#newspaper scandal
if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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"Man Who Hit Boy With Rock Sent to Jail," New York Daily News. August 2, 1929. Page 3. ---- Because children playing at 15th st. and 1st ave., annoyed him, John Ditmeyer, 47, of 274 Bowery, an ex-convict wanted for parole violation, knocked 2-year-old Michael Vignola jr., of 426 East 15th st., unconscious with a rock.
Michael Vignola and his father, Michael sr. he admitted to Magistrate Louis B. Brodsky in Night court last night.
"You are the most brutal char-acter I have ever met," the magistrate declared when he changed the charge of felonious assault preferred against Ditmeyer to one of disorderly conduct and sentenced him to thirty days. At the end of that time Ditmeyer will be turned over to the parole board to serve a one-year sentence for unlawful entry.
The injured child, who had been standing beside a baby carriage, and not taking part in the games of the other children, sustained a deep cut on his head which necessitated four stitches by a hospital surgeon, his father informed the court.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
i treat your blog like this is 1910 and i'm reading the morning paper seriously. newspapers wish they had your traffic. bless you and all you do i'm gonna go back to reading the news (your posts) 😭
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You scrolling through my blog 😂 that's such an amazing visual though
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plangentia · 4 months
might be about to get involved in a student union + newspaper scandal 😬😬😬
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withtheswordtattoo · 10 months
spider-man (to get your attention)
so i was sitting here doing my makeup and thinking about Officer Morale and Uncle Aaron and all that good stuff (spoilers for both movies ahead I think)
and i was thinking, how was there not some big scandal about The Prowler dying and being discovered to be the brother of Good Cop Officer Morales, soon to be captain???
weak theory 1: officer morales managed to keep on the down low that his dead brother was wearing the prowler suit and either in good faith or with money managed to have his fellow officers and the coroner not say anything.
weak theory 2: the prowler was SO GOOD at his job that nobody ever saw him and so when he died and his suit was found, nobody was concerned because nobody knew.
realistic theory: plot armor
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goinggoats · 15 days
living in seattle, i think often of that iconic garfield strip
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obstinatecondolement · 8 months
I was watching a YouTube video about making zines and the person ended it with a call to action to be informed about Palestine and was like "And what better way than by reading zines???" There are. Um. Better ways...
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monkeyssalad-blog · 3 months
1965 Midnight Newspaper -Trashy Sensational News
1965 Midnight Newspaper -Trashy Sensational News by Vinnie DeVille Via Flickr: Vintage November 22, 1965 issue of Midnight Newspaper - a scandal periodical bringing you the lowdown coast to coast. The National Enquirer looks like the Wall Street Journal compared to this newspaper which embraces the moniker “rag”. This particular paper definitely tackles the other side of the coin. The sensational covers would lure a prospective buyer in as bait and would always fail to deliver. It’s always a thrill when it’s from Vinnie DeVille!
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In Argos' defence, he has been slighted by Vox three times. @the-inquisitor-and-the-serpent
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moripartylove · 1 year
Today I learned that the reason our (non-AC) office gets so hot in summer is not only due to the entire wall being made of glass and facing south - it's actually way worse and I'm SO MAD. And y'all will think I'm making this up but I'm not. There's actually. A second, "secret" heating system that nobody knew existed, and that should naturally have been turned off in the summer. But wasn't. So I spent the last 2 summers trying to work in a fucking OVEN, while not only the sun heated up the room like crazy (we have blinds, but they are automatic, and they sometimes go up for no reason when no one's in the room even though the sun is shining), but there was also 66°C hot water being actively pumped through pipes all over the floors and ceiling every single second 🤬 WHY. HOW 😭😭😭 i deserve to be paid Schmerzensgeld for all the headaches I had in that room
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Faking Hitler (2023)
🎬In the 80s the German paper `Stern' published Hitler's diary, giving insights into his deepest and private thoughts. However, they turned out to be fake and triggered one of the countries' biggest media scandals.
📝A funny at times (the forger story is quite funny), thought provoking (about the new generation learning about the dark past of their country), and the importance of good journalism. It's really well done and as someone who didn't know much about this story, I felt that I learnt quite a bit, enough to read more into it. Check it out.
In UK it is available on Channel 4 app under 'Walter Presents'.
I keep getting impressed by Daniel Donskoy, he is so versatile. His character was really interesting.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 months
Those who control both the propagation and dissemination of moral ideas and the machinery of sanctions — the law and the penal system — are in an unusually strong position to project their own ideas as being the only ones (Terence Morris 1976, 33).
Deviance is a phenomenon which excites much public interest in the press. Accounts of deviant sexual behaviour and desiderata provide the general public with an opportunity to live through a forbidden experience, titillated by all the details and salaciousness, finally condemning the acts. Experiencing deviance in this secondhand manner, the reader has broken no convoluted rules and is afforded the additional pleasure of moral indignation (Pearce 1973). Press accounts of deviant sexual activities (such as baths behaviour), may allow certain tensions to be dealt with and conventionalized, acting to “stretch” the limits of our morals (Douglas 1970; Nettler 1974). However, lest the story be too appealing, the moral message is always clear; the “bad” end miserably, even if they enjoy themselves on the way, and the “normal” who forego gratifications, end well. The underlying message of consenualese is clear:
The rational is pleasurable, is the handsomely rewarded, is the freely chosen, is the meaningful, is the non-deviant; the irrational is the painful, the punished, is the determined, is the meaningless, is the deviant (Young1974, 247).
The media may also play an integral role in the initiating ofdrives against “new” kinds of deviance (Hagan 1977), and in attempts to sustain or “save” a faltering crusade.
Media accounts of the 1981 bath raids again concentrated upon the activities of the Barracks, emphasizing bondage practices, and the “filthy” conditions of the premises. This form of selective reporting represents a strategy of persuasion calculated to offer atypical items or events, which are then presented in a stereotypical fashion contrasted against a backdrop of normality which is overtypical (Young 1971). In this manner, as Halloran et al. (1970) have suggested, crime reporting may treat as highly salient what is, in fact, a peripheral facet of the behaviour, focusing upon immediately visible or dominant symbols. Indeed, what is newsworthy often tends to be the bizarre or untoward, the very unrepresentativeness of the item ensuring that it is reported (Rock 1973).
Through separate accounts (“the other three were steambaths but not the Barracks”), the press led one to conclude that the presence of steam somehow alters the nature of activities within (perhaps it fogs them). A similar form of characterization to promote a separation of gay interests was applied to those who protested police actions and organized rallies. These persons were portrayed as a “lunatic fringe” unrepresentative of the gay community. “Good” gays in this schema seek out sexual gratifications in normal baths (or their homes) and, if arrested, keep quiet. “Bad” gays attend S&M baths and, if arrested, protest.
The cumulative effect of press coverage of the raids was to emphasize what I have termed the “knowledge gap” which allows press and police alike to present their views in a manner which emphasizes their familiarity with the “awful truth”. The implication is that if the public was cognizant of this knowledge, they would not support gays. This gap is not about to be filled by the police, as the public must not only be saved from deviants and deviant temptations, but from exposure to the “truth”. The authorities will deal with the deviants, and so totally fulfill the role of moral crusader, refusing to let the contagion spread, in its fullest form, or in any form other than that which they wish to portray.
The media extended its distorted picture of gay sexuality by concentrating upon a second predominant theme, “the paraphernalia of perversion”; specifically sexual aids, or toys (in gay argot), and various forms of lubricants. Reports stockpiled these items, leaving readers to imagine just how much perversion they could produce. Items seized during the raids included whips and leather bonds, handcuffs, studded thongs, a 40-inch dildo, an enema kit, cricket bat, slides of male pornography, a “vat of cooking grease” (a tin of Crisco), jars of vaseline, and various brands of commercial lubricant.
Since public knowledge [at the time] concerning gay sexuality was limited, the simple listing of various aids without connection to people, may be construed as an attempt to contribute to a highly imaginative “titillation-revulsion” attitude experienced by the unexperienced reader (Jones 1974). The imagination is afforded a great measure of leeway in deciding how two men employ such devices as a 40-inch dildo, and it is the stuff of which ribald party jokes are made (see Morris 1976). However, all of the aids listed in media accounts are readily available to the general public in several Toronto sex shops and the presentation of lubricants such as vaseline, which are utilized by heterosexuals as well as homosexuals, assume a far less sinister tone when reported in the context of a mother applying the preparation to her baby’s bottom."
- Thomas Fleming, "Criminalizing a Marginal Community: the Bawdy House Raids," in Thomas Fleming & L.A. Visano, Deviant Designations: Crime, Law and Deviance in Canada. Toronto: Butterworths, 1983. p. 52-54.
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mightaswellmp3 · 1 month
i feel like this has been my second active scandal to observe from the sidelines and the way misinformation is used as an argument thus causing confusion among international fans who don't know any better is interesting to observe
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wordsmusicandstories · 6 months
Le  donne  del  mio  Vate  –  ☾C☽ 🖋️
Cap 13. Il delitto Murri (6) Due le circostanze che determinano l’enorme clamore e interesse per quel delitto. La prima era la crescente diffusione dei quotidiani, che non si limitavano più a presentare solo gli scarni comunicati rilasciati dalla questura, ma sguinzagliano i loro giornalisti a caccia di notizie sensazionali.L’altra era la presenza di una stampa clerical-reazionaria molto forte,…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 7 months
The Coolgardie Miner lathered him in praise:
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"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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thetimelordbatgirl · 9 months
Girl help, William and Kate stans are actually so desperate to have a win for William they now acting like he somehow got News Of The World shut down for phone hacking when in reality, it was the fact they hacked a murdered girl's phone that led to them having to shut down.
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allantheauthor · 10 months
E-Journal of Nathanlie Eoghan Steward October 11, 2018 “GHOSTS” - Part IV
Brian’s eyes find mine, and he smiles. “That’s why you were rushing into some of those burning buildings. You were trying to rescue these.” “To be honest,” I explain, “I didn’t rush into burning buildings for all of them. A number of those I pulled out of garbage bins, or piles of films that were going to be set on fire. In those cases, I replaced the spools I took with extra copies of other…
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