#niko sasaki/you
vaguesxrrow · 28 days
Heyy, I was wondering if you could write one of niko from dbd with a nb ghost character? With the prompt 'kissing to make them stop talking' xoxo
ty for the request !! im actually kind of proud of this one so show it some extra love please guysss
niko/nonbinary!ghost reader
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prompt: 27. kissing them to make them stop talking
tags: nonbinary!reader, ghost!reader
wc: 1,333
a/n: i got kind of carried away with this, but i really love niko :')
two times you had to kiss niko to get her to stop talking, and one time she had to do the same to you.
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you emerged from the wall into niko's room, nose deep in a book you thought would help with your current case - niko's input on your research would be valuable. you looked up from the pages to find edwin and niko in the corner, engaged in an apparently heated conversation.
"i am not telling them!" niko hissed at edwin.
"and that is your decision." edwin rolled his eyes. "i am simply saying they would never reject you-"
"ahem," you cleared your throat. "uh, hey guys."
niko squeaked.
weird. she had never been caught off guard by the whole ghost-materialising-from-the-wall thing before.
"hello," edwin greeted."i- uh, i remembered i have a lead to follow up on. i'll be back." he shot a wide-eyed look at niko before he strode out, going through the wall as well. she had no reaction to his method of travel - just a slightly panicked look in his direction. maybe you should warn her next time.
"oookay," you drawled. "guess it's just you and me, niko. not that i'm complaining." you smiled at her sincerely.
she seemed to be panicking more and more, to your confusion.
"niko... you didn't get another case of supernatural parasites, did you?" you asked, half joking and half seriously concerned.
"i need to tell you something!"
"shit, did you get another parasitic infection?" you crossed the room in three big strides and planted your hands firmly on her shoulders, tilting your head as you inspected her form for any signs of illness. "you look a bit flushed. are you burning up?"
"no!" niko cried. "i mean, i may be a bit flushed, but it's not because i have parasites. i've googled the symptoms of supernatural parasites - generally, there'd be more fluids coming out of my mouth and maybe evn tremors. which, now that i say it out loud, don't they seem like symptoms of a crush, as well?" she bit her lip. "okay, i'm just gonna say it - you make me feel like i have parasites."
"uhh. what?"
she continued speaking. "as in, you make me feel warm inside, and the warmth is so... warm that it makes my face heat up. and my legs go weak around you, and i have definitely fantasised about you catching me in your arms when i fall. or saving me when i'm about to die horrifically. basically, what i'm trying to say is i like like you, and maybe even lo-"
your hands were still on her shoulders, which made it easy for you to pull her into a kiss. being a ghost, you couldn't physically feel it, but if asked, you would've said that your first kiss with niko felt like warmth and weak legs. sunshine and thawing trees. when you finally pulled back, niko was staring at you in shock, lips parted and head cocked to the side.
"yes, niko," you said, answering her silent question. "you make me feel like i have parasites, too."
"i have something for you!"
niko had made that admission nervously, blurting it out right before shutting the door in your face. you could've walked right through it, but instead you stood there waiting. like an idiot.
you stared at the cartoon faces on the poster stuck to niko's door.
"do you know what she has for me?" you mumbled at them.
2 minutes passed. you heard muttering and pacing, and the aggravated yelling of niko's sprites from within the room, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. you wanted to say 'fuck it' and just go in, but what if it was a surprise? you didn't want to ruin it for your girlfriend.
finally, the door flew open, revealing a flustered niko. "hi," she breathed.
"...hi?" you said. "is everything okay-"
she thrusted a box at you. it was clearly diy-ed in a very much niko sasaki fashion; a hand-crafted paper box with cute drawings of flowers and love hearts on it, complete with a sparkly bow on the top.
"aww, niko, this is so cute!" carefully, you took the box from her. "can i open it?"
she nodded quickly.
gently, you pried it open. the inside was just as thoughtfully made as the outside. a folded satin cloth sat inside, and on top of it were two silver rings. you picked one of them up to inspect; engraved on its surface was a skeleton hand, fingers poised up as if ready to make a pinky promise. as you presumed, the second ring had a corresponding engravement. you grinned.
"they're promise rings!" niko interjected. "they're supposed to symbolise a commitment to each other, and loyalty, devotion, and dedication. and, the reason why i'm giving you this is because, well, i really like you, and i like being with you. i don't know if we're there yet, or if you'd want to wear it, but i want to commit, because after the dandelion sprites thing, i realised i could die horrifically at any time, and i just don't want to die horrifically without you knowing how much i lo-"
you took a step forward and kissed her.
"niko," you said slowly, as you slipped the rings onto both your fingers. "i will never take this ring off."
furniture crashed behind you. it was such a shame, you thought. this house was so adorably vintage. you couldn't believe it was inhabited by a giant, enchanted spider that was also murderous.
everything in the house was enchanted - you and niko knew that before going in. apparently, a witch had died in there during a spell gone wrong, and the magic seeped into the very structure of the house. one thing you didn't account for was the house's creepy crawly population also being affected.
you stumbled, but niko yanked you upright again. she tugged you along into the living room, both of you breathing heavily. too out of breath for words, you pointed to a cupboard and wordlessly pulled her inside, shutting the door behind you and jamming the doorknob with a broom.
an even worse discovery was that the mirrors were also spelled, so you couldn't even travel through them. you couldn't keep niko safe. niko, who was currently screaming at the top of her lungs as you both ran down the stairs. the spider skittered down the steps, hot on your heels until you turned a corner down the last flight to the ground floor.
the spider was very loudly wreaking havoc outside. niko surveyed the cupboard; it appeared to be a storage unit for cleaning supplies. she picked up a large canister of something. "will this help?"
"niko," you whispered. "niko." you took her by the wrist. "listen. you're always talking about how you may die horrifically, and i've never wanted to think about it because i care about you too much, but in case you do, and it's because of me, i just wanted to say that you are the best person i know. you really are the best out of all of us, and you make me feel so special inside like no one ever has before. becoming a ghost, i thought i'd be cold forever, but you're so bright, and warm, and i guess what i'm saying is i lo-"
niko kissed you. it wasn't the strongest of kisses, because running for your life was bound to take a toll on energy levels, but you felt the affection in it all the same.
she pulled away, just as a sinewy leg splintered through the cupboard door. you both shrieked as the wood was torn down bit by bit, and the beady eyes of the overgrown spider stared at you.
suddenly, it reared back as a spray of white, foamy stuff hit it in the face.
niko was holding out the canister, courageously spraying the spider with whatever was inside. eventually, it shriveled down, until it was reduced to a small, twitching creature. you stared at her incredulously.
"bug spray," she said, shrugging.
you exhaled. "i love you."
hehe notice how they didnt get to say i love you till the end??
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kwadlayns · 22 days
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Good detectives do what they need to in order to solve a case. 💀🔎✨
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martinsblackwood · 1 month
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infinityinakiss · 21 days
maybe crystal keeps her promise after niko dies. she texts niko everyday, updates about her life, that time that charles somehow managed to trip and absolutely eat it despite the fact that he can phase through walls, the fact that edwin watches scooby doo when they're not working on a case, and that she's trying to right every wrong she made in the past and she knows that niko would be proud of her.
niko can see all of the messages, but the shitty reception in her igloo won't let her send any hearts back, and it makes her so mad.
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certifiablyinsanez · 27 days
I am haunted by the detailed, completed map of Hell that Edwin took notes on. You don’t understand, it makes me sick. It’s one thing to have a basic layout, a vague idea, or a rudimentary map but it was meticulously detailed. Down to doors and what they do and where they go. Down to secret spaces in the walls. He even knew what ringing an innocuous bell would do. It can only mean one thing. We don’t know when Edwin began trying to escape, but assuming he started from the get go, it means that he spent all his decades in Hell trying to find a way out. He never stopped running. And that is assuming he never stopped. From his second trip, we could see he resorted to his old ways and ran. But he was eventually caught, reduced to pieces. Even when Charles showed up, he didn’t seem very optimistic about their chances. He could feel every second of those 70 years. There were likely many times he fell to hopelessness, trembling in the corner watching himself be desecrated knowing it was going to happen again and again. How long? How many times did he try to be so, so quiet, hoping he would have a few moments before the next round? How many times did he muster the ability to run, just one more time? How long did it take him to run, discovering the ends of each ring? How many times did he sprint up, down, north, south, east, west, trying to escape? And what happened when he finally escaped? How long did it take for him to be able to relax, even a little? Because he can never relax. He must always outrun Death and her constituents because he can’t count on them to be fair. How many times does he look over his shoulder, waiting for the monster to claim its eternal meal once again? His breath of fresh air, his first taste of companionship in ages not only keeps him company, but sticks by him. And then, in that blessing there comes a curse, because now you have something to lose. Because when you taste ambrosia how can you return to starvation? He feels safe with Charles. Happy and comfortable, but the threat always lingers. And he knows that Charles couldn’t fend off Death. He never considered he could fend off Hell beasts; after all, he’s just a ghost kid. He watches innocents be slaughtered on repeat, unphased by the level of violence but no less affected by it, because no one has even a clue what it takes to be this kind. Even at his most happy, he has so, so much to lose and he goes back to Hell when hope was dangled in his face like the fruit of Tantalus. When he returns, he’s subjected to Hell once again, sustaining through torture that obliterates souls, only to watch his best friend, his confidant, his platonic soulmate, die horrifically. This woman who gave him sea-glass courage, so powerful and yet so fragile. Allowed him to be himself, gave him permission to do so. Was the openness to his closed self, and now she is gone. And he retains his composure, his stiff, British posture because it is what has saved him from madness and Despair, protected him, and now the world is darker without Niko Sasaki in it. But surely he saw this coming. After all, humans are messy. And yet, he shows up for their souls, time and time again.
Edwin Payne is THE character.
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hansoeii · 7 days
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two pretty best friends!
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 12 days
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Dead Boy Detectives Agency + Random Posts
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densewentz · 9 days
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Guess who's been playing Don't Starve while watching Dead Boy Detectives 💕
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lottiedoesthings · 29 days
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She's a Lesbian, He's Gay, And Their 33-Year Marriage Will Change Your Perception Of Love
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idliketobeatree · 1 day
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dead boy detectives + text posts part 1/?
+ bonus
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letraspal · 27 days
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edwinncharles · 27 days
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starlight-archer · 1 month
The Cat King: I'll stop playing nice! You hear me? I will stop fucking playing nice!
Also The Cat King: "Edwin has been through more pain than you or I could ever imagine"
*gets beaten to death with a stick for warning Edwin about the trap*
"Hey! Keep your paws off of him!"
*proceeds to give Crystal and Niko info that will help them rescue Edwin*
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So I fucking love Dead Boy Detectives so far
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ghostscrown · 13 days
Dead Boy Detectives characters are such icons fr. We got :
Ghost boy who thinks he's good at hiding his gayness but everyone in town spots him immediately, who's unintentionally rizzing up every single man he meets (EXCEPT his crush) because his charisma is so far in the negative it has the opposite effect, who ran away from literal hell because a spider demon made of dolls is after him, who genuinely thinks hysteria is a very real serious medical thing, and who becomes friends with the fujoshi who introduced him to yaoi
Ghost boy number two with eyeliner and severely repressed anger issues, who beats villains with a cricket bat despite owning a sword, who's completely CLUELESS about his best friend of 3 decades having a crush on him despite literally everyone else knowing the second they meet them, who's running away from the afterlife just because he doesn't want his friend to go to hell, who owns a magic hammerspace bag, and who's in a situationship with a medium
Local fujoshi whose hair became naturally bleached after she was infected by some psychedelic dandelion sprites she's now keeping as pets in a jar in her room, who avoids her problems by running away to another country and watching Scooby-Doo as she ignores her mom's letters, and who organizes dates for her landlord (gone wrong)
Medium girl who can read in your mind but whose memory was stolen by a demon named David who also happens to be her toxic ex, who's haunted by said toxic ex, who was apparently a total bully before she lost memory, who has a black women exclusive meeting happening somewhere in her subconscious, who's full last name is "Palace Surname-Von Hoverkraft" and who violently scares homophobes with the help of her two ghost friends, one of which she's in a situationship with
Blonde witch who bargained immortality to a goddess but forgot to mention she wanted eternal youth too, who kidnaps little girls at night to feed the giant snake she keeps in her basement, who has a personnal beef with some kids, who brutal pipe murders people, and whose ultimate goal is to become the goddess of one town
Goth lesbian butcher landlord constantly covered in blood, who's also a true crime fan, whose crush was actually a stalker and tried to kill her at the first date, and who accepts to rent rooms to suspicious kids talking to themselves and probably in a runaway no questions asked
Crow familiar of the witch, astrology fan who was made human in the sole purpose of seducing the gay ghost to trick him, but it didn't work and he was the one falling in love and being pathetically rejected instead
Catman who wears skirts and eats people, who curses the repressed gay ghost to either sleep with him or count every cat in town like he's a whimsy fantasy creature, in the sole purpose of exposing his gayness, but who becomes more and more of a pathetic wet cat as the ghost keeps rejecting him again and again
Dude who's not a dude but actually a cursed walrus, who was changed into a human and is now owning a magic shop and desperate to traumadump every single person in his field of view
Transdimensional being who uses the power of triggerring PTSD to chase troubled teens in a runaway and take them back to hell, got eaten by a fish and can fit her whole body in a mail package
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isabellaofparma · 25 days
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Dead Boy Detectives | 1.03 - "The Case of the Devlin House"
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