#new york nigh
thegreatseason · 7 months
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Inspiring Photography
Marvin E. Newman
Downtown Manhattan, New York, 1980
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silelda · 1 year
New York: Mass is very upset.
Rhode Island: Yes! Good! That means I did it right!
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navree · 2 years
aaron sorkin shouldn’t have done the newsroom because he has no idea how the news works because in no newsroom under the sun would have a breaking special report about the american government committing actual and provable and documented war crimes and start off that broadcast with a minute of this rod serling style soliloquy shit, they’d just start the actual fucking news
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goodpix2021 · 1 year
One Time In New York City
The Chrysler Building shimmers as New York City vibrates in the background. One time in NewYork City. I made this photograph on film, Fuji Velvia to be exact. That will tell you that this is an old image. For a long time this was one of my signature pictures. It lived in my portfolio for a long time. Eventually, I removed and replaced it with something new and digital. I think I’m going to…
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krakenattack · 10 months
Mild spoiler for The Last Graduate ahead, but:
Having just reread the whole series, I love how at odds El and the Scholomance are. Like, El's pessimism is a great way of making your narrator unreliable, since El is sometimes right and sometimes wrong always expecting the worst response from everyone around her(a thought worthy of another entire post), but it becomes very funny once she realizes that part of the problem at school is that she can't do small spells? Like, she spends the whole first book being like 'this school is the devil tempting me to evil, it wants me to become a maleficier, I can't even ask for a simple cleaning spell without getting horrible spells for summoning mortal flames and enslaving an army of people, I hate it', and meanwhile the Scholomance is flipping frantically through its catalogue of spells gathered over thousands of years, desperately trying to find a spell in a language El knows that she can also cast with her affinity for working incredibly large and powerful spells. El's over here driving a bulldozer and saying, 'I would like to build a Jenga tower' and the Scholomance is looking at her with the weary despair of a preschool teacher knowing they're going to be suffering through a temper tantrum soon but unable to stop it.
El, a furious teenager who doesn't know as much as she thinks she does: I don't wanna summon a mortal flame! I want my room clean!
The Scholomance, a giant building that cleans its own hallways, floors, dishes and various and assorted other workings with mortal flame: Why is this child testing me
Also hilarious in retrospect is El's blithe statement in the first book about how no one would ever give her that much mana to do these high volume spells bc mana isn't free or easy to acquire and so the school is clearly telling her to turn maleficier and kill her fellow students all while Orion is humming to himself as he kills mals and dumps oodles and oodles of mana into the New York power sharers.
El "I'd rather die than ask for help" Higgins: I won't do these spells bc no one will give me mana
The Scholomance, as loudly as a building who may or may not be partially sentient and who can't speak human languages: Wow, those sure are some HIGH MANA VOLUME spells you got there! If only there was SOMEONE around who would be able to provide you with a NIGH LIMITLESS FLOW OF MANA so that you'd be able to cast them!
Orion: :)
El: *hisses like a feral cat*
Orion: :(
The Scholomance: oh my freaking god
Hilarious. Top tier humor.
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missbeautyandherbeast · 3 months
She's a Little Runaway
Raph x Reader (just squint)
Summary: Your life goes to hell in a handbasket so you call your cousin in New York and ask for a place to lay low for a bit. And she says yes... but her new friends might be more than you can handle.
A/n: *emerges from the void* hi guys
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Aggravated, I pulled up my phone. The call went through. 
“Hey, Y/n, everything okay?” April sounded concerned. 
“Yeah,” My voice was clipped. I took a breath. “No,” my confession was defeated. “Can I come visit? For a bit?” 
“Is everything okay?” She asked again. 
“No,” I answered wistfully. “I need a break…a vacay—you still in New York?” 
“Yeah,” I heard her smile. “Book a flight, I’ll be there,” 
“You’re a godsend cuz,” 
“Yeah yeah, see you soon cuz,”
The flight into JFK was six hours with a layover in Atlanta but soon I was there. Away from the hell the south had created for me. April found me outside amongst the other cars waiting for pickup. With a quick hug and throwing my stuff into the trunk we drove off. 
“Whose car?” I asked skeptically, knowing a BMW was in neither of our tax brackets. 
“Casey’s parents. They let me borrow it.” April explained. 
“That’s nice of them,” I said pointedly. April rolled her eyes. 
“Shut up,” she laughed. 
With the traffic it was half an hour to Aprils apartment. My eyes lingered on the city skyscrapers. They still had me in awe. Part of me believed New York didn’t exist. It was a fictional place like Asgard, Wakanda, or Mordor. But here it was. 
Here I was. 
The sun set on the warm summer day around 9pm—something so odd for me but brought a smile to my face. It was the same country but an entirely different world. 
April left to drop the car back off at Casey’s parents and it gave me a couple of hours to myself which was so needed. Her little apartment had a guest room/office where a daybed was made up for me. I sat on the bed and took a deep breath. 
I was safe. 
I was far away. 
I was free. 
I blocked a few numbers just to prove it to myself. 
I wandered to the living room and found a home on the window seat, watching the city light up the nigh. 
April came back into the apartment a pizza in her hands and a smile on her face. 
“Guess who brought the best pizza in the city?” She teased. 
Laughing at her antics and a bit skeptic, I stood, going over. 
But there was a loud thud on the fire escape outside her window. I whipped around at the sound and froze. In the cover of darkness were massive shadows that loomed menacingly. 
“Uh, April!?” My voice wavered. “April!” My eyes adjusted to make the outlines of four anthropomorphic turtles. 
“Oh, shit!” April dashed in front of me. “It’s okay, these are my… friends,” 
“Friends?” I rose my eyebrows, staring wide-eyed at the giant turtles standing on her fire escape. “What the hell?” 
She opened the window and gave me a hesitant smile. “Yeah, this is Donnie, Mikey, Leo, and Raph,” Each of them gave a small wave. 
“April, who is this?” Leo, the one with a blue mask, asked. 
“This is Y/n, my cousin. She’s visiting for a few weeks,” 
“Well, welcome to New York chickadee!” Mikey said. “You gotta try the pizza.” 
I just stared still, trying to input the information to my brain. 
“Y/n?” April came over to me. “Are you okay?” 
“I… uh, yeah,” I gasped out. “I just need a minute to process,” I scrubbed my face taking deep breaths. 
“We mean you no harm,” Donnie said, raising his hands. “We are friends of April’s,”
I nodded. “Sure, sure,” I sat down on her window seat. 
“Maybe we should split,” Leo said. 
“Y/n?” April left the choice to me. 
“I… I just need a minute,” I repeated again. My eyes darted up and met curious green eyes—one of the brothers, the turtles. He was the only one who wasn’t on edge. He didn’t have a care in the world. “Okay,” I took a deep breath. 
“Okay?” April approached me cautiously. 
I nodded and came a small smile, my gaze darting back to green ones. “Are you sure?”
“I’m okay April,” I assured. “I’m an adult. I can handle this,” 
“Okay, because most people freak out,” 
“Well I am, but it’s cool,” 
“April maybe it’s better if we go,” Donnie said softly. “Why don’t you watch her up?” 
“I don’t want to ruin your night,” I interjected. “Or plans…” 
“It’s nothing. I was usually hang with them on the roof.” April said. “But you’re here,” 
“Go,” i chuckled. “I can handle down here. Ive got pizza and Netflix.” 
“You’re sure?” April asked again. 
“April,” I nearly snapped. “Just go,” I pushed her shoulder softly. 
“You can join us!” Mikey said happily. 
“Mikey!” The other three scolded. 
“Thanks. I’m just gonna stay here,” I said, forcing steady breaths in and out. Green eyes still held mine. He tilted his head in curiosity. 
“Okay,” April eyed me warily. “If you need anything we’ll be on the roof,” 
“Cool,” I gave a tight smile. 
They all disappeared up the fire escape except for Raph—those green eyes that wouldn’t leave me alone. 
“You okay kid?” He asked, leaning against the window frame. Without the pressure of everyone staring at me, I shrugged. 
“This is beyond weird,” I admitted, rubbing my face. “So… so weird.” 
“Yeah we get that a lot,” a sad smile pulled at his lips. “You really freaking out? Cuz I can go,” 
“This is kinda helping,” my gaze met his. He leaned against the fire escape railing and I moved to the bench next to the window. We were closer now than ever. 
“You’re telling me you’ve never met a mutant before?” He seemed genuinely surprised. I shook my head. 
“No, I… well, where I’m from we don’t exactly go looking for things in the woods at night and I’ve never lived in a city so…” 
“Are there a lot of you?” I asked. 
“Well, there’s the four of us brothers, but yeah a lot of mutants have come along now and again. Most of them are actually dangerous so… maybe be careful,” his lips pursed into a tight smile. 
“You are safe Y/n, we look after the city, and April. And if you’re her family it means you too,” his voice was sincere. 
“You just met me,” 
“Family is family,” his tone was bolder. “Aprils like a sister to us. I know she won’t let just anyone stay with her. You’re family. We’ll keep you safe.”
“Thanks Red,” 
“It’s Raph,”
“I know,” I smiled, standing. A smile quirked at his lips. “Go on up. I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,” 
“You sure you don’t want to join us? My brothers aren’t that bad,” 
“Not tonight,” I set the boundary. “But maybe soon,” 
“Soon then,” and with one last smile and wave, he was gone. 
I stared out the window for a good solid five minutes trying to rationalize what the hell had just happened. I knew New York was a different world from my own but this was not what I had in mind. 
Mutant turtles. 
Friends with my cousin?
I might have cursed a little bit. Or a lot. 
Rationalization was an art. 
When I calmed down enough I texted April that I was in fact better and no longer freaking out. I attempted eating a bit of the pizza and I had to admit it was really good—New York style pizza was always the best. My mom (April’s aunt) had raised me on it. 
April came back down an hour later and I was just getting out of the shower. 
“I think I owe you an explanation.” She said. 
“That would be very nice,” I agreed. 
We sat on her couch and she began to talk. The past few years unraveled in her tale. Meeting the brothers—the small family. Fighting the Shredder and the Foot Clan. The other mutants and mutagen lost by the Kraang. The more she spoke the more I realized maybe New York City did belong on that list of magical realms… except it was a bit more real than I’d ever thought. 
“They’re some of my best friends,” She insisted. “They are really cool and nice. Once you get past…”
“The giant turtle part?” I mused with a smile. 
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I’m so sorry about all of this. I know you came up here for a break and this is definitely not easy to cope with.”
“It’s not,” I admitted. “But it’s better than what I left so…” 
“What the hell did you leave?” April was curious. 
Now it was my turn. My story of the past few years and how it all went up in flames the past six months leaving me lost, confused, and without a home for the first time in my life. April sympathized with me but it was hard. It would always be hard because I had walked through the trail by fire alone and the pain my burned heart experienced could never be described. But, perhaps it was enough to have April on my side. 
“You stay as long as you need,” she said firmly. “And if you need to stay a little longer and we turn that guest room into yours…” she offered. 
“I’ll think about it,” I smiled. “Thank you.”
Moving to New York was not on my radar at all… but maybe it could work out. Maybe it would be good for me. Or maybe it would just be running away and I was a coward. 
Or maybe it was both. 
I tucked those thoughts away. 
April took me around the city the next day. We did every touristy thing either of us could think of and fit into the day.  It was great fun and New York was enchanting. 
That night the brothers were back and I was a bit more—okay, I was less baffled this time. Still freaked out but it was better. I actually made it to the roof to hang out, wrapped up in one of Aprils sweaters at the unseasonal chill. 
The turtles tried to make me feel welcome but my brain was fighting shutting down again so it didn’t go the best. The one I had talked to the first night—Raphael realized this and didn’t give me an onslaught of questions. He just leaned against the same outcrop as me. We existed.
Going to grab another drink I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me. 
“Hey Red,” the voice startled me so I turned and swung, punching the intruder square in the nose. He fell to the ground, shocked. 
“What the hell red!?” 
“Casey!?” April ran over. 
Raphael broke out into laughter and I turned pink offering my hand out. The guy was grumbling and holding his nose letting out a few curses. 
“Casey this is Y/n, Y/n, Casey,” April introduced as I helped him up. “She’s my cousin,”
“Do you just randomly walk up on people or…” I mused. 
“I thought you were April. Damn you can throw one,” he touched his nose gingerly. “Geez,”
“Sorry,” I said again, hiding behind my hands. 
“You’re telling me you can’t handle a punch Jones?” Raph walked up, creating a barrier between me and Casey—I was grateful for it. “I know I’ve hit you harder,” 
“Pfft. Whatever man,” Casey stalked off with little dignity. 
“Don’t let him get under your skin,” Raph said in a low voice. “He’s always pissy,”
“Is there something between him and April?” I asked watching the two of them together and thought back to the kindness his parents showed April. 
“He wishes,” Raphael snorted. “No they’re just friends.” 
I nodded. 
“You okay kid?” He kept asking me that question. I had the same response. A small shrug. 
“I feel bad. What if it had been a kid or something?” 
“I’m sure you’re too smart to deck some kid. An unfamiliar male voice coming from behind in New York?” His eyes met mine with a smirk. “You had the perfect reaction,”
A smile played at my lips and I felt better. “Thanks Red,” I nudged his shoulder. 
“Anytime kid,” his smile turned warm, real. “So I heard April took you around the city,” 
“Oh yeah!” My face lit up. “It was so cool. I—I love New York. I’ve always wanted to come, ever since I was little.”
“And now here you are,” he said. 
“Here I am,” I nodded. “Not what I thought it was gonna be,” my eyes scanned the three other brothers joking with Casey and April. 
“Yeah I bet we were a real curve ball.”
I nodded. “Not bad though. You guys are kinda cool and April just adores y’all.”
He gave me an amused you. “You’re totally still freaked out aren’t you?”
I laughed because he saw right through me. I didn’t admit it out loud but we both knew. 
“So, why’d you run away?” He asked, glancing at me. 
“What—how?” My eyes flashed to his. 
“Takes one to know one,” He smiled. “So?” 
“You a runaway?” 
He shrugged. “April lets me hide out too when I need some space.” 
“That’s nice of her,” I mused. “Guess she’s doin’ the same for me,” 
“So, why’d you run?” He asked again. My expression clouded. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” I said truthfully. “I—“
Raphael’s demeanor changed entirely. He wasn’t aloof and nonchalant; he was concerned and calm. “Hey don’t worry about it,” he smiled at me. “Enjoy your quiet then,” There was a loud crash and some yelling among the others—Mikey had spilled an entire two liter of soda and marinara sauce. “Well, as quiet as this can be,” He laughed. 
I offered a small smile and inhaled deeply, letting the ashes of my past be blown away with an exhale.
“Hey,” He called me from my sorrows. “If you ever want an escape and some quiet, no questions asked, you’ve got it,” Raphael said. “Just call. April’s got my number.” 
“No questions asked?” I mused. His lips quirked up as he nodded. “Thanks,” 
“Life is shitty sometimes, and an escape is nice,” 
“Yeah,” I agreed. 
My planned week visit turned into two weeks. Into three. Every time I thought about booking a flight back… I just didn’t. April was ready to give me her guest room, and to be honest I was ready to split the rent and call it. 
But could I do it? Could I leave everything behind because I was a coward? Because I couldn’t go back? Because losing this would hurt so much worse than losing what I had? 
I didn’t know and the thoughts were crippling. A thought came to me. I had gotten his number a week ago. And a promise the second night I was here. 
I picked up my phone and pressed call. 
“Y/n?” Raphael’s voice held worry. 
“I need an escape. No questions asked,” I breathed out. “Please,” 
“I’ll be there in five.” He said. 
I paced the floor, waiting for him to show up. His shadow overtook the window. I opened it. 
“Come on,” He grinned. “You ready?” 
“Where are we going?” I climbed out onto the fire escape. 
“No questions princess,” Raph smirked. 
“That’s not what that means,” I protested as we climbed to the roof. 
“Sure it is,” He grinned. “Come on,” 
Raphael got your phone call and nearly fell off the couch. When your strained voiced asked for an escape—what he had offered to you all those nights ago—he couldn’t say anything but yes. 
Here you were, on the roof with him, jittery, like you couldn’t sit still. He knew the rule was no questions asked, but he had so many. Instead, he led you through what he did when he needed an escape. He ran. 
“Keep up princess,” He threw over his shoulder. A predatory smile curled onto your lips and you took off after him. 
He kept pace so you could keep up with him but when he soared over an alley way you stopped, staring at him like he was crazy. 
“Raph there’s no way!” You shouted to him from across the way. “I can’t jump that!” 
“Yes you can! Trust yourself,” 
“Raphael,” You almost scolded. “If I die it’s on your hands,” 
“I can live with that,” He chuckled, fueling your fire. Shaking your head defiantly, you paced back before taking off and launching yourself off the roof, toward him. 
Raphael stood on the ledge and caught you, pulling you to safety. 
“Told ya,” He smirked, letting you go. 
You grinned up at him, panting heavily. There was s shine in your eyes and he loved it. You bounced back and forth on the roof in front of him, your hands coming up in a familiar position he knew well. 
“You ready to fight princess?” He mused, pulling his fists up. 
You shifted, settling into a fighting stance. “Bring it Red,” 
He laughed and the two of yo began to spar. He kept on defense, throwing a pulled punch now and again, letting you duck, dodge, and block. You two went back and forth, laughing and boxing—until he landed a hit and froze shocked. 
“Shit!” You laughed, dabbing your nose with the back of your hand. You didn’t stop though, instead you used his panic to deck him back, landing one on his jaw. 
“Time—time,” He called stepping back, not liking the blood dripping from your nose. You both relaxed. “Are you okay?”
“I can take a hit, Raph,” You said, smiling, cleaning the blood, tilting your head back for a minute until it stopped, completely unfazed. “Thought I definitely should have stretched before we started.” As if muscle memory, you began to stretch out your arms and shoulders. “Coulda let me know,” 
“How was I supposed to know you could fight?” He chuckled, trying to not watch you stretch, and failing now and again.
“I don’t very often,” You admitted. “But it’s a great stress reliever,” Raphael did a double take at your words. 
“Yeah—yeah it is,” He fumbled. 
“Normally I stick to working out,” You said finding a wall to stretch your shins on. “But this was fun,” You threw a smile over your shoulder. 
“You’re not scared?” Raph said, leaning against the wall. You shrugged and joined him. 
“I used to box with a linebacker, so, not really. He was a good friend,” Your eyes were lost in a memory. “I think you two’d get along,” 
Raph stared at you—you were oblivious, watching the city before you. Somehow, you showed up in his world, and you were everything he thought you weren’t. You weren’t soft and delicate—you had a sharp edge to you. You were a fighter—to blow off steam—to run and be free. You were like him.
He went and sat on the edge of the roof and you joined him, still panting softly. 
“It’s so big,” you murmured in awe. “I’ve always dreamed of coming here,” 
“I’m glad you came,” Raph smiled down at you. 
“Ya know. Despite all the shit that brought me here—I am too,” you leaned against him, your head on his shoulder. 
Raphael noticed you flexing your hands. They were raw from fighting. He called himself twenty types of stupid—his hands were always wrapped; he should have made sure yours were too before sparing. 
“You okay?” He nodded to your hands. 
“Didn’t break skin,” you assured. “Probably just bruised.”
“Don can fix you up in his lab,” Raphael said. 
“Oh yes,” a smile curled on your lips. “His lab in the completely not evil lair,” 
Raphael laughed. “It’s not that kinda lair—it’s home,” 
“Okay,” you shot him through the heart with your smile. 
“Okay?” He stammered. 
“Yeah,” you got up, stretching. “Why not?” 
As he came to the roof edge, going to cross you paused. 
“I can’t,” you said, stepping back. Raphael frowned and looked at you. You had done it before. “I’m too tired—my senses are off. Adrenaline is gone.” Admitting defeat sounded painful to you. 
“C’mere,”Raphael held his hand out. “I’ll carry you.”
You studied him, and he could see the energy leave your body. You took his hand, not having it in you to fight him. Raphael was grateful. He didn’t want you to purposefully fight him. 
He jumped from rooftop to rooftop with you in his arms, carrying you down to the lair. He set you on your feet and led you to Donnie’s lab. 
“Y/n! Oh my gosh,” Donnie nearly fell out of his chair and you managed a giggle. “Are you okay?” Judging the dried blood and bruised knuckles, Donnie didn’t miss a thing. 
“I’m okay,” your lips quirked up. “Just sparred with Raph, no big,” 
“Raph!” Donnie scolded. “Dude!”
“Oy!” You interjected. “It’s okay—I’m fine. It was…“ your eyes met his. “It was a lot of fun,” 
“Oh god, you’re just as crazy as he is,” Donnie muttered, examining your knuckles. “They’re just bruised, nothing broken. I can get you some advil and some ice,” 
“I’ll take the Advil—skip in the ice,” you said. “Thanks,” you took the meds and looked back at him. “I need a shower… take me home?” The way you asked him Mande Raphael lose his train of thought. He recovered, but not quick enough without your knowing look. 
“Uh. Yeah. Of course,” he fumbled. You said your goodbyes to his brothers and he led you back to the rooftops. You both walked this time. 
There was a nervous energy in my chest as we walked back to Aprils apartment. It was so easy to be with Raphael but right now it was so hard to form a coherent sentence. 
“You’re a good fighter,” he finally said breaking the silence. I exhaled and managed a smile. 
“Thanks. I… I don’t do it often—only when I’m really stressed.” I worried my lip, my mind wandering back to why I came to New York in the first place. “You’re fun to spar with,” I dared to look at him, begging to be brought back into reality. 
“You don’t think I’m too rough?” 
I shook my head. “You freaked out when you hit me. I think you know how to control your hits,” I chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “Or are you telling me you weren’t pulling your punches?” 
“I was,” he assured quickly. “I’d—I’d never—no,” He was very stressed about the idea of actually hurting me. I reached out and placed my hand on his arm in an effort to calm him. 
“I know Red, it’s okay,” 
His eyes met mine and he smiled. Raphael stopped and gestured to the nearest fire escape—I was home. I climbed down back to Aprils apartment and he followed me. 
“Thanks Red. For everything,” he was standing outside the window, so close but so far.  
“Anytime.” He promised. “Just call.” 
“I—yeah,” a smile touched my lips. “I’ll see you later Red,” 
“Later princess,” he saluted then took off into the night. I watched the window for a while before I meandered to take a shower. When I closed my eyes in bed that night I was still flying through the air with him over those rooftops. 
Raphael headed home, and Leo was waiting for him. Even his snotty brother couldn’t dampen his mood—Raphael was on cloud nine because of you—not only the time he spent with you but also all of the new things he learned about you were valuable. 
“What happened?” Leo asked, rather calmly. “You just took off and you bring her back here after fighting?” 
Raph paused. “I don’t know all of it. But she’s running from something and—I told her any time it was too much, we could escape, no questions asked.” 
“So you two just fought? That’s your idea of an escape?”
Raphael chuckled and shook his head. “It was hers. We were just running rooftops and all of a sudden she’s bouncing on her toes ready to fight—you should have seen her Leo, she’s incredible,” 
“You need to be more careful Raph!” Leo scolded. 
“She can handle herself Leo. And I’m not gonna hurt her. We were sparring—I pulled every punch,” Raph leaned against a wall. “You saw her put Casey on his ass on accident. She’s incredible Leo,” 
Leo was silent a moment but Raph didn’t care. He headed for the dojo—his adrenaline was long from being gone. 
“You like her,” Leo called after him. 
Raphael chuckled to himself, knowing his brother was right. 
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lilbitdepressed27 · 11 months
Heyy… Can i ask for Tara x Reader? Where Tara and R (they have been dating for a very long time now) had a fight at the party and at the fight Tara says about ‘she’ll let go of R’ and then at the third act instead of Tara, R is about the fall and Tara is holding her. She’ll eventually has to let go of R. (reader might get a bit more than Tara did)
Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst but happy ending
WC: 3.4K
Authors note: hope you like it and sorry for the wait. Sorry for any mistakes. Also kinda of a rushed ending. Didn’t really now how to end this one but hope you enjoy:)
You clenched your jaw at what you were seeing. All day she had begged you to go to the stupid frat party. You had wanted to stay in and have the movie nigh that was planned. But no, some douche bag had invited your girlfriend to party and now she just had to go. She had begged you to go with the promise that she would stay by your side. You knew how much she had wanted to go back to normal. How much she wanted to live the life of a normal college student. So you had agreed.
But upon arriving to the party she had disappeared from your side. Leaving you alone at party you did not want to be in.
It wasn't long till you saw her again talking to that creep Frankie. When you and the group had first arrived in New York that guy had tried just about anything to get with Tara. Completely ignoring the fact that Tara has a girlfriend. You had not felt threatened not in the slightest. You had fully trusted Tara. Frankie was a pig and total creep. But as time went on you had become to feel, insecure? Tara had not payed any attention to Frankie. But as time went on you noticed that she also wouldn't stop his advances. Always humoring him when ever he would talk to her.
You had spoken to Tara about it. She had promised that she didn't care about him. That you shouldn't worry and that she didn't even notice. That the only person she could ever love was you. And you had believed her. But lately you had begun to, doubt that. The way she been acting towards you, and not even you but towards her own sister as well.
You and Sam were kinda of alike when came down to wanting to protect Tara. Maybe you were bit overprotective as well. You were just afraid, you had come close to losing Tara last year. You had been away at a soccer game when she was attacked. On a school bus on the way back to town when you had been called by your best friends mom. Judy had called you and you remember the emotions when you heard that Tara had been attacked. You'd never forget it. It was a reason why you were so protective of her. Losing the woman you love was something that had your heart in a tight fist.
Your eyes quickly searched the area when didn't see Tara. Catching her back side as she walked through the crowd. You quickly followed, wanting to make sure she was okay. Your first tightening up when you saw Frankie leading her by the hand up the stairs. You were quick to take a hold of the hand not being held by the creep.
"She's good down here."
"Oh hey babe. He's just gonna give me more beer." Tara spoke her words coming out more slurred than before. You avoided her gaze. Your eyes never leaving Frankie's.
"Yea we're just getting more drinks." He smirked down at you. His attitude only irking you more. Taking a few steps closer. Pulling on Tara, she had stumbled into you, her other wrist still being held by Frankie.
"No we're actually leaving. Now let her go."
"No I don't want to leave. Ugh y/n you're just like Sam. So fucking boring and paranoid. Just let me go."
"Oh you heard her. Let her go. She don't want you no more." He laughed.
Although the words hurt. You kept your grip on Tara. Even though she didn't deny what Frankie said. You took the last step towards him pushing him hard enough to lose his balance. He stumbled back causing him to let go of Tara. You pulled Tara towards you and down the steps. Sighing in relief when you saw Mindy and Anika standing there. You had gently pushed Tara into Anika's arms.
Before you could follow them towards the door, a hand roughly turned you around. You prepared for a punch but it never came. What came after was Sam showing up and tasing Frankie in the balls. You would have laughed but the way Tara had snapped had your group of friends leaving the house in a quick pase.
You watched as Tara argued with Sam. You knew Sam was taking everything Tara was saying to heart. Sam had spoken to you about wanting to go back to college. Wanting to chase the career of being a cop. You were happy for Sam, you wanted her to do what made her happy.
"-And you. What you can't be far from me for few fucking seconds?! Can't you fucking let me go for a few minutes without you hovering." She yelled at you.
You didn't think you were hovering or being clingy cause that's how she just made you feel. Clingy. You just wanted to make sure she was okay. She didn't experience the fear you went through when you almost lost her.
"Let you go?" You scoffed. "You mean let you go with that creep? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even know what he was going to do?"
Tara stood there not being able yo say anything, she knew what she wanted to say but her mouth remained shut.
"Do you even care? Cause I've told you how I've felt but you've always pushed that talk a side, bottling everything up."
"Of course I care, I just want have some space. You have to let me go Y/n. I've already let you go."
You wanted to cry, but you bit your tongue in hopes of keeping your emotions in check. Was she breaking up with you? You couldn't understand what she was implying. After everything you both had gone through, was she really throwing it away?
Everyones heads had snapped towards a girl who had been shouting at Sam. Going as far throwing a drink at Sam. Looking for an outlet for your emotions, your threw your own drink, it was a water bottle that you had only taken one sip from. Chucking the drink straight at the girl and hitting her directly on the forehead. The girl yelled some more before her own friends pulled her away.
You didn't turn around hearing Tara and the rest of the group walking away. Ethan giving a few napkins to Sam before also walking away. Once alone you finally let a few tears out.
"You know she didn't mean it like that." Sam spoke softly to you. She knew Tara would never yell at you like she just did, Tara was just taking out the anger she felt towards her at you. But the way you looked at Sam made her own tears build up. She knew how much you loved Tara. The words Tara had yelled at you were for sure knifes to the heart.
"Come on. Let's go home."
When you arrived at your shared apartment. A part of you wished that you had gotten your own apartment, and that you didn't share a room with someone who clearly thought you were clingy. She didn't say that but she clearly had implied that. And who might have broken up with you.
You heard Tara in your shared room. You sighed, you needed a change of clothing. You walked into the room, avoiding Tara's gaze as you searched for some sweats and a hoodie.
"Y/n I'm-Not right now Tara." Once finding the clothing, you left the room not wanting to talk to her in the moment, afraid you'd cry if you did.
Everything had happened so fast. From the killings being announced to the blame being put on Sam. Quinn had said that her dad wanted to talk to Sam. You had moved quickly following Sam out the door, Tara had also followed. Even though there had been some tension between you and Tara. From the phone call Sam had received when you had been heading to the station. You still held her hand as you hid from ghostface in a bodega.
Your heart hammering in your chest as you hand slipped Tara's hold when the shot gun rang out. Sam and Tara had gone one way and you the other way. Moving slowly as you crouched down eyes connecting with Sam as she looked at you through the gaps of the shelves. With your hands you motioned to tip over the shelf. She nodded, looking back at Tara to tell her the plane then looking back you with a nod.
Hearing ghostface grunt from the force of two shelves falling on him. You ran out of the store right behind Sam and Tara. Tara's hand finding yours again. The police had arrived not even a second later. They had taken the three of you into the station.
Ghostface was back. And this one wasn't playing around.
You were sat back in your shared room, everyone had been gathered back at the apartment. After being released from the police everyone had met on campus. You had almost laughed when Tara had punched Gale. You knew she deserved it but a little part of you had felt a bit bad. She had lost the man she loved last year after all.
The emotions you had towards the fight with Tara had been pushed to the side. But now in a small moment of peace and silence. The emotions came back. The doubt, the insecurity, the feeling of Tara not loving you no more came back. You had just gotten changed, back from a shower. Sam, Chad, Mindy, Anika and Tara were in the living room or kitchen. Quinn in her room with some guy most likely.
The uncertainty of your relationship with the woman you love was-
"Y/n? Can we talk?"
"What is there to talk about. You made yourself pretty clear." You spoke as you leaned down to tie your shoes. You needed something to do with your hands. You couldn't look at Tara, cause you knew if you did you would burst into tears.
"Y/n please. I didn't mean what I said. I was I was just angry and I took it out on you. It wasn't fair to you." Tara moved to sit next you. She had regretted the second the words left her mouth. She had wanted to talk to you the second you arrived at the apartment with Sam. But the way you had brushed her off, she knew you needed space.
"But you know what they say, a drunk mind is speaks a sober heart. So there had to be some truth behind what you said." You said after a moment of silence. You could practically feel the tension in the room. You stood up, moving to leave the room but her hand shot out to taking to your wrist.
"Wait Y/n please, you have-Uh guys foods ready."
Knowing the conversation was put on pause, Tara let go of your wrist. Following you out the room. She couldn't help put have your words repeat in her head. Did you really think that she didn't want you around. Yes she's been stressed lately but never to the point where she didn't want you around. There were many times where she craved your presence. To be honest she didn't remember much from what she said last night. But from what Mindy told her, it wasn't good.
She took in the way you didn't look her way. The way you know felt uncomfortable around her. It was like the first time she met you. How closed off and shy you were. How you barely let anyone around you. The walls you around your heart had been easy for her to climb over. But now here she was once again on the outside. It was something that she hated to see.
The way you would shut down, she was told how you would get in trouble as a kid for showing too much emotion by your parents. How your excitement was always squashed down by others who did not care. Or how your last girlfriend had berated you for being too protective, too clingy, too...you. She had promised, swore that she'd never be like any of those people.
Seeing you not be yourself around her, was her fault. There was no one else to blame but herself.
Ghostface had attacked again. This time seriously injuring Anika. Almost succeeding in killing her. She had been rushed to the hospital, Quinn had not been so lucky.
The events that followed had been a bit of a blur for you. From trying to trap ghostface only for it to back fire and ghostface to successfully attacking Gale. Now the group was back in the theater turned shrine of all the past ghostfaces and their victims. You had stood back next to the ticket stand. 
"Hey." You hated how, you know felt like you couldn't be yourself around Tara. Tara is the love of your life, she's your person. But you couldn't help the feeling.
"Y/n I hate this. Please. I didn't mean a single thing I said. I was angry and I know thats no excuse but I love you. I love you so much and I can't-Tara watch out!"
You pulled her towards you at the sight of Ghostface sneaking up behind her. You acted quickly. Kicking Ghostface in the stomach. Chad had arrived in time to help you as he also grabbed what ever he could to hurt Ghostface.
Everything had happened so quickly one second you were helping Chad and the next you had been knocked down by another ghostface. Tara had moved quickly to help you up. You tried to move to help Chad but was stopped by Sam. Ignoring the screams of Tara as you now also held her back.
You had no choice but to run away. Hoping to find a way out.
You still couldn't believe that it was Ethan and Quinn behind the masks. And the mastermind behind everything was Detective Bailey. You couldn't believe Mindy had been right.
"Come on Tara! Go you first." You helped her climb the side railing. "Sam! Hurry up!" You felt horrible leaving Kirby on the floor but you had no choice. Quickly following Sam. Tara stood on top helping you steady yourself on the ledge.
Tara took your hand as she followed Sam. Keeping a strong grip on your hand. She couldn't afford on losing you. Even if thing between you two were tense, she couldn't lose you. She'd rather die than to lose you which is why her grip only tightened when the gunshots rang out. Feeling your body weight pull on her arm as you slipped from the ledge. Your grip on her hand slipping, but you were quick to take a hold of the ledge.
Sam and Tara were able to take a hold of your wrist but your arm had been cut and your blood had made it hard to keep a good grip on you.
"Fuck. I can't, I can't grab on."
"Hold on baby. Please." Tara cried, as Ethan went under you and tried to stab you with his knife.
"Come on Y/n, I promise I'll be gentle."
"Fuck you." You desperately tried to take a hold on Tara's or Sam's hand. But you were slowly slipping. The sound of loud stomping footsteps had caused the three of you snapped your heads to the right, only to see a toothless Quinn.
"You guys are so fucked now."
"Tara. Tara!"
Her head looked back down at you. Her eyes filling with fear and tears. Your look of determination, but also acceptance?"
"Let me go."
"What? No!" She her head as she tried to tighten her grip on you. She wasn't sure what you were thinking, how you could possibly think that she'd let you go and let you fall to your certain death.
"Tara let me go. Trust me." You tried to show her that you weren't scared. That you knew what you were about to do. Moving your gaze to Sam. You knew Tara wouldn't let you go. You knew that she'd rather fall with you. But you couldn't have that. She needed to help her sister. You and Sam had shared a look. She nodded as she handed you the knife.
"Sam no!" Tara cried as her grip began to slip more, you were no longer trying to hold on to her. The moment your fingers grasped the knife, her hold completely slipped. Only being able to scream as she watched you fall in to Ethan's knife.
Sobbing as she watched you get stabbed more than once before you stabbed Ethan in the mouth. Faintly hearing a shot as she watched you fall to your side.
"Y/n! I'm coming. Just hold on baby. Hold on."
You really did try, but the pain you felt had been overwhelming.
The faint noise of a steady beep was heard when you came back to. Your eyes opening only to squint them at the bright light. The last thing you remember had been Tara leaning over you as she cried, her mouth had been moving but her voice had been muffled. Before you blacked out.
Now you were obviously in a hospital bed. Your tilted the side when you heard the familiar soft snores. Tara was sat by your bed side. Her hand lightly holding yours as she slept. Her head resting on the side of the bed next to your joined hands. She was sat in a way you knew was uncomfortable.
At sound of your voice she shot up. Her eyes connecting to yours as they filled with tears. Barely able to keep in the sob that wanted to escape. She was quick to wrap you in a careful hug. You could feel her shoulders shaking as she hugged you. You were glad that she was okay. Your arms wrapped around her as well. Hoping to comfort her. You weren’t sure where your relationship stood with the girl but you still loved her.
“I thought I lost you.” Tara had broke down when she saw your unconscious body laying there. The dread and anguish that washed over had been immense.
“I’m right here Tara. I’m okay, are you and the others okay?”
She leaned back from the hug, but never let you hand go. Choosing to hold your hand in between hers in a strong grip.
“Yea. They’re okay. So is Chad. He’s fine. Out of surgery and looking to make a full recovery.” She took you in. The way your face was bit pale, from all the blood loss, the bruises and cuts that were more noticeable. But she noticed more was how you refused to look into her eyes.
“Y/n I’m sorry, I know what I said hurt you. At first I didn’t remember what I said, but now I remember. And I do not feel that way. I love you, I love you with all my heart. What I said was not true. I don’t know where that came from. I just remember feeling so angry. And I took it out on you.” She tried to blink away the tears but it was no use.
“When we first dated, I swore to myself that I’d never be like your ex. That I’d never make you feel unwanted or unloved. And, fuck I broke it. I treated you horribly when you’ve been nothing but supportive and caring. I’ll understand..I’ll understand if you don’t, if you don’t want to be with me anymore.”
You lightly pulled on her hand. Her eyes looking away from your joined hand to look into your eyes. You hissed as you scooted to the side of the bed. Making room.
“Come on. Lay with me.”
“I’m not breaking up you Tara. I mean, don’t get wrong I was hurt. But I love you too and we’ll be able to work on this. Now come on lay with me. I’m tired and I know you are to.”
She hesitated, not wanting to hurt you. But from another pull of her hand she was quick to lay with you. Careful not hurt you. She laid her head on your shoulder. Relaxing in your embrace. Feeling so grateful to still have you with her.
She’d work hard to make it up to you.
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beebopboom · 7 months
The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter
Yep! That’s right we are diving back into season 1, specifically with the last true witch, Agnes Nutter
This first part is mainly going to deal with what is in her book and is largely just a reference point. This will cover all the prophecies we know about and the images included in her book that I could find
Further analysis and theories will start in part two
-> which you can click here to read if you’d like
But other than that let’s just dive in
Most of these we know and we see play out but there are a few stragglers- (which I’m not going to go into in this series just for the sole reason my very ill brain cannot handle them right now, maybe in the future)
Prophecy 1111: "An the Great Hound Sharl come and the Two Powers sharl watch in... Goeth where is its Master, Where the... Notte, and he shall name it, True to... and Hell shall flee it."
Prophecy 2214: "In December 1980, an Apple will arise no man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes's machine, and good fortune will tend thy days."
Prophecy 2213: "I tell ye this, and I charge ye with my wordes. Four shall ride, and three shall ride the sky as two, and one shall ride in flames, and there shall be no stopping them. Not fish, nor rain, neither devil or angel. And ye shall be there also, Anathema."
Prophecy 2315: "Sum say It cometh in London Town, or New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, for the place is Taddes Fild, Stronge inne hys powr, he cometh like a knight innne the fief, he divideth the Worlde into 4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
Prophecy 3001: "Behind the Eagle's Neste, a great Ash hath fallen.
Prophecy 3007: "Prayers and hope ... / Brings forth sorrow and serpents reign / For the devil lucks in plain sight / Under an arc of pale moonlight."
Prophecy 3008: "When that the angel readeth these words of mine, in his shoppe of other menne's books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open thine eyes to understand. Open thine eyes and rede, I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth grow cold."
Prophecy 3009: "Seven who hold the Scepter shall be killed...of them shall become a saint."
Prophecy 3011: "The exer... and churches be laid open to ... oppressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruelty of foreigners. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his assistance, and trample their necks under his feet."
Prophecy 3012: "A shower of blood shall rain, and a raging famine shall afflict mankind. When these things happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his fatigue is over he shall recover his strength. Then shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon, and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down."
Prophecy 3017: "I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende and the Angells of Hell ride with them, And three shall Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four and the Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne sharl claim his Own."
Prophecy 3477: Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts en-join, there are othere fyres than mine; when the wynd blowethe the blos-soms, reach oute one to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and Whyte and Blacke and Pale approche to Peas is Our Professioune.
Prophecy 3817: "The Number of the Beast is in the Revelayting of Sainte John, call hym in Taddesfield. And ye will know hym by this sign, that when ye do call hym, the Lesser Beaste will walk upon his hind legs like unto a Dancing Bear."
Prophecy 3819: "When Orient's chariot inverted be, four wheles in the skye, a man with bruises be upon Youre Bedde, aching his hedd for willow fine, a manne who testeth with a pyn yette his hart be.
Prophecy 3988: "Whene menne of crocus come frome the Earth and green manne frome the Sky, yette ken not why, and Pluto's barres quitte the Light-ning castels, and sunken lands riseth, and Levia-than runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride; I tell you the ende draweth nigh."
Prophecy 3989: "He is not what he says he is."
Prophecy 4009: "Where the Hogg's back ends the young beast will take the world and Adam's line will end in fire and darkness."
Prophecy 4019: "When Orient's Chariot Inverted be a man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for willow fine."
Prophecy 4020: "Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts enjoin, there are othere fyres than mine; when the whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another."
Prophecy 5001: "When the skies are crimson seen, then ye both must stand between the world of life and the world of war, where the iron bird lands no more."
Prophecy 5004: "When alle is sayed and all is done, ye must choose your faces wisely, for soon enouff, ye will be playing with fyre."
and that’s all of them I believe so let’s hop into the images I could find
Starting out on the very first page we have this
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Now I could not find an exact reference to this (I know starting out strong just stay with me) but between the examples I could find plus the four wings surrounding the head I would say this is depicting a Cherubim
This next one is from the actual book itself,
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This is the piece, Saint John Devouring the Book by Albrecht Dürer (1498) which was published alongside 15 other woodcut illustrations in his book, Apocalypse, all covering events in Revelations
Now we are moving into pieces that we see in the little montage moments so the images are a little less clear
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This piece, Saint Michael Slaying the Dragon, is by Martin Schongauger done sometime between 1480-1490
The next piece was actually a two for one which made my job a little easier and let this post only be one part *curse you image limit*
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Chariot Vision, which is by Matthäus Merian depicting Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 1:5 (I couldn’t find when it was made -and now that I’m really looking at it the wheels are a little different but I’m confident enough to say it’s from the same story so the point will still stands)
and finally we have this one
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With help from @gallup24 and some image manipulation finally found this piece, The Minde bould hare a fixed Eye On Objects, that are plac’d on High.
I believe to be published first along side other emblems by Gabrielis Rollenhagii in 1613 it was reprinted in 1635 with added hymns by George Wither in his emblem book
the hymn reads
A Heart, which bore the figure of an Eye
Wide open to the Sunne; by fome, was us’d,
When in an Emblem, they would fignifie
A Minde, which on Celeftiall Matters mus’d :
Implying, by this fame, that there is nought
Which in this lower Orbe, our Eyes can fee,
So fit an Object for manly thought,
As thofe things, which in Heav’n above us be.
God, gave Mankinde (above all other Creatures)
A lovely Forme, and upward-looking Eye,
(Among the reft of his peculiar Featares)
That he might lift his Countenance on high:
And (having view'd the Beauty, which appeares
Within the outward Sights circumference)
That he might elevate above the Sphares,
The piercing Eye, of his tatelligence,
Then, higher, and fill higher ftrive to raife
His Contemplations Eyes, till they alcend
To gaine a glimple of thofe eternall Rayes,
To which all undepraved Spirits rend.
For, 'tis the proper nature of the Minde
(Till fehly Thoughts corrupt it) to delpile
Thole Lufts whereto the Rody ftands inclin'd ;
And labour alwayes, upmard to arife.
Some, theretore, thought thofe Goblins which appeare
To haunt old Graves and Tombes, are Soules of fuch,
Who to thefe loathfome places doomed were,
Becaule, they doted on the Fleh too much.
But, ture weare, well-minded Men thall god
To live above, when others bide below.
(also if you want a really good breakdown of the publishers of, The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, check out the one @i-only-ever-asked-questions posted one here)
so yeah that’s all I could find and like I said this is mainly just a reference post
and yes I am aware that one very obvious piece is missing that seems to be made just for this book. I ran out of images so i’ll post it in a rb
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yronnia · 8 months
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[Edit: check my reblog too, screenshots from the book kindly provided by spookydazechaos]
Agnesses Nyce and not so accurate prophecies with screenshots.
The full list below.
Some are unreadable (to me), so I inserted some X-es instead, where necessary. Interesting is, that Orient Chariot is mentioned twice, in prophecy nr. 3819 anf 4019.
Prophecy nr. 3012 is only one I cant allocate, dont tell me its about Aziraphale and Crowley, when Agness adressed Aziraphale by "angel" "thyf " and "principalitee", whats the bit about the dragons? Because they have wings?
1111- An the Great Hound sharl come
and the Two Powers sharl watch in V
Goeth Where is, Where they
Notte, and he sharl name it, True to l
and Hell sharl flee it
2213- I tell ye thyf, and I charge
ye with my wordes. Four shalle
ryde and Four shalle alfo ryde,
and Three sharl ryde the Skye
as twixt and Wonne shal ryde in
flames, and theyr shall be no stopping
themme, not fish, nor rayne nor rode, neirher
Deville nor Angel. And ye shalle be theyr also
2214- In December 1980 an Apple will arise no
man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes
thinking machine and good fortune
will tend thy days.
2315- Sumsay It cometh in Londo xxx or
New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, f xxx is
Taddes fild, Stronge inne hys powr, h xxxxke
a knight inee the fief, he divideth the xxx
4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
3001- Behinde the Eagles Neste a grate Ash hath fallen.
? 3007- Brings forth
For the devil lucks in plain sight.
Under an arc of pale moonlight.
3008- When that the angel readeth these
word of mine, in his shoppe of other mmennes
books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open
thyne eyes to understand. Open thyne eyes and rede
I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth
grow cold
3009- Seven, who hold the Scepther shall be killed,
xxx shall become a saint.
3011- xxThe?
and churces be laid open
opressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruen
foreginers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his
assistance and trample their necks under his feet
3012- A shower of blood shall rain and a ragging
famine shall afflict mankind. When dhese things
happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his
fatigue is over, he shall recover his strength. Then
shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon,
and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down.
3017- I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende, and
the Angells of Hell ride with them, And Three sharl
Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four, and the
Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne
sharl claim his Own.
3477- Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts
en- join, there are othere Fyres than mine, when
the wynd blowethe the blos- soms, reach oute one
to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and
Whyte and BLacke and Pale approache to Pear is
Our Professioune.
3819- When Orients chariot
inverted be, four wheles in the
skye, a man with bruises be upon
Youre Bedde, achinge his head
for willowfine, a manne who
resterh with a pyn yette his
hart be.
3988- Whene menne of crocus come frome the
Earth and green manne frome thee Sky, yette ken
not why, and Plutos barres quitte the light- ning
castels, and sunken landes riseth, and Levia- than
runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh
together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride, I tell
you the ende draweth nigh.
3989- He is not what he says he is
4009- Where the Hoggs back end the young
beast will take the world and Adams line will end
in fire and darkness.
4019- When Orients chariot inverted be a
man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for
willow fine
4020- Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts
enjoin, there are other fyres than myne, when the
whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another.
5001- When the skies are xxxx, then ye
both must stand between the world and life and the
world of wae, where the iron bird lands no more
5004- When alle is fayed and all is done, ye
must choofe your faces wisely, for soon enouff
ye will be playing with fyre
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profoundbondfanfic · 9 months
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Having fun this Christmas? Need a break from all the running around and stuff to prepare or family to meet? Or maybe you need a little pick-me-up because we all know how tough this time of the year can be as well. Then dig right in.
And Even In The Quiet Night by KelpietheThundergod [General audiences, 7k words]
He couldn't answer with the truth when Jody had asked him, concern bleeding through her typical gruffness, “You okay, kiddo? Since when do you care about Christmas?” He doesn't, of course, not really. It's just that Christmas is a widely accepted excuse to cook enough food for an entire baseball team, then eat too much and lounge on the couch surrounded by family and argue about which movie to watch. Or so Dean thinks. Really, it was just a stupid – it's not like Dean is lonely. Sam is here, Cas is here, and the others are – well, mostly not here. But really, it should be enough. Dean is a grown-ass man, he can deal with being alone on Christmas. (Or, the one in which no one cares about Christmas but Dean)
Dance Real Close by Maleyah (Katherine_Kat) [Explicit, 5k words]
For the umpteenth time tonight, Castiel swallows and clenches his teeth, hard enough that he might just need a dentist appointment once this horrendous evening comes to its inevitable end and he has what he came for. Good thing the company has excellent health care. He forces his gaze into a faux-thousand yard stare, a wilful attempt to get lost among the many twinkling lights and ornaments. Just off of the shoulder of the man who is his current, last and most annoying obstacle. Dean Winchester. Dressed to the nines in a suit of snowflake white, he fits in at this high-end Yule Ball as if he hasn’t done anything else in his life. Top of his class and generation, ten years Castiel’s junior, much too skilled for his own good at nigh anything from close combat to subterfuge to extraction, his competition, who is, for some unfathomable reason, flirting with Castiel on the mission.
From Your Secret Santa by ILoveLucey [Teen and up, 26k words]
Dean and Sam have had a tough year. Their dad died, leaving them parentless, and Dean has had to pick up the slack to make sure his little brother is fed, clothed, and has a roof over his head. To say that Dean is not in the Christmas spirit this year is an understatement. That is, until Dean gets a secret Santa who wants nothing more than to make the brothers' Christmas a cheerful one. The mysterious gift-giver apparently plans to do that with twelve days of cheesy poems, dorky activities, and, okay, some actually really nice presents. Dean hates to admit it but before the twelve days of Christmas are over his mood is effectively turned around. The only thing is, he's pretty sure his secret Santa is actually more of a secret admirer. It could be anyone from the Roadhouse trivia teams but there is only one person he wants it to be - his brown-haired, blue-eyed, oh-so-sexy best friend who has been there for him through everything and who he has a major, secret crush on.
Here's to Many More by wincechesters [Explicit, 15k words]
After a blowout at his parents' house on Christmas Eve, Castiel resigns himself to a lonely, miserable holiday. On his way home he finds himself at a dive bar, spilling his life story to the handsome, charming bartender he's just met. It's an unlikely set of circumstances, but when the bartender invites him to come home with him, Castiel says yes—and it looks like he might not be spending his Christmas alone and miserable after all.
I Love New York by followyourenergy [Explicit, 44k words]
When Dean’s brother can’t go on their planned trip to New York City, Dean goes alone. He meets Cas, a man who’s there to “do things differently” and invites Dean to do the same. Through their adventures, Dean expands not only his palate, but his idea of who he is, who he can be…and who he can be with.
Orna-meant to Be by MalMuses [Teen and Up, 5k words]
It's been a long year, but Castiel and his vampire boyfriend Dean have finally reached their first Christmas together. The first of many, if Dean has his way. A fluffy holiday timestamp in the Bat Dean 'Verse.
Snowy Blue by Kitmistry [Teen and Up, 3k words]
On the brink of a new year, Dean runs into an old friend.
The Prince Switch by teacass (Fushigi) [Teen and up, 12k words]
Castiel couldn’t see much in the dark, but there was a silhouette of a tall person standing in the room opposite of his. Judging from the depth of the voice, it must have been Dean Winchester, Jimmy’s best friend, sous chef, and co-owner of the bakery. “Hello, Dean,” Castiel whispered. Even he heard it sounded way too official and too much like his princely self, so he quickly corrected. “I mean, hi. It’s just me. Go back to sleep.” “What are you doing up?” Dean asked. Oh, it’s nothing. I just snuck out of the palace in the middle of the night to switch places with your best friend, Castiel thought. “I couldn’t sleep,” Castiel said out loud. “Too excited about the whole competition thing.”
82 notes · View notes
purplelupins · 1 year
A Pretty Butterfly
|The Watchmen|
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Rorschach x fem!reader
Summery: Watching a stranger from your windows quickly turned into a human connection you craved. You just wanted to help this strange man who walked past your home everyday…but it seemed you got more than you had bargained for.
Warnings: SLOW BURN, violence, mentions of rape and assault, age-gap (reader is mid -late 20’s and Rorschach is 45) smut, dub-con, fingering, obsession, stalking, anxiety, Rorschach being a tit, pessimistic thoughts, self-sabotage, sunshine and grumpy old man dynamic
Word count: 13.8k words
Notes: In the film, they claim Rorschach is 35, but the comic has him at 45 so I went with that instead. a special thanks to my buddy @mandowifey for sending me down this rabbit hole and helping me out with my scatter brain🤍
You didn’t mean to stare.
That was a lie.
…a half lie.
You liked to watch, but you didn’t mean to latch onto one face in particular when you peered out of your window. You never really had before; perhaps the odd flamboyantly dressed hooker or someone with outrageously done hair, but you couldn’t say you had ever taken notice of someone who seemed so inconsequential.
It was his red hair that made you look twice, at first.
From your little window, above a small tea shop that was run by a family who smelled of jasmine, you first saw that little man who wandered the streets of New York with his picket sign.
“The end is nigh” it said.
The first time you saw it, it made you laugh a little. So pessimistic. You wondered why he felt the need to forecast such a statement to the city. Was the end all he could see? Was there no good in his eyes?
Silly, you thought, to busy yourself with a stranger’s story that you had fabricated entirely in your mind.
But then the second time you saw him, those words made you think.
Perhaps it was close- the end, that is. The more and more that chauvinistic Dooms Day Clock ticked, the more you started to believe that man.
It was inevitable.
Perhaps it was close, too.
You wondered if he was unstable- mentally or otherwise. Wandering the streets when he should have been getting help. But the more you watched, the more you realised about him and his meandering walk; never once did you see him lash out or scream like you had seen so many times from those who injected and snorted and drank any substance they could get their hands on.
You watched him for months- accidental at first, then you found yourself checking outside your window to see if he was there. It was as if he was your own personal dooms-day clock- each time you saw him it was a tick. Somehow you found him far more comforting than the Armageddon timepiece the government kept.
Then you got tired of walking from your desk to the window, and moved it up against the glass. You told yourself there was no harm in thoughtfully gazing at someone…you weren’t harming him or yourself. You liked to pretend you were friends…though you knew he wasn’t even aware of your existence. You bet he had a million odd stories of the world around him- he looked far older than you. Older and harsher.
Then came the day that changed your private little relationship.
The day he stared back.
It had scared you half to death when you had been watching him in your usual daze- silly smile on your face and chin in your palm- and he had paused. He had looked down the street, stopped, then snapped his head up to look you in the eye. He was 25 feet below you yet he saw you so clearly and you felt stripped bare.
You had nearly fallen out of your chair to scramble away from the window; goosebumps had sprung up on your arms and your feet had pins and needles in them. Your heart had leapt into your throat and pounded furiously. It had taken you 10 minutes to finally inch back to the window. To your relief, he was no longer there, but then distress began to set in as you wondered if you had scared him off. He didn’t exactly look blessed with monetary abundance, and you doubted he appreciated a strange woman staring down at him.
The next day, you thought he might not pass your street; having a stranger watch him was likely not on his to-do list and there were hundreds of streets for him to march down instead of yours.
However, even though you agreed with this likelihood of him not coming back, you found yourself unable to complete any work until noon. A call from your employer was the only thing that snapped you out of your reverie, and even then, you could barely focus on your work.
Your knee bounced as you did your best to prioritize, and almost got lost in the work in front of you until out of the corner of your eye, you saw a flicker of red. It was embarrassing how fast you looked down, not that you truly cared.
Your heart jolted. He was there. You didn’t scare him off.
Then, he looked up again.
This time, you didn’t run. You held your ground…and even managed a little wave.
He didn’t wave back, and you even wondered if he saw it.
He only readjusted his sign over his shoulder and kept walking.
What an odd man.
Though you supposed you were just as odd to show such an interest in him.
Perhaps a little perverse…
You blanched at the thought; hoping to god that he didn’t think that.
While making dinner, a thought struck you. You made just a little extra food, and saved it in a container, even writing a note for yourself to not forget to give it to that strange man. You knew it was silly, and forward - truly very unlike you- but in a city where it was next to impossible to make any selfless human connection…you didn’t want this to go to waste. Even if he told you to piss off, at least you could sleep at night knowing you tried.
So you waited.
You truly hoped against hope that your wish to show compassion wouldn’t be seen as anything but what it was…though a part of you began to think you were practically asking for trouble or misinterpretation. The longer you sat the more nonsensical you felt as your knee bounced twice the speed of your heart beat.
It was almost 10 am when he came into your view, only this time it was as if he materialised out of nowhere instead of the slow walk from your right to your left.
You didn’t even wait to see if he would look up.
You didn’t let yourself think.
You dashed to your door, food in hand, and tore down the stairs to the small gate separating your home’s entrance from the figures trudging past. You opened it and stepped out onto the street, trying not to get stepped on by passers-by as you looked for him. To your luck, he was only ten feet down from your building, and before you could stop yourself, you quickened your pace to catch up.
“E-excuse me! Sir?” You called softly once you were behind him. The man came to a slow stop and turned- a stoic look on his face.
Now that this man was in front of you and was giving you his very real attention, you felt your lungs cease their function for a few seconds, no words forming in your mouth either.
He was handsome…in a strange sort of way.
He looked…jagged, and guarded.
Thin, short, and tired…but by god you couldn’t look away. Not until you realized you were staring again.
Simple and to the point.
You looked down at the container of food in your hands that was still warm.
“I’m- I apologise…I wanted you to have this…it’s getting cold.” You said, holding out the food to him.
Most impersonal act of kindness in recorded history, well done.
You returned your eyes to his face, and found him looking right back at you. Neither angry nor kind. He simply looked…beaten. Tired of his life…tired of the world…you didn’t know for certain. But you understood.
“I’m-…I’m sorry for staring. And I hope you’re not allergic to anything…um, there’s a fork in there, you can keep it, good to have, you know?” You knew you were rambling, and very aware that he hadn’t looked away from you once. You fought to hold his gaze, but admittedly it was an intimidating stare.
He turned to walk away, and you felt panic fill you.
“Please take it.” You tried again, but he didn’t say a word.
He silently left you standing there, and you felt like New York’s biggest idiot.
It was the rambling…defiantly the rambling. Oh maybe it was the act itself I mean he probably isn’t used to having that kind of- okay now that’s a bit of an over-assumption…he might have lots of people offering him kindness…and now you’re the one standing on the street staring at a lamppost.
…pull yourself together.
You watched him disappear, just like your pride; whatever had been left of it. Your shoulders began to sag as defeat settled into you and turned your tongue sour.
Which was why you decided to do the exact same thing again the next day.
You waited. Perfectly ready to not see him after that embarrassing display yesterday…but sure enough, there he was.
You noted that he did not not look up today, not that you blamed him.
You were out the door before you could dissuade yourself.
“Mister!” You called.
He didn’t turn this time.
You repeated yourself a little more clearly. “Mister!”
He kept walking. And somehow every time you almost caught up to him, he would slip out of your grasp.
You could only continue like that so far down the street, and eventually had to give up. He was stubborn…and you could be too. You didn’t know this man’s story, and if he didn’t see himself as good enough to receive kindness, then you could continue until he did understand…or until he called the police on you for harassment.
So you did it again. And again.
You told yourself you would try two more times and if he didn’t take them…that would be that. You would have to move on.
You made a rich stew, and even put a few pieces of bread in a bag for him. You steeled your shot nerves, and began to walk down to your entrance before even seeing him.
You saw him coming from a few blocks away, and very slowly made your way into his path. He gradually took in your form, but didn’t pause or even stop. Not until he was a foot from you. But you held your ground.
“Look…I’m not…I don’t know why you won’t let me help you, but I don’t want you to think I’m trying to get some gold star or have you boost my ego by being thankful…I just want to show you kindness and if that’s too much for yo-“
He held his hand out to you, palm up. He didn’t look away, and blinked slowly.
You might not have been the best at reading every person you met, but his message was obvious. “If I take it will you leave me alone?”
You grinned timidly, and placed the food in his hand gently. “Keep the container…they’re good to have.” You said under your breath almost out of habit- it had been something your mother did and now you found yourself doing.
He took it without another word, and you felt a pleasant heat bloom in your chest.
The next day, you childishly watched for him again- as if he was your Santa Clause or Tooth Fairy…although he looked like he might knock someone’s teeth out rather than give them a couple coins for them.
You made a soup that would fill him up and picked up an extra loaf of bread to give him. Both sat on your lap as you sat on your stoop, ready for him. You kept telling yourself you just wanted to help out a lonely soul like yourself, and that you weren’t developing a juvenile crush on the man who hadn’t even spoken to you.
You leaned out periodically to see if you could see him, and found yourself readying your nerves to confront him again.
You sighed and went to lean out again, only to freeze rigidly.
“M-morning-“ you squeaked.
The very man you were waiting for was standing just feet from you, staring, and his free hand in his pocket. As if he had come up from the gutters themselves.
You hadn’t prepared for this kind of sudden interaction, and found yourself mentally throttling your brain to do something.
It seemed however that whatever god was above you decided to take mercy on you for once, and the man reached out his hand just as he had the day previously.
You wordlessly handed the food to him then remembered the bread. “Oh! This um is for you too…it’s fresh.” You added, pretending like your cheeks weren’t warm and your hands weren’t shaking.
You smiled gently, but it faded fast when you notices a small group of seedy men approaching the two of you. You didn’t like to instantly label people, but this particular flock of men were well known in the area…you had watched them many a time from the safety of your window.
You instantly began to shrink in on yourself, and it seemed your change in demeanour was enough to catch the older man’s attention. He followed your stare behind him, and his nose momentarily scrunched up in a displeased snarl. A mere twitch.
Rorschach felt something ugly build in him. He knew their faces well…rape, theft, assault, vandalism. These men were true scum under his boot…he hated that he couldn’t put them in their place without his face.
“Hey-yo mammi lookin good!”
“Hey you wanna lift that skirt a little more?”
“Whatcha doin with the little rat, hm?”
You could feel your heart rate pick up as they got closer, and you hoped that they didn’t realize you lived in that building. You wished you didn’t feel so small but-
The older man handed the food back to you without even looking. It was enough to bring you back to reality, and you took it quickly- the last thing you wanted was to antagonise him. Then he turned his body fully to the approaching group, and he waited patiently.
Your heart stopped. Was he about to-
He didn’t move from his stance in front of you, and he almost looked bored. Inconvenienced.
“The fuck you gonna do weasel?” One of them sneered.
That’s not very nice-
They’re not nice PEOPLE
You watched, terrified, as they got into his face and towered over him. The last thing you wanted was for him to get beaten for just being near you-
“What’s your fucking problem huh? Just gonna stare at us with those freak eyes cuz you can’t fight?” Another taunted, guffawing.
You winced, and your eyes unfocused…just like they used to-
But then, something in the men changed like a light switch. With his back to you and now a few feet away, you couldn’t tell if the man had said something, or done something, but what you did know was that the skinniest of the group was clapping the biggest on the shoulder and telling him “The little rat ain’t worth the trouble.” But there was an urgency in him what wasn’t there before.
The men huffed and some blew kisses at you which made you wrap your sweater tighter around yourself wishing you could disappear. Your eyes refocused as you heard them walk away, and you slowly looked over at the older man who was now half turning back to you.
You stared at him, your appreciation evident on you face. “I- Thank you sir…I don’t…” Don’t want to think of what might have happened if you weren’t here, you wanted to say, but you kept it simple instead. You sighed and shook your head, then held out your offering to him, and the bread you were sure he would like.
The man stared, and rose his right brow slightly, then took both from you. He turned and left you there as if it was a normal day.
Your heart was still beating wildly by the time he had left your sight, and you couldn’t help but feel a warmth spread through you as you thought about him defending you; even if it was simply him not in the mood to witness a young woman have her dignity taken…he had done something, and that made you stare after him longer than usual.
You didn’t ask why he came back at all.
Nor why he was right by your stoop that morning.
And you never inquired as to why he never asked why you didn’t give him money.
He knew why you didn’t. Perhaps not enough to make a full admission to himself but he sensed something in you…that stupid little girl. You didn’t give him money because money was too easy to fall into sin. Gambling, drugs, whores…all for money.
You wanted your kindness to stay as it was intended to be- good.
The warmth you had felt stewed in your stomach right through to the next day; you had made your way to your favourite shops early that morning and picked up a few bags of things to cook with. Then as you went to turn to your building, you paused.
You knew that red hair a mile away, and you only needed to look a few feet to see it resting against your stoop entrance.
You looked around at nothing as if someone might tell you what you were seeing.
He was sat there on your building’s steps, newspaper in hand…reading. You considered continuing walking down the street and pretending like you didn’t see him or live there, but you felt silly even considering such a thing.
He didnt look up at you, and didn’t acknowledge you as you slowly approached the steps.
“Morning.” You said gently. Your cheeks began to flush when you looked at him- attempting to retrieve your keys from your pocket without tripping. It came out almost absentmindedly, seeing as you didn’t exactly want him to know that you had been fixated on how to approach him…although you supposed you had already had blown that when you watched for him every day and chased him with food…
He didn’t say a word.
An anxious knot began to tighten in your stomach. You truly didn’t know what to do…you didn’t want to seem rude if he just hadn’t heard you. You got to the first step and glanced down at your hot coffee. You wondered if he was able to speak at all…At this point, when you figured you were mostly talking to yourself and that he likely barely listened to a word you said.
“You need this more than I do…it’s September now…getting cold.” You bent down, hoping your paper bags didn’t rip, and placed it onto the second step by his boot.
You wanted to ask him why he was on your steps; wondered if he was waiting for you; wondered if he might clasp a hand over your mouth and slit your throat the moment you walked past him. It wasn’t that you wanted to think the worst, but after years of seeing the worst in the city, you couldn’t help it. You hoped that you were wrong, for you sanity’s sake.
The man still hadn’t acknowledged you, and your arms were growing heavy. With nothing left to do, you opted to walk past him and unlocked the door; chancing a glance back at his form. Perhaps you were delusional, but you swore you saw his head turning back to its original position. Had his gaze followed you?
A glance.
It was small and secret and you were elated.
You wasted no time in running up the stairs into your apartment, and grabbing the food you had saved from the night before. You counted the seconds mentally that it took for you to descend the stairs again, hoping it wouldn’t be enough time for the man to disappear.
You nearly tripped on the last step when you saw him standing and folding the newspaper. In another attempt to regain your composure, you slowed your pace as you came to the top of the stoop. You almost handed the food to him from there, but it made you feel like someone with a saviour complex instead of just trying to be nice. The tentative step you took down to his level seemed to finally grasp his vague attention as he looked down at your feet then up to your face.
You held the food out by his gloved hand.
“I hope you’re okay, mister.” You said earnestly, holding his gaze, “It’s horrible out there.” You didn’t know what made you say that, but it had been something that weighed on your mind for months…perhaps years. A dormant thought that his picket sign had awakened.
The man took the food, and it was then that you noted a certain despondency in his eyes. Perhaps it was the way his weathered face made them stand out so much more amongst the lines of age.
He left you there again just like he always did: silently.
Just as you were about to wander back up into your home, you glanced down and stopped and smiled.
There sat the coffee cup you had handed him.
It was empty.
Perhaps he was accepting your gestures in hopes of having you eventually leave him alone, but you were only fuelled by his recipiency. It became a routine for you to keep extra food for that man. Even if you ordered take-out, you kept some for him.
You noticed, however, that not long after you made contact with the strange man, a few things started happening to you that certainly had not before. In fact, you were beginning to ponder your sleep quality as you often woke up to far less food than when you had gone to sleep. Were you sleep walking? Or simply forgetting all together how much you had eaten?
Then came the dreams. At least a few times out of the week, your dream-addled mind swirled with unclear images of someone or something visiting you at night- a shadow, a whisper, a puff of smoke in the wind. You swore you woke up with things moved, but there was no forced entry that you could find, and thus you never thought more of it than you needing more sleep.
Weeks passed as you took it upon yourself to care for this man, even though he seemed to dislike the company. You knew he found you childish, it was beyond evident in his face when he stared at you. But even still, he took what you offered him, albeit begrudgingly.
Each time you saw him, a part of your heart felt bruised. Not that you pitied him -you were certain he would resent any pity- but you could tell when a person was damaged. Be it from something personal or the world itself…it didn’t matter. You were all hurt in your own way. You wondered how long it had been since someone was kind to him; had he known much kindness at all? Had he lost everything? Did he have anything to lose in the first place?
You hoped you could provide him with a tiny little ray of hope amongst the arduous reality.
Perhaps you were too optimistic like your mother had said when you were little…but you didn’t care. Not when it helped you sleep at night and get through the days of listening to the dwindling city below you.
But then, he stopped coming.
It had been a full month and a half since he had first accepted your offering. You had gotten so used to your routine that the first morning it happened, you felt sick- like a punch to your gut. You heart had dropped to your toes and your tongue felt heavy and your ears rang. You instantly thought the worst. Of course you tried to rationalise it, telling yourself that he most likely just wanted a change in his route and would be gone for that day…or perhaps he simply got sick and didn’t go for his usual walk.
When you sat there at your window, having gone back up dejectedly, you found yourself staring into nothingness. You hadn’t realized how attached you had become to that little man.
This man who never spoke had become a friend of sorts…some kind of stanger who gave you a tiny bit of human contact that you grew dependant on. It wasn’t as if he was kind to you, in fact he was a little standoffish when it came to you…you wondered if you bothered him more than anything else…and the more you thought about it the more you realized you probably did.
That night came and went; quiet and lonely aside from those strange dreams. Your eyes prickled when you awoke- already feeling empty.
You felt so silly. So selfish. Ridiculous really.
You felt even more ridiculous when you called in sick to work even though you couldn’t afford it. You found yourself wandering the streets without the slightest idea where that man came from or what his routine was, so you picked some directions to try and set off. There was no plan, you just needed to know that the one person you actually cared about wasn’t laying dead in an alley, at the very least.
It took three hours.
Asking various vendors and urchins of the streets before you were pointed in the direction that ultimately led you to that tuft of dirty red hair. He was passing by a news stand, that simple pace carrying him as always.
“Mister!” You called before you could tell yourself this was stalking…and the fact that you had no plan whatsoever.
The only indication that he heard you was when the man’s steps faltered for a moment. A slight pause in his foot and a tightening of his shoulders.
You ran to him, and moved into his field of vision. He stared at you almost like a stranger, and that stung you more than it should have. But you did your best to remain calm and kind.
“I haven’t- you-“ you tried, but failed to catch your breath, “I thought something had happened to you…but I’m so glad to see you safe. Can I- can I buy you lunch?” You asked him.
The man stared at you hard, that line between his brows even more pronounced than usual. He was thinking.
Rorschach loathed how bare he was without his face. If he wasn’t in disguise he wouldn’t hesitate to tell you to take your pity elsewhere, anything to get you to unstick yourself from him.
When he didn’t budge, you shifted on your feet, looking around to break his intense eye contact, “I- you dont have to repay me or anything…just a bite to eat. I care about you…- more than I should probably.”
“You shouldn’t.”
You almost jumped at the voice that left him.
That was the first time he had said a word to you, and you admittedly never would have thought that that would be his voice- it was so deep and hoarse that you shivered.
Then you realised what he had said.
“I sh-…why?” You asked, scrunching your brows together.
He hated his weakness in finally speaking. You would never let go now.
“People like you don’t care about people like me, and vice versa.” His words came in a rumble, and they tore you down so easily. A stomp to your heart.
You tried to pretend like tears weren’t welling in your eyes; like you were stronger than the curt, sharp words of a man you barely knew. “And what kind of people are my people?” You pushed, though it sounded more desperate than you wanted.
His face was pure stone. “Good people.”
You swallowed. “And you’re bad?” The question was timid; any wind that had been in your sails was long gone as soon as he had opened his mouth.
“Yes.” He rasped. Rorschach didn’t have the patience to baby you, and frankly his temper was rising the more you made him speak.
“Call me naive…but you don’t seem bad to me…you look…worn down.” You shrugged. “You seem like you need a little good in your life…and I really want to help you with that-“
“No you don’t.”
He said it so quickly it was as if he had practiced it or said it before. You wondered how many times he had gotten hurt.
As you searched for any retort, he continued, and began to stalk towards you causing you to back away. “You don’t want to help with anything. What you want is to feel a little less self absorbed than you already do but in doing so you only fall further into your pathetic, egocentric existence. You think you’re being compassionate? Look again. You’re nothing but a privileged little girl looking for a new toy until she gets bored and wants another one. Look in the mirror for once and see what you really are, you wretch.”
His words rang in your ears, and you felt lightheaded. He stared you down a moment longer, then he was turning around and disappeared into the crowd before you could find a rebuttal or feel your hands. You were numb.
Your heart ached as much as your feet did, if not more.
No…certainly more. You felt nauseated.
It was as if a bucket of ice water had been dumped on you from the top of one of the skyscrapers above you. You felt cold and breathless.
You didn’t remember walking home, but you must have seeing as you were sitting on your couch, coat off and tears dry by 6 pm.
You never thought he cared that much; thought he just saw you as a free meal and you were alright with that…but hearing what he had thought of you all along made you want to double over at your stupidity.
Had he been obvious in his distain and you just hadn’t noticed? You supposed it had been you who forced him to take your food in the first place…he had tried to get away from you but never could because you were so persistent. You were selfish in your want to help, and it had angered him terribly.
And you had lied to yourself; you had told yourself that if he told you to piss off, you would just have to accept that…but here you were with him telling you just that and you couldn’t handle it.
You should have known it was only a matter of time before you pushed this stranger too far…
He was like a wild dog; he would respect you…and then he wouldn’t.
And now you felt even worse for comparing him to a dog.
You hung your head in your hands and let your tears fall. In your want to help someone you had only made an enemy, and made yourself feel more alone than ever.
But that one morning still played over and over if your mind- when he hadn’t let that gang of men get any closer to you; he could have so easily just taken the food and walked away to leave you to their mercy…but he had stood his ground.
Your head ached as you tried to rationalise everything and piece it together.
But all you could come up with was that he thought you were a horrible person…and you were starting to believe him. You supposed you were nothing more than a caterer for him and you had pushed his boundaries too much.
It was all your fault.
A week passed. Every night, you still made the extra food for him, only now you left it out on the stoop since you didn’t see him anymore; hoping he might wander by when you weren’t looking. But you felt your heart ache when it was untouched. On more than one occasion the food was taken, but you assumed it wasn’t your…friend.
Of course, you had no idea that the very man you urned for sat beside those containers almost every night for at least an hour without his face. He never touched what you left for him, and he stared at it in distain. You were young, and you were stupid. He gathered he couldn’t even call you a whore yet…hell you almost had a pretentious halo around you from being born still. He wondered how it felt to be so utterly ignorant.
Rorschach hated that he knew more about you than you thought. That he had taken up the habit of perching on your fire escape outside your window as he wrote in his journal, and you cooked or read.
What he didn’t know was why you did this. Rorschach was a master of puzzles and he loathed that he couldn’t figure your motive out, not fully at least.
You said you cared.
Said you wanted to help…
There was no way in hell that anything you said was true. There was some kind of poison lacing your words and he had already let himself be exposed too long. No one liked Walter Kovacs, and no one liked Rorschach; they used him and worked with him…but like?
A young woman liking him?
Unheard of.
But that first day you had come to him on that filthy street had felt like an itch had been scratched. For months he had felt eyes on him on that particular stretch of street, but when he had finally spotted you upon your little perch, he felt what it was like to have a question answered for once. It had startled him. You had startled him. He had imagined it was an old, fat creep spying on the passers-by or a whore looking for a client…just like her…
But then there you were- this soft young woman with clean clothes and a gentle stare; you had almost fallen out of your seat, red cheeks visible even from his view point below.
Just another strange woman then.
Then…and only then when you had burst out onto the street, and run after him did he allow himself to look at you. Actually look at you.
You had looked irritatingly familiar.
There was a timidness to your eyes- a sadness that had turned to kindness. A stark contrast to the sadness in his own eyes- a sadness that had turned to venom and ice long ago.
Your voice was soft as you spoke all in a rush and apologising as you held that peace offering to him. A warm meal.
You were young, and selfless.
You didn’t care that he was as filthy as the street you stood on. That he hadn’t even spoken a word.
You had just wanted to help.
Rorschach was pleased that he had chosen to leave you there; he wasn’t one to pick up strays.
But you were stubborn. He loathed how stubborn you were. Treating him like he was a bug under your microscope.
That next time when he finally took your selfish, presumptuous offering, he considered not eating the food lest it be poisoned, but then again that wouldn’t be the worst thing he had endured in his lifetime.
He had watched you retreat back into your little home like some little, pathetic mouse.
He wasn’t young, or stupid, or naive, or innocent.
He wasn’t about let his gaze wander to some girl who would be a whore in a year or two.
At least that was what he had told himself up until night fell. Once the city was plunged into darkness and his disguise came off, Rorschach clenched his bloodied knuckles as he scaled a near-by building. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop until he came to a familiar neighbourhood. Rorschach had huffed behind his mask, and crawled down the ladder system to your window; a sick, juvenile curiosity making him feeble. Contempt flooded him.
He sat outside your window…watched you as you put yourself to sleep; tugging frustratedly at your night-dress when it bunched up under your blanket. There was an innocence to you that made his nostrils flare under his mask and his ears ring; as if an old memory was trying to resurface. It was ludicrous, of course.
Your window had opened surprisingly quietly, and he soundlessly eased himself inside. Your home was simple and comfortable despite likely having a landlord who didn’t give two shits about you. Tidy enough for a young woman. Rorschach stalked from shadow to shadow, mapping out the apartment. Then he came to your bedroom, and he paused; watched how gently you breathed as sleep took you. As if you didn’t have a care in the world, or perhaps you simply weren’t aware of the scum that lay below you.
He told himself he was just collecting information on this strange person who had extended him a disingenuous olive branch. Nothing more.
It wasn’t that there was an itch in his hands when he saw you, or a twitch in his eye when he heard your voice; that you got under his skin.
You little creature.
A little light that had turned on in his dark world.
He hated the light.
He stared at the dress that you had worn that day- draped over the back of a chair in the corner of your room. It had sat at your knee, a modest length especially given your young age. It wasn’t often that a young woman attempted to protect herself with a show of dignity. He gathered you must be hiding something…
You were odd. A sliver of grey in his black and white world.
He hated grey. It made no sense.
Then there was the routine that you forced him to partake in.
He found his steps slowing when he passed your building- not out of expectation but out of a foolishness that made him engage in the childish game you laid out.
Your presence ate away at him like a corrosive acid.
Each day he expected you to not be there. To disappoint him like everyone else.
But you never disappointed him, and he loathed it.
There was twice where he had made it past your building with no sign of you, and he had decided that the game was done and he could carry on with his existence, but then that frantic little voice of yours would make him stop. Calling after him like he was so important. Like you needed to give him your kindness as much as you assumed he needed to receive it.
Then he found himself slipping.
So stupid.
Putting off jobs or rerouting himself to pass your window. Just a glimpse- a reassurance that you were alright like double checking that you have your wallet when you leave the house.
Then it wasn’t enough. He began to sleep there on your stoop, picket sign beside him like an old friend. He didn’t care if he saw you in the mornings, but he saw the type of people who frequented the area and he wasn’t about to let a single one get past your door. He didn’t need the blood of a foolish woman on his hands as well.
The image of your bloodied, violated limp body made his stomach churn; just like it had when he found Blair Roche’s remains. And that was what scared him- or the closest thing he could feel to fear.
He held this pristine little being in his pale hand, and he knew that the longer he held it, the more likely it became that he would ruin it. Crush you in his palm just like that man had done to that little girl all those years ago…taking Walter Kovacs with him.
And he would not drag you down with him. He would not stoop to that monster’s level.
So he stopped showing you his disguise. He couldn’t have you know he was there, just like the rest of New York. He needed you to forget about him; treat him like a ghost you saw out of the corner of your eye.
When he was across the city that morning and still heard your voice behind him, he had felt his muscles tighten in distain.
Because then it wasn’t a game anymore. He was done.
But you were so insistent that you cared.
You truly cared.
You had spent god knows how long looking for him.
As soon as he had heard you, he had to steel his composure lest you attempt to lure him back into your scheme.
He hated that you had gotten him to speak, but he had watched you crumble under his words; it was alright that you were upset. He could handle that far easier than your kindness- perhaps you might even grow from a little cruelty.
Weeks passed, and he found himself returning to his usual schedule; almost appreciating the simplicity of the dullness and angst.
It was a Tuesday night when Rorschach sat on an old roof top, jotting down his visit to Daniel Dreiberg’s home- noting that he had gotten even lazier with his physique and needed to stop lying to himself about the state of the world. The odd scream and rushed fuck in an alley-way rang out below him here and there; the usual.
Dull, really. He sighed, and tucked the book inside his coat. He leaped down to the neighbouring roof, and trudged along it.
Then from down below, he swore he heard a familiar voice.
Rorschach almost rolled his eyes as he came to the edge of the roof and looked down. It was dark, but he knew your voice from a mile away- you had forced that skill upon him.
You were backing away from five men, all considerably more imposing than yourself and your warm drink. Hot chocolate to be exact. You always had at least one once a week…taking a stroll to a small coffee house-
Rorschach ground his fist into the brick to halt his unnecessary thoughts as he crouched.
He listened to the men taunt you, and saw them back you into an alley wall.
He watched, bored, waiting to see what might happen. Then the more he listened, the more he came to realize that the conversation being had sounded familiar.
“What you thought I’d be locked up forever, pumpkin? Nah they just needed some good behaviour ‘n that was enough for them to slap my ass outta there.” One of them laughed, and he neared your cowering form.
Rorschach noted just how badly you shook.
“What? You’re not happy to see me? Cmon now, don’t you have a kiss for daddy, hm?” The man sneered, successfully trapping you against the disgusting alley wall.
Rorschach began creeping down closer to hear, his eye twitching under his face when he watched the other men keep a look out and stare at you like meat on a plate.
“There you were thinking you were so smart with that speech of yours… “My boyfriend raped me and made me watch him launder all the money.”.”, he put on a horrible high pitched voice to mock you, “God you sounded pathetic. 15 fucking years…got out in 7…missed you, you know?”
Rorschach’s brain itched as he tried to recall this particular monster…it was all so-
Then it clicked.
That nagging familiarity of your face wasn’t a coincidence. He had seen you before, of course he had. He felt so stupid.
He had been outside the courthouse after you had given your heartbreaking testimony and that vile man was sentenced to 15 years for assault, murder, rape, and money laundering with attachments to drug trafficking to the homeless. Some monster with a god complex. He had seen you come down the stairs, one of your eyes still black, and head down as the onslaught of reporters and media flocked to you. You had been in the damn paper, why the hell didn’t he remember that. You were barely legal too…he remembered how his stomach had churned-
Your scream snapped him out of his memory, and he was leaping down into that alley before you could finish your cry for help. You sounded so terrified.
As Rorschach landed, a knife was held up to your lips, ready to carve your face. He felt rage fill his veins; was there no end to the putrid barbarians that staked their claim on what they saw fit?
He cleared his throat. Each head turned to him, including yours, as he stood.
As one of the most recognizable figures of New York’s underbelly, Rorschach was used to the look of fright directed at him. What he was not used to was the look of solace that washed over your tight features once your eyes locked onto his inkblot face.
Rorschach found something rewarding in your eyes.
The man holding your throat nodded for the man closest to Rorschach to attack first, which he did. His neck snapping echoed louder than your sobs.
The cold knife poked carelessly into your soft cheek, and you did your best to squirm away.
The next man to lunge at the vigilante smashed his bottle of beer against the brick wall, smirking as if his glass weapon would do any good. Rorschach let him get close. Then faster than a bullet he snatched the man’s weapon-laden hand and squeeze tight; the bottle breaking easily in his fist and puncturing the man’s hand like a balloon on a tack.
Two other men attempted to assault Rorschach, and each time he found such generous abundance of horror and dread in their eyes right before he gifted them each with an irreversible injury.
One after another, the men fell, until it was just Rorschach, the man holding you, and you.
He knew the dog had a name- knew he had heard it specifically- but he couldn’t bring himself to care. No doubt he would hear it over a news channel tomorrow.
The lout man held you tight, and knocked your head against the wall to stun you before turning to Rorschach. You slumped to the ground and watched as the masked vigilante took measured steps to him as if to speed up the process.
You had heard of the Watchmen before, and the countless criminals they had put away and subsequent lives they had saved…but Rorschach wasn’t what you had imagined. He didn’t tell you to save yourself or ask if you were alright. He was silent.
And somehow you found comfort in that-as if you were in the fight with him instead of a damsel in distress. You couldn’t look away, even going so far as looking for something to immobilize the brute of a man who had stolen so much from you all those years ago when you didn’t know any better.
Then once you looked up again, he was down in a heap.
You didn’t even see the altercation, but regardless there was an evident dent in the side of his bleeding head.
The filthy alley floor dug into your knees as you sat and stared. Your mind was playing catch-up with your eyes, and you felt as if the world had been eradicated from your shoulders.
You felt tears well in your eyes and a line of gratitude on your tongue.
Then the masked man turned to you and your entire world shifted when he spoke.
“Go home.” Was all he said.
But it wasn’t how he said it or what he said.
It was his voice.
You knew that voice.
You missed that voice.
You had wanted so badly to understand that voice…
Even the compact build and attitude were right.
Your lungs burned from you forgetting to breathe for a moment.
You stared up at his looming figure, eyes wide and tears long forgotten.
“It’s you…” you whispered. “You’re Rorschach.”
He let out a noise that sounded akin to a growl and a sigh. The sound send a shiver through your cold body. Then without another word, he pulled out a grappling hook like you had seen on the news, launched it, and disappeared into the smog and thick dark.
Rorschach berated himself for hours following the incident. So badly that he beat an old pimp into a coma and ripped his face off to breathe as he sat on a fire escape.
This was a nightmare.
You knew him. Knew his face and his voice.
He had slipped.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid.
There was only one thing he could think of that might rectify it, and it didn’t include you living.
He sighed.
Rorschach stood outside your door, returned to his disguise, and found that he could hear your footsteps through the thin wood. You were cleaning… doing something to distract yourself. Your hands were shaking judging by how you kept dropping things.
He knocked three times, and heard you pause at the sound. Paranoid. Frightened. You very quietly approached the door, and took a look through your peephole before falling completely silent.
You weighed your options; you could not open the door, and risk that pissing him off and breaking the door down…or you could open it and simply speed up the process of whatever it was he wanted. It took ten seconds before you pulled the door open for him.
There was no hiding how startled you were by him being there…now that you knew exactly who he was.
You were looking for something he say, he could practically hear your mind working away…up until your eyes fell on his bashed cheek and the blood drying there. You hadn’t realised he had gotten hit during the fight.
“Y-you’re hurt,” you murmured, and he nodded, not letting his eyes leave you. You sighed and stood aside, “Come in.”
He stared at you for a moment, then slowly walked past you into your home as if it was the first time he had been there. Like he didn’t know the layout and where you slept and how you folded your clothes or the hangers you used.
“Sit down.” You gestured to the couch, and offered a very small smile as if to reassure him that he was welcome there. That you weren’t holly terrified of him.
Rorschach sat, and watched you as you approached him with a cloth and small bowl of water. You sat close to him, and brought the cloth up to his cheek after wringing it out, but he caught your wrist before you could get any nearer.
He looked at you. Truly looked at you. Looked through you.
“You shouldn’t waste your tears on something so undeserving as a man.” He rumbled.
Your eyes were locked on his, and you felt as if all air was sucked out of you. You still weren’t used to that voice of his; pure gravel.
His words hung heavy in your ears, and you realized that you must have looked like an absolute mess- tears still drying on your cheeks from sobbing for your life in the alley.
He watched you take the tactless comment and he slowly released your wrist, and you gently began to clean his injury and grime on his face. There was a firm line between your brows as your worked- wiping the sharp planes of his face while trying to ignore his eyes on you, burning a hole through your skull.
His face came clean, and your bowl of water was murky and pink. This was possibly the most surreal nights you had had in a very long time. You went to get up but again, his hand caught your forearm and kept you seated. You looked from his hand to his face, staying quiet.
“Why are you helping me?” He snipped, grip tight.
You blinked, and searched his handsome face for any idea why he might doubt you aside from the fear he caused you.
You shook your head, “Why wouldnt-“
“Why?” Rorschach snarled, pulling you so close that you breathed the same air- those cold blue eyes of his harsh and intimidating.
You gasped, but refused to look away. His grip hurt, but he had saved your life and you were afraid that if you said or did the wrong thing he would disappear again. It was pathetic, you knew that, but you felt a strange bond to him.
And though he didn’t want to admit it, he felt an odd attachment to you as well.
For 45 years he had only ever seen the greed and filth that came from humanity; shaped from it, starting from the very womb he was born from. Lies and hatred, murder and rape and theft and horror beyond your imagination. For him to find your grey in amongst the rubble of humanity, it felt like good gold. He was waiting to rub away a coating of false innocence and find another piece of coal.
But there you were…coming whiter and whiter until-
Rorschach didn’t like being wrong. Being surprised. It was tedious.
But it would be a lie if he said you were anything but one of the innocents.
A good person.
Each of the deeds you had done for him had in fact come from a place of benevolence, and not deceit.
Rorschach let his grip on you lighten.
Despite your brain cautioning you of the vigilante in front of you, you simply stared back at him and ignored how strong his hold on you was.you did note that he released you slightly, the same moment his eye twitched.
“I think there’s something to that old saying of a wounded soul recognizing another wounded soul…you looked like you had some decency left in you, sir…please don’t tell me I was wrong.” Your voice was soft. Gentle. But no less direct than his. You were kind, not weak, and you were hoping against hope that he wasn’t like America’s favourite hero, the Comedian when it came to women; a line of them out his door begging for his sexual attention and him using them then tossing them aside as he pleased.
“Or maybe I’m just stupid.” You shrugged and looked away, afraid he might confirm your statement. You wouldn’t put it past him to be blunt.
Rorschach almost reacted to your use of that word. For so long he had labeled you as such, and while you might very well still be…he was sceptical to assume anything of you. He continued to stare, his sharp eyes cutting into you like you were a cloud of vapour. He relaxed his grip on you again, and stared at where he had held your arm- red finger marks forming on your clean skin. You must have washed yourself as soon as you had gotten home…scrubbed yourself clean from those vermin.
“I have…I have some dinner I was going to-um…well bring down for you…if you want it.” You began to shift uncomfortably under his gaze when he looked back at you. You swore he stared more than he spoke.
He nodded after a moment, and you smiled a little.
An incandescent sight.
“Okay.” You whispered, finally getting up. It was surreal.
Rorschach watched you go, noting that a pleasant scent followed after you.
Why did he notice that?
You walked to your little kitchen, and placed the dirty cloth and water in the sink before going to grab the pot of warm soup. You filled a bowl for him, and turned around to grab a spoon when you froze and jumped back, spilling some soup.
You hadn’t even heard him walk up behind you, didn’t even feel him even though he was a mere breath away.
“What are you…?” You murmured.
He watched you startle, and looked for any last ill intent or motive; any snark comment or any price you might want to put on your kindness…but nothing came.
It never did.
His breath was on your face, and you could only stare at him. There was a tragedy to him, hidden under the dirt, and he was impossible to read. He might have been plotting your gruesome death and you would have no idea.
Rorschach focused on you.
So innocent…white and pristine amongst the blood, filth and rot of his world. He hated it. Hated how you were allowed to be like that; a poster child for something that didn’t exist freely.
He sighed, pursing his mouth.
You had chosen this; you had decided to care for him. You had lead him down this path.
You had given yourself to him.
You looked away for a moment, and gingerly placed the bowl down before you spilled it. Then before you could think of anything to say with this dangerous man who was a hair away from you, you felt the skin of his lips catch yours when you turned back.
You wouldn’t call it a kiss- it was more of a hook or bait. A test. But when he did it again…that was a kiss; tentative and slight as it was. He heard your breath catch , and could feel the heat from your cheeks as they warmed and flushed.
You blushed.
Whores didn’t blush.
He kissed you again, with a little more force, and your hands came up slowly to his chest, resting there like you hadn’t decided if you wanted to draw him closer or push him away.
He might have been one of the most infamous men in New York…if not America, but he was flesh and blood underneath that mask. He was warm, and sturdy.
Rorschach was far from weak, but when he felt your soft lips brush back against his, he felt something deep inside him snap.
A low growl rumbled in his chest and he unclenched his fists; bringing his calloused hands up to grab the back of your head and your jaw to draw you closer as he backed you hard against the counter.
It was messy and Rorschach held you possesively as you gave into him. Your teeth clanked together, and your rhythm was fueled with need as he nipped and bullied his tongue into your eager mouth. He gripped your hair so tight it hurt your roots but you didn’t dare tell him to stop.
He only removed his hands from you to shuck off his jacket and gloves, mouth still sealed over yours, and then they were back on you. Grabbing at your flesh, drawing you closer; chest flush against yours.
You shakily forced your hands between and the two of you and began unbuttoning his shirt- the older man hummed in regards to your tremor.
You nervously loosened his tie and let your hands wander over the skin of his collar and chest. You hadn’t expected him to be so strong, but knowing who he was, it only made sense. Before you could get any further he weaved his fingers into your hair and pulled your head away from him.
Rorschach held you there for a moment, soaking in how you stilled so obediently; staring at you as his free hand began to gather the hem of your little night dress. He huffed, and gave your roots a quick squeeze, and the message was clear: “Stay.”
Then once he was satisfied with your cooperation, he brought his other hand down to the other side of your nightie and brought the garment up and over your head with ease. He let it fall to the ground, and you followed its descent; unable to look at the older man now that you were left in your panties while he was still almost fully clothed.
He placed two fingers under your chin to force you to look at him; you felt your blush deepen when you saw how blown his pupils were. He looked determined, and feral- deep breaths making his chest heave.
Before you could say a word, Rorschach scooped you into his arms and didn’t even pretend to not know where your bedroom was. A gasp escaped you, and your wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He carried you with little effort, and had you plopped down on your mattress in seconds. The older man crawled over you before you could even sit up; lips on yours, kissing you so hard your mouth grew tender. He only paused to pull back and kick off his trousers.
Then he was everywhere.
Rough hands grabbing at your soft skin; low rumbles and hums in his chest that vibrated against you and made you need him even more. He kissed and bit at you- marking you as his. You held onto his strong shoulders, whimpering and moaning quietly as he made you forget your own name and only know his.
Rorschach bit into your neck, and rocked firmly against you. You could feel him scorching and pulsing against your core, rubbing hard against you to create friction that had you forgetting to breathe.
“P-please” you whispered, raising your hips up to meet his.
The man stopped, and you immediately regretted saying anything. He pulled away to stare down at you. You thought you had done something wrong until he spoke.
“Say that again.” He murmured, his nose brushing yours.
Your quick beating heart was so clear for him to see, along with your nearly black eyes; the throbbing vein in your neck and pulse in your chest.
“Please…” you said again, lips red and swollen.
He sucked in a breath. Having your warm, soft skin against his bare chest was the first human contact he had felt in decades. It made him feel…human. He was fighting to maintain his practiced composure, but he could feel it slipping through his fingers with that one word.
“Again.” He rasped against your lips, throat tight; invading every inch of your space. He knew he shouldn’t ask it of you, but be needed this. He needed you to say it again.
You swallowed.
“…please.” Came your timid, needy voice. Your hands started to fidget as he refused to look away, barely blinking as he took you in. Drank your generous vulnerability.
Rorschach hummed low in his chest.
“You’re mine.” He growled simply, the skin of his lips catching yours as he spoke.
Your mind was gone already, sitting in that bowl of cold soup on the counter.
You could only nod.
He sighed through his nose, and then it was as if the last part of his restraint broke. Rorschach locked his lips onto yours, and you parted yours to gasp as his hand came to your hip- squeezing and stroking your skin. His tongue moved against yours and you let out a surprised moan that he swallowed greedily. Then just as quickly, he ripped himself away from you, and you watched his veiny hands as they pulled himself from his boxers; painfully hard and leaking precum. You’d be lying in you said you hadn’t thought highly inappropriate things about the man- something about his simplicity and your need to please him. He lowered himself over you, resting his weight onto you as he bit at your lips.
Low hums would rumble through him and you couldn’t help but think he was purring. He perched onto his forearms, and shifted closer; you gasped when you felt the tip of his cock against your entrance, and choked out a cry when it entered you without warning.
There was no sweetness. It was blunt, and clear as day.
Rorschach rested his head into your neck as he hunkered over you and pushed forward, then drew back; fucking himself into you. You were no virgin, but you might as well have been. It only took two brutal thrusts before his hips were flush with yours and you were clinging to him pathetically.
You whimpered in his ear at the stretch of him so deep inside you. You couldn’t help but squirm slightly in an attempt to get used to him. Rorschach brought a hand to rest at the nape of your neck to keep you still as he drew out of you again then snapped back into you, making your body bounce under him. It was as if he was testing you…or perhaps testing himself.
Then you felt a puff of his hot breath as he quickened his pace, taking full advantage of how soaked you were for him. You could feel him throb inside you, and you suddenly remembered that he was only a man…a much older man who was rutting inside you like he owned you. The thought alone had you moan into his shoulder as his fat tip dragged against your insides and bruised your cervix. You rolled your hips with him, gasping at how hard he gripped your hip and neck.
He was possessive and harsh in his need for you. Like a man who had been starved and you were his first meal.
And he would devour you.
You felt his pace pick up and his thrusts turned harder and sloppier. He locked his arms around your shoulders to keep you still as he bruised your pelvis. Your back arched and hips met his in a need to feel every inch of him. You hooked your legs behind him to bring him closer. You could feel him huff into your neck, a rumble in his chest.
“I-inside me- please…” you managed to croak out, though you doubted he would listen to any request that he didn’t like at that point. He was going to make you his in every sense, and that meant filling you with his cum.
Rorschach growled deep into your shoulder and bit into your flesh. You felt him pulse inside you, then a warmth spread inside your navel as he emptied his cum into you. It had a comfort to it that made you cling to him, nuzzling your face into his strong shoulder. Ragged breaths were in your ear as he hammered into you a few more times like he was proving a point. Making sure you knew that you were his now…his secret.
You panted with him, and clenched reflexively as he began to pull out. You already missed the warmth he brought you. His shoulders were visibly more relaxed as he moved to lay beside you, and you slowly grasped his jaw and brushed your lips against his, which he returned ever harder. You pulled away, and you liked that he hummed when you did.
The man beside you leaned up onto his arm to stare down at you thoughtfully. As if he was trying to read something on you. Your skin flushed with warmth under his scrutiny, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell him that you didn’t cum.
When you moved your hand down between your legs where his cum now leaked from you, you twitched. Every inch of your skin was hypersensitive and when you touched your clit you almost flinched at the contact. All of which instantly drew the attention of the man beside you. He stared at you intently- a deep line between his red brows.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
His scrutiny was jarring, though you noticed it wasn’t judgemental…it was studious. Curious. You looked away from him, and felt very naked under his gaze, afraid he might ridicule you for something like that. It wouldn’t be the first time you had gone to take care of yourself and a man had almost laughed in your face.
“I’m…I didn’t um…” you tried, but he watched you so closely, and felt as if he was studying you.
He was.
Then he understood. His eyes widened ever so slightly.
“Oh…” he rasped, looking down where your hand had been. You bit your thumb nail as you waited to see what he would do or say. You liked this man more than you would care to admit, but you knew men could be selfish…and uncaring…and mean. Hell, you had never had anyone make you cum besides yourself, and your expectations were not-
Your thoughts were halted when you felt the warmth of his calloused hand on yours. You watched as he very simply took your hand from your mouth, and returned it to between your thighs, and looked back at you expectantly. At first it felt like a slap in the face, as if he was telling you to take care of yourself…but with how intensely he was gazing at you, you realised he was examining your every move. You moved your fingers and he regarded them carefully. Like it mattered greatly to him.
The older man committed everything to memory; when you petted, when you were gentle, when you moaned, when you pressed harder, when you stroked, when you arched your back, when your hand started to shake, when your brows pitched up, when you slipped your fingers inside yourself.
You found yourself unable to look away from him even as your eyes drooped and your mouth dropped open in a permanent sigh. Your breaths were coming in little gasps, and you didn’t even notice he was just as effected as you- his chest heaving as he took deep, controlled breaths.
You slowly pumped your fingers inside yourself, stroking your g-spot; then gasped out a soft whine at the contact on your sensitive flesh, at which point Rorschach deemed to be enough watching for his liking. He snatched your little hand and replaced it with his own far larger and rougher hand.
You gasped when he touched you so accurately…but this time you gasped for him.
He leaned over you, his lips just a breath away as if to breathe in your whines and pleas. Watching what he did to you.
His thumb drew small, feathery circles around your clit; alternating between direct but tentative touch, and agonizingly slow strokes that didn’t quite touch it. You began to pant, and your hands found his strong shoulders- hanging on like a lifeline. The older man hummed, and looked away from you for a moment to watch what he was doing, how slick his hand had become as a result. Once he had your hips rolling up into his palm, he eased a finger inside you, although his was noticeably longer and thicker than yours.
You gasped at the sensation.
“I-if you- ah! Can you move l-like this?” You showed him how to curl his finger inside you and he instantly followed your instruction, and even added a second finger; you cried pathetically as you surrendered to his mercy.
He stroked your inner walls for a few moments until he found what he was looking for. Once he made contact with that hypersensitive patch inside you, you let out a gasped moan that you tried to cover with your hand, but Rorschach was having none of that. His free hand that had cradled your head smacked your hand away and didn’t even pause his ministrations. This was just as much for him as it was for you. He wanted to know everything he did to you.
You whined softly against his mouth.
The movement of your hips began to be more deliberate as your body chased its craving. As if catching onto what you needed, he focused on that spot inside of you, and you let a series of moans slip from your mouth. Your pelvis bucked up into his touch, and you could have sworn that amongst the focused breathing and studious stare, you saw that man smirk.
He huffed out a ragged sound that must have been a laugh.
He continued to watch you, and you found yourself lost in the feeling of him and the sight of his eyes staring down at you like you were the most important thing at that moment.
Like there was nothing he would rather be staring at.
It took only a few more moments of his careful ministrations before you were falling apart in his arms. Your back arched up off the bed as you gripped his fingers like a vice inside you, and he continued his strokes, though he slowed them considerably.
The steady drag of his fingers inside you set your veins on fire. There was a mess of your and his cum between your thighs,and he used the saturated slickness to lazily finger you; carrying you through your high.
As you eyes refocused and unglazed, you stared back at him, and caught his lips with yours. He eagerly returned your needy kiss, and very gently removed his hand from your cunt.
You lacked proper judgement and acted purely on what you wanted; with his hand resting on your penvis, soaked and sticky, you took his wrist in your hand. You didn’t want to know how much blood had been shed because of those hands, not in that moment to be specific, but what you did know was that he had you wrapped around those fingers tight. You lifted them to your lips licked the slickness off of them, cleaning him. You flicked your eyes up to his, and we’re startled be how close he had moved. He hummed low in his chest when your tongue slowly lapped at them to clean him.
He drew his hand away from you, kissed you; holding you jaw surprisingly gently as if you didn’t have the shape of his hands bruising your hips or an ache deep inside you.
Your head felt light and disconnected.
Rorschach pulled away after a moment, and propped his head onto his hand to watch you. He gingerly traced your face shape with his finger, as if mapping and memorizing you. Touching your eyebrows, the ridge of your nose, your cheekbones.
He was lost in his own little world.
“I like the way you sound when you cum.” He said so a-matter-of-fact.
Your cheeks went rosy and warm. You didn’t know if you should thank him, so you grinned sweetly.
There was something in him that made it compelling to watch him. Something drawing you in as he stared back with such fixation. You didn’t know how to look away.
Not until your eyelids drooped and exhaustion took you. You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but you did know that when you awoke, your blanket was laid over you, your hair was out of your face, and you had a pair of crystal blue eyes staring back at you. Rorschach looked to have not moved an inch since you had fallen asleep. His head still propped in his hand, watching.
“Did you sleep?” You asked, rolling closer to him; your head and body consumed by your pillows and blankets.
He shook his head.
“You do you ever sleep?” You flicked your eyes across his face.
And he shook his head again.
You placed your hand on his cheek. His face didn’t soften- it never did, you noted. But regardless, his attention was on you entirely; you stared at him like he did you, then smiled gently at him.
“Thank you for trusting me.” You whispered, and he clearly hadn’t expected such a thing.
Again, he didn’t move from his place, but you noted the twitch in his brow, and small smirk that sat in the corner of his mouth. Perhaps he thought you foolish, but you didn’t care.
You pressed a kiss to his lips, and pulled away quickly even when he chased you. A displeased huff escaped him, but you eased it away when you gently hitched your leg over him. He grabbed your waist as if anticipating something volatile, but when you leaned over him, your chest against his, he seemed to pause mentally. You nestled your hips against his, your thighs on either side. With nothing between you, the feeling of his hardening cock against your lips was evident. The older man’s warmth radiated into you. You felt his fingers start to dig into your hips where he gripped you, squeezing the flesh as if he was about to lift you off. But then, you rolled your hips against him, sliding along his shaft easily given how slick you were already. He stopped all trains of thought he had for a moment when the sensation registered in his nerve-endings.
His gaze continued to make you self-conscious, but you wouldn’t shy away from him now.
You repeated the motion again, and felt him twitch and harden under you; you gasped when his hands held you firmer. You enjoyed the feeling of his cock under you, and your eyes began to glaze over when you felt the swollen tip catch your entrance, slipping inside you without warning. The soreness you felt from the night before didn’t stop you though. You watched him carefully, and while his stare was intense and focused, there was no unease or resistance.
Your cheeks flushed and you couldn’t help but stutter, “I-is this okay?” To the nearly silent man.
Again, he didn’t say a word. Instead, he gripped your hips tighter and bucked more of him into you.
You took that as a yes.
Encouraged by his action, you rolled your hips on him a few more times to get more of him inside you; a whimper and a gasp escaped you as he filled you so completely- the stretch painful but addictive. Your slower pace appeared to bother him and he ground you down onto him to get his cock fully inside you. The force made you breathe out another gasp; your hands found their place on his muscled chest to steady yourself.
With you both satisfied with being locked together, you slowly bucked your hips, drawing him in and out of you. You felt his grip grow more possessive, almost pawing at you as he held you.
You started slow, and deliberate; angling your hips to have his cock drag against your g-spot. At the first contact, your tempo stuttered, and your choked on a moan. He seemed to find your pleasure amusing as he hummed and began to meet your thrusts. He seemed to understand what to feel for after a moment when he stroked that sensitive patch, and you noted that he was very particular about hitting it.
Then you started to notice just how much pleasure he was receiving when his lips parted and the tendons in his neck began tighten.
Each time you came down on his shaft, you felt him reciprocate the movement- grinding up into you. It was as if he knew exactly what to feel for that made your toes curl.
You could barely hold a thought in your head as you felt fire brew in your veins and a tightness in your pelvic muscles.
You tilted your head back, and your arms that were braced on his chest buckled; bringing you closer to him. Your head fell back down and your eyes locked onto his- pupils blown. There was a new intensity to his face, a determination.
Then, as if he had had enough of you in charge, the man suddenly gripped you waist and flipped you onto your back. He crawled over you, and slipped his cock back inside you, earning him a whine and gasp from your sweet throat. He found a rhythm identical to the one you had set atop him, and your lips parted when you felt him angle his hips to target that spot inside you; the intense drag of his cock hitting it each time. He rendered you speechless in seconds.
After mewling and huffing out breaths, you finally managed to find a couple words.
“H-harder…” you forced out, “Ple-ase.” You pleaded.
It seemed he was intent to oblige. The gradual roll of his pelvis escalated into a harsher snap of his hips that had him watching you with rapt interest when you cried out.
Out of habit from your past, your hand flew to your mouth just like it had the night before, but just like then, he grabbed your wrist and pinned it beside your head without a moments thought. You felt scrutinized and your cheeks began to heat up so much you felt the warmth spread down your neck.
He wanted to know exactly what he did to you.
And that thought alone forced your body to clench and melt for him simultaneously.
With his careful ministrations, your orgasm grew quickly- an overwhelming amount of pleasure spawning inside you that you hadn’t felt before. Just as you had asked, he kept his pace steady and firm. His desire to know how to play you as he liked made your brain go dizzy with need, and you were intent to follow his wishes. While it made you flush even more to tell him what you needed, you swallowed your pride and forced another pathetic whimper from you. “Slower…please.” You breathed.
At your request, he leaned down over you more, his chest almost flush with yours. He kept your one hand pinned while he used his other hand to pull your thigh up and pushed your knee to your chest.
The change had your eyes rolling back, and you heard him hum; vibrations from his chest buzzing into yours making your fingertips tingle.
It took all of ten seconds before your thighs shook and you desperately rolled your hips up to meet his. He watched as your brows pitched up and your swollen lips parted. Your face flushed in ecstasy.
Rorschach could feel you tense around his cock, and smirked to himself when he felt a rush the of your cum soaking him inside you. You nearly sobbed. Eyes glassy and back arching as you came.
The older man slowed his pace, until eventually stopping all together, but only for a moment. He leaned his nose down into the crook of your neck, and inhaled softly. His grip still possessive; it made you shiver.
Then, just as you settled, he snapped his hips once, forcing his cock back into your tightened heat and he pulled away from your neck to stare you down- nose bumping against yours. You cried out from the impact and looked up at him. He had your attention now. And he began to fuck into you steadily again, but growing in need.
His message was clear.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
And he certainly was not.
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Celebrating Black Queer Icons:
Marsha "Pay It No Mind" Johnson
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Johnson was born August 24, 1945. A drag queen and sex worker, after moving to New York City from Elizabeth, New Jersey, Johnson is probably best known for participation in Queer Liberation and AIDS activism from 1969 until her death in 1992. While often associated with transgender women, Johnson self identified as gay, a transvestite, and a queen and actively distinguished her identity from the contemporary transsexual community. As for Johnson's gender? Well, pay it no mind. Johnson's activism began in 1969 after being involved in the Stonewall Inn Riots. She is often attributed as being in the riot's vanguard, alongside Zazu Nova and Jackie Hormona. Johnson would later go on to deny this, and is quoted as saying she did not arrive until after the riots had already started. Johnson would later go on to join the Gay Liberation Front and co-found STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries), with Silvia Rivera. STAR would open the STAR House in 1970, which acted as a home for gay and trans homeless youths. In 1973 Johnson and Rivera were both temporarily banned by a gay/lesbian committee, from participating in pride parades, because it was said queens were giving the movement "a bad name". This did not deter Johnson. Starting in 1980 Johnson began living with fellow activist, Randy Wicker, and his partner. Johnson, who was HIV positive, would later become Wicker's partner's caregiver as they became terminally ill due to AIDS. After visiting Wicker's partner in the hospital Johnson became dedicated to spending time with AIDS patients and engaged in street actions with groups like ACT UP. Johnson was a deeply religious person throughout her life. Primarily Catholic, Johnson was said to have a very direct and personal relationship with divinity. On July 6, 1992, Johnson's body was found in the Hudson River. Johnson was cremated and after a march down 7th Avenue her ashes were spread in the Hudson. While initially ruled a suicide by the NYPD, this is highly contested to this day, with good reason. In 2002 Johnson's death was reclassified as Undetermined, and efforts in 2012 and 2016 have seen moderate success in getting the case reopened and re-investigated.
In the wake of her death Marsha P Johnson has become a nigh universal icon in queer communities and seemed like a good starting point for Black History Month. Moving forward I hope to focus on people less known, at least in melanin deficient circles. In a perfect world this would be daily, but I sadly don't have the spoons for it. I will effort to post at least 2-3 of these each week and have a list sufficient enough to carry me through February, and a little beyond. I plan on doing Willmer Broadnax next and have a list going that should cover at least the month of February, and hopefully beyond. Corrections and suggestions are welcome and much desired.
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NEW YORK — Authorities announced they had no choice but to put down Stephen Colbert after the late-night host tragically went mad from rabies last week.
"We just couldn't bring him back. He was too far gone," said Don Mattingly, head of New York City Animal Control. "When we caught him, Colbert was already foaming at the mouth and had bitten three patrons at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. It was anarchy in there."
According to animal experts, Colbert had begun showing early signs of rabies infection over the past week, the initial symptoms sadly going unnoticed. "The dead eyes, the angry outbursts, the bite marks of several bats on his shoulder - we should have seen the signs," said Late Show producer Lacy Jennings. "I began to suspect something amiss when Stephen started drooling and screaming that a Force image of Trump was hitting him with a lightsaber, but that just wasn't real out of character. I feel so responsible."
Though Animal Control attempted to trap Colbert in order to administer rabies treatments, the former comedian had already lost most of his brain tissue by the time he had been cornered in the steakhouse. "He was just a shell of himself by then. The rabies was in control," said Animal Control agent Randy Timms. "Poor little guy kept taking his glasses off and screaming that the end was nigh, and asking if anyone could pour a bucket of ranch dressing in his mouth. He was already gone."
At publishing time, Animal Control experts in Los Angeles reported they had been notified of a rabid Jimmy Kimmel.
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livingfast04 · 2 years
Monster Au? Part 3
Part one Part two II Part Four TW: (kind of) Disordered eating, mentions of vomit, Body Horror (kind of again, I’m not 100% if this is creeping into Body horror yet or not, but it probably will the more parts I add, as it like goes-), Depression and just general. Bad?  --- Something changes after Steve snaps at Eddie in the bathroom.
They start arriving at Steve’s house before he gets home from Work. Robin has a key, and she just leaves the door unlocked, they pile in, and Steve normally looks off centered when he arrives to everyone just there. It makes his skin itch. What makes it worse is that they all but ignore his existence. Mike tells him off for being in the kitchen once, and his stomach rolled, the smell of whatever takeout had been brought over made him want to vomit. After whatever fit that Steve couldn’t even hear over the ringing in his ears, he stopped going into the kitchen to see if there was anything salvageable that he could actually eat. He just made a beeline for his room, locked the door and didn’t come back out. He wants his Mom. That was the thought in May, and the feeling didn’t go away, she’d know what to do. And- and he can’t call her, because then he’d have to go down stairs and be around everyone else- 
Wants his Mama, wants to talk to her, ask her to please, please, please, please come home now. As mean, and angry as his Dad is- he wants him to. He wants the familiarity of his own skin. Even if his parents hate it when he sheds the extra shape- maybe, maybe they’d let him. So he’s not so exhausted, so he can keep what he eats down- maybe his Dad won’t scream at him, if he knows that Steve feels like he’s dying. Ultimately he wants the familiar space to feel like his again, wants to hear his parents move around in the house. Steve wants space when it’s night, when it’s not so wrong to be a shapeless creature. When he can creep into his parents bedroom, Nineteen or not, and they let him tuck himself tiny, small- in between them. When his father curls around him, calm and easy, his bones pressed against his skin, a pile of Harrington’s, all the freckles, and short statures, all bones and no hiding. Steve desperately wants his parents. Wants his Dad to make everyone go away, wants him to make Steve feel better, in a way that he hadn’t craved since early Elementary school. Since Steve could understand that he was a horrible thing that the world hates.  He hides in his bedroom until he can tell everyone's left. Robin had come up earlier and told him bye through his door. He’d quietly told her he’d see her tomorrow at work, before dipping into the bathroom to re-bandage his stomach. Blood soaking the white wraps. Tore another set of stitches early that morning, waking violently from another round of nightmares. Steve creeps downstairs, swallows the pain it causes and drags a chair across the room. Doesn’t dare shed his shape lest someone decide that they want to come back and sleep in his house again. His fingers shook as he plugged in the phone number for the house in New York, if, if they weren’t there he’d try the one in Washington.
It rang, and then rang again. He didn’t care that it was almost 12 at night, he wanted his Mama. Steve swallowed around nothing, curling his legs up to his chest and biting his lip as his sides and back protested the stretch. It goes to voicemail, and he hangs up, and calls the New York number one more time. Just, Just in case. On the 5th ring- “Harrington Residence, New York, New York. This is Josefina Harrington, in what right mind are you calling at 11:30 at night-”
Steve lets out a small sob, doesn’t jam his fist into his mouth fast enough to muffle the sound, he curls over himself holding the phone tight in his grip. His Mom goes quiet, it’s just Steve’s harsh breathing- and he realizes he hasn’t spoken to them since March- and he desperately wants- “Stephan?” There's a small pause, “Stephan baby what's wrong.”
Oh, oh, it’s far enough into the night that they are bound, pack, skin eaters- He sobs a little more openly now, “Oh baby talk to me.” He shakes his head, makes his vision spin and he just cries. 
There’s shuffling over the line, and a quiet hushed conversation that Steve knows is probably with his Father, and he tucks in on himself a little more. He takes a few shaky breaths, “Mama?”
“I’m right here baby,” Her tone is soft, and Steve can almost see her, she only uses that voice when his father is curled around her, when she can smile with all her sharp teeth. Cup his cheek and not be terrified of their existence.
He swallows, opens his mouth and closes his mouth a few times. “When, when are you coming back?” The words feel sloppy coming out of his mouth, detached, and needy. Steve curls a little more in on himself. Holds the phone a little tighter, waits for her to relay what he said to his Dad. 
“We weren’t planning on coming back until later this summer, do you need us to come back now?” He hiccups, humming down the line, “What’s the matter honey, we’ll come home, but you have to tell us what’s wrong.” Steve shakes his head.
“Hurts, hurts, hurts and won’t get better-” There’s shifting on the phone again, talking that's muffled as his ears rattle around in his skull. “I- Mama it hurts and I-” “Stephan,” Dad, Dad. Steve shifts, sitting up some, rests his head on his knees. Tears drip over his cheeks, down his chin, over his lips. “What hurts?” There’s an urgency in his voice that Steve’s not used to, a softness. Maybe this is just a dream, maybe- maybe-
Steve breaths in a heavy gulp of air. “The- the Earthquake, and then, I, I mentioned I got attacked by dogs right? Real dogs, not-” He swallows, “They- they won’t get better. And they hurt, and I can’t eat. And there’s people in our house- my friends, and I’m not supposed to be- I’m supposed to be human. It’s just, just a house, but it’s my- yours- and they are here all the time, and I can’t- Dad please.” 
His father takes a sharp enough intake of breath that Steve can hear it, and he hiccups a little harder. “Okay, Stephan, we have two weeks here, I have to finish up some business, but as soon as it’s finished we’ll head to Hawkins.” And it’s, it’s warm hands, big, tucked against a chest- and he’s tiny. Steve hums, bobs his head. All he can think is- come home, come home. Pack-
“You think you can survive another two weeks?” No, no, No Steve can’t, he can’t- “Your Mother, or I will call every other day. It’ll go by without you even having to think about it. Do you understand me?” Steve hiccups again, his lungs felt too small, not- not enough.
He shakes his head viciously, his vision spins- “no, no, no- please- Dad-“ There’s a soft sigh, on the other end very gentle, and Steve sobs listlessly. 
“Okay Bubba. Okay, breathe bubba.” Dad’s voice is, is soft. Its never soft- it’s never, never gentle anymore. Not for Steve, so it’s bad, it’s all bad. He’s sick, he doesn’t want to be sick. It has to be bad bad for him to be this sick- Steve hiccups, the motion rattling through his body- presses against all of his bones. His sides hurt- “you have to breathe Stephan.” 
He craves the gentleness of his father’s voice. Steve sucks in a rough breath, his chest heaving. His back pulling- stomach rolling at the movement.
“I’ll call and get us plane tickets first thing in the morning- we’ll come home.” Steve keens, the sound loud and volatile in the empty house. He sobs louder- a reminder it’s just a cold conversation over the phone. There’s no bound, no pack. Just him and a house that didn’t smell like his parents. His father made a coo’ing noise that Steve hadn’t heard since he was small, real little. “Giving you back to your Mama while I go pack.” He says it so- so, Steve sniffs. Tucks his chin to his chest and swallows, tears sliding heavily down his cheeks. ---
hi yes, this took a completely different turn than I wanted, but it’s fine, ultimately, it’s chill. This also isn’t the whole part that I wrote over the past few weeks. I thought 1k was, a lot for this format, so cutting it up a little more. It got away from me, and It’s much longer, so I’ll probably post a part 4 pretty soon. (That is, if I don’t completely forget. Because that’s totally liable to happen. ha) Also, Steve’s parents, aren’t bad, but in all honestly, they aren’t good either. But that’s their baby. So like, Bad Parents, but also Good Parents. It’s a very gray area. (They are still shitty parents, at least shitty parents when they are trying to be something they aren’t.)  Uh, people asked me to tag them? and I apologize if my dumbass can’t figure this out. @ledleaf @gezell-igg
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sukimas · 7 months
the new york times is advertising an $8 drinking glass that you can get a nigh-exact replica (with slightly thicker glass) of at ikea for $0.99
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jg-abuyuan-art · 1 month
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Vertical Empire (2024)
During my trip to the United States, my brother and I went to New York City to go sightseeing, with my cousin from New Jersey and his partner acting as guides. These photos represent the latter part of our trip around sunset. We hadn't the time to enter some of the sights ourselves due to time constraint. Some destinations had to be enjoyed from below.
This, of course, meant that vertical lines and three-point perspective are a key component in my shots. New York City, the city of dreams and memes that features heavily in a child's imagination was a surreal sight to behold, at once alien and (often pungently) familiar. Tall skyscrapers packed in a single space are not unfamiliar to me, as are streets caked in urine and filled with people even on a weekend. Still, it hits a little differently. One factor besides the is that some of the architecture is more varied, with some examples being as old or older than my grandparents.
The Novum Caput Mundi was one of the first cities to truly reach for the skies in North America since the Mesoamerican pyramids, and I can definitely see why the vertical sights captured the imaginations of people from across time.
Taking center stage, of course, is the highlight of the trip: the Empire State Building, the art deco building that is nigh synonymous with the word skyscraper at over 102 storeys tall. The title dovetails to this building's name, the state's nickname, and the tagline of one of my favorite retro games: SimTower.
Camera: iPhone 11
Date: 15 June 2024
Location: Midtown Manhattan, New York City, United States
Usage: By request
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