#next: how a symbiote wants to fuck dick and timmy
whumpbby · 6 years
Symb!Jason headcanon so far
Okay, so I was thinking about this much harder than I probably should. 
I kinda got this: 
Jay god his symb (imma call it Red) from the Pit - the only other person who owns one is Ra’s and he’s about the only one who knows what the hell. Thalia told Jay what she knew, but most of the heavy lifting in understanding what’s happening to him was left in is hands. 
As he was a victim of a horrifying death and traumatic resurrection, not to mention brain damage and whatever the hellish ptsd got a hold of him - the bonding with the symb wasn’t easy, as Jay kept feeding it all the negative emotions - made only worse by the fact that a symbiontes usually magnify the emotion that feeds them. So, for a while, the only diet Red was getting was rage, fear and a pathological need for revenge. All the best soup;] 
It took a while for Jay to realise that the creature possessing him reflects his negative emotions tenfold and after a while of trying to de-bond them (didn’t work, Red wouldn’t let go) he started to try and maybe keep a lid on his emotions. That was the time they’ve circled the world, learning the craft on Thalia’s dime and were more-or-less stable (not at all, but hey). Then back to Gotham, failure with the Joker, and so on. Not until the All-Caste and Ducra’s help did Jay and Red see one another eye to eye and started to build on their bond. 
Present day. Red and Jay have an agreement to stick together and a total trust policy - things are discussed and solved, and they act like adults about it - because of the level of damage they can inflict on everything and each other when in conflict. They need the stability of a solid bond, and since they’re both damaged, they trust no one else. 
Red is a bit of an asshole from time to time and very salty about the “no eating humans” ban that they have going on in Gotham (they indulged while still in training and Jay wants to forget about that). They substitute with beef and veg, and insane amount of chocolate. It’s also salty about the “we’re keeping your presence on the down low” rule - meaning, no spontaneous growing of teeth, extra appendages and muscle mass, because once Bruce knows, he will try to split them. So, yeah, usually Red presents itself as just general articles of clothing (Jay hasn’t worn a shirt in the last 3 years and so far no one has caught on) and the helmet and, sometimes, a knife/sword/grapple line/mock bazooka. 
The emotional relationship is as follows - Red is possessive and protective of the host in the usual symbiote-appropriate pathological intensity. It will do what needs to be done to protect Jay physically and emotionally, but still tries to stick to the rules, becuase it understands that Jay needs to feel in control of his own life. It will take over, tho, when it think he’s a suicidal idiot, and is not above messing with him to get its way - inappropriate touching happens all the goddamn time, because Jay is adorable when flustered. 
Jayson lives in constant guilt that his post-Pit flailing and general madness messed up a perfectly good alien and gave it anxiety and murderous tendencies, so he tries to live his life stress free as much as possible. Hence, contact with the Batfam needs to be limited (against the family’s wishes, of course, the meddling fucks) and a set of rules has to be put in place to stop the situation from downward spiralling again. He appreciated Red entirely, even if his dating life takes a powerful hit as Red is not exactly ready for a third wheel. sSy, Jay’s first sexual encounter might as well have been Red, between dying at teenage and spending the next few years in a mind-damaged haze and then surrounded by career murderers. Red is very proud of that, Jay wonders if he’ll ever recover his dignity.  
So, this is what I have so far.   
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Tim and his Funky Protective Gloopy Parasite AU
I will most likely never get around to officially writing this, but I’ve had it saved since December and wanted to post it... I basically rewrote the entire Venom movie to fit JayTim, okies, so spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet. Also I borrowed a lot of the dialouge too.
Tim works as an investigator for Vicky Vale. She wants him to hack some shit to find out if there’s an affair going on between Harleen Quinzel and Pamela Isley. Or take photos. He can totally do a photojournalist type thing. Or both.
Tim’s long term girlfriend Steph is an intern at Neo Eden. Tim uses her employee login to hack into the system and look at Pamela’s emails— he finds reports about using humans as test subjects for alien parasite hosts to save the environment and stop global warming. The next day, he writes a report, bypasses it through the editors and posts it on the Gotham Gazette website. Vicky calls him in, fires him.
Tim: But this is real! Something finally important! People are dying! Vicky: We’re a gossip paper, Tim, not the Daily Planet. Isley has the money to sue us, you’re lucky she hasn’t shut us down completely.
Tim is all huffy, whatever, it’s fine. He only did it as a hobby/part time job, he has his whole Drake inheritance.
Steph has his stuff out on the sidewalk when he gets back to their place. She’s fucking livid. And tries knocking him in the face with a brick.
Steph: You couldn’t be fucking chill for, like, five minutes? Tim: She’s killing people with aliens on some Save-The-Planet agenda. Steph: That was my internship! I was lining up a job there! I got fired because of you. Tim: Do you really want to work at a place that’s experimenting with aliens though?
She breaks up with him. His face is on the cover of the Gazette, fresh off the press. “Drake Heir Posts False Rumors Attacking Pamela Isley.”
Tim: So that’s how Vickey got out of a lawsuit.
Tim’s just not in the mood for anything, depressed and all that, so he dedicates himself to living an Aesthetic Mood by buying some shitty apartment in the Bowery. It sucks but he gets a small routine. Friends with the late night shift at Batburger. His neighbors suck.
Eventually someone from Neo Eden approaches him. The dude is named Dick Grayson, he’s an undercover cop that’s been working at Neo Eden as a security guard to investigate the shady shit going on ever since Tim’s article was published. He asks Tim for help. Tim says no.
Tim goes across the city to the Burnley District to see Steph. He meets Cass, who graduated from Gotham University as a med student and now works at Gotham General Hospital. He’s really bummed and decides to call Dick back.
Dick brings him in at night to see the facility. Tim takes photos and then sees one of the poor dudes from Batburger is a test subject. He tries to help the dude out but it backfires (as things in Tim’s life tend to do) and the dude attacks Tim and that’s when Venom is transferred.
Tim and Dick sneak back out (because Dick’s not dying), and Dick drops him off at his shitty place in the Bowery.
Tim: So, are you going to get fired from GCPD?
Dick’s really vague but says he’ll be okay, his boss can sort it out (meaning Bruce.)
All the weird stuff starts happening to him. Crazy appetite. A fever. Venom starts speaking to him, just single words like, hungry and food.
Deliriously, Tim goes out and finds Steph grocery shopping with Cass. He is a little rabid and is raiding the frozen food section, Venom pointing things out, and Steph is really embarrassed. It reaches extreme levels when they pass the seafood section and Tim plops into the lobster tank.
They take Tim to Gotham General. Cass tries to do an MRI test but of course he spazzes because the loud noise hurts Venom. Tim claims he’s fine and leaves.
Back at his shitty apartment, he eats a bunch of garbage and pukes. Venom starts talking to him. (Diverging from the film for this next bit) Tim is kind of just like “fuck this,” and sits down to watch some mindless tv and hopefully nap. Venom introduces himself as Venom.
Tim: What the hell are you? Venom: I am Venom. Tim: You can’t just call yourself Venom. Every superhero or supervillain needs a civilian identity. Just because you’re some alien parasite doesn’t make you special. Venom: I’m not a parasite. Tim: Oh look, Friday the 13th is on. Awesome, I’ve never actually seen the entire thing, so be quiet.
Eventually Tim has an epiphany.
Tim: I’ll call you Jason!
Tim’s neighbor plays obnoxiously loud music and Jason freaks and Tim stomps over there to tell him to be quiet. The dude says no. Jason pulls his little freaky face thing and growls at the dude. The dude agrees to turn it down.
Eventually, Ivy finds him. (Looked at the security camera footage, got a photo of his face, tracked him down, etc.) A bunch of mercs come to attack him.
Jason: Don’t open the door.
Tim’s an idiot so he opens the door.
Tim and Jason argue over putting their hands up or down. Jason wins and attacks the mercs.
Jason: Outstanding! Now, let’s bite off all their heads; heads in one pile, bodies in another. Tim, exasperated: Why would we do that?
They leave the apartment, Tim catches his reflection in the window of a car. Jason scares him.
Jason: I can replace you. I can find another host, you’re just a replacement for my last one. Tim: Listen, if you don’t like me you can just leave, okay?
Mercs and drones show up so they go on a crazy motorcycle chase which includes Jason saving Tim from dying, like, twelve times.
They end up at a secluded warehouse, Tim is fully healed.
Jason: You’re mine, Timmy. Cooperate and you just might survive. Tim: Are you going to… you going to eat anybody else? Jason: Most likely. Tim: Ugh, God.
They go back to the Gotham Gazette office but security stops Tim from getting in.
Tim: If we go back to the apartment I can hack the security and we can come back and sneak in. Jason: Where’s the office? Tim: 22nd floor. Jason: Up? Tim: Yeah.
Jason takes that as permission (and it was NOT) to crawl up the side of the building. Tim is mildly panicking. They end up at the top of the building.
Jason: It’s almost peaceful up here. Tim: I’m not a fan of heights. Jason: Your world is not so ugly after all. I’m almost sorry to see it end. Tim: Don’t drop me, I swear to freaking god, you will never get tater tots again— wait, what the heck does that mean?!
Cue the airplane. Jason starts freaking out because of the noise, so he withdraws and then Tim starts falling.
Tim: Where’d you go? Jay, where’d you go? Jay—
Jason grips on to the building.
Jason: I got us.
Tim leaves the photos of Ivy’s lab that he took on his phone on Vicky's desk.
Jason: Jump. Tim, walking to the elevator: Nope. Jason: Pussy.
Mercs are waiting downstairs for them.
Tim: Guys, you don’t want to do this, trust me. Mercs: Masks! Copy! Tim: Okay, okay, have it your way… Mask! Jason: Copy.
Steph finds them after the fight. She drives Tim back to Gotham General to do more tests. Jason tells Tim to man up and apologize to her.
At the hospital, Cass looks at test results and says Tim has a parasite. Jason gets angry about being called a parasite. Cass explains that Jason is basically draining Tim in order to live. Tim feels really betrayed and leaves.
Tim gets captured by Ivy. Once it’s clear that he no longer has Venom she wants him dead. The Mercs take him out to the middle of an abandoned warehouse to kill him. Jason saves the day. Jason kisses Tim as Steph, and during the kiss morphs back into Tim.
Tim and Jason head off to find Isley.
Jason: Riot’s got shit you won’t believe. Tim: What are our chances? Jason: Basically zero. Tim: Alright, fuck it, let’s go save the world.
There’s a big fight. (Need to think about the rocket situation because I don’t want Ivy to die.) Riot tries to rip Venom from Tim. Tim reaches out and in a moment of pure gay love, Jason reaches out too, Tim’s fingertips brush Jason and they fuse together. There’s more fighting.
Steph cranks up a speaker and the noise makes Ivy and Tim separate from their symbiotes. Ivy goes to grab Riot but Tim pushes her away. Tim turns around and is impaled by Riot. Riot grabs Ivy and they go to board the rocket. Jason latches onto Tim, heals him, then they climb the rocket. Jason cuts through the fuel line and the rocket explodes. The fire hits Jason and Tim, so Jason detaches and allows Tim to live. Tim falls into the bay.
Later, Tim is back chilling with Steph. They’re friends now. Jason is interrupting the conversation and Steph is suspicious that something is going on. Tim claims it’s nothing and leaves.
Jason and Tim walk around together. Tim tries laying down some ground rules. Mainly that they can only eat bad people.
At the empty Batburger at night, a thug tries to rob the cashier at gunpoint. Jason asks if that’s a bad guy and Tim says yes.
Jason: We will eat both your arms, and then both of your legs, and then we will eat your face right off of your head. You will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you, going down the street like a turd in the wind. Thug: What the hell are you? Tim and Jason smile: We are Venom.
The cashier is like, “Okay am I tripping on too much acid, or…?”
Tim: Oh… I have a parasite. Yeah. See you later, dude.” Jason: PaRaSiTe!? Tim: Symbiote is too complicated for the average Gotham citizen to understand. Jason: Well, you’re just a depressed hermit. Tim: Take that back!
They continue walking.
Tim: So… what do you want to do now? Jason: The way I see it, we can do whatever we want.
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