#nexus 6 replicant
pop-sesivo · 1 year
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Feliz cumpleaños, Zhora. Fecha de inicio: 12 de junio, 2016.
Happy Birthday, Zhora. Incept Date: June 12th, 2016.
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awidevastdominion · 2 days
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artapir · 1 month
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Somewhat more manga-fied and mecha-nized take on the offworld infantry from Blade Runner. I guess if you go too far in the direction of cybernetic powered armor it kind of renders the Replicants superfluous, but I still think it looks cool.
A looooooooooooooooooot of Koba ASwars and HyperWeapon in these guys...They could just as easily be Deathworld or Flea War troopers. Maybe they're even better interpreted as such.
Nexus, er, Midjourney Niji 6
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hard-times-paramore · 9 months
Therefore We Are - a Blade Runner fanfic
It's a prequel about the lives of the Replicants from the movie. Plus a few OCs. I am writing together with @sharonz-arty-corner03
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The Tyrell Corporation brought about the Nexus 6 Replicant as the promised solution to humanity’s problems.
Unique to themselves and yet the same to everyone else, these feats of genetic engineering knew no limits save those imposed by their masters.
They lived, they worked, they died holding up the colonies' ecosystem as just another cog or wire in the endless machine of life.
Until a group of Replicants—led by one ROY BATTY—decided that they too had thoughts, and relationships and destinies.
This was not called conscience. It was called malfunction.
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girldong · 8 months
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Early in the 21st century, the Tyrell corporation advanced Robot evolution into the Nexus phase - a being virtually identical to a human - known as a Replicant. The Nexus 6 replicants were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence, to the genetic engineers who created them. Replicants were used off-world as slave labor, in the hazardous exploration and colonization of other planets. After a bloody mutiny by a Nexus 6 combat team in an off-world colony, replicants were declared illegal on earth - under penalty of death. Special police squads - Blade Runner Units - had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection, any trespassing replicant. This was not called execution. It was called retirement.
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ssoupernova · 5 months
Working out how I want to draw six
Project: Nexus!! Would recommend! I've become obsessed
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Close ups and relevant headcanons under the cut
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His full design, simple enough that I can replicate it in this style easily
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The red and blue strips on his shirt are embroidered, a skill he learnt from his mother, it also spells out VI the Roman numerals for 6 (in the picture I messed it up and drew XI, ignore that)
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Plus me working out his prosthetics (ignore the notes in the picture 😭). The honeycomb style patches are what I headcanons his face thing looks like up close, and it functions as a bandage/protective covering needed due to the damage from the creeper explosion. His ear on that side isn't functional and his prosthetic eye doesn't work. (<- Headcanons!)
Please ignore the crappy photo quality, but this was so fun to draw!
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deathgatesideblog · 1 year
Last round and then we can do other polls again, I PROMISE. The winners of the previous three polls will now be pit against each other. May the most insane bit win!
Before you vote, feel free to refresh yourself on the options under the read more.
The circle between the two was truly forged, truly complete. And Alfred knew, with a feeling of overwhelming sadness, that Haplo would never forgive him.
The feet that could not take ten steps without falling over themselves were suddenly executing intricate steps with extraordinary grace and delicacy. His face was grave and solemn, wholly absorbed in the music. He accompanied himself with a grave and solemn song. Hands wove the runes in the air, his feet replicated the pattern on the floor. Haplo watched until he discovered some wayward part of himself feeling touched and entranced by the beauty.
“You know what’ll happen to you in the Nexus.” Haplo didn’t look at him when he spoke, he kept his gaze on the dog. “You know what my Lord will do to you.” “Yes,” Alfred answered. Haplo hesitated a moment, either deciding on his next words or deciding whether or not to say them. When he made his decision, his voice was hard and sharp, cutting through some barrier within himself. “Then, if I were you, I wouldn’t be around when I woke up.” Haplo closed his eyes. Alfred stared in amazement, then smiled gently. “I understand. Thank you, Haplo.”
“I ask you to put the animal outside, Brother.” Alfred sighed, shook his head. “He’ll just come right back in. But I don’t think you need worry about him spying on us for his master. He’s lost his master. That’s why he’s here.” “He wants you to look for his master, for a Patryn?” “I believe so,” said Alfred meekly. Samah’s frown darkened. “And this doesn’t seem strange to you? A dog belonging to a Patryn, coming to you, a Sartan, for help?” “Well, no,” said Alfred, after a moment’s reflection. “Not considering what the dog is. That is, what I think it might be.” He was somewhat flustered.
“Farewell, my friend,” he said. “Thank you for bringing me back to life. Haplo took Alfred’s hand, then embraced the startled and embarrassed Sartan. “Thank you,” Haplo said, his voice gruff, “for giving me life. Farewell, my friend.” Alfred was extremely red. He patted Haplo’s back awkwardly, then turned away, wiping his eyes and nose with his coat sleeve.
"Haplo! I need your help!" Alfred quavered. "Are you mad? Patryn magic and Sartan magic can't work together!" "How do we know?" Alfred returned desperately. "Just because it's never been done, at least that we're aware of. Who knows but that somewhere, sometime in the past--" "All right! All right! Shutting Death's Gate. That's it? That's what we've got to do?" [...] Alfred sucked in a deep breath, began to sing. To his astonishment, Haplo joined him. The Patryn's baritone slid in under, lifted, and supported Alfred's high-pitched tenor.
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
For the ask #14! (For any of your fics, I love hearing you talk about them)
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
I think there's a lot of stuff in Horizon that didn't get picked up on, but I usually get overexcited and tell people about it. I had a couple people realize Steve was being held in Stark Tower before the reveal, but I knew that that was going to be fairly obscure for people to pick up on because Steve's description of it is accurate to AoU Avengers Tower, but that's not the most commonly remembered version of it.
Nobody who's commented on Horizon 14 yet -- I guess this is a spoiler for the newest chapter, but whatever -- has picked up on this being Yonderverse Bruce's lead-in to Professor Hulk in Endgame/Yonder, or at least nobody's mentioned it. Another Horizon one is from the very last scene in 14; the hint is that it's a reference to Iron Man, Loki's not just being a troll by precisely replicating the portal energy from Avengers.
Oh, I can think of something that I don't think anyone's ever mentioned: in Yonder 6, during Loki's confrontation with Farbauti, that is actually the moment when he finds out that (a) Farbauti is his birth-mother and (b) that she is the one who made the decision to expose him, not Laufey. I think people have picked up on that this is the first time they ever directly interact, but not that this is when Loki actually finds out her relationship to him. And because it's from Natasha's POV, she doesn't necessarily realize the relevance of his reaction there, but he doesn't name Farbauti when he's giving his big speech the previous chapter and then in Horizon he also very specifically says during his coronation that he doesn't know who his birth-mother is. (I write the Jotuns as being polygamous, partially because then I get to do even more inheritance law and politics, but that also means there was no way for Loki to know which of Laufey's wives his birth-mother was.) And it's all spoken sideways in the dialogue, so it's not as clear as it could be, but I think that's how they would be interacting in this situation. Thor knows the background that Natasha doesn't, and probably also looked up the laws back on Asgard after Thor 1, so he realizes the relevance of what is being half-spoken (by Jotun law and custom Farbauti is never going to openly acknowledge Loki as her son by birth, which is why she keeps hammering the "Odin's son" in her conversation). So does Loki, and he knows he did a major legal no-no by offering up a public claim to Jotunheim, which is what Farbauti's rebuking him about: he does not have a legal right to Jotunheim under both Asgardian and Jotun law (which I talked about a little here).
I'm trying to think what people have picked up on because I usually get overexcited and just tell people the next day or even the same day on Twitter. I know there were a few people who picked up on Frigga's divergence point in Morning not being killing Malekith, but I don't think anyone predicted that it was that she had absorbed the Aether. (Her divergence point is taking the Aether, her nexus event was killing Malekith; they occur so close together that the difference doesn't matter that much, but they are different.)
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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Replicant (M) Des: BATTY (Roy)
NEXUS 6 N6MAA10816
Incept Date: 8 JAN, 2016
Func: Combat, Colonization Defense Prog.
Phys: LEV. A Ment: LEV. A
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lifewithaview · 2 years
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Blade Runner (1982)
dir.Ridley Scott
Cinematography by Jordan Cronenweth
Amazing music by Vangelis Papathanasiou
In the early twenty-first century, the Tyrell Corporation, during what was called the Nexus phase, developed robots, called "replicants", that were supposed to aid society, the replicants which looked and acted like humans. When the superhuman generation Nexus 6 replicants, used for dangerous off-Earth endeavors, began a mutiny on an off-Earth colony, replicants became illegal on Earth. Police units, called "blade runners", have the job of destroying - or in their parlance "retiring" - any replicant that makes its way back to or created on Earth, with anyone convicted of aiding or assisting a replicant being sentenced to death. It's now November, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. Rick Deckard, a former blade runner, is called out of retirement when four known replicants, most combat models, have made their way back to Earth, with their leader being Roy Batty. One, Leon Kowalski, tried to infiltrate his way into the Tyrell Corporation as an employee, but has since been able to escape. Beyond following Leon's trail in hopes of finding and retiring them all, Deckard believes part of what will help him is figuring out what the replicants wanted with the Tyrell Corporation in trying to infiltrate it. The answer may lie with Tyrell's fail-safe backup mechanism. Beyond tracking the four, Deckard faces a possible dilemma in encountering a fifth replicant: Rachael, who works as Tyrell's assistant. The issue is that Dr. Elden Tyrell is experimenting with her, to provide her with fake memories so as to be able to better control her. With those memories, Rachael has no idea that she is not human. The problem is not only Rachael's assistance to Deckard, but that he is beginning to develop feelings for her.
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perecreate · 6 days
Blade Runner: A Redefinition of Humanity
Is one not created by nature, eligible for owning humanity that appears exclusively for living and high-intelligent organisms? Through the eyes of artificial intelligence characters, the film Blade Runner 2019 questions the belonging of identity and consciousness, as man-made lifes begin to perceive, comprehend and respond to their surroundings, just like normal humans do.  
The film Blade Runner is definitely a must-watch sci-fi film even till this day, with its deep character depiction and conflicts, amazing graphics with a unique dystopian world environment.
The final cut version of Blade Runner 2019 released in 1982 is an artistic sci-fi film directed by Ridley Scott, based on the novel “Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?” by Philip K. Dick. It takes us into the future world of 2019, 37 years later this film was in making. Human technology has advanced and humanity has found its ways to colonize other planets. Earth, however, has lost its original form. As upper-class citizens leave the earth, the rest of humans struggle to preserve systems of education, laws and orders. Eventually, earth becomes a lawless place to live, with no specific authority in rule. It has also become a planet invisible to sunlight, its only light source coming from the bright electronic screens. 
Under the rapid tech-innovation, Nexus 6 replicants are created as artificial intelligence that physically looks like humans, but supposedly not intrigued by emotions, and to work as off-world slaves. But it didn’t take long for replicants to realize their positions and ability to rebel against their own creators. They soon found their ways (back) on earth and hid among people, intending to avoid pursuit and live a life of their own. Their escape eventually reaches the local police department, and Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is put on a mission as Blade Runner, tasked to retire all replicants on the run. 
Blade Runner’s hypothesis of a broken world tells its audience the similarity between each and every human, which is implied through the human-like creature, the Nexus 6 replicants. It’s an implication of social hierarchy that separates people by various factors, which can deny a person’s identity as an equal human. “Have you ever retired a human by mistake?” Rachael’s (Sean Young) question to Deckard is a real hit to the point; it’s an inquiry to the audience, the society, that has humanity been weakened, and accessible for certain group of people and not to another? 
With a deep message hidden inside, Blade Runner does a fantastic job with its satisfying decor and the creation of a corruptive world. With a hypothetical but realistic world setting, and the support of great music and visuals, I promised you won’t regret watching Blade Runner 2019.
Newest updates of film reviews are in my blog site for anyone interested:
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: OC 16
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: Dr. Stefansdottir's Garden
Object Class: Thaumiel/ Nexus
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AZY is completely under the control of Dr. Stefansdottir. Only under her authority are any Foundation staff allowed within SCP-AZY, should any Foundation staff somehow enter without her permission or attempt to breach, they are to be regulated to D Class and put under testing of Dr. Stefansdottir's choosing. There are no exceptions.
Description: SCP-AZY is a pocket dimension created entirely by Dr. Stefansdottir due to her ability to control all aspects of reality with no limitations. As such she has created SCP-AZY to assist her in more personal experiments as well as create her own assets and projects for the Foundation. SCP-AZY is vast and almost as large as plant earth, as such she and those who she allows within, have divided it into 6 sections.
SCP-AZY-Einn - Every changing city that acts as a resting and relaxing area for Dr. Stefansdottir and her staff. Acts as the main living quarters for the Department of the Impossible and vacation area for Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare. Typically changes to accommodate to what the inhabitance wants and need without inconveniencing any other inhabitance.
SCP-AZY-Tveir - A vast forest filled with anomalous fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, and trees created and mutated via anomalous properties only understood by Dr. Stefansdottir. The vegetation in this area is regularly used for experiments to create newer and stronger Foundation medicine and potions. Those that fail or end up having more fatal or non-consumable properties are instead testing if they can be used as resources or chemical to help the Foundation expand its horizons.
SCP-AZY-Þrír - A city large farm divided into hundreds of sections each as large as a regular free-range farm. Populated by both normal animals and thanks to approval by the O5 Council SCP-ABC-2 instances as well. The magic in the air has mutated them to create newer animals with potentially with the ability to provide new forms of meat, dairy products, resources, and uses should they be tamed by the Foundation. It should be noted the Blood Scale Cobra is breed here and is the sole animal that can be harvested for Necrosis Venom.
SCP-AZY-Fjórir - Massive Cave system that exists underneath of the entirety of SCP-AZY as a while. Filled with crystals and metals imbued with the magic of the pocket dimension which has led to several anomalous and beneficial effects.
SCP-AZY-Fimm - Arguably the most important area within SCP-AZY. Has been called Site-GARDEN due to the massive Foundation site that has been constructed there allowing Dr. Stefansdottir and all of her staff to conduct all the experiments with the anomalous materials collected within SCP-AZY as they please. The main area where newly resources born are tested to see if they have any value to the Foundation. Can be daunting due to a majority end up being duds or too unstable to be properly used or impossible to replicate without Dr. Stefansdottir's help.
SCP-AZY-Sex - A recent addition only added in [data expunged by order of the O5 Council]. The headquarters of the Department of the Impossible. Dr. Stefansdottir's main workplace along with her [data expunged by order of the O5 Council].
SCP-AZY is considered one of the most essential assets to the Foundation as it is thanks to the anomaly that the Foundation has nearly unlimited number of resources to create top of the line weaponry and containment cells. Though due to the nature of SCP-AZY not many are allowed inside which is why Dr. Stefansdottir's main employment within SCP-AZY are SCP-AZY-Bot instances.
SCP-AZY-Bot's are creations of Dr. Stefansdottir mostly golems though some do resemble random Foundation staff. They act as both a labor force within SCP-AZY but also as extra hands for Foundation researcher within SCP-AZY. They also act as a last defense should SCP-AZY is ever breached though the chances of that happening without Dr. Stefansdottir's knowledge is impossible.
SCP-AZY can only be accessed by Level 4 Clearance staff or higher and only after they are approved by both the O5 Council, the Ethics Committee, and Dr. Stefansdottir herself. Otherwise without the abilities of an extremely powerful Level 5 Reality Bender no one can bypass these restrictions. Though Dr. Stefansdottir is constantly [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] so the chances of this happening are almost impossible even by the hands of Gods who are known to be hostile to the Foundation.
SCP-AZY was created in [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] by Dr. Stefansdottir during [data expunged by order of the O5 Council]. Because of this she was also able to establish the Department of the Impossible as its director and possibly only employee. It should be noted that the name implies, understanding how the Department functions on any level or aspect is essentially impossible.
It's thanks to SCP-AZY that the Foundation has its limitless resources and was able to thrive without the need for common politics or capitalism back in [data expunged by order of the O5 Council]. Without SCP-AZY we wouldn't have as much power, and we might have even had to rely on government funding to maintain our power. As such, SCP-AZY must never become common knowledge as doing so exposes [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] and the fact that Dr. Stefansdottir [data expunged by order of the O5 Council].
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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everydayoriginal · 1 year
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Roy Batty by Luis Tinoco
“Roy Batty” 8″x10″ Oil on panel
8×10, hanging wire added to the back, ready for hanging display. Oil Paint on cradled wood panel, and is sealed with Gamvar varnish.
Roy Batty is the leader of the renegade Nexus-6 replicants and the main antagonist of the film Blade Runner.  He is highly intelligent, fast and skilled at combat and yet still learning how to deal with emotions. He and five other replicants come to Earth hoping to find a way to lengthen their lifespan. After learning from Tyrell, creator of the replicants, that his life cannot be extended, Batty kills Tyrell out of rage… A dying Roy tells Rick Deckard, a “blade runner”,  about the things he has seen and how the memories will be “lost in time, like tears in rain”. He smiles, saying, “Time… to die”.
VIEW DETAILS brought to you by Every Day Original
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michaelcosio · 1 year
Harry Bryant was the captain of the Los Angeles Police Department Blade Runner Unit who assigned ex-Blade Runner Rick Deckard to return to his job and retire six escaped Nexus-6 replicants.
The LAPD had a standard system of operations as it aimed to protect the city, and sometimes the world, from both domestic and galactic threats. Officers patrolled and surveilled the entire city constantly every day to ensure city rules and regulations were followed and the citizens were secure. Officers use personalized spinners to hover around the city grounds in search of potential threats or strange activities.
The LAPD notably housed and hired Blade Runners to retire defected or returning replicants from Off-world colonies. Blade Runners that worked for the LAPD operated differently than LAPD detectives or officers, working on an as-needed basis. When the LAPD received word of a defected replicant, their hired Blade Runners were called in to track down the replicants and retire them as ordered.
The LAPD operated out of at least two buildings over the course of the 21st century. Around 2019, the LAPD headquarters building was a skyscraper with a circular edifice. The roof had a heptagonal layout with multiple retractible landing pads for spinners. In 2029, this structure was attacked by a group of replicant revolutionaries led by Yotun. This attack left the building engulfed in flames.
By 2032, the LAPD had moved to a different building with a rectangular design that culminated in a monolithic, inverted pyramid of featureless concrete. One face of the building was painted with "LAPD" in enormous, multi-story high letters. As with the LAPD's old headquarters, this newer building also had retractible spinner landing pads on the roof. This building remained in use as of 2049.
from Armchair Ambience
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emilynns · 1 year
Research Blade Runner
I watched Blade Runner for the first time and I enjoyed the overall aesthetics of the movie, especially the use of tall buildings with giant screens always playing some sort of advert.
“Early in the 21st century, THE TYRELL CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution into the Nexus phase - a being virtually identical to a human known as a Replicant.
The Nexus 6 Replicants were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence to the genetic engineers who created them.
Replicants were used Off-world as slave labour in the hazardous exploration and colonisation of other planets
After a bloody mutiny by a nexus 6 combat team in an off world colony Replicants were declared illegal on earth under penalty of death
Special police squads - Blade Runner units had orders to shoot to kill upon detection any trespassing Replicant
Thus was not called execution it was called retirement”
Tall buildings with giant screens on
Flying cars/spaceships
Bright lights
Artificial animals Essays
I read the essays/articles provided and made some general notes on what they were about, i found it interesting to read how AI could impact us in the future and what other peoples opinions on it are.
Socialising Artificial Intelligence
children’s relationship with media characters help us understand and how they treat non loving entities
Parasocial relationships
Artificial relationships can help us understand social interaction
We model AI after us, their actions and behaviours we treat them as if they are human
There is a risk that they will replace something that is fundamentally human
Machine Consciousness sentience and mind
the power of ai can be misused
“Narrow AI” is about software driven intelligence on a task with limited context
We interact with narrow ai all the time, credit card fraud detectors and speech recognition
40% of the global population is online
Alan Turing, a famous mathematician has a theory that while interacting with a human if a machine can fool them into believing that they are another human then it can be termed as intelligent
Ai has been made to beat human players in video games ai learned by analysing and being fed players previous games
Ai can help us solve problems in areas of energy, pollution and clean water
Maintaining Control Over AI
humans must maintain control over the technology that we create
We must create policies
Ai policy is still in the early days but the deployment of ai techniques is accelerating rapidly
When AI makes art, humans supply the creative spark
an AI company issued a warning when it announced a new service called DALL-E 2 the system can generate vivid and realistic photos and paintings in response to a line of text or previous image
The model may increase the efficiency of performing some tasks like designing and photo editing which could displace jobs for people
Image generating AI will lead to an explosion of creativity that permanently changes humanity’s visual environment
There are still a lot of human creativity in art that ai can’t replicate
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capenafuerte · 1 year
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Roy Batty is the leader of the renegade Nexus-6 replicants. He was activated on January 8, 2016. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLfvnnu_FV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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