiritual search. Its a placement that favors artistic, poetic or musical creation.
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bouquetface · 3 months
Astro Observations
Accuracy influenced by entire natal. Take as entertainment.
👽 I started by invisalign treatment in dec 2022 near the day of a NEW MOON IN CAP. This June 2024, I am finishing my treatment near the FULL MOON IN CAP. Capricorn is associated with bones/teeth.
🩵 Venus Opposite Uranus in natal may find many of their relationships (platonic & romantic) end abruptly. This can indicate being ghosted, being cheated on. Many relationship they encounter throughout their life end with confusion & shock.
👽 Aries 7th H or Mars in 7th H you may find your friendships and business relationships can become competitive. Often to your frustration, you can attract people who want to compete.
🩵 Venus in Cap man met his wife at her workplace. Cap is associated with work as it is the 10th sign. There are many theories on how to identify meeting place with spouse. Checking the vedic chart (Jupiter for husband and Venus for wife) appears most accurate in my real life.
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