aurora-daily · 4 years
Hello Queendom, beautiful people! First of all, thank you soooo much for this blog. I'm glad to see so many people finding hope and joy in Aurora as I do. I wanted to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for rebloging my fanart about "The Seed" from my art blog @tikaestudio. I started 2020 with the surprise that a lot of people had shared that piece and liked it! (Thank you so so much to all of them to) Its all thanks to you guys!
Hello, dear artist-warrior! So-so-so happy that such reblog helped many fellow warriors pay attention to your beautiful sincere art, that’s the main goal - to help all talented warriors to be seen wth the reblog! Your message just made my day, really, it’s so nice to know that the first day of this year turned out so good for you ❤️ Wishing you more creative forces, inspiration and a lot of AURORA’s music to keep life brighter and better!  
Thank you very much for your kind words! ❤️
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If someone reading this missed out or is curios about this outwork, check it out here ;)
- Nikol
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wondertrevcentral · 6 years
@ninaandromeda replied to your post “@elegantie replied to your photoset “From the Official Wonder Woman...”
Where can we read more? :(
The pages we have are only available at the private network chatblog. You can always apply to become a member of the WondertrevNet Network. If not, there were only a handful of scans posted and I plan to make them all into gifsets so you’ll get to read all the scenes we have very soon. There’s mostly more stuff from Veld, including an early draft of the bedroom scene which diverges a little from the movie.
We could always start a petition for them to release the complete screenplay. I would personally love to read the whole thing. 
PS: We use this tag for edits from the script/screenplay. 
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xocowilde · 6 years
Seiya x Shaina ask meme
Because @ninaandromeda asked it~
And will be long so ehem yeah xD I still don’t mind if someone ask more ships :3 ... anyway I iwll do one of Shiva and Thor >:3c
Drinks all of the coffee: Shaina totally... maybe even Seiya but like for accident and just one day. While Shain eveyday ma have one cup to then other ten
Brings up adopting a pet: BOTH. Who first? Seiya
Kills the bugs: Shaina totally haha
Cooks the meals: Shaina most of the time, while Seiya helps with the easy ones, especially rice and pancakes
Starts getting into holidays way before they should: OFC SEIYA
Initiates the couple selfies: Seiya! hue hue hue
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries: I feel both of them. But mostrly Seiya. Too many muchos golpes en la cabeza xD
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping: Obvis Seiya
Nicknames the other: Seiya tried it but was hard to keep doing it when she said it in front of Shiva and now she bothers Shaina with it
Gives nose/forehead kisses: They both. I think the nose ones is from Seiya and the forehead is from Shaina
Gets jealous the most: I hate myself because I can’t imagine any of my ships with jealousy and much less this one
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Seiya gots drunk sometimes hwen goes out with the bronzes lols
Takes care of on sick days: Both :3 but i think mostl Shaina
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Seiya ^^
Gives unprompted massages: Seiya eve
Drives/rides shotgun: Shaina!
Brings the other lunch at work: I can se both doing this. Seiya will forget it and Shaina will not forget it but somedays Seiya will ask her to wait because he wants to make some lunch or eat with her.
Has the better parental relationship they ded :D
Tries to start role-playing in bed: 7v7 I wll say that Shiva is proud~
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Seiya >:U
Still cries watching Titanic: TÚ digo amm... maybe Shaina the first time, but indeed Seiya
Firmly believes in couples costumes: SEIYA and he even buys them before telling to Shaina
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Seiya cause sees the Saori’s credit card
Makes the other eat breakfast: I bet in the hard training days Seiya needs to remind Shaina
Remembers anniversaries: Google claendar and Shiva does a great team to help them
Brings up having kids: SHAINA :D ... aunque i see them more like accidents...
Who gets excited about Halloween in July: Seiya obviusly. Shaina debe estar arta de tenerlo a él y a Shiva en esos días
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats: Shaina, i feel she is more weak to the cold weather than Seiya
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather: Both prefer Summer and warm weather
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters: Seiya has heart eyes seeing Shaina uvu
Who offers the other their jacket: Seiya :)
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower: SEIYA s Shaina pushes him
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night: Shaina hue hue
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink: They both make it but for sure was Shaina’s idea
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300: Seiya totally
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins: Seiya for sure
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky: None o them. They both like it so... Shiva ... es que ella viene en el paquete ya sabes hahah
What is their favourite Fall activity: Walks on the park or training on the road full of leaves ^^
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies: ammm... no one?
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters: Bothe of them
Who accidentally scares the kids: Shaina :)
Who suggested the couples costume: Seiya hue hue hue
What is their couples costume: Sometimes they are vampires, sometimes Frankestein’s monster and his wife xD
What is the best Halloween they ever had: Once there wasn’t many kids around so Seiya kept all the candies and they cuddle till next day just watching horror films
What is the worst Halloween they ever had: Shaina was sick, Seiya wanted to go party with his brothers but syated there and maybe they fought a bit because haina wanted him to go but he needed to stay yeah :/
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day: I think this question answer itslef lol
Hope you like :D add anything you want !!
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andperseo · 7 years
Headcanons for exam week
It´s exam week again and the classic: no sunlight for me, dreaming with piles of papers to read, writing essays until end up slept.
So, my dear saint seiya fandom, I´m asking for your June headcanons (my favorite character, for some weird reason...): ships, fluffly, friendship, AU, OC, everything! It will cheer up my next 72 hours left of this nightmare.
Estoy en semana de exámenes y sucede lo clásico; no ver la luz del sol, soñar con los montones de papers por leer, redactar ensayos hasta caer dormida.
Así que, querido fandom de StS, os pido headcanons para June (mi personaje favorito, por alguna razón...), ships, fluffy, amistad, AU, con OC, lo que quieran y gusten! Animará mis 72 futuras horas de pesadilla.
Do it for her!
@xocowilde @nita-ss @ninaandromeda @flancasero @kauffit @perladellanotte and all the others that remember the chameleon saint exists (si se me olvidó alguien, lo lamento, mi cerebro está seco).
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kaff-chan · 7 years
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en el ultimo capitulo de Naruto hubo una escena muy linda, quise hacerla y me quedo lindo (menos el fondo claro esta), sin mencionar que hace rato que quería dibujarlo como adultos 
@ninaandromeda​ y @xocowilde​ hablando de ships intensos 
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basilisa-scorpii · 7 years
List top 10 favorite characters (one per series/fandom) and tag 10 people.
Tagged by @regina-del-cielo, thanks! Just one per serie? It’s a suicide. The order is without bigger meaning.
Aquila/Eagle Marin (Saint Seiya)
Miss Marple (Agatha Christie’s crime stories)
Fred&George Weasley (I know they’re not one but couldn’t decide, Harry Potter serie)
Cancer Manigoldo (Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas)
Leia Organa (Star Wars serie)
Asmodeus (Seraphic Phalange serie, translation mine, books are available only in polish)
Lionet Souma (Saint Seiya Omega)
Jaime Lannister (A song of Ice and Fire serie)
Son Gohan (Dragon Ball serie)
Jean Kirschtein (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Tagging: @deflecto, @roguedwarf, @sunny-trick, @sagagemini4, @fallenann, @miss-cath, @kaffyx, @miichan-yamagusuku, @kaokki, @ninaandromeda
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xocowilde · 7 years
ninaandromeda replied to your post “I blame @andperseo & @kauffit because now I’m drawing June”
Show it! Or draw her again and again and again and again....
si ya le distessss like y todo >:U
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rakpolaris · 7 years
I was tagged by @telliestree​, thank you so much sweetie <3
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: error 404 name not found Nicknames: Rak, Pooh, Polaris, Ra, Rakku... Zodiac sign: Pisces
Height: about 1,65cm I guess... Orientation: hetero Ethnicity: I am not sure, but according to Wikipedia I’d be a Mediterranean caucasian or something like that...(?) Favorite fruit: none Favorite season: winter Favorite book series: A Song of Ice and Fire, Goosebumps, The Guardians of Ga’Hoole... those are the ones I can think of right now. Favorite flower: blue roses <3 Favorite scent: I love the smell of coffee, rainy days and paint Favorite color: blue, any shade of blue Favorite animal: tigers! Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: hot cocoa, but because I have never tasted coffee nor tea xD Average sleep hours: 6-7h during the week... but during the weekend I am a owl xD Cat or dog person?: Dog person Favorite fictional characters: I’ll try to keep this list short xD Frieza (Dragon Ball), Ira Gamagoori (Kill la Kill), Polnareff (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure), Grell Sutcliff (Kuroshitsuji), Chistophe Giacometti (Yuri on Ice!!!), Simba (The Lion King), Riki (Ginga Nagareboshi Gin), Hougen (Ginga Densetsu Weed), Ryuk (Death Note)... I think that’s enough for today xD Number of blankets you sleep with: I don’t sleep with blankets, I use a duvet in winter/autumn and barely 1 blanket in summer Dream trip: Japan, Germany, London (again), Italy, Disneyland Paris... Blog created: back in 2013... wow... Number of followers: 271
Tagging @notausername @roguedwarf @regina-del-cielo @abyss-no-ishi @homostook @heavenly--dove @ninaandromeda feel free to do it if you want.
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lilc77 · 8 years
If Kanon x Thetis had a song, it would be this. Except Kanon didn't cheat on her with another woman but with his job & Saintly duties. The Mermaid couldn't take it anymore so she let him go for now. @ninaandromeda @xocowilde
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miss-cath · 8 years
Hi! Can i... well... Can i ask an aesthetic for Thetis and Julian Solo as a couple, please?... that pair need more love :3... and i just loved the one you did for June!!
Thank you :) And sure, I will search some pics and then I’ll tag you!
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kaff-chan · 7 years
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“The Phantom of the Opera”
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xocowilde · 7 years
ninaandromeda replied to your photo “teary-eyed-circle-of-friendship: caballerodejunini: Those headcanons...”
I support this at 100% It Just feel Natural
it is~ he is part of the adorable giants team~
Did I told you the time I dreamt he and Shiva had a baby?! WASN’T MPREG I SWEAR, it is a long story someday I need to write
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xocowilde · 7 years
ninaandromeda replied to your post “♚ CLASH OF DIVAS: OO2 ♚”
I KNOW! And are so old, Shiva is called HIM in all the fucking thread.
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xocowilde · 7 years
replied to your
BTW si necesitas ayuda con lo de la Chashkia tu pregunta XD (ya me ilusioné)
haha xP ya la puse en queue, pero me salió una pregunta o no recuerdo si lo pusiste.
Ya vez que lee la mano, también lee las cartas? o-o o el té? o los petalos de las rosas :U 
ok lo último es broma xD no sé si exista
Y sobre mis personajes... todos son jotos :U todos y cada uno de ellos. Hahaha no, es broma. Pero a ver si logro hacer algo para ellos o dibjarlos cuando me dejen de doler las manos :/
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xocowilde · 7 years
andperseo replied to your post “Keep the procrastination going!!!! Tell me, how would you describe...”
@xocowilde​ I love it! By the way, it´s a weird question but, why do you love Shiva so much? How did it happened?
Haha isn’t weird at all. It is weird that I like Shiva indeed
Well, when i came back/entered to the fandom (I don’t know what’s correctly mostly because since kid I love StS but thanks to internet i’m into it more) back when LoS was going to be in the cinema, began the carreer, and even @ninaandromeda showed me TLC, I made some friends here and we did (tried to) an art challenge, one of those about a fandom. So, one question was about “which is your favourite underrated villain?” and in the back of my head i slightly remember about a chara that I liked that fought with Ikki and was a peacock. So i began to look info about Shiva, saw the chapter like twice and slowly and SLOWLY i began to love it harder AND HARDER. to the point of write fics, ship her with Ikki (lol, not aymore) and I even roleplay her for a while ^^
it is fair to say I love her and Aghora because were a blank canvas which i could explore in many ways, new ideas and headcanons. And, even if I know some people hate me and the way I talk about Shiva, how I portray him and so, I’m so FFFaking happy to love her and had met him :)
But now shh cause i could write a love letter for her and Aghora big brother uvu
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xocowilde · 6 years
ninaandromeda replied to your post “Happy thoughts aka let’s imagine Shiva and Aghora as children and how...”
Shaka babysitter FTW
SHAKA TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AND THEY JUST BEING SO CUTE. Even if are his own kids, Shiva and Aghroa babies, Shun’s babies, ANYONE BABY
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