fuckyeahviagraboys · 7 months
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lunar-fey · 4 months
oh i think i forgot to post this last night but had a realization. summer sads girlies. it is our time to shine
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phant0mg0r3 · 8 months
y0u sh0uld eat fruit s0 y0ur bird buddy can eat with y0u
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spiderlegeyelashes · 1 year
yknow i get why y2k is so popular rn but for me the early 2010s (or more like 2008-2013) hit so much harder. i dunno. to me it's so much cooler. gwagggghh.............
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puphoods · 1 year
desire to be hit with hammers overcome because a customer i helped like a week ago wrote a like PARAGRAPH review praising how much i helped them and how good i was. and my boss is giving me a ton of chocolate as a thankyou
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merlindotpdf · 6 months
I need a fruity alcoholic drink so badly.. save me piña colada......
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anonymouslove · 7 months
Dolorosa gi<3 m3 pati3nc3 dolorosa gi<3 m3 pati3nc3 dolorosa gi<3 m3 pati3nc3 today has b33n a f>cking. Night. To b3 on gr>mblr.
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/|\- I’m a blOO blOOd and sOme Insufferable tOOl trIed to break up me and my matespIrIt (they/them), claiming that I’m nOt able tO understand Or empathIse wIth them at all because Of my caste. I trIed to pOInt Out that enfOrcIng caste dIvIsIOns like that Only wOrsens the InequalIty, and I wOrk hard tO be aware of issues that they face because Of theIr place On the hemOspectrum, and my matespIrIt agrees that they were Out of lIne and I’m a gOOd partner to them, but It stIll really bOthered me. What dO yOu thInk?
- AuspIcIOusCanOpy
Ac I'm going to b3 r3al, I think yo>'r3 l3a<ing o>t k3y information in ord3r to s33k <alidation from som3on3 onlin3. I can imagin3 a million diff3r3nt sc3narios that co>ld l3ad yo> and yo>r mat3sprit to ha<3 this fight with yo>r oth3r partn3r. Did this ins>ff3rabl3 tool call yo> o>t on yo>r int3rnaliz3d castism to th3m? Ar3 yo> and yo>r mat3sprit high >p on th3 cast3 syst3m and this ins>ff3rabl3 tool is low down? Or mayb3 th3y j>st want3d to br3ak >p with yo> witho>t facing yo>r ir3 and risking g3tting cull3d? Bas3d on th3 info gi<3n to m3, I can't pass j>dg3m3nt on this sit>ation (tho>gh, if yo> ask m3, it s33ms lik3 yo> w3r3 "I don't s33 cast3"-ing th3m and th3y f3lt lik3 yo> w3r3 ignoring th3 opr3ssion that th3y fac3 on a night-to-night basis and so th3y didn't f33l lik3 you w3r3 acknowl3dging th3ir position in th3 h3mocast3 which l3d th3m to saying what th3y said), and p>r3ly bas3d on th3 fact that yo> s3nt a anon to m3, yo>'r3 trying to find som3on3 that'll say that yo> w3r3 in th3 right. Yo> want som3on3 to pat yo> on th3 back and say "th3r3 th3r3, yo>'r3 a good p3rson", and to p>t it bl>ntly I'm not going to gi<3 that to yo>. Pl>s yo>r >s3 of "ins>ff3rabl3 tool" r3ally shows yo>r hand in this sit>ation as "not f>lly in th3 right".
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Oo Ee Oo I Look Just Like Buddy Dwyer
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citrusitonit · 5 months
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Angel dust !! The pookie!! The smoothie !! HE DESERVES CAVIAR AND IDK A NIC3 STICKER
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phant0mg0r3 · 8 months
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mad3 lunch </3
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w1r3fck3r · 3 months
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Pony-fied everyone in my Void universe !! :]
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Left to right: [01, SP4RKPLUG, N0TZ/NAVGHT7, Yn, 8314, JACQUELYN, AZUL, NIC3, IND1GO]
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musicgirl656 · 2 months
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💚I drew this video game character in the first time :3💚
Balan from Balan Wonderworld, I don't know anything about the game but this character Balan, I... I really liked him NGL X3, I think he's really cute and awesome looking he is😊. Anyways, he's more related to Nights. Well, I don't know about Sonic, but let's just say kinda related... or something, eh, but anyways, the reason why I draw him, it's because of the nice hat on the eyes, nic3 glitter, white suit, and his green teal hair thread... and also his beautiful yellow eyes☺️. I liked it. I said I don't play the game yet. It could be interesting to play it in the future, and what's the game all about😁.
EEEEK XD not gonna lie... but he looks so beautiful, cool, and catchy 🥰X3.
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moocha-muses · 7 months
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"Nic3 c4tch."
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th3-oracl3 · 10 months
[Oracl3 is fishing in a lake in the Mushroom Forest Where It's Always Night. He has a pole taped to his left hand and the reel taped to his right. The assassin he hired to help him do this is standing behind him.]
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hmm. mhmm.
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