dimples, curls, and freckles
  Title:    dimples, curls, and freckles Author:   @nicolorenaldigenovia Fandom:  The Old Guard Word Count:   1017 Ship:   joe&nicky Summary:   Nicky smiles then and shakes his head, going back inside the change room, and closing the curtain. He starts to carefully take off the trousers. And like he had expected, it’s a challenge. Just before he can pull them past his hips, he feels the fabric start to give and he sighs. It’s not a big deal if he ends up buying them because he had ripped them, but he’d be much happier if that doesn’t happen. He hears Nile walk back into the  change rooms on the other side of the curtain and he groans. “Hey, you may need to help me out in these. They’re just too tight.” There’s a pause and a shuffle. “Uh, I can, most definitely, mysterious voice with a sexy accent behind door Number 4,” says a soft, teasing voice, and Nicky freezes, eyes widening. Not Nile. Most definitely not Nile. Love Letter: This one is just so damn cute you guys, and hinges on one of those universal experiences. You know how changing rooms are actually a section of penance in purgatory for those who have committed all kinds of sins (mild gluttony, occasional sloth, side -eyed envy--not actual serious sins), this is just where Nicky finds himself. The premise is one of being trapped in an article of clothing and needing your friend to help you get out of the garment with out breaking, but someone else overhears. It's little things that make this fic fun. The initial reaction and description of Joe's voice,  teasing because hell yeah a sexy voice just asked him to help him out of his clothes, shifts into earnestness as he genuinely wants to know if Nicky needs help sight unseen. It's soft and sweet. But it's also funny. There is an exchange at the start between Nile and Nicky as he tries to explain that he is dummy thicc and if he bends overs eyes buggin', jaws droppin', and asses clappin' . And the humor is kind of the easy to overlook for most just there for the meet cute, but that might be my favorite part. 
If you’ve enjoyed this fanfiction love letter, please feel free to reblog so that others might enjoy the talents of our fan communities. If you have read this fic and would like to share why you love it, please go to to their story to ensure they see your praise and appreciation. And of course, if this fanfiction love letter inspired you to read this fic, I’d love to know. Feel free to recommend any fic that you feel I might like or that needs a love letter.  
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bookersebastien · 4 years
tumblr sleepover: ask you anything - what's the best piece of art you've consumed in the last year? (also hello! it's me L - nicolorenaldigenovia - thank you so much for following, when i saw i was like 'really?!?!? me?!?' 🥺)
ahdjfjs i should say the same to you!! tbh i thought id been following you but tumblr is dumb so hi L!!!
okay so best piece of art i mean the old guard obviously but also trust. i was shocked by how amazing the show was, everything about it was done so PERFECTLY that even though i knew the vague story i was still like wondering what was gonna happen?? it was also just so visually stunning and in the end so fantastic seeing old bitch ass getty get what was coming to him. and primo is just fantASStic
sleepover asks!
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5 & 20!
FanFan! You’re a terribly beautiful awful person I love you dearly. 
5. What’s a crackship you love? Hmmmm, so this is an interesting question. I'm not sure if we define crackship as within fandom, or like, cross fandom? Like, absolutely banana-boat type ship? WHAT IS THE CRITERIA? TO FANLORE: "A crack ship is a ship that is highly ridiculous, bizarre, disturbing, and/or unlikely to ever become canon. The characters don't have any chemistry, never interact, are in different canons or timelines, are different species, one is an inanimate object, etc." OK. Using this criterion (subtract disturbing, though, because... no?):
(MCU) MARVEL: WinterIron (Bucky x Tony) & WinterHawk (Bucky x Clint) probably both count in the MCU for Crackship selections. WinterHawk makes a bit more sense in some of the comic stories (Hawkeye & The WinterSoldier) with a bonus option of a Triad featuring Natasha, if you're into that. (I'm not mad about it, to be honest).
TMFU/The Man From Uncle (Movie): Napollya/Spies In Love, etc. So I love Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin. I'm not sorry for it. I'll probably write about it. CanonWise, probably not. Bromance wise? Off the charts. Blame Henry & Armie, if you must.
Criminal Minds: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid. Not gonna become canon but honestly, there was way too much "Pretty Boy" for me not to go "they should totally make out". This is a pairing I'm casually affectionate for, I haven't read much or written any.
Inception: Do we consider DreamHusbands aka Arthur x Eames a crackship? Unlikely to become canon and minimal interaction. Whatever, I ship it like burning.
DC (Comics, Cartoon, DCCU, Whatever): I'm always a fan of SuperBat or SuperWonderBat.. So. Superman x Batman, Superman x Batman x WonderWoman, all good. Supremely powerful alien & warrior vs the man that keeps them human? Continueeee. 
Crossover Crackships: (I wasn’t sure above was cracky enough?)  *Eliot Spencer (Leverage) x Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez (Losers) x Jake Jensen (Losers) is a great triad ship. I read like, 2 fics but oh man, hot like burning. Toni Likey, very very much. *Lo Zingaro aka Fabio Cannizzaro (They Call Me Jeeg aka Lo Chiamavano Jeeg Robot) x Majid (Wolf): Bad Boys in Love CrossoverFic. Blame the TOG server. Luca Marinelli & Marwan Kenzari's chemistry in The Old Guard has me shipping a bunch of their alternate characters, but none as hard as these guys yet. It's pretty cracktastic, I'm still not sorry.
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Oh man this is TOUGH. Ok, ok, so... Sorry this is gonna be TOG heavy, I think.
droit du seigneur by silvyri
 - TOG. Nicky has to marry a truly terrible man but the new lord takes a shine to him and claims the right of first night. (Nicky x Joe)
as our love shapes our universe by nicolorenaldigenovia
-TOG. This is L’s Princess Diaries AU (I love L, I recommend everything I’ve read of her’s, truth be told. If she’s reading this, HI DARLING!) The Old Guard Princess Diaries Fusion/AU where Prince Nicolo is Princess Mia's cousin, who introduces his friend Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be Mia's future king.
let's right, these wrongs, together by nicolorenaldigenovia
-Another TOG L fic-. (Remember what I said?) or the one where Nicky is housemates with Nile after Yusuf breaks up with him. And when he finally opens up about it, Nicky realizes that his current predicament was brought on by misunderstandings and good intentions with ill results. But it’s too late. It’s been nearly a year; it doesn’t matter now.
Hemingway by silvermadi (Orientation)
-Remember Fabio x Majid? It’s my Madi-babe’s fault. This is her work, I love it, I love her, I’m rec’ing. 
Finally Alive by domini_moonbeam
-”Joe is the new immortal not Nile, and Nicky is the one sent to go find him.” Ok so I don’t know domini but I’d probably fall at their feet if I did. This is for sure one of my favorite TOG stories. 
as your sun sets (i know you in bleary-eyed 3AM) by theprophetlemonade
-This is a Sense8/Shadowhunters crossover AU. I have read it entirely too many times. It’s MARVELOUS. 
Laying Claim by laceymcbain
-Inception/Dream Husbands. “Arthur, you've rung me at 2:30 in the bloody morning from Soho where you appear to be on a street corner and shirtless, possibly drugged. I've no doubt you're capable of handling yourself under normal circumstances, but drunken blokes aren't always the most understanding sort, especially when you're not actually selling what you look like you're selling.”
The One Where They're Stars on HGTV by earlgreytea68
-Inception/Dream Husbands. Super long HGTV AU Series that is FABULOUS. 
And I’m stopping before this gets out of control because I have HUNDREDS more but. I want to sneak in a Standalone Author Rec, in case someone is wanting some Marvel and because I can’t pick a story from her but I would rec all her WinterIron without hesitation, is Ray.
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alkaysani-archived · 4 years
The Old Guard Fanfic Master List
*updated* 15 Oct 2020
AS OUR LOVE SHAPES OUR UNIVERSE  (Nicky x Joe - Princess Diaries AU)
to love is to sacrifice, to sacrifice is to love 
“Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani,” Charlotte says, and she’s sighing dreamily again and Yusuf definitely has that effect on people. “That young man gets my vote,” Joseph says from behind him. “He goes by Joe sometimes, so he’s definitely of good stock,” he says, and Nicky snorts. “A brilliant one, amazing artist, charismatic. He’s dedicated himself as the right-hand and advisor to his queen mother, and has fully supported his younger sister taking the throne instead of him. He’s friends with Nicolo,” he says, and Nicky blinks, shrugging a little, and his heart starts to go wild in his chest in a way he doesn’t want to understand. “We spent two years of secondary together,” he whispers, glancing at Mia. “Uh…just before they passed, he had to move back home, and I…” he trails off, sighing. --- or the Princess Diaries II AU where Prince Nicolo will do anything for Genovia. And if that means introducing his cousin Princess Mia to Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be her future king, then his heart just has to deal with it. He just wished that it didn’t hurt so much.
i will hold your heart together in mine 
“You love me now, right?” “Forever more, my darling,” Joe chokes out, and it takes on a whole new meaning that makes his own ache. “Then my heart will heal,” Nicolo says, and his voice is firm, and fierce, under the exhaustion. “The symptoms will fade, in time. They will,” he adds, his voice muffled against his shoulder. He pulls away and looks up at Joe with wide, glassy eyes. “The universe won’t be so cruel to me to take me away now, when I am finally happy, right?” he says, and Joe burst into tears then, shaking his head, grabbing Nicolo’s face and kissing him, deeply. No. No. He won’t think of it. He won’t think of losing Nicolo. Not again. Not like this. *** or where Prince Yusuf learns the physical extents of Nicolo’s heartbreak, months after they were meant to be fine. But regardless of how much it ails him, his beloved Nicolo continues to have faith that he will be alright. So he must brave through his fears and his worries, as they grow, and build a life and a family, together. Even if it breaks their hearts again. And again. And again.
black cats and lopsided hearts (Joe x Nicky) - 30 Oct 2020
“Permission to keep killing your fiancé with cuteness due to Halloween costumes, please?” Mia asks, and she’s giving Nicolo those eyes again, and this time, Nicolo bites his lip, glancing at Joe. “It might be fun, beloved. It’ll only be for a night,” he reasons, and Nicolo sighs then, nodding his head. “For you, heart.” *** or The Old Guard Princess Diaries AU – Halloween Special where Mia convinces Nicolo and Yusuf to let her dress up one and a half-year old twins Elio and Ayla for this very American holiday.
not that i need reminding 
“You look in love.” Joe blinks, looking up at the voice. There’s a woman, a little younger than Nile, or maybe just her age, sitting beside him on the bench now. She’s smiling at him, and he gives her what he hopes is an equal one, before nodding softly, gently tapping his pencil on his sketchbook. He knows the answer, of course he does. Yes. He is in love. Truly, madly, deeply, or however they say it. He knows all of this already. But he’s willing to play. “And how does that look?” --- or joe gets a vibe check from the universe.
to know those among us 
“Mommy, angel! Angel, mommy!” Nicky blinks, putting down the produce he had in his hand. He zeros in on the voice and a little boy staring up at him, jaw dropped and staring, his eyes wide and curious. Then he looks up to find a woman, blushing red, looking absolutely mortified. Even with her darker tone, the flush is clear, making her glow. She looks ready to run, so Nicky just gives her a smile, and then crouches in front of the child, before looking around, humming curiously. “Where, little one?” he asks, putting his hands over his eyes as he continues his search. “Where is the angel?” he asks, and the little boy giggles. It’s a beautiful sound amongst the low bustle of the early farmer’s market. --- or nicky gets mistaken for an angel by a child, so he tells them about real ones
in parts, i fall, i love
Joe needs to finish this portfolio if he wants something to propose to the showcase. And he does. He really does. But someone just sat at his table because the coffee shop is so busy, and their profile is gorgeous, and yep, he’s definitely trashed the outline again because this man is definitely going to be a part of it. “Is there something on my face?” he hears, and Joe pauses. Shit. Joe breathes out so heavily that his glasses fog up, and he looks up to find the man giving him a hint of a smile, tilting his head slightly to the side. “You’re staring,” the man states and honestly, yeah, Joe is. “I’m not.” Idiot. --- or joe is an artist, and he falls in love. and nicky is along for the ride.
with your hands, your whispers 
Come on love, that’s it.” “I can’t, Yusuf, please.” He’s gasping, breathless. His Yusuf always leaves him so breathless. It’s too much. And of course, Yusuf knows that it’s too much. He knows exactly what Nicky needs, and what makes him overflow, and it seems like his adoring heart wants him to spill over, again and again in every sense of the word. *** or a take on what nicolo and yusuf were doing before booker and andy got to the hotel in marrakesh
let’s right, these wrongs, together (see accompanying edit here)
If he concentrates hard enough, he can still smell Yusuf on the scarf, and it brings immediate tears to his eyes. Because it’s only been nearly a year, and he’s yearned for the man for longer, way before they got together. And even with all the odds, with all the numbers combined, Nicky doesn’t believe that there’ll be enough time that can pass to heal the pain that’s clawing on his chest at that moment. That has been since Yusuf said it was over.   Nile’s legs move from his lap, and suddenly there are arms around him, pulling him close and Nicky closes his eyes, pressing his face on Nile’s neck. “You’re allowed to hurt as long as you have to, Nicky,” Nile says to him, and it’s so, so kind. “You can tell me as much or as little as you can. I didn’t mean to push.” Nicky sniffles. “I still love him,” he croaks out, like it needed to be heard, like his desperation is a call out for his heart. His heart that let him go, that told him that it’s over. *** or the one where Nicky is housemates with Nile after Yusuf breaks up with him. And when he finally opens up about it, Nicky realizes that his current predicament was brought on by misunderstandings and good intentions with ill results. But it’s too late. It’s been nearly a year; it doesn’t matter now. Right? Not if your housemate is Nile Freeman.
hand-shaped bruise (see accompanying edit here)
Prince Nicolò spends most of his days alone. He lives with no one, after all, ever since his parents died. Ever since he was killed by Sr. Merrick and Lady Kozak, his screams ringing out throughout the night until his final breath, only to show up the next day at the farmer’s market. *** or my halloween take on our beloved characters.
when time dictates love 
"So not ugly,” Sebastien says, and Aidan looks at Mr. Copley, who just shrugs, smiling. “He is insufferable. Does he know this?” he says, and the man just smiles, both of them ignoring how Sebastien says ‘hey!’. “He does,” Mr. Copley whispers, and he says, and Sebastien’s fingers intertwine with his atop his knee, and Aidan looks away. “But you like him anyway,” he says instead. Mr. Copley chuckles, and he leans to press a kiss on Sebastien’s forehead, who’s no longer laughing. “Yes, but I like him anyway.” --- or a home-care worker witnesses Booker and Copley’s last year together, as time catches up on them
there is no timeline when it comes to this (Booker x Copley; Joe x Nicky - also featuring Joe & Booker bffs and Nicky really giving a damn about Booker)
“I’m happy for you, Yusuf,” Booker says, because he means it despite the ache, and Joe smiles, nodding, and he’s smiling in a way that makes his heart hurt even more. “We love you, Booker,” Joe says because he’s just that person, before driving off as Booker makes his way up to his apartment, steps feeling like lead. He makes the point to check the mail, and he’s not even sure why. He’s never checked mail before, Joe usually did. Booker pauses then, looking at the different ads he pulled out of the box after twisting the key. So many changes already. When he finally gets to his unit, he finds someone standing at the door. They turn when he pauses, and greets him with a smile. “Hello Booker,” James Copley says, giving him a two-finger salute. “You haven’t aged a day.” *** or where Booker’s best friend Yusuf moves out to be with his Nicolo, and he makes the choice to live alone for the first time in years. Booker tells himself he’ll be fine, tells everyone that he’ll be fine, even though the weight in his chest tells him otherwise. but he really has no choice. this is his life now. then James Copley comes home.
little things, for the heart (Nile and Joe)
“Are you…baking bread?” Joe looks up at her then, and Nile snorts, walking over to the counter and reaching up to tug on the man’s stray curls, dark tight ringlets dusted with white flour. “Maybe,” Joe says, in a sing-song tone. *** or Nile takes a lesson she learned from her mother and applies it to her new life.
THE NILE FREEMAN COLLECTION (Written for Nile Freeman Week 2020)
nile + love or where Nile meets another queen 
nile + sadness or where Nile keeps it real with Booker
nile + alone time or where Nile gets of ice cream and thinks of dying
nile + comfort or where Nile makes Joe feel better, the best way she knows how
do not let me awake alone (Nicky x Joe)
After Booker’s betrayal, Joe is angry and Nicky suffers through the fallout. And for the the first time in a long time, Nicky understands what it's like to be alone in his grief.And something inside him breaks.
my love for him kills any anger (Nicky x Joe; Joe & Andy)
A month later, Andy finds out that Nicky is talking to Booker.But it doesn’t mean that Joe forgives him. Far from it. They've been through so much for him to just let it go.
a blessing from above (Nile & Nicky; Nile & Joe; Nicky x Joe) 
Nile gets used to a few things, three months into her new life. But the one thing that wracks her brain the most is how they deal with loss and suffering.Thankfully, she has a lifetime to figure it out. Because they’re family, and she wants to help them. At least, start them on the right path. They are grown people, after all. Because her Mama raised her right.
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elenorasweet · 4 years
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I love @nicolorenaldigenovia and I love this Genovia AU, listen, let me tell you the ways--!
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alkaysani · 3 years
this heart of mine 
For @yusufalkaysanibingo - “Joe and whatever makes him upset/lose faith in humanity” 
Joe loves Booker, very much so.
Because he highly doubts that if he didn’t, he would’ve have spent the days and weeks and months after London feeling like he can’t breathe, plagued with nightmares and ‘what ifs’ and things left unsaid. And every time he finds himself wanting, wishing that he can speak to his brother and ask why, why did he do this, he is hit, constantly and consistently, with the realization that he knows exactly why he had done it.
And it breaks Joe’s heart, again and again.
And while he understands it, while Joe knows that this is something that he can one day forgive, or have already forgiven Booker for, right now he’s just stuck on the fact that it was a very specific series of choices that made Booker do what he did.
Joe puts a hand to his mouth and clenches his eyes shut. It never fails to make his stomach turn.
Keep reading on AO3
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antukini · 3 years
bread anon from other timezone - same about a rec list! Authors are so awesome and I just -can't wait 'til i have the time to leave good comments on their fics. I like joe/nicky a lot. I don't really have any category in mind but if you've read any fic that you like and is (hopefully) complete - I'd love to check it out. Cheers!
okay this is super late (happy new year!!) and i realized that going through the literal hundreds of fics i've read (because i am an idiot who doesn't mark their faves orz) will take Forever so i'll just give you some of the finished fics as well as ongoing and finished series i love plus my fave authors:
Scenes from a pair of Bakeries series by PastyPirate (E, Bakery AU)
a family that flies together (Quidditch AU verse) by aglassfullofhappiness (mehmehs) (M, Pro Quidditch Players AU)
Iron Maiden Joe AU series by deanniker (M, what it says on the tin)
Methuselah's Children series by Wind_Ryder (M, fam it's Pain please read the tags because it deals with some heavy stuff)
Nile's hair plus some team bonding series by Veirtyel (G, FLUFF BABEY)
By a Time to Rise and a Time to Fall by BecauseWhateverAtAll (M, this fic solidified Joe and Booker brotp for me tbh)
Glasgow Kiss by levitatethis (T, Different (Re-)Meeting AU)
Missed You By a Few Minutes, a Few Centuries by just_another_tinker (M, Different (Re-)Meeting AU)
Old Olives by aeli_kindara [] (M, Pre-Canon, Nicky POV)
Pride and Prejudice and Immortals (and Zombies) by Kyra_Bane (E, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Fusion AU)
Upon Love's Road by togina (T, POST-CANON PAIN i was literally in physical pain it hurt that much)
Literally anything, anything by:
Sixthlight (literally ANY fic *chef's kiss*)
Lolo (TheLittleLo) (the Sing To Me Instead series (M, College AU) has a special place in my heart)
liadan14 (i especially love the pumpkin gnocchi verse (E, Mundane Modern AU) a lot)
morallygreywaren (we that are true lovers run into strange capers (E, Mundane Modern AU) is fucking awesome)
emjee (MerryHeart)
incurableromancer (*squishes your face* all of them)
mellyflori (ALL.)
Highsmith (quimtessence)
(actually any fic by the authors who wrote the fics and series i mentioned previously are great check them out)
the new fic collections for secret santas, exchanges, and bangs are definitely worth checking out too!!
definitely missing some im sorry hsdjfshl
uhhh i hope these help??
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any good ensemble-cast backstory fic with solid andromaquynh and maybe a side of angst but with a happy ending? i know this is super specific but just curious to see what y'all can come up with
Do you mean backstory as pre canon? Sorry anon i’m new at this and i’m still learning. If you meant it like that i haven’t seen a lot of those. And also is hard to find solid andromaquynh fics with esemble-cast because we are still a small fandom, the esemble-cast tog fics usually focus on kaysanova.
But here are some fics with andromaquynh and esamble-cast that i love:
Extremely Uneventful Subject by @daniwouldnever (ao3 moonflowery): it’s not finished yet, but it’s lovely. Have lot of family moments and andromaquynh are the centric couple.
Family by ao3 Gherlt: lots of angst and dealing with trauma. Good balance on giving storyline to all the characters. Rescueing Quynh, forgiveness and happy ending.
When the heart needs, the soul calls for home by ao3 nicolorenaldigenovia: it’s not finished yet. Lykon centric, with andromaquynh and kaysanova. So good on childhood friendship and the found family tropes feelings. Lot of angst and fluff.
In exile, seeing you out by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky (ao3 ChaseTheWindTouchtheSky): all the characters have value in the story. Very well writen to my taste, deep and angst all over the chapters. Andromaquynh is not the centric, but they have a small part (reunion, angst, kinda a happy ending)
I Am Now A We by ao3 TheGrandR: au fic, it’s not finished yet. It’s in the sense8 universe. Good balance between all the characters. Andromaquynh.
Freedom Love Joy Peace by ao3 WhateverAtAll: Nile centric. Every chapter it’s about her relathionship with one of the other characters. Angst and fluff with happy ending, and there’s Andromaquyn’s scenes (in Quynh’s and Andy’s chapters). 
These are the ones that comes to my mind by the moment.
I hope this was what you were looking for and it helps, if not let me know ;) 
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jackswolfe · 4 years
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fanfic tropes !
i was tagged by the lovely lolo @scimitar-and-longsword thank you so much angel !! here is a link to generate yours 
tagging: @theoldkenzari @nicolorenaldigenovia @yusufnicolo @nico-di-genova @andyandromache @marwankenzari @spookynicolo @nilefreemans
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caitlesshea · 4 years
WIP Ask Meme
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by @winged-fool!
I can’t actually start writing until I have a title, so here’s a bunch of titles that will mean absolutely nothing, except for the fact that they’re almost all complete and I’m lazy!
build your heart a home
Joe x Nicky
once in twenty lifetimes
it’s in our blood
under the weight of living
would it be enough
those eyes add insult to injury
see your brother as my brother
give you my wild, give you my child
Tagging: @bestillmyslashyheart, @ebbatriestowrite, @nicolorenaldigenovia, & anyone else who wants to do this!
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nickydestati · 4 years
tag 9 people you would like to know better/catch up with
thank you @bookersebastien for tagging me! 🧡🧡
last song: goodbye john smith by barns courtney
last movie: i rewatched il padre d’italia the other day (and yes it did make me cry again)
currently watching: critical role and i just finished big little lies so i should really find something new!
currently reading: how long till black future month by n.k. jemisin and the play lucifer by joost van den vondel
currently craving: some calmness because i am Stressed Out but also cashew nuts
i tag: @nicolorenaldigenovia, @hellboygay, @nicolodikaysani, @spookynicolo, @cruzwalters, @slowshows, @guardiansoftheold, @thesandwichincident, @destatinicky and anyone who wants to do this!
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moonlightperseus · 4 years
wait! i know you're icon!!! ah! i see it when you review my work, omg are you moonlightcanary? ahhh! i just followed you, but hi! - L (princenicolo here/nicolorenaldigenovia on a03)
ahh!!!! hello!!! yes i am moonlightcanary! (which used to be my url on here too but then i fell in love with the old guard and here i am! i just can’t be bothered to go thru the process of changing my ao3 handle) 
im honored that you’re following me! i hope my content makes you smile, and im sorry for the complete shitposting ive been doing for the past like 24 hours
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alkaysani-archived · 4 years
as our love shapes our universe
The Old Guard Princess Diaries Fusion/AU is now a series on a03
to love is to sacrifice, to sacrifice is to love (Nicky x Joe) - 6 Sept 2020
“Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani,” Charlotte says, and she’s sighing dreamily again and Yusuf definitely has that effect on people. “That young man gets my vote,” Joseph says from behind him. “He goes by Joe sometimes, so he’s definitely of good stock,” he says, and Nicky snorts. “A brilliant one, amazing artist, charismatic. He’s dedicated himself as the right-hand and advisor to his queen mother, and has fully supported his younger sister taking the throne instead of him. He’s friends with Nicolo,” he says, and Nicky blinks, shrugging a little, and his heart starts to go wild in his chest in a way he doesn’t want to understand. “We spent two years of secondary together,” he whispers, glancing at Mia. “Uh…just before they passed, he had to move back home, and I…” he trails off, sighing. --- or the Princess Diaries II AU where Prince Nicolo will do anything for Genovia. And if that means introducing his cousin Princess Mia to Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be her future king, then his heart just has to deal with it. He just wished that it didn’t hurt so much.
i will hold your heart together in mine (Joe x Nicky) - 14 Sept 2020
“You love me now, right?” “Forever more, my darling,” Joe chokes out, and it takes on a whole new meaning that makes his own ache. “Then my heart will heal,” Nicolo says, and his voice is firm, and fierce, under the exhaustion. “The symptoms will fade, in time. They will,” he adds, his voice muffled against his shoulder. He pulls away and looks up at Joe with wide, glassy eyes. “The universe won’t be so cruel to me to take me away now, when I am finally happy, right?” he says, and Joe burst into tears then, shaking his head, grabbing Nicolo’s face and kissing him, deeply. No. No. He won’t think of it. He won’t think of losing Nicolo. Not again. Not like this. *** or where Prince Yusuf learns the physical extents of Nicolo’s heartbreak, months after they were meant to be fine. But regardless of how much it ails him, his beloved Nicolo continues to have faith that he will be alright. So he must brave through his fears and his worries, as they grow, and build a life and a family, together. Even if it breaks their hearts again. And again. And again.
black cats and lopsided hearts (Joe x Nicky) - 30 Oct 2020
“Permission to keep killing your fiancé with cuteness due to Halloween costumes, please?” Mia asks, and she’s giving Nicolo those eyes again, and this time, Nicolo bites his lip, glancing at Joe. “It might be fun, beloved. It’ll only be for a night,” he reasons, and Nicolo sighs then, nodding his head. “For you, heart.” *** or The Old Guard Princess Diaries AU – Halloween Special where Mia convinces Nicolo and Yusuf to let her dress up one and a half-year old twins Elio and Ayla for this very American holiday.
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elenorasweet · 4 years
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@nicolorenaldigenovia has fucked me UP with this FIC I cannot EVEN!!!! Omfg L!
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alloutofgoddesses · 4 years
Comfort Movie Tag Meme
Tagged by the always lovely @nicolorenaldigenovia - Thank you very much, L. 
Rules: List seven comfort movies and tag seven people.
1. The Little Mermaid - Red hair, mermaids, incredible songs, a crabby crab, Ursula, a love story for the ages, sneaky gay allegories! I am very much an Ariel. I am so much an Ariel that when I dressed as her for my junior year spirit week, I got sick and literally lost my voice. What can I say, I’m a method actor.
2. The Princess Diaries 2 - I would include the first one in this but... I didn’t know that there was a Princess Diaries 1 until I was around eleven. The first movie came out three months before I was born. I grew up thinking that there was only one movie where Anne Hathaway played Princess Mia, and was very excited when I found out that there was another movie (& had some confusion cleared up). Anyway, P.D. 2 captured me with the love story, mattress surfing, & Mia destroying Genovian sexism.
3. Spider-Man: Homecoming - One word. Zendaya. Actually, I have more words but that’s the main one. Starred actual teenagers, which as a teenager, I was & am all about. Had jokes I can relate to and confused my parents. Is a Spider-Man movie. That is all.
4. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - For starters, see above. It’s a Spider-Man movie. The animation is god tier, the story can & will make me cry, John Mulaney as Spider-Pig, as L said; Miles Morales. Also, Spider-Gwen wears pointe shoes which made my heart sing as a former ballerina. One of her spider powers has to be light on her feet because personally, I would never fight crime in those hell shoes. Especially not as a Spider-Person.
5. Frozen - This whole thing is basically fun fact time, but this is what I consider the most fun fact - The first time I watched this movie I was on my first date with my (ex)boyfriend. I forgot he was there. Oops. The movie is captivating, in every sense of the word. I love that the true love was actually Elsa and Anna. I love the Hans twist, I love Kristoff, I love Sven, and if you don’t love Olaf don’t talk to me. And, I immediately connected with Elsa, which I wouldn’t understand why until two years later, when I started questioning my sexuality. Elsa is an ace lesbian and I will fight  to the death over that.
6. Thor: Ragnarok - Who knew Thor could be funny? Thankfully Taika Waititi did! Ragnarok is funny as hell which was a great choice to make since the first two Thor movies are... like that. It gave me Loki as an actual anti-hero, Korg, Thor realising that his father was pretty shit at parenting, Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo showing off their comedic abilities, Cate Blanchett in a bodysuit, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Jeff Goldblum being peak Jeff Goldblum. It’s also right before the disasters known as Infinity War and Endgame so bonus points. 
7. The Old Guard - I saved this one for last because well *gestures at blog* obviously. I knew I was in trouble from the very first second of Charlize’s voiceover, and had fallen completely into the deep end by the time Nicky proudly called Joe “the love of my life”. I am not going to tangent about everything I love about The Old Guard since I have multiple tags you can explore for that, but I will say that what I love most is the fandom it produced. You guys are wonderful and definitely the best thing to come out of 2020.
Tagging these seven: @thanksgiving-isnt-ur-fav-holiday @ilearnedtofirebreathe @afterlaughy @letsgetreddie @fueledbyprocrastination @readingisthenewcool and @pursuecrazylife
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bookersebastien · 4 years
@shinylightblue tagged me SO long ago to list 13 songs i’ve been listening to lately, sorry michelle!! these are pulled from the ‘on repeat’ playlist on spotify
some kind of disaster by all time low
control by twin wild
wasted by sleeping wolf
afterglow by myriad
monsters by all time low ft. blackbear
slip the noose by the maine
pain by sleeping wolf
haunting by halsey
clumsy by all time low
mindreader by a day to remember
paris tx by sleeping wolf
hurricane by halset
lonely hours by mallory knox
idk who has done this but: @nicolodikaysani @nicolodigenovas @mrmarinelli @nicolorenaldigenovia @mickeymirandas 
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