#nikto x grim
blingblong55 · 5 months
Grim: on all fours ferally growling like a hound from hellhound
Nikto, meeting them for the first time:...I'm gunna keep you
And then we also have
141 and KorTac are meeting, joined for a mission and while it's not König more Horangis first time meeting Grim, it so for the other members off their team.
Nikto: *eyeing up grim then says in Russian* what's a little lady like you doing here? Don't belong on the battlefield, much more cosy in my bed
Grim, snarling: *also in Russian* I'd sooner rip open my ribcage and pull out my organs one. by. one then bed with you, fuckstain
Nikto: *shook silence*.....*manic Grim beneath his mask* your perfect, Grim
No because Nikto would keep Grim as his pet and guess what, Grim and him are besties, too close and too full of fun when together
They are like chaotic, dangerous and fucking amazing together
yes Gaz and Soap are perfect besties for Grim but Nikto is the fucking best option
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xoalin4 · 6 months
A very short story of Nikto as Death/Grim Reaper and the reader as Life
Or how I imagine it.
Forgive me for spelling mistakes or uncharacteristic characters. I am going off how I see them— but do please do tell me if I got the assumption of Death or Life wrong🙏
Death, that is who he was. To bring an end to those whose time have come— a depressing job he has really. Tho he is long used to it now. Seeing the life fade from a creatures eyes— the gruesome ways that he extinguishes one’s life.
He didn’t care much for it anymore, it was as simple as waking up now. Only he wishes he could get the same peace that he delivers to the creatures he kills.
Now, his life wasn’t completely bland or just killing and killing and.. you get it. There was one person who just happens to light his day up, literally.
Life, a pretty woman she was, kind woman. And so, so annoying. Blinding him with her light— he wishes to extinguish it, tho even that seems to be too far for him to do.
He hates her, he really does. Her happy voice, he just wants to be alone in a quiet place— but no, she just happens to come along and make him wish he could tear his own eyes out. He wishes he could slice his ears off, or her head, if only it would stop him from hearing her voice. And plucking out his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see her light.
He hates her, she is so pretty, unlike him. Her smile isn’t crooked, her teeth aren’t yellowish, her face isn’t ruined beyond.. he resents her.
He made it his personal mission to kill everything she gives life too. Whether it be a batch of beautiful flowers she spent weeks on making thrive, the next day they would be nothing but rotten on the ground.
A village she tended to, they lived happily with her watching over them. They got good vegetation, the animals were fat and healthy, the children ran and played. A plague killed half the village and the animals were no longer healthy, the grass was no longer green, the vegetation no longer grew.
A petty thing really, what he does, simply because he hates her. He hates her so much he can’t stop thinking of ways to try and make her stop smiling— to see her cry, to see her in pain, to see her— that’s it, to see her. He hates her so much that he follows her everywhere she goes. That he scoffs and speaks profanities to her it only to make her uncomfortable— if only to try and dim that light that he hates so much.
Yet, no matter what he tries, no matter how rude he is, how he kills everything she gives life too— she still smiles warming at him. She still says hello or good morning to him in that chirpy voice of hers. She still offers his flowers each time she sees him— even tho he kills them every time.
He hates her, because she is opposite of him, opposite of what he wishes he could have. A pretty face, not marred so much by scars that it hurts even him to look at. Hands that have helped more than killed. A life that isn’t bland, blank and boring.
He hates her because she hurts his heart every time he looks at her because no matter what, he will never be able to experience the happiness she gives others.
He hates her because she is everything he wants.
he hates her because she is what he can never have.
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hishgraphics · 4 months
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Star Wars RPG: Dawn of the Rangers
S01E17 "Rangers Refreshed"
Location: New Republic Rangers HQ, Coruscant
After two days of rest, Captain Zor Draco (Martín), Gev Dyson (Edward), Olem (Eric) are summoned by Colonel Tyria Sarkin to the HQ's conference room on Level 3 of the Generis Arcology.
Sarkin introduces them to a new recruit, an Iotran New Republic Security Force officer named Kirino Mak (Carlos). She has been assigned to the team as a law enforcement agent.
The briefing begins. Sarkin recounts the team's experiences. They had been working for Agent Tailgunner at the Rangers branch at Karkbreath Peak on Vandor. The team was collecting (stealing?) materiel for Tailgunner. A Gozanti-class cruiser here. A flight of X-wings there.
Then their informant, old Mrs Stassie McPing, was assassinated by Tora Nuam for passing on an encrypted datacard with a warning about who they were working for. Nuam is their teammate Ordan Vallas' former flame. When they finally decrypted the datacard, via Zor's cousin Tarn Draco on Kitel Phard, they discovered that Tailgunner is one Beru Treedancer, working for the isolationist Imperial enclave known as the Pentastar Alignment of Powers.
Meanwhile, Republic Intelligence have no news of their vanished teammates Ordan Vallas, Pac Vesme and Captain Kin Asa Goddard. This sounds grim for the team.
According to Sarkin, the Pentastar Alignment is led by Moff Ardus Kaine who replaced Moff Tarkin as Oversector Outer Moff after the Battle of Yavin. A year ago, he gathered Imperial and corporate loyalists to unite on Entralla to form the PA. Information about them has been sparse since.
Gev proposed a straight up attack, but Sarkin tells him they don't have the resources and the New Republic takes ponderously long to decide.
Zor's proposed move is to scout for intel on Vandor. He refers to the Republic Sienar Systems star courier they found in a buried Sith Temple (under the old Jedi Temple) during the previous mission to repower Olem's lightsaber with a kyber crystal. That ship could have a cloaking shield they could use for effective intelligence gathering.
Sarkin tells them a 6-personnel tech team has been dispatched. One has been reportedly killed by a Sith War Droid. Another disappeared into a door in the Temple that itself disappeared. The remaining four are huddled together fearfully in the star courier cabin performing their analysis.
The Rangers' mission now is to go to the Sith Temple and protect the tech team long enough for them to assess the courier. But in the meantime, the team has been assigned a new ship down in the Hangar Bay in Level 10.
Before going there, Zor changes into his field uniform. They all meet the Quartermaster droid EV-44L4 for more gear. Kirino asks for a bomb defusing kit. Eve-Four is reluctant to release it, but she persuades the droid effectively.
They reach the Hangar Bay where two ships await in launch position. One is Kirino's Y-Wing fighter Blue One being tended to by R2-BA, her astromech droid.
The other is a dark grey Omicron-class attack shuttle with turquoise stripes across her three S-foils. They name her the Spotchka Starstreak. Everyone boards their crafts and prepares for launch. Gev wonders if the new team member will cut it. Zor replies, this is a good mission to test her skills.
When the Nikto crew chief signals them, they both take off. The two ships fly to their dark destination in formation.
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kanerallels · 3 years
May I request a Jyn and Cassian ficlet with the prompts 'princess carry' and 'pain'? *Grinning like a child asking Santa for a puppy for Christmas*
*grins back in evil author*
Pairing: Jyn Erso x Cassian Andor
Word Count: 2,525
Tags/Warnings: T rated (for too much angst for one precious boy. Kidding. It's for blood and angst)
Cassian had been working undercover missions for years now. He found them relatively easy-- slipping into another person’s skin, wearing their identity, acting like someone else. Some days, it was easier than being who he really was.
Things were different now, though. He’d usually been alone, before Jedha and the Death Star. Before he found his crew. Before Jyn.
A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and he glanced at his companion. Jyn strolled at his side, occasionally moving away to examine a stall or two, and was dressed in simple but warm clothing. The two of them were masquerading as a couple shopping on Hays Minor as they made their way to where their contact was waiting. Although it wasn’t as if it was all part of the mission.
Cassian didn’t know for sure how Jyn felt about him. He knew they were close. He knew that he told her things that he was barely able to admit to himself, and that he was the only one she would ever break down in front of (with the possible exception of Chirrut. But everyone could be honest with Chirrut). But they’d never really talked about anything. Barely even done anything, other than one kiss a few months before. But it had been in the name of not blowing their cover, which barely counted.
The fact was, they were both so busy. Running, hiding, fighting the Empire, collecting intelligence against them-- all of it consumed their days. It was hard to find a restful moment, and those were usually spent on sleep.
Maybe we should talk, Cassian thought as Jyn paused at a stall, pretending to admire the wares. Eventually. If we ever get the time.
But now is definitely not the time. Pushing aside the thoughts, he moved to Jyn’s side and offered her his arm. “Ready for something warm to drink?” he asked.
Flashing a wide smile that Cassian knew was fake, Jyn looped her arm through his. “I thought you’d never ask,” she said.
They made their way down the street together. As soon as they were out of earshot of the stall, Cassian said in a low voice, “Fulcrum’s agent is just down that street. She should have the intel we’re looking for.”
Jyn nodded, her expression returning to its usual focus. “Let’s get this done. I really need some rest.”
“Didn’t sleep last night again?” Cassian asked, pausing by a stall of hand-woven textiles to let an Imperial patrol go by.
Picking up a scarf, Jyn pretended to admire it as she said, “As if you did.”
She had a point there.
“Nightmares?” Jyn guessed, and a small sigh escaped Cassian’s lips.
“Always. Scarif this time.”
“Mine were on Lah’mu.”
The planet she and her family had lived on for years, before Krennic had found them. Which meant it had been a bad one. Catching sight of a stall selling hot drinks, Cassian moved over to it and pulled out a few credits, handing them to the Nikto behind it. He received two disposable cups of some kind of caf in return, and presented one to Jyn. “Best cure for it I know,” he told her.
Jyn gave him a smile, one of her real ones that he saw so rarely-- and treasured when he did. “Thanks,” she said, taking a sip. Tucking her arm around his again, she asked, “Where to next?”
“This way,” Cassian told her, moving towards an alleyway. With any luck, it would come out just in front of their contact’s house.
And it did. They stepped out of the alley and into a neighborhood of shabby houses huddled next to each other like they, too, were trying to keep warm. At the third one in the row, a squad of stormtroopers were standing, the door had been knocked off of its hinges, and Cassian froze as he saw them dragging out a Twi’lek woman.
“Tell me that’s not our contact,” Jyn said, but her voice made it clear she knew what the truth was.
Four more stormtroopers came out of the house, each dragging a victim. The first was a Twi’lek man, who looked furious and scared like his wife. But the third was a little girl, and Cassian saw the female Twi’lek lurch towards her as she was shoved to the ground and a blaster was trained on her head. Oh, no.
That was all he had time to think before Jyn was pulling away from him, her cup of caf hitting the ground and splashing everywhere.
“Jyn, wait--” Cassian cut himself off with a low curse. Pulling his blaster with one hand, he pulled the emergency beacon out of his pocket with the other and thumbed it on. They were about to need all the help they could get.
Already several steps ahead of him, Jyn didn’t hesitate. Whipping out her blaster, she shot the two troopers holding the little girl. Thankfully, they were caught off guard, and didn’t expect her to shoot two more, both of the ones holding back the Twi’lek girl’s mother. And then they reacted, lifting their blasters and pointing at Jyn.But then Cassian was there, blaster rifle blazing as he took out four of the troopers, grabbed Jyn by the arm and tugged her out of harm’s way, behind one of the other houses. Pulling away from him, Jyn hissed, “We have to get them out of there.”
“I know. One thing at a time,” Cassian said, jerking back as a blaster bolt zipped past his face. “I called in back up--”
“We don’t have time to wait for them,” Jyn said.
“I figured you’d say that,” Cassian muttered. “Fine. I’ll cover you, you go for the girl. Ready?”
Jyn pulled out her baton, opening it with a flick of her wrist as she said, “Let’s go.”
Cassian moved out from behind the house in one smooth step, lifting his blaster and firing rapidly. In the same moment, Jyn dove out of cover and charged towards the Twi’lek girl. As she ran, Cassian heard a familiar humming-- the sound of their ship’s engine. Relief swept through him as the ship zipped into view and started to move downwards, the rear hatch opening. Two figures stood there-- one wearing blue and red robes and holding a lightbow, the other wearing red armor and holding a huge repeating blaster.
But even as they moved closer, one of the stormtroopers lifted their blaster, pointing it at the little girl. Before Cassian could move, he fired-- and a blur swept past Cassian, knocking the little girl out of the way.
For a moment, Cassian had no idea what had happened. All he could see was Jyn, standing over the little girl, a hand pressed against her abdomen, looking shocked. And then blood started seeping between her fingers, and Jyn crumpled to the ground next to the girl, and it hit him. She’d taken the shot meant for the Twi’lek girl. And then Cassian was running towards her, barely even noticing the blaster fire flying past him as Baze and Chirrut took out the troopers facing them.
He crashed to his knees next to Jyn, heart pounding. Please, no. Cassian found his hands were shaking as he wrapped his hand around her arm and pulled her upright and into his arms.
Jyn’s torso was soaked in blood-- far too much blood. Her eyes were closed, and her face incredibly pale. “Come on,” Cassian muttered, yanking off his jacket and pressing it over the blaster wound. “Jyn, wake up. Wake up!”
To his relief, she stirred slightly. “Cassian?” she mumbled, and Cassian had never heard such a beautiful sound in his life.
“I’m here. I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Cassian promised. “Hang on, Jyn.”
“The… the little girl.”
Looking up, Cassian saw Baze ushering the Twi’lek family onto the ship, with K2 and Chirrut watching his back. “She’s okay,” he promised. “I’m gonna pick you up, okay? This is gonna hurt.”
Sliding one arm beneath her legs and the other behind her shoulders, Cassian lifted her up with a grunt. A small cry slipped from between Jyn’s lips, and her fingers knotted themselves in his shirt. “It hurts.”
“I know,” Cassian murmured, settling her against his chest so her head rested on his shoulder, trying to keep his voice steady. “Stay with me. You’re gonna be okay. Just a little longer.”
The only reply was a small moan as Cassian started towards the ship. Chirrut met him halfway, a frown knitting his forehead. “What happened to her?” he demanded.
“One of the troopers shot her in the gut,” Cassian said, and how his voice didn’t break he had no idea. “Tell Baze to get his medkit.”
“He’s already there,” Chirrut told him as they boarded. The hatch hissed shut behind them, and Cassian felt the ship taking off as Chirrut led him to one of the rooms in the back of the ship, where Baze was setting up his medical supplies.
“Put her down here,” he directed without looking up, his expression grim. “Chirrut, pass me the needle and thread. Andor, get out.”
Cassian looked up from settling Jyn on the bunk. “I can’t leave her--”
“Out. You’ll only be in the way.”
“She’ll be fine,” Chirrut promised as he propelled him out of the room. “Baze and I will take good care of her. Make sure our guests are alright.”
Before Cassian could protest, the door hissed shut behind him, leaving him standing in the hallway, blood covering his hands and the front of his shirt. Jyn’s blood.
Stumbling back, Cassian’s back slammed against the wall, and he sank to the ground, burying his face in his hands. All he could see, all he could think of, over and over again, was Jyn crumpling to the ground, her pale face and stillness as she lay there.
She could have died. She could have died right there, and Cassian wouldn’t have been able to do a thing about it. Worse, she could have died before they’d talked, before he told her how he felt. It had always been true, but now it felt… real. Raw with the possibility.
My fault. I should have stopped the trooper, should have stopped Jyn, shouldn’t have taken this kriffing mission, shouldn’t have taken on a crew in the first place. Thoughts tumbled over themselves in his head, and Cassian took a shaky breath, trying to calm himself down. The smell of blood filled his nose, and he thought he might be sick.
A hand touched his shoulder, and Chirrut’s voice penetrated his haze. “Captain. She will be fine.”“How would you know?” Cassian knew he was being harsh, but the panic, the shame bubbling up inside him, was too much to handle.
“She did not die on Scarif. And you will not lose her now,” Chirrut told him with utter certainty. “The Force wills it so.”
“If I lose her--” Cassian choked on his own words, on the smell of blood filling his nose and mouth. “I can’t. I haven’t-- I shouldn’t have--”
“Sit up, and breathe, Captain,” Chirrut ordered him, his voice abnormally stern. Reluctantly, Cassian did so, facing the blind monk.
“It’s not your fault,” Chirrut said, and Cassian’s chest tightened. “It isn’t. She doesn’t need you to blame yourself. Focus on your mission. One thing at a time.”
Nodding, Cassian inhaled deeply. “Okay. I’m going to go talk to our contact. Let me know the minute anything happens, you got it?”
Chirrut nodded. “I will. Oh-- don’t forget to wash your face.”
Cassian lifted a hand to his face, realizing that he’d smeared the blood on his hands across his forehead and cheeks. “Right,” he muttered, heading for the refresher.
The next few hours seemed to drag by in a stilted blur. Cassian talked to their contact, collected the data Fulcrum needed, and started working on setting up a new place for the small family to stay. He fielded questions about Jyn, mostly by sending whoever was asking-- usually Bodhi or the Twi’lek family, who were incredibly grateful-- to Chirrut. Part of him couldn’t look at their contacts without remembering how still Jyn had been, the far too dark bloodstain on her coat.
He had no idea how he made it through that time. But finally, finally, when he was in the galley getting his fifth cup of caf that night, Chirrut reappeared. “She’s awake,” he told Cassian.
Dropping his mug, Cassian bolted out of the galley and towards the room where Jyn had been. As he arrived, the door hissed open, and Baze stepped out. Giving Cassian a nod, he said, “She’s doing fine. Just needs some rest, and according to Chirrut, some of that horrible tea.”
“Thank you,” Cassian said, not bothering to hide the desperate, grateful edge in his voice, and Baze nodded.
“Anything for her.”
Without another word, the older man headed towards the galley, and Cassian ducked into the room.
Jyn was propped up on about ten different pillows-- Cassian had no idea where they’d come from. Probably either Chirrut or Bodhi. She looked at him as he came in. “We got them out, right?” she asked.
For a minute, Cassian had no idea what she was talking about. He was so glad to see her alive and well and still breathing. There were so many things he hadn’t said that he should have, and he’d almost lost the chance. “What?”
“The family,” Jyn prompted him. “We got them out?”
“Oh-- yeah. They’re all safe,” Cassian said, moving to her side.
Exhaling in relief, Jyn said, “Good. I didn’t want to get shot for nothing.”
“Hey. Don’t joke about that,” Cassian told her. “I thought-- for a minute there--” he faltered, the memory flickering past his eyes again.
Jyn’s hand catching hold of his knocked him out of the memory, and he looked at her with surprise. “I’m safe,” she said. “You’re safe. We’re both okay.”
Nodding, Cassian said, “I know. Just… don’t do that to me again. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t,” Jyn said, her gaze holding his for a long moment before she let out a cavernous yawn. “Baze gave me some kind of sedative, I think,” she mumbled, her eyelids drooping.
“Then you’d better get some sleep,” Cassian told her, starting to move towards the door reluctantly. But Jyn tightened her grasp on his hand.
“Don’t leave?” she whispered, her voice suddenly surprisingly vulnerable. “I… I’m worried about the nightmares.”
There was a good chance part of her honesty was because of the sedatives in her system. But if he didn’t have to, there was no way Cassian would leave her side. “I’ll watch over you,” he promised, settling next to her bed. “You’ll be safe with me.”
A smile crossed Jyn’s face as her eyes drifted shut. “I know,” she murmured.
Cassian watched her for a moment, then on instinct, lifted her hand and pressed a gentle kiss against the knuckles. She was home and safe. That was what mattered for now.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow was a different story entirely.
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