#next time we will check in with Ace Sabo and Mihawk. and we will see what happens to shanks and Luffy
one-idea · 6 months
Shanks raise ASL part 9
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Luffy made his way to Makino’s bar. It’s was late enough in the morning that the villagers were milling around. When Luffy made it to Party Bar he was almost surprised to not see any members of the Red Hair Pirates in there drinking yet.
“Luffy! What are you doing here so early?” Makino greeted the little boy when she saw him walk in. She was surprised to see Luffy but it wasn’t a bad thing. She was more surprised that he was here without either of his brothers or Shanks with him.
“Morning Makino! Me, Ace, and Sabo went hunting this morning! We wanted to catch something for Shanks and the crew. Did you know we’re going with him!” Luffy told her all about his morning and his plan, full of excitement for the future. He did so without any thought to how Makino would react to him leaving with a group of violent pirates.
Makino to her credit wasn’t to surprised or concerned. While she wished Luffy would wait until he was older to leave, she always knew he and his brothers were too big for their sleepy island. And she knew Shanks would protect the boys with his life, no questions asked, the boys would be as safe on the sea as they could be. Garp won’t agree but he had lost this argument long ago, these three boys were made to be pirates, not marines.
Just then the door to the bar was violently thrown open. A group of rough men walking into the bar. Makino recognized their leader almost immediately.
It was Higuma. He led a rival mountain bandit crew to Dadan’s and he was not fond of Curly Dadan or her family. He also had a hatred for Shanks after the last time the red haired pirate was in town and drank the Party Bar dry. He hadn’t been back since and Makino had hopped it would stay that way.
“I heard those weak pirates are back in town.” Higuma stated as soon as he walked into the bar his men spreading out. “I thought we’d pay them a visit but it seems the weaklings aren’t here yet. All the better I’d hate to kill the red head in here and dirty your floors when he’s not alive to clean them up.”
Makino had moved to try and put herself between the man and Luffy as soon as he entered but she wasn’t quick enough.
“Shanks isn’t weak!” The little seven year old bellowed, drawling the bandit’s eyes right to him. “Don’t you dare mock him and his crew. He could kill you without even trying”
“Oh I remember you, you’re the little brat who hangs around with the pirates.” Higuma stated as he moved closer to the little boy.
“Hey boss, I think I’ve seen him running around with Dadan’s brat as well.” Called out one of the bandits. Makino cursed the man in her mind.
“Curly Dadan huh, well looks like we’ll kill two birds with one stone.” The man said before he back handed Luffy across the face.
“Luffy.” Makino cried out running to the little boy.
“Trash the place boys!” Higuma called out to his men. They cheered and started flipping the tables and breaking the stools.
Makino looked at the destruction occurring and quickly grabbed Luffy. “Luffy lets go.” There was no way they could stop these men.
“No Makino! They can’t do this!” Luffy struggled against her as she tried to get him out of the bar. Higuma saw them trying to escape and blocked their path.
“Now where do you think you’re going?” He asked as he reached for Makino. With a scream Luffy launched himself at the bandit.
“Go get help Makino.” He called as he knocked the bandit over. Makino hated this. Hated the idea of leaving Luffy with these men, but she couldn’t fight them. If she stayed then no one would come to help them. So she ran. Ran as fast as she could to Woop Slap.
Higuma quickly threw Luffy off of him. The little boy landed roughly, groaning as he bounced off the ground. Luffy started to push himself up but wasn’t quick enough to avoid the kick Higuma aimed at his stomach. Yet to Higuma and the bandits’ shock instead of the boy being sent flying by the kick, his body streched with the impact.
“What the?” Higuma cried as Luffy’s body snapped back to normal. He reached down and grabbed Luffy’s cheek stretching it out and letting it snap back into place. “Devil fruit.” He whispered in awe.
“Hey boss we could get a lot of money from selling this kid.” Called out one of the bandits.
“Ya I heard some Celestial Dragons were going to be visiting the island soon. Maybe they’d buy him. I heard they love exotic things.” Another tacked on.
Higuma smirked as he bent down and grabbed Luffy by the neck, picking the struggling boy up. “That’s not a bad idea.” He said as he started to lead the bandits out of the bar.
Luffy tried to struggle out of his grip but nothing was working, so he did the only thing he could think of. He spat at Higuma. The man paused wiping the spit from his face, huffing out a breath of a chuckle. Before he slammed Luffy into the ground. The little boy cried out at the impact. He started to push himself up when Higuma stepped in the boy’s head.
“I’m not going anywhere with you!” Luffy shouted at the bandit.
“You need to watch yourself kid, no one who’s made me mad has lived to tell the horrifying tale.” Higuma said as he reached for his sword.
“Wait stop!” Woop Slap yelled as he and Makino arrived on the scene. “I don’t know what he’s done and I don’t intended to fight you over it. If you accept I’ll even pay you for it but please just spare the poor boy’s life.”
“Mayor!” Luffy called out intent on telling the old man to stop.
“Sorry but this rotten boy’s already made me angry.” Higuma said as he drew his sword.
“You’re the rotten one!” Luffy yell back. Never standing down from a fight.
“And your a lost cause which you can regret in the next life.” Higuma said placing his sword at Luffy’s neck. Both Makino and Woop Slap begged him to stop. But everything stopped when they heard a voice behind them.
“I was wondering why the bar was empty on such a fine day.” While his tone was light and jovial his eyes were hard, trained on Higuma and Luffy. He learned a long time ago to act as though nothing bothered him so that his enemies couldn’t see his weak points, but with a sword at Luffy’s throat it was hard to remember that. “So it’s the mountain bandits again.”
Shanks had been tracking the boy’s haki all morning. He’d noticed when Luffy separated from his brothers, when he crossed paths with Mihawk, and when he ran into the bar. He had also noticed when the multiple dull presences entered the bar after his son had. He didn’t hesitate to get the crew together and head over there. Something was wrong. He knew it. If he was right, hopefully they would get to Luffy in time, and if he was wrong well, drinks on him.
But he wasn’t wrong. This lowlife was back, but this time he had attacked Luffy. He and his men wouldn’t live to see the sunset.
“Shanks.” He heard Luffy gasp out from around the man’s shoe. His fist tightened at the sound wanting to remove this man from his son as quickly as possible. But this was delicate as Luffy was too close to the man. They would have to be careful.
“Pirates, just now showing your heads? Have you spent all this time scrubbing the village?” Higuma taunted but Shanks ignored him. He wasn’t going to rise to a weak man’s bait, especially when said man had a sword tip so close to his son’s neck.
Instead he focused on Luffy. “Luffy didn’t you say earlier that your punches were stronger than pistols?” He made the question light. Luffy’s response would allow him to gauge how hurt his boy was. If Luffy didn’t respond or only grunted then his boy was desperately injured and they’d have to act fast.
“Shut your mouth.” Luffy responded with his regular fire. Good he wasn’t hurt to badly then. Shanks was still going to kill all of these bandits for even trying to hurt him.
Shanks start to calmly walk towards Higuma and Luffy. “Listen I don’t know what you’re doing here but you might want to leave.” Higuma obviously didn’t know who Luffy was to Shanks. Good that would make this far easier if he thought this was a stupid pirate butting in and not a father protecting his son. “You wouldn’t want something bad to happen.” The threat was empty. Shanks could tell, as Higuma’s sword hadn’t moved any closer to Luffy. “And I I have just the man to deliver the message.” Higuma finished his threat as one of his men swung his pistol to be level with Shanks’s head.
Oh. He was trying to threaten Shanks. He was dumber than he looked. But Shanks stopped moving forward with the gun pointed at his head. He wasn’t worried. He was making a point.
“I’ll blow your head off if I have to, but that’s up to you my friend.” The bandit taunted and the men around them laughed. Just as Shanks excepted, all talk. He wondered how many weaker souls had fallen for this bluff. He could see the confident smirk on Higuma’s face and the fear in Luffy’s. This was Luffy’s first time seeing Shanks and his crew in a fight. He understood the boy’s worry, but it was misplaced. After today Luffy would know not to worry in situations like this, would understand men like this were not a threat. Yet a part of Shanks mourned the innocence Luffy was about to lose.
“Would you risk your life?” Shanks asked not looking at the man, but hearing his noise of disbelief. “Now that you’ve drawn your pistol are you willing to use it?”
“What the hell are you talking about?” The man asked in shock. Shanks finally turned to look at the man, his face would be the last this man ever saw. He could see Lucky Roux starting to move.
“I’m saying guns aren’t for threats they’re for actions.” And with that statement, Lucky’s gun went off. The bandit dropping dead.
Shanks kept his head down, silently hoping Luffy could forgive him one day for introducing this violence to him. He knew Luffy had fought before, had rescued him and his brothers from the Bluejam pirates, but killing someone so coldly was different. It was a violence that would have touched his son eventually as they traveled out to sea, but to have it happen in Luffy’s home village felt wrong.
He could hear Makino and Woop Slap’s horrified gasps and Luffy’s shocked breath, but he couldn’t focus on them now.
“You! You’re a dead man!” Cried one of the bandits.
“These guys fight dirty.” Called another.
Shanks could feel his crew moving closer around him, offering strength, if you fought one Red Haired Pirate you fought them all.
“Dirty?” Yasopp asked almost sounding confused and affronted by the word.
“Who did you think you were dealing with?” Benn asked, picking up were Yasopp left off. “We didn’t claim to be saints or anything.” His statement meant for the shocked towns people as much as it was for the bandits.
“You fellows are staring down a crew of pirates.” Shanks said taking in the fear from the men in front of him.
“Shut up!” One called. “We just want the boy not you.” That was the stupidest thing he could have said to Shanks. As if Shanks would ever let them hurt his boy.
“Listen up bandits.” He somehow managed to keep his rage out of his voice, keeping it calm and collected the whole time. “Whether I’m sprayed with alcohol, doused with booze, hell even if I’m spit on, most of the time I’ll just laugh it off and forget about it.” His head snapped up to look Higuma dead in the eye. His voice finally darkening. “But if you hurt a friend of mine, you’ll pay for it regardless of your reason.” It was a true statement, Shanks would set an island a blaze for any of his friends, but for his sons, he’d burn the world.
And this man was still. Touching. His. Kid.
Higuma just laughed. “So we’re going to pay? Lousy pirates kill them all men!” He ordered as all the bandits screamed and rushed forward.
Shanks didn’t move as Benn step forward on his right, his hand already on his gun. “I’ll take care of this. Shouldn’t be a big deal.” Benn didn’t want his captain wasting his time on these lowlifes. Plus they had hurt his nephew, he wasn’t letting them leave here breathing. He drew his gun, his movements were faster than these men could track, lining up his shot and firing. The bandits hadn’t realized one of their own had dropped before his next shot was fired. He decimated the whole gang in under a minute, lining his gun up with Higuma’s head. “You shouldn’t get to cocky. If you really wanted to fight us, looks like a battleship or something bigger would have been more useful.”
The man stood there in fear and shock but Shanks ignored him, his eyes tracking to his son’s slack faces. He was ready for there to be fear in his son’s eyes but instead Luffy was looking at Benn in awe. A quiet “Wow.” Leaving his lips.
Higuma panicked, finally removing his foot from Luffy’s face. “Hold on it was the kid who attacked us.” He cried out.
Shanks wasn’t about to let an adult blame a child for their actions. “I thought you were a wanted man.” This man was dying today.
Higuma, realizing there was nothing he could say to save himself, let out a cry and threw something on the ground. The thing exploded and for a heart stopping second Shanks worried the man decided to blow himself and Luffy up rather than fight them. But then the smoke started billowing out at them at a rapid rate.
“A smoke screen.” He growled. What a coward. When then the smoke cleared Higuma was there, but that was expected. What wasn’t expected was that Luffy was gone to. “Luffy?” Skanks called shocked that his son wasn’t where he last saw him. For a second he hoped the boy would pop out, maybe he ran away from the smoke.
But when that didn’t happen ice filled Shanks veins again. His hand flew to the sides of this head as he yelled out, “Oh no I let that guy take him!” He quickly turned around to face his crew in his panic. One of them had to know what to do. “What are we going to do?!” He screamed looking at Lucky Roux.
“Boss calm down! Stop freaking out we’ll find him in no time.” Lucky Roux tried to reassure him. They all knew just how important Luffy was to Shanks. They also adored the little anchor themselves. They’d spread out and search the whole island for the boy if they had to. Higuma wasn’t getting away from them, and he certainly wasn’t going to take Luffy from them.
The Red Hair Pirates took off to search the town. All eager to be the one to find Higuma and put an end to the man who thought he could take Luffy from them.
Shanks was about to run off as well when Benn grabbed his arm. “Captain I know your worried but,”
“No Benn! I can’t wait I need to find Luffy now!” Shanks head was consumed by worry for his son. He couldn’t believe his first mate would be the one to slow him down.
“And is there anything you can do that might help you find him faster?” Benn said giving his captain a pointed look. It took Shanks a second to understand what his first mate was getting at. Oh, his observation Haki. In his panic he almost forgot. He sent out a wave looking for his boy.
There. He could feel Luffy being taken away from the village, but he wasn’t heading in land. No he was heading out to sea.
“I found them. Come on Benn.” Shanks called as he took off running.
“Right behind you Captain.” Been called as he chased after the younger man.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Ghost!Roger Au is so good, I wonder if other ghosts have decided to talk with Perona as well? Will Rouge also give a shovel talk too?
If Luffy and his crew comes over, will Ace come out and start talking about Luffy in his classic fashion? So many ideas could happen
Perona absolutely talks to many spirits, some kinder than others, and when she learns Buggy can see and talk to them easily, she is absolutely vibrating beyond the physical plane.
Rouge absolutely gives her own shovel talks. Somehow hers is scarier that Roger's. Perona wants to be like granny Rouge one day.
I genuinely believe Perona got Zoro to do a board session with her over the two years, so he knows she has it and can talk to spirits ((and they send letters bc they're siblings send tweet)), so when they all meet up, Buggy is trying - in vain - to escape a rubbery tangled death trap that is supposed to be a hug, and Zoro is staring his not-dad and not-sister with the protective fury of a thousand suns.
It only gets complicated when, between one moment and the next Buggy goes stock still. Perona tilts her head with a hum. The clown just falls over and Luffy is giggling his head off while Mihawk and Crocodile straighten up. The strawhats are watching on warily.
Buggy, still smothered, just goes "Pero-chan, be a dear and pull our your board please. Grandpa is being annoying again."
"Okay mama Bug!"
She proceeds to lay out a comically large board, sets a piece of wood down and nobody even touches the planchet before it's zooming across the board
"Oh my gods"
It's a hot mess honestly and many people are Suspicious of Foul Play, especially because Ace is such a sore spot for Luffy even now, but Lu's smarter than he lets on. He asks for proof that Ace is there.
Luffy bursts into tears. The crews are about to explode. Buggy's still being used as a stuffed animal by a teenage boy.
Luffy babbles about how it IS Ace and yeah Gramps DID kill Kevin and how is this happening and he's sorry and-
"You jerk!!!"
Roger and Rouge get to formally meet Luffy then, and Ace introduces Roger as his 'not as shitty old man', which is high praise.
Hours later, Luffy rests his head against Buggy's shoulder and asks how he knew to ask Pinkie for the board.
"My Haki's not built like everyone else," he says haltingly. "I see.... stuff that isn't really supposed to be seen."
"Magic eyes?"
"Cool.... does.... does Shanks know?"
"About the magic eyes or about Roger?"
"Then yeah. He does. Old Fucker haunts us both"
There's silence for a bit.
Buggy's not sure why he wants to break it, why he wants to say anything. He still does
"Firefist spends a lot of time away from here. He checks on his crewmates, he's said. But he checks on you, too. Came back one time raving mad about some 'blond twink ass' having the audacity to be alive, for some reason. But he watches over you the most, I think."
"Shishishi... yeah. Sabo died when we were kids. But he didn't die! Just got amnesia. He's better now."
"Blond twink"
"Ah. Well. Kid, your life is a fucking drama."
"Yep! It's fun, huh? Thanks, uncle Buggy"
"Don't call me that"
"I'm gonna do it anyway."
Roger and Rouge are watching on warmly. ((Ace would be too if he wasn't currently playing with the bonfire and making Chopper laugh))
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aceopmari · 3 years
If the Straw Hats Had a Reality Show Dedicated to Pirates Headcanon! Ft: Law!
With how infamous the pirate crew gotten, it was only natural that they were soon granted the rights to have their own reality show, like other famous pirates in the Grand Line and the New World.
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Get ready for Keeping Up with the Straw Hats!
Luffy: Whether it was his strength, or his childlike innocence, Luffy was a fan favorite!
He often ignored the producers suggestions to make the show more interesting.
Luffy didn’t like when the producers told him to punch a random person on the street when they were visiting an island.
Was not getting paid, as he owed the producers over 10,000 berris for punching the camera one time in anger, when the director attempted to take his meat away. The director was only making a suggestion for a much healthier diet for the star of the show.
Luffy also skipped out on a lot of confessional sessions. Mainly because he really didn’t have much to hide to begin with. But if he did go, it was mainly to either show appreciation for his crew or to make public declarations:
“Sanji’s cooking the BEST!”
“Do we get free meat with this show?”
“I’m going to kick Mingo’s ass!”
Zoro: The viewers found Zoro amusing! Whether it be him constantly getting lost, or his heated arguments with Sanji. The producers would rush over to him, cameras and all whenever they caught the two together.
Zoro was surprisingly popular with female viewers. They enjoyed watching him sweat whenever he would work out in the crows nest.
Zoro didn’t care about the show really. Just as long as he gets to work out, drink booze, and sleep, he’s good.
The producers always looked forward to his confessionals after he fights with Sanji:
“That damn shitty cook! Just who the hell does he think he is?!”
“That curly brow dumbass is gonna get himself killed one of these days!”
Sanji: Was angry that Zoro was racking in more views from the female viewers than he was!
Why him?! Why not me?!
He kicked the camera man straight in the chin when he told him that Zoro was naturally more popular than he was.
Sanji desperately tried to win over the female viewers by showing off his fighting skills or his culinary expertise.
He was excited when he finally got some fan mail from the fans!
It turned out to be from the okamas though…
If Sanji went to the confessionals, it was usually to cry about why women weren’t interested in him…or to talk shit about Zoro:
“Just what does he have that I don’t on this show?”
“Why aren’t all the beautiful ladies watching me?”
Little did Sanji know, he caught the eyes of Violet and Pudding.
Nami: An absolute slut for the camera! The producers LOVED her!
One couldn’t tell who was using who more. All that mattered was what would bring them more views and more money.
Whenever it was filming time, Nami would purposely wear a bikini without the jeans to draw in the male viewing audience.
Add the extra seductive act she would put on, and nosebleeds would cover millions of transponder snail television screens.
Loved to give tours of the Sunny and show off her designer clothes.
Would parade around the islands, using Momonosuke as an accessory to manipulate the fans into loving her more.
Nami LOVED to take advantage of the fanbase, often subtly asking for gifts mainly money through the fan mail she receives. Next to Robin, she had the most.
Nami became very vain and strict with the crew on how to present themselves for the camera and had to keep members like Luffy in check to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid to cause the show to be cancelled. But just in case, as a backup, she could always start an Only Fans.
One might say that the fame and fortune was getting to her head, as she would purposely start up drama whenever she was out on an island. Would probably steal from a city mayor if it meant she could get the fans taking for weeks.
Whenever she was in the confessionals, it was mainly to complain about Luffy’s or Zoro’s antics.
Would probably shit talk about Robin, although faking it the whole time, to get some drama started:
“Honestly! I wish Luffy would just use some common sense for once!”
“Robin thinks she’s all that! But everyone knows, I’m the prettiest girl on the show!”
“I’ll let you film me in the bath. It’ll cost you 1 million beri!”
Franky: Loved the camera! One sided on the producers part since they didn’t enjoy Franky’s sense of…ahem…style.
He would dance, be loud, or show off his cool body.
If he was in the confessional room, it was to complain openly to the producers on why they did him dirty.
“Hey! I saw last weeks episode! Why did you cut my scene out, bro?!”
Ussop: Although not nearly as popular as Nami, Ussop was interesting enough to get some viewers watching the show, even unintentionally.
Ussop used the show to make himself seem cooler, mainly through the confessionals.
The lies he told caught the attention of viewers worldwide, though very few could sees past his lies.
The producers didn’t care, so long as there were viewers.
“Yes it was I! The Great Captain Ussop who defeated CP9!”
“Wait wait! Cut that out! Cut that scene out! I meant SniperKing!”
Chopper: The Worlds Favorite Cutie Pie!
Choppers looks alone were enough to win the hearts of viewers! Mostly the female reindeer mink.
Combine that with his child like innocence and he’s instantly a popular household name!
On top of that he already has many sponsorships from multiple sweet brands. (Mainly cotton candy ones.)
Choppers pretty shy on camera and often does his usual dance when he’s nervous. The audience eats it up.
He doesn’t gossip. When it comes to confessionals, he’s usually talking about Zoro’s recklessness when it comes to bandages, or Sanji’s nose bleeding habits.
Jimbei: Not particular interested in TV or fame, but used being on TV to his advantage to spread his word and try stop discrimination against fishmen.
The producers found him boring and didn’t look forward to filming him, especially at confessionals…but at the very least, he was able to bring in views due to his former status as a warlord.
Robin: Had many admirers! She enjoyed being on the show. Often is seen on screen on a lavish shopping trip with Nami.
She does her part to make the show more interesting, whether it is be her dark sense of humor or putting her devil fruit powers to good use.
She once used it on a producer when he asked her to do something suggestive for views. After that, the producers never messed with her again, out of fear for their lives.
Not much for confessionals though, except when she’s expressing how amused she is at Luffy’s antics.
She may appeared to be calm and quiet but you better believe that the rumors she would stir up, would get the people talking!
Piers Morgans was having a field day with the headlines:
“Did Cat Burgler Nami Get Breast Implants?!”
“Roronoa Zoro: Honorable Swordsmen or Man Thot?! Gets Caught Sleeping with Wano’s Most Beautiful Woman!”
“Is Monkey D Luffy, Secretly Seeing His Crewmates Sister From the Germa Kingdom?!”
Brook: Fans loved seeing Soul King on screen. In some episodes he’s either playing music or he’s attempting a panty raid in Nani’s room. Which often results in him getting beat up by her every time.
Anything he says in the confessional‘s ends up with his signature laugh.
Law: Made a special guest appearance since starting hiw alliance with Luffy.
You can imagine his look of surprise, when the crew showed up on Punk Hazard with a camera crew and all.
He wasn’t at all interested in being on TV. His famous “I hate bread” made him an instant fan favorite. And meme along the fanbase.
He didn’t like that…
Law hated being followed around by the camera crew on the Thousand Sunny or when he simply just wanted peace. He frequently scolded the producers to stop or told Luffy to call off the cameras, but neither listened.
He only wanted to discuss the alliance plans in private with the crew and didn’t want the producers to catch any of it for the world to see.
As time went on, and Law was getting sucked into the Straw Hat shenanigans. He found himself wandering into the confessional where he would frequently complain about the crew. Mainly the captain.
“Mugiwara-ya will be the death of me…”
“Rorona-ya has no sense of direction…”
“How has the crew survived this long? They don’t ever strategize when it comes to making a plan!”
Viewer Reactions:
Sabo: Enjoys watching his little brother on screen, and always has a good laugh. Koala would often scold him for abandoning his duties to go watch the show.
Hancock: Would briefly abandon her duties as Pirate Empress for the whole day if it meant, she could watch Luffy on screen.
Took up most of his fan mail, and gifts that had meat.
Hancock would be envious of Nami and Robin on her screen, wishing she was their with Luffy.
Mihawk: Reality shows weren’t his usual choice of television entertainment, but he did watch, soley to watch over Zoro’s progress as a swordsmen. He would lie if Perona asked him if he found what he saw the slightest bit amusing.
Ace: He got a kick out watching his little brother on screen. Often laughing at Luffy’s antics. He saw that Luffy’s crew was slowly riding in more views on the reality show The WhiteBeard Pirates had. Ace wasn’t too worried but he knew he had to step it up.
Shanks: Often shaking his head and smiling in amusement at the sight of Luffy on screen. Would sometimes watch the show with Ace as the two spoke fondly of him.
Big Mom: Was furious that Luffy was racking in more views than her crew combined. Everyone used to love Big Mom’s wedding cake special episodes.
Garp: Nearly choked on his crackers at the sight of his crazy grandson invading his screen.
Smoker: If any marine soldier was caught watching, Keeping Up with the Straw Hats, you better believe that he’ll would be raised at HQ. in secret though, he would watch it. Not for entertainment, but more so to study the Straw Hats moves.
Buggy: Screeching out in jealously seeing Straw Hat Luffy was popular enough to be given his own show and not him.
Kid: Was sitting at a bar one night and spat out his drink in anger at the sight of Straw Hat on his screen.
Nearly popped a blood vessel when he saw Law on screen.
“The hell?! Even Trafalgar?! How come those bastards get their own show?!”
Killer remained silent. He knew the reason why the Kid Pirates never picked up the rights to a pirate reality show was because of how scary Kid was.
Dragon: Used the show as a way to keep up with his son. Although in secret, since he didn’t want his army to notice.
Germa 66: Mixed reactions.
“That’s no son of mine.” Judge would say.
Reiju giggled at the sight of the screen. After a mission, she would look forward to watching the show to see her brother.
Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji expressed annoyance and criticized Sanji. Although would never admit that they were each jealous that Sanji got to be on a reality show instead of the Germa Kingdom itself.
Yamato: Wants to be on the show. Not for the fame, but mainly to spread the word and tell the world what a horrible father, Kaido is and spread Oden’s legacy to the world.
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epiphyllous · 5 years
What if: Marine!Luffy (technically)
I feel like a lot of people have touched on the AU if Luffy ever became a marine instead of a pirate, and I really like reading about them! I watched a video on YT that goes into it pretty in depth (check it out here), and I do agree that some of it is very plausable! But it takes away a lot of what I believe is integral to Luffy’s story (asides from the fact Luffy wants to be a pirate).
Honestly, this stemmed because I don't want Luffy to lose most of the integral part of his life-- which is meeting Shanks.
As stated in the video, it due to Shanks’ influence and Garp's absencenthat sets Luffy on the path to becoming a pirate, and I do see why Shanks has to be out of the picture for Luffy to even consider being a marine.
But what if Luffy raised to be a marine but still maintains his integrity that not everyone is bad just because of what they are? And thus we would still see OUR Luffy but Marine, which makes me happy :)
(Feel free to interact and share your thoughts too! I'm just trying to have fun fleshing my thoughts out. ‘tis long post)
Luffy doesn't grow up wanting to be a marine hero like Garp, bc I still maintain that he doesn't want to be a hero. He should still be a free spirit for the most part, but I think his main goal in this AU at first would be strong-- whether it's to be strong for the sake of being strong or to protect other people.
Or maybe he hears and listens to marine stories and learns how they travel through the Grand Line-- all romanticized, btw, but I do believe marines out there who do fight justice (not that Luffy is interested in that aspect at the age of 6) and go on "adventures" as they put it, making Luffy star eyed about the world. Regardless, he isn't off-put by the marine thing and that's the big point. Maybe if Garp hadn't just forced him to be a marine and instead instilled the aspect of adventure and camaraderie, Luffy wouldn't be so resistant.
When Luffy meets Shanks, I think most of the interaction remains, except Luffy's fascination is replaced with curiosity. Doesn't change much, but it does let Luffy still be as fearless as ever in the face of pirates and want to know more about Shanks. Maybe as a child he DID have the mindset that all pirates are bad, so he tries to fight them off much to Shanks' amusement and eventually realizes after interacting with them that not all pirates are bad after all.
"Take me to sea with you!"
"No way! You're too weak! Besides, aren't you afraid of sailing with a bunch of pirates?"
"Shanks is not a bad pirate!"
"So there are good and bad pirates now?"
"Yeah. Good pirates party all the time and have fun. Bad pirates do bad things," is what I'm sure Luffy at age 6 would think for the most part.
And they'd laugh and tease Luffy for being weak, Luffy would cut his eye to prove he's not, and at this point Shanks is more of a role model rather than a pirate role model: he shows what a man should do, how he should protect his friends, and when to stand up for yourself.
And in saving and sacrificing his arm for a Luffy who doesn't want to be a pirate but a marine, it solidifies the theme that it doesn't matter what you are, but who you are that counts.
And that teaching follows Luffy everywhere he goes for his entire journey.
As for the straw hat, I stubbornly refuse that Shanks does not give it Luffy. As we know, the hat plays in a much larger role than being the crown for the next king of pirates. It's evident in the large straw hat in Mariejoa and the significance the Gorosei puts on a symbol like that. Anyhow, I'm not going to go into that much but REGARDLESS, Shanks gives Luffy the straw hat and to return it to him once he becomes a great (read: powerful, impactful, influential) man.
I think a large bump in the road with this theory is that Luffy would have an insanely harder time in his childhood. As a big-mouthed child, he wouldn't shut up about being the next Marine Admiral (best position of power little does he know; Luffy just knows they tend to be the strongest Marines), and knowing Ace who would never EVER want to be a marine because of his influence with Sabo and his upbringing of bandits, this does not fly well. I could probably entertain that Ace could have been a marine because people hated his father so much, but I think his goal of being more than just his father's son really paves a path for him to be a pirate, regardless of other influences.
So if you think Ace hated Luffy before at this point in time, oh boy.
I mean, Luffy can't just DIE, so really the meeting between him, Ace, and Sabo go relatively the same except Ace and Sabo are much more suspicious of Luffy, which doesn’t really bode well for him. But I’m pretty sure, marine or not, even Ace and Sabo wouldn’t abandon Luffy if he refused to rat them out-- or they might even feel even more incensed that Luffy didn’t say anything because he wants to be a marine.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“If I said anything, you wouldn’t be my friend!”
“We’re going to be pirates; you’re going to be a marine-- we’re not even on the same side! We shouldn’t even be friends!”
“But why does that matter?”
And everything goes well, they become brothers, and Sabo “dies.”
And above all, I think this moment is a turning point in Luffy’s life (wow he’s having a lot of revelations as a ten-year-old; poor kid) because now he not only recognizes that not all pirates are bad but also know not all marines are good (because how could they be protecting someone who killed his brother?) and their system has a lot of fixing to do.
Ace has a lot of mixed feelings about this, because his baby brother may want to be a marine, but Sabo died from going against the government-- so what does this mean for their future? But in the end, Luffy is still Luffy, and Ace wouldn’t abandon his brother, especially not when after he announced he wasn’t going to die Luffy declares that he was going to be a Marine and destroy the system from within.
Not really sure how small Luffy would put that in words, but the feeling is already there, and that sets his beginning, seven years later.
Some Straw Hats are not going to be with Luffy, and it’s unfortunate but a must. Some will, like Zoro, who Luffy saves at Shell Town-- and honestly, it might just be easier for him to find Mihawk if he’s part of the Marines-- and Nami, whose mother was a marine and the Arlong Pirates never gave her any reason to like pirates anyhow. There is some sticky business considering Nami’s earned treasure was stolen by the marines, but I’m very sure meeting Luffy would definitely convince her that there are good marines out there.
Many of the Straw Hats would have never been pirates if not for Luffy, asides from Usopp and Brook, who were or had aspirations to be a pirate before. As such, Usopp’s village would be saved by Luffy, but he wouldn’t go be a marine because he’s always wanted to be like his father. Brook would probably go back to Laboon after getting back his shadow on Thriller Bark and Luffy wouldn’t have a musician and the One Piece Universe Beyonce would never be born :(
Tbh, there’s a high chance Chopper wouldn’t join either, considering his father-figure waved a pirate flag, but I wouldn’t put it past Luffy to defend that flag anyways because of its significance to Chopper and the bravery that Dr. Hiruluk conveyed through it. But for the sake of this indulgent AU, lets say he does. :))
Robin though... uhhh being a wanted women makes it pretty difficult for her to join Luffy and considering Enies Lobby and the whole Buster Call deal... probably not. I can see her joining the Revolutionary Army pretty early on as a result though, but Luffy’s choice to save her life would not have changed nor would his impact on her change as well. You know, low key, I kinda want her to hide out on Luffy’s ship for a while and his crew being all “wtf captain, she’s a danger to society; isn’t she a bad person?” and Luffy just shrugs and laughs and tells them it’s okay (his original Straw Hat crew that stuck with him as a marine just smh but they know him too well to think he wouldn’t save Robin otherwise) and to have them decide if she’s a bad person or not themselves.
And EVENTUALLY Robin will be recruited into the Revolutionary Army, maybe in like a intense, “You have to go Robin, because even I can’t save you if you stay” sorta deal. (This could also be a chance for Luffy to meet Sabo, but that’s like a whole ‘nother can of worms.)
So Enies Lobby doesn’t happen. Franky doesn’t join either :/ And I don’t see Jimbei becoming a pirate after all the shit that’s happened to him and his bros, and honestly I just ever see him as being a marine, no matter how much he admires Luffy. Maybe they’d be buddies when he’s a Warlord though :))
So Alabasta-- Vivi gets to save her country with actual marine support aka Luffy. He works together with Smoker (heehee!) and Tashigi (god I would die for the interactions between her and Marine!Zoro) and kicks Crocodile’s butt regardless of his title as Warlord. Luffy calls it as he sees it, and violent dictatorship and mistreatment of his friends is a BIG no-no, maybe especially as marine who upholds goodness.
He gets promoted and gets the credit he deserves, though he’s too busy chomping down on food to even notice.
Vivi stays with her people, and they leave.
Meeting Ace during the Alabasta arc would have taken a little more secrecy-- or maybe Ace goes undercover for a brief period of time like Oda drew him a while back; wouldn’t put it past him to meet his little brother while he chases after Blackbeard.
Oh wait, would Sky Island even happen??? Honestly, who knows, but if he fights Bellamy, it would just ruin his redemption arc during Dressrosa bc wouldn’t Luffy just capture him?? or maybe he just punches him and that’s punishment enough who knows I didn’t think about this part in particular
BUT MARINEFORD. oh marineford
You see, I think as a marine, Luffy is completely different from Garp from the fact that he would NEVER put his job over his family. Luffy has already had one brother die, and he isn’t going to let another die if he can help it.
So what does that leave us? Maybe a prison break? Maybe going behind the scenes (as per Nami’s suggestion and implementation bc Luffy can’t be subtle for shit) to rig the execution and fuck up the cannons.
But the real mega problem here, is if Ace dies, I don’t know if Luffy can be a marine anymore, and that’s a big problem. Or maybe in having his brother die in his arms, despite trying to help him escape, will incite him to challenge the system and destroy corruption once and for all. (Demotion be damned.) But when Sabo finds out Luffy let Ace die in front of him, I think the connotations would change with their reunion since Luffy is a marine and thus still, regardless of who Luffy is, “on the other team.”
In fact, the existence of the Marineford Arc makes it extremely difficult for Luffy to continue being a marine, so honestly, at this point, even though it goes against the entire Marine!Luffy AU, I think Luffy could just go rogue, like he was always meant to be in the original One Piece timeline. So maybe it’s a full-circle to Luffy being what he was meant to. Who knowssss but that’s all I’ve got.
Let me know what you think!! If you read this far haha I’m always down to talk about Luffy bc I love him sm.
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foxboymyles · 5 years
Pardon My Imprudence [Chp 4]
Note: Last Chapter for today :)
Zoro and Luffy started to walk out the door. The weather was pretty cold, with a slight breeze outside. The sun was just about to set. Luffy held Zoro’s hand with a smile on his face.
“Say, I saw a cool plush! It was a lion, but he had this mane that looked like the sun or somethin’” Luffy said.
“Oh? Nice. When was this?” Zoro asked.
Luffy stopped, all of a sudden. Zoro asked what was wrong, and he pointed at a weak dog on the sidewalk. It looked like it was a Jack Russell terrier, but he was really dirty and scrawny, as you could see his bones from the skin. Luffy walked towards it. He pet it gently as it slowly wagged its tail.
“He must be homeless. ‘Looks like he’s starving, too!” Luffy said, worried.
“Ice cream’s not that expensive. We should spend some on getting him some food.” Zoro added.
Luffy brightly grinned and jumped on Zoro. He repeatedly said thank you while kissing his cheek multiple times. Zoro blushed and with gentle hands, took Luffy off of him. Luffy picked up the scared dog and went to a dog store. They bought 8 dollars of dog food and a dog leash. Luffy gave the dog a handful of kebble, and like he expected, the dog ate it all in a whole gulp. Luffy put the dog on a leash, as the dog wagged his tail up and panted excitedly. He smiled and realized that he saved a life. Once Zoro and Luffy got their ice cream, they went home and Zoro took a rest on the couch. It was 9:00 PM now. Luffy filled a bowl up with pebble food as the dog rushed to it and chomped it. It was the right time to pour water into a bowl as well. Luffy gazed at the dog and grinned. Ace came downstairs with Sabo, and his eyes open wider than space.
“YOU BOUGHT A DOG WITH 20 DOLLARS?!?” He exclaimed.
Luffy shook his head.”I bought his stuff with 10 dollars. The doggie was free.”
Zoro blushed and chuckled when Luffy said ‘doggie’. Ace blushed and gave a big sigh.
“You’re gonna have to ask Shanks about this.”
“Oh, I already know,” Shanks said, appearing from out of the kitchen.
“I think it’s great. We’ve never had a family dog. All we need to do is find out if he’s had any of his shots.”
Luffy grinned and agreed with Shanks, petting the pup as it licked his face.
“I could pay for some of it if you’d want me to.” Said Zoro
Shanks was hesitant. “No no no, it’s quite alright. I can pay for it myself.”
“No, I insist. It’s the least I could do.” Zoro said.
“You don’t need to prove yourself. You already did. Ace can agree.” Shanks said, smiling.
Zoro stared for a while, then started petting the dog with Luffy.
“What should his name be?” Asked Sabo.
“ChouChou!” Luffy responded.
Shanks laughed and got his phone from the counter.
“Well, you kids can go to bed now,” Shanks said.
Zoro was about to get his stuff when Shanks interrupted him.
“You don’t have to leave, you know. Stay for the night.” Shanks said, dialing the number for Mihawk. “I’ll just call your father and tell him you’re sleeping over here.”
Zoro nodded and grabbed his stuff. He went upstairs to Luffy’s room and laid them down by the bed. Looking around, he observed the blue covered sheets and the starry night light that shined upon the dimly lighted room. There were shelves of boxing trophies and bottled miniature ships. There were a few clothes on the floor, his hamper barely hanging onto the pants he tossed in it. Looking in his drawers he found piles and piles of pirate and Tony Tony Chopper comics. Then there was the sock drawer. Zoro blushed and slowly opened what he assumed would be his underwear drawer. It was then that he slammed the drawer closed.
“Zoro! Whatcha doin’?” Luffy asked, innocently.
“Ah, nothing important. I was just looking at your room.” Said Zoro.
“Oh! It looks cool, doesn’t it?” Luffy said. “I have something I saved for you, too!”
Luffy got a fluffy teddy bear from under his bed and handed it to Zoro. They both sat on his bed.
“I got this when Shanks adopted me. I think you should have it, though.” Luffy said, blushing.
Zoro grabbed it gently and looked up at him.
“Are you sure you want to give me this?” Zoro asked.
Luffy nodded and told him to close his eyes. He leaned into Zoro and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Gradually, the slow soft kisses got faster. Zoro held his waist as Luffy rested his weight on him.
Ace opened the door, and Luffy pulled up the covers to the bed.
“Hey, I just needed that fly swatter you ha-” Ace said, only to look at Luffy struggling to not keep it obvious.
But it was definitely obvious. Ace quickly got the fly swatter, with a short thanks and a hot freckled face, and the door was shut. Zoro gave Luffy a long kiss back. Luffy rested his head on Zoro’s chest. He felt the warm vibrations as Zoro’s chest rose and fell.
“That was almost better than food,” Luffy said, cutely.
Zoro kissed him on the cheek. “Am I better than food?” Zoro asked.
Luffy looked up at him. “Yeah.” The teen gave Zoro a peck on the nose. Zoro chuckled and ran his hand through Luffy’s hair.
“ ‘Love you, Zoro.”
“I love you too,” Zoro replied.
It was getting late, and Luffy’s eyes felt droopy. Zoro was already fast asleep. The sky was lit in a dark blue, with the most beautiful stars. The silhouette of a tree stood out in the middle. The candle in the room dimly lit the space and shaded Zoro’s face in warm colors. Luffy’s eyes twinkled at the scene, from the stars that lit in the sky brightly. All at once, he seemed content. His eyes closed.
The next morning was bright. Too bright, Zoro thought. He grumbled angrily at the alarm clock and slapped the off button. Zoro shook Luffy, but he had no success of waking him up. Then, getting his surprisingly still cold-water bottle and poured in all over him. Luffy gasped awake and wriggled around. As soon as he realized what was going on, he hit Zoro in the arm.
“Stupid! I could have wakened up myself, ya know!” Luffy shouted.
“Yeah, sure,” Zoro said, getting his pants and baggy shirt on.
Luffy whipped something out of his closet and put it on. He had on blue shorts and a red tank top, put on his sandals, and waited for Zoro to put on his shoes. He laid on his stomach on the bed, both hands squishing his cheeks and his legs kicking slowly. For a moment he was looking at Zoro’s face. His tan skin and sharp eyes, up to his mint green hair. Zoro turned to look at Luffy once he realized Luffy was staring at him.
“Great, now you got me staring. Did you know you have huge eyes?” Zoro said.
“Is that somethin’ to make me mad?” Luffy replied, annoyed.
“No. I just look at you and I can see galaxies in them. Your eyes are- kinda pretty.” Zoro admitted.
“I’m not pretty! I’m a man!” Luffy shouted defensively while blushing.
Zoro walked passed him and opened the door. “I’m just saying your eyes look pretty. But sure, I guess you are pretty.”
“You’re just trying to taunt me, I know it! Let’s fight! Right now!” Luffy angrily shouted, following him down the stairs.
“Wow Luffy, even when you’re mad you’re beautiful,” Zoro said, jokingly.
“Beautiful?!? Bu- stop calling me that! It sounds girly!” Luffy yelled, even redder.
Sabo was up making pancakes. What was surprising is that Ace, Luffy’s usually sleepy and lazy brother, was up with an average look on his face. Sabo quickly got his suitcase and took off his apron. He wore a dress shirt and pants, with shiny black shoes. He was gathering his things out the door whilst Luffy was getting down the stairs.
“I have to go visit Koala now. She’s expecting me to get the storyboard in by today.” Sabo mumbled to Ace.
“Isn’t this your guys’-what- 4th anniversary?” Ace asked, helping Sabo.
Sabo turned to the tiny gift on the counter and grabbed it. He said a short thanks and hugged Luffy from the stairs. After that, the door shut faster than 3 seconds later. Luffy sat down on the couch.
“Sabo has a girlfriend?” Zoro asked.
“Yep. They’ve been together since they were 13.” Ace answered.
“Why don’t you guys go to our school?”
“We go to a private school. Guess it’s just because Shanks wants us to stay serious with want we want to accomplish.” Ace said.
Zoro frowned thinking of Mihawk’s plans for his education. Even if Zoro got good grades, he doesn’t know that he’ll take him to a private school or not.
“You ok, Zoro?” Luffy asked, his hand touching Zoro’s.
Zoro nodded, grabbing and kissing Luffy’s hand. Ace turned after hearing footsteps. Shanks was making his way down the stairs, with his watch in his hand.
“Ace, you gotta come with me,” Shanks said, hurryingly.
Ace raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“It’s Makino. She’s not feeling great.” Shanks responded.
“Makino? Why can’t I go?” Luffy asked.
“You have to take care of ChouChou,” Shanks said, as Ace raced after Shanks through the door.
There was a slam. Luffy huffed and laid his head in Zoro’s lap.
“Who’s Makino?” Zoro asked.
“She’s kinda like our mother. She’s really close to Shanks and she’s taught us a bunch of stuff.”
Luffy laughed. “The funny thing is that Shanks and she haven't started dating yet.”
“Well, maybe they're not sure if they're ready for it. It's better to be friends with someone a while before going into that.” Zoro said.
“That's true…” Luffy said. He extended his arm out to pet ChouChou. ChouChou barked, then licked all around Luffy’s hand.
“Hey, that tickles a little bit!” He said, laughing. Zoro smiled at his joyful face and laid his head on the armchair. Until there was a knock. Then murmuring. Luffy got the door and stood up, while the dog barked loudly.
“Hiii, Luffy!” Nami said, cheerfully with Usopp and Chopper behind her.
“Oh hi, Nami. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to check in with you goof-offs. Also..” Nami sat down and looked at the two, while Usopp and Chopper turned on the tv to watch a cartoon. “I wanted to know if you guys would like to come with us to prom? It’ll be really fun.”
“Prom? I’ve heard of that but I never been to it.” Luffy said, curiously. Zoro looked at Nami and nodded.
“We’ll be there.”
“Sweet!” Nami said, happily. “It’s in a month so no rush, but it wouldn’t be as fun without you dorks.” She smiled and turned to Usopp and Chopper. “Hey what are you both up to?”
Luffy looked at Zoro. “Is your dad going to be upset you’re still here?”
“Who knows but that doesn’t really bother me,” Zoro answered. ChouChou jumped into his lap. 
“Do you and Ace get along now?” Luffy asked.
Zoro nodded. “Yeah. He’s a little secretive though. I don’t exactly know how he actually is.”
Luffy smiled. “He’s really cool once you get to know him. He always sticks up for me and Sabo. Just gets moods sometimes.”
Nami added. “He’s pretty cute!”
Zoro rolled his eyes. “Of course you say that.”
“Hey! It’s just my opinion.” Nami replied.
“What about Sanji?” Usopp asked Nami.
“Uh, I don’t know.” She said, quietly. That part of the discussion was stopped subtly by Nami. It looked like she was unsure about that part of her relationships, to Zoro. Luffy doesn’t really pay attention to that stuff, so if he asked him, he wouldn’t really have any interesting input about it. 
“Chopper, that’s cheating!” Usopp said, furiously mashing his controller.
“Nuh uh, I just know how to play the game.” Chopper replied. “X Triangle X does a huge combo. You just didn’t know!”
Usopp gasped. “Ehhhh!?! Well, thanks for sharing your method!”
They hung out together for an hour or so, until Sabo came back home. He hung up his jacket and looked around.
“Hi guys. Looks like a full party here.” Sabo remarked.
“Hey Sabo!” Luffy said, walking up to him and hugging him tightly. “How was it with Koala?”
“It was great! We went to a restaurant. I think you’ll like to go there someday.” Sabo continued. “It’s a sandwich place and they add all different kinds of meat.”
Luffy’s eyes lit up. “That sounds like heaven.” He said as Sabo laughed. He turned and hugged Zoro gently. 
“Hey, Zoro. How’s your day been?”
“Pretty good. Seems like you had fun.”
“Hi Sabo!” Usopp and Chopper said in unison. He greeted them back with the same enthusiasm. Then hugged Nami and smiled.
“Hi, Nami. How have things been?”
“They’ve been ok, I guess.” Nami quietly said. Sabo frowned. Lately, she’s looked like she’s not in the mood.
“Wanna chat outside for a minute? You seem sad.” Sabo replied. Nami nodded and walked outside to their backyard. She sat in one of their benches and crossed her legs. Sabo sat next to her, trying not to bother her as best as he could. Ever since Luffy had been Nami’s friend, Sabo has always been the person she talked to for help. Nami’s past wasn’t so great. Her mother died from gang members and her eldest sister is now taking care of her. She is especially very to herself, so at least one person she could vent to always made her mental health a lot easier to deal with. Since Sabo is her elder and his personality was warm and welcoming, it was very easy to open up to him.
“I think I like Sanji, but he’s not making it easy for me to do that.” Nami murmured.
“Why is that?” Sabo asked.
“He’s always talking about how he loves women so much. That’s ok but he’s just- I don’t know, obsessive. I’m not sure how I will deal with that if I get together with him.”
Sabo put a reassuring hand on Nami’s shoulder and looked her in the eye. “Tell him it bothers you. If you’re not ready to confess those types of feelings, then don’t do it yet. But if you observe his character afterward I’m sure it will lead you to your answer.” Sabo looked up. “But even if he’s not the right one for you, you are such a pretty and amazing girl. You are so strong, too. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.”
Nami hugged him and smiled. “Thank you.” She felt a lot brighter now. It made Sabo feel like he did a good job. “I’m gonna go back now. Are you making anything?”
“Luffy wants Nachos for dinner, so I’ll start prepping that.”
“Oh, alright. Also, tell Ace I left him a present on his desk. I forgot to get him a birthday present last year, so I felt bad.” Nami said, leaving the sliding door open for Sabo to come in.
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (gocha!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone is ready for flowers and sunshine. Spring is coming soon. Be ready to feel the glee moment. Since the season of sunshine is approaching, more awesome stuff is coming up so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapters was disastrous. Orochi is still infuriated with Komurasaki for slapping him and not allowing him to punish cute Otoko-chan. Looks like he ate a zoan type fruit known as the snake-snake fruit, model: nine-headed dragon snake. Anyway, he demanded the brave, lovely geisha to bow her to apologize and that he would lighten her punishment. Same answer: she refused. The anger grew; one of his heads attacked a party guest and then snatched her with his slimy mouth. Everyone was in panic to see her at his jaws. The Oniwaban ninjas then showed up in time. One the guests asked a ninja name Daikoku to save the courtesan, but he says that he’s in liberty to do what he wants. Poor Otoko-chan screams for her sister’s life. She begged Robin to save her, but she’s so busy protecting her. Then, other Oniwaban members ran as they were chased by Brook’s spirit and made poor Otoko-chan passed out. Meanwhile, Shinobu and Nami are inside the ceiling ready to save Robin, but were discovered by one of the Oniwaban members, Hanzo. He recognized Shinobu, but insulted her when he remembers her good looks. Hearing that made her upset and used her the “Killer-Man” jutsu to hit his precious below. (you should know what it is). She then made the ceiling collapse and injured Orochi. Komurasaki was freed, but then is confronted by the deviant Kyoshiro as he slashed her in one blow. Everyone freaked out to see her dead, even the girls and the ninjas. Orochi got enraged with Kyoshiro as he never commanded to kill her, but he reminded him that it was a mercy killing for rebelling against him. The guests were utterly shocked at his behavior, but ignored their criticism as he pulled out the time symbol that was handed out by Kinemon. EH? Could he be one of the samurai protectors of the Kozuki clan? Orochi shed tears to see the beautiful courtesan he loved dead at his feet. His rage grew even more as he chased Robin w/ Otoko-chan, but luckily, Nami came to the rescue and summoned Zeus to shock the shogun. At the end, the next day at Leftover town, Big Mom is a guest at O-Tsuru’s house enjoying some traditional sweets while Chopper and the others are trying to leave, but worried that her memory could come around. Only nine days until the rebellion. Can everyone still keep a low-profile until the time? Or will all their efforts of planning be wasted? What truth lies behind Kyoshiro and Komurasaki? Are they members of the Kozuki clan? GAH! So many questions! Don’t miss it this week! Next, this past weekend’s episode was a blast. Sanji’s siblings came to his aid as all the Big Mom pirates came on and on to kill Sanji and Luffy. At shore, just when Nami and the others are cornered, Judge and his fleet came to their aid and attacked all the tart ship fleets. Back in town, all the members urge to kill our heroes as Brulee tell everyone to not let Luffy escaped as she yelled to everyone that he defeated Katakuri. The news shocked them to hear that their strongest member of the family has been defeated. Hearing this news enraged all the members, especially Oven as he chased our heroes ready to burn them to death. However, his siblings all came to his rescues sending him off to shore one by one. At the end, Reiju to his aid as she looks at the boys for the last time and tells Sanji to move forward and cherish his friends. She sends him off and the boys finally reached Sunny. Next time, the gang are still in a pinch while Bege prepares to leave the cake for Big Mom to devour. A final miracle approaches as the Sun pirates will appear. Don’t miss it! Now on with the goods. First off, look who’s here! Tongari-san. Wanna know his real name? It’s Chou-rou! We’ll still call him by his pen name. Anyway, what brought you here, my friend? Tongari-san says that more fun stull is happening at the tower. First off, we got major birthdays coming up. Yup! A chef, a cyborg, and a revolution man. Yup, it’s none other than Sanji, Franky, and Sabo. The tower will be selling awesome goods of them. First, they have loads of Sanji b-day goods. First, they’ll have his birthday button acrylic key holder, and stickers. Next, more new café goods. They’re selling these coffee pouches excellent for a morning or any drink. There’s 5 bags. Next, these wonderful iphone cases for XS or X. Lastly, this wonderful t-shirt with many of his mottos written. If you buy goods over 3000 yen, you’ll receive his birthday poster, and if you visit the tower made a 1000 yen purchase, you’ll get a free bromide card of him. For Franky, for now, they have the button and acrylic key holder. Bromide card and poster image of him and Sabo (including his goods) will be posted soon. Next, more spring goods. They’ll be selling of course, acrylic figurine stands of all 12 characters, a colorful double side folder, coasters, a can of candy, a set of hand towels, & a tapestry. They’ll also be holding a stamp campaign. Rules are you must shop for goods over 1500 yen. Get a stamp first from the store downstairs, and same thing at the Tongari shop. You must shop at both stores in order to get the sticker. It will be in random package. Next, during the anniversary week, they’ll be having a photo greet of the Straw Hats and talk show event with the actors. Don’t forget that March 16 will be a live concert with the big stars, Kitadani Hiroshi-san & Otsuki Maki-san. Rules for live show will be announced soon. Also, Tongari’s birthday is also in March. It will be on the 13th. On that day, guests will be given a free flower greeting card so you can write a birthday message to the loveable Tongari-san. GUA! BOYS! We gotta celebrate BIG! Next, FIGURINES! FIGURINES! Loads of new ones! First, all arcades will be stocking this new Sweet Style Pirates of Nami wearing Chopper’s outfit in dark and pastel color. Think you got what it takes to win this? Shut it and beat that crane. Next, A bit early, but check out the Ichiban Kuji! Theme is the Wano arc. Prize A & B will be figurine of Luffytaro and Zorojuro. Prize C will be ukyo-e board image, & prize D will be a sakura glass cup. You’ll also get a chance to win another color version figurine of Luffytaro & Zorojuro. It will commence in July. Next, another early Ichiban Kuji. Title is The Greatest: 20th anniversary. From Prize A to E are figurines of Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Law, and Sabo.  Prize F to H are plates designs, glass cup of the Straw Hats, and colorful board frames. You’ll also get a chance to win either new color versions figurine of Luffy. It will be released on April 26th. Next, more birthday goods of Sanji & Franky. They’ll sell birthday buttons and acrylic figurine stand. If you purchase over 1000 yen, you’ll get two free mini posters. Moving on, next month, they’ll be selling these new awesome goods such as these neck straps of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Ace & Law, this cool jersey shirt of the Straw Hat jolly roger, and these square can badges of the wanted posters of the Straw Hats, the warlords Mihawk, Doflamingo, and Crocodile, Ace, Law, and Sabo. All will be released during March. No known date, but the anime shop, amiami, will have details. Next, Jump shops and Straw Hat stores will be selling birthday buttons of Sanji, Franky, and Sabo. A better image will be released soon. This is the best one I could find. Last, but not least, here is the new cover of vol.92 that has Luffy with Kid, Kaido as a dragon, the courtesan Komurasaki and her cute sis, Otoko-chan, and the gang with surprised faces. It will be released on March 4th. Well, that’s all we got for now. Oh, tragic news everyone. I forgot to mention it last time. Voice actor of Whitebeard, Arimoto Kinryuu-san, passed away last week due to his cancer in his stomach. It was a long battle, but the great oyaji has gone to the sky to enjoy sake with Roger. He passed on before his birthday. It truly is a sad news to bear, but we must honor his memory and carry on with the story like he would have want us. Well, that’s all we got. Tune in next week for more news and events. Special thanks to Tongari-san. We’ll be ready for your big day! Boys, let’s call it a night.
 Tower anniversary: https://onepiecetower.tokyo/sp/4th_anniv/
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
sabo has a free weekend, but marco and ace have to work.
“It’s been ages since it was just the two of us.” Koala cheered bringing Sabo in for a side hug as soon as he gets off the bus. She must have been waiting for him since she came in her own car. 
The blond returned the gestured a wide smile on his face. 
“I know it’s been a while. I’ve been looking towards this weekend for weeks” Sabo laughs. “I’m ready for some fun in the sun with my best friend.” 
They pull apart to pick up their bags. All around them people rushed to and forth making their ways to the check in or the other activities the resort had to offer them. 
“How are Ace and Marco?” Koala asks pulling along her rolling suitcase. Sabo looks down at her, his strap bag thrown over his shoulder carelessly. She rolls her eyes at the action much to his amusement.
It’s nice to know he’s taller.
“Thier good. Ace just got a new business deal that can really help WHitebeard Co. I think they might promote him to Second Commander soon.” He beams with pride. 
His husbands are so hard working and every time they do something great Sabo feels like gushing to anyone and everyone.  “And Marco’s almost done with his book!”
Koala grins “Great. Tell him to send it to me so I can publish it.”
The blond nods then quirk an eyebrow at her  “How’s editing for that Mihawk guy going? Still, refuses to change the fight scenes?”
“Agh don’t even get me started.” She sighs rubbing her forehead like she’s fighting off a head ache. “The only editor that man is willing to listen to is Shanks. And Shanks thinks the book needs more fight scenes so he’s no big help.”
Sabo pats her arm. “Men love fight scenes sweetheart but I’m sure you can crack him.Just throw at him that you shall not win glare. “
“You bet I will. But enough about work. We got a whole weekend to just hang out like the good old days and I am so ready to hit the pool. Let’s go check in.” The girl chirps looping her arm into his. “And you can bet I’m going to drill you on your love life doll.”
“Don’t call me doll” Sabo rebukes but there is humor lingering in the corner of his mouth. He adjusts the bag on his shoulder before giving her a smirk “Especially since I’m the only one with a love life.”
“Oh, you wound me.” Koala laughs throwing her free hand on her forehead in an over dramatic display of swooning.  “I was hoping you wouldn’t go for such a low blow but alas my trust has been betrayed.” 
“A true shame.” The blond hums just as they make it to the front desk. The male clerk is softly smiling at them- probably believes they are a couple. He smiles politely at him even though he is rolling his eyes on the inside.
“Welcome to Revolutionary Resort. How can I help you?” He chirps a happy little thing. Koala stiffens next to him. Glancing down from the corner of his eye Sabo smirks at her red face.
Oh ho?
“We’re here to check in. We booked the room online.” Sabo answers since Koala is being useless. “Under the name Sabo Portgas.” 
“Certainly sir. Can I see some ID?” The man asks, moving so that his name tag is visible. Coby huh? Cute.
“Sure can.” He says pulling out his wallet. “Do you need one from both of us?”
The young man blinks up at him- and a small part of him melts. He can see the appeal of this cutie.  “No sir just one.”
Once they finished with the check in the pair walks off. Sabo swears to himself to be a great wingman this weekend as Koala keeps glancing back at the clerk.
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one-idea · 7 months
Shanks raises ASL part 8
First - Previous - Next
The next morning was chaotic. But that’s normal for the Red force. What isn’t normal is the three little boys already causing havoc.
Apparently they had awakened before Shanks or Mihawk. The two falling asleep cuddled up in their chair. Ace awoke to find Sabo already up. His blond brother pointed to the two sleeping men and put a finger over his lips, telling Ace to be quiet. Ace nodded along, he wanted some time with his brothers before having to face both adults.
Together they woke Luffy. As soon as he made eye contact with Ace he started to cry. Ace quickly placed a hand over his little brother’s mouth. “Listen I’m sorry about what I said yesterday. I didn’t mean it. I don’t hate you.” He whispered quickly before jerking his head up towards the two adults. Luffy following his motion with his eyes to see Shanks and Mihawk still asleep. “Let’s talk about it outside.”
Ace corralled a blubbering Luffy out of the room as quietly as possible. He felt a lot better about the situation after his talk with Shanks, but he was still raw from it, and he had a lot to process through. So he went back to what he knew. Taking care of his brothers.
First things first. Food. Luffy was already excited about it and moving towards were he knew the kitchen was but Ace stopped him. “That’s not our food idiot.”
“But Shanks said we were part of the crew. That mean it’s our ship to.” Luffy whined back. Ace flinched at it. While he knew Shanks wanted all of them he was still getting used to the idea of this being home.
Sabo seeing his brother’s flinch stepped in. “Why don’t we go hunting? We can bring it back for the crew. Pull our weight you know?” Sabo could see Ace’s shoulder easy at the idea of getting some space. While Luffy lit up at the idea of pulling his weight in the crew. The little boy literally bouncing around, and that was still so weird. But Sabo ignored it for now, because he had a different mission in mind. He had been worried about Ace since last night, but had fallen asleep before his brother’s return. He had yet to check in with Ace and question what had happened the prior night.
Besides Luffy excitedly hugging Ace this morning and crying over the fact Ace was back, they hadn’t talked about what had happened or been said the prior night. Sabo wanted answers. As badly as he might want to go with Shanks, to leave this island and his noble life behind forever, he wouldn’t go without Ace.
So the three boys set off leaving the boat and the village. As the went Sabo tried to start up a conversation a few times but kept getting shushed by Ace, claiming he heard something. Sabo knew he was full of crap but let it slide for now. After successfully hunting a tiger, Sabo had had enough.
“Hey Luffy I forgot to bring a knife with us. Can you go ask Makino if we can barrow one so we can skin this?” Sabo requested of their youngest brother. Luffy was always excited to help, and Sabo would feel bad for tricking him later but for now he had a mission.
As Luffy bounded away, and again that was still super weird, Sabo found on Ace. “Alright spill, what happened last night.”
“Nothing you need to worry about.” Ace immediately grew defensive. Sabo was going to call him an idiot once he finds out what Ace told Shanks. Sure it ended well but it was still a major risk.
“Listen normally I wouldn’t push, but Luffy’s not going to be gone forever, so if something bad happened you need to tell me now.” Sabo hoped nothing bad happened. That last night was just Ace lashing out at the idea of them being separated, but Ace was acting weird all morning. If something bad happened between him and Shanks, Sabo needed to know. He had to come up with a plan to tell Luffy that his hero/dad hurt Ace. Ace mumbled something that Sabo didn’t catch, “come again?”
“I told him okay!” Ace snapped at him.
And Sabo’s world stopped. There is only one thing Ace could be talking about. “Why?!” Ace couldn’t be that stupid.
“I don’t know okay.” Ace yelled back, apparently he was that stupid. “He was talking about how he wanted all three of us to join his crew. That he wanted me. And I just- told him? I don’t know why?” Ace was still freaking out.
Sabo seeing his brother having a breakdown didn’t know if he wanted the answer to his next question but he asked any way. “And what did he say?” If Shanks said anything bad about Ace it was over. Sabo wouldn’t sail with someone who hated his brother just because he was born. Ace deserved better than that.
Ace paused. He took in a big breath before squaring his shoulders to face his blond brother. Sabo tensed waiting for the worst. “He told me he was on Roger’s crew.”
“He what?!!” Sabo’s yell was loud enough to startled the birds for miles
Meanwhile back on the Red force Shanks was finally awake. Sleeping in a chair wasn’t his smartest decision but it was never a bad thing to wake up in Mihawk’s arms. He looked over to the bed to check on the boys, only to panic.
The boys were gone.
Shanks scrambled out of Mihawk’s lap, jostling his lover awake. “Shanks out of all the ways you could have disturbed my rest-”
“The boys are gone” Shanks interrupted his. He knew Mihawk hated being abruptly awoken, almost as much as he hated to be interrupted, but right now Shabks didn’t care. The boys were gone.
He was out the door of the cabin in just a few moments hoping the boys were on the deck, but they weren’t. This couldn’t be. He thought his talk with Ace went well last night. Was he wrong? Did Ace grab his brothers and run. Shanks wouldn’t force them to be a part of his crew, but it hurt to think they would leave without a goodbye. Surly Luffy, his little anchor would say goodbye.
Mihawk came up behind him and rested a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure they’re fine.” He tried to reassure Shanks but this was never his strong suit. He was always and action over words person, but he wasn’t sure what action to take right now.
“Morning captain.” Lucky Roux called out to them. He was about to say something about breakfast when he caught the worried look on his captains face. Luckily he had a good idea about why his captain was upset. “If you’re looking for the boys they went hunting this morning.”
“What?” Shanks turned to look at his cook, giving him his full attention.
“Ya, I over heard them this morning discussing breakfast. I was about to offer them some but Sabo wanted to hunting for the crew. They were all so excited about it, I didn’t want to stop them. It’s cute how they already want to help out in what ever way they can.” He explained the discussion he had heard the boys have this morning.
Shanks relaxed a little bit now that he knew why they boys weren’t on the ship. Though he did wished that they told him they were leaving, he couldn’t be mad at their intentions. He quickly stretched out his observation Haki to search the island for the boys. He found the quickly, but they were pretty far in land. Though it seemed Luffy was on his way back.
“I’ll go check on them.” Mihawk told him with a firm squeeze to his shoulder. “If they’re hunting I would like to see their skill.” Mihawk turned and gave Shanks a pointed look. While it was true he had wanted to see the boys skill level with their pipes (a ridiculous weapon to be sure) after all he would like to see if their was any skill there at all that he might be able to train up. He also knew Shanks was still bone dead weary after last night. Roger’s memory always left him so, and knowing who Ace was would just make his lover more protective over the boys. He wanted to give his lover the opportunity to rest, something he wouldn’t do without knowing the boys were safe.
Shanks was going to argue but knew it was pointless to fight with Mihawk on something like this. After all he knew Mihawk well enough to know this was his was of showing that he cared for Shanks and the kids. So he nodded his head and watched as his lover silently left their ship. It would be fine. He could keep an eye on all of them with his observation haki. Luffy seemed to be coming back on his own any way. Everything would be fine.
As Mihawk made his way out of the village he had run into Luffy. The little one had excitedly told him all about the tiger they caught and how he was going to see Makino for a knife.
“No need. I’ll help your brothers with that task. Why don’t you head back to the ship.” Mihawk quickly directed the little ball of energy back toward Shanks. His lover would relax far more with one of the children being back in his sight. Normally Shanks wasn’t a worrier, but Roger’s memory always put him on edge. Worried for his loved ones, and feeling helpless to protect them. He knew Shanks wouldn’t fully relax until he had the whole crew in his sight, but sending one of the boys back would help.
“Alright! I’ll go say hi to Makino and then go see Shanks!” Luffy cheered as he made his way back down to the village. Mihawk didn’t mind him going to see the bar owner. She obviously cared for the boy and the village was peaceful. There shouldn’t be any problems.
Mihawk stood from his crouched position, as he had lowered himself to speak to the young boy, and started heading towards the remaining brothers. As he walked up the path he passed by a group of men, roughians for sure. Bandits by name probably. But obviously weaklings, not worth his time. The took one look at him, Yoru on his back, and gave him a wide berth, as he said weakling and cowards. Nothing for him to worry about.
(Later he will regret not taking Luffy along with him to gather Ace and Sabo. Later he will wish he cut these men down as soon as he saw them. But now he has no clue of the devastation these weak men are going to bring to his life)
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foxboymyles · 5 years
[ZOLU] Pardon My Imprudence Chp.1
((Note: Hey! I made a One Piece fanfic a while back but never fully published it :) So here it is for anyone to read. I hope you enjoy!))
He doesn't intend to mess up. Usually, it's something that happens in the fault of his obliviousness. If he truly meant to slip and almost cost his life, it was always from his own self-righteousness. In school, it was grades. The only good grades he got in his first week of freshman year were from PE. He was lucky enough to escape with C's, mostly. Even his name, Monkey D. Luffy, was written sloppily and never taught into care. Until his friend, Zoro came around. They met at a frozen yogurt shop, as Zoro explained he was hungry and wanted a snack before he headed to his house where his parental guardian Mihawk was. After the first week of school, Luffy's friend looked bewildered at the grades he kept up. Zoro was a slacker, but he always made his way towards B's. Luffy instantly got C's in his first week of school! Zoro decided to teach him some aspects of math for an hour or two each day since they met at the frozen yogurt shop every day since then.
"You see, it's all easy. This is just a review from last year." Zoro said, calm and collective.
Luffy took a bite of his froyo, pouting and talking with small lips."I didn't even pay attention last year."
Zoro sighed and looked at the teen, a little annoyed but more just disappointed.
"Usopp said you can lie out of homework by pretending you have a stomach ache," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro smiled and questioned in his head Luffy's choice of friends. It seemed like he was the only normal person in the clique they had. There was Nami, who always asked them for a dollar to get chips from the vending machine and asked for 20 dollars when doing Zoro's homework. He didn't ask her to, but she forcefully made him anyways. Then there was Usopp, who lies constantly and attempts, unsuccessfully, to get out of any possible pester in school. After that, there's Chopper, who looks 7 but is actually the same age they are. He's 4'5 and is already in Math 3, even when the first semester always starts with Math 1. His counselor immediately put him in with Grade 10 kids. And lastly, Luffy, who's a flunk in all his classes except for PE. He has a knack for childish things and goofs around at school.
"My brothers try to help me with homework but it always fails..." Luffy continued.
Zoro raised an eyebrow while asking."You have brothers?"
Luffy nodded and put his pencil down."I have 2 brothers in their Senior year."
Luffy explained one to be Ace and another to be Sabo. Ace got a little irritated too fast, but he cares for other people. The irony of it is that he's also a little too confident in himself. Sabo is kind, really smart, and gives Luffy really good advice. He continues to tell Zoro that they don't help him very much because he has a low attention span.
"At least you got through some parts of your homework with me," Zoro commented, after hearing even the brightest of people can't go through any sort of brain training with Luffy.
"Yeah! You're the first person to go through more than 3 problems of my math homework with me."
"Maybe the teacher'll give you SOME credit..." Zoro remarked.
"I bet it won't be that bad!" Luffy said, grinning.
This kid is highly positive, Zoro thought. Just hearing a silver lining like that when he only did 1/10th of his homework is surprising. So they talked, did a few more math problems, and headed off both different ways. Luffy started school the next morning and sufficed a little smile on the teacher's face. Then the teacher continued to tell him to keep on going and to lay off the video games for a little bit. Of course, Luffy never listened.
It's been 2 months. Zoro continues to hang out with Luffy and his friends. The time is almost near for Halloween, and Luffy is excited to dress up. Of course, Zoro never tries to dress up and gives candy out instead. The children laugh sometimes and tell him he didn't have to dress up because he's already scary. The sophomore was used to this. He wasn't really afraid of backlash or anything of that matter. It doesn't help him that he got grade retention and wasn't able to do junior work either. Most kids try not to make fun of him anyway because he has a resting death glare. What's strange to him is his grumpiness floats away when he sees Luffy. His face is still scary, but inside, he'll feel a lot more comfortable.
"Zoro. What did I tell you about wearing dirty clothes?" A low voice called. It was Mihawk, his parent guardian. He adopted Zoro when the boy was 7.
"Right, I'll get a black shirt. Those are better with stains." Zoro said, going up the stairs.
Mihawk followed him with his eyes."Be sure that one is clean!"
"Alright, I get it."
Perona sighed and crossed her arms. "Papa, why does he get to dress all casual?"
"That's just his style. I can't get him to wear anything formal unless we're going somewhere prestigious."
"Hmph. He's a lazy bum, that's also why."
Zoro called from his room out loud."I heard that."
Perona's face grew red in irritation."So what?!? You already know it's true!"
Mihawk lowered his hand as a gesture for them to quiet down.
"Now, now children. There's no need to quarrel right now."
"Papa, I'm gonna be an elegant witch!" Perona said, twirling her dress around.
Mihawk looked at her with uncaring eyes. He nodded and glanced at the slightly opened door, in which was opened by Zoro. He had a suit on with a masquerade mask, his shoes reflected intensely on the marble floor. Mihawk was really confused at what he was wearing.
"So why do you decide now to dress up on Hallows Eve?"
"I'm going to my friend's house. We're going to the fall festival tonight, remember?" Zoro said, nonchalantly.
"I didn't try to remember because it sounded so unbelievably fake, but, as you wish." Mihawk turned to Perona.
She pouted and went downstairs to put the candy outside. Zoro checked on his phone and put it in his back pocket, and was about to leave. Mihawk spoke.
He looked at the teen very seriously.
"The only reason why you're retaking sophomore year is because you need to learn discipline. Procrastination is not the answer for everything. And if you fail this year again, you will not live in this house."
Zoro looked at him with unblinking eyes.
"Do you understand, my boy?"
"Yeah. I get it." He said, no nervousness or strain in his voice.
Mihawk smiled and left to his room.
There was a knock at Luffy's door. He quickly opened it and hugged Zoro tightly.
"Zoro! You came, you really did!"
The teen grunted angrily. "Alright, alright. I know I'm here. Get off already."
Luffy smiled at him warmly. For a second Zoro had this feeling. He couldn't think of it because Luffy pulled him to the couch before he tried to observe his thoughts.
"Sooooo Zoro! These are my brothers! Ace and Sabo!" Luffy said, grinning.
Ace and Sabo were both dressed casually. The only costume piece Ace had was a really creepy looking mask on the side of him. They both had long hair. Ace's was straight jet black and Sabo's was a fairly wavy golden blonde.
Ace smirked."Hi. You're Zoro?"
"Well nice to meet ya."
Ace firmly shook his hand. Afterward, Sabo reached out and shook Zoro's hand as well.
"Glad to meet you!"
Zoro sat down and Luffy tossed him a bag of chips. Zoro tossed them back and shook his head.
"Aw, why not?"
"I'm saving my stomach for the festival."
Luffy smiled."Oh, okay! When are we leaving again?"
"In 10 minutes."
Sabo replied."You can play a few video games with us if you'd like."
"Yeah, sure. We're up for another game." Ace said, fiddling with the controller.
"Okay, I'll play a few rounds," Zoro said as he caught the tossed controller that Ace had gave him.
Luffy sat on the carpet and watched the brightly colored screen for what seemed like seconds to him, until he noticed Zoro stood up, looking at his watch.
"We should go now." He turned to Ace and Sabo. "It was nice meeting you."
"Of course! You're always welcome if you want to hang out." Sabo said, trying to be as polite as he could be.
Luffy skidded out with his scarecrow costume on and grinned at them, shouting a short bye as they went out the door. They walked down the blocks and talked to each other.
"Your brothers are nice. Unless they were doing that just to keep an impression." Zoro said.
Luffy laughed."No, they don't do that! They liked you!"
Zoro sighed."Yeah, yeah. Why are you a scarecrow anyways? You don't scare anyone."
"Ace told me it suits me."
"Maybe he was wrong then," Zoro replied, coldly.
Luffy frowned."No, Ace is usually right about me."
Zoro decided not to respond. They finally got there after a few short conversations. The lights were dim and people gathered around the pumpkin patch and buffet. Luffy ran after the buffet, and Zoro's response was to run after him and tell him angrily to slow down. The boy chomped down pumpkin pies to turkey, as people looked bewildered at the teenager's appetite. They laughed softly and continued eating. Zoro rested his head on his hand and glanced at the boy.
"You sure like eating."
"Who doesn't?" Luffy said, happily.
"People who don't eat," Zoro said, chuckling at his remark. He knew it wasn't funny, but somehow he got a kick from it.
Luffy gasped."Some people don't eat?!?"
Zoro smiled."Sure. There's a lot of people that don't eat. It's in a lot of religions. Fasting. Haven't you learned about that?"
"No!!! Well- maybe I did and didn't pay attention."
Zoro handed the waiter a check and continued to eyeball Luffy's eating. He finally stopped and fell on the grass. He belched and smiled calmly.
"That was like eating in heaven's gate~"
Zoro was still smiling. He felt weird to have been smiling all that time. He doesn't usually smile all that much. But somehow being around Luffy made it felt so comfortable to smile. He lent Luffy a hand as he got back on his feet.
"Here. Pick a pumpkin and we'll carve it at your house when we get back."
"Reeeally?!? Awesome!"
Luffy hurried to the pumpkin patch and tried to find a good pumpkin. Zoro watched him scavenge for a while until the boy put out the smallest pumpkin in front of Zoro's eyes.
"What's this?"
"It's a pumpkin!" Luffy said cheerfully.
"Why'd you pick the smallest one?" Zoro said, looking at all the other ones.
"Well, I just like this one better!" He said.
Zoro smiled warmly and scuffled Luffy's hair. "Come on, let's go."
They started to walk back, slowly but surely.
"Zoro," Luffy said.
"You seem grumpy a lot. What's wrong?" Luffy said, worried.
"That's just my personality. You'll get used to it."
"Right," Luffy said.
They got quiet for a few seconds.
"Zoro, do you ever feel that if you don't do something you'll make everyone angry?" Luffy asked.
"Of course. My father says if I flunk sophomore he'll kick me out."
"Kick you out?" Luffy said, surprised.
Zoro nodded."How about you?"
"Well...I have to fight this one guy."
Zoro's eyes widened."Fight? You?"
"Yeah. And the whole school doesn't like him so if I don't win they'll get angry at me. And I'll be angry at myself." Luffy said, hands in his pockets.
"I have a hard time believing you fight people," Zoro said.
"People say that a lot," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro thought about what he said and kept on walking. When they got to the house, Luffy quickly hugged Zoro and told him 'thank you'. He opened the door to let him in. Zoro felt a little confused at what just happened, but entered anyway. His mind was fighting to get the hints. Just that second of Luffy touching him, his smaller frame against his and his chin pressed on to Zoro's shoulder. It was strange what he was feeling. He decided to just ignore it for now.
"You guys are back already?" Ace said.
Luffy nodded, then scurried to the kitchen, where Sabo placed a plastic wrapped pie. Sabo smiled and looked at Zoro kindly.
"I made an extra pie, but I knew Luffy wouldn't have eaten it because of the festival. Would you like to have it?" Sabo asked.
"I'm good. You guys can have it." Zoro shortly answered.
Sabo look surprised but laughed and put it back.
"You're really generous, Roronoa!"
"So are you guys gonna cut this pumpkin or not?" Ace said, a tiny bit impatiently
Zoro came up to the pumpkin with a kitchen knife. He cut around the stem, his movements smooth and precise.
"How are you so good at cutting pumpkins, Zoro?" Luffy asked, watching him.
He continued to cut,"My dad taught me when I was 7." Zoro took off the lid and spoke again,"We're a very Halloween orientated family. We don't fool around with decorating."
He handed Luffy the knife."You can cut things out now."
Luffy grinned and dug the knife in the pumpkin. when he cut out his first eye it was huge because he didn't know how to properly handle the knife, and always worked in straight lines. Zoro grabbed Luffy's hand and positioned in on the knife.
"You have to hold it like this. Try again." Zoro said, after observing Luffy's hand posture.
Luffy carved again. And Zoro was right. He was more accurate with his cutting. The second eye was out, and now Luffy was cutting out the mouth. Luffy was silent when he was carving, but he still had that warm smile on his face. The feeling that pleasured Zoro to be comfortable, and maybe even cracked a smile out of him was there again.
"Done!" Luffy said as the mouthpiece dropped onto the newspaper spread.
Zoro looked at it and laughed. Luffy pouted and pushed it to Zoro.
"Just tell me if you like it or not!" Luffy said, his face red with embarrassment.
Zoro smiled and looked at it."Yeah, I do. Just looks a little goofy."
Luffy grinned and hit him playfully."Halloween is supposed to goofy, isn't it?"
They both smiled and looked at each other for a second. This time, Luffy felt it too. A weird feeling of security. He was wondering where this sense of safe-ness came to mind. Luffy talked hours with Zoro, just discussing things at school.
"Just a question. Is there anyone that makes fun of you at school?" Zoro asked.
Luffy nodded."Bellamy. He's full of 'em self. I just ignore him."
Zoro gave him a blank stare."You have to have somewhere to draw the line."
"Well, he hasn't hurt my friends. If he does anytime soon that's when I'll get involved." Luffy said, a little too serious for his own good.
Zoro looked at his phone and yawned."I better get going. It's almost curfew for me."
Luffy stood up with Zoro and gave him a tight hug. Zoro smiled and put his hand around Luffy's back for a second. Zoro let go and waved goodbye to Sabo and Ace. They waved back until the door shut. Ace grunted and changed the tv's input.
"I hope you don't like the guy." Ace said.
Sabo dishearteningly turned his head to the tv. Luffy looked confused at what Ace was implying.
"What do you mean? He's a good friend!" Luffy said, surprised.
"No, I don't mean it in that way. I mean in a romantic way."
"Oh," Luffy said, shortly and abruptly.
Ace waited for a longer response."What does that mean?"
"I might have felt like that, is all," Luffy said, smiling.
Ace scrambled for words until all he could say was."You've only known him for a month and you think you have feelings for him?"
Sabo decided to get involved and responded to Luffy."That's good, Luffy. You just have to wait and see if you'll still have those feelings, right?"
Luffy nodded and stared at the door for a moment. Ace nagged at Sabo for saying that and shook him around like a fish.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go to bed now," Luffy said.
Ace raised an eyebrow."Now? But it's 9:00 on a Saturday."
"I'm gonna wake up early to hang out with Usopp and Nami, remember?" Luffy said, racing up the stairs.
Sabo tried not to laugh and in result Ace held his anger in and sighed, his eyebrows arched low. Sabo commented on how Luffy could invite more friends. Ace elbowed him and started to laugh as well, giving in to the idea Sabo described.
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yoshi4sushi · 7 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Minna-san! Happy! Happy Monday! We are so so sorry for not posting last week. We were so exhausted from our trip we dozed off. We deeply apologize for the delay. Trips sometimes get us exhausted, but we won’t make excuses so to make up, we have more goods to add from last time. Please take it as token of apology. However, we do like to share our excitement. We went to USJ to enjoy the OP premiere show and dine at Sanji’s restaurant. You can look at our pics on our Twitter page under the name yoshi4sushi or FB fan club page, Los Mugiwara. We have all of our pics on both of those sites. Check it out when you get a chance. So we got cool stuff to share with you so you know the drill. First off, the chapter resumed this week. The gang is having trouble shaking off Big Mom and must rely on King Baum to get through the forest, but the critters get in the way and the sugar queen is approaching fast. Finally, Pudding catches up with Chiffon, and begs for her help. However, Chiffon denied her help knowing that she no longer wants to aid her family. Pudding convinces her that her goal is not help BM, but to help Luffy and the gang, and it looks like she means it. Will Chiffon aid her sister? Or is Pudding still being devious to trick her? Guess we’ll know later on. No chapter this week, but will resume next week. Yes, another break. Be patient. Oda-sensei does deserve to take a breather or two. Moving on, this past weekend’s episode, Luffy is still struggling with his fight against Cracker now that his identity has been revealed. His infinite biscuit army keeps coming back, and Luffy is reaching his limit with his gear 4th. Meanwhile, Sanji’s older bros, Ichiji and Niji have come back from their trip, and Sanji feels uneasy to see them after a long time. How much can Sanji take the abuse and haze from his rotten family? Guess we’ll see. Next, week, he stands up to them, but at a heavy price. What could that price be? Tune in this weekend. Now on with the goods, first off, Tongari-san send us an email. He couldn’t make it cause he was exhausted so he wrote to us. He says that the Tokyo Pirates Festival is still going on at the tower. First, you can still look at the second part of the exhibition of OP which the theme is battle. Second, this week until the 10th, Sabo will be making his appearance for photo shoots. Even getting pics with the Straw Hats. However, you have to get there early to get a pic ticket. On the 8th, Buggy and Puggy will also be there for the pic. It’s an one day event. Bon Clay will be there from the 11th till the 18th. Lastly, Law and Bepo will be there from the 19th until Sept.3rd. Moving on, Franky’s cola bar will be selling these delish ice shavings of Nami which is orange flavor, Chopper which is strawberry flavor, and Robin which is grape flavor. If you order either of them, you’ll get a free coaster with it. Chopper’s strawberry flavor was really delish. Moreover, the Mugiwara Café and Sanji’s restaurant will be serving two delish birthday dishes, and also, they have a new menu. First off, Buggy’s birthday is is on the 8th. To celebrate, they will serve his Red Nose Capellini pasta dish with a red cabbage, sliced eggplant, and a cherry tomato on top. Also, it’s also Cavendish’s b-day. His b-day is on the 30th I think. They will serve this beautiful apple lemon soda with a rose and flower. If you order either of them, you’ll get a free b-day bromide card. Next, the new menu they have look very delish. First, they have Ace’s roll cake with some orange sauce and berries. Next dish, Law’s rare cheesecake hat with some chocolate syrup drops, and cookie crisps. We ate this dessert, and it was very delish. Our recommendation if you there are any cheesecake lovers. Moving, they are also serving Ussop’s garden pizza, Nami’s orange semifred ice cream cheesecake, and finally, Robin’s berry panna cotta with some rich sweet n’ sour berry sauce with thick panna cotta and edible flowers. GUA! SO DELISH! Moreover, the Mugiwara store and Tongari stores are selling some awesome goods. Both stores are selling dessert cake, salty cracker snacks, fans, and individual tote bags of each character. For badges, you can only buy them at the Tongari store. Next, if you live in Japan, you can still buy the park pass for the whole year, and if you purchase it, you will receive this adorable summer hang figurines of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Law, and Sabo. This can only be purchased online. The tower will not accept direct purchase. One more thing, they have announce early on the upcoming Halloween event that will start from Setp.16th until Oct.31st.Very early, but there still some news that will be kept under wraps until then. However, they will have another costume contest and this time, they will have two contests for kids over 14 and up on Oct.14th and 21st. Children contest will be on Oct.28th. Winners will get awesome prizes. More details will be announced later. Also, navy soldiers will be patrolling the park so if you dress like a pirate, be sure to watch out for them. They’ll get you! Ha ha ha ha ha! Moving on, here’s the cover for vol.2 of the OP magazine which has been released last Friday along with vol.86 of Whole Cake Is. Vol.87 will be released in November. Next, here are the new DVD cover svol. 8 of the Zou/Rookie arc with Luffy and Grant and vol.1 of Whole Cake Isl. arc which has Luffy. If you want to order it, look it up on the Jap. website of Amazon. Next, LINE has two new stickers set. One set are OP villains, and the third set is all Sanji. Very cute ones. To get these, you either have a Japanese mobile phone to purchase them or have a friend send them to you. We found a way to purchase LINE stickers from Japan. It’s a bit pricey, but if you wish to purchase cute stickers, add Takara Japan to your friend list. You can also find them on Facebook. All you have to do is send them a message of what stickers you want, and they’ll send an invoice from paypal. You pay and they’ll send you the stickers. They’re 4.00 bucks for each set. Bit pricey, but if you are into cute stickers from Japan, this is easier instead going through some hard tech stuff. Let us know if you need help. Next, this Thursday, arcades will be stocking this new battle version figurine of Zoro. They have also stocked the next Grandline DX of Sanji and Judge along with some WFC chibi figurines of the Vinsmoke family. Get your coins and game face on and beat the crane. Also, if you’re a fan of Mihawk, the POP DX figurine of him has a discount of 19% off. It will be released in December. We’ll leave a link if you wish to order it. Moving on, two weeks ago, Wonderfest displayed some new upcoming figurines for this year, and early next year. First, they have they have this pricey Smart Doll of Nami. No exact date, but it will be probably be released this fall or early winter. Next, they have this new figurine of Reige. We believe it’s either Branpresto or POP. Not sure yet, but more details will be released. Moving, here’s a new POP BB style of Robin, and boy, she looks very erotic in this one. Next, here’s the new SOC figurine of Ace, and another POP figurine of Jinbei. More details of released dates will be announced later on. Last, but not least, Mugiwara stores will be selling these awesome matsuri goods. Each store will be selling different characters. Shibuya will have Luffy and Law, Osaka will have Ace and Whitebeard, Nagoya will have Zoro and Sanji, and Fukuoka will have Luffy and Chopper. They’ll sell bromide cards, towels, cushions, t-shirts, and buttons. They will be released this Friday. It’s first come, first serve so if you’re an early bird, you should get ahead start. Next, HKDS store are accepting orders for these new kokeshi dolls of Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper. It will be released in mid-October. It will come as a whole set. Next, Jump Station in Osaka are selling these acrylic keychains of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law, Ace, Marco, Shanks, Sabo, Chopper, and Bartolomeo. Each has a station name in Osaka. Last, but not least, Jump stores are selling these adorable tissue pouch straps of Laboon that you can take with you when you get the sniffles. Phew! So much stuff we just couldn’t leave out anything. Well, that’s everything from these past two weeks. We won’t delay anymore. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate do leave a question or comment on our den den mushi question box. It’s a shame Tongari-san didn’t come by, we hope to see him next time.  Job well done, boys. Let’s take a long snooze. See you all next week.
Mihawk figurine: http://blog.livedoor.jp/onepiece_figure/archives/54757518.html
Park pass: http://7net.omni7.jp/detail/1400673146
Kokeshi dolls: https://hkds.tokyo/category/ONEPIECEKOKESHI/
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