#domini moonbeam
bubblergoespop · 7 months
im starting to get a bit drowsy how are you holding up 😭 i love this i feel like im in a 2018 morgz 24 hour overnight challenge
i’ve been reading redacted fan fiction and it’s been keeping me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
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tankwolf · 2 years
Hm. (<- art idea)
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dominimoonbeam · 9 months
The Adventures of Stardust and Cosmic. Script 4. Part 10 - 12
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I was just working on this story and the update came out! Jouska really brings this script to life! Latest part. and the series!
Scripts below if you want to read them too. <3
The Adventures of Stardust and Cosmic. Script Part 4 (chapters 10-12)
By Domini Moonbeam
[Cosmic waking up on the ship]
[disoriented] St-Stardust?
Are you okay?
[groans] How did you get me back on the ship?
Wait…How did we take off? I thought I locked you out of the controls.
Since when?
You sneaky shit… [sitting up, pained sounds]
Did you…patch me up? That’s not bad work.
No, I’m not thanking you, I’m just saying it’s not a bad patch job. Did they teach you how to close a bullet wound at the same school where you learned to hack ship controls?
…I can’t tell if you’re joking.
Whatever. [getting up] I’m still covered in paint… I’m gonna go clean up.
No, I’m not saying you should have given me a sponge bath. I’m just saying I’m going… [door whoosh, walking down the hall]
[Stardust following. Cosmic groans]
Yes, I’m still mad at you.
Yes, because of that! I can’t believe you put yourself between me and a gun. You could have died. Nothing is worth… [stops, groans] I don’t think this partnership is working.
[snaps] I said it’s not working, Stardust.
Yeah, we get along great, that’s the problem. You’re going to get me killed or I’m—[can’t say it]
Stop. I don’t… I don’t care about you. And if I did, I wouldn’t be hauling your ass toward danger, would I? What sort of asshole would that make me? What sort of person would that make me…
[deep breath] Okay. We’re only a week away from the goal. We’ll make it. We’ll get the loot, hopefully get your cousins off your tail, and then we’ll go our separate ways, just like I said. If it’s the sort of stash you think it is, it’ll be plenty for you to get your own jet and hightail it wherever you want to go.
That’s not funny. Knock it off.
No, you don’t.
No. I meant what I said, Stardust. You’re a bounty. I shouldn’t have let you think otherwise. This…you and me…that’s not a thing.
[sighs and repeats] Friends… No. I don’t want to be your friend. Look at the shit you stir up.
Yeah, I said that but you’re more trouble than you’re worth.
[huffs a laugh] Shit, that’s a hell of an ego. I guess I should have expected that from a primer. Of course, you’d think you’re worth it.
No, I don’t. The only thing I care about it my payday and my skin. I don’t need a partner or a friend or… I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone.
[bursts] You’re going to leave either way! [cringing] You don’t belong out here. You’re not a mercenary or a bounty hunter. You’re just a spoiled rich kid playing at crime past the edge for thrills. You’ll get over it and go home to the prime eventually.
[sighs] That’s not the same. Your family is a completely different sort of criminal element, and you know it.
Stop it. You don’t mean that.
[Stardust stepping closer, voice lower] Stardust…
[sighs, so close] I wasn’t scared…
I’m not lying…
[Stardust kisses Cosmic]
[softer, conflicted] Why did you do that?
Don’t say that… Don’t. You can’t.
[another kiss]
Damn it… [Cosmic kisses Stardust, grumbles] You make bad choices, Stardust…
Yeah, this is one of those bad choices. I’m a bad choice.
[huffs a thin laugh] You’re cracked if you think that.
[kiss] You taste like paint… [smirking a little despite himself] I wasn’t complaining.
The what?
The score is not one point five to six now! You did not save me. I saved you. It’s my point. I literally pulled that merc off of you.
Are you seriously reminding me about the human shield incident already?
Yes, it’s still too soon. It’s been less than an hour!
So what if you dragged me back to the ship? You think I haven’t had to wake up and crawl back? I told you, I’ve had worse.
Fine. It’s a scratch. No points for either of us.
[longer pause, ship sounds]
[smirking] …Are you suggesting we clean up together?
I don’t think I’m in danger of passing out again. You patched the gunshot wound, remember?
I mean… Yeah, I’d hate to drown in my shower. That’d be a stupid way to go.
Stardust…Are you trying to seduce me? You know that won’t change my mind, right? You’re still on your own as soon as I get my hands on my half of that treasure.
I’ll call it treasure if I want to.
It is too.
Wait. Do you think arguing is flirting?
You are terrible at seduction…
[laughs] I could definitely do a better job!
No! That first time you stole my gun was a fluke. I wasn’t seduced, I was confused.
Absolutely not. Go use your own shower. [smiling] I can’t trust your motives.
I didn’t say it wasn’t tempting… I said I can’t trust why you’re doing it. You might just want to steal my jacket again. Or my gun. Or my ship.
[thinking] I guess that could be worth the risk…
Okay, Stardust. I’ll call your bluff. [door whoosh] Come on in. I’ll get that paint out of your hair and you can make sure I don’t faint from blood loss in the shower.
[Stardust stepping inside, the door whooshing shut, closer, quieter] Really?
[laughs] Yep. The worst at flirting…
[sighs] Okay. Not the worst.
[hum of the ship, space sliding by outside]
[in bed, watching the stars]
Of course, my room has a window and a real bed.
Your room is a cargo hold when I’m not transporting…well, human cargo. [laughs a little] I guess it’s still a cargo hold. That’s why all the meal bars and protein shakes are in there. Did you think I put them there just for you? That room belongs to them! You’re the guest.
[stretch of quiet, space sounds]
Hm… Roll over again? I want to get another look at that map.
[laughs] Why would I be tricking you? You’re already in my bed. I’ve already seen everything…
[repositioning. Looking at the tattoo] Hm… Yeah, the map has moved a little more. It’s getting closer to the destination. I wonder what it’ll look like when we get there. It’s moving ink, so why not give us little fireworks or something when we reach the treasure?
Knock it off, you know it’s treasure.
Even if there isn’t an X and we don’t have to dig it up, it doesn’t make it not treasure. I don’t know why you refuse to call it what it is. Loot. Bounty. Booty. [laughs]
You mean, will it disappear after we find it? I don’t think so, Stardust… I’ve never known any moving ink to vanish on its own. If it bothers you, we could try to find someone to get rid of it. Once the treasure is already found, you won’t have to worry about someone trying to use it to get there.
…No, you’re right. They wouldn’t necessarily believe us that we’d already found it.
It’s not a bad tattoo. It’s beautiful work.
Stardust…[smiling] are you falling asleep?
Yeah. You can sleep here if you want. I mean…tonight. Not like, every night. Don’t try to steal my room.
[stretch of quiet]
[quieter, serious] You know this doesn’t change anything, right?
No. And we were not partners before we slept together. We’re not partners. We’re just… working together for the time being.
No, I don’t.
I meant what I said.
Yes, I did.
I—[groans playfully] Stop it! How do you turn everything into a petty argument?
Yes, you— [stops when he realizes they’re doing it again] You’re evil.
[quiet hum of space and the ship]
[smiling] And how do you still have paint in your hair? I thought we got it all out…
Hm? Why do you want to know that?
[laughs soft] Are you trying to say that my life story is sure to be so boring that it’ll knock you out?
No. They weren’t. The only time my parents were ever on a spaceship was when they were being shipped out to the edge to colonize a new mining settlement. They used to say that I was born looking up… I think they just said that because they’d realized I’d have to go eventually. So, they told me I’d always wanted to be an adventurer and eventually I believed it.
The mines dried up sooner than the corporations expected. They stopped prioritizing the settlement. We’re far out, you know? It was close to the edge and that costs to maintain. When they finally decided it wasn’t worth it, they just stopped coming—stopped paying the mercenaries to guard the colony. Pirates and worse started to set up shop real quick after that. It’s still there, the last planetary settlement before the deep.
Hm? Oh, no, it was just me by then. I got on the first ship that would take me. Scariest ride of my life. That ship was a wreck, barely holding together, and we were packed standing inside it for hours. I can still remember the way it creaked and shook, like it was going to come apart and we’d all just be flushed out into space.
We made it to the nearest station. The captain we’d all paid, tried to double cross us by selling us to a skin ship. I was lucky that some of the others were armed and would rather go down shooting then get on that other vessel. It turned into a firefight right there in the station and we scattered. I stowed away on a big cargo ship and got out of there.
Oh, I definitely got caught, but by then we were away from the station and those cargo ships can’t waste time turning back. I guess they could have jettisoned my ass but the captain felt bad for me. I was barely more than a kid. He said he was short-handed so I could work for my food and board.
I was trying to get to the prime. [huffs a small laugh] I’m probably lucky I never made it. What would I have done there? They probably would have put my ass back on a ship running cargo out here.
…Yeah. [smiles] You’re right. If I’d gotten myself one of those legit long-haul jobs, who would have been out here to save you from those pirates?
I wouldn’t go that far.
Shut up and fall asleep already.
[space sounds]
[muffled] Stardust!
[distant alarms sounding and then an impact shudder]
[muffled] Stardust!
[Stardust running to the bridge, door whoosh, ship shudder]
[ship] L-Class yacht closing in.
Get in that seat and buckle up!
Your cousin.
I’m pretty damn sure, Stardust. Aside from the fact that no one else out here has a chrome yacht armed to the teeth, he did have the courtesy to call before he started trying to blow out our engines.
[ship control sounds, impact shudder]
I said buckle up!
We’ll go through that debris, fly close to the asteroids and see if we can lose them… That yacht is huge, maybe we’ll get lucky and they won’t want to take the hits going through. Not sure we can hope they’ll break apart but who knows, maybe we have some luck left…
[ship control sounds]
Here. You have access to the guns. Shoot them if they get in range.
I know it won’t do much against their shields but it’s not like we’re just going to give up.
Really, Stardust? You want a breakdown of the conversation, right now?
[groans] He said I could hand you over and walk, or we’d both get a bullet. Now fucking shoot something!
[ship sounds, muffled gunfire]
Fuck… They’re blowing through the debris… It’s not even slowing them down.
We can’t outrun them. The only reason they haven’t blown us to bits is because they need you alive.
[ship] Exiting debris field.
There’s a gas cloud not far from here… Maybe…
[ship] L-Class yacht is too close for safe—
[ship shuddering, hit by the yacht]
They’re ramming us…
[ship alarm in background]
They’re not outfitted to grab and board us. I think they’re trying to disable our flight. If we’re floating dead, they’d have plenty of time to figure out how to get you out.
[ship] Hull damage to starboard side. Maintenance required.
[scoffs, sarcastic] Yeah, thanks ship, I’ll get right on that.
[another hit]
[Stardust unbuckling]
What are you doing? Sit back down! You’re going to get hurt!
What? No!
[Cosmic unbuckling and getting up]
Stop! We’re not doing that.
[worried and frustrated] …No, we can’t get away, but maybe we could…
[pause, Stardust talking]
[stubborn] I am not trading you.
I said no, Stardust. I’m not ditching you.
I’m not saying it wouldn’t work! I’m saying… I’m saying I won’t do it.
Maybe if we pretend to surrender… They can’t kill you until they get to the treasure.
[groans] Do not argue with me about calling it treasure right now…
We could wait until they dock with us and then—
[desperate] I know it’s not likely to work, Stardust, but what other options do we have?
No…No, I can’t do that.
I…I just can’t…I can’t!
[following them to the escape pod]
Stardust stop!
[ship] Escape pod activated.
Stop. [close] Just… Wait.
[ship hit again, alarm in the background still going off]
We’re only a few days out from the target, Stardust… Once they find it, they’re going to kill you.
We can keep going until they either back off or smash us apart… You don’t have to do this.
[ship shudder]
Fucking forget what I said! I’m telling you to stay.
You weren’t just a payday, okay? Now get back in your seat and—
[frustrated] Stardust—
[shudder a breath] Yeah, we almost made it…
They’re going to kill you. Don’t do this. Don’t go.
[pause, alarms and ship shudder background]
Three days…That’s a bad plan.
No, the tracking nanites are still active but they might be able to detect and eliminate them.
Fine. Fine! Yes. I can find you. Three days… I will find you.
[pod door whoosh]
[ship] Preparing escape pod.
[impact shudder, alarms, his shaking breath]
I am going to find you, Stardust.
Yeah… Because you’re my bounty. I told you I wouldn’t let you go without getting my cut, right?
I will find you. Just… try to stay alive until I do.
[door closes]
[ship] Escape pod release.
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5 & 20!
FanFan! You’re a terribly beautiful awful person I love you dearly. 
5. What’s a crackship you love? Hmmmm, so this is an interesting question. I'm not sure if we define crackship as within fandom, or like, cross fandom? Like, absolutely banana-boat type ship? WHAT IS THE CRITERIA? TO FANLORE: "A crack ship is a ship that is highly ridiculous, bizarre, disturbing, and/or unlikely to ever become canon. The characters don't have any chemistry, never interact, are in different canons or timelines, are different species, one is an inanimate object, etc." OK. Using this criterion (subtract disturbing, though, because... no?):
(MCU) MARVEL: WinterIron (Bucky x Tony) & WinterHawk (Bucky x Clint) probably both count in the MCU for Crackship selections. WinterHawk makes a bit more sense in some of the comic stories (Hawkeye & The WinterSoldier) with a bonus option of a Triad featuring Natasha, if you're into that. (I'm not mad about it, to be honest).
TMFU/The Man From Uncle (Movie): Napollya/Spies In Love, etc. So I love Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin. I'm not sorry for it. I'll probably write about it. CanonWise, probably not. Bromance wise? Off the charts. Blame Henry & Armie, if you must.
Criminal Minds: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid. Not gonna become canon but honestly, there was way too much "Pretty Boy" for me not to go "they should totally make out". This is a pairing I'm casually affectionate for, I haven't read much or written any.
Inception: Do we consider DreamHusbands aka Arthur x Eames a crackship? Unlikely to become canon and minimal interaction. Whatever, I ship it like burning.
DC (Comics, Cartoon, DCCU, Whatever): I'm always a fan of SuperBat or SuperWonderBat.. So. Superman x Batman, Superman x Batman x WonderWoman, all good. Supremely powerful alien & warrior vs the man that keeps them human? Continueeee. 
Crossover Crackships: (I wasn’t sure above was cracky enough?)  *Eliot Spencer (Leverage) x Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez (Losers) x Jake Jensen (Losers) is a great triad ship. I read like, 2 fics but oh man, hot like burning. Toni Likey, very very much. *Lo Zingaro aka Fabio Cannizzaro (They Call Me Jeeg aka Lo Chiamavano Jeeg Robot) x Majid (Wolf): Bad Boys in Love CrossoverFic. Blame the TOG server. Luca Marinelli & Marwan Kenzari's chemistry in The Old Guard has me shipping a bunch of their alternate characters, but none as hard as these guys yet. It's pretty cracktastic, I'm still not sorry.
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Oh man this is TOUGH. Ok, ok, so... Sorry this is gonna be TOG heavy, I think.
droit du seigneur by silvyri
 - TOG. Nicky has to marry a truly terrible man but the new lord takes a shine to him and claims the right of first night. (Nicky x Joe)
as our love shapes our universe by nicolorenaldigenovia
-TOG. This is L’s Princess Diaries AU (I love L, I recommend everything I’ve read of her’s, truth be told. If she’s reading this, HI DARLING!) The Old Guard Princess Diaries Fusion/AU where Prince Nicolo is Princess Mia's cousin, who introduces his friend Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be Mia's future king.
let's right, these wrongs, together by nicolorenaldigenovia
-Another TOG L fic-. (Remember what I said?) or the one where Nicky is housemates with Nile after Yusuf breaks up with him. And when he finally opens up about it, Nicky realizes that his current predicament was brought on by misunderstandings and good intentions with ill results. But it’s too late. It’s been nearly a year; it doesn’t matter now.
Hemingway by silvermadi (Orientation)
-Remember Fabio x Majid? It’s my Madi-babe’s fault. This is her work, I love it, I love her, I’m rec’ing. 
Finally Alive by domini_moonbeam
-”Joe is the new immortal not Nile, and Nicky is the one sent to go find him.” Ok so I don’t know domini but I’d probably fall at their feet if I did. This is for sure one of my favorite TOG stories. 
as your sun sets (i know you in bleary-eyed 3AM) by theprophetlemonade
-This is a Sense8/Shadowhunters crossover AU. I have read it entirely too many times. It’s MARVELOUS. 
Laying Claim by laceymcbain
-Inception/Dream Husbands. “Arthur, you've rung me at 2:30 in the bloody morning from Soho where you appear to be on a street corner and shirtless, possibly drugged. I've no doubt you're capable of handling yourself under normal circumstances, but drunken blokes aren't always the most understanding sort, especially when you're not actually selling what you look like you're selling.”
The One Where They're Stars on HGTV by earlgreytea68
-Inception/Dream Husbands. Super long HGTV AU Series that is FABULOUS. 
And I’m stopping before this gets out of control because I have HUNDREDS more but. I want to sneak in a Standalone Author Rec, in case someone is wanting some Marvel and because I can’t pick a story from her but I would rec all her WinterIron without hesitation, is Ray.
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taelonsamada · 2 years
you can totallyyy not want to do this butttt
I've been obsessedddd with the way @/domini-moonbeam writes david and darlin
soooo i was wondering if you can do a sketch based on her 'All the Things They Didn't Know' series
Soooo, chores are done!! And I was giddy when I got this ask, cause I ADORE @dominimoonbeam ‘s stories, especially this one ❤️ despite being an avid sam/darlin fan, this story depicts David/Darlin in a way that just…. They just work in a way you’d never expect!! And obviously I had to draw one of the cutest scenes!!
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thedahliafiles · 2 years
Hello, Moth! Congratulations on 100 subscribers!
I was thinking really hard on which fic to send you for the break down, but then it hit me - I'm sending you "Poly Party" by (the one and only) Domini Moonbeam (or maybe if it's too much, then specifically the second chapter of it).
It's one of the first fics I've read in this fandom, the first fic I left a comment on (I made an AO3 account partially specifically to do that) and interacted with someone in the fandom about and it's just generally a great fanfic and holds a special place in my heart. :)
Congratulations again, you deserve all those subscribers and so much more!
(a/n: thank you so much Teddy! You were one of the first people I ever interacted with in this community and I'm eternally grateful for it <3) Name of Fic: Poly Party Name of Author: domini_moonbeam (@dominimoonbeam) Reviewing Chapter(s): 2 of (?) Personal Favorite Chapter(s): 3 of (?) Times Visited: 22 times :D Kudos: Absolutely :D Review: I really do enjoy this fic, and it's one of the ones I do go back to to get to my favorite parts that I know I've talked to Arsenal about countless times and I'll go over them in the favorite scene section. I'll be very honest, I'm not a particularly huge fan of the DAMN poly if it only ever leaves out Lasko which seems to be the most common route if its not just Fl/Gavin/Lasko or Fl/Gavin/Lasko/Damien/Hux. I don't like seeing my favorite boy left out (yet he is still mentioned as having vague relationship with Gavin outside of the polycule) but this fic is so good I really don't mind that he's not there in the forefront lol. I can't wait to see where this fic goes especially in terms of Damien's self consciousness about his fire and Huxley's ability to put trust in them all to communicate like partners - not just FWB Favorite Quote: “What? Ah, nah, I’m not a bouncer. I’m just…me.” Favorite Scene: I have two.
Gavin fought the impulse to frown and snap back. There was something defensive inside him when it came to certain topics, like his deviant, his feelings, and his Lasko. “What I do with Lasko is our business.” They had become friends and Gavin did not make friends easily. He might act like he didn’t give a shit most of the time, but he would sooner cut off a finger than betray one of Lasko’s confidences.
Gavin would have laughed if this wasn’t so important. “Fucking trust me for a second.” He still had Damien’s jaw in hand, holding his face up to him. He pressed his other hand against Damien’s chest, over his heart, over the spot where he was trying to hide his heat. Damien hissed and strained, Gavin’s touch probably feeling like ice even through his t-shirt. Gavin rolled his hips forward so that Damien would feel his hard on through his jeans, pressed against his stomach. It made the fire elemental gasp and that heat ratchet up. It was still so ridiculously far from being a problem—from being dangerous to anyone in contact with him—but it was obviously enough to have Damien scared of risking it. And it was just enough that Gavin could connect with it, redirecting it and dispersing it in the room.
Damien grabbed hold of him then, startled, hands on Gavin’s arms as if to push him away—only he never did. He stared up at him. “Wh-What…How?” ... "I'm magic bitch"
Overall Rating: 10/10 - Very very amazing examples of trust and communication whilst also still feeling very canon to the characters in their growth and their arcs.
Spicy Rating: 10/10
Comments: christ domini u know how to write kissing scenes very well and very descriptively in a way that doesn't make them feel forced or too quickly paced (unless that's what you're going for like in the end of chapter 2 - "My horny brain can spell. All my brains can spell.")
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friendlyfaded · 2 years
y’all i’m gonna cry domini moonbeam commented on There Are No Leagues i—
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teddybasmanov · 3 years
Okay, so for a while I was having thoughts about everyone's "odd couples" and how nice it would be to have everyone connected and be acquainted at least through a few handshakes.
Here the word "connected" can be read as anything - friends, friends with benefits, dating, anything in between. Sometimes I specify though.
So, we have the D.A.M.N. polycule Freelancer/Gavin/Damien/Lasko/Huxley and Caelum being their proverbial child - you can pry it from my cold dead hands.
Damien is connected to Asher and is definitely friends with David. (Moonbeam's headcanons and "Quick Tempers and High Temperatures" fic)
Lasko is connected to David. (Arsenal's and Mac's headcanons)
Taking LadyMonotony's "Guardian Angels" fic - the Freelancer is definitely friends with Angel.
Gavin is connected to Avior. (Domini's fic)
Gavin and the freelancer are connected to Vincent and Lovely. (LadyMonotony's fics)
The Shaw pack, however already canonically one huge family, might be also a polycule - three wolves and three mates, maybe including Christian/Amanda at some point. (honestly, everyone's headcanons but definitely Mac's, Mars' and Ollie's)
Sweetheart is friends with Vega's warden.
Darling is canonically connected (I hope this connected evolves quicker) to Sam.
Darling/Sam/Vincent/Lovely polycule parenting Bright and Freddy. (my headcanon, plus I think Valentine's (not Val - @/starstruckstrawberry, but @/raptor-valentine) and maybe Bazz's but I'm too lazy to check)
Angel and Babe work in the same company as Aaron and Ollie and Mentor and they're most probably at least work friends.
Aaron and Ollie are in a polycule, don't know if with one listener or several. (definitely @/beewithknee headcanons but I don't think theirs only)
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dominimoonbeam · 3 months
Audio Script - M4A - First Tattoo
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I wrote this a while ago and would love to put it out there for audio artist to pick up if they're interested but I'm not really sure how to go about that, so we'll start here! <3
I wrote this M4A but if you want to change any of the pronouns you're of course welcome to.
Please give me credit if you decide to record this script, and a link so I can listen too! And, you know, don't put it behind a paywall. But if you want to pay me to make you your own scripts, you're welcome to contact me. <3 <3
Audio artists be warned, I seem to make a lot of background sound notes. Good luck, brave creators! I believe in your sound magic!
2 voiced characters with no interaction. Second speaker is the main character.
tags: confession of sorts, idiots in love, tattoo shop
First Tattoo
by Domini Moonbeam aka Clover Down
[fade in ambient music, muffled voices, the hum of tattoo machines]
You nervous?
Don’t be! I got this. You’re in good hands.
[paper rustle]
This is a great design. You did this yourself?
No? A friend?
Huh… You know this artwork style looks a lot like—
Yeah. You’re a friend of theirs? Roommates? They don’t usually do work like this unless they’re the one putting down the ink…
Alright. I’m just going to transfer this to tracing paper to put on you. Hang tight for a minute.
[muffled other voice] What the fuck? Who’s using my art?
[curtain thrown back]
[second voice, MC, surprised to see the listener and not some stranger stealing their art] Oh… [relief] Roomie. Shit, I thought someone stole my work… You… Wait…
What the hell are you doing here?
You were going to let that jerk tattoo you?
I’m your fucking roommate! We’ve been best friends forever and you finally want to get a tattoo and you went to them?
No, they’re not bad. That’s not the point!
No, it’s really not.
If anyone was going to tattoo you, it should have been me.
[chair sound, sitting down and scooting closer, voice lower]
You didn’t even tell me you wanted to get a tattoo.
A whim? Yeah right. You don’t do anything on a whim.
[paper sound] This isn’t a small tattoo.
What the hell were you going to say when I saw it?
What do you mean I wouldn’t see it?
Oh. I mean… yeah I guess I don’t usually see that part of you…
Wait! You were going to let that bastard work on your side and hip?
Yes, now they’re a bastard.
Because they were going to have you basically stripped down on their table with their hands all over you and my art… my…
Wait… You were getting my art tattooed on you.
[laughs] So what? Are you joking?
I remember drawing this for you…
Yes, I do. I drew this for your birthday that first year we met, right after I moved in.
I didn’t know it was your birthday until that afternoon, so I just drew you something… [awestruck] You really kept this.
That was years ago.
You were really going to get my work tattooed on you?
[listener getting up]
No, hang on. You don’t need to bolt.
[smiling] And where are you even going? We live together.
[listener sitting back down]
Don’t pout. I can’t believe you were trying to get someone else to tattoo my art on you at my own shop.
[laughs] Yeah, yeah, I did say they were the only good artists in town…
Seriously though, why didn’t you just ask me? You know I would have done it in a heartbeat, right?
Of course, I would! I’ve been dropping hints about tattooing you since we met!
[paper sound] I can draw you something new, if you want. Anything you want.
Why not?
Are you…blushing?
Okay. Obviously, I’m just seeing things then.
…Special? [paper sounds, looking at it again] It’s special to you…
Do you want me to do it then?
Yeah, of course, I mean it.
I mean, if you really don’t want me to…then I can send them back in.
[huffs a laugh] Yeah, the bastard… I would let them do my art if that’s what you really want. But I’d rather do it myself.
Because it’s mine. Because you’re… You.
Okay? [smiling] Okay. Great.
[putting on gloves] Show me where you want it.
Don’t get shy now…
[clothing rustling as listener takes off their shirt]
What? Nothing. Which side did you want it on?
[touching skin] Here? Down… Okay, stand up and push your pants down your hips.
Yeah, there. I need to clean the area first.
[spray. wiping. laughs] Yeah, it’s cold. Hang on.
[paper sounds. peeling the paper off] Okay, the stencil is on.
Take a look in the mirror real quick and make sure you like the placement.
Great. [pats the padded table] On your side, facing me.
[listener getting settled]
You’re going to be okay. Deep breaths.
[fiddling with equipment]
Okay, I’m going to start with the outline. This isn’t going to feel great, but you can take it.
That being said…if you need a break just let me know, okay? No shame in tapping out.
…Why are you blushing?
No reason… okay.
[machine hum]
Don’t move.
[starts working. background sounds and machine sounds for a bit]
Oh. No, it’s my day off. I don’t have anyone else waiting or anything.
And don’t think I failed to notice how you plotted to come in when I wasn’t here.
Yes, plotted.
Don’t try to change the subject.
I came in because I still had some boring shit to get done after I skipped out early the other night.
[laughs] Yeah, I guess you could say I cut out for a hot date. I was taking you to that movie you had to see on opening night.
Yeah, that shut you up…
Oh, you wouldn’t call that a date?
What the hell would you call it? I picked you up…
Yes, we do live together. That did make it easier.
I bought you dinner.
Popcorn counts when the bucket is bigger than your head.
[machine and background sound stretch while speaker thinks and works]
So…why this one?
This sketch. Why did you decide to get this tattooed?
[laughs a little, focused on the work] Yeah, I did say people usually get something meaningful to them.
You…wanted it to be permanent?
You know I’m permanent, right?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you want the tattoo. I’m fucking thrilled to put my art on you, and I would gladly give you a dozen more, but you know you don’t need to have something permanent from me, right?
Yeah… People leave. But I’m not going to leave you.
No. You know I don’t say things I don’t mean.
I’m not going anywhere.
[another stretch of machine sounds and background sounds]
Do you mind if I add some freehand or do you want it exactly like the image?
You know this is going to take a couple sessions, right?
[laughs] Yeah, some people could sit for the whole thing at once, but you can only sit still for so long.
No, I know you, you only sit this still when you’re scared or flirting…
[realization] And I know you’re not scared of me…
Hm? I’m not saying anything.
But you did hang on to this drawing for three years.
[getting serious] Roomie…
[surprise when listener starts to move] No, seriously, don’t move.
[another pause while the machine hums/background]
[soft spoken] You have no idea what it means to me to put this on you.
Yeah, I’ve done a lot of tattoos, but this is you.
The idea of my work on your skin? Permanently?
That you wanted me permanently with you…
That’s what you’re saying, right?
[happy sigh] Yeah. Yeah, I want that too.
You know, I’d say we need to work on your communication skills but this kind of works for me… Just, you know, don’t ask other people to do the tattooing, next time?
[laughs] No, you’re right, I’m not usually the jealous type but this is different. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it.
Because… It’s you.
Now, hold still or I’m going to screw up your first tattoo.
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dominimoonbeam · 3 years
Domini Moonbeam’s Redacted ASMR Wishlist:
If anyone actually knows Erik, the creator of Redacted, and wants to pass this along that’d be cool...
WARNING. I have no shame. Shame is for immortals and I ain’t got time for it.
-How David finally tells Angel about being a wolf and the whole supernatural world existing.
-Early David/Angel relationship stuff!
-Early Asher/Babe relationship stuff!
-Babe somehow discovering that Asher is a wolf and freaking out and Asher having to calm them down and explain.
-Caelum meeting another adorable empathy daemon/listener that’s lost their way and is maybe both emotionally/physically lost and he cheers them up and they become friends and eventually super cute, super innocent, hand holding, cheek kissing, romantic.
-Either David or Asher getting called by a hospital because their human counterpart got into an accident, freaking out, showing up, not letting them downplay the whole thing, getting them home and taking care of them.
-Angel in peril. Maybe doing something dumb like climbing something and getting stuck. David being a jerk and making fun of them until they actually fall and then rushing to catch them.
-Avior. (that’s it. I just want more of the current plot and traction on that slow burn. i love it so much. SO. MUCH.)
-Either Sam saving Darlin from Quin OOOOOR Darlin showing up to save Sam from Quin. Yeah. That one. Sam being caught and used as bait to bring Darlin. Obviously this would happen after Quin realizes Darlin is hunting him... I can wait.
-The subsequent scene where Sam heals Darlin, to parallell the first scene where Sam heals Darlin, only this time he’ll stay and they’ll have lots of feelings and KISS.
-Sam biting Darlin. It’ll be SUPER consensual and sexy. I may or may not (MAY) be writing a fanfic about it right now...
-a librarian listener. I don’t know why I want it or in what context, but there it is on the list.
I will add more in the future!!!
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