#nicky valentino x oc
agender-wolfie · 2 years
Guys. Stop tagging your OC stories as X reader. It’s hard to sift through and I don’t go to the x reader tag for OC’s I don’t care about .
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radidadood · 2 years
No tmnt for today I'm still having my exam but hv smth only veterans remember.
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I just somewhat missed these two-
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star-of-zaun · 4 years
Hi, everyone. It’s Bellamy here and I just wanted to apologize for the indefinite hiatus on my Nicky/OC fic which I am left dissatisfied with as I did not like where I’m taking the entire premise.
Everything will be rewritten but I will not provide any prologue because it is worth skipping so, we will be diving right into the first chapter.
Anyway, the current interpretation of Nicky’s route that I’ve previously written will be kept private so don’t be alarmed if you checked on @lemon-trap’s Ultimate Nicky Valentino Masterlist! I will be keeping them up to date just in case I’ve started writing the newer version!
I’ll see you all very soon and, please stay safe!
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valentino-red · 4 years
Chapter 1
coney island queen
Why Sol didn’t just walk out of the cineplex after Murray asked her to choose what ‘movie’ to star in was beyond her. Not taking part of all this madness was the smart, rational thing to do-- and then she saw tawny eyes across a smoky room, and suddenly she forgot what it meant to be rational.
Nicky Valentino. It was obvious that he was a gangster. There was something in the way he looked across the room that spoke of a man protecting his spot at the top. Then there was his cousin, Ralph della Rosa, who was acting much too cautious to just be ordinary family. And finally, Floyd Capo; he stunk so much of tobacco that Sol’s late grandfather, who himself smoked cigars, would have blanched.
“You gotta get your arms around this lifestyle and embrace it.”
Sol snorted. Only a person with one and a half braincells wouldn’t figure out what lifestyle Floyd was talking about. If Sol was smart, she would run to the nearest church and beg to enter a convent.
But she was still stunned by the roses in her room and the gorgeous breakfast. It was embarrassing to realise just how easily she was won over by opulence. These were things that she didn’t let herself enjoy in the twenty-first century; her bed was way too soft to be comfortable, and the housekeeping staff was suspiciously polite. Sol remembered her old room fondly; a cheap mattress on the floor for a bed, a threadbare blanket to fight the heat of tropical nights, and instant coffee to go with a piece of pan de sal, her favorite bread.
“Miss Diaz? Mr. Valentino is on the line.”
Sol looked up from the cup of coffee she was drinking. The bellhop, standing as though he were a statue, gestured at the old-fashioned telephone. “He wishes to speak to you.”
Nodding, Sol took the telephone receiver from the bellhop. 
“Good morning, love. Hope I didn’t wake you.”
Sol didn’t notice the smile on her face when she heard Nicky’s voice. “Don’t worry about it; I’ve been up since five.”
“Oh?” Nicky’s voice was smooth like scotch. “Had a hard time sleeping?”
Sol rolled her eyes. “Force of habit,” she replied. “I rise with the sun.”
“A man would reckon that a broad like you got a lot of beauty sleep.”
She couldn’t help but snort. “Yeah, and I bet you’ll find my eye bags real attractive.” Soledad took another sip of her coffee. “Anyways, thanks so much for the breakfast. I don’t think I’ll be able to walk today.”
“That good, huh?”
“I usually have a piece of bread in the morning, so this was really… a lot. Makes me wonder if someone has ulterior motives for the food and flowers.”
“Maybe someone was trottin’ around like a horse’s ass last night, and wanted to apologize.”
Sol laughed, a deep sound from her belly. “Don’t worry about it, Nicky. I understand.”
“Well. I just wanted you to know when I tell you ‘I’m sorry,’ I really mean it. I know I was out of line leaving you in the cold like that, but it couldn’t be avoided.”
The grin on her face couldn’t be helped, and Sol felt her face heat up.
“Thanks, Nick,” she said. “But really, I know that men like Floyd can be difficult. Besides, Ralph set me up in a really fancy place. Sorta makes me wonder if a certain someone would need to rob a bakery after he sees my bill.”
Nicky laughed at the other end of the line. “Don’t worry about it, kid.”
“Are you sure?” Sol smiled. “I’m pretty great at worrying.”
“And I’m pretty great at making money.” Sol could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “How about the flowers? I was dreaming about you all night, so I woke up at the crack of dawn to pick each one.”
“Nicky,” she said. “I don’t think I have a heart anymore. It just melted.”
He laughed again, and Soledad imagined him-- the brunette hair in a razor cut, tawny eyes crinkling at the corners and sparkling in dim lights. The way he tilted his head back to let out a laugh. She wanted to make him laugh again.
“I’m afraid that I’ll have to let you go for now, toots,” Nicky said. The smile in his voice was still there. “Enjoy your breakfast and meet me outside in an hour. Capisce?”
Soledad suddenly realised that she had no clothes, and only a small makeup bag that she had in the purse she was carrying to the cineplex. She sighed. 
She handed the telephone over to the bellhop, mind still running. The majority of the hotel staff were still in the room, trying to look like they weren’t eavesdropping. Oh, well-- it couldn’t be helped.
“Jonathan Smith, at your service,” the bellhop said.
“Mr. Smith, I have a few requests,” Soledad said. “First, I was wondering if you could procure me a fresh set of clothing-- in yellow, if available. Please charge it to the room. And if I could have a fresh cup of coffee, that would be wonderful.”
Jonathan Smith, the bellhop, did a small bow. “Of course, Miss Diaz. And how would you like your coffee?”
“Black, Mr. Smith.”
“No sugar or cream, Miss Diaz?”
“Have you broken up with a lover before, Mr. Smith?”
“Yes, madam,” he said in a straight face. Sol nodded in approval at his professionalism.
“I want the coffee to be as black as your ex’s soul.”
Jonathan Smith’s stoic demeanor broke into a grin. “I see, Miss Diaz. Your clothes and coffee will be brought to you right away.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Smith. And do take a croissant. If I try to eat everything, perhaps the bed will become too small for me.”
Even when the bellhop left, Soledad chatted a bit with the remaining staff. By the end of it, two other busboys got their own shares of roses to give their wives, and the maids had a sample of some of the food. As Sol went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, she felt a little bit confident that maybe her telephone call with Nicky wouldn’t be the talk of the Waldorf Astoria’s help that afternoon. Or at the very least, they wouldn’t say that she was a bitch.
Ralph didn’t expect Soledad to be chatting his head off about the Rolls Royce’s specs, and he didn’t expect her to clean up so well. She was in a yellow dress with long sleeves and a sailor style collar, curly black hair brushed neatly, framing her long face. The kid wasn’t Ralph’s style in any stretch of the imagination-- she had a face that could have been a man’s-- but he could see how Nicky would fall for her. She was sun touched and radiant. When the kid walked, it was as if she had already conquered the world.
The plan had been to let the kid in, and to drive off to Nicky’s surprise, but the girl had been talking his head off about the car for a minute already.
“Listen, Sol,” Ralph said, cutting off another of her questions. “The Royce is a sweet ride, and the sooner you get in the back seat, the sooner you can see how she drives.”
Jesus, he thought to himself. And I thought I liked cars.
Sol slipped into the backseat, and the sudden luxury of the car’s interiors flooded her senses. The seats were in a plush camel colored leather, with intricate flower embroidery. She ran her hand on the seat, looking up to see a certain someone looking at her with warm eyes.
“There she is,” Nicky Valentino said. “The sweetest of the sweet.”
Soledad did her best not to blush. She failed. “Hello to you, too.”
She settled into her seat, trying not to notice how close she was to Nicky. It was a bit crazy; she had hung around good looking men in bespoke suits before, and never had she felt as woozy as she did now.
“You sure did take your time out there with Ralph, didn’t ya, toots? Made me sorta feel like you were a bit sore about last night and was tryna not see me.” Soledad rolled her eyes. “Your car is beautiful, Nicky. And frankly, I’d kill to take her for a spin.”
“Oh, yeah? You’re only finding the car beautiful?”
There was a challenge in his eyes, and Soledad couldn’t help her raised brow. Nicky was smirking at her, a blush on his face, and it was obvious that he was fishing for compliments. She wouldn’t give him any.
“Well, Ralph looks better in the daylight.”
The two men broke into laughter, with Soledad joining them after a beat. The mischief in Nicky’s eyes only became more pronounced.
“Hey,” Nicky said. “Just so that things are clear-- I really do feel bad for leavin’ ya on your lonesome last night. So what’d ya say? Would you let this sorry sap do something nice for you?”
“If you’re talking about lettin’ me have a spin, then absolutely,” she laughed. “But it’s still a yes for me with anything else. I’m not mad, Nicky. I’m really not.”
“Thank God,” he replied. “I’d drink to that. Hey, how about that? Care for a drink, sugar? They call these things mimosas.”
Soledad shook her head. “I would, Nicky, but I’m running on four cups of coffee. Liquor is the last thing I need. Besides, isn’t that illegal?”
“It’s illegal to drink. Period.” Nicky winked at her. “But you wouldn’t be here if it was, would you?”
“If it was legal to drink? What are you talking about?”
Nicky’s smile stretched to a Cheshire cat grin, the entirety of his focus on Soledad. If she felt lightheaded before, now Sol felt like she could faint.
“You think that guys like me are a dice roll away from getting bumped off or going to the big house. And I think there’s a part of you that likes that. Otherwise you wouldn’t have decided to be in this movie or whatever you think this is.”
The smile from Soledad’s face faded, and she couldn’t help but reach for Nicky’s hand. His eyes met hers, surprised by her sudden seriousness.
“Nicky, remember what you told me last night, when I gave you my hand?”
“I do,” he said. “You feel like home.”
Soledad nodded, lost in thought and looking at their now entwined fingers. “I’m in this for you, Nicky. I’m not here for the money, the power, or the thrill of it. If I wanted that, I would have stayed back home in the Philippines. But for some reason, I went back here to the past and met an amazing man that I feel I’ve known all my life. If anything, you being a gangster worries me more than it excites me.”
Nicky brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “There ain’t no reason for you to worry ‘bout me, sweet thing. I got ya by my side, and you’re my lucky charm.”
The ride continued on, with Nicky teasing her with his ‘surprise’, and the pair of them almost getting a poor puppy off the street. Soledad almost wanted to get it, before thinking that it might actually belong to someone else. Nicky had been a bit distraught at the thought of leaving the little thing by itself, but they continued on with their banter, with Ralph sometimes chiming in.
“Hey, Nicky,” she said, eyes flickering to his. “I was hoping that you’ll help me get something.”
“Alright,” he replied, without missing a beat. “What is it?”
“A job.”
“A job?” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Why would you want that?”
“Well,” Sol said. “I’m practically destitute--”
“No, you’re not.”
“Look, I’ve got no job, no home, and no money to buy my own food. I am destitute.”
Nicky frowned, clearly not liking the idea.
“Hey, Nick. It’s alright. I’ve got a wide skill set. I’ve got a degree in financial management and law-- I mean, it’s Filipino law, and the constitution I know is the 1987 version, but I’ve needed to do more readings anyway.”
“I don’t really think that you need to work, toots. Trust me, I’m more than capable of providing for you.”
Sol laughed, a sound that came deep from her belly. “A hotshot gangster like you. Of course you can.”
Nicky exchanged a look with Ralph, their mood sobering. Sol noticed the pair, snorting at their surprise.
“I ain’t no gangster, toots.”
Soledad shot him a dirty look, only a bit annoyed that he wasn’t coming clean. “I know a lie when I hear it, Nicky.”
He raised an eyebrow at her in response, but the mood got heavier anyway. “Look,” he said, voice dropping a few octaves lower. “I’m from a town with rules that cutthroats invented four hundred years ago in the old country. And I still got friends who think that’s the only way to live. But I ain’t one of them. I never broke the bank by breaking someone’s bones.”
“And Floyd Capo is one of those friends.”
“Yeah,” Nicky sighed. “Ya know, toots, before you showed up, I was a wheeler dealer who made his money in real estate and spent it faster than he could count it. I ain’t no gangster.”
“That was a weak close,” Soledad sighed. “You’re not exactly subtle. Anybody that knows what a mobster is could tell, Nicky.”
“Huh. You wasn’t so prickly last night.”
“I was boozed out, confused and touch starved.”
“And now?
She smiled. “Caffeinated, confused, and touch starved.”
“And why is a pretty lady like you so prickly?”
Sol snorted, looking out the window. “You don’t get to be single for twenty-nine years without a bit of paranoia.”
Nicky was going to say something until he caught her reflection in the mirror. Her eyebrows were drawn tight, and her mouth was set in a thin flat line. There was something that was bothering her, and he wanted to know what it was. He squeezed her hand. 
“Hey,” Nicky said as she looked up at him. “You got me, kid. Before you waltzed into that speakeasy, I was a mobster with the world at my feet. And now I’m something completely different, ‘cos of you.”
“And what are you now?”
Nicky smiled at her and it put all the stars in the world to shame. “Now, I’m a romantic.”
When they got to Coney Island, Soledad’s face lit up like the Hollywood sign. Nicky smiled down at her; the kid was so small she didn’t reach his shoulders. He could pick her up easy, like a child.
“Omigod, Nicky,” she squealed. “We have to ride everything.”
“I’m not quite sure I can handle the carousel, toots.”
Sol snorted. “‘Cos those horses are gonna take a bite off your ass.”
“Haha,” Nicky said, offering his arm. “You’re a riot, ya know that?”
She slipped her hand into his instead, and when he looked down at her in surprise, he caught her blushing. Nicky could feel his own ears heat up.
“I know,” Sol said. “I know.”
They spent the rest of the day going to the rides. Nicky liked the way Sol’s eyebrows raised when she noticed him bribing the ticketmasters. He had asked her about it, and with a shrug she replied that he grandfather would bribe his way out of speeding tickets all the time. Nicky had laughed, noticing the way Soledad would preen at the sound. By the looks of it, she enjoyed making him laugh. The thought made Nicky want to go to the nearest stranger and tell them that he was crazy for his little lady.
They went and rode the Ferris Wheel, with Sol still tucked under his arm. Her short black hair tickled, and he couldn’t help but smile at the feel of it.
Nicky thought that telling Sol about his sister would be a hard thing to do, but the doll was patient and understanding, giving him none of her pity and all of her empathy. She was quiet while he told her how they’d slip over to the rides, and how his sister spent a night in jail.
“My pops cleaned my clock fierce that night,” Nicky said. From their height in the Ferris Wheel, he could see the whole of Coney Island. “But that wasn’t what got me. It was that I abandoned my sister when she needed me the most.”
Nicky did his best to crack a smile. “But to save you from seeing a grown man get all misty eyes, I’m gonna save that story for another day.”
He threw his arms around Sol’s shoulder as the gondola swayed. She leaned into him. 
“You know,” she said, “I don’t have any siblings. Sort of wish I do, but I had this little cousin, Micky, who was three years younger than I was, and at the time we lived close to each other. One day I saw him at an empty lot crying his eyes out, and he told me that his friends bullied him, telling him that he was a nobody and couldn’t do anything right. They told him that his family had no money, which was stupid because we’re were old money rich.”
Sol was looking at him, a fond smile on her face. “I took a stick and went to the kid’s house. Tampered with their water line. The next day, their house flooded. Man, my grandfather was so angry at me, I think I spent a good ten minutes under the belt. My tito was mad at me too. He never let me see Micky again.”
Nicky drew her closer to him. “I guess we’re really written in the stars, toots.”
She laughed, high in his embrace. “Yeah,” she said. “I guess so.”
The rest of the day was filled with banter. Nicky kept her under his arm, and she kept him laughing. They were strolling on the boardwalk, and he couldn’t help but notice the way her hair curled under her ears. She was blushing and fumbling over her explanation of how the bracelet was lost, but Nicky couldn’t care less. He used to think that the bracelet was important, but seeing her in the daylight and in his arms was worth fifty of those bracelets. 
“Hey,” Nicky said. “I noticed that you ain’t wearing those rags you had on last night.”
Soledad blushed. “Oh, uh. Well, I figured that a hotel as swanky as the Waldorf had some clothes lying around.”
“And let me guess,” Nicky said in a deadpan. “I’m paying for it.”
She answered with a shrug. “What can I say? I don’t have a job, so you’ll have to be my keeper.”
“Then I guess you won’t be prickly when I tell you that ya don’t have to ask a hotel for new clothes no more.”
“Nicky,” she said, eyes wide. “Don’t tell me you bought me clothes.”
Nicky leaned against the railing in a knowingly devious pose, winking at her as the noon time sun made his tawny eyes look like molten gold.
“Let’s just say that your wardrobe is gonna be full of designer dresses, stilettos from France, diamonds, minks--”
Sol dropped her head on his solar plexus hard enough for it to almost hurt. On reflex, he put his arms around her. She hugged him back.
“Why are you spoiling me so much,” she mumbled into his shirt. “I just met you last night.”
“You don’t have to know someone to know that you want them.”
There was a true heat in his voice and gaze. Soledad swallowed hard as he pulled her close. They were just a few inches away from each other, and she could see the small mole under his left eyes and his beet red ears.
“‘Cause I know what I want.”
Soledad thought that they were going to kiss, until Ralph came up to them, coughing into his hand awkwardly.
“Sorry to break you two lovebirds apart,” he said. “But there’s some coppers by the docks.”
“There’s always going to be some flatfoots in this town,” was Nick’s answer. He sighed in frustration. Soledad took a few steps away from him to catch her own breath.
“They’re looking for you, Nick.”
In a few quick heartbeats, Nicky spilled out orders to Ralph, and the two of them were on the run. They were able to get past a few officers, but a big man in the blue uniform saw them and gave chase. 
“Meet me at the alley, toots,” Nicky said, before sprinting away from the police officer. Soledad looked at the man grimly. She could outrun him, or she could buy Nicky some time.
“Hello, officer,” she said, as the burly man took a pair of handcuffs out.
“You’re under arrest.” His voice was gruff, and his moustache was severe. Soledad almost wanted to laugh; he looked like a caricature of a policeman.
“I want my rights read to me,” Sol replied. “Mainly because I have no idea what you’re arresting me for.”
“Nobody is reading anyone’s rights,” he said, handcuffing her. “Besides, I saw you with Valentino on the dock.”
“Then it’s your word against mine, Detective.” The man huffed. “I ain’t no detective. Just an honest officer doin’ his job, and you’re a no one, kid.”
“Then,” Sol said, “I’m really sorry that I have to do this.”
There were three things that she did in quick succession. First, she spun around and kicked him square in the jaw. He fumbled back, surprised. Then she kicked him again in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of his lungs. Finally, she kicked the back of his knees, sending him to the ground in a loud thud. The policeman groaned in pain, and when he tried to get up, she kicked him in the stomach again.
“I’m a twenty-nine year old captain of the Philippine Commonwealth’s army, not some kid,” Sol said, foot on his chest. “And between you and me, there’s no such thing as an honest officer these days.”
She could see a familiar black beauty roll into the street-- it was Nicky’s Rolls Royce. Sol took her foot off the officer’s chest.
“Just for the record,” she said. “I’m retired. And we both know what retired army captains are asked to do by their governments.”
The officer’s eyes widened, and Sol resisted the urge to smirk. She was a professional, after all.
“I’m not on the wrong side of the law.” She stepped away from the police officer. “Anyway, if you want to get promoted, remember this: have as many good friends in high places. Stray dogs turn into hungry wolves very quickly.”
The officer groaned, trying to sit up. “Is that a threat, or a warning?”
“It’s advice,” she replied. Sol bit her lip as she looked at the officer’s broken nose. “I’m really sorry that I had to hit you,” she said, voice soft, “but circumstances called for it, Officer…”
“Marquez,” he replied. Soledad nodded.
“If I ever see you again, I hope you won’t try to handcuff me,” she said.
The older man grunted. “Try not to hang around shady characters, Captain, and then we’ll see.”
She gave a quick nod before jogging to the Rolls Royce. Ralphie opened the door for her, and Nicky gave her a look that turned her knees to jell-o. But this was a look that was heated for all the wrong reasons.
“So,” he said conversationally. “What does the government ask retired army captains to do?”
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
*crawls out of sewer* h-hey. here's some art I made. tumblr is probably going to butcher the quality, so you gotta click the image for better quality i think 😅
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Decided I wanted to draw Chris, Ralph, Connor, Nicky, Rocky, and Floyd while also practicing backgrounds. suffice to say, i did pretty well on the background i think 🤔
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saintprivateer · 4 years
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baby we are hanging OUT. Fuckin JAZZIN. Absolutely spinning,
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First time animating, but since we’re all missing Nicky right now, here’s a lil’ animated gif I made for you guys of the moment when he first sees you walk back into the speakeasy after choosing his movie 🤗❤️ Enjoy!
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lemon-trap · 4 years
Nicky Valentino’s Ultimate Master List!
Due to it being very fricking hard to find Nicky fanfic, I have decided that it would be easier if all of his fanfics were put into one master list!
Please enjoy what many people have worked on and please like, reblog, and maybe comment on your favorite fics!
(Also check in on my pinned post to make sure you have the most updated list)
🦝 @lemon-trap 🦝 (aka: me!)
Saved by a Kiss (gender not explicit for reader)
This is a short fluffy fanfic that has no other reason for existing except making your heart go soft.
Plot Twist Nicky Valentino is a Bottom (female MC) SMUT
The title says it all. If you want just straight porn with Nicky as a subby bottom then this is the fanfic for you!
☀︎ @bursvalentino ☀︎ (the oh so lovely)
Two Against the World | Nicky Valentino x Sabrina Belladonna (ongoing, female pronouns) - (writer is currently rewriting this series)
Charming Nicky Valentino and the alluring Sabrina Belladonna are two sides of the same coin with one thing in common: escapism. But, our stars seem to be entangled in their game of cat and mouse. Will they ever possibly make it out alive after their truth unfolds?
☾ @lunaspera ☾ (the ultimate queen to go to for spicy Nicky things *chef kiss*)
Surrealtà | Nicky Valentino x Heaven (Assassin!OC, ongoing, female pronouns) - prologue ,
All she wanted was to make the world a better place. Is it any good if you tear a piece of yourself every time you want to help someone out ? The more she gave, the more she lost. The more she ran, the more she got lost. She was willing to die for others and now someone else is willing to die for her. Afterall “No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they'd die for”.
Cheers to the mess (female MC) - part one ,
Nicky’s actions speak louder than his words and you are consistent about finding out what is causing him to do so. Does it have anything to do with the handsome stranger who is desperately flirting with you?
Strip Poker (female MC) - part one , part one SMUT
Nicky is a tease, but so are you. What will be the outcome of this game? Poker is usually played to win. Tonight winning doesn’t seem like a good idea, not if you want to become hot mess. The one who loses wins.
Bella Mia SMUT (female MC)
Nicky is a “gentleman” but does he have enough willpower to hold himself away while you are purring his name?
Sweet Nothings fluff
Your sleepy mood accompanied by hot cocoa, the sound of the rain, a pair of warm hands, tender kisses, and sweet nothings. So tell me now, my dear, what is love to you?
Hey kiddo! Nicky Valentino x Reader x Uncle!Ralph Della Rosa
Ralph seems to enjoy your company but a mini you? Brace yourself, uncle Ralphie is coming!
Hands on Fire SMUT
The saccharine melody of sleep sweeping him off of his feet. Slow dancing to the soft tune of a sonata, hand in hand, skin to skin. Could it get any more sweet ? Won’t you come a little closer and let Nicky have a taste of your love ?
You sadness
NSFW Alphabet
Dirty secret, Jack off, No
NSFW Alphabet
Yearning, Motivation, Cum, Aftercare
💖 @valentino-red 💖
Sinnerman | Nicky Valentino x Soledad Diaz (ongoing, female pronouns) - prologue , chapter one , chapter two ,
Nicky Valentino has seen a lot of women waltz into his speakeasy, but when a certain Soledad Diaz comes in from the future trying to escape her past, hearts are exchanged and the mafia boss starts to reevaluate what really matters to him.
🌻 @raggedy-dxctor 🌻 (there’s a lot here)
Wonderland Upon a Hill
The World Was So Dull Without You
I’ll always choose you
Nicky Valentino With a Short S/o
Nicky and Miguel With An Easily Flustered S/o
Nicky Valentino with an s/o that has a tattoo
Ice Skating with Nicky Valentino Headcannons
Nicky Valentino with an S/o that has a amazing singing voice
Nicky Valentino + Fluff Alphabet
Nicky’s s/o comforting him after a nightmare
Nicky meeting is s/o’s supportive parents
Nicky’s s/o teaching how to use a phone
Nicky with a High School Crush
Detention with a troublemaker (high school au + modern day au)
Flowerboy (flower shop au + roles reversed)
Real Smooth Mr Valentino (fem reader) fluff
I’m A Goner ANGST
Scenarios/prompts for Nicky Valentino
Some ideas for you to use in your fics if you’re ever in need of a plot.
💗 @missusvalentino 💗 (their stuff needs more attention)
I just can’t get a enough of you (no specific gender)
Just a short fic that involves the MC adoring and appreciating Nicky. Lots of fluff.
I’m sorry. (female pronouns) Nicky’s POV
Nicky and MC have an arguement when she tells him she wants to be part of the Valentino family.
I’m not in the mood
Nicky is in the mood to do the do, but MC is being a tease.
“You still love me right?” Angst/fluff
Nicky and Y/n have a disagreement and Nicky decides to get back at the reader by flirting with another woman.
“Why on Earth would I ever think that?” (Chubby/overweight fem MC) Fluff/angst
Nicky and reader start to get a bit more intimate until reader starts pulling back because she feels like Nicky deserves better.
You’re All Over Me Today
💛 @velvetl1ght 💛
Nicky + OWNING a dog headcannons
Nicky headcannos because I’m in Love
Good Intentions | Nicky x Josie (ongoing, female pronouns) - chapter one ,
🦦 @millennial-pinks 🦦 (my personal favorite)
Cooking time! (male MC)
After a night out, Nicky and Shiloh enjoy some time in the kitchen.
Crisis of Confidence (male MC)
Shiloh feels a little bummed out. He’s just some guy and Nicky’s... Nicky.
I got it bad but it’s all good (male MC)
Shiloh and Nicky share a dance and some tender words.
Alone together SMUT (male MC)
Shiloh and Nicky have their first physical encounter.
Like Someone in Love SMUT (male MC)
A bath leads to a very sexual night.
Post chapter 14 (male MC)
☆ @themissingstar ☆
Nicky helps MC feel better after a depressive episode
Taking care of Nicky after he gets banged up
Soulmate AU were you wake up in your soulmate’s bed
Modern AU Nicky before he makes his money
🌼 @tutanwritesanddraws 🌼
Nicky Valentino with a short S/O
Nicky Valentino with a GenZ S/O
💐 @jadeee 💐
Winter Wonderland fluff
After confessing that you’ve never seen snow before, Nicky takes you out for a proper snow day: snowball fights, snow angels, the works!
Good Morning, Beautiful fluff
Nicky really is beautiful when he’s sleepi- oh wait, he’s awake.
Ti Amo Tanto fluff
Nicholas Valentino proclaims his love for you through Italian poetry.
I Do fluff
You are officially a part of the Valentino family and Nicky couldn’t be more happy.
Finding Home angst
Living in the 1920s with Nicky has been a dream but you can’t help but think about your old life.
Hot & Bothered lime
After teasing Nicky during a meeting, he puts you in your place and it leaves you hot and bothered.
I really doubt that this is all so if you have made fanfiction of Nicky Valentino then please privately message me.
Please reblog this so more people can find and use it!
Last updated: April 6, 2021
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lvnatiq · 4 years
Surrealtà | Nicky Valentino x Assassin!OC
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A/N: Hello, my fellow Valentinhoes! I already mentioned this series that will be approximately 10 chapters long (if not more). I tried to keep the prologue short trying my best to not bore you. The dialogues between the characters are modified according to this story and yes, there will be a lot of new characters alongside the original ones. With that being said if you have any questions or suggestions, let me know :)! 
Enjoy, toots.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of death, usage of inappropriate language.
Prologue: Inferno
“Do you ever doubt your actions? I mean, you know the uproar about them being ethically wrong.”
Andrea's words revealed her agitated behavior. Her sincere concern for her friend was boggling her mind with more questions.
“Why would I doubt my actions when there are enough people already doing that.”
Heaven lifted her glass to her lips and stopped moments before taking a sip.
“I never give people anything more or less than what they’ve done.”
The sour taste of alcohol lingers on her tongue while it makes its way into her system causing her body to warm up.
“If they kill, I kill. Easy as that.”
“You know what’s going to happen when they get you behind bars, right ?” said Andrea. Fully aware of the fact that her attempts at getting her to tap out were not affecting Heaven at all.
“I don’t."
Heaven said as she turned her head towards the anxious eyes that were studying her. Her smirk becomes more prominent as she sets her booze down on the glass table.
“Because It’s not going to happen."
Upon hearing her words Andrea couldn't manage to hide her astonishment.
“How can you be so sure ?”
“I’m not but do I have any other options? I am not someone that you would want to see panicking.”
Heaven said as she continued to play with the rim of her glass. She proceeded as she eyed her reflection on the glass table.
“I might appear dangerous when I let my anger take over, but panic?” she scoffed as she pushed her long locks away from her face.
“I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”
“Why?” Andrea said, engaging herself with the conversation more and more. Afterall there were no limits to her curiosity.
“I lose control.”
Says Heaven as she collects the documents scattered over the table and then stands up from her stool. She lowers herself at Andrea's eye level as she proceeds with her speech.
“...and If I lose control, my love...”
Andrea drops her gaze as she couldn't bring herself to look straight into her eyes. Heaven whispers her last words, unaware of the fact that this statement will be the foreshadowing of what was about to come.
“All hell will break loose.”
With that, the curiosity killed the cat.
January 1st, 2020
The cold breeze of New York combed her long locks as she stared at her watch. Her pupils dilating as her eyes followed the second hand, continuing to count the seconds.
"Thirty more to go. Then it's time for the Fiesta."
Pushing back the hem of her coat, she pulled out a brand new Glock 19 and a suppressor. Her hands started to wander around the gun as she let the feeling of absolute power captivate her senses. After rolling the silencer onto the muzzle of the Glock, she placed her gun back at its previous position.
The silencer, her infamous nickname.
Nobody knew her true identity nor her background. At this point in her life, others weren't the only ones to do so. Her memory was as unreliable as her trigger. Her past, present, and future remained unknown to her. In her opinion, keeping her past locked in the forbidden spaces of her mind it's for the better.
"Henry Harding, age 46, a prick who traded the life of his wife for the comfort of his stacks."
She reminded herself as her steps quickened. The darkness of the night emerged as the light of the day shuttered under its vigor. Her breathing became apparent, evaporating in front of her eyes.
"His right hand, Richard Kindell, a coward who sold his soul to the same devil that killed his son. Porca miseria! What type of leverage does that son of a bitch has over Richard that keeps him loyal no matter the cause?"
She cursed under her breath as she took a sharp turn. Upon seeing the large crowd in front of the theatre she decided to examine the atmosphere surrounding her. Women in elegant dresses were accompanied by men in suits. Their sweet conversations concerning their excitement about the movie, pervading the air with love. Utterly oblivious of the fact that they were soon to be bystanders of a tragic ending.
"Tragic but a well-deserved ending."
Her plan was too simple for her liking. She made Richard get the same gun that she had attached to her thigh, two weeks before she sent the suspicious mail to Henry. The mail that contained information exclusively known by the two of them regarding Richard's son's death. She was simply using their trust issues as an advantage.
"25 meters till the warfare."
As she moves closer, the ticket booth becomes more visible and her eyes meet the man of the moment, Murray.
"Smile, Heaven. You don't want to disappoint your audience."
She said as she put her killer smile on, turning heads as she walked by. Her charming nature and her mysterious aura always captured people's attention. Even so, she couldn't care less.
Her hair flowing in harmony with the wind, her steps overflowed with confidence, and her eyes gleamed with the fact that she could finally put an end to what the judiciary system defined as a dilemma. It's time for Maria's long-awaited vendetta.
"Hello, Murphy. How's the night treating you?"
Murphy gave her a heartwarming smile, accompanied by sincere laughter.
"So far so good. What about you my dear?"
"Lovely, I'd say. New York has its charm, you know."
She said as her hand reached her pocket, searching for the ticket.
"Seems so."
Murray said as his eyes carefully scanned Heaven's. Sensing his unusual behavior, Heaven glued her eyes back onto his as she took a step further.
"How do you figure?"
She asked as she gave him a smirk. A smirk that often got people's breath hitch, hands sweat and their heartbeats accelerated.
"Your eyes."
Said Murray letting his body language do the favors, he pointed at her eyes.
"They tell a lot."
He said as he positioned himself back behind the booth. Murray was a part of her plan even though he didn't know much about it. She didn't lie to him but she also didn't tell him things that were none of his business. Such as her soon to be attempted murder.
"I suppose."
She said as she lifted her wrist casually to check the time.
"Aces. Perfect timing."
She dipped her hand back again into the pocket of her coat. Unable to feel any sort of texture regarding the existence of the ticket, she slid her other hand into her other pocket.
"Your ticket, my dear?"
Without disrupting her composure, she thought of a quick backup plan.
"I need him to participate, I lost my ticket. How is this even possible?"
She thought as she closed her eyes shut. Letting out a deep breath, she opened her eyes only to reveal her teary vision. She strongly held on the cuffs of her coat making her knuckles turn white as she lowered her gaze to the floor. Even the most successful artist would be envious of her skilled performance.
"Murray, my ticket is missing."
Murray studied her reaction as he gave her an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry my dear. I don't think that we have any other tickets left for the night."
Upon hearing his words she raised her gaze to meet his, giving him a look that will scar him for the rest of his life.
"Murray, You know that I can't miss this. Tonight was my main reason for coming to New York. I'm desperate for your help."
She said slowly pushing her coat back to display the outline of the gun beneath her dress. Her innocent demeanor was falsified by her reveal. Murray gave her an empty look, seemingly unaffected by her threat. He stopped for a second before turning to her with a smile.
"I got you, Heaven."
He said as he reached under the desk revealing a golden ticket. He slowly extended his hand as hers followed. Then, he retracted it. Unaware of the dangerous game he was playing with Heaven's patience.
"One last thing, Heaven."
He indicated to her to come closer as he leaned in. Not wanting to waste any more of her precious time Heaven obliged.
"It's time for you to prioritize yourself. For the sake of your good."
He said as he gave her the ticket and pushed the gate open for her.
"Have fun, my dear."
Heaven, unimpressed by his discourse, stepped inside. Hearing the gate close behind her. The heavy smell of tobacco dominated the large area blinded by the lights of the enormous chandelier and golden decorations that reminded her of the Palace of Versailles. A palace that was full of people with extravagant attires laughing and cheering, adorning their social interactions with excessive reactions. Baffled by the unanticipated environment Heaven took a few steps back, letting her back hit the wall.
The wall, located exactly where the gate should be. As her confusion gets the best of her, at her right she notices a man reading a newspaper. She walks close enough to see the contents of the front page. Only to realize that the front page was listing absurdly familiar names of the several presidents. Names that surely belonged to the 20'ies. Heaven gently closed her eyes then she leaned her forehead against the palm of her hand.
"Where the hell am I?" she muttered as her own words, followed by her deep voice, echoed inside of her head. She gave one last glance at the velvet wall where the entrance gate should've been.
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."
Second hand: the hand on some watches and clocks that moves quickly, showing the seconds.
Fiesta: an event marked by festivities or celebration.
Porca miseria: in this case used as “Bloody hell”.
Vendetta: a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family.
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.": A message warning one about a hopeless situation from which there is no return. The Italian version of this phrase appears in Dante's Divine Comedy as the inscription on the entrance to Hell. The phrase is most often used humorously.
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Pssssst your character music is good do you have playlists or songs for your friends' OCs too??? Will you share? *~*
oh fuck where do you people come from. (God dammit Kay if this is you YOU COULD HAVE JUST ASKED.)
Okay, first I’ll do @caezsucksdangs OCs because they have A LOT LESS THAN KAY.
P.S. sorry if there’s a bit of overlap from my other list…
- “Flawed Design” by Stabilo
- “Body” by Mother Mother
- “Ghost Towns” by Radical Face
- “Try To Change” by Mother Mother
- “Red Stars” by The Birthday Massacre
- “My Skin” by Natalie Merchant
- “The Devil Within” by Digital Daggers
- “It Took Me By Surprise” by Marina Mena
- “The Beast” by Imogen Heap
- “River Below” by Billy Talent
- “Ignorance” by Paramore
- “Smother” by Mother
- “Broken Tines” by Casey Lalonde
- “Disintegration” by Monarchy
- “Always Hate Me” by James Blunt
- “Heaven” by Messengers
- “Black Sheep” by Metric
- “Girls/Girls/Boys” by Panic! At the Disco (Ollie Piano Cover)
- “Mists Of Avalon” by Peter Jeremias
- “Run Or Die” by Christian Baczyk
- “Set Fire To The Third Bar” by Snow Patrol
- “Dread In My Heart” by Mother Mother
- “EET” by Regina Spektor
- “Arsonist’s Lullaby” by Hozier
- “You’re Not Good Enough” by Blood Orange
- “Family Portrait” by Radical Face
- “I Found” by Amber Run
- “Guillotine” by Yadi
- “Don’t Let Me Down” by The Chainsmokers
- “Stronger” by Kanye West (RaveJaxx Remix)
- “Yin Yang” by USS
- “Where The Lonely Ones Roam” by Digital Daggers
- “Die In A Fire” by The Living Tombstone
- “Everytime” by Broods
- “Buzzcut Season” by Lorde
- “Headstrong” by Trapt
- “Almost Human” by Monarchy
- “East Of Eden” by Zella Day (Matstubs Remix)
- “Dorian” by Agnes Obel
- “Ocean Eyes” by Billie Eilish
- “Oh Be Clever” by River
- “Wolf” by Leø
- “All You Are” by Memtrix
- “Pessimist” by Koven and Memtrix
- “The Good In Me” by Jon Bellion
- “Fuqboi” by Hey Violet
- “We Ride As One” by James Paget
- “Never Be Like You” by Flume (Crywolf Cover)
- “Colours” by Halsey (Stripped Version)
- “The Real Thing” by Forget Tomorrow
- “Francis Forever” by Mitski
- “I Bet On Losing Dogs” by Mitski
- “Mistakes Like This” by Prelow
- “Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea” by XYLØ
- “Believer” by Imagine Dragons
- “Ava” by Famy
- “Always Gold” by Radical Face
- “Iscariot” by Walk the Moon
- “Make You Better” by The Decemberists
- “Until You Were Gone” by The Chainsmokers
- “The Run And Go” by Twenty-One Pilots
- “When You Were Young” by The Killers (Kier Kemp Cover)
- “Here Comes The Hotstepper” by Ini Kamoze (Yuksek Remix)
- “You Can’t Hate Me As Much As I Do” by Casey Lalonde
- “Last Resort” by Papa Roach
- “Jesus Christ” by Brand New
- “Starboy” by The Weeknd
- “Gravity” by EDEN
- “The Last Saint” by Mario M
- “Garbage Truck” by Sex Bob-Omb
- “LOL” by EDEN
- “IDFC” by Blackbear (Tarro Remix)
- “Love Stuck” by Mother Mother
- “Jump The Fence” by Mother Mother
- “Infinitesimal” by Mother Mother
- “Junkie” by Kill Paris
- “The Drugs” by Mother Mother
- “Did You Wrong” by Sweater Beats
- “Frame Of Mind” by Tristam and Braken
- “The Good, The Bad, And The Dirty” by Panic! At the Disco
- “All Time Low” by Jon Bellion
- “Afraid” by The Neighbourhood
- “I’m Not Famous” by AJR
- “BADBOI VIP” by Pegboard Nerds
- “Handclap” by Fritz and the Tantrums
- “Destiny” by Jame Paget
- “Cupid’s Chokehold” by The Gymclass Heroes
- “Better Than Sex” by The Midnight Beast
- “Rustie” by Attak
OKAY. These next ones are all my friend @kalamitis OCs.
- “Hope Of Morning” by Icon for Hire
- “Sleep Alone” by Two Door Cinema Club
- “Halo” by Starset
- “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards” by Say Lou Lou (Tame Impala Cover)
- “Still Here” by Digital Daggers
- “You’re No Fun Anymore Mark Trezona” by Mindless Self-Indulgence
- “Eyes Wide Open” by Gotye
- “Exile Vilify” by The National
- “Bad Wings” by The Glitch Mob
- “Little Bird” by Imogen Heap
- “Feels Right” by Godwolf
- “Suffocate” by Whipped Cream
- “Wanderer’s Lullaby” by Adriana Figueroa
- “Somethin About U” by Astronomyy
- “Bit By Bit” by Mother Mother
- “Arrival” by IHF
- “Rude” by Dilistone and LILI N
- “Sober” by Dilistone
- “Remembering Myself” by Stephen
- “Don’t Leave” by Snakehips
- “Hand Of God” by Jon Bellion
- “Sweet Revenge” by Phantom Power
- “Nothing Left To Lose” by Ethos Music
- “Believe” by James Paget
- “Say It, Just Say It” by The Mowgli’s
- “Boats And Birds” by Gregory and the Hawk
- “Rockabye” by Clean Bandits
- “St. Patrick” by PVRIS
- “The World Has I’ts Shine” by Cobra Starships
- “Coin Operated Boy” by The Dresden Dolls
- “Pretty Thing” by Broods
- “Pretty Face” by Soley
- “Bodyache” by Purity Ring
- “Cake By The Ocean” by DNCE
- “10,000 Emerald Pools” by BØRNS
- “Moondust” by Jaymes Young (Stripped Version)
- “Bare” by Wildes
- “Cosmic Love” by Florence and the Machine (Seven Lions Remix)
- “Weak When You’re Around” by Blackbear
- “Superlove” by Tinashe
- “Side To Side” by Ariana Grande
- “YALA” by M.I.A.
- “Fandango” by The Clarstone
- “Love Me” by Jane XØ
- “Anchor” by Novo Amor
- “Blow Your Mind” by Dua Lipa
- “Beyond The Void” by Cody Still
- “Gooey” by Glass Animals
- “Nasty Freestyle” by T-Wayne (Prizmo & Cpz Remix)
- “Powerful” by Major Lazer
- “Go Hard” by Kreyshawn (Valentino Kahn Remix)
- “Bitch” by Allie X
- “Get On Your Knees” by Nicki Minaj
- “Move Like A Soldier” by Kristina Maria
- “She’s The One” by Arkasia
- “Slay It” by Cryptex
- “The Prestige” by Kraddy
- “Let You Let Me” by Savoy
- “Bravado” by Lorde
- “Into You” by Ariana Grande
- “Mine” by Phoebe Ryan (Illenium Remix)
- “See Right Through Me” by Set Mo
- “All We Do” by Oh Wonder
- “That’s My Girl” by Fifth Harmony
- “Cool Girl” by Tove Lo
- “Brand New Moves” by Hey Violet
- “The Sound” by The 1975
- “Army Of Steel” by Red Noise Industries
- “Brutality Code” by Christian Baczyk
- “Instant Crush” by Daft Punk
- “Stay” by Kygo
- “Fake You Out” by Twenty-One Pilots
- “Cat And Mouse” by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- “Black And Gold” by Sam Sparro
- “Hymn Of Acxiom” by Vienna Teng
- “Keep Your Hands Off My Girl” by Good Charlotte
- “Mister Simple” by Super Junior
- “Tear You Apart” by She Wants Revenge
- “SADIST” by Crystal Castles
- “Make You Feel Loved” by CADE
- “Single” by The Neighbourhood
- “Wrong” by MAX
- “Somebody” by Natalie La Rose
- “Dessert” by Dawin
- “Gangsta” by Kehlani
- “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd
- “Weak” by AJR
- “Closer” by The Nine Inch Nails
- “All I Wanna Do” by J-Park
- “Gangsta Sexy” by Hollywood Undead
- “The Cure” by Lady Gaga
- “That’s What I Like” by Bruno Mars
- “Let You Go” by The Chainsmokers
- “GDFR” by Flo Rida (K Theory Remix)
- “Pursuit Of Happiness” by Kid Cudi (Steve Aoki Remix)
- “Freak” by Estelle
- “Recover” by Churches
- “Stranger Than Earth” by Purity Ring
- “Selfish Man” by Francis Lung
- “Learning To Hate You As A Self-Defense Mechanism” by Flatsound
- “The Beautiful Ones” by Monarchy
- “Pa Pa Power” by Dead Man’s Bones
- “Drugs” by EDEN
- “Tipsy” by J-Kwon
- “Alone” by Bazzi
- “Party Favours” by Tinashe
- “Sweatpants” by Childish Gambino
- “Company” by Tinashe
- “Drop That Kitty” by Ty Dolla $ign
- “Love This Shit” by August Alsina
- “Player” by Tinashe
- “Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time” by Panic! At the Disco
- “I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers
- “Fake Love” by Drake
- “Do You Feel It?” by Chaos Chaos
- “Oh Miss Believer” by Twenty-One Pilots
- “Maps” by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- “Forget” by Marina and the Diamonds
- “#MINDCONTROL” by Hot Sugar
- “Tether” by Chvrches
- “Let Go” by Frou Frou
- “Oblivion” by Bastille
- “Elastic Heart” by SIA
- “Young Blood” by Bea Miller
- “Jenny” by The Studio Killers (Lily Sevin Cover)
- “Living Without You” by Monarchy
- “Never Be Like You” by Flume
- “How Long Will I Love You?” by Ellie Goulding (EMBRZ Remix)
- “Jealous Of The Rain” by Labyrinth
- “Reforget” by Lauv
- “Ghosting” by Mother Mother
- “Perfect Illusion” by Lady Gaga
- “Bad Habits” by Monsieur Adi
- “One More Time” by Jon Bellion
- “Sex” by The 1975
- “End Of All Things” by Panic! At the Disco (Rain Demo)
- “Greenlight” by Lorde
- “Liability” by Lorde
- “I Don’t Smoke” by Mitski
- “Your Best American Girl” by Mitski
- “Be Happy” by FRND
AHHHH I think that’s it? I basically just redid my playlists for these.
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radidadood · 2 years
*post-bringing Nicky to the 2020s*
Nicky: kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist, right? ;)
Addy: *plays Jurassic World clips*
Nicky: NO WAY-
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star-of-zaun · 4 years
i hate that ralph the cock blocker interrupted nicky and sabrina ( my mc’s name 🥺 )’s steamy moment
nicky was about to get laid bro like
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valentino-red · 4 years
Chapter 2
take me to the hamptons, bugatti veyron
Ralph looked over at the backseat, where Nicky was looking at Soledad like she was a mountain he needed to move. It wasn’t a pretty sight, and the kid seemed to know that she was in a pickle. It wouldn’t do to have a government agent so close to Nicky; Ralph knew this, which is why he had brought out the gun he hid in the Royce.
Little Miss Diaz-- Captain Diaz, who would have thought-- sighed; and suddenly, Ralph could see it. There were the tear-troughs, the eye bags, the stress lines; Soledad suddenly looked older than him.
“I have to admit,” she began, “that I have worked as an… intelligence officer after I was promoted to captain.”
“You mean a spy.”
Nicky’s voice cut through the tension and he was suddenly the head of the Valentino Family, not the love stricken puppy of ten minutes ago. This was the Nicky that Ralph dealt with everyday, and it was the Nicky that he saw the most of right until last night. But now that Ralph knew how his boss could be (a little bit soft, yeah, but so much happier) he sort of wished that he never saw Nicky Valentino, mafia boss extraordinaire, ever again.
“Not exactly,” Soledad said, “but that’s close enough. I would go to the indigenous tribes and make deals with them on behalf of the government, try to make sure that they wouldn’t side with the communists in the region, or ask if they knew the whereabouts of the New People’s Army. So it wasn’t really spying, it was… negotiating. Investigation, if you will. Intelligence gathering.”
The kid was eerily calm, with no trace of emotion on her face or voice. Ralph supposed that maybe this was the Soledad that existed before Nicky.
 Her gaze flickered to the gun as Ralph’s side. Her eyes didn’t widen, and she didn’t panic. No; she seemed to relax at the sight of it.
“Threats and guns,” she sighed. “Brings me back to my glory days.”
Nicky shared a look with Ralph that said ‘she’s crazier than I thought.’
“Marone,” he muttered. “Look, Sol. I don’t wanna hurt ya, ‘cos I know that I’d regret it. So give your story to me straight.”
“Fair enough,” she said, settling into the plush leather seats. Sol was the most relaxed of the trio even with her hands cuffed behind her back. Ralph had to respect how composed she was, seeing to the fact that she was unarmed with two men that she barely knew, and was in possession of firearms. 
“I guess I should start from the top. My grandfather was a general, so when I was a child I wanted to be just like him. This, of course, led me to the army; except I was twenty-one with an inferiority complex, so I decided to join the Marines.” 
Nicky watched her smile, as though she was recalling fond memories. 
“We were the elite; the best, the brightest, the few. I saw the frontline three times in my career, where the army had skirmishes with rebel groups. These are the NPA, the New People’s Army-- communists that tell poor farmers and idealistic college kids that the system is corrupt and the only way out is a makeover. All good and well, except their leader isn’t even living in the Philippines, and their higher-ups are just as corrupt as government officials. So they’re a bunch of rapists and thugs that profit from their hypocrisy.”
Ralph glanced at Nicky, who had his complete focus on Soledad. The Rolls Royce had been at a standstill for five minutes now.
“Then,” Sol said, “the rebels attacked a city in the south of the country, Marawi. I served there, got promoted to captain. My grandfather died shortly after, and that’s when I was offered a slot in the intelligence division. I agreed, got new assignments. Usually, the army uses ‘retired’ officers to gather data and intelligence. Like James Bond-- he was a commander.”
“James who?”
“Oh,” Soledad said. “He’s, uh, a fictional character. Hasn’t been created yet.”
Nicky gave a slow nod; it was surprisingly easy to believe everything that Sol told him, so easy that it felt almost like cheating. But everything she told him was too bizarre to be anything but true.
And he knew what she looked like when she told the truth; people lie in many ways, but tell the truth in one. Nicky noticed that she spoke slowly when she was talking about herself, as if she wanted to be clear and concise-- as if she didn’t want to be misunderstood.
‘I’ve got a wide skill set.’
Well, Nicky thought to himself. I guess I know what her skill set is now.
And to wrap his head around the fact that she had seen war-- it felt like having a secret that they both shared, a sudden kinship. Because Nicky himself had been at war, and had led it, had scars from it.
He didn’t know if this was what drew him to her-- but then, there were many things about Soledad that he adored. Nicky loved the way she made him laugh; he loved how her hair curled under her chin; he loved how she said the plain truth, how she didn’t mince her words. Nicky didn’t know everything about her, but he could spend his lifetime doing that.
So did he mind that she didn’t tell him about her past? No, not at all. There were things that he did that he didn’t tell her yet, and somehow, Nicky knew that Sol would understand his silence on a few spots in his life.
“Hey, toots,” Nicky said. “Ya need a pin? ‘Cause those handcuffs don’t look like they’re gonna unlock themselves.”
“Oh,” she looked surprised. “I forgot about that.”
Nicky snorted, “how could you forget being handcuffed?”
“I don’t know, maybe I was worried about the fact that a certain someone was maybe mad at me?”
Nicky got a pin that he had in his jacket, and Sol turned her back to him. He was touched at how ready she was to trust him with unlocking her handcuffs, even after his open hostility.
“I already told ya, sweet thing.” There was a metallic pop, and the handcuffs were out. “There’s no need to worry. I got you.”
She turned to face him, and the afternoon sunlight that came in through the car’s window somehow made her look more golden, made her brown skin look deeper. For the first time since he met her, Sol looked like she didn’t know what to say. Nicky placed his hand on top of her’s, both sticky from sweat; suddenly, he couldn’t see anything but her dark eyes and the curl of her hair. All at once, he realised that she had been what he was waiting for, body and soul.
“Looks like we need ‘ta get outta here,” he said, voice lower than he intended. “What do you say, toots? Wanna go to my place at the Hamptons?”
If Sol was going to ask if she could drive the car one more time, Ralph would explode. He had a little vein in his forehead that didn’t exist until last night. It was crazy, how bullheaded someone could be; crazier still that Nicky was looking at her like she hung the stars and the moon.
It was dark already outside, and the air was getting colder, whipping at cheeks and turning exhales into wisps of smoke. Outside the world of the Rolls Royce trees were shedding their leaves into dark green heaps that could barely be seen in the lack of light. Inside the Rolls Royce, at the backseat, Nicky had his arm over Sol, and she was resting her head on his chest.
Ralph rolled up to the driveway, noticing, somewhat smugly, that Sol barely batted an eyelash at Nicky’s mansion. He had been waiting for some girl that wasn’t impressed with Nicky’s spending habits.
Said man nudged Sol at the ribs, smiling. “Do I know how to spend money, or what?”
Said girl chuckled. “I’d go for the ‘or what’, but I don’t wanna hurt your feelings.”
Nicky put a hand on his chest, acting as if someone stabbed him. “Too late,” he rasped, collapsing into her. “I may never recover.”
Sol pecked his cheek. “There,” she smiled widely. “A kiss to make it better.”
Ralph gagged, parking at the entrance as quickly as possible.
“Get out,” he said. “I got a date with a pair of dancers tonight, and I don’t wanna have to explain why I got a toothache.”
Nicky raised an eyebrow, but Soledad slid out of the car laughing. Ralph wanted to snort-- at least someone knew how to take a joke. Nicky could be a bit sore sometimes.
“Have fun, Ralph,” Sol said. “Don’t stay out too late, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“That’s not much,” Ralph rolled his eyes, walking to his car and leaving the two love birds behind. Nicky gave a small wave, his eyes warm and smiling. Sometimes the man showed his affection in small ways.
Sol paused to look at the house, with its cream colored bricks and French design. Somehow, it reminded her of her family, and a way of life that was lost to her. Homesickness settled at the bottom of her gut; that’s how she knew it was shit.
“Honey,” she said, “it ain’t that bad, but I gotta tell you. It's pretty obvious that a young man with new money owns this place. But not to worry, when the ivy grows it will look distinguished. Ivy gives everything an air of gravitas.”
Nicky peered down at her. “And how exactly are you an expert on gravitas, toots?”
“Well, I’m with you aren’t I?” Sol said it like it wasn’t flirting, but a fact. “Besides, my family is so old money that we have no money. I saw it, but it never reached me.”
“Well, honey,” he grinned, “you can reach for all the money you want. My treat.”
She punched his arm playfully, and Nicky winced at the force of it. Sol was an army captain alright.
“Hey,” he said. “I’ve got a swell place that’s perfect for stargazing. You can see entire galaxies up there. Wanna check it out?”
Sol shook her head, and Nicky tried his best to not feel disappointed.
“It’s a cold night,” she replied, “and I am physically, psychologically, socially, culturally, genetically and spiritually unable to stand the cold. I’m from the Philippines, and that’s at the middle of the equator.”
Nicky chuckled. “Well, I have some mink that I could lend you for New York in the winter.”
Soledad groaned. “Just throw me to the sun, please. I hate winter.”
Nicky didn’t mean to grin at her despair, but he couldn’t help it. “Too bad, toots, ‘cause I love snow.”
“Hay, susmariosep,” she muttered to herself. Nicky blinked at her, and she sighed, stepping into the house-- she was cold already, standing in the evening air.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” she clarified. “But we Filipinos take revenge on our colonizers by bastardising their language, hence: susmariosep.”
Nicky led her into the mansion, and Sol was struck with how immaculate everything was. The marbled floors were shinier than a brand new Ferrari, the decor was a tasteful creme color, and the chandeliers gave a welcoming golden light to everyone under it, with Nicky’s brown eyes looking like a setting sun over still waters.
“Care for a quick drink?”
Soledad nodded, and her favorite mob boss led her to a study furnished with heavy mahogany shelves and plush velvet seats. She carefully mapped the layout of the house in her head, a habit of her’s that was born from paranoia and grew into a faint buzz at the back of her mind, like how some people ran their hands through shelves in the grocery. 
Nicky mixed her an Old Fashioned as she sunk into an armchair, tucking her legs under her. It was difficult for her to be on her guard with Nicky for too long; there was something about him that made her feel at ease, like how one feels after a good massage.
Soledad nursed her drink in its perfect crystal tumbler as Nicky told her of his place, his position, before she stumbled into the Twenties. His eyes were a hard amber as he talked about being the head of one of New York’s Five Families, of being on the cover of every paper in town, of being young and dangerous and flaunting cash. Soledad could see it happening; she could see how the very same man that made her drink and called her cute pet names was also the kind of man that dipped more than his toe in bootlegging and crime. Maybe it was in how he carried himself, or the way he talked-- whatever it was, Sol knew power when she saw it, and Nicky Valentino oozed it.
“Look, Sol.” His brows were set and stern. “I got a lot of regrets about the things I done. There’s a lot of wrongs I can never right, and that’s why I got out. The big house never scared me more than the big sleep.”
His face softened a bit, as if he was sharing a fond memory. “But becoming a man; seeing the consequences of my actions…”
Nicky Valentino’s wandering eyes settled on Sol’s, and she could see forests of unexplored secrets in their depths.
“That’s why I left. Easier said than done, though.”
Sol watched his face get flustered, ears heating up, as she took a final sip of her drink, tilting it back.
“Trouble just seems to find you, huh?”
“I have myself to thank for that. But worst comes to worst, I still got my secret headquarters.”
Sol smiled, cradling the crystal glass in her hands. “You’ll have to show me, someday. Just in case.”
Nicky returned her smile. “Of course,” he said, almost whispering. “I got one last place to show you, if you’d let me.”
Their footsteps were quick in the quiet night, as if they were teenagers slipping from shadow to shadow, scared of being found out. Nicky held her hand like it was glass, idly taking note of how light it was, and where her hands were calloused and where it was smooth.
The night breeze was fierce, blowing white curtains into the house like spectres, half-alive and half in love, reaching for something. Soledad walked beside him, and under the moon she looked like she was dreaming, in another place that didn’t exist. He brought her to a swimming pool, smiling under the stars. 
“I’m going to dip my feet in for a hot second,” he said. Soledad followed him, and they sat at the edge of the pool’s deep end together.
“Trust me, Nicky,” she muttered. “Every second with you is a hot second.”
“Yeah,” he blushed. “But you’re cold aren’t ya? Here, take my coat.”
He took his black coat off, wrapping it around her; Sol was grateful for the sudden warmth that it gave her. She breathed in deeply; it smelled like smoke and cognac.
They spent a few minutes in silence. Sol knew that there wasn’t a need to say anything. It had been a long day, and she was grateful for quiet moments like these. The oceans in her stomach settled when Nicky held her this way, when they both looked at the deep blue pool together.
“My ma used to tell me, ‘Your soulmate is somewhere out there looking at that same moon.”
Sol smiled. “Oh? And did you listen to her?”
“I was more concerned about finding out how I could sneak into the Polo Grounds and catch a ball game.” 
They shared a smile. 
“But now,” Sol said, “you’re a romantic.”
“Yeah, now I am.” They were both quiet for a heartbeat. “What about you? Is you a romantic?”
Sol looked away from Nicky and the moon, her smile getting sadder. “I never let myself think about romance,” she said. “Like I said, you don’t get to be twenty-nine years old with no boyfriend, ever, without a bit of paranoia.”
“How about me?” Nicky’s gaze was heated, focused on her. 
“What about you?”
“What happened? You met me and figured out the power of true love?”
Soledad snorted, rolling her eyes. “Not everyone goes out and buys jewelry for their future lovers, Don Juan.”
“When it comes to love, everyone’s got a chip and a chair,” he chuckled. “So long as you got a single chip and a seat at the table, you still got a shot.”
“You really are a romantic,” Sol huffed, grinning.
Nicky wrapped his arm around her; there was something behind her eyes that was still closed off to him, but he could see that she was keeping something close to her chest. He had seen that look before in the mirror, and he knew that whatever she was keeping close to her, she didn’t want to let go of yet. Nicky didn’t want to take it from her hands.
“It’s been a long day,” he said, not noticing how his voice dropped to a lower octave. “We should both hit the sack.”
Sol nodded, and the new goosebumps on her arm were not from the cold. “Where’s my room?”
“Take a hard left down the hall,” he replied. “You can’t miss it.”
Soledad had changed into an oversized polo shirt and baggy shorts that she had found in the dresser, and had already settled on a makeshift bed on the floor. There was something about fluffy mattresses that made her feel like she was drowning, so she took the heavy comforter from the bed and a pillow, fashioning a spot that vaguely resembled a sleeping bag.
There was a gentle knock on her door, and Nicky’s face peeped in. Surprise colored his face, and Sol smiled back sheepishly. She didn’t know why she felt embarrassed at being seen trying to sleep on the floor-- she did it many times back home, never caring about other people’s perception of her. But the way that Nicky looked a little bit concerned had her face flushing. 
It’s because it’s his house, she thought to herself. 
“Force of habit,” she explained, sitting up from the floor. “I, uh, don’t really like soft beds.”
Nicky nodded, pretending as though he understood. “Army training, huh?”
“Army training.”
He hummed lightly, rolling on his heels. “Would you like a quick nightcap?”
Nicky showed her the two mugs he was holding.
“What’s that? Coffee?”
“Coffee? At this hour? Do I look like a barbarian to you?”
“Sorry if I have a caffeine addiction,” Sol muttered. “It takes three cups to wake me up. Besides, coffee can be had any time.”
“Not if you’re Italian.” Nicky looked mildly embarrassed. “No coffee after breakfast. That’s how it’s done in the old country. So what will you have? Tea or hot chocolate?”
“The hot chocolate, please. I may be a coffee addict, but my true love is hot chocolate. I should really make you a cup some time. My recipe predates the Americans.”
Nicky smiled at her rambling as he walked over to her and gave her the cup. “Something sweet for my something sweet,” he said.
Soledad took a sip. “It’s good, but trust me when I say that mine is better.”
“Oh? And what’s it like?”
“Thicker.” Soledad blushed, hoping that he didn’t notice the double entendre. “Less sweet, more bitter. But the cacao from Davao? The best, the absolute best, I tell you.”
“My ma used to make hot coco, too.” Nicky sat on top of the bed, which was stripped of its blankets. “And I remember that she did make it thick. But my pa didn’t like it, because apparently anything that brings any kind of joy didn’t make you a man in his eyes. The irony, coming from a man whose soul was crushed by the factory.”
Nicky’s eyes were still tender, and Sol was jealous that he was able to talk about his father that easily. 
“Well,” Nicky said, standing up. “We best get to bed already. It’s going to be busy tomorrow.”
Sol remembered some things that Ralph had mentioned on the trip to the Hamptons. “Long day at your lawyers’ office?”
Nicky shrugged. “Can’t always be getaway cars and police men on your tail.”
They shared a look with each other before Nicky headed to the door. He opened it, and Sol memorised the way he looked like, before pausing. Nicky held her gaze one more time.
“I’ve chased it before; that danger. You can get hurt. Go after it long enough and you will get hurt.”
“I know,” Soledad said. She said it so quietly, she wasn’t sure if Nicky heard her.
“I just wanna be honest with you, as someone who’s been there, done that. I just don’t want to put you in harm’s way.”
Soledad sighed, sitting up straighter. She wondered what he thought of her, sitting on the floor wearing what might be his shirt.
“I’m here for you,” she told him, and it was as simple as that. “I’m not here looking for a thrill, or for money. I’ve had enough of that in my old life, and I’m used to it and the demons that come along with it. So I’m here for you, Nicky, and I’m ready to stay with you.”
“You’re one of a kind, you know that?”
They smiled at each other, and Sol forgot how to breathe.
“Takes one to know one.”
Nicky turned off the light, closing the door behind him as gently as he could.
That night, Soledad dreamt of the midday sun on the top of her head. There were gunshots, but she couldn’t hear them. She only knew how they felt, because with every beat of her heart a new one was fired. There was a familiar weight in her hand, and her trigger finger squeezed. Bullets flew and people died like leaves falling from acacia trees.
She woke up to orange stains in the sky. The sun greeted her, as though they were lifelong friends. Her hands folded blankets and fluffed pillows with no thinking on her part. This was routine, and Soledad knew the rhythm of it. The only thing that was missing, she thought to herself, were small lizards and the occasional cockroach. Sol smiled; she didn’t miss those things.
She changed back into her yellow dress, for propriety’s sake, before setting off to the direction that she deduced the kitchen was. As luck would have had it, she was right, and before she set foot in the place she could already smell breakfast.
“Good morning,” she said softly. “Can I help you in any way?”
A stout woman with wild curly hair came up to her, wiping uncooked batter on her white apron. “And who might you be, missy?”
“Soledad Diaz, ma’am.”
The older woman shook her head, muttering something about a new hire, before ordering her to chop onions. Soledad smiled, not wanting to correct the chef, and got to work.
There was something about holding a knife that she enjoyed, and she did her part in making breakfast. There were four of them working; the stout woman, a younger black man, an old hispanic lady that spoke in broken English, and Soledad. She had traded a few words with the woman (“de donde eres?” Sol asked. “Cuba,” the old lady replied, smiling through the steam that rose from a nearby pot. “Cuba.”).
Bridget, Joshua, and Mamita. Soledad enjoyed working alongside them, but soon excused herself, saying that she needed to go to the bathroom. Bridget had let her go with a wave of her hand, not taking her eyes off the sausages that she was frying.
Sol went back to her room, humming a song from her youth. She idly wondered if Mamita knew any Spanish songs that she knew, and suddenly Sol missed the guitar that she left back home in the Philippines.
Her thoughts came to a stop as she spotted a familiar face holding a basket full of petals, back facing her.
He turned to look at her, blushing harder than he ever had since she met him. It was adorable, and she laughed, only a little bit sorry that it was at his expense. He scratched the back of his head, and Sol idly looked him up and down. He was only wearing dark blue slacks and a white button down, but he looked good. Better, even.
“I didn’t know you were already up, toots. Army training?”
Soledad nodded. “Army training. Anyway, what are you doing? That’s going to be a pain to clean up.”
Nicky crossed his arms, and she could see his muscles underneath. “I wanted to surprise you when you woke up, but I guess you’re the one that surprised me. Breakfast’ll be in an hour yet, so maybe we can move to the veranda? It’s got a view of the pool.”
“Trust me,” she smiled. “I know that breakfast is coming in an hour.”
A/N: no beta we die like men. literally just finished this five minutes ago. i have no idea where this story is going, so i’m just sprinkling seeds for future angst that may or may not sprout. uh, in this chapter i tried to go for a more prose-y style, and i wanted to sort of start a bit the nationalistic streaks of sol here, since i figured that she’d have to be somewhat in love with her country, since she was a soldier.
i’m a little concerned that the romance part between sol and nicky is fast, but since it’s fast in canon, i suppose it’s alright for now. especially since they both have skeletons in their closet, that again, may or may not pop up later.
if yall have any suggestions, or anything that u wanna see, please tell me!!! do yall want scenes that are mainly canon compliant, or divergent? should i include more of the canon dialogue? i love feedback, mainly because i don’t have a lot of people to brainstorm with, so pls dont hesitate to drop me a dm!!!
Prologue | Chapter One 
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
(this one is a lot longer than the usual ones I've done, so I'll put a cut (´・ω・`;))
Imagine you and Nicky are trying to adopt a child, you've finished the paper work and prepared everything (and more) and all that you're waiting for is the confirmation call that approves it all.
The day it comes, Nicky is out doing something, so you take the call. You're beyond joyful as they tell you to come take the kid home today, November 11th. Nicky's birthday. it's the perfect surprise.
You go to pick up the young kid, who is just as ecstatic as you are. You make a comment on how today's their new papa's birthday.
And the kid hatches a clever plan.
You managed to sneak the kid in without Nicky's detection by having someone distract him. You take a seat at the table and pull out the certificate that officializes the adoption, putting on a serious act while the kid tries to suppress their excited giggles under the table.
Nicky waltzes into the room, happy to see you. "Hey, dearest! When'd you get home?" his face drops to slightly concerned when you stay silent. "Is something up?"
"Wanna come tell me what this is?" You say, setting the document upside-down and sliding across the table to the end he was standing at. You had to look away slightly while you try to suppress a smile, making him all the more nervous as he tried to think of what would make you avoid looking at him. You feel your kid grip your pant leg in anticipation.
Nicky carefully reaches for the paper and lifts it to his face, wanting to get to the bottom of this situation as fast as possible.
Now that he was busy, you didn't need to act or hide your face. You look up with glee as realization dawns on his face. Nicky looks back at you, his jaw dropped.
"Really?" He chokes out.
"Happy birthday, papa!" a small voice calls from beneath the table. Out pops the head of the happiest kid on earth, their tiny uneven smile taking up their entire face as they crawl out.
Nicky melts to his knees on the spot and holds his arms out, tears in his eyes. Your kid runs into his arms and Nicky lets out the most joyous laugh you've heard since your wedding.
"Oh my God! I must be dreamin'!" he exclaims, his voice higher with emotion.
As he wraps the kid in his loving embrace, he looks up at you, tears now falling. You couldn't help the tears that now fell from your eyes at the emotions the scene had elicted from you. A new father embracing his beloved child for the first time.
"You had me so worried... when'd they call? You almost had me thinkin' something terrible happened," Nicky muttered through sniffles as he set the paper on the table and pushed away tears, still holding the giggly kid with one arm and holding his other out to you. "Get over here, you."
You laugh while pushing your tears away too, joining the father and child on the floor for a group hug.
"It was my idea to surprise you! They said it was your birthday, so I also wanna give you somethin' too!" The kid says as they pull away to dig in their tiny pocket with their tiny hand. Nicky wipes his face with his sleeve and holds out his hand while they drop a small item in his hand.
Upon closer inspection, the item was a small shiny button. It was a little smaller than a dime and had a stunning golden glow to it.
"I found it in the grass this morning cuz the sun hit it just right! And then I couldn't be nervous about today cuz'- cuz' there's no way I could find somethin' that pretty on a bad day!" They quickly ramble out excitedly. Nicky's smile only widened as he gripped the gift close to him.
"I swear I'm gonna treasure this until the end of the universe, kid. And I'm gonna love you for longer," Nicky pledges earnestly as the kid hops up and down, their tiny body unable to handle the pure joy that radiated from them.
"We're gonna spoil you rotten and raise you right!" you chime in adoringly.
You watch as your kid lets out a fit of overjoyed laughter and hops into your arms. You feel a rush of parental love run through you, and all you want in that moment was to protect this child and see them grow up happy. Nicky's arms softly wrap around you and the kid, holding you both in his comforting arms.
"we've got our own family, toots. We really did it," Nicky softly says before pressing a kiss to the tops of both of your heads. "It's the three of us against the world, now."
The kid repeats him happily, "Us three against the world."
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saintprivateer · 5 years
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lazy coloring wip before bed 😳🤎 y’all ever think about kissing Nicky in the moonlight.,,,.
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Me, every day of March until Nicky’s route is updated:
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