#nikolai vsevolodovitch stavrogin
I don't ship it but the song fit so well that I couldn't help myself.
"Hold me tight, with one hand,
So strongly and gently kill me,
Give me back the torment by thy hands,
With my lips you heal, heal yourself."
Available also here:
Бесы 2014 - Николай Ставрогин и Дарья Шатова (Тримай) [Demons - Stavrogin and Dasha]
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
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stavrogin looks like he's contemplating murder and it's verkhovensky who's going to be found in a ditch somewhere
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
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biblical text in dostoevsky: nikolai stavrogin and revelation 3:15-16
i know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: i would thou wert cold or hot.
so then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, i will spit thee out of my mouth.
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
i think that crowley, the literal demon, would be disgusted by stavrogin and verkhovensky, the metaphorical demons
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
modern day stavrogin is absolutely a cocaine user. not addicted. but he makes sure he takes just enough to freak people out and be worried for him because he's a power hungry attention seeking whore
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
before i read stavrogin's confession: he a thot, but mostly harmless
after i read stavrogin's confession: kill him now
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
stavrogin: *walks into the room*
'i knew you were trouble' by taylor swift: *plays in the background*
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
my mom calls stavrogin and verkhovensky nick and pete because she can't pronounce the russian names i'm crying
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
i'm back home for the week and i was showing my parents demons (2014; based on the novel by f.m. dostoevsky). so anyway as soon as verkhovensky and stavrogin come onscreen my dad is like "i feel unsettled. why do i feel unsettled" and honestly I've never heard a more accurate statement about my possessed bois
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
ideal ending to demons: how about darya pavlovna and varvara petrovna find stavrogin just in time to stop him from killing himself and he's brought to trial for the lebyadkins' murder and also forced to face the consequences for every woman and girl he's abused and manipulated and psychologically destroyed and given the public humiliation that he had avoided for his entire life. how about that huh
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
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nikolai stavrogin // where is your rider?
was it you 'mid the fire and the ember?
were you there to bedevil and beguile?
see, your face wasn't quite as i remember,
but i know that wicked shape to your smile.
// the oh hellos.
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
dude i finished the posessed (demons) and now i'm watching the 2014 adaptation in russian and dude stavrogin is
also terrifying. somehow i didn't realize how scary he and pyotr stepanovitch are. them bitches have no souls
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
i really really really want to dismiss stavrogin's confession as noncanon bc it makes me sick and i know there's a lot more to it than just the (unspeakable act), but i just. can't. dostoevsky wanted it in there. and i don't know if i can believe that he ever wanted stavrogin to be a sympathetic character
if anyone has any thoughts on this please reply or message me
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
i read 350 pages of the possessed and finally i'm getting to the part that i can't put down
finally i'm getting the proto-marxist, nihilist themes that i came here for
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
started thinking of stavrogin and verkhovensky collectively as the Pale White Horse because they're literally supposed to be demons so yeah that's not gon stop
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