#new york state required posters
shapeshiftersvt · 6 months
Cryptid Collection Spotlight: Champ
We're going to be spending this week infodumping about the six cryptids we chose to feature in our Cryptid Collection! We'll be posting about the lore and origins, our thoughts, experiences, and relationships with all of these cryptids, and we encourage folks to share their own!
Today we're talking about our home state's very own lake monster, Champ!
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👣The Cryptid Collection 🐍Champ Travel Poster 👥Cryptid Binders & Sportsbras 🧵Cryptid fabric designs
There is no shortage of sea serpents and lake monsters all over the globe, the most famous of all them of course residing in the depths of Loch Ness in Scotland. But did you know that our home state of Vermont has its very own lake monster?
Champ, like Nessie, is named after the lake it calls home — in this case, Lake Champlain, which borders northeastern New York to the west, southern Quebec to the north, and northwestern Vermont to the east. Though while sightings of Champ have been reported up and down the shores of Lake Champlain, in Vermont, at least, it's the city of Burlington that's adopted Champ as its own.
By absolute happenstance, of the six cryptids we chose to feature in our collection, three of them have origin stories or momentous first sightings, and three of them just kind of ... exist. Champ is one of the latter. While there have been sightings of unusual marine life in Lake Champlain as far back as 1609 by the lake's modern namesake, Samuel de Champlain, there hasn't really been one explosive or momentous moment in Champ's history.
Reports of a "serpent" in Lake Champlain have come in fairly steadily every few years since around 1819, with most encounters amounting to either seeing the serpent writhing around near the surface, or simply swimming along with multiple humps and sometimes its head visible above the water. The physical descriptions have often varied from sighting to sighting. It was described by some as being silver, while others claimed it was "drab", while a Captain by the name of Crum reported to the Plattburgh Republican newspaper in 1819 that it was black with several distinct markings, including a white star on its forehead and red band around its neck. Some report spikes along its back, some horns "like those of a huge catfish", some three teeth. While, as far as size goes, it's been reported to be as short as 20 feet long, to as long as 187 feet.
So is it any wonder that debunkers over the centuries have had a hard time narrowing down just what Champ "really" is? The most common theory might be a sturgeon, other theories include catfish, seals, otters, snakes, and, in the case of a reported "baby sea serpent" caught by a Chaplain Transportation Company employee, a salamander.
Still, for all the discrepancies between the eye witness reports, Champ has continued to keep both the region's and the country's fascination since those early reports. Even P.T. Barnum got in on the action, not once but twice! In 1873, Barnum contacted a reporter at the Whitehall Times offering $50,000 (around $1.3 million today) for anyone who could provide him with "the hide of the great Champlain Serpent", plus any additional funds needed in "securing the monster's remains".
That didn't quite pan out for him, though, so fourteen years later, in 1887, he announced to a reporter in Boston that he was still very interested in being the first person to possess physical proof of "the Lake Champlain sea serpent". Though his offered reward had dropped by that point to a mere $20,000 (around $650,000 today) while expanding his requirement to "dead or alive [...] providing that the serpent is more than fifty feet in length."
A brief aside: That 1887 article closes by calling Champ "his snakeship" and I, for one, will not be referring to His Snakeship, Champ, without his proper title from now on.
Barnum never got his proof, but with the advent of photography, there have been many photos snapped of His Snakeship, Champ, particularly with the modern advent of point-and-click personal cameras. The most notable was taken by a woman named Sandra Mansi on a family vacation in 1977. It appears to show the narrow neck and bulbous head of an animal curling up out of the water and around as if to look behind it. It remains one of the clearest photographs of His Snakeship, Champ to this day. And it is still not quite clear enough to definitively prove once and for all that His Snakeship, Champ is real.
For those who believe, His Snakeship, Champ, might be a true sea serpent — a long, relatively narrow-bodied marine animal that moves through the water like an enormous snake. Or it might be a marine dinosaur that's somehow managed survive in Lake Champlain's depths for over 10,000 years, like His Snakeship, Champ's Scottish cousin Nessie — a whale-like body, four pairs of flippers, and a long tail and equally long neck.
But whatever it is, what we know for sure is that it's a true Vermonter and we couldn't create a cryptid collection without including His Snakeship, Champ.
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fredseibertdotcom · 4 months
Next New Networks, Part 3
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I’m going to try, in as few posts as possible, to create a coherent timeline of the short, eventful life of Next New Networks, an early, consequential moment in streaming video history. 
From Part 1: Emil Rensing and I, with a huge assist from future Tumblr creator David Karp, stumbled into the brave new world of online video without much of a plan. 
From Part 2: Our friend –my former partner at Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, and our future Next New Networks partner– Jed Simmons introduced us to Spark Capital in Boston, who wanted to partner and fund Next New. 
Part 3: Late 2006 
What do we do now? 
Once Spark signaled their interest, we needed to get serious. I still had Frederator Studios, my successful and increasingly busy independent cartoon production company, but the excitement of this opportunity was overwhelming. Even if I was significantly older than the typical internet entrepreneur, I felt that my background in media and production could be meaningful. The first phase of the consumer internet required deep engineering skills because the infrastructure was still somewhat nascent. Web 2.0 had developed enough tools that even someone with my limited skills could participate. Besides, I had Emil on my side, someone who had a unique understanding of the state of the tech world. 
By summertime, after a variety of conversations and meetings, Emil and I settled on a co-founding team. Jed Simmons, of course. Emil had a start up friend –Tim Shey– who’d sold his DC based, interactive agency and moved to New York where he was consulting with some early stage video companies. I was stretched to thin to have an operating role in the joint, so we all agreed that my childhood friend and adult colleague Herb Scannell –former Vice Chairman of MTV Networks and CEO of Nickelodeon– would be a perfect CEO. Luckily, he agreed, and our management line up was in place. (David Karp would be our founding developer, until he launched Tumblr several months later, of course). 
We can leave the machinations of filling out the A-round of investment aside. Suffice to say, many venture capitalists were uninterested in any idea that didn’t have unique software attached –we didn’t– but we put together an investor group and board of directors that were excited with our vision. 
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Next New Networks posters designed and illustrated by Frank Olinsky
Our vision? ah. yes. By the time we were on the road pitching our wares, we had taken the basics of VOD Cars and Channel Frederator and put together a plan that was based on “communities of interest,” which we felt would be the engines of viewership and growth. As Tim Shey later wrote: 
Next New Networks popularized the ideas of videoblogging and advertiser-supported online video, and pioneered the multi-channel network (MCN) business model and the concept of audience development, assembling a diverse and successful portfolio of original programming including hit channels Barely Political, VSauce, and ThreadBanger, and a network of independent creators such as The Gregory Brothers—racking up over 2 billion video views and thirteen Webby Awards, more than any online media company at the time.
Virginia Heffernan of the New York Times was probably the writer that caught onto what we had accomplished better than most.
By March 2007, we were fully funded with our first round, expanded past the Frederator/NY office into a larger space in the same building on Park Avenue South, and started to put together an amazing start up staff that could actually execute. At least, what we’d morphed our vision into.  Super distribution! 
(More to come.) 
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inexplicablymine · 1 year
happy nice ask day!!
i come to you with a task: you need to go underground right now, and this requires you to create an undercover alias and backstory. please tell us the story of the new you 👀
I am assuming, considering that I have an undercover alias and backstory that money is not necessarily of object so… without further ado
My hair is incredibly distinct so that’s the first to go, a chop and a dye job, I would truly be unrecognizable with those two choices alone.
I will live in New York City, plain sight but also incredibly easy to blend in.
My name is now Eleanor Belfonte. I go by Ellie sometimes, but really Eleanor seems to suit me.
My Alias: I am a second shooter for high end event photography, weddings, catwalks, the parties you wish you were at, and the magazines that fill your news stands. I am not the main photographer so I’m never a billable name that is mentioned, but I’m still there in plain sight, hiding between layers of black behind a lens more expensive than your last two months of rent.
My new Background: I grew up going to private schools on either coast in the states, but I never spent more than a year at each because family was moving around (#militarybrat of some high ranking parents that I would never be so gauche to disclose) so if you don’t remember why I was in your top circle it’s because I was only there for a few months, but yes, I was absolutely at that party in highschool with you. I spent summers in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the art community there studying under the Majors who took the photos on all of your favorite posters growing up. I spent a year between my non traditional art school experience and starting up under a mentor backpacking around Central Asia gaining experience and building a portfolio. One of my shots was sold to a private buyer for an undisclosed amount of money, NDA’s darling of course. I now have my pick of events and which of the Who’s Who of the city I want to listen in on tonight. I am a fly on the wall. Everyone loves “that second shooter you had for that last party I don’t remember her name” and that’s why I keep getting hired. I’m discreet and good enough to get the shots while letting the main photographer shine.
I keep to myself in my small apartment, collecting stories, always alert. If the walls of these buildings could talk they would share the secrets I am already keeping.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In America, presidential election cycles are political beauty contests. Vying for the presidency requires candidates to schmooze their way through the heartland, and all roads run through Iowa. The Hawkeye State is ground zero for early-stage political maneuvering, and because January’s caucus often signals which candidate has the best chance of winning elections in other states, this past weekend was especially telling as politicians descended on the Iowa State Fair selling their specific brand of progress.
Although former president Donald Trump, twice impeached, faces multiple indictments in four criminal cases—the most recent, this week, charged him with racketeering and participation in a criminal enterprise in an effort to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia—he remains the front-runner for the Republican nomination. But his substantial lead in the polls has not deterred opponents.
That’s certainly the case for Trump’s main rival, Ron DeSantis, the Republican governor of Florida, who was also in Iowa trying to corral votes and steer his campaign back on course. For the first time since campaigning commenced, an Emerson College poll has DeSantis in third place, lagging behind veteran political blowhard Chris Christie, with 8 percent of Republican primary voters in New Hampshire saying they intend to back him. Accompanied by his wife and three children, DeSantis roamed the fairgrounds with gusto: posing for photos, listening to voter concerns, grilling burgers. But the pageantry of presidential primaries is just that, a performance, and this is especially true of DeSantis. He gives the appearance of a better tomorrow, yet his political ideologies are anything but forward-thinking.
DeSantis is the poster boy for false progress. As the governor of Florida since 2019, he has impaired queer rights, restricted the teaching of race and gender in classrooms, curbed job creation, self-servingly removed two Democratic state attorneys from their elected positions, worked to tighten press freedoms, and passed a law that lets Florida residents carry a concealed firearm without a permit. “The same lawmakers who want to rob their constituents of the right to bodily autonomy have also begun to treat democracy as an obstacle to avoid, not a process to respect,” Jamelle Bouie observed this week in The New York Times. “Once you are in the business of degrading the citizenship of one group of people, it’s easy to extend that pattern of action to the citizenship of other groups of people.”
In an image of DeSantis at the Iowa State Fair, taken by photographer Chip Somodevilla, we are meant to see the Florida governor not for who he really is but as he sees himself: towering and altruistic, a true-blue advocate for everyday Americans. But the angle of the camera’s eye suggests another truth, one closer to the panorama of our lived reality. DeSantis is only made big by making others small. With his right hand extended and his wide Chesire smile reminiscent of a 1990s Aphex Twin album cover, the camera tilts upward, giving DeSantis the impression of gross idolatry. The photo intends to suggest reverence but I can’t escape another thought: He stands tall at the expense of whole communities he steps on, people who are made into targets because of his dangerous beliefs and regressive policies.
In one possible America ahead, where DeSantis rules as president, that version of reality comes at the cost of people who refuse to give in to his masked cruelty, of people who find no benefit in wholesale repression. It’s like I said earlier. Presidential election cycles are nothing more than political beauty contests, and often the candidates who are the most successful—like DeSantis, like Trump—are keen on hiding just how monstrous they truly are.
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am-elia123 · 4 days
Possess a Bit of America: Autographed U.S. Constitution Poster Up for Auction
"We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
These iconic words, which begin the U.S. Constitution, symbolize the enduring principles of American democracy. This September, history will come to life as Brunk Auctions presents an extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of this profound legacy—a poster of the U.S. Constitution, an officially signed ratification copy, at its highly anticipated sale on September 28, 2024.
For the first time since 1891, a privately held signed ratification copy of the U.S. Constitution will appear on the auction market. This rare document, a broadsheet printed on September 28, 1787, is one of only 100 copies created in New York by John McLean for Dunlap and Claypoole of Philadelphia. Signed by Charles Thomson, the Secretary of Congress, it includes a directive for the Constitution to be sent to the Confederation Congress for approval.
Preserved within the archives of the Hayes Plantation in Edenton, North Carolina—home to Governor Samuel Johnston, who oversaw North Carolina’s ratification convention—this historic poster remained undisturbed for centuries until its rediscovery in 2022.
Charles Thomson: An Unsung Hero of the Revolution
Though lesser-known, Charles Thomson played a critical role in American history. As Secretary of the Continental Congress, Thomson documented the proceedings and ensured continuity amidst frequent delegate changes. His signature on this poster copy marks its significance in the ratification process, making this rare document one of the few to bear his hand.
The Importance of Ratification
The ratification process of the U.S. Constitution was pivotal in granting the American people the power to establish their government. Achieving this milestone required the approval of nine of the original 13 states, sparking debates that led to the creation of The Federalist Papers—a cornerstone of American political philosophy.
A Historic Auction Opportunity
This signed poster of the U.S. Constitution, with Charles Thomson’s signature, will begin auction at $1 million—a bid that has already been met. In 2021, a similar document sold for $43.2 million at Sotheby’s, reflecting the immense value and historical significance of these rare artifacts.
In addition to this Constitution copy, Brunk Auctions’ September 28 sale will feature other significant historical items, such as a first draft of the Articles of Confederation from 1776 and a circa 1788 journal from North Carolina’s convention, which debated the U.S. Constitution.
Live bidding begins at 2:00 PM EDT on September 28, 2024. Don't miss this unique opportunity to acquire a poster of the U.S. Constitution that played a defining role in American history. Visit Brunk Auctions and Bidsquare to browse the full catalog and register to bid.
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wedesignyouny · 25 days
Using Digital Printing NYC, You Can Quickly And Affordably Print Any Quantity.
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Using Digital Printing NYC, You Can Quickly And Affordably Print Any Quantity.
Modern digital presses, such as an HP Indigo and Xerox 700, are what we employ to handle a wide range of jobs. Digital printing is a creative and adaptable medium that offers our clients the ability to personalize brochures, magazines, reports, posters, art, and look books. It is perfect for any project that requires quick turnaround or is best suited for a short print run. In order to get your files produced and into your hands as soon as possible, our state-of-the-art digital print technology also enables NYC clients to request rush printing for a variety of tasks.
Many of our clients also find digital printing methods’ quick turnaround times beneficial in the fast-paced corporate world of New York City. For clients who are pressed for time, it can mean the difference between having that important presentation ready or getting those reports printed on time. We are aware that managing your company frequently entails meeting deadlines, and we are pleased to assist you in doing so.
Digital printing provides our clients with:
Superior quality
Any quantity of print run
Reprints upon request
real-world examples of their files
Additionally, proofing is quick and simple with digital printing since it shows you the precise version of your work before we print the entire run. With the lossless quality and direct communication to the press system that modern digital presses provide, your ideas will print at a high resolution and with all the details.
Cost-Effective Digital Printing in NYC
Digital printing eliminates the need for labor-intensive press setup, thus small print runs don’t have to be prohibitively expensive. We can print as few or as many products as you would like thanks to digital printing. Additionally, there is no loss in quality when compared to conventional printing. No data is lost during transfer, and the image, text, or design flows directly to the digital press, maintaining excellent quality. We are able to print small tasks (50–100 copies) or large works (thousands), all with the same page quality.
Short Run Printing
Digital presses are ideal for short run printing since they can produce high-quality printed goods in tiny quantities. You can customize your order to just order what you need, cutting down on waste, by ordering a few dozen or several hundred copies of a particular item. Additionally, if and when you need more copies, it’s simple to reprint them from our files. Short run digital printing is the most effective way to satisfy the recurring and variable printing needs of the majority of NYC businesses. You may easily make modifications for the next quarter or season and reorder any documents or materials you need, saving you time and money on unnecessary stockpiling of printed products that might become outdated within the year.
Large Format Printing
Printing in large or wide formats is another benefit of digital printing. Our digital presses are the best option if you require large graphic projects, such as banners, backdrops, artwork, and posters, to be completed quickly. They can print up to ten feet in length and breadth and are capable of printing on a wide range of materials, including cardboard, vinyl, plastic, and various papers. Larger projects, such as step-and-repeat backgrounds, can be finished in multiple parts.
Examples of Our Digital Printing Work: Tru-Art Sign Co., Inc.’s NYC booklet printing example, featuring saddle-stitched pages
An illustration of digital printing in New York City, a saddle-stitched booklet printed digitally Booklet for Wire-O
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Customizable Digital Printing
Creating changeable data in printed materials is one of the things that digital print technology allows us to accomplish better than traditional offset printing. The term “variable data” describes the capacity to alter the information or data on various printed materials. The traditional illustration would be using individual mailing list addresses to personalize each magazine or print run advertisement, but variable data is also capable of more.
Creating changeable data in printed materials is one of the things that digital print technology allows us to accomplish better than traditional offset printing. The term “variable data” describes the capacity to alter the information or data on various printed materials. The traditional illustration would be using individual mailing list addresses to personalize each magazine or print run advertisement, but variable data is also capable of more.
Contact Us
Because Tru-Art Sign Co Inc prioritizes its clients, we are available to address any inquiries you may have regarding our digital printing capabilities and workflow, as well as to assist you in completing your print project as soon as possible. We can complete jobs quickly both inside and outside of our NYC location, and we can ship your final product across the country or send it via courier anywhere in NYC.
Customers are invited to contact us with any inquiries they may have regarding digital printing or to learn more about how we can assist with a specific project.
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gabenvrhappened · 1 year
LifeOr... Aesthetic Feelings and Abstract Concepts
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Read the inspired lyric Long-Exposed Pictures
Dear advertisers, from someone who’s not on the branch anymore, I'm sorry but I hate how you think you can simply add the word “experience” to a piece and make everything magically irresistible. Spoiler: you can't. An experience can’t just be stated as one; it needs to be felt as such. It's an aesthetic feeling, an abstract concept. It's not a word that can be thrown out carelessly because it has to mean something, and make you feel a certain type of way. with your senses coming alive in the aftermath. Sorry, but that can’t be achieved just by adding a word; it requires action.
That doesn’t mean it needs to be something huge, great, or mind-blowing. For example, I find the most fulfilling experience just to walk on the street of my favorite buzzingly bright city, while listening and singing my favorite tune. Or to sit in a subway station (or, from a more usual perspective, a park) to read a book and watch people go on with their lives (secretly hoping to be noticed as well). They say it’s the simple things, and I couldn’t agree more.
An experience for me is something that makes me bittersweetly want both to treasure the moment in secrecy, keeping it forever to myself; and to share it with someone that would understand the beauty that lies beneath what normal eyes usually sees. Like walking on a cold street by myself in the middle of the night, feeling free but hopeless. Like wondering how it would be to have another shadow dancing with me under streetlights. Or driving with nowhere to go, just for the sake of driving. Or lying in a hotel room with lots of questions running wild in my head, only to end up asking “what are you thinking?” as if the whole course of the world could be defined by a simple, yet impossible, question.
Cherish these moments is all I can ever ask for life. It reminds me of when I was younger and I had sticker books that I would fill up with images from my favorite fantasy movie, that I would collect everyday to make the album complete. Just like that, I like to collect moments in life. And I crave the moment when my whole life will be an experience in itself. I imagine myself as the only cool living boy in New York, with a journal on my hand, just in case something beautiful appears to beg me to keep it forever remembered in my writings; and with a camera hanging around my neck just in case something beautiful appears to beg me to froze its essence for posterity.
While I’m not there, I’m taking my overpriced Starbucks coffee as I walk the busiest avenue I know, not waiting to live my Pinterest kind of life. Then I’ll go back home and open the notes app to write a song. It will make me always remember my feelings, in the event that I need to remind myself how blessed I am and how hurts and cuts are healed by a magic thing called time. That makes me wonder, maybe my life could be an interesting commercial. Advertisers, call me if you read this.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Communications Director, ACLU of Illinois
Emma Andersson, Deputy Director, Criminal Law Reform Project
March 23, 2021
As protesters filled the streets last summer to decry the tragic killings by police of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others, they brought signs and slogans with them. Poster board and cardboard pieces were lifted into the air with firm demands scrawled across them: “Justice for George,” “#SayHerName,” “I Can’t Breathe,” and “No Justice, No Peace” were familiar phrases bobbing amongst the sea of activists. As the weeks stretched on, the movement catalyzed by the hideous killing of Floyd caught on video continued to grow, with millions of people taking to the streets. Among the signs, a more specific demand began to appear: Abolish qualified immunity.
Once an obscure legal doctrine, qualified immunity is now in the spotlight — and in the crosshairs of many activists and advocates nationwide. For decades, the doctrine has shielded police officers and other government employees from being held responsible for all sorts of malfeasance. Qualified immunity makes it nearly impossible for individuals to sue public officials by requiring proof that they violated “clearly established law.”
In a rare show of solidarity with protesters in cities like Minneapolis, New York, and Portland, courts and state legislatures began to take notice, too — in June, Colorado lawmakers passed a bill that gutted the doctrine’s power in state courts. Multiple lower federal court decisions have also acknowledged how qualified immunity functions more as absolute immunity, and shields police officers from accountability, with even a conservative Supreme Court justice calling the doctrine into question.
The ACLU is a part of the movement to end qualified immunity once and for all, through our work advancing legislation in statehouses, combating the use of the doctrine in court, and advocating for an end to qualified immunity on the federal level.
In the Statehouse
The brunt of law enforcement’s racial terror campaigns is felt by the Black and Brown communities that are forced to deal with outsized police presence every day. The fight to combat that harm is led by a coalition of grasstop groups that organize and advocate in city halls and statehouses across the country. In several states, including Minnesota, the ACLU has fought alongside these groups to advance reform through legislation.
Minnesota: The ACLU of Minnesota is working with the Institute for Justice to develop legislation that would bypass the effect of qualified immunity by making it easier for people to sue government agencies — not just individual officers — in state courts when police violate their rights. Additionally, the ACLU of Minnesota is advocating to reform the laws that allow officers like Derek Chauvin, who killed George Floyd and who had a long history of civilian complaints on his record, to keep committing violence against the community. Currently under Minnesota state law, civilian oversight boards cannot make findings of fact relating to a complaint against a police officer, impose disciplinary sanctions, or make binding recommendations. H.F. 905 would repeal the law that prevents civilian oversight boards from having these powers, allowing local governments to create empowered boards that can take tangible action against officers accused of misconduct. Removing this barrier at the local level is a first step toward independent, community-informed oversight of policing and public safety.
Illinois: After decades of unacceptable police abuse and horrors, current Illinois law still protects out of control officers from being held accountable for violating people’s constitutional rights. These protections do not serve good police officers; they do not serve our communities; they only serve bad apples in Illinois’ police ranks. A recent poll shows that 91 percent of Illinois voters are strongly supportive of legislative efforts that hold police accountable for misconduct and 69 percent of voters agree that reform is necessary now because of racial bias in policing. Reflecting this overwhelming public support, the ACLU of Illinois supports H.B. 1727 — the Bad Apples in Law Enforcement Accountability Act — which removes the protections of qualified immunity in state court so that police officers can be held accountable when they violate someone’s constitutional rights.
New Mexico: New Mexico has one of the highest rates of fatal police shootings in the country. The New Mexico Civil Rights Act creates an avenue for New Mexicans to bring claims for damages in state court against police officers and other public officials who violate the rights guaranteed to them under the New Mexico Constitution. The bill specifically prohibits the use of qualified immunity.
In the Courts
Last term, multiple petitions before the Supreme Court called into question whether qualified immunity should be limited or abolished altogether.
The court grouped three petitions together, including ours inBaxter v. Bracey, and then repeatedly delayed acting on them. It seemed possible that maybe the court was finally going to meaningfully tackle qualified immunity. Then, on June 15, 2020, mere weeks after Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd and millions of people flooded the streets to protest police brutality, the Supreme Court denied the petitions. Justice Thomas was the only one to write anything on the occasion of the court declining all the petitions; he wrote to protest the denial of certiorari in our case, Baxter. For a brief moment it looked like the cross-ideological coalition we are part of might have convinced four justices to take a case. Then the bubble burst.
Five months later, a new glimmer of hope emerged. In November 2020, the court granted, reversed, and remanded a qualified immunity decision out of the Fifth Circuit inTaylor v. Riojas. Trent Taylor was incarcerated in Texas and he spent six days in heinous conditions: The first cell where he was detained was covered almost floor to ceiling in human feces, and he was forced to sleep naked in sewage in the freezing cold in his second cell. The officers responsible for this gross violation were granted qualified immunity by the court, which reasoned that “[t]he law wasn’t clearly established” that “prisoners couldn’t be housed in cells teeming with human waste … for only six days.”
The Supreme Court disagreed: “No reasonable correctional officer could have concluded that, under the extreme circumstances of this case, it was constitutionally permissible to house Taylor in such deplorably unsanitary conditions for such an extended period of time.” As law professor Joanna Schwartz explains, Hope v. Pelzer is the only other case in which “the Supreme Court ruled that qualified immunity could be denied in the absence of a prior court opinion on point … Since 2002, the court had only paid lip service to the notion that qualified immunity can be defeated without a prior case on point.”
Only a few months later, the court did it again inMcCoy v. Alamu. McCoy was incarcerated in Texas when an officer attacked him for no reason. The Fifth Circuit granted qualified immunity based on its understanding that the defense is especially difficult to overcome in excessive force cases. But the Supreme Court granted McCoy’s petition, vacated the Fifth Circuit’s opinion, and remanded the case to the lower court with instructions to reconsider the case in light of Taylor.
Taylor and McCoy have ignited a debate among qualified immunity nerds (that’s a compliment), as Adam Liptak has reported. Professor Schwartz argues that “the court is indicating a change” and “appears to be sending a message that lower courts can deny qualified immunity for clear misconduct, even without a case with identical facts.” Jay Schweikert at the CATO Institute, with whom we have worked closely on qualified immunity reform efforts, believes “the Supreme Court has decided to forgo reconsideration of the doctrine in favor of small doctrinal clarifications.” Anya Bidwell and Patrick Jaicomo at the Institute for Justice are the most optimistic, characterizing these as the “early days in the reconsideration — if not ultimate rejection — of the court-created doctrine of qualified immunity.”
We’re very glad to see that there are cracks developing in the shield of qualified immunity. But these cracks are not nearly enough. The ACLU will continue to fight in court to see the doctrine weakened and ultimately dismantled, as we did recently in yet another horrific Fifth Circuit case.
One ongoing case that highlights both the absurdity of qualified immunity and the extent to which officials may go under its protection is Black Lives Matter D.C. v. Trump, the ACLU-DC’s class action lawsuit challenging the vicious and unprovoked attack on civil rights demonstrators in Lafayette Square last June. The defendants in the case were sued under Section 1983 and Bivens, which is another type of case where officers can use qualified immunity. From the Park Police officer who beat a journalist as she was escaping the protest, all the way to former Attorney General Bill Barr, they have all invoked qualified immunity to avoid liability for their misconduct.
In moving to dismiss our case, defendants have argued that their conduct cannot be “clearly established” as unconstitutional — thus defendants are shielded by qualified immunity — unless plaintiffs can point to a specific case involving “a presidential appearance, an alleged dispersal order emanating from the Attorney General himself, a city-wide curfew and emergency order” and more. They are wrong, but under qualified immunity, we can’t be sure a federal court will see it our way and refuse to countenance brutality with impunity.
In Congress
Qualified immunity reform is needed to ensure that police can be held accountable after they violate the constitution. But we also need reform on the front end that prevents police brutality before it happens. An important first step is to set clear national standards that require all police departments to adhere to common-sense limitations on use of force and best practices.
President Biden has already committed to the creation of a national, model use-of-force standard as one of his racial equity priorities. The ACLU is currently lobbying Congress to pass legislation that ensures this model standard truly conforms to the best practices in the field by embracing the principles set forth in the PEACE Act, which would permit officers to use force only when necessary, proportional, and as a last resort, after less extreme alternatives are exhausted. That standard would not only apply to federal agents, it would provide incentives to state and local police departments to adopt the rule.
Ayanna Pressley’s End Qualified Immunity Act would end qualified immunity for state and local actors.
Qualified immunity fosters an environment where government agents, including police, may feel empowered to violate people’s rights with the knowledge they will face few consequences. This erodes relationships with the community and diminishes the system’s credibility. Under qualified immunity, lives can be taken with impunity. It’s past time to heed the protesters’ signs, and end this doctrine once and for all.
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minister-erik · 1 year
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Climate Activists Rallied Against National Grid by ERIK MCGREGOR Via Flickr: BROOKLYN, NY - Climate activists gathered on June 14, 2023 at Brooklyn Borough Hall for a teach-in and art action highlighting successful initiatives implemented this year to combat the climate crisis, reduce consumers' energy expenses, and expose the obstructive climate hypocrisy of National Grid and ConEdison at both the city and state levels. The Brooklyn event coincided with more than 50 actions across the country, called by the People vs. Fossil Fuels coalition, in angry response to Biden’s approval of the liquified natural gas (LNG) and Willow oil projects in Alaska and the debt ceiling deal that fast-tracks the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Keynote speaker Raya Salter, Founder and Director of the Energy Justice Law and Policy Center and member of New York State’s Climate Action Council, shared remarks about successful grassroots efforts to pass climate policy this session, and the gas industry’s attempts to delay and obstruct state-level climate initiatives. Chalk with messages calling for a just transition and for Biden to take bolder climate action adorned the space surrounding the teach-in. After speakers presented, advocates marched to the National Grid’s downtown Brooklyn office and put the power struggle between everyday people and greedy utility companies on display through a “tug of war” performance. Advocates plastered stickers with an artistic rendition of citizens fighting gas infrastructure and “People vs. Fossil Fuels” text on National Grid’s doors. Posters, silkscreened canvas, and leaflets with art, calls for action, and information were distributed for participants to take home and spread across their communities. In 2019 New York State passed the landmark Climate Leadership Community Protection Act (CLCPA) to ensure that 70% of the state’s electricity will be generated by renewable energy by 2030. New York City is a key player in reducing those emissions. However, gas utilities like National Grid and ConEdison have continued to invest in gas infrastructure and fought the transition to renewable energy through a massive disinformation campaign to shape policy and public opinion to continue fossil fuel dependence. Teach-ins such as the one on June 8th are necessary to educate the public and ensure New York sticks to the CLCPA’s emissions reduction targets. "We must close NY's dirty power plants and break the hold that fossil fuels have on our buildings and our wallets, as required by our state's Climate Act. We will fight fossil fuel industry misinformation and hold our utilities accountable for both the environmental injustice they cause and any attempts to delay climate action. We are simply out of time to address this climate crisis and public health emergency." said Raya Salter (she/they), member of New York State’s Climate Action Council and Founder and Executive Director of the Energy Justice Law & Policy Center. This action is the next step in escalating the call for President Biden to utilize his executive power and take bold action on climate by declaring a climate emergency. By declaring a national climate emergency, Biden can unlock additional powers to limit oil and gas exports, increase the availability of clean energy technologies, and ensure communities hit hardest by climate disasters receive the resources they need to rebuild. Stopping gas infrastructure expansion in New York State and declaring a climate emergency essential to end the era of fossil fuels, equitably transition to clean energy systems, and bring justice to communities impacted most by fossil fuels. “A just transition starts with seeing the reality of the impact dirty power plants have on the socioeconomic stability of communities throughout the State of New York. The supply chain that currently powers our energy grid places communities of color and low-income communities at a disadvantage in pursuit of their American dream.” said Paul Presendieu (he/him), Co-founder of the Hudson Valley Energy Justice Alliance. This action was organized by 350Brooklyn, Sane Energy Project and No North Brooklyn Pipeline and is part of a nation-wide escalation to end fossil fuels from June 8th-11th sponsored by People Vs. Fossil Fuels, 350 Network Council, the Center for Popular Democracy, Zero Hour, Fridays for Future, and Climate Organizing Hub and endorsed by 64 other Indigenous, climate, labor, and environmental justice organizations nationwide. #TooHotTooHigh #Activism #ActOnClimate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climatejustice #ConEd #ConEdison #DirectAction #disruption #FossilFree #FrackedGas #Fracking #GetOffGas #GreenNewDeal #KnowYourPolluter #NationalGrid #NewYork #NoPipelines #NoNBKPipeline #NorthBrooklynPipeline #NYC #OffFossilFuels #StopNESE #StopThePipeline #StopTheWilliamsPipeline #YouAreHereMap #350Brooklyn #SaneEnergyProject #ClimateEmergency #CorporateGreed #defundclimatechange #DisasterCapitalism #EnvironmentalJustice #KeepItIntheGround #MakePollutersPay #PeoplesClimate #StopTheMoneyPipeline © Erik McGregor - [email protected] - 917-225-8963
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ayasinspiration · 1 year
Learning agreement final
Encouraging Gen Z to give a chance to classical cultural
events such as Opera
Field of study: The accessibility of Opera worldwide and its engagement with Gen Z.
Through my project, I would explore the accessibility of classical events such as Opera and its engagement
with GenZ. This project’s target audience will be people between 17 and 27. My research will observe the
diversity of operas and the idea that Gen Z has over these types of events. I aim to make the cultural events
seem more accessible and entertaining to the new generation. My main points of interest are describing and
researching the different types of Opera, explaining them and making them look more attractive to the new
generation. Showing the importance of opera houses and theatres to show and represent the importance of
the experience for the general audience.
The project is based on the new generation’s understanding of classical events such as Operas and theatres.
My idea is to change people’s understanding of these events; since they were connected only with the highclass
society in the past, nowadays, this has changed. I want to make these events more accessible. I want to
focus my project on the importance of the experience since the roles are played by real singers and actors in
real-time in front of our eyes. It is a re-branding and advertising campaign which brings people together for a
new exciting experience.
In an interview taken by Imogen Tilden (2014) for “The Guardian”, Kasper Holten, the director of the Royal
Opera House, states that people are saying that they don’t like Opera, where nine out of ten people have
never seen one. How would people know they don’t like something if they have never tried it. So my idea is
to make people try this kind of experience. I don’t want to put pressure and make them love it, but at least to
make them give it a chance and then form a proper opinion over how they feel about it.
I would achieve it through an advertising campaign aiming to attract and drive the attention of
a new and younger audience. This campaign will include a short animation, advertising materials such as
posters, programs, leaflets, and social media advertising. The way I aim to present my work is through an
abstract style which has been influenced by Tina Touli, Super Union way of executing their last campaign for
the London Symphony Orchestra. Finally, I might need to use an exciting opera as a reference for my project
to form my final outcomes around its events programme.
This project is placed to influence Gen Z and drive the idea of trying, giving a chance to the Opera.
For my Major Project, I will conduct visual research on the design and advertising of classical events and
their current engagement with the new generation as well as action research which will allow me to get a
better understanding of the expectations and the point of view of Gen Z and to understand the new generation
of classical musicians which is to perform using the consents forms provided by AUB. In addition, I will
use secondary research as well, which is to include academic papers, interviews and articles.
Assessment requirements:
For assessment, I will produce an advertising campaign which will include a short animation, advertising
materials such as posters, programs, leaflets, and social media advertising, as well as a process book
containing all the information of my research and the way I’ve done it, with the consent forms from my action
Coast agency (n.d.). Opera National de Lorraine- Coast Branding Agency Brussels [online]. Available
from: https://www.coast-agency.com/opera-national-de-lorraine [Accessed 8 February 2023].
Forkin, D. (2013). new york city opera advertisment campaign by daniel forkin [online]. Available
from: https://www.designboom.com/design/new-york-city-opera-2013-ad-campaign/
[Accessed 8February 2023].
Nast, C. (2019). Will Millennials Kill Opera, Too? [online]. Available from: https://www.vogue.com/article/
will-millennials-kill-opera-too-la-scala-milan [Accessed 10 February 2023].
Opera North (n.d.). Opera North [online]. Available from: https://www.operanorth.co.uk/# [Accessed
22 February 2023].
Super Union (n.d.). Superunion | London Symphony Orchestra [online]. Available from: https://www.
superunion.com/work/london-symphony-orchestra [Accessed 08 February 2023].
Tilden, I. (2017). ‘Opera can make us see, feel and hear the world differently’: the UK’s opera chiefs
tell us why their art form matters [online]. Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/music/
2014/may/09/inside-opera-live-why-opera-matters-uk-opera-chiefs [Accessed 08 February2023].
English Touring Opera (n.d.). Spring 2023 [online]. Available from: https://englishtouringopera.org.
uk/whats-on [Accessed 20 February 2023].
Williams, E. (2018). Giles Revell creates an elegant ad campaign for the Royal Opera House in London
[online]. Available from: https://www.creativereview.co.uk/giles-revell-royal-opera-london/
[Accessed 2 February 2023].
0 notes
Rangers Know October Shirt
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Rugby League may be the easier game to play in terms of learning how, but it has a Rangers Know October Shirt cardiovascular fitness requirement compared to the NFL — and higher than that of Rugby Union. An NFL game of 60 minutes takes about 3 hours to play, with multiple personel changes. Many NFL players are simply not fit enough to play either Rugby code, where the minimum fitness required is to play 40 minutes straight and a further 20 minutes after a 15 minute half time break. League is especially demanding on fitness because the ball is in play for a higher percentage of that time. From what I’ve seen, a lot of NFL players would require a year of physical conditioning to play rugby to any decent level.
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Estimated shipping times:
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International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers worldwide.
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linkljdf · 2 years
Railroad workers united store north America
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Railroad workers united store north American railroad workers will strike if provoked shirt
In terms of skills it depends what position they are moving from and to, but I think a season of training with a pro side and some regional amateur rugby games in the lower leagues followed by 1-2 seasons playing below the top flight would be required, if they had the right attributes to reach the top flight. It could be 2 years in total for a winger, or 4 for a more involved position with higher technical and tactical requirements. A player with exceptional physical attributes like being able to run a sub-11 second 100m at 275lbs and a lethal side-step or being fit at 300lbs and immensely strong and Railroad workers united store north American railroad workers will strike if provoked shirt explosive might make it earlier as their attacking threat with the ball in hand would do more to cancel out their shortcomings than a more physcially average player.
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Gearbloom is your one-stop online shop for printed t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, stickers, posters, mugs, and more…High quality original T-shirts. Digital printing in the USA.
Worldwide shipping. No Minimums. 1000s of Unique Designs. Worldwide shipping. Fast Delivery. 100% Quality Guarantee. to cover all your needs.
By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Gearbloom is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to
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Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers worldwide.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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The Constitution was signed on 9/17/1787 and today is Constitution Day! Check out the whole thing in our online catalog.
We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article. I. Section.1. All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section.2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies. The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. Section.3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. Section.4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. Section.5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and maybe authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one-fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. Section.6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office. Section.7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the
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wedesignyouny · 3 months
Using Digital Printing NYC, You Can Quickly And Affordably Print Any Quantity.
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Using Digital Printing NYC, You Can Quickly And Affordably Print Any Quantity.
Modern digital presses, such as an HP Indigo and Xerox 700, are what we employ to handle a wide range of jobs. Digital printing is a creative and adaptable medium that offers our clients the ability to personalize brochures, magazines, reports, posters, art, and look books. It is perfect for any project that requires quick turnaround or is best suited for a short print run. In order to get your files produced and into your hands as soon as possible, our state-of-the-art digital print technology also enables NYC clients to request rush printing for a variety of tasks.
Many of our clients also find digital printing methods’ quick turnaround times beneficial in the fast-paced corporate world of New York City. For clients who are pressed for time, it can mean the difference between having that important presentation ready or getting those reports printed on time. We are aware that managing your company frequently entails meeting deadlines, and we are pleased to assist you in doing so.
Digital printing provides our clients with:
Superior quality
Any quantity of print run
Reprints upon request
real-world examples of their files
Additionally, proofing is quick and simple with digital printing since it shows you the precise version of your work before we print the entire run. With the lossless quality and direct communication to the press system that modern digital presses provide, your ideas will print at a high resolution and with all the details.
Cost-Effective Digital Printing in NYC
Digital printing eliminates the need for labor-intensive press setup, thus small print runs don’t have to be prohibitively expensive. We can print as few or as many products as you would like thanks to digital printing. Additionally, there is no loss in quality when compared to conventional printing. No data is lost during transfer, and the image, text, or design flows directly to the digital press, maintaining excellent quality. We are able to print small tasks (50–100 copies) or large works (thousands), all with the same page quality.
Short Run Printing
Digital presses are ideal for short run printing since they can produce high-quality printed goods in tiny quantities. You can customize your order to just order what you need, cutting down on waste, by ordering a few dozen or several hundred copies of a particular item. Additionally, if and when you need more copies, it’s simple to reprint them from our files. Short run digital printing is the most effective way to satisfy the recurring and variable printing needs of the majority of NYC businesses. You may easily make modifications for the next quarter or season and reorder any documents or materials you need, saving you time and money on unnecessary stockpiling of printed products that might become outdated within the year.
Large Format Printing
Printing in large or wide formats is another benefit of digital printing. Our digital presses are the best option if you require large graphic projects, such as banners, backdrops, artwork, and posters, to be completed quickly. They can print up to ten feet in length and breadth and are capable of printing on a wide range of materials, including cardboard, vinyl, plastic, and various papers. Larger projects, such as step-and-repeat backgrounds, can be finished in multiple parts.
Examples of Our Digital Printing Work: Tru-Art Sign Co., Inc.’s NYC booklet printing example, featuring saddle-stitched pages
An illustration of digital printing in New York City, a saddle-stitched booklet printed digitally Booklet for Wire-O
Customizable Digital Printing
Creating changeable data in printed materials is one of the things that digital print technology allows us to accomplish better than traditional offset printing. The term “variable data” describes the capacity to alter the information or data on various printed materials. The traditional illustration would be using individual mailing list addresses to personalize each magazine or print run advertisement, but variable data is also capable of more.
Contact Us
Because Tru-Art Sign Co Inc prioritizes its clients, we are available to address any inquiries you may have regarding our digital printing capabilities and workflow, as well as to assist you in completing your print project as soon as possible. We can complete jobs quickly both inside and outside of our NYC location, and we can ship your final product across the country or send it via courier anywhere in NYC.
Customers are invited to contact us with any inquiries they may have regarding digital printing or to learn more about how we can assist with a specific project.
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question – has the fact nina's from cleveland ever been confirmed in the show or is that just a weird thing that appeared on the wiki?
I'm probably not the right person to ask about this; I don't pay attention to any of the behind the scenes stuff or anything that the writers/creators/people involved with the show say. I think I've only ever seen it on the wiki but like that could've also come from one of the writers or whatever saying something way back when, I don't know. I really can't tell you.
If your question is do the characters ever say it in the show, then no, they don't. They never say that explicitly on the show. Admittedly they don't say jack shit about where ANY of them are from specifically except for KT, who says she's from Pennsylvania, and Jerome. This one requires a little more digging, but it is a pretty concrete location: when Jerome hires the private investigator to find his dad the investigator actually gives him his own mother's address, which is obviously where he lives ("That is my mother. I know where she lives because oh yeah! I live there too."). And you can see on the envelope that the address is in London. Do we know how far that is from the school? Not really. The school is in some ~vague~ location in England with our only reference being that it took Eddie a four-hour train ride to get there from the airport, presumably Heathrow in London. We don't know where the school is, but we do know that Jerome lives somewhere in London. Any of you who are British can probably zoom in on that zipcode and get even more specific on where in London he lives, which also hilariously looks to be on Poppy Street.
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The only other person we get ANY clues on where they live is Eddie. Now, they never confirm this or say this at any point, but there are so many clues in his room pointing to the fact that he lives somewhere in the NYC area that I, personally, will not be accepting any other headcanons.
First of all, he's got a concert poster that straightup just says New York.
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He also has a New Jersey license plate on his wall, and he's got a poster with a BUNCH of notable locations/streets that are in New York. Let's take the time to go through them, shall we?
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Let's start with what we can see on the bottom of the poster:
Bleeker St - admittedly misspelled here; Bleecker Street is a famous street in Manhattan close to Greenwich Village and Soho, it's got like nightlife and stuff
Woodycrest Ave - in the Bronx by Yankee Stadium
Greenwich St - obviously in Greenwich Village, right next to the water (Hudson River), close to the apartment building you see in Friends
E 101st St - immediately to the east of Central Park
13th St Residence - a little more obscure, but looks to be student housing for NYU also near Greenwich Village
E 36th St - two streets away from the Empire State Building
Dyer Ave - this street actually intersects with 36th Street, meaning it's downtown near the Empire State Building
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Now to the middle of the poster:
Mt Morris Pkwy - there's actually not a street specifically named this, but there is a Mt Morris Park W, which is a street in the Mount Morris Park Historic District bordering what I believe used to be called Mount Morris Park and is now Marcus Garvey Park, in Harlem
Horatio St - in the West Village in Manhattan, once again very close to the Hudson River and some prominent piers
Meyer Block - a block of the city that includes Meyer Hall of NYU
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And the remaining ones on the top of the poster:
Broom St - also misspelled; Broome Street is a notable street in Lower Manhattan
Cabrini Blvd - in the Manhattan neighborhood of Hudson Heights, next to the George Washington Bridge, which is a pretty iconic bridge that crosses the Hudson River into New Jersey, located near the Bronx and is also close to Yankee Stadium
W 3rd St - in the middle of Greenwich Village/Lower Manhattan, smack in the middle of NYU, right next to Washington Square Park
And finally, his laptop background in S2 is straightup just a photo of the New York transit system. This boy is from somewhere in the tristate area and I will not be hearing otherwise.
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Sorry, I got very offtrack. The answer is no, they never say in the show that Nina is from Cleveland, and there's not much physical evidence to put her there or anywhere else for that matter. But I think generally the consensus among the fandom - or at least this is the case for me personally - is that we accept it because eh, why not? Her location in America is completely a blank slate. So if someone says Cleveland and you've got no objection to it, why not? There's nothing that explicitly says she's not. Besides, she seems like someone who'd root for an underdog/be from an underdog city, which is a bit of the Cleveland vibe.
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baronvonkrieger · 2 years
The Old Dark House; a twice told tale.
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It was a dark and stormy night. Travelers find their car has developed problems and so they go to an old lonely house to seek shelter. In a stunning turn of events, nobody breaks into song, and there are no musical numbers. This isn’t after all, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but “The Old Dark House” (1932), a pre-code Universal Horror film. In 1927, J.B Priestly (1894-1984)had a book published called “Benighted”. The book was a classic 'old dark house', which in films, had seen increasing popularity during the silent era, and has been referenced to this day in films like “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”, and Scooby Do cartoons. As popular as the old dark films were in the silent era, that popularity didn’t seem to carry into the sound era, and most of those made before WW2, were remakes of silent films, like “The Cat and the Canary”. One of these films that was not a remake was the 1932 “The Old Dark House”. Director James Whale saw some potential in the literary work “The Benighted”, and chose to make a film based on that book called “The Old Dark House”.
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This was a film that Whale wanted to make, and he insisted Universal buy the film rights to the book.  Whale selected the film's largely British cast, several of whose members were theater colleagues of his with minimal film experience, and would appear in several of his later films. These included Charles Laughton,  Ernest Thesiger, and Boris Karloff. This may be the best performance from Thesiger, maybe even better then his performance as Dr. Pretorious in ‘Bride of Frankenstein”.
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Although all nine of the New York daily papers gave the film positive reviews, many other publications gave it negative reviews. “Variety” calling it “Inane”. Initially, the film received good box office, but poor word of mouth saw box office receipts drop during the second week. The audience turn-out dropped to less than half in its second week and the film was pulled after ten days. In Britain the film did much better, even getting a re-release in 1939. Although not that popular in the United States, it did have a fan in Charles Addams. When his eccentric family made their very first appearance in 1938 in the New Yorker, The butler that would come to be known as Lurch, was clearly inspired by Karloff’s mad butler Morgan.
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Universal would lose the rights to this movie in 1957, and it would be considered a lost film. A remake was released in 1963, directed by William Castle and co-produced with Hammer Films. Charles Addams would provide the title art for this movie, whose signature is painted by a hairy hand. That hairy hand (proto Thing?) and a very Charles Addams style Victorian house would be included in the poster art. Although the 1963 “The Old Dark House” is from the same source as the 1932 version, it is a very different film from the Whale film. This time, an American car salesman (Tom Poston) is asked to deliver a car by his roommate, to an old mansion on Dartmoor. In this case, In this version, a will requires that the members of a family descended form the pirate captain Morgan, are required to return to the dilapidated mansion before midnight each evening or forfeit his share of the family fortune. This story involves the different family members being bumped off one by one, while the Yank, bears witness to the strange proceedings.
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The 1963 Old Dark House has developed a poor reputation, possibly in part, because of how it has been blamed for taking the place of the 1932 classic. William K Everson, author of “Classics of the Horror Film”, went so far as to call it a “practically blasphemous remake”. I get that. The 1932 film is a great classic film, and was nearly lost, but that wasn’t exactly the fault of the William Classic and Hammer remake. The fault is more that of Universal Studios, which allowed the film to become neglected. Director Curtis Harrington, a friend of James Whale, begged Universal to find the film, and it was located in 1968. It is easy to find now on DVD, or you can watch it for free on You Tube.
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But is the 1963 film the “practically blasphemous remake” that Everson claimed? Of course not. Outside of the title, the two have almost nothing in common, and are different enough, you can watch one, without making comparison’s to the other. My first viewing of the 1963 film was on a 16 MM projector, being shown on a screen in my family’s back yard. I was very happy to see the Charles Addams opening, and I genuinely liked it, not being aware of the 1932 film, I was able to watch it without being troubled by the differences in the Hammer/Castle film, and the 1932 Whale classic. Catching it later on, I liked that the dilapidated  mansion they used for the film was “Oakley Court”. If you have seen “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”, you would be familiar with the house. Being a Hammer co-production, it was in the vicinity of Hammer’s Bray studios, so it was used in a number of Hammer films.
I love both films enough to have them of DVD, and consider them both worth a watch.
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