caligvlasaqvarivm · 5 months
How murderous is Karkat and Eridan?
Eridan: "killin is all i evver done practically the ocean wwas my killing cauldron"
Karkat: loves his friends so much that it hurts
They're both really blasé about killing things like imps or game enemies, and neither of them WANT to hurt their friends. Eridan's just more used to it because it was his whole job, and he's a lot better at fighting than Karkat is.
Vriska at one point says to John that her bodycount is probably "many thousands," so we can probably use that as a reference and assume Eridan's in that same bracket, because he and Vriska have a lot of parallels. In fact, I'd go so far as to call Vriska and Eridan a literary device called "parallel characters" - by listening to Vriska tell John about her feelings about her bodycount and of her place in society, we get to learn about how Eridan's feeling, too.
If we set the bar at 3000 (the low end of "many thousands") and Vriska and Eridan are both the equivalent of 13 years old, or a little less than 700 weeks, that meant he and Vriska were averaging out to multiple kills a week (and given they probably didn't start when they were newhatches and 3000 is a low estimate, like... it was probably an insane number like 5-7 kills/week). But never anyone they "cared about," in Vriska's words, until the Team Charge debacle, or Eridan went berserk on Feferi and Sollux (we should also keep in mind that Eridan outright says to Kanaya that he doesn't want to kill people he considers his friends).
But Eridan is significantly less emotionally intelligent than Vriska (a fucking feat), has less of a support system, and has a lot of Duty and Responsibility and Fate of the Species on his shoulders, so he copes a lot worse (again, a fucking feat). For Eridan, it's less about "being murderous," and more about "society demands that I be murderous" + "if I am not murderous, everybody dies" + "when I grow up, murder is my only viable career path".
He's ANXIOUS AS FUCK at his core. Via their parallel character status, we know from Vriska that they're both actually really nervous about growing up and taking their place in a society that demands bloodshed from them. When Eridan obsesses over genocide, it's a byproduct of Literally Being The Guy That Is Preventing Genocide (to the point of not really having other hobbies). We also know that he feels guilt towards his victims (or at least more than Feferi), which we know from Vriska is societally unacceptible. And if it's unacceptible for her to feel bad, then imagine how much less okay it is for the sea dweller.
So I wouldn't necessarily call Eridan murderous - like with most things regarding Eridan, it's more complicated than that - but I would call him "on a hair trigger", "conditioned to reach towards murder as an early solution," and "obsessively/anxiously trying to live up to how murderous society demands he be," all while not at all wanting to kill people he cares about. I think it's really important to note that, even though the higher the blood the more volatile the troll, and despite being unauspiced and unmoirailled, and without relying on sopor, Eridan did not start shooting to kill until Sollux and Feferi escalated the situation.
And before anyone mentions that Feferi's in the same boat, she spends practically the whole time with Sollux, who is foreshadowed to be her moirail.
Like, the tragedy of Eridan's character is that he's lonely and terrified, but does such a good job at putting up an obnoxious front that even a lot of the audience became convinced that he basically sucked and his problems didn't matter. His dumbass plan to go to Jack was a genuine attempt to save Feferi, the person he cared most about.
If you go back and look at that conversation, Eridan's casual casteist threats aren't genuine (see my pinned Eridan essay for details) - and SOLLUX is the one who says "I should have killed you when I had the chance". And Eridan DOESN'T KILL SOLLUX, because this whole time, Eridan has not wanted to kill his friends. It's not until Feferi - the person he cares most about, the one whom he concocted that suicidal mission in order to save - turns on him in agreement that Sollux should've killed him - that makes Eridan finally lose it.
Meanwhile, Karkat just loves his friends. He loves them so fucking much. I think this is pretty well-documented about him? He's got no qualms about murdering game constructs like imps and the black king, but he feels deeply fucking hurt and betrayed by Bec Noir since he bonded with Jack/Spades Slick. I don't think Karkat ever makes a genuine death threat against anybody but past!Eridan, but he and Eridan are heavily foreshadowed to be moirails, and that conversation has a hilarious bit in the middle where Karkat seemingly forgets that he's mad at the guy and just starts telling him he's a dumbass. Later on, he expresses missing his dead friends, including/especially the assholes, in the same segment as the meteor runs into dead Feferi and Eridan, so I think that that was more an angry outburst than a genuine desire to see Eridan dead.
In fact, even though he's basically shown nothing but scorn for Gamzee and Gamzee's religious beliefs and clown-ness, and even after Gamzee murders two people and seems to be trying to murder them all, Karkat can't bring himself to kill or even fight the guy, just shooshpap him down, later ranting that Gamzee was a lovable bullshit clown that he liked a lot, and (one of) his best friend(s).
So they're both in this boat of not wanting to kill their friends, but feeling societally pressured into grandstanding that they're TOTALLY murderous assholes just trust me - but Eridan was in a position where he was forced to do it at the detriment of any other hobbies, or else everybody died, and is also one of the best fighters on the team, if not THE best. Thus, the fact that it's a viable option is not only near the forefront of his mind at all times, but he has the skills to resort to it. I guess technically, that does make him more murderous, but it's also, like... any normal person in his situation would wind up the same way, honestly.
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bumble-bee-anon · 2 years
*Two Magic messages received!
🍹Clear-Body🍷: You're helping, Love's dream come true you silly lily
🍹Clear-Body🍷: If anything goes wrong it's not going to be your fault* - Glass
QueenBee: ... if youre sure... ok. I'll try to think positively.
QueenBee: also, im putting you in charge of the NewHatched while I'm gone.
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peepawleo · 2 years
*walks over and hands Leo a crystal bee* one of my newhatched. Its... tradition to give one of the elders one. -🐝
Aww- Oh my gosh they’re so little- Ohhh my gosh- [He looks like he’s about to start crying.]
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theninjaofnothing · 1 year
*continues booping the blue dragon* nyo! M' a'ready 3!
’we live for thousands of years. you are a baby. practically a newhatched.’
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grumpygoats · 7 years
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Gwyn is excited for our latest hatch of partridge silkie chicks. #grumpygoats #silkies #silkiechicksofinstagram #silkie #silkiechicken #partridgesilkie #partridge #silkiechicks #excited #newhatch (at Grumpy Goat)
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fimbry · 3 years
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I drew Tast baby because I can DO that. Fluffball on stilts with teeth.
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padawansuggest · 3 years
Fennec: -and that’s what I would do if I could go back in time! *looks proud of herself*
Boba: …ignoring the fact that Fen somehow has a 30 year plan to woo her high school girlfriend, simply because it means I don’t have to find her a therapist; what would be your plans if we discover time travel, Din?
Din: Hmmm… probably going back in time to see if Grogu was born, or hatched. I’m not sure which I want more, but I bet he was super cute as a newborn… newhatched… hmm…
Boba: Valid. He was probably even more pocket sized.
Din: I know! *geeking out for a second*
Boba: I would go back in time, meet my buir and ba’buir, and go Sith hunting. Not many people know that I knew most Sith identities so I coulda done it.
Din: What’s a Sith?
Fennec: …
Boba: …
Din: What?
Boba: Oh, Din-
Fennec: Sweetie, baby girl, you are the dumbest bitch we know-
Boba: *reassuringly* But so pretty!
Fennec: Oh yes, so very pretty.
Din: …okay… thanks? I guess.
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wuzhere75 · 2 years
Some random shit I came up with for the Mudwings that I didn’t have in my brain with the “tribal headcanon sheet”. Mostly about how the Mudwings actually alter their kingdom beyond farming it.
Nesting and other buildings
-Most commoner adult Mudwings typically just live out in the open. Large groups may occasionally clear out a large mud pool or just an open area for sleeping with a few lookouts (typically one per every sib group using the “sleeping place” at the time), because there are a few scary snakes and crocodilians (or sharks in the costal population) that share the swamp with them.
-Nesting habits vary between population. Wetlands typically build raised platforms (sometimes stilted, sometimes they just mound up sticks and mud beaver dam style), and lay the eggs on there, before covering the them up in some way. Typically the female or “mom” of that seasons coupling “owns” and re-uses the platform for different seasons clutches, if their previous clutch is still on the platform, they kick them off when it is time for her to lay the eggs again.
-Coastal Mudwings, due to having a plethora of reeds and coastal grasses around, will typically weave a floating island out of said plants every season (unlike other sub-populations, they don’t have to worry about newhatched dragonets drowning because they typically have gills). Unlike Wetlands, the entire sib group is seen as owning the island until the bigwings thinks the group can survive the wilds on their own, at which point they break down the island, giving away any salvageable materials leftover to relatives or other friendly sib groups who are of breeding age.
-Forest Mudwings will either do the platform thing or the island thing depending on what their environment calls for (and if they have to worry about the gills vs. no gills thing). Some will also seal their eggs inside large treeholes (think what that one species of hornbill does), but only in the furthest extent of there range. Mountain Mudwings typically do the same thing as Wetland Mudwings for nesting, but they will also make ready use of caves or tree hollows as well.
-Among all populations, a collection of closely tied sib groups (often half siblings/relatives or sib groups who’s members often couple) will maintain a small farm of some kind (Moutains maintain orchards or berry patches, Wetland and Forest grown swamp dwelling tubers and roots, Coastal will grow the grass and reeds needed for their nesting habits). It’s often left up to the “smaller” members of the sib groups (e.g Umber) to maintain the farms since they would be less adept at wrestling giant fucking gators.
Edit: Some extra stuff I forgor
-“Unsibs” are typically not only kicked out of their sib groups, but also the greater family. There’s a taboo against unsibs breeding, though it’s not strictly enforced since the Mudwing government is pretty loose on societal control (maybe in some universe an early Mudwing queen had an amunis enchant the population so that unsibs maybe could produce viable eggs?)
-Bigwing eggs are typically laid and hatch about a month before their other sibs (to give them some time for the community to teach them the basics of being alive). They also come out of the egg more developed than their sibs.
-Hatchling mortality is pretty high in the first year (especially among “runty” members of sib groups). While later in life loss of a sib is seen as a tragedy, it’s typically no great surprise if one or two don’t survive the first few weeks (Clays sib group is seen as somewhat extraordinary due to the sib group mostly surviving all of dragonethood without a bigwings around).
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xaallo · 2 years
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Pick of the Litter - Equinox
Phew! This took LONG, solely because I had tons of distractions, but it’s finally done. This one of Xaallo’s eldritch brood and the one who has been stealing the scene so far: Equinox! Energetic, ravenous, and a bit of a bully, but protective of his siblings and small family unit. As much as something so small can be, anyway.
As we can see, Nox has developed significantly from their later stage as a Newhatch. Namely, they are developing a core...
A note about Wyrms: As they grow, they take cues from their environment, be that geological figures or even individuals. This could mean your muse or your muse’s lore (I know people can be touchy about that, though, so of course I WILL ask first before incorporating anything!)
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irkenheretic · 3 years
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Horrible thing number three was that he was about to cry. Here he was, soon-to-be shining example of Irken military excellence, and he was about to bawl like a newhatch who'd lost sight of their favorite smeetery worker— and in front of everyone he'd worked so hard to prove himself to, prove that he was more than a Red-Eyed reject from the Empire's outer ring of outposts, whose skin was too dark and whose tongue was too tied to say his own name in a proper Irken dialect, but not too tied to produce the most pathetic whining noise to ever grace Elite antennae, and if weapons were allowed in the mess hall, Red would— 
Horrible thing number four was that his stomachache came back with a vengeance. 
Horrible thing number five was the looks on everyone's faces as he crumpled to the floor and screamed. His insides twisted against something, a mass that hadn't been there— shouldn't have been there. His folds twitched and stretched as Red clenched his eyes shut and screamed once more, only faintly aware of someone holding his head up and giving him instructions on what to do— push? Push what?
we're doing six sentence sunday?? since when??? nobody was doing it then suddenly..... everyone was doing it!! did i miss a memo
anyway E G G Y
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felicia81-blog1 · 6 years
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Welcome to the world, little one! 5-19-18 #NewHatch #Chick #BabyChicken #cute #LookWhatHatchedToday
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labrajay · 7 years
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3 little birds, gonna be alright.. #lovebirds #newhatch (at Cebu City)
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hcbraziliansfans · 7 years
Bom dia 😁 lindos! Bom dia vida! Mais uma criatura Deus sobre a face da terra! Vamos celebrar? 👏👏👏👏👏 . #Repost from @giiiiilang - Cute huh 😊 ... #veiledchameleon #veiledchameleonsofig #reptile #chameleon #pet #newhatch #stoked ----------------------------------------------#canaleón #naturakeza #lindo #lanaturalezaessabia #lanaturalezaessagrada (em Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
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shonuff77 · 7 years
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#newhatch #PokemonGo
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jedi-valjean · 6 years
5 Little-Known Facts!
I was tagged by @sundaynightnovels!
Rules: Give five little known facts about your WIP(s) then tag five people.
This started out as a prequel idea to a WIP about aliens invading a dragon planet. I decided to write the prequel story first and my friend who I shared it with absolutely hated the alien idea and begged me not to do it for the sequel. Eventually I did scrap it and now there is very little resemblance between the original idea and the complex story that’s evolved over the years.
Zarakharn’s personality was originally based on Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2. (I’m not actually sure it’s ever changed, although I’m not sure anyone would notice the similar mannerisms if I didn’t point it out.)
Ginzaekh’s grandfather, Rissa Arrissa, was a fugitive of the law, or more specifically one particular law enforcer named Vazarn, who hounded him relentlessly. Rissa could not go to prison because he had a sworn duty to protect a precious item that had been passed down for generations. Also, the killing Rissa was wanted for was technically legal under revenge laws of the time; Vazarn was just petty because he had been chasing the victim, who had been a thief, only to find that Rissa had killed him in revenge for the death of his wife. Vazarn never got his prize; Zarakharn killed Rissa and his son Ginzaekh the Elder some decades later. Vazarn grew frustrated that the trail had gone cold, spiraled into a depression which caused him to realize he had wasted his life, which he subsequently ended by dagger.
Prior to Narta, Dav has had romantic feelings for two other dracaenas. Like Narta, they didn’t reciprocate them.
Zarakharn was born cackling. His father, a stern one who valued sobriety, pressed a claw to his newhatched son’s head. Rather than crying, Zarakharn went dead silent and glared at his father until he removed his finger from between his son’s eyes. Zarakharn kicked the habit of cackling around adolescence.
I hope you found this interesting! I tag @woodhouse-jay, @pied-piper-of-hamlet, @inked-foundry and @nkta-ink.
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indulgentarcher · 7 years
As of today, October 31st I am about 2 months gravid.
D ==> Im so f u c k ing happy about this. I am so deeply in love with the knowlage my body can do something besides kill.
D ==> Fuckin terrified to have newhatch grubs
D ==> But I love them so much already. Okay thank you.
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