#niccolò “nico” di angelo
holly-natnicole · 2 months
Thalia: "You know what really gets my goat?"
Leo: "El chupacabra."
Thalia: "...No."
Reyna: "That reminds me, my mind was recently blown when I found out I'm older than its legend."
Will: "...Pardon?"
Leo: "The rumours about el chupacabra first started in March 1995."
Hazel: *excited to finally get a chance to use modern time terminology* "El chupacabra is a millennial?"
Nico: "..Are we sure it's not a monster in disguise?"
Piper: "...Leo, Reyna, Will, and I will start asking around. Which part of Mexico did the legend originate in?"
Leo: "Don't look at me!!"
Will: "I'm a Colombian who was born in Texas, so I know even less about it than you, Leo."
Reyna: "I'm a Puerto Rican who spent half my life either at Circe's island or Camp Jupiter. I have no idea where to start looking."
Piper: "slaps her own forehead* "Lets just look it up on the Internet!!"
Reyna, Thalia, Hazel, & Nico:: "What's the Internet?"
Will, Leo, & Piper: *gapes in horror*
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random-brain-dumps · 2 months
Many children don't know what cassettes are because they're not used very often anymore. Nico di Angelo doesn't know what they are either; not because he's young, but because he's old
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solangeloismysoul · 1 year
Just a friendly reminder that Solace means comfort or consolation in a time of sadness or distress. <3
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dupaminotaurav2 · 15 days
Solangelo headcanon (posted this on tiktok and my other blog)
Nico can communicate with the dead as we know, so whenever Will remembers his dead siblings and gest sad, Nico talks to them for him eventuslly summons them. Isnt that cute.
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daliyla · 1 year
I'll say it once (1) and never again
It's "Niccolò" not "Niccolo"
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yourlovelyarrowace · 1 year
I just love how all the pjo fans here in Italy (at least, the ones I know) have decided to ignore Rick and have collectively chose to call Nico Niccolò with the accent.
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wild-flowerhoney · 7 months
little preview of my first (english) pjo wip-
Ed è l'odore dei limoni
Here, by some miracle, the war
Of conflicted passions is stilled,
Here even we the poor are owed our share of wealth
And it’s the smell of the lemon trees.
(Qui delle divertite passioni
per miracolo tace la guerra,
qui tocca anche a noi poveri la nostra parte di ricchezza
ed è l'odore dei limoni.)
-Eugenio Montale, I limoni
The memories come back to him slowly – colours and sounds and feelings, piece by piece, until Nico can push them together and just barely glimpse the bigger picture.
The language comes first, like an old friend, rolls off of his tongue as if it’d never left. It makes it weird to speak English, makes the words and sounds clumsier – once, he stumbles over half the words in a single sentence and thinks this entire thing might reveal itself to be more inconvenience than gift, after all. He wonders, briefly, if this is how he used to speak English as a child. If it used to be even worse.
He doesn’t seriously struggle to speak but sometimes he’ll find himself thinking, it doesn’t feel natural anymore.
And, immediately after, because knowing it doesn’t make it mine.
Some part of who he was has been unlocked and it clashes with who he is, the constant war between what was his from birth and what has been forced on him throughout the years – what he grasped onto when everything that used to be his was taken away, erased by a God who could not fully understand the concept of belonging in a single place. Could not understand the importance of roots and family and history, not in the way mortals do.
And whose fault is it, anyway? A million mortal lovers could not teach Divinity how to be human. It's to be expected, isn't it? It would be against his very nature.
Nico is angry, all the same.
It's not new, this anger.
(actually italian nico making peace with his past and where he comes from my beloved)
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girlhelpicf · 1 year
do not mistake me for a lover of the prose in tsats but the idea that nico could not possibly speak like the average 14 or 15 year old boy is insane. to me. he lived on the streets for years he does NOT remember his life before 1990/2000/2010/2020 depending on the timeline you perceive the series in. he picked up slang dawg he does not speak like he writes with a fucking quill he wasnt out and about philosophizing to the assorted folks you’d find in big city america. he says bro and dude and yo and damn and fuck. he canonically refers to hazel as sis
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raiinnnnm · 4 days
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CRINGE!! Thatsso cringe help him
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algumaideia · 1 year
The only other thing besides unlabeled Will I want in tsats is Nico and Will fangirling over María Dueñas playing Paganini.
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holly-natnicole · 2 months
Luna (Bianca's reincarnation): *runs into a meadow at Camp Jupiter* "I found a spider in my bedroom!! What do I do?!"
Nico (who hung out with Annabeth yesterday): "Kill it."
Hazel: "Let it outside."
Reyna: "What type of spider is it?"
Hylla: "Eat it."
Luna, Nico, Hazel, & Reyna: *stare wide-eyed at Hylla*
Hylla: "What? Sprinkle some spices and cooking oil on it, and roast it over a fire; it'll be a delicious snack."
Reyna: "...I am never eating with the Amazons ever again."
Hazel & Nico: *nod in unison*
Luna: "I have an idea!! I'll keep the spider as my pet."
Hazel: *gets up* "Good choice, kiddo!! I'll help ya find a terrarium for it."
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emodwarfluvr · 6 months
nico di angelo: nico who is actually niccolò, a name he uses rarely, quietly, carefully. something not everyone can say, nor grasp the importance of. niccolò di angelo, son of an italian woman, brother of an italian girl, grandson of an italian man and diplomat: blood as red and vibrant as caravaggio’s death of the virgin flows through his veins, his complexion carries the faint memory of olives and the liquid they produce, a memory of where he comes from, of home. niccolò: a name of most significant power and presence, owned by many before him. before niccolò di angelo there was niccolò “ugo” foscolo, before niccolò foscolo there was niccolò machiavelli: a legacy of writers, poets who made history with the sole movement of their hand holding a quill. he, too, will carry their memory, spread his word about the generations that led to his existence. he will see the sun shining bright in the sky and bask in the light and warmth it brings, because who is he if he doesn’t appreciate the pieces of home that follow him wherever he goes? he will look at the night sky and think of galileo, of leopardi’s poems, and he will remember the loud laughter of his mamma and the tight embraces of his nonna. he will make food for his loved ones with all the passion and affection his heart can carry and, for an instant, be brought back to that one tiny, hidden street, now long forgotten, in venice, where his home once stood, and in that instant he will reminisce and smile at the consciousness that he carries his own bloodline and origins with him, always.
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solangeloismysoul · 1 year
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underwxrldprincess · 1 year
19 PJO characters that I think are really neat
Nico di Angelo
Niccolò di Angelo
Hades's son
Maria di Angelo's son
Persephone's stepson
Bianca di Angelo's brother
Hazel's half-brother
Will Solace's significant annoyance
the Ghost King
Death Boy
Ambassador of Pluto
Death Breath
Zombie Dude
the Lord of Darkness
Debbie Downer
the Italian Wall Lizard
Mr Dark Lord (not Voldemort or Sauron)
Signor MythoMagic
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dixangelo · 8 months
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niccolò di angelo feet that don't make a sound when he steps and disappears into nothing, reappearing with a grim smile and a too big jacket around his shoulders. the name that is whispered in the depth of tartarus. shadow and bone answer to him when he calls and just as his father sits upon a throne of bones, nico wears a crown of shadows. the [𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠] indeed.
𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 gifted intellect, master combatant, shadow teleportation, necromancy, master swordsman, soul telepathy, telekinesis, superhuman strength & speed etc.
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𝐨𝐨𝐜 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 as you'd expect from a prince of darkness, nico isn't exactly the sunniest of heroes. he prefers to be alone and behaves rather serious and reserved, so please don't take offense by my implicit characterisation.
— minors do not interact / 21+ / eng &‘ ger / semi-active.
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yourlovelyarrowace · 1 year
Nico Di Angelo's Italian is really messed up and I couldn't understand it.
He probably lost it a little bit when he started school in the USA, or while being stuck in the Lotus Casino (or whatever it's called, I can't remember it), and then he probably tried to remember it and/or expand his vocabulary talking to ghost. The only problem? I'm pretty sure he couldn't choose from which time the ghost came, so now his Italian is really weird. He also learned Italian in the '30s which, trust me, it's +2 bonus points of weirdness.
With that being said, I want to write a fic with Nico badly translating old Italian slang to English. But I'm really bad with plots, so I need your help.
Please vote and reblog!
(Also, sorry for my terrible English, I can't really write right now)
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